December 6, 2006

"Things without trans fat are harder to get and more expensive."

Says O’Neil Whyte of Sweet Chef Southern Styles Bakery in Harlem, "This will be better for people’s health, but we’d like to know where to go from here." So you can't cook with Crisco anymore? That's crazy! Is there no respect for tradition? Of all the elitist regulations, this one takes the cake. And the pie crust.

(I know there's a new Crisco without trans fat. It's got more saturated fat instead. How long before we find out that the solution is worse than the problem?)


Anonymous said...
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Meade said...

Give me your subjectively identified transgendered, your resource-challenged,
Your huddled obese masses yearning to eat transfat free,
The potentially valuable recyclables of your sinking (due to global warming) shore.
Send these, the second-homeless, Crisco-crusted, to me:
I lift my wind-powered lamp beside the air-bagged safety-sealed door.

kimsch said...

Ann, Transfat was supposed to be better for you than saturated fat which is why it was introduced to replace saturated fat. Now it's worse than saturated fat and saturated fat is replacing the trans fat which replaced saturated fat.

What was good is bad, then it's good again...

MadisonMan said...

I prefer my piecrusts made with good old-fashioned rendered lard. Much tastier. I don't think lard has trans-fats; just heaps of cholesterol.

This is a ridiculous ordinance, true, but I'm sure the creative cooks will be up to the task.

Jeff with one 'f' said...

Nanny Bloomberg strikes again.

Paul Dirks said...

Trans-fat is illegal in New York.


I think I'll head down to the corner and buy a rock to celebrate.

goesh said...

Fried chicken in fresh rendered lard is hard to beat. That said, I can't do any preaching about the evils of processed sugar and trans fats. I think most of us attempt moderation at least some of the time.

JCJim said...

Think of the economic opportunities...smuggling in Crisco...the whispers on the street the transfats here...real stuff. The underground restaurants still cooking with transfats. Will there be a code word for it in Zagat's reviews?

reader_iam said...

Let's go sledding.

AlbieNYC said...

Bloomberg sometimes just loooooses his mind. Maybe it's clogged arteries.

Sean Hackbarth said...

This is all a part of Bloomberg's Presidential bid. Bloomberg 2008: A chicken in every pot but no trans fats.

Anonymous said...

Again a self-appointed public "advocate" has enacted an onerous law by bypassing the democratic process. I can't wait till the muttawa hit the streets and kitchens looking for naughty fats and cigarettes. Public beatings are next.

Bloomberg should be recalled.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Phd9 said:
"I think I'll head down to the corner and buy a rock to celebrate. "

I laughed at that but I am not sure why.


You are almost always right.
Why do Americans seem willing to accept dictates from rich liberals like Bloomberg? If a right-winger like Pat Buchanan were mayor and he tried this, they'd be storming city hall with pitchforks. It's one of the mysteries of life I guess.

knox said...

How can poor people be starving, obese, and cookie-less at the same time?

reader_iam said...

AJ Lynch:

I laughed at that but I am not sure why.

Do you mean to say it cracked you up?

(Or did I read the wrong thing into Phd9's quip?)

Tibore said...

"How long before we find out that the solution is worse than the problem"

"What was good is bad, then it's good again..."

Well, here's the obligatory Woody Allen reference:

"Dr. Melik: You mean there was no deep fat? No steak or cream pies or... hot fudge?
Dr. Aragon: [chuckling] Those were thought to be unhealthy... precisely the opposite of what we now know to be true.
Dr. Melik: Incredible!"

(Source: Woody Allen's "Sleeper")

Radish said...

This is a way to cause a "need" to increase government subsidies of....something. Soybean and other plant oils (what transfat is made of)? Food stamps (bread products are now more expensive)? Something else?

It's not about health, it's about control.

Anonymous said...

"You are almost always right."

Why, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the fat Americans who don't live in New York should leave us alone.

I, for one, am very thankful that I won't be eating trans fats in restaurants. I avoid them when I grocery shop, but I have absolutely no clue if I'm consuming them when I eat out.

Me - I prefer to live a long life. I'd much rather have olive oil than crisco.

The rest of you - well - you enjoy yourselves when you have a heart attack.

mdhatter said...

I'd let the "hand of darwin" settle this one, but I gotta pay into the trans-eaters' medicare system. No thanks. They'll live just long enough to retire as a bunch of sick fatties.

I suppose should we all start using lead plumbing, installing asbestos insulation, and running behind the DDT truck?

knox said...

I, for one, am very thankful that I won't be eating trans fats in restaurants. I avoid them when I grocery shop, but I have absolutely no clue if I'm consuming them when I eat out.

Strange response from a "libertarian."

sonicfrog said...

Didn't they recently decide butter is actualy better for you than margerine, which was meant to replace butter because of health concerns?????

jaed said...

Bringing us full circle, butter is considered better for you because butter is rich in saturated fat, while margarine is made from [drumroll] trans fats.