October 31, 2005


Just got a phone call asking me to go on the radio in ten minutes and talk about Alito. Okaaaaayyy.

UPDATE: I'm on the break now. It was interesting to try to learn as much as possible about Alito in 15 minutes. I found this article especially helpful, describing a number of his cases. ....

Now the half-hour show is over. There were three callers, two of whom were especially concerned about the failure to nominate a woman.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Here's the archive link.


L. C. Staples said...

Well, I didn't hear the show or the commenters, but I find it kind of sad that people's focus is on gender rather than on the effect Mr. Alito would be likely to have as a justice. Hopefully the focus will shift as we learn more about him.

David A. Carlson said...

They could of kept you on for the full hour - i got in the car at 7:20 and only heard the last 10 minutes.

Ron said...

Ann, they're asking your opinion on anything law-related! (whether you know much about it or not!) You're a star! A go-to sound bite person!

The Martha Stewart appearance, ("The Constitution; it's a Good Thing") and the Althouse cookbook are not far off!

DRJ said...

What did you say when the callers expressed concern about the failure to nominate a woman?