March 9, 2025

"If you cannot get married and start a family within three quarters, the company will terminate your labor contract...."

"Not responding to the call of the country, not marrying and having children, is disloyal."

Said the memo to unmarried employees of Shandong Shuntian Chemical Group, quoted in "Chinese Company to Single Workers: Get Married or Get Out/As China’s government worries about the falling birthrate, some private employers have ordered workers to do their part, or else" (NYT). 
The notice from the chemical company, which began circulating online last month, was directed at unmarried employees between the ages of 28 and 58, including divorced workers. As online ridicule grew, the company quickly backtracked. Reached by phone, a woman at its headquarters said the notice had been retracted, and that the local government had ordered the company to undergo “rectification.”...
Years ago, when the Chinese authorities wanted to limit births, they resorted to coercive measures like forced abortions and sterilizations. (The city where the chemical company is based, Linyi, was particularly notorious for such tactics.) Now that Beijing is trying to do the opposite, it is taking a softer approach, perhaps to avoid setting off large-scale resistance.


Aggie said...

So even in Communist China, when the tyrants field their over-reaching gambits, ridicule and humiliation sometimes works to collapse them. Worth a try, until the tanks come.

gilbar said...

just to be clear..
1st: commies DEMAND (under penalty of DEATH) only 1 kid!
2nd: commies DEMAND (under penalty of FIRING) HAVE KIDS!

it's ALMOST AS IF commies control people's lives

Jaq said...

Ban TikTok, ban Instagram, which is now a dating app, ban them all. Only allow phones that can take voice calls, and maybe texts, but don't allow them to be locked, allow them to be such that anybody can pick them up and see the activity. Totalitarian you say? That's how it was with telephones and answering machines in the 1960s. People got along fine.

Dude1394 said...

So this is the society that democrats want us to emulate. Got it.

Robert Cook said...

"So this is the society that democrats want us to emulate. Got it."

No...NOT got it. When did you invent the notion the Democrats want us to emulate China?

Peachy said...

The one child policy - which ended/slaughtered the lives of millions of girls... left china with a too-many males problem.
Social engineering... never ends well.

Dude1394 said...

Robert Cook.... You may be correct, I seem to have taken my cue from Thomas Friedman.

Another old lawyer said...

I've read that China will be experiencing a population implosion in the next few decades as a consequence of the CCP's "One Child" policy.

Or maybe the CCP is calculating that more cannon fodder will be needed.

JaimeRoberto said...

They told me that if I voted for Trump people would be forced to get married and have children, and they were right.

Yancey Ward said...

So, Robert finally cancelled his subscription to The Daily Worker?

n.n said...

From State to her Choice. Liberal policies have progressive consequences.

Yancey Ward said...

JaimeRoberto wins the thread easily at 10:51.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Prostitution was elected by community... commie organizers to share feminine gender persons to tame toxic masculinity in the woke of State Choice. The fetuses never fully recovered and now the leftists are braying: we're not viable.

Narr said...

Zeihan says that the Chinese have been cooking their demographic stats to conceal that the population is much lower than the official figures, and that it's way too late to reverse the trend. In his view, there will hardly be a China in the next few decades.

He's often wrong, but he does make his predictions openly and they can be checked, and after all, this is Commies we're talking about and they always lie. About everything. They have their own version of taqqiya.

James K said...

"it is taking a softer approach, perhaps to avoid setting off large-scale resistance"
Or perhaps because it's easier for a totalitarian country to prevent births than to force marriages. But threatening job loss is not exactly "soft." I'm guessing there will be a lot of fake marriages.

Kirk Parker said...

jaq @ 10:32am,

How to say "I wasn't there in the '60s and have no idea what it was like", without actually having to say it.

No, no one could just pick up the phone after you had used it and discover what number you had dialed or how long you were on.

And no, literally no one had home answering machines in the '60s.

john mosby said...

Why exactly is the CCP worried about population loss? Is it because there aren't enough workers to take care of the pensioners? Well, they can call on the old comrades to do their duty to the Party and report to People's Retirement Camps. A few of those vacant apartment complexes will do nicely. Weld the doors closed, just like Covid. Then play some nice music and pipe in some nitrogen. Hey presto, no more pension problem. Xi seems hard enough to do this. And the people don't seem hard enough to resist. If the Uighurs didn't fight to stay out of camps, why would the Han?

If the problem is not enough future workers, I don't think it's a real problem. By the time a baby born today is old enough to work, there will be so much more manual work done by robots, and so much thought-labor done by AI, that the problem will be finding jobs for people, not vice versa. Better they're not born at all than have to repeat the apartment-building extermination drill, especially if half or more will be males (see below).

Is the problem finding women for the excess military-age males? That is a problem. And the Han-chauvinist CCP doesn't want to solve it by importing non-Chinese women, even closely related Asian groups. Plus, an excess MAM cohort will probably not go to the camps so easily, especially with no wives or children to worry about. And if the MAM's are educated, they are exactly the population revolutionaries come from. Still, encouraging births, without doing something to offset the cultural preference for sons, will only make the excess-MAM problem worse.


n.n said...

We also had DEI to set class quotas, redistributive change schemes, progressive waste, fraud, and abuse that disenfranchised our [unPlanned] Posterity. What is a feminine gender person to do? Abort, pehaps. Withold "friendship", too.

n.n said...

Single or single-sex relationships are a burden on viability. Pehaps opening womb farms would stimulate social progress in the woke of Choice.

Lazarus said...

"If you cannot get married and start a family within three quarters, the company will terminate your labor contract...."

You left out the part about being turned into a lobster ...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Anyone who's undergone "rectification" knows it's nothing to look forward to.

MadTownGuy said...

"Now that Beijing is trying to do the opposite, it is taking a backdoor approach, perhaps to avoid setting off large-scale resistance."

mccullough said...

No such thing as a private company in a commie-fascist country like China.

Lazarus said...

"That used to be us." - Tom Friedman

Zeihan says that the Chinese have been cooking their demographic stats to conceal that the population is much lower than the official figures, and that it's way too late to reverse the trend. In his view, there will hardly be a China in the next few decades.

"Sept cent chinois
Et moi, et moi, et moi"
-- Jacques Dutronc

1.4 billion people aren't going to disappear, but the 2030s will be fun, with both Mars and China coming looking for women.

n.n said...

Community... commie organizers narrate shared responsibility like a handmade tale.

Bob Boyd said...

I don't think you can get pregnant from that, can you?

Bob Boyd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

Central planning didn’t plan for this? Maybe they should sack the central planners.

Narr said...

Lazarus, Zeihan's point is that the 1.4 billion figure is bogus. Maybe he's wrong, but either way it's too late to grow the productive part of the population--and if they succeed in creating a baby boom, that just increases the burden on the producing cohorts.

More grannies and babies but shrinking (or merely stable)
numbers of workers is no way to rescue a country in decline.

stlcdr said...

This is what happens when government of any kind coerces - by force or punishment - certain behavior of the people. It’s particularly egregious when it’s a so-called democratic government.

Sheridan said...

No room for love? Reminds me of old newsreels from Italy and Germany highlighting the mass production/raising of babies.

GingerBeer said...

Was the NYTs Thomas Friedman, NYTs resident CCP fangirl, unavailable for comment?

mccullough said...

When you don’t have enough young people to help take care of the old people, the old people die earlier.

China is losing population rapidly.

RMc said...

I'm so old, I remember when the Chinese birth rate was too high...

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...
"So this is the society that democrats want us to emulate. Got it."

No...NOT got it. When did you invent the notion the Democrats want us to emulate China?

Supporter of Central Planning feigns ignorance of all of his support of Central Planning in the past. Now defends Democrat Central Planners blindly and stupidly.

Cook used to criticize Democrats at one point. But never forget it was because he thought they should lean harder into authoritarian central planning.

Stupidity or Bad Faith? Either way Trump broke Robert Cook and turned him into this flailing dishonest incoherent mess.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

"MadTownGuy said...
"Now that Beijing is trying to do the opposite, it is taking a backdoor approach,"

Historic form of birth control?

Sally327 said...

I appreciate the reminder of how happy I am to have been born an American. My employer just wants me to fill out the time card correctly and be sure to call in if I'm going to be out sick.

I guess parents have to modify that, don't be thinking you have to marry the first guy/gal who comes along, take your time, there's no rush...

Deep State Reformer said...

What an awful society China has. Two decades ago they'd pull women out their home and induce them to abort (gify China "one child policy''). And now this. Less of a society and more like curated ant colony.

Sally327 said...


Wilbur said...

Good luck working there if you're gay. Doing a beard marriage is one thing, but producing a child gets a little tricky.
Rectification indeed.

Sally327 said...

Ignore the test email, I think I've been selected for special evaluation.

FullMoon said...

"Sally327 said...
Ignore the test email, I think I've been selected for special evaluation.

3/9/25, 1:30 PM"

Not only you.

gilbar said...

Leland said...
"Central planning didn’t plan for this? Maybe they should sack the central planners."

Obviously, the problem is inefficient Central Planners..
This is frequently a problem..
There IS a solution though.. in fact there is ALWAYS a solution!
the solution is: MORE CENTRAL PLANNERS affecting MORE control!

IF we Just Get Enough central planners.. They can plan EVERYTHING!
Problems SOLVED!

Just THINK how efficiently we could make pencils with ENOUGH CENTRAL PLANNING!!
(well, we probably don't Even NEED pencils anymore.. maybe the central planners will quit planning them? or not)

Ampersand said...

Relationships, especially heterosexual ones, are difficult. Before birth control and sexual equality, the relationship was a secondary effect of a marital/reproductive choice. Now, marital and reproductive choices are secondary offshoots from the relationship. Feminism's strong preference for female unhappiness guarantees that fewer relationships will produce offspring.

rehajm said...

Peachy and Achilles lead us with the mantra: Central Planning Always Fails…

Achilles said...

rehajm said...
Peachy and Achilles lead us with the mantra: Central Planning Always Fails…

And the solution to the failure of Central Planning is -always- more Central Planning.

rehajm said...

Some of those commies were educated at Ivy B schools- how about some money for every baby? People respond to incentives besides the stick. Maybe the stick is too much fun if you’re the one wielding it…

Narr said...

In China the One Child (in practice, the One Son) policy sometimes came up against the Confucian cultural conditioning -- and lost.

A neighbor (friend and former work colleague) is married to a mainland Chinese woman who is about 50 who has two sisters. Her father must have been rich and/or connected, to be allowed three chances.

reader said...

At least they’re not asking for a list of 5 things they worked on last week.

bagoh20 said...

Ah, the efficiency of central planning.

bagoh20 said...

Baby factories with surrogate mothers and visiting sperm donors would reduce down time.

Drago said...

Achilles: " Either way Trump broke Robert Cook and turned him into this flailing dishonest incoherent mess."

Indeed. In precisely the same way that Bernie was exposed as nothing more than a fully captured, paid off, democratical NPC-er hack who, in the end, will do precisely as he is told by the DNC.

Why would anyone be surprised at this point?

rehajm said...

Chinese companies have quarters? Who knew?

MaxedOutMama said...

I'm guessing this was aimed more at men - women aren't going to be having children in their 50s.

lonejustice said...

Elon Musk has 14 children. He would fit right in. Hopefully this won't be a requirement for working for Tesla or DOGE.

lonejustice said...

Elon Musk has 14 children. Hopefully this won't apply to workers at Tesla and DOGE.

Achilles said...

lonejustice said...
Elon Musk has 14 children. He would fit right in. Hopefully this won't be a requirement for working for Tesla or DOGE.

Uniparty mediocrities who lived parasitically off the system always hate the producers that support them.

That hate shows up in silly non-sequiturs.

Trump and Musk are making the political class losers look bad at every level.

Kevin said...

Tyler: I’m keeping your license. I’m gonna check in on you. I know where you live. If you’re not on your way to becoming a veterinarian in six weeks you will be dead! Now run on home.

[Raymond gets up and runs into the night.]

Tyler: Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel’s life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical lonejustice: "Elon Musk has 14 children. He would fit right in. Hopefully this won't be a requirement for working for Tesla or DOGE."


Jesus, no wonder you are well established as the intellectual runt of the LLR-democratical Brigade litter.

Spoken like every other leftist at Althouse blog....after having expended so much effort trying to present yourself as a "muh principles" "conservative".

Back to the drawing board, eh?

Mason G said...

"Joe Biden has a crackhead son. Hopefully, his won't be a requirement for working for the government."

Sounds pretty silly, doesn't it?

Mason G said...

"his" = "this"

n.n said...

From one-child to delegated selective-child. How very progressive.

lonejustice said...

I once long ago met a fundamental Mormon polygamist with 3 wives who didn't even have 14 children. Elon Musk is on a roll that these polygamists would envy.

Rocco said...

James K said...
"…I'm guessing there will be a lot of fake marriages.

Reminds me of “I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry”:

Rocco said...

lonejustice said...
I once long ago met a fundamental Mormon polygamist with 3 wives who didn't even have 14 children.

My great-great grandfather in Campania had 23 children by his two wives. He had about 15 with his first; then after she died, he had about 8 with his second. Of those 23, 15 survived childhood. Of those 15, 14 were girls.

Rocco said...

Narr said...
…Zeihan's point is that the 1.4 billion figure is bogus.

I read an article by a demographer - it might have been Zeihan for all I know - that said the real number could be as low as 800 million and the decline is already at a point that they aren’t expected to be at for another decade.

Mason G said...

I once met a progressive couple who didn't have any trans children.

You never know.

Meade said...

Dad, who would’ve been 99 y-o today, fathered 5 children (that we knew of) all 5 surviving childhood, college and are now all in their 70’s. Mom gave birth to those same 5, as far as we know, and would’ve also been 99 in 10 days from today. Both got to know 6 grandchildren and Mom got hold 11 great-grandchildren. I’d like to think they did their part to make America great again and again and again.

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