May 5, 2007

Was that equal justice for Paris Hilton?

She was sentenced to 45 days in jail for driving (more than once) on a license that was suspended because she was caught driving with a blood alcohol level of .08%, the point where violation of the law begins. (If only she'd been a tiny bit less skinny, would she have had a few drops more blood and scored a .o79?)
She will not be allowed any work release, furloughs, use of an alternative jail or electronic monitoring in lieu of jail, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ruled after a hearing....

She was then ordered to report to a women's jail in suburban Lynwood by the set date or face 90 days behind bars. The judge's ruling excluded her from paying to serve time in a jail of her choice, as some violators are allowed to do....

"I can't believe that either attorney did not tell her that the suspension had been upheld," the judge said. "She wanted to disregard everything that was said and continue to drive no matter what."
It seems obvious to me that she's being treated worse because of her celebrity, though I can see how you could say that she acted different -- flouting the law -- because of her celebrity. Even so, she didn't deserve that much. Start here if you want to read what other bloggers are saying. I think Jeralynn Merritt gets it right. There's something surpassingly creepy about the lefty bloggers like TRex who burst with pleasure when the overbearing power of the state comes down on someone they happen not to like. (And take a look at the comments on that TRex post if you want to get an idea of what kind of nitwits make up the big traffic at FireDogLake.)

ADDED: I wish people wouldn't take one phrase from this post out of context as if I'd made a flat assertion that she was treated worse. I'm basically asking the question and saying that I support equal treatment. I don't want her treated worse or better. I'm also saying that it makes me sick when people gloat when someone is sent to jail. I think it's wrong to enjoy seeing someone suffer, even if that person is terrible. (I've said it before.)


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George M. Spencer said...

Cool and overcast today with mist. Streets are slick. Darkness expected later.

AllenS said...

Nominate Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer to the Supreme Court.

Galvanized said...

I guess I see it a little differently. While no one should scoff at another's misfortune, I'm all for giving her jail time. The fact is that she drove under the influence, violated probation, and even ran late to court. Her name has benefitted her in countless ways, so this may be one of the few drawbacks. She obviously didn't take the law seriously, and now she will. Her mother couldn't even contain herself: "As a city prosecutor said during closing arguments that Hilton deserved jail time, Hilton's mother, Kathy, laughed. When the judge ruled, Kathy Hilton then blurted out: "May I have your autograph?" These things do not sit well with a judge, and he may have felt that it reflected their attitude toward the courts. Paris Hilton is (pitifully) a person that young girls emulate, and she has made considerable money from that demographic. She should also accept responsibility and realize that she serves as an example. The unfortunate side is that she'll probably now make going to jail look cool to young girls, too.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what comparable sentences would be, but the DUI law is extremely punitive in California. First offense (a petite woman after two drinks at dinner), handcuffs and a night in county jail, loss of license for one year, no driving even to work, lots of fines, etc. This happened to two people I know. It's tough.

Maybe the judge was thinking of those people when he sentenced Paris.

The Drill SGT said...

I think the sentence was appropriate.

As I understand the facts:

1. she was arrested in Sep on DWI and plead no contest, was on probation, had her license suspended and was required to take a class.

2. She failed to take the required class. she failed to stop driving.

3. shortly after sentencing, in Jan, she was caught driving with her license suspended. she signed a statement acknowledging this fact, and was told not to drive.

4. 6 weeks later she was caught again additionally charged with violating probation

her mother laughed in court when the lawyer requested jail time?

this girl is out of control, she has access to great legal talent and counseling, but doesn't get it. the people that raised her failed in their jobs, her lawyers failed to advise their client.

she is going to hurt somebody and the judge is trying to send her a wake up message that money and celebrity doesnt give you a free pass. somebody needs to teach her that.

lock her up.

next time make it 6 months.

Freder Frederson said...

Well, maybe things are different in L.A., but if you are caught driving on a suspended license here in Louisiana, you are going to jail, no ifs, ands or buts. Some people who were arrested for very minor violations just before Katrina ended up spending over a year in jail, some of it at Angola.

And what kind of nonsense is it that rich people can pay to go to a jail of their choice? Why should there be a different law for rich people than there is for people who can't afford to pay for special treatment?

Ann Althouse said...

Drill, I don't think Paris should be punished for her mother's laughing!

Freder, letting people pay to upgrade their accommodations is problematic, but selectively denying people access to this option is also problematic.

Anonymous said...

I'm having a hard time finding any sympathy for her. She was on probation, and it was the second time she was caught driving without her license. And then she was late for court, which is extremely disrespectful. That said, I don't think it was fair for the judge selectively to bar her from the pay-for-upgrade program in LA. While I think it's a strange program, they do have it, and she should have the option if it would be generally available to her.

Jail is never fun. But for a person on probation to violate the terms of that probation signals that perhaps some harsher punishment is required.

dave in boca said...

It's very difficult to feel sorry for her and her obnoxious mother Kathy seems to reflect the fact that celebrities believe they are above the law. Judge Sauer should be commended.

vet66 said...

Lynwood? I hope she survives the experience. She will be serving with crack-whores, gang-bangers, and the serially abused women who populate L.A. County. Unless she gets solitary, she will be in for much worse than Martha Stewart ever dreamed of.

Serving time in a county jail should not be considered a death sentence! Lynwood is next to Watts which is deadly dangerous even if one is not caucasian.I have no sympathy for her acting like the rules don't apply to her. This is ill-advised and I hope the situation is rectified soon.

I am caucasian and was raised in next door Compton. I was recently told by an armed guard that conducting business at my High School alumni office was henceforth to be conducted on the infinitely safer website.

Invisible Man said...

Well, Ann the verdict is in and its looking to be almost unanimously thumbs down against your call for lenience. I'm not sure how much you attention you pay to all things Paris Hilton (even though that has been hard to) but I think that you underestimate the general public's disdain for her relevance as a public figure. Most liberals don't jump on the conservative general point about the deviancy of American culture but Paris is one of those symbols where the line has pretty much been drawn in the sand. It might be unfair for her to represent so many things (greed, vapidness, fame for being famous, elitist attitudes to the rest, and others) but she has become a cultural touchstone due to her actions and rise to fame. You will find yourself in a small minority about the need for leniency on this one, Ann.

michael farris said...

Driving under the influence,
non-compliance of her original sentence and couldn't even be bothered to be on time court when she did show up? I'd say she got off very lightly indeed and probably because she was a celebrity.

What do you think the punishment (if any) should have been? What mitigating circumstances beyond her youth and privilege do you perceive here?

Michael in Fort Worth said...

Seems like a perfectly good sentence to me. I don't get Ann's comments about "selectiveness." I've sat in court with friends who were trying to get their lives straightened out, and been frustrated by the cookie-cutter approach of the legal system. I appreciate judges who really look at creating a sentence that fits. In this case, the sentence that fits is for Hilton to understand that the law really does apply to her, even though her mother may have always taught her that it doesn't. Too bad they can't can't charge her mother as an accessory.

Laura Reynolds said...

I have to agree that in general, jail time was appropriate. Having a lot going on is no excuse for not abiding with the consequences of previous infractions

RMc said...

Straight into Lynwood?

Revenant said...

I think to 0.08 BAC limit is ridiculously low in the first place, so any amount of jail time wouldn't have been just.

Robert said...

Gosh, all these creepy leftists in this thread! Where did they come from?!

Sixty Bricks said...

The penalty was incredibly harsh - 36 months probation for a first offense and with such a low BAC is ridiculous to begin with. It only exacerbates the problem.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Who else thinks that another installment of "The Simple Life" is in the works? The cameras rolling would keep her safe, she'll make celebs of the other prisoners and she'll make money for being Paris.

Away From The Brink said...

Woman, Celebrity, Mexican, African-American, Muslim, Jew, etc...

"I was singled out because I am a _____"

(fill in the blank from the list above).

Yes, sentences for DUI are harsh in California. Go to this link and scroll down to "Sanctions" to see typical sentences for DUI in California, if this site is any source of authority.

In Canada, this sentence might have been for 73 days.

Dave said...

Was hoping you'd blog about this. It's good that the law came down hard on her, if only to allow America to see what a hard life she has led. Between her penchant for showing her genitalia to any and all comers, to her penchant for snorting more coke than the Bolivian army, it is clear that this impoverished young soul needs our help and sympathy.

Here's hoping Lindsay Lohan finds herself in similar straits soon.

Dave said...

(Oh, and if anyone takes my previous comment seriously, may I suggest therapy. And a strong drink!)

Anonymous said...

I think the thing that bothers me with saying this was a harsh sentence is the fact that she didn't even register for the alcohol treatment program. That coupled with everything else shows a disdain for the law.

I can't believe in our country we allow rich people to pay for a better jail. Is this just a California thing?

Unknown said...

I practice criminal defense. The disposition of Paris's probation violation is similar to the sentences that I have seen others receive in similar situations. It appears that she had a few warnings and then ultimately suffered the consequences.

GeorgeH said...

She hadn't met any of the terms of her probation and had been stopped twice for driving without a license.

If she had been some girl working at KFC instead of a celebrity she would have gotten the full 90 days.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the people of California, whose hard earned tax money has to pay to put a non-dangerous person in jail.

Finn Alexander Kristiansen said...

What is strange to me is that Ms.Hilton would not make use of a driver during this period. That is why I have little sympathy for her circumstances.

It's not like the average person who, when license is suspended, must struggle to get to work on transportation that often does not even go directly to the places they need.

She has leisure time, monied friends, is attractive, and has plenty of resources at hand.

So the punishment is almost irrelevant to the extent that it was easily avoidable for her.

Anonymous said...

downtownlad said..."I feel sorry for the people of California, whose hard earned tax money has to pay to put a non-dangerous person in jail."

Are you kidding? We've got 1,000's upon 1,000's of people in jail out here for having reefer in their possession.

Consider them "dangerous??"

Jennifer said...

I feel sorry for the people of California, whose hard earned tax money has to pay to put a non-dangerous person in jail.

I'd imagine people killed or severely injured by drunk drivers would not consider drunk drivers to "non-dangerous". While she may have only had a 0.08 BAC level this time, she's been caught on camera noticeably impaired and driving many many times. I'd consider her rather dangerous.

It does seem kind of odd that you can pay for a better jail, but I guess why not? You can pay for better everything else in life, why not imprisonment?

The Drill SGT said...

I feel sorry for the people of California, whose hard earned tax money has to pay to put a non-dangerous person in jail.

One of those times she was stopped, she was tooling down the highway at 1100PM with her lights off in a McLaren SLR ($500K) (500HP) top speed 207MPH. That scares me anyway.

I think that anyone like Paris who has demonstrated her lack of interest in following the rules laid out for lesser people is by definition a danger to herself and others.

In another article, I learned that in addition to the 3 stops described in the article Ann posted, she was also stopped by the LAPD in Dec and the cop told her she was driving without a valid license. I guess the standards in CA have chnaged since I lived there.

Susan said...

I think Finn is right. Everyone focuses on her wealth and fame as making her a target for harsh punishment but perhaps the judge was thinking like Finn that these things should have made it so much easier for her to comply with the terms of her probation.

And, yeah, since when is a drunk driver who insists on driving even on probation not a dangerous person?

Anonymous said...

And keep in mind, the woman is a walking, talking, driving, flashing dolt.

Beto_Ochoa said...

she was tooling down the highway at 1100PM with her lights off in a McLaren SLR...

Damn dyslexia. I thought it said she was going 1100mph and I thought, "I gotta' get me a McLaren!"

Unknown said...

I think of her as an arguably-hot-overexposed-rich-girl being persecuted. She's kind of like the Nelson Mandella of arguably-hot-overexposed-rich-girls.

Unknown said...

At first I thought the sentence was excessive. Still do, but then I read she was speeding, at night, with her lights off and drunk.

This is a way to get killed.

One could argue a wake up call now might save her life. One could also argue most wake up calls take a little less than 45 days.

Dan Collins said...

I just think that the mentally retarded oughtn't be issued licenses in the first place.

Steve Richter said...

come to New Jeryse and visit our municipal and county courts. I have been low income for long stretches of time and faced jail a few times because I could not pay my traffic fines. If you cant pay the $75 for driving a car that fails inspection you get 3 days in county jail ( $25 off your fine per day ). One of my days in court there was a man in a prison jump suit and leg irons. I thought I was going to hear a thrilling tale of him robbing the 7/11 or something. He was called, shuffled up to the bench and the judge listed his offenses - throwing gargage out of his car window, failure to pay child support - total fine $600. He could not pay, off to jail he went for 28 days.

It is not an exaggeration to say we live in a police state that does not value individual liberty.


Andy Johnson said...

You glossed over the original ciation,(Warning and suspension) plus the two other times she was stopped for driving w/o license, violating traffic laws, plus showing up to the courthouse late. If her punishment is unfair by WI standards, don't come to FL, or most other states... Her repeated disregard for the law means she must live with mortals for 45 days... Perhaps this will stop her from "Signing whatever is put in front of her"...Perhaps she will consider the law and its enforcers with more respect and courtesy... If I had done what she did, I would be spending 90-180 days with no sympathy-pity-controversy from anyone... The world is not fair. Learn the lesson early and things go easier. But we all must learn the lessons.

Biggus Geekus said...

This is not a day laborer who had a few beers in the parking lot with his buddies and realized that he lost track of time and has to get his beat up car back home so his wife can take it to work. This is a millionaire who could afford a cab or afford a chauffeur. Heck, she could afford a chartered helicopter to airlift her home. She had plenty of options and chose to use none of them.

And as for probation, she could have spent the time throwing parties at her place and recording a pop music CD. With her millions, she wanted for nothing. Again, she elected to ignore her multitude of options.

While I think 0.08 is low to the point of being silly, Hilton completely ignored every single one of her options and made absolutely no effort to obey the law.

M. Simon said...

The original .1 BAC standard was chosen because at that level 50% are impaired enough to make driving dangerous.

If the danger follows a Bell Curve (likely) .08 might mean that only 25% are dangerous at that level.

More accurate would be some kind of reaction time test that tests actual impairment.

Anonymous said...

Ann-- I'm an attorney and have been arguing the same thing with many of my non-attorney friends. Paris's problem is that she's rich, so my friends hate her for that, although they'll never admit that's what is really going on.

Paul Ciotti said...

According to a recent newspaper article, California's pay-jail system was created for non-violent middle class offenders who don't have the street smarts to protect themselves when mixed in with the normal jail population, which the article described as illiterate, violent, and often mentally ill, with drug and alcohol issues.

JorgXMcKie said...

I'm with those commenters here who believe that there are those who shouldn't have to obey the laws, or, perhaps, shouldn't have to actually be penalized for failing to obey the laws. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

Laws should be used only to suppress those we don't like. This has been the traditional approach to law, and I see no reason to change it now. Elites write and enforce laws they don't have to obey themselves all the time. Why should it be different in California?

I think that celebrities, approved classes of rioters, and elected Democrats should be allowed to break any law they like with impunity. Probably anyone who wears birkenstocks and/or drives a Prius, too. Also, former elected Democratic officials (I'm thinking Al Gore and Jimmy Carter here, for instance) should be immune to prosecution.

I mean, what's the point of having laws if I and my friends can't get a break?

Anonymous said...

My wife and I, lawyers, discussed this at some length. We decided that the problem is that Paris Hilton has built her entire career on vapidly not giving a fuck about you. More power to her.

However, there are times when, even if that's your image or even the real and unadulterated you, you need to project an earnest caring and contrition. It sounds like she didn't. She was late to court and a bit flippant.

To the extent that she got the full punishment, it is because of her inability to discern when it's expedient to be a certain way.

David said...

Paris is too beautiful to lock away!

My sentence: 30 days house arrest; 24hr kitchen/pool TV camera; pay-per-view; profits to MADD.

Or - let her mom do the time.

Anonymous said...

Paris Hilton isn't really very attractive. That's perhaps the oddest thing about her. That, plus the fact that she has no product or service to sell.

She is an incredible businessperson. I wish I could market myself that way.

Mr. B. said...

You fell for it.

She could easily have afforded a driver, unlike most of the poor slobs under the interdict to not drive.

No sympathy here.


Fen said...

Paris's problem is that she's rich, so my friends hate her for that, although they'll never admit that's what is really going on.

True, but I agree more with Seven on this - Paris has cultivated an image of vapidly not giving a fuck about anything. That image followed her into the courtroom.

Joseph Emmerth said...

"It seems obvious to me that she's being treated worse because of her celebrity..."

With all due respect Ms. Althouse, as an attorney in Chicago, Illinois, who frequently deals with these instances, Ms. Hilton's sentence is a little on the light side.

dave™© said...

When it comes to "nitwits," lady, you are da MAN!

Bruce Hayden said...

No, the curve for DUI is not a bell curve. The big problem is that MADD, etc. have convinced the legislators to tread BAC as if there is a linear relationship between BAC and dangerousness. There isn't. When you go from, say, .1 to .2, the danger doesn't double, but rather goes up maybe 5X. There is no evidence I have ever seen that would indicate that we are any safer by the DUI level having been dropped from .1 to .08.

It is frankly idiotic to throw someone in jail for a couple of months for a BAC of .08, esp. if they have not hurt anyone or anything. We are talking a couple of beers over maybe an hour. Less than most guys do watching a game on TV.

TMink said...

While it does not make me happy to see her incarcerated, if the good Sgt has the record correct, she belongs there for routinely ignoring the legal sanctions of her actions.

It could be a wake up call for her.

Well, it could!


davemt said...

I am no lawyer, but from all the comments I have seen on TV and news sites from people who are familiar with the law in CA, it does not appear that Paris Hilton's sentence was excessive. It was a fairly typical sentence, given her history.

I wonder why so many conservative bloggers are calling it excessive. Is there some inherent sympathy for wealth involved, some feeling that money ought to insulate you from your wrongs, protect you from being treated like the masses?

caseym54 said...

Hmmm ... way I heard it she was cited for "more than 0.08%". She also was pulled over for driving erratically and failed the field sobriety test twice. When she finally got to the station, she was still over the limit.

So, saying that she was "just barely over the limit" obscures the fact that she was too impaired to drive.

But that's NOT why she's in jail. She's in jail for being CAUGHT driving on a suspended license TWICE, and for not attending the required diversion class, as ordered for the original case.

And besides, it's not like she needs to drive.

John Kindley said...

Jail and prison should be for violent offenders, period. Everyone else convicted of a crime should be be fined, pay restitution, or sentenced to home detention, work release or drug rehab, depending on the offense.

JM Hanes said...

"If only she'd been a tiny bit less skinny, would she have had a few drops more blood and scored a .079?"

She would also be less intoxicated -- which, I presume, is why DUI limits are expressed as a percentage, not a fixed amount, in the first place! The wisdom of the cut-off point itself is certainly debatable, but what does that ultimately have to do with celebrity exceptions, for good or ill, at sentencing?

It's not all that obvious to me "that she's being treated worse because of her celebrity" (emphasis mine). The circumstances here also include Hilton's flagrant lack of concern for consequences of any sort (let alone judicial orders), to herself or others, apparently unmitigated by even an inkling that she might, or should, actually be held responsible for herself. Doesn't it seem at least equally plausible that a judge might see jail time as the only potentially effective remedy at his disposal in terms of either compliance or remediation? It's hard to imagine Hilton turning community service, for example, into anything other than a novel sort of lark, don't you think?

While arguing that Hilton's celebrity status should not be in play, you give short shrift to a more portentous outrage to equality before the law -- one which the disposition in her case has now brought to public attention. What strikes me most is the fundamental question of whether or not incarcerating non-violent offenders with violent crimminals and repetitive abusers should be a discretionary matter in the first place. Even if we are willing to countenance such housing as a rule, are we really content to endorse the practice of granting selective protection on the basis of available wealth, rather than unwarranted vulnerability to grievous harm? Can we afford the human costs, both individual and collective, or the legal implications of ignoring such obvious foundational issues and defaulting to debate over the putative pros & cons of notoriety or the efficacy of extorting operating funds from inmates?

Similarly, If public rhetoric is a ballpark reflection of the public psyche, what people fear most is not incarceration but physical violence and rape. How many of us would be willing to stipulate to such depredations as appropriate punishment, regardless of the crime, and not an extra-legal cruelty with a devestating array of consequences? Apparently, the only people in a position to consider it unusual are crimminals with money.

artdeptgirl said...


looks like the comments to your post are ably proving your point.

The real test of whether folks think the sentence was excessive or not is to substitute Hilton for Joe Citizen, someone that they have no feelings about one way or the other. While I'm sure there would still be plenty of people seeing appropriatenss with the sentence - for understandable reasons - I think there would be considerably less vehemence and outright glee at his misfortune.

So maybe it's not a question of whether the Court held her celebrity status against her, but rather if the public is. And judging by the comments here, I'd go with a Yes, for $500, Bob.

Paper Pusher said...

All this conjecture might be moot. Her attorneys are appealing the conviction, and are probably judge-shopping right now. She might not serve one day of her sentence.

PS: The fact that Kathy Hilton was not cited for contempt of court is an injustice in itself.

Douglas said...

OMG! That little stint of jail time is going to look awful on her resume.

Really, that judge did her a huge favor. What's her down side other than physically being away from the public for 45 days? If I were her manager/publicist I'd be salivating at the prospect of fresh opportunities to position my client.

Brilliant career move on her part. She's really very clever whether she knows it or not.

PatHMV said...

The bottom line is that the court system gave her quite a few chances to do what the judges and police were telling her to do. She refused. Either she has the worst legal advisors in history, or she deliberately ignored the repeated (many times) instructions of the court and the police.

Ultimately, the court has an obligation to get the attention of all law-breakers which come before it... particularly DUI defendants who need to change their behavior before they kill someone. You try to be gentle at first, assuming that most people are decent and will get the message with the probation and the DUI class and the inability to drive for a period of time. But when a defendant ignores those opportunities, intentionally flouts them, then they leave the court with no other way to get their attention except for jail.

What's the court to do? Order the same thing as before but say "this time I really mean it?" "Really, if you don't go to the classes and stop driving THIS time, then I pinkie-swear I'm going to sentence you to jail NEXT time." Please.

And this bit about "my advisors didn't tell me"? Ridiculous. Frankly, if she's sincere about that, she (and her nasty mother) should bring a malpractice suit against those advisors. If an attorney told her that she could drive in the face off all those orders, she should be able to collect plenty against him for the pain and suffering alone. She won't do this, because a malpractice suit would require her to actually PROVE her allegations in court, rather than just use it as an excuse to get away with her repeated law-breaking.

I fully admit that I think that Ms. Hilton is the epitome of the spoiled rich girl, who has grown up her entire life believing that the rules don't apply to her. But I'd fully support similar treatment for anybody of any income level or celebrity, whether I liked them or not.

And for the person who wanted us to ask the "Joe Citizen" comparison question... details are important. If Joe Citizen was similarly caught driving on unnecessary trips after so many warnings, then yep, I'd say toss him in jail, too. If Joe Citizen were caught driving to work because it was his only way of getting there, and he truly couldn't afford a taxi, I might be inclined to give him another chance.

Robert said...

In no way can your original post be characterized as "asking a question." You asserted that it was "obvious" she was being treated unfairly. You did qualify that statement by saying that you could see a possible counter argument, but that does not change an assertion into a question. Accusing people of taking you out of context is unfair.

You made an empirical claim that Hilton was treated differently than like defendants. Some commenters claim to have experience in these sorts of cases and strongly disagree. I have no idea who is right. Determining whether it's true would mean looking at how similarly situated defendants were handled by that judge and jurisdiction. It would also mean looking at how the "buy a nicer jail cell" law has been applied and where it has been denied.

I agree with you that rejoicing at someone's incarceration is in bad taste. But I hardly think that sort of thing is peculiar to "lefty" bloggers. I certainly don't see how lefty bloggers doing it is any more creepy (much less "supremely creepy")than anyone else doing the same.

Paul is a Hermit said...

I will serve her time IF, I say IF, I will be treated as she will.

Hers will be the easiest time since Martha Stewart.

The Warden will take ALL efforts to see that she is safe give her celebrity status, all such individuals are treated differently in jail.
She will be isolated from other prisoners in every way, she may not even see them! She will be given every consideration.

You wouldn't.
The time served will be totally different from what 99% of people would do. She will never know what prison really is.

vet66 said...

Hilton, Lohan, and Spears represent the Hollywood crowd and east coast Brahmins. They don't believe the laws of physics apply to them. Those pesky rules are only for the unwashed masses.

Remember the mug shot of Nick Nolte? Drive fast and drunk on a motorcycle and you will hurt yourself, and maybe others, as a result.

This episode is yet another example of the rich and worthless entertainers and pols acting like they are Delphinian Oracles bestowing a doctrine of asceticism on the commoners while they enjoy their lives of Bacchanal, Saturnalia and assorted excess.

Let's talk about big carbon footprints, shall we?!

Anonymous said...

It's significant that the initial DWI wasn't a random stop; the police caught her speeding and making an illegal turn. So the issue of whether .08 bac is reasonable in the abstract doesn't matter. This was a concrete situation in which she violated specific rules of the road; the reasonable presumption was that these violations were the result impairment. Given these crimes, including the illegal impairment that caused them--and all of her subsequent refusals to comply with court ordered classes/prohibitions-- I'd say Paris is lucky the judge sentenced her to such a short stay in jail.

Unfortunately, I'm sure this woman who's never had to be accountable or responsible for anything in her entire 26 years won't learn a thing from this experience, and will no doubt wind up making money selling the story of her "ordeal"; which is a terribly sad commentary on what people value and are interested in.

AlphaLiberal said...

Yeah, well, people who flout drunken driving laws have a hard time of it these days.

It would be nice if our society could focus 1/10th the time expended on this celebrity on the Iraqi girl stoned to death for loving a boy of the wrong denomination.

This is yet more bitter fruit of the misguided and corrupt occupation of Iraq. Extreme conditions are pushing Iraqi society to extremes. Will there be any justice for the killers? Is there a civil authority in Iraq?

Follow that Google news link above and you'll see there's basically a new blackout on this girl's death. "Liberal media," my ass.

hdhouse said...

Frankly, Long Islanders read this sentence in disbelief. Where 6 months isn't uncommon, along with loss and sale of the automobile and 2 years without a license plus hefty other fines, yes there is a little bit of celebrity law talk.

Remember, we had Lizzy Grubman out here and a few years back this publicist richyrich actually injured people and it took a groundswell of public opinion to get the DA off the dime.

I live now in the Hamptons and have lived in 2 other "star" meccas and there is a lot of hooting at celebrities who are protected because of the money and glitz they bring to the local scene.

It is understandable on some level but if Paris were some poor waitress or hairdresser can you honestly say the scales of justice would balance so evenly?

Ann Althouse said...

Alpha: How does an intrafamily murder, based on traditional beliefs, say anything about our effort in Iraq? I think these honor murders are horrific and would like to help women who are subjected to this, but what's the connection to our being in Iraq? Why shouldn't it support staying, fighting, and working toward a stable system with a rule of law? But even with that, there will still be murders.

Unknown said...

I think the sentence is unduly harsh. I think it would be unduly harsh for anybody. Why not give her community service, where she might make amends for her irresponsible behavior? Plus benefit the community. Her celebrity status may give her protection from physical and sexual assault, but she will surely be degraded and humiliated in that jail. No one deserves that. I find it ironic that the same people howling about the USA's treatment of prisoners in the War on Terror are so gleeful about the treatment of a somebody who biggest crime is being a rich, irresponsible, pretty girl. She has some growing up to do, sure, but degrading and humiliating her is not going to help. There is a certain type of person who love to see anyone they perceive as better than them brought down. that's what is happening here. To Hell with MADD and the other neo-prohibitionists.

Anonymous said...

I think she should have been sentenced to at least A YEAR for her crime. She's used her status in the world to skirt around the law. She needs to be taken down a few pegs and needs to get to know the REAL WORLD. I think she should serve time in a Max Security Prison in the GENERAL POPULATION SECTION. Let her feel what it's like in the REAL WORLD, then she might not take for granted her status. She was born into that money, she didn't earn any of it. She's the type that the VA tech Shooter Cho was talking about. (not saying what he did was right or any of that...) But she needs get a stiff dose of reality. they should have taken her off to jail, right then and there, and not delayed her sentence. she could flee to Switzerland. Don't be suprised if her daddy don't try and pull some strings to get her off. He could do it. he knows people.


Beth said...

But even with that, there will still be murders.

Ann, you're right that honor killings predate our involvement in Iraq and have nothing to do with us. It's worth noting that this girl was Kurdish, and we count the Kurds as our biggest fans in Iraq. It doesn't seem that our presence there is doing much to spread the values we hold dear.

AlphaLiberal said...

Ann, I called for some attention to the story and I tried to address your question in my post:
a) the extremes of violence and disorder foster extremism like this, and,
b) this shows the the breakdown of a civil order and authority under 4 years of occupation. (Will the killers be prosecuted? Consider this a test of the government.)

As far as making the situation better, four years of occupation have seen the system steadily deteriorate. It's simply not logical to advocate more of the same and expect a different result. Its. not. working.

I do think our presence there is making things worse. Esp since the occupation is so bungled, so corrupt and with the interests of the Iraqi people last in mind.

For example: why are the military contractors bringing in foreign labor to do reconstruction work when Iraqis don't have work? That helps the contractors' profits but is dumb policy and a missed opportunity.

The Exalted said...

It seems obvious to me that she's being treated worse because of her celebrity

ADDED: I wish people wouldn't take one phrase from this post out of context as if I'd made a flat assertion that she was treated worse.

just weird -- what are you trying to prove? your words are right there, like 10 lines up.

Anonymous said...

Good thing she got sentenced. She's a spoiled brat who things that, just because she was born lucky (with money), she can do everything and is above the law. We in Amsterdam say: yeahhh, lock her up and let her come to her sences.

Anonymous said...

We in Amsterdam say: Yeaahh, lock the snob up and let her come to her sences. Just because you were born lucky, with dady's money that is, don't mean you are above the law, Paris. Hope you'll understand that after you did you're time. But hey, maybe you are lucky. Maybe the have a Prada toilet and a Gucci bed for you in the pen.

Finprof said...

---Patrick Kennedy weren't "escorted home" over and over again
---the Tucson courts had done more than absolutely nothing to a blotto and dangerous Whitney Houston on their roads (she made Paris seem a teetotaller)
---multiple murder with large knives in Jude Ito's court were to lead to "life" somewhere other than on the golf course looking for the real killer

Then: would we even be having this conversation?

The treatment seems harsh only if the "last straw" .08 affair is treated as the sole offense.

Publius said...

It seems obvious to me that she's being treated worse because of her celebrity, though I can see how you could say that she acted different -- flouting the law -- because of her celebrity. Even so, she didn't deserve that much.

ADDED: I wish people wouldn't take one phrase from this post out of context as if I'd made a flat assertion that she was treated worse. I'm basically asking the question and saying that I support equal treatment.

OK, the entire quote is in context up there, along with the "addition." You indeed did maintain that Hilton was "treated worse because of her celebrity" - your words exactly. How, then, can you deny that you "made a flat assertion that she was treated worse"?

I mean, I support your right to revise what you wrote, but I just don't understand why you're denying what you clearly wrote.

I practice criminal defense - but I don't have a problem with someone who drives while suspended going to jail, if that's what the law requires. That's the way it goes.

Ann Althouse said...

The word "seems" and the qualification that begins with "though" have meaning. Pay attention! Things are concise around here.

Anonymous said...

Free Paris Hilton

For every day that Paris Hilton spends in jail, I'm am calling for
everyone to go to the nightclubs every night, and when you see a celebrity, a rich person,
or a judge leave, call the police and tell them there is a drunk on the road.

I wanna see a thousand celebrities and rich people arrested every night for every night
Paris Hilton spends in jail.

>The Starmaker wrote:
> and there is no law against drinking and driving!
> Paris Hilton doesn't deserve jail...
> If you want to see more celebrities drink and drive and
> go to jail, just go to the nightclubs they hang out, and wait
> till they leave the nightclub, follow their cars and call the police
> and tell them there is a drunk driving on the road and give them the licence plate numbers,
> take pictures and sell it!
> If everybody would do that, what do you think would happen?

Maybe they'll free Paris Hilton!

Unknown said...

BRAVO to Judge Sauer!

mango1907 said...

OMG!! Her family has soooooooo much money that (like others have said) they could have paid for a driver at anytime and for where ever she wanted to go!!! This broad (I can't even call her a lady) is a idol to our future young ladies and what is she telling them by drinking and driving? EVEN if she 'only had a little' to drink? This Judge should be comendated for not allowing her families money or the fact that she is a celebrity diswade their decision to put her in a jail cell for 45 days. Arnold shouldn't even get involved...he has his own skeletons.

Unknown said...

Paris is a dolt and her sex tapes are pedestrian. She's NOT a role model for my step-daughter and won't be for my daughter if I have one. She thought that a pretty face and an expensive lawyer would get her the same result as Michael Jackson. His face is probably prettier which is why a jury of 12 people not smart enough to get out of jury duty acquitted. In 15 days her expensive lawyer can ask the judge to revisit the case and she may get a commuted sentence. I hope not.

Back to the Bell Curve issue that M simon brought up, though I don't want this to turn into a MADD flame thread:
approximately 50 percent of adults tested showed reduced reaction and driving ability at BAC of 0.10 percent. About 75 percent showed reduced ability at 0.12 percent. Ninety-nine percent showed reduced ability at BAC 0.20 percent. BUT only 15-18 percent of test subjects had trouble or reduced ability at BAC 0.08 in several tests done by universities and medical research during the late 70's and 80's.

The amount of impairment was also NOT linear as previously mentioned. Athletic men between 30-50 showed the slowed slowest slope of reduced skill; while new drinkers, ages 18-25 (remember back then local ordinances had drinking age at 18 for beer, 21 for liquor) went from "buzzed" at 0.05 to "blotto" at 0.10.

Older laws of field sobriety tests were more reliable for determining impairment, but sloppy officers and sneaky lawyers made an objectively measurable test necessary. The new standard of 0.08 BAC is statistically flawed, but lawmakers love to brag about their record on crime.

Bruce said...

In the world of law Judges are like kings. In fact if you trace the history of judges you will see that they did in fact evolve into Kingship in some cultures.

That being said there's two real measurable aspects of Miss Hilton's current fortune: 1)Her handlers weren't handling her well enough to keep between her and the reality the celebrities don't really seem to understand until it's inconvenient not to. How many of you think she doesn't have someone to drive her where ever she wants to go? 2)Some judges resist the urge to "make an example" of celebrities because that level of money creates all kinds of backlash and feedback for court room officers if they don't dot their i's and cross their t's. Some Judges like to make examples - being perhaps more civic minded and thinking that by dishing up a publicly stern sentence for Paris that at least some irresponsible followers of Paris might sit up straight and pay a bit more attention.

Since there really is no consistency from Judge to Judge fairness is nearly impossible to evaluate. In regards to the question about justice - it is an amazing concept but poorly demonstrated throughout our society - including the various Departments of Justice throughout our country. My personal opinion is that you must be just to serve justice.

The moral of Paris-Goes-to-Jail is that You Must Always Play to Win! If you set yourself up as a victim - you will be that given enough time.

Bruce the Negotiator!

Lane said...

Did you read what Ted said? OMG!!! Actually, her parents are the ones who should be in jail - for doing such a piss poor job of raising her.

Pudenda said...

Paris Hilton is a hosebag.

Unknown said...

I dont know why people are coming to that dumb bitch's defense. SHE BROKE THE LAW. What happens the next time she drives drunk and injures or kills someone? let her go? She needs to be taught a lesson, although shes too stupid to get it. Hopefully the next time she drives drunk she wraps her car around a telephone pole.

Smarty Spice said...

send her to jail...

Cydni said...

You just don't get it.


April 7 was the one year anniversary of the death of Douglass Joeseph Sproull. He died because of a blood alcohol level just over the legal limit.

How can you say that 45 days in jail after breaking probation by continuing to drive recklessly. She endangers people even when she's sober.

I would give anything for 45 days more of Doug with us. She can spend 45 days in jail or even more if it will protect people like Doug from people who don't care.

It don't think it would be unfair to take away her driving privalleges forever.

Ann Althouse said...

People, I haven't said she didn't break the law and didn't deserve punishment. The question is how severe should it be? Would you give her the death penalty?

Bruce said...

Who are we punishing her for? Our fear, our guilt, the already-dead? What's the point of punishment? She'll drink less before she drives? She'll respect authority more if she's gets caged? With our 16th century criminal rehabilitation techniques I'm sure she'll be a shinning example after 45 days or a year or a decade.

If "justice" doesn't do something new and smart then crime will stay fat and happy laughing at it. Make a law that says you forfeit your vehicle completely - give her expensive ride to a make-a-wish or let the kid who scores the highest on drivers ed in her neighborhood "win" her impounded car for being diligent.

Paris is a rich kid with useless handlers. Driving without a license for most of us isn't even worth blogging about. It's the Paris part that gives us a rise.

Bruce the Negotiator!

Unknown said...

I think she should go to jail. She has no respect for how the rest of us have to live. The petioners who say that we love her because of her beauty and it helps our mundane lives! ARE THEY CRAZY! What an insult to mainstream America! Fry in jail for 45 days Paris! If your gonna' play - then you got to pay!

Unknown said...

I'm back. I have read all of the other blogs now and thought about it. She only deserves what EVERY other citizen would deserve in her shoes....think about it... all of you who have said that she wasn't dangerous. If she hit a car that had a loved one of yours that caused real damage, would you think different? She had blatent disreguard for OUR legal system. My friend had 2 drinks, drove home, got a D. U. I. and spent her whole summer going to classes. lost her liscense, paid a fine, lost time at work. She now NEVER drives if she even has one beer. The media has made this a circus with Paris. I don't think she was given a harsh sentence BECAUSE of her fame. I think that the real media circus came AFTER she was sentented FAIRLY. Waa waa waa. Take what is coming to you like the rest of us have to Paris......

Petan said...

I don't understand why some people think she's targeted because she's rich and famous.

THREE Probation violations would land ANYBODY in jail. 45 Days isn't nearly enough, in my opinion.

How many "normal" people would even get it in their heads to ask the governor for pardon for something like that? And what chance would they have of getting pardoned?

James Dillon said...

How exactly is your statement "It seems obvious to me that she's being treated worse because of her celebrity" not a "flat assertion" that she was treated worse because she's a celebrity?

Unknown said...

Paris Hilton was treated leniently.

A similar offense and a guilty plea would have handed 90 days jail time starting immediately.

Paris blamed publicist, got only 45 days and month's time to get ready.

Anonymous said...

Close the jail door on her. You can sign the "official" petition to keep her in jail at:

Cletus_21 said...

It infuriates me to see justice bought and sold, as I am sure it infuriates all those who have violated probation and been punished by thier goverment. This is not the first time the legal system in California has been made a mockery of in front of the whole world. People who feel Paris should be held to a higher standard, have the right to thier opinion, but I believe they are in the minority. The majority, do not post blogs. The majority cannot afford million dollar legal council, and the majority doesn't like to see Paris Hilton walk free while thier sons, daughters and friends, pay for thier crimes.

Cletus_21 said...

I firmly believe in the old saying those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it. I'm sure Paris know's who Marie Antoinette was, if only because thier was a movie done recently about her. There is only so much injustice the lower classes can take. So far in California you can:
Kill your wife, Brutally beat drunk drivers, and now drive without a liscence. All you need is a lot of money.


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!


Paris hilton does NOT deserve any of this! She is being treated like a criminal and she did nothing worse than the average American does everyday. This whole event is taking a toll on our heiress emotionaly and physically. Why must we keep her behind those cruel bars anyways? Everyone knows that an average person would not have received that sentence! And if America is so gung ho on treating everyone as an equal, Paris should be no different! Just give her home arrest or a suitable fee. Please, she doesn't deserve this! And the rest of America are heart broken for her. FREE PARIS!

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