May 10, 2006

"American Idol" -- the results.

ADDED NOTE: If you're looking for the results of the newest show, click on the banner at the top of the page and scroll down to the most recent "results" post.


ORIGINAL POST: So, what do you think? It's got to be Chris or Kat going home, right? Not Taylor. He's popular. And not Elliott. He's my dear, sweet boy who was so good last night.

Rebecca Romijn is in the audience. She pretends as if she's all freaked out by the excitement, then claims to love all four contestants equally. That doesn't add up. If you like them all the same, what does it matter? She asks them to make Taylor Hicks sing "Jailhouse Rock" again, and that can't be just her idea. The phoniness is overwhelming.

But here's Taylor, bringing the party. He forgets the words. He forgets "If you can't find a partner, use a wooden chair." Come on. Who can forget that? That's one of the most amazing -- and disturbing! -- lines in all of rock history. Oh. On the second pass at the line, he gets it.

Ryan puts Taylor Hicks and Elliott Yamin on one side and Chris Daughtry and Katharine McPhee on the other. One side is the top 2, the other the bottom 2. And he does an "after the break" teaser. But you have to be incredibly out of it not to know which is which.

Ah, my boy, Elliott, is safe.

Ryan asks Simon who should go home based on last night's performance. He says Kat. Ryan then suddenly tells Chris he's going home. Aaagh! But it is deserved. He was my favorite, but I let him go last night. He just wasn't good enough. And there is a certain something that Kat brings to the show. You know, she was my favorite at the audition phase.

Aw, Chrissy.


Rick Lee said...

My money's on Kat.

Rick Lee said...

Wow... I'm shocked. For the last few weeks I've been saying that Chris would probably take it all. Kat sure did look shocked... as well she should.

Jennifer said...

Oh, I'm so bummed. Well, Ann, you called it this week.

This is the first time in 5 years that my favorite doesn't win. Boo.

tiggeril said...


My condolences, Ann.

Jennifer said...

How did the audience react?

Ann Althouse said...

Jennifer: I can't see how the audience reacts, but I think Chris looked really stunned and hurt -- like he believed he was going to win. It was Tamyra-esque.

Jenny D. said...

That's it. I don't care. Taylor Hicks is a cartoon. I like Elliott but... and Kat...ick.

They lost my vote and my interest. Bye Chris. start a real band and lose the losers.

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Ann. Poor guy.

Alright, Elliott, I'm all yours now.

tiggeril said...

I've been rooting for Kat all along (once Mandisa left) and will continue to do so. I can't stand Taylor and Elliot.

I think this is actually better for Chris. He'll be able to take that offer from Fuel without the albatross of the AI contract around his neck.

Jennifer said...

Is that true, tiggeril? I was wondering about that - how many of them get roped into the AI contract, I mean.

A silver lining!

Ann Althouse said...

Is Chris now free of the contract? But he's obliged to do the tour? We haven't seen the terms of the contract. Anyway, he belongs in a band, and he will get there. All is for the best. We still love you, Chris.

Renee said...

I can't believe what happen tonight, I tried to vote all night and I could never get though for Chris. I refuse to watch the show anymore. I could care less who wins now. Chris got a raw deal.....

SarahWeddington said...

it was interesting to see the reactions.

kat looked the whole show like she knew it was her.

the look on her face when it was chris was priceless.

simon looked fairly upset as well.

paula looked quite shaken.

does anyone know what next week's theme is?

they should have a paula abdul show

taylor doing straight up? now that's entertainment

tiggeril said...

I think I'm remembering correctly- the runners-up have a contract to do the tour, but their contract isn't nearly as restrictive as that of the eventual winner.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

Did you notice how shocked Katharine was? Her jaw completely dropped. You can read her face throughout--she thought from the beginning that Chris was safe, and when she found out they were the bottom two, she felt certain that she would go home.

I thought he was by far the best last night, by the way. People must have just assumed he was safe and voted for the others to help them.

knox said...

Yay Yamin!

Hecla Ma said...

Me bummed too. As Simon said, it was Kat's turn to be voted off...but I kinda the feeling Chris would go tonight - I think Simon's mean assessment of Kat got her fans voting.

It's not bad for Chris - he'll get a recording contract and he'll have a career, I think. I also think this does not bode well for Taylor Hicks - most Chris fans I know cannot abide Hicks or Kat, and they'll go to Elliott, assuming they don't dump the show. If Elliot picks up the Paris/Chris (and eventual Kat fans) then Taylor's "soul patrol" won't be able to save his vegas-lounge-act rear-end.

Was anyone else as disgusted as I that we didn't get to see Chris' last song because we had to watch Taylor spaz out, yet again?

My best friend called up and predicted a backlash next week against Katharine - she'll be the next to go because she so clearly should have gone this week. (Shrug). Whatever. At this point, only Elliott has the chops...unlike Taylor and Kat, he manages to REMEMBER his lyrics; he can take on difficult music, and he actually sings.

Laura Reynolds said...

Dial Idol had it pegged and it begs the question of whether they will work on a way to defeat the software.

Chris' appeal was established early and I don't think he ever grew, at least not enough, to attract new voters. He'll be fine.

Mary said...

I wasn't a great fan of Chris, but for his elimination to be so late and abrupt, while Taylor got to fill time with that "spontaneous" reprise of Jailhouse Rock, was just grossly unfair.

I don't think there was any phone line irregularity at work. More likely, his fans may not have thought he was in great danger, while Kat's fans rallied madly after her disaster. DialIdol had them damn near tied for last place.

I think Clay probably had more attempted votes that Ruben in the season 2 finale, given that the producers have said that he was the leader in every other week and given the substantial difference in their single and first CD sales. The high volume of attempted calls for both men tied up phone lines and created a near tie that could have gone to either. AI has more phone lines now, so I doubt that kind of thing will happen again.

Simon said...

And there is a certain something that Kat brings to the show.

Yes: men. 49% of the population at last count.

Alcibiades said...

I'm thrilled about Elliot getting through, myself. He's clearly the best singer. And he's really developed through the show.

I was never a big Chris fan, myself.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I thought the ending for Chris was abrupt. And I wonder if he secretly wished to be done. He never compromised, sure, but he didn't grow. He is finally free of the AI albatross that he would've had to drag around like a mike stand.

Elliot, on the other hand, is like that stalwart great friend who is reliable and sweet. And he takes you to prom when your doofus boyfriend spazzes out and gets a DUI. And on that date, you notice his skin has cleared up, he's got a tan and he's been pumping iron and has got some guns. Hmmm...

Elliot all the way.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If I knew Romjin was going to be on- I would have watched. She is a hottie! Who could forget her in X-men in her blue skintight suit? Or was that Halle Berry? whatever it was skintight.

homericsimile said...

Poor Chris. Seacrest really acted like a dick eliminating him that way.

As much as I don't like Kat, I'd rather a Kat/Elliot final than one with Taylor in it. Ewww.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a shocker. Kat will be next--she might as well let it rip with Vissi D'Arte or something that she truly loves.

Elliot was great, but he reminds me of that wood sprite from Narnia...cute, but not an idol maybe.

Dan Karipides said...

> If I knew Romjin was going to be on-
> I would have watched. She is a
> hottie! Who could forget her in
> X-men in her blue skintight suit?
> Or was that Halle Berry? whatever
> it was skintight.

Off-topic, but the reason that "suit" looked skintight was becuase it was her birthday suit. :) Nothing be a some small cover-ups and blue paint.

michael farris said...

Without video, but judging from the mp3's and descriptions of her reactions, is Katharine _trying_ to get dumped?
I try to imagine what I would do if I were on the show and were glad to have gotten my name out there but didn't want the big restrictive booby prize contract ... and it's pretty close to what she's been doing. Choose unsuitable material, try some vocal gimmicks that don't quite work, flub some lyrics. Kat, want off? Cover up, find songs about how important it is to be pure and save yourself.

Now, my official hopes. I hope Elliot leaves next. I think he survived this time by former Paris supporters switching to him (logical choice of one's remaining). But he's not going to get Chris votes, he's not macho enough for Chris's guy constituency or sexy enough for his feminine following.
Also, he's my favorite and I don't want him tied to Simon's hip forever. Third is much higher than anyone ever predicted for him and hopefully his talent can be matched to a tough disciplined producer who can keep some of his excesses in check.

Then Katharine, I'm not a fan, but I don't wish winning this thing on her at all.

I officially hope Taylor wins. I can't stand him and you couldn't pay to listen to him for the sake of listening to him (as opposed to see what dumb thing he's trying now and which more deserving contestant he's outlasting). But, apparently Simon is absolutely mortified by the possibility and I think it's the perfect match, pre-fab shallow pop show with the most pre-fab shallow winner imaginable, not only that a shallow guy who gets by on how 'real' he is. That would be perfect, I think, but then I'm perverse that way.

Icepick said...

Chris was boring. All he ever did was the earnest rocker shtick, and I thought that went out years ago. (I hope it did, anyway. You know, for the kids.) Even when he was singing "A Little Less Conversation" he had that hang dog "But-I-really-love-you-why-are-you-breaking-up-with-me?" look. Yuck.

Watching Chris's performances actually made me appreciate Constantine's smarminess. At least Constantine knew how to have fun.

Simon said...

If I knew Romjin was going to be on- I would have watched. She is a hottie! Who could forget her in X-men in her blue skintight suit?

Perhaps that will be McPhee's custume next week. I disagree about Romjin, though.

Catherine Wilkinson said...

Well, this sets up a more interesting finale. Chris voters will most likely go with Elliott, with the boob patrol going with Katherine. If Chris had stayed, it would have come down to he and Taylor....but now I think Elliott has a chance at knocking Taylor out...the Chris voters hate Taylor and they'll go with Elliott.

jeff said...

As far as I was concerned, Suspicious Minds was the best performance Tuesday night.

Sara (Pal2Pal) said...

According to the news a few minutes ago, the number given out for Chris was actually the number for Kat. AI has not responded to requests for a statement ... yet.

homericsimile said...

Squiggler, where'd you get that info from?

Laura Reynolds said...

"It was on the Yahoo comments with a quote from a couple of radio stations"

Next thing you know it'll be on 60 Minutes II

Jennifer said...

Well, it's starting. Let's just hope he has some contractual wiggle room.

The band Fuel has offered him a spot as their frontman...."He's perfect for Fuel. He has the right voice, the right look. It would be perfect," the band's manager, Paul Geary, told PEOPLE on Thursday.