December 30, 2024

How's your attention span lately?


@marina_i_yasha #макакаЯша #обезьянкавдоме #макакарезус ♬ оригинальный звук - marina_i_yasha


Jaq said...

Well, I sat down this morning with a copy of Washington Irving's "A History of New York," and before I even got through the introduction, I found myself here looking at a TikTok of an ape scrolling a phone.

Dixcus said...

Silicon Valley has been studying the app's effect on the human brain since the very founding of Facebook in 2024 - so 20 years. They found that these apps - when configured in certain ways - cause the dispensing of dopamine in the human brain.

Dopamine is a regulated drug. It is highly addictive. The design of the apps is specifically configured to maximize the dispensation of dopamine hits at just the right intervals (they found that too much released too often actually acts like a drug overdose and kills the use of the app). So the app is designed to release dopamine in just the right amounts to keep the person addicted to the app.

Facebook and Tik-Tok are drug dispensing devices, designed to addict the user and place the user in a state most conducive to suggestion.

They should be banned.

Dixcus said...

ChatGPT on the use of Facebook/Tik-Tok/Blogger like apps:

"Using social media platforms like Facebook can cause dopamine release in humans. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. When people receive likes, comments, or other forms of social validation on social media, their brains release dopamine, creating a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. This can lead to a reinforcing loop where users continue to engage with the platform to experience these positive feelings.

Social Media Dopamine: The Hidden Addiction Behind Your Screen Time

Double-Tap Dopamine: The Science of Social Media Likes and Its Impact on Our Minds

Enigma said...

The sheep languished blue trains suffer.
Windows books dogs hands run.
Run desk making dinner sunglasses menu.
Folders pile swimming red clouds.
Sadness cups coffee printer power outage.
Porch steps run come here.

Curious George said...


mezzrow said...

Something for our gracious host (and Meade). See if you make it to the end. :)
The magisterial incomprehensibility of Bob Dylan’s ‘Visions of Johanna.’

Ghosts of Electricity

Jim at said...

How's my attention span lately?

Same as it ever was.
Same as it ever was.
Same as it ever was .....

Cappy said...


Lawnerd said...

Interesting that the monkey pauses on animal videos and swipes quickly past everything else.

Christy said...

Attention span? Hell, I wish I had the monkey's discipline to scroll quickly by those items of little intrest.

Wince said...

Watching that video makes me want to drink directly from a carton of Silk.

"He's eating paper!"

Jaq said...


Wince said...

Aside, that looks like an awful 'tough cookie' he's eating in the original video.

He should dunk it in some milk!

robother said...

Attention could be defined as giving each thing the attention it deserves.

Mad Anthony Wayne said...

Seeing if this will stop the italics...

Ann Althouse said...

"See if you make it to the end. :)"

Uh... what I see right here is you set off italics.

I will
close them.

Don't do that again, please.

Peachy said...


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

My attention span over the horizon, looking up for our drones, but it seems like the devil came down to Georgia and stole all of them. All drones don’t go to heaven.

Aggie said...

A post on attention spans, featuring a TikTok video of a monkey watching TikTok videos. It would be perfect if the monkey swiped past its own video - would that make it an infinity video?

mezzrow said...

"what I see right here is you set off italics."

So I did. Mea culpa. I must have been distracted by embedding the link. Less is more.

Ice Nine said...

Oh great, we've already zombified our kids...we're doing it to poor monkeys now?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

If you go to my channel and subscribe I will send a you an authentic rubber replica of that very monkeys paw. With it, you will be able to scroll faster than anything that moves during dead week, while saving your precious bodily skin from the wear and tear of incessant scrolling. But wait there’s more. If act now I will send you our famous Ginsu knives collection with an unlimited 50 years lifespan warranty.

Rusty said...

I'm sorry. I was distracted by a monkey in pants doing human things. While normally quite funny I haven't had all my coffee yet.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Lorena Bobbitt: I approved this message. 👆🏽

GRW3 said...

Back when SNL was funny, they would make serious fun of a Democrat president.

Yancey Ward said...


Lazarus said...

#макакаЯша would make a good Senator from Virginia.

Smilin' Jack said...

“Dammit! What is all this crap? How do I get to the monkey porn?”

PM said...

Very Gen Alpha

Bunkypotatohead said...

Even the monkey knows most of it is crap.