NEW: Comedian Bill Burr says he is mad at Elon Musk, calls him a "nerd" who doesn't "know how to talk to hot women."
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) March 20, 2025
The comments come days after Burr directly compared Elon Musk to Adolf Hitler.
Behar: "Is there anybody getting your ire up more these days than usual?"
I heard Tim Dillon — who's kind of my favorite comedian — make a similar joke on his podcast that came out on March 13th: "Now I understand there's man children out there that wanna fly rockets to Mars because they can't fly their penis into a vagina."
Did Burr just steal Dillon's joke, sanitize it, and run over to talk about it with the "hot women" on "The View"?!
A few things.
First - Showing yourself on "The View" - you are cancelled by me. Freedom.
Behar(D) said "Do they not realize that they're gonna d*e, these people?"
It's a dumb joke because how many children does Elon have? Landing women is not a problem for him. For jokes to be funny, they have to have a kernel of truth.
Who is this person? This is commentary on the level one would expect from junior-high boys. Not particularly bright ones.
This is the kind of sexism you used to hear all the time half a century ago.
Yeah, but it's directed at men so it's ok.
If anything, Elon Musk is going out of his way to declare his ability to impregnate fertile women. So incompetent joke thieving isn't going to work.
And sure Bill Burr can go after Elon Musk's family, it's a pretty typical lifestyle on the left, but we don't know what the name of Burr's son is. If he is indeed Burr's son, because being completely unnamed is otherwise very odd for a celebrity family in America unless he's been locked in a basement.
Wow - The View really attracts great comedic talent! (Sarc)
Grimes is hot. What is this dork talking about?
Jealousy - straight up.
“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.
This is known as 'bad luck.'"
― Robert Heinlein (The Notebooks Of Lazarus Song)
Bill Burr's descendants are going to look back on what the nerds produced with awe saying, "truly...they were as giants, but at least we got laid."
"The View" is the low IQ landing for all the leftists now. wow.
I saw a quote from Sen. John Kennedy this morning. He was saying that the GOP's secret strategy was to just let the Democrats keep talking. Looks like it's paying off.
"Bill Burr goes on "The View" and insults nerds... sexistly" Also confirms once more the Althouse theorem that people don't believe what they profess to believe.
Progs profess that fighting climate change is an existential duty yet try to destroy the one successful US company that helps the fight.
Progs profess that sexism is a mortal sin but mindlessly deploy it against a political opponent. Same with homophobic slurs (tea baggers, anyone?).
Progs profess to be the party of Science yet relish deriding nerds for nerdiness, particularly the top nerd in applied science. Their revealed preference is for knuckleheads like Tim W.
Besides imagined political advantage, do progs believe in anything these days?
Burr steal a joke? Wouldn’t be the first time.
Everytime I think of Elon and the DOGE boys I'm reminded of The Faint song, The Geeks Were Right:
Egghead boys
With thin white legs
They've got modified features
And software brains
But that's what the girls like
The geeks were right
Predator skills
Chemical wars
Plastic islands at sea
Watch what the humans ruin
With machines
When I saw the future…
The geeks were right Bill. The geeks were right.
Bill Burr has been the number one stand-up comic ever since Louis CK got caught jerking off in front of impressionable young female comics. Burr's been saying basically the same thing about the nerds and frat boys for the last five years. Just because you love that ridiculous fat f*** Tim Dillon doesn't mean that he invented comedy. He has several tiers below Bill Burr in terms of talent and popularity. It is much more likely that Tim Dylan stole these ideas from Burr rather than the other way around.
NerdX? NerdY.
Feminists are from Venus, masculinists are from Mars, progressives woke from Uranus. There's no time for Pluto nor Saturn, sadly.
And Joy Behar is a rancid cow, lol!
Bill needs to read up on Oppenheimer.
" Burr's been saying basically the same thing about the nerds and frat boys for the last five years."
So he doesn't have any new material? Anything funny?
I like Burr and think he's funny. He's known for a very aggressive comedy and will sometimes say unwoke and bold humor. I would imagine that The View is not a place where he can rip into his best stuff.
I think Burr's making the rounds to promote his Broadway opening of Glengarry. I would pay to see him play any of those roles.
Bill Burr can hate Musk if he wants, but it's disappointing that he forgot or pretends to have forgotten how people work.
Some women are attracted to wealth and power. Musk would have no problem getting laid.
The "Hot Crazy Matrix" is a comedy trope that has been around a long time. Talking to seriously hot women isn't always that great.
There are nerd girls now. Not just the genius women who can invent things faster and better in the MCU, but actual women who like gaming and space tech.
I don't know what's going on with Bill Burr. He was better when he criticized everyone.
Bill sat on a Burr and brayed what a good GeekX am I.
Burr who?
another possibility is Bill Burr was paid a lot of money to be on the show. He agreed - but brought his lame jokes.
Genderism is haute couture in a progressive climate (PC).
The thing is, Elon Musk is a world historical figure. We are talking a stature along with the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, and Edison. He will be in the history books.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Teddy Roosevelt - From the speech "Citizenship in a Republic" I recommend reading the whole thing.
I will say that I liked Burr's take on the WNBA.
Lots of F-bombs, NSFW
Bill Burr isn’t funny for shit. He’s one a these rant bitches. Everything’s just vomiting forth invectives and insults in a manic stream of some kinda consciousness. He also talks big about kicking ass, which you know, let’s go Bill.
Bill Burr? Bill Burr? Passe.
You people are such candy ass snowflakes. As soon as someone has anything negative to say about any of your Lords or saviors you have a hissy fit. You people sound exactly like the libs on PMSNBC crying about Doge.
I can't remember where I read it, but someone left a comment on another blog long ago about how foreigners perceive American television, and that so many foreign families (I can confirm this to be the case) work hard to keep their kids away from American television and sitcoms because they "celebrate mediocrity".
In America, we glorify the football quarterback, and denigrate the math wiz. We elevate the blonde high-school bimbo who developed early, while ignoring the shy nerdy spelling bee champion wallflower. We celebrate the sexual acumen of the dumbest among us while telling the guys on the chess team who build their own radios to "have sex incel". Thusly, Chinese and Japanese and Indian 10 year olds can intellectually run circles around our high school seniors while our high school seniors are debating what gender they are.
The future doesn't just belong to those who show up for it, but to those who are properly prepared for it, and if the sex-obsessed jerkwads of both sexes want a future American society that resembles Idiocracy, they can continue celebrating mediocrity and laughing at the geniuses they won't screw.
Leftist Bill Burr goes on the Far-Left show "The view" and attacks the current Leftwing hate target, Elon Musk. Wow, who could have seen that happening. Talk about edgy!
Bill Burr has made a great career move. He burst on the scene as an edgy "Not PC" comedian, and lots of rightwing/Center-righ types liked him and gave his a career boost. Now, he's just become a standard issue leftist mocking the approved targets. Burr's done a Lettermann.
Full disclosure -I"ve never thought he was funny. BTW, Elon Musk judging by his wives and kids DOES Know how to talk to "Hot Women". Maybe Burr can show us all the "Hot Women" he dated BEFORE he became a mulit-millionaire.
You know what's funny? Bill Burr going on "The View" to talk about hot women.
Burr can be funny, but remember that he is in a precarious position where he could be cancelled out of his sweet gig at any moment. Just like any of them. So it doesn't pay for him to think too deeply about the stuff he is fed by his friends in the media, the ones who keep his career going by giving him oxygen. There are lots of funny people in this world, people as funny as Burr, but most of them are not given the oxygen of media. He knows it.
Isn't one of Elon's problems that he's had too many kids by too many women?
I'm generally a fan of Burr's edgy Boston crank jerk humor. It's disappointing that he's decided to go with the lefties on this. Getting clapter on The View is not a good look.
*many of us wish we had Elon's "problems"
Interesting how the pols on both sides, manipulate their followers by painting the other side as sexually unattractive. With the Right, its always "Homely cat ladies" or "Some ugly leftist who'd couldn't get a date". With the left its "Oh, those nerdy rightwingers who couldn't get a date". "Oh, those angry losers who cant talk to women" "Oh, that weird uncle who supports Trump".
The leftwing attacks hit harder because they have all the comedians, and control TV and Hollywood.
Burr's best comedy comes from his observations of his own life experiences, that's his wheelhouse and his bread and butter, not from interpreting what we all can see in the media just as well as he can.
So, Boatbuilder - how is Burr "edgy"? just askin' because I don't watch him.
"Some ugly leftist who'd couldn't get a date"???
I am trying to think of an example of that one. It almost sounds like a makeweight.
BTW, I suggest you go look at Zuckerberg's hot wife, and the other tech lords wives/girlfriends. It seems you don't need to know how to talk to "hot women" if you can let your money do it for you.
They hate the guy who is exposing the waste fraud and abuse, not the people doing it. Why is that?
I don’t know if Musk knows how to talk to hot women but he does seem to know how to impregnate them. In that context Burr’s schtick bombs as comedy. Of course it succeeds on The View for the usual reasons…
Maybe Burr's wife is really touchy these days. Lots of Dems are. Maybe he's projecting when he talks about not knowing what to say to a woman.
RC--Ron Winkleheimer posted his take on the WNBA above. Or just go to YouTube and watch a few of his rants.
Given his body of work, it's hard to believe that he even got invited onto The View, let alone that he's sucking up to them.
I was standing with Bill Burr off-stage when Wanda Sykes was booed off the stage in Boston just after Trump's election in November 2016.
Wanda Sykes flips off booing crowd after anti-Donald Trump joke bombs
When Burr came over, he asked me why everyone was booing. Obviously, it was Boston, and with its racial history in the background, locals know there will always be decades-old suspicions. And Burr is married to a black woman, so I can understand why he felt the need to be able to explain the reason for the strong home-town audience reaction.
I told him it was because Sykes came to the stage basically lacking any funny material for the comedy fundraiser. It was clear to many if not most she flew in to town thinking "clapter" would simply ensue because it was deep blue Boston.
By way of contrast, the audience (and I) had laughed at Dennis Leary and other comedians earlier in the show when they made jokes about Trump -- because their jokes were funny!
Boston is a comedy hotbed, and the audiences are purists. She was booed when she just "called in" her set, because she lacked material. I was never so proud of the area when the audience was able to separate funny from unfunny, politics aside.
That said, I think Burr is a good guy, but lately he seems a little lost in terms of finding his comedic niche given his meteoric rise over the last several years.
Compare Bill Burr’s wife to the women Elon has fathered children with - Bill should keep his mouth shut he is embarrassing himself.
The idea that rockets are penis substitutes has been around for a long time. Nobody has to connect the dots like Bill Burr did. The dots really don't connect that way either, do they? The fellow who always has to have the most expensive car, biggest yacht, and most successful rocket may also be having a lot of sex (especially since he has the car, yacht, and rocket). Freud may have been right in seeing sex as the root of male competitiveness, but since Freud people have been thinking about that in a too simplistic way. Display attracts potential mates. If you want a lot of potential mates, you put on a big display, whatever your penis size. Even if you don't want a lot of potential mates, competitiveness is a big part of the culture, and on the whole we're better for it.
>Ann Althouse said...
I'm saying it's sexist because of the line: "All these tech nerds that want to build robots because they don’t know how to talk to hot women." This is the kind of sexism you used to hear all the time half a century ago. A negative personality trait...would be attributed to a failure to have sexual intercourse.<
Althouse's enduring quest to find sexism in ordinary situations.
Also, you have that last sentence backwards. Did the correct way (Failure to have sexual intercourse...would be attributed to a negative personality trait) - ie., the essence of his joke - for some imperceptible reason prevent it from screaming "sexism" to you? Curious since neither way has any flavor of sexism - they're simply about sex.
Burr has a point about the arrogance of "tech nerds" and he's not wrong about their influence on politicians. Musk was the only one he mentioned by name, but he was talking about them as group. Not all of them see things like Musk does, obviously. Take Gates, for example, or Zukabug or the Google guys.
Right after Burr dropped Musk's name he said they're going to trash this planet and move on to the next. Hyperbole, but also doesn't make much sense with regard to Musk. I mean Tesla, right? But Musk is an easy target these days if your in a left leaning room like Burr was there. Criticizing Musk is a guaranteed applause line on the View.
I like a lot of Burrs' stuff and he doesn't fit neatly into a politcal paradigm. He strongest material is often anti-woke but he has some old school liberal leanings. A lot of his humor on talk shows is off the cuff riffs.
Bill Burr is very funny, but this is just lazy hack stuff. The minute that any comic decides to wade into politics, they've lost. A lot of people blame his wife--Burr is definitely p-whipped.
I think they have blackmail material on Burr.
His wife also probably works in some industry that is going to get cut down because the industry is somehow supported by the waste and fraud that Musk is cutting.
Burr is funny, but this isn't, so he's being lazy. I can't imagine any of this would make into his standup routine. Maybe he's dumbing things down for The View's audience.
"Wanda Sykes flips off booing crowd after anti-Donald Trump joke bombs"
I should note it was not "one" Trump joke that bombed. Sykes was booed well into an incessant rant of Trump insults that lacked a true comedic hook. The audience after a while just had their fill and let her know. If she read the room or had any actual material, she would have moved on much earlier.
I used to listen to BB's podcast and he constantly was shitting on the woman at the View. And now he makes an appearance. Jokes on him!
Musk is better looking than Burr.
And Ashley St. Clair is a babe. And they had real sex.
Somewhat surprisingly (I would suggest) Musk seems to have had considerable success with hot women. At a young age he really worked on it. Getting close enough to talk to them, show concern about what they're concerned about, etc. Tell him what to do and he will do it.
But I agree that some of the tech lords, probably including Musk, are prepared to destroy life on this planet, provided there is some kind of backup on Mars, if they don't get what they want--including eternal life for an improved version of their body.
That one Alien movie, a big prison ship, the monster is on the loose and there is a meeting. We all know Ripley is going to be the only survivor. Do we have weapons? Not really. Upkeep of this ship has really fallen behind--the prisoners are manageable or something. Suddenly during this tense meeting, the ship audibly "starts up" and starts moving. Ripley or another visitor: what's happening? An old hand: by default, in certain conditions the ship starts up and heads off on a prescribed course. What course? Where are we going? Earth. A pause. I think the actor is Ron Perlman: "Earth? That shithole?"
Bob Boyd said...
Burr has a point about the arrogance of "tech nerds" and he's not wrong about their influence on politicians. Musk was the only one he mentioned by name, but he was talking about them as group. Not all of them see things like Musk does, obviously. Take Gates, for example, or Zukabug or the Google guys.
This is a generational split in engineers. There are 2 sets of engineers currently.
There is a set of Engineers that tends to be young and "diverse." There are very few Asian males in this set and the white males properly hate white men other than themselves. They care very much about race and gender.
This group of Engineers is what will kill the Human race with AI if they get the chance.
The other set of engineers had to actually pass calculus, write code in C, or figure out how to build a bridge that doesn't collapse. The only reason they care about race and gender is because the racists on the left are constantly bashing them in absolutely racist ways.
Bill Burr's wife hates Trump and gave him the double finger at an MMA show they were at. Seems like Bill has to tow the line or wifey might not be giving him any....In other words, he is P*SSY whipped.
mindnumbrobot said...
Burr is funny, but this isn't, so he's being lazy. I can't imagine any of this would make into his standup routine.
Advised by their agents, no national comedian wants to use material from their current routine at a non-paying gig. That's why many top comedians insist that the entire audience at live comedy shows put their phone in a Yondr pouch for the duration of the show.
Otherwise, the value of their tour-end HBO comedy special is basically zero.
Thanks for BB clips!
Bill is the new Howard Stern sell out. All the people these two guys used to make fun of, are their closest friends now. I'm sure Bill will be welcome on all the late night shows where they will all be patting him on the back for joining their elite group!
The whole "you're doing this because you cant get laid" is an old joke. Very old. It was used against the Nazis. The Nazis were also called Gay. Shirer in "Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich" insinuates HItler and some other Nazi leaders were homosexual. I'm sure there were plenty of Berlin nightclub comics were saying the same thing. Before they had to flee Germany or got put in jail.
Bill Burr was probably a drama student in HS. And the real enemy of the Drama students isn't the Jocks, its the nerds.
"Howard said...
You people are such candy ass snowflakes. As soon as someone has anything negative to say about any of your Lords or saviors you have a hissy fit."
Hey, is this the leftist "projection" we hear about?
Having grown up in suburban Boston I appreciate Burr. The Boston-Irish humor is something I grew up with and something I have learned to put a check on since it is not appreciated by everybody. He reminds me of home.
His big break was the Philadelphia rant (the crowd had booed a couple of performers off the stage). Warning: not for the faint of heart:
What Jenny said.
There is so much evidence to the contrary that the joke is just an insult to the audience. After so many years of gaslighting, the left doesn't even realize that the majority sees right past their viewpoint and looks at the real world.
On a related topic, X has regained its sell value. At a time when people are attacking all of Musk's enterprises, one of his most impactful procurements has regained its market value. I don't think Musk is hurting the way the left wants him to hurt. And we already know they are hoping someone will take one for the team.
So sad. They guy used to be hilarious. Now just another woke asshole. He joined the Springsteen - De Niro club.
Always funny to bash 'nerds' on the World Wide Web.
One of the top three nerds in my High School snagged the absolute hottest girl there. Ended up as CTO or something like, at Oracle I think. Hi, Roger!
The uber-geeky son of a British test pilot moved to France with his family at about age 18. Many years ago he sent me a photo of himself, wife, and kids. All stunningly beautiful women, no other word for it. Hybrid loveliness, like Concorde. Hi, Nick!
PM, like that moronic iPhone advert a few years ago, extolling the civilizational virtues of the artist and poet, and explicitly denigrating science and engineering as "interesting, but unimportant"
A damn iPhone ad.
YouTube short : If nerds are ‘making the laws’ and ‘making rockets and robots’… talking to hot women is a made up problem. People who make stuff don’t have problems. People who make stuff up do.
Women are attracted to smart, successful men. Women are attracted to men with money. Women are attracted to famous men and to powerful men.
I doubt Musk has problems attracting women. Probably just the opposite.
Uhoh. Now we've upset Howard. No Bill Burr is doing his schtick. This is his routine. Tim Dillion is more intellectual which is why Althouse likes him. I wish he would get rid of the cataract patient sun glasses, but hey, that's me. Neither one can fill Norms shoes.
Women do love their bad boys.
Truly there is nothing new under the sun, and comedians repeat worked-out material constantly. Musk will likely survive this assault on his manly virtues. Burr will move on to the next attractive cultural item. Some people will laff, others will huff and puff. I've gotten to the age where I like Dad jokes: I've been teaching my grandkid his letters of the alphabet and he's having a problem. He's only got 25 letters memorized. He doesn't know why.
Peachy said...
“Grimes is hot. What is this dork talking about?”
Precisely. Burr does not know the difference between a nerd and a dork.
RSM said…
Bill Burr's descendants are going to look back on what the nerds produced with awe saying, "truly...they were as giants, but at least we got laid."
1,500 years from now everyone on Earth (and Mars) will be descended from Elon Musk.
Wasn't Elon dating Amber Heard? Last I heard (Heh) people think she's pretty hot. I don't think any of Elon's partners are unattractive at all.
I look at all the "nerds" and they all have reasonably attractive mates.
What ARE these comedians talking about?!
AMDG said...
"His big break was the Philadelphia rant (the crowd had booed a couple of performers off the stage). Warning: not for the faint of heart:"
That was for the Opie and Anthony "Virus" tour.
Burr has turned into that guy he used to rant about.
Rocco said, "1,500 years from now everyone on Earth (and Mars) will be descended from Elon Musk."
Nah, I've planned for a few rastaflairians to still be around filling their boots in that big wide woorld.
Bill Burr must have had a quiet stroke about 5 years ago. Once my favorite comedian, but lately embarrassingly unfunny and conformist.
Bill who? Never heard of him. What has he contributed to society?
I think Burr's decline comes from too much time with celebrities. Nobody wants to alienate their circle.
Burr was knighted by the Hollywood elites, and put in a few movies and TV shows. He knows where his bread is buttered. Add to that, a devoted leftist wife (look her up) and it destroyed a great comedian.
Burr stole it from Dillon, who stole it from Bannon re Nerd rule.
The thing about the entertainment industry is that they don't like dissent. You have to come around to their political views or you become an outsider. (Like John Voight, Clint Eastwood and Mel Gibson.)
All your friends and business associates wear you down and you're expected to come around to their point of view to maintain your career and lifestyle. Just look at the people who used to act conservative and then became liberal when they started getting regular work (and a certian level of fame) in the entertainment industry. (People like Jimmy Kimmel and Denis Leary)
A solid reason of why your opinion should be taken seriously - when you say Musk is just like Hitler.
"Bill who? Never heard of him. What has he contributed to society?"
A couple of funny spoof DD commercials and some spoofing on Sam Adams beer. That's it. Unless foul language from the stage is your thing along with watching liberalism as a mental disease do its work on the brain.
And the real enemy of the Drama students isn't the Jocks, its the nerds.
Mid-tier bullies are the worst because they are trying so hard to prove they aren't at the bottom.
Burr's name is familiar to me, but I couldn't remember if I had seen him perform so I Googled him. I didn't see anything that I remember watching, but I did see he was doing a concert in the UAE this summer. I hope he does some of that edgy humor there where he compares people working with their government to Adolf Hitler. (Who knows, they might feel flattered.)
Bill Burr was (almost) cancelled a few years back. When he countered with "My wife is black" that did not go down well. Burr criticized cancel culture for a few years and then said last year that cancel culture was over. I guess he got tired of fighting against it. His wife warned him against going on the show -- his jokes about women weren't likely to down well with Joy and Whoopie, and maybe Bill's wife knew that he couldn't control himself -- but he did the show anyway.
"Achilles said...
This is a generational split in engineers. There are 2 sets of engineers currently.
There is a set of Engineers that tends to be young and "diverse." There are very few Asian males in this set and the white males properly hate white men other than themselves. They care very much about race and gender.
This group of Engineers is what will kill the Human race with AI if they get the chance."
Apparently Asian scientist Jiankui He is in this set. "It is scientifically feasible to depopulate India in 48 hours."
This is the first I had heard of him, but one of my sons was familiar and says he publishes a lot of cringe stuff.
On that note, it's been several years now since I first heard that China was working on a way to make Africa safe for the Chinese- by eliminating the current occupants using a bioweapon that targeted African DNA. There is a DNA difference between ethnic groups that exists whether or not you choose to believe it. Can you narrowly target it for disease? Probably- but I'm not in the know on how.
TBH- I don't recall whether I read that as a science fiction plot line or a for real murky intelligence type report.
I once had a brief conversation with a young FBI agent--a friend's son's friend--who was outraged that the media in Muslim countries was spreading stories that the CIA was developing lethal poisons and diseases that would target Muslims.
I said, "Sounds like good insurance to me."
Is Burr pulling a Howard Stern now that he has gotten a few acting gigs? Disappointing...
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