March 25, 2025

"I just deleted my account. I only signed up for this bc my younger brother had suspicions that our Dad was not his real biological father..."

"... and that he and I were just so.....different.....from our older siblings. They had no interest in education beyond high school (surprise surprise, they all voted for Trump), while he and I were voracious re: higher education. So he signed up and discovered that he was right. He told me the deal and asked if I would sign up too, bc he trusted me to not freak out. Sure enough, we have the same bio-dad and my bro eventually discovered that we have 2 half-siblings that he met up with in January and introduced me to them via Zoom. Strange feeling."

A comment at the Washington Post article, "Delete your DNA from 23andMe right now
The genetic information company declared bankruptcy on Sunday, and California’s attorney general has issued a privacy 'consumer alert.'"

There are also plenty of comments expressing doubt that the data really is deleted. I was just highly amused to find another example of Trump showing up everywhere. Also, this man is flattering himself for his virtuous liberalism and, at the same time, expressing a belief in genetic determinism.


RCOCEAN II said...

how is anyone going to misuse your DNA? I dont see it.

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, I got sent Jeffrey Goldberg's DNA test by mistake. Just as I thought, he's 10 percent Jewish and 90 percent asshole.

mindnumbrobot said...

"They had no interest in education beyond high school (surprise surprise, they all voted for Trump)..."

The consistency with which modern liberals are such insufferable assholes is astonishing.

Political Junkie said...

Remember, many of these "lots of education or else" folks were liberal to moderate Rs for decades and decades, while the GED, high school, JC folk were D. "Their not our type, dear" syndrome again.

mezzrow said...

Trump is a political and cultural reagent of surpassing power.

That 'TDS' that gets unearthed in the most unlikely places is so strong. There's a better word for this.

We have people here that are good with words for the product of this reaction much better than derangement. If only we had some close readers with an interest and enough cultural swerve. What is this thing called?

It's not love.

Political Junkie said...

Jeffrey Goldberg is an asshole. 100%.Jonah Goldberg is better, but not much.

Aggie said...

Once you've given your consent to participate, your data is freely copied and distributed without your explicit permission. The internet is 'forever', for those that seek to profit, by the book, or by hook and crook.

Old and slow said...

Wait until they find out that Musk bought the database to train Grok...

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quayle said...

I gotta have someone to hate so I can be a good person.

rrsafety said...

It is likely that AncestryDOTcom will buy the company out of bankruptcy, so if you are a gambler, keep your data on the site.

Robert Marshall said...

So the thing that makes you and your brother "better" than your stupid (non-college) Trump-voting older brothers, better in a genetically-predictable way, is that the 'baby-daddy' you both secretly share is your cheating mom's secret boyfriend, who is cuckolding the man's who is putting the food on your table. Just be thankful you never have to share Thanksgiving dinner with this nightmare family!

boatbuilder said...

"They had no interest in education beyond high school (surprise surprise, they all voted for Trump)..."

I suspect that the comment is about as genuine as the old "Penthouse Forum" letters.

But if true, I'm wondering whether the "older siblings" are successful while the commenter is still pursuing "higher education"

Achilles said...

RCOCEAN II said...
how is anyone going to misuse your DNA? I dont see it.

An easy example would be creating "hair" and "skin" and dropping it in crime scenes.

Leland said...

A progressive with daddy issues?
Doesn’t fit in with their own family?

How on brand can one be?

Achilles said...

They had no interest in education beyond high school (surprise surprise, they all voted for Trump), while he and I were voracious re: higher education.

The hardest thing for 90-110 IQ people is to accept they are average. Not sure what the exact standard deviation is but somewhere around 66% of people are in between 90-110.

And they desperately want to be special and smart.

They could be a barista right out of high school but they take 6-8 years of remedial classes and get a bunch of school loans that can never be discharged then become a barista.

That makes them one of the smart people.

rhhardin said...

"Same milkman" used to the the joke for resemblances.

Lawnerd said...

I interviewed with 23andme to be in house counsel for their therapeutics division. Their legal group set off red flags during the interview so I politely declined - which was difficult given the star quality scientists they had hired. Sad that it isn’t a sustainable business and that the therapeutics division didn’t get any traction.

Lawnerd said...

The credential snobbery of the left is obnoxious. My sister is gifted but never pursued a college degree for personal reasons. An advanced degree means shit today. It reminds me of the short story, The Marching Morons, which imagines a future where the majority of people are idiots who don’t realize they are idiots. One character had a PhD in fly fishing. Most degrees today are meaningless like a PhD in fly fishing and signify nithing.

RCOCEAN II said...

"I gotta have someone to hate so I can be a good person."

Trump hating liberals/leftists agree!

john mosby said...

Lots of non-genetic reasons why the two bastards went to college. They are the youngest; the family may have been more economically stable by then, plus maybe the back door baby daddy found a way to sneak them money, so they could absorb the direct and opportunity costs of college. Also maybe the interval between the oldest and the bastards corresponded with the general cultural shift toward higher education. Maybe the mum’s affair was part of her general delayed awakening, which included intellectual as well as sexual exploration, so she raised the bastards in a more learning-centric environment. Maybe the mum was always afraid her infidelity would be discovered and her husband would disown the bastards, so she encouraged them to get as much education as possible to help them make their own way in the world.

Of course, the genetic component could be that baby daddy was a bullshit artist, and thus able to seduce honest working class housewives, and his bastards inherited the bullshit gene, which made them gravitate to college versus an apprenticeship or even a non-physical but still high-risk bullshitter’s field such as sales.


mccullough said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome is genetic?

Ambrose said...

The requisite off-topic anti-Trump virtue signal irked me too, but great point on the genetic determinism.

Lazarus said...

I was going to post about this last night. I gave WAPO my email last week to read an article and yesterday they sent me an email with the story telling us to delete our data immediately. So now I guess I have to do that.

While this guy is a jerk, I can sort of understand the impulse. I wanted to find out if I had some exotic ancestor who made my DNA an interesting mix and made me a part of the world's whirl of activity down through the ages. But no, our ancestors were all stay-at-homes. A foreign soldier or barbarian raider passing through contributed an infinitesimal share of DNA, but there was no exotic ancestor or traces of forbidden interethnic romance in my genetic material -- and now I really am not a "person of diversity" in any sense of the word.

It was such a letdown that I didn't get around to looking at the health reports until now. Lucky me. Whatever is wrong with my health can't be blamed on my ancestors.

Yancey Ward said...

Lawnerd, I referred to that story once before here at Althouse six or seven years ago but I couldn't remember the title or the author at time.

Darkisland said...

Why bother deleting DNA from 23 and Me? The lab that processed it was in China. They might say they deleted it but will they?

I predicted tears 10 years ago when they first came on the scene.

I still think the DNA collected was used in developing the Kung Flu virus so as to particularly attack Americans/Europeans and pass over Chinese.

3500 deaths per million in US. 4 (four)/mm in China. Yeah, I don't trust either set of numbers either. Even allowing for significant shenanigans with both sets, 10X is one hell of a disparity.

John Henry

Wince said...

If they want their data deleted, call Hillary.

n.n said...

Curated vaxxxines perchance viral pandemics.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah credentialed jerks with a degree. If the best thing you have in life is the set of initials after your name--B.S. J.D. Ph. D. or M.D. as a person you are not all that and a bag of chips. That's not to say that possessors of such--and I am one such-- are not decent people. But the things I'm proud of are husband, father, citizen and community volunteer. Not the initials.

Firstgen said...

So liberals really are dumber.

Darkisland said...

One character had a PhD in fly fishing. Most degrees today are meaningless like a PhD in fly fishing and signify nithing.

You cite a fictional story but I would be willing to bet $5 that there is a real person out there who has gotten a PhD in fly fishing from a reputable university in the past 10 years.

Forget the bet. I just asked Grok and they had 3 people whose PhD dissertations were specifically on fly fishing.

For our Nebraska crew, there is Corey Willard of U Nebraska Lincoln whose dissertation in 2020 was "Wading Midstream A cultural study of fly fishing in North American literature"

John Henry

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It was always clear that most of these DNA sites had EULAs that gave them as much or more control over "my" data than I would have. The ones that claimed to "not share" still had no guarantee they would keep that policy indefinitely.

I kept (most of) my DNA to myself.

MadisonMan said...

I suspect that a deleted account doesn't actually delete all data. Any thinking person should know this.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Born libtard. A birth defect that handicaps everyone else.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

how is anyone going to misuse your DNA? I dont see it.

This is the rare rcocean comment that I can't decide which way to read, so I just assume he's being ambiguous in purpose on purpose.

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcrosse said...

Richard Brautigan did quite well with Trout Fishing in America, although without a doctorate in it.

Dave Begley said...

The notion that only the "smart" and "educated" people are Dems and voted for Harris is a fallacy of the first order. Believing in CAGW is a sign of intense stupidity and tribalism.

I do admit to have fallen for this canard in undergrad. Most of the professors were liberal and I wanted to be associated with the smart, morally good and educated people. I was a callow youth with an impressionable mind.

Hassayamper said...

"Same milkman" used to be the joke for resemblances.

No American under age 60 has ever seen a milkman. I hear they still exist in the UK though.

Hassayamper said...

Forget the bet. I just asked Grok and they had 3 people whose PhD dissertations were specifically on fly fishing.

That's not really too wacky for someone who wants to have a career as a wildlife biologist. Certainly it's a more legitimate and useful field of inquiry than half of the other PhD's that are awarded these days.

Temujin said...

Well...he denigrates his other 'siblings' for not getting properly educated.
But who's trying to remove their DNA data from 23&Me today?

Achilles said...

They had no interest in education beyond high school (surprise surprise, they all voted for Trump), while he and I were voracious re: higher education.

One of the reasons the left is losing their shit right now is because the entire government corruption scam and theft of US taxpayer dollars is being shown to everyone.

And the reason they are so angry is that they created an entire corrupt network of NGOs that they used to push leftist agendas.

But more germane to this topic they were able to pay a bunch of mediocre people to do worthless things and claim unearned social status. This goes for 95% of University employees as well as NGO employees.

Achilles said...

Hassayamper said...
"Same milkman" used to be the joke for resemblances.

No American under age 60 has ever seen a milkman. I hear they still exist in the UK though

This isn't true. There are still companies delivering milk door to door.

It is better milk than you can get in the supermarket and more convenient.

rehajm said...

The new and different WaPoo is not so different. Quelle Suprise…

Kakistocracy said...

Just think who will want to buy 23andMe's assets in bankruptcy. They really only have the one asset. Your data. Consider the first three names that pop into your head.

Deleting your data should be common sense.

rehajm said...

still the best milkman joke. Second place was some commercial where dad discovers the baby has the same cowlick as the milkman

rehajm said...

…and yes, it’s cowlick…

Lazarus said...

Ferd Berfel really got around back in the day.

The comment to the WAPO article sounds a little sketchy.
Letters to advice columns are often made up and have been for years. Maybe that's true of comments to articles now.

tcrosse said...

One of the running gags on Laugh In was that the Farkle kids were all redheads, as was the next door neighbor.

Art in LA said...

I love being reminded that I am the dumbest guy on the interwebs.

Larry J said...

mindnumbrobot said...

The consistency with which modern liberals are such insufferable assholes is astonishing.

That’s true. Their self-worth and identity is tied up in their education credentials, even if their degree is worthless. At the same time, they resent that a skilled tradesman makes more than they do even without a degree. Try hiring a plumber or electrician to do some work at your home as see how much their talents cost.

Rusty said...

"The notion that only the "smart" and "educated" people are Dems ...."
The notion that they're smart is disproved every day by the lefties that show up here.

mezzrow said...

All this milkman talk makes me confess. It's a thing I used to do in my youth. No extra curricular activities were associated at all, and I was fit, young, and single at the time.

Anyone else here ever pilot a mighty Divco? Could you drive it while standing? The smell of unhooking the ammonia lines to the truck at 2 AM is a thing never to be forgotten.

Ah, memories.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

Does he ever comment on Real Dad's intellectual/educational status? Poor dear, Real Dad must've gone to state school and voted for Deez Nuts, else wise we would've heard all about it.

Biff said...

I am in my mid-fifties, and it remains a running joke in the family that I resembled my neighborhood milkman far more than I resembled my dad. I have never taken a DNA test.

One issue that may arise from disclosure of 23andme test results would be disclosure of risk for pre-existing health conditions, which could impact insurance coverage and even employability. Another issue would be disclosure of sensitive family relationships, i.e., milkman parentage, etc., that could fracture families.

As an aside, many people incorrectly assume that 23andme data is covered by HIPAA. It's not. Most "health and wellness" apps and services go to considerable lengths to avoid activities that would place them under HIPAA purview, since that can significantly limit the commercial value of the collected data.

Hassayamper said...

One issue that may arise from disclosure of 23andme test results would be disclosure of risk for pre-existing health conditions, which could impact insurance coverage and even employability.

Neither health insurance providers nor employers may lawfully use genetic data.

It is legal for life, disability, or long-term care insurance underwriting, but those companies typically take a sample of their own from you rather than buying it on the gray market.

Gravel said...

tcrosse - If you're never heard them, the band Trout Fishing in America is actually quite good.

Martin said...

No data is ever deleted.

For our Nebraska crew, there is Corey Willard of U Nebraska Lincoln whose dissertation in 2020 was "Wading Midstream A cultural study of fly fishing in North American literature"

John Henry that only means they have a Ph.D. in reading about Fly Fishing. They probably can't actually catch a fish or even tie a fly.

pious agnostic said...

So, their mom cheated on her husband so often with their bio-dad that it resulted in two full-term pregnancies.

The sinful nature of that union resulted in siblings who didn't vote for Trump.

Got it.

Anthony said...

I used to love all those stories of people getting their DNA results back and finding out they had a different daddy. Or additional half-siblings.

Hassayamper said...

the band Trout Fishing in America is actually quite good.

So is Leftover Salmon. I saw them at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival about ten or twelve years ago.

Biff said...

Hassayamper said...
"Neither health insurance providers nor employers may lawfully use genetic data."

Of course, but that doesn't mean the data won't be used unlawfully.

Bruce Hayden said...

"They had no interest in education beyond high school (surprise surprise, they all voted for Trump)..."

“The consistency with which modern liberals are such insufferable assholes is astonishing.”

Yes. At one time, a college degree probably really meant something. Now, we just spent 4 years with an Administration that demanded that everyone defer to a woman with an advanced degree (EdD av IQ~100), awarded to distinguish them from those with lower IQs (teachers av IQ <100) by calling her “Doctor”.

For the most part it’s a bunch of mediocre people completely lacking in common sense, pretending to be much smarter than they are, because they can parrot the idiot talking points they are fed. Mass illegal immigration of criminals is good? We can spend our way out of inflation? Cloth masks reduce the spread of a virus? CO2 is a pollutant? It’s all idiotic, and most everyone here, at least, knew it.

Of those I grew up with, the kids that tried college for maybe a semester, and had the common sense to know that they would be wasting their time and money going to college, if they continued, ended up far richer than those of us who dutifully got our college degrees. Think of the Bill Gates of the world (reportedly with 1600 SATs), dropping out of Harvard his first year.

Enigma said...

Nothing online is ever truly deleted. That has been the standard working strategy of tech-informed people since the 1980s.

Also see the "have an affair" website Ashley Madison, where one could pay extra $$$$ to be "deleted" but they really just set a code in the database and didn't delete anyone. Then the database was hacked and leaked.

Gunner said...

Congrats! Your mom is a ho!

Mason G said...

"Congrats! Your mom is a ho!"

Well, sure- but... does she hate Trump? Isn't that what *really* matters?

J Scott said...

A degree in actual fly-fishing would be more useful I think then, whatever "Wading Midstream A cultural study of fly fishing in North American literature"" is.

ChrisSchuon said...
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ChrisSchuon said...

My mother in law and her siblings (one male, one female) did 23andme, and the results came back that my MIL's sister had a different father. They have no idea who sperm-contributor was. It made me think much less of the grandmother, of whom I was generally very fond. The two women didn't tell the brother, because they didn't want him to know his mother was unfaithful. The two sisters are extremely close, and also fanatically pro-abortion. I really pissed off my MIL when I said it was a good thing abortion wasn't available in the 50's because her sister would probably have been aborted.

Tina Trent said...

It's also possible that those older siblings knew what was going on but were too kind to tell their younger brothers. They must know now and also know that one of these brothers is calling them stupid and their mother a whore in the Washington Post.


Tina Trent said...

How could someone use your DNA? A few serial killers were identified when law enforcement asked these agencies to share their DNA databases. When a close match was found, like a sibling or parent, they were approached and asked to help solve the crimes. Some refused, but others didn't.

Gospace said...

Achilles said...
This isn't true. There are still companies delivering milk door to door.

Where? I haven't yet decided where to retire- a place where milk is delivered could move into my list...

But to the siblings who think they're smarter or more intelligent- likely, to use Voxday's term, midwits, in the 110-120 IQ range. I've met a lot of them, who know they're smarter then most, but think they're smarter then everyone around them. They're not. Where am I on the scale? There are conversion scales for other tests to IQ. My 1973 SATs were 750M/760V, my Navy GCT/ARI 73/69. I've spent a lot of time with midwits trying to prove me wrong about something. Had a supervisor (hired from the good pl' boy network) ask me once why I didn't let one of them win an argument once in a while. My answer was simple- the equipment doesn't care about who wins an argument- it cares about being operated properly. Opinions don't matter- facts do.

I voted for Trump.

One thing Voxday gets wrong is that a >20 IQ difference means two people can't meaningfully communicate with each other. High IQ to midwit has problems- because the midwit is just that- a midwit who thinks he's smarter. In retail where I worked part time for a long time, the people who know they aren't all that bright who know it communicated really well with me. As one put it one time as I was leaving the store- "You answer my questions, you don't treat me like a dummy." Bureaucrats are mostly in the midwit range. It's rather obvious from his successes in life Trump is well above the midwit range. Why s many midwits keep trying to prove him wrong. They think they're better then he is.

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