November 4, 2006

Washington, Day 2.

Hi, kids. Sorry for the light blogging yesterday. I was -- in my role as chair of the Appointments Committee -- conducting interviews from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Once again, I'm up early, alone in the cavernous suite at the Marriott Wardman Park, and later to be joined by five committee members and a stream of lawprof candidates. We rearranged the furniture yesterday so there are five armchairs and a sofa around a coffee table. We've got a nice high-backed, striped chair for the candidate and mostly dark blue, nondescript chairs for the committee. Today, we only go until 12:30. My colleagues arrive in 15 minutes, but I'll see if I can get some substantive posts up before then so you can have something to mull over and chat about.

(I've got some photographs of the set-up here, but I'll have to show you the pictures later, because I've forgotten the cord that connects the camera to the computer.)


Ruth Anne Adams said...

I see that RHIP* applies in law school, too. Cavernous suite goes to the chair.

*Rank has its privileges

JSF said...

While you're in DC, don't forget to check out the Center Cafe in Union Station. They have good food and if you're on the upper level, a nice view of Congress.

Anonymous said...

My laptop has a card reader, so I can just pop the card from the camera into it and the pics pop up.

Ann Althouse said...

rightwing: that would be nice. My camera's cord is ridiculously bulky and I keep forgetting it.