November 7, 2006

The women bloggers.

Me, Christy Hardin Smith (of Firedoglake), and Jeralynn Merritt (of Talkleft):

Bloggers at Tryst

Bloggers at Tryst


Anonymous said...

Oh, she's definitely having too much fun.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Not to be heteronormative or anything, but...any good looking males?

sierra said...

Tell me that's not an open bar. Tell me you paid for your own plane ticket.

Simon said...

C'mon...Surely someone will hold the camera for an Althouse/MKH pic...I need a new wallpaer. ;)

Ann Althouse said...

It's an open bar and my travel expenses are paid by CNN. You got a problem with that?

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Careful about that saucy pose, Proffy! Some former president may be lurking to be in the picture. Remember: we DO hold you accountable for how you appear in posed pictures....

Mortimer Brezny said...

Oh is it an open bar? I wonder if that makes the blogs more partisan and angry! Or more liberal.

sierra said...

You got a problem with that? No, I'm actually rather in awe. What do the people around you think of Britney Spears?

Maxine Weiss said...

And free cigs too.

Lots of second-hand smoke.

Peace, Maxine

Maxine Weiss said...

And so, the night is young.

After this...what are the hot nightclubs in the DC area?

Are you all going to go out clubbing?

Where will you all go to round out the evening?

Perhaps there's some sort of Hooters, or Strip Club in the vicinity.

Perhaps some sort of topless Burlesque night show, where you can all continue the merriment.

You can't let the night end here.

Peace, Maxine

Mortimer Brezny said...

Oh, to be a sack.

Mortimer Brezny said...

No, it is very appropriate. Because Ann Althouse is waaaaay hotter than that breastblogger gurl.

paul a'barge said...

What do you call a conservative and two liberals?

An interpreter.

Eric said...

Let’s see… This was a CNN event, but he TV in the picture is showing FNC. I guess they can’t even stand to watch their own network.