October 20, 2024

Who better than Alec Baldwin to play the role of Bret Baier as a complete jerk in last night's "SNL" cold open?

And I liked this "Weekend Update" segment that I think was designed to make the audience hold Trump in contempt... but might make them love him:


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Have you noticed that SNL focuses primarily on re-creating political debates etc?
Gone are the funny skits. It's just political re-creation. It's an open propaganda scheme for The Party.
The re-create re-enactments benefit Democrats.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

How Dare Bret Baier ask.... questions that are not fawning and easy. Like the Loyal Soviet press must do!

Aught Severn said...

Type casting of Alec Baldwin as a character acting like a jerk is definitely the easy answer.

I am concerned that this is continuing the Hollywood trend of gay characters having to be played gay actors, trans characters having to be played by trans actors, etc... So now jerk characters have to be played by jerk actors? This makes me concerned for SNLs integrity.

Oh wait, it is SNL and they have none. Disregard!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The best way to mock the Bret Baier - Kamala debate would be to have Bret asking questions - and Kamala yelling "BUT DONALD TRUMP!" over and over.

TaeJohnDo said...

Still not funny. I remember when SNL was funny. Those days are long past.

narciso said...

Wow, if it were any lamer, they would have to shoot it,

clint said...

It worked well for them in 2008 -- most of the democrats I know formed their opinion of Sarah Palin from the deluge of clips of SNL's Sarah Palin impersonator saying stupid things, and didn't even know what the real woman had said.

The idea is to wash out any memories of the actual interview with a version where Baier's very reasonable opening question was somehow ridiculously unfair and Harris's ridiculously bad answer was somehow reasonable. Unfortunately, this is an effective tactic, at least in shoring up her base.

BUMBLE BEE said...

He's a killer and He's a clown.

Wince said...

As I said in an earlier comment...

From watching SNL last night, it's clear the memo went out from the Harris campaign, letting all their allies (e.g., NYT, SNL) know it's crunch time and that they are not helping the cause by being evenhanded, truthful or funny.

Kamala's campaign knows she's loosing, and don't want a "Dukakis After Dark" SNL moment where a Jon Lovitz as Dukakis admits, "After meeting with my advisors and seeing the latest polls, it is clear to me... I don't have Chinaman's chance of winning this election... I gonna be beaten, badly beaten... Reaganomics works, it really does."

narciso said...

lovitz was much funnier, and dukakis was never that self aware,

The rule of Lemnity said...

If someone asks you 'how is it different today that at any other time in memory?' Tell them, today, OJ would be back in the booth within... not even a year, after the trial.

Steve said...

Donald Trump has a sense of humor that a lot of women don’t like and don’t get. That sense of humor appeals very much to a large number of men. The Tim Walz menstruation joke with the Pope of New York sitting there as risky perfection. Trump knows this and so does Kamala/media both are using it to drive their base.

tim in vermont said...

Nothing could be sadder for a writer than to be handed a collection of talking points, and told to write something funny about what happened this week, but whatever you do, don't look for the inherent humor in the situation, just "make these goddamn points!"

tim in vermont said...

"most of the democrats I know formed their opinion of Sarah Palin from the deluge of clips of SNL's Sarah Palin impersonator saying stupid things..."

Repetition trumps logic and subverts critical thinking. Every time a lie is repeated, it makes thinking clearly that much harder. Goebbels knew that, the Democrats know that, and the wealthy donor class that has captured the Democratic Party, and that owns SNL, knows that.

Former Illinois resident said...
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Former Illinois resident said...

Being smug, those rabid pro-Harris/Walz Democrats of SNL, ill-informed fad followers, driven by class expectations rather than applied reasoning.

Aggie said...

I hope this disclaimer was in the credits: 'No Production Staff were harmed during the making of this skit'

The rule of Lemnity said...

If you have to pearl clutch the word 'schlonged', you have to pretend fellow comedian Lois CK never survived taking his out... and, you know the rest.

I get it. It's politics, you have to suspend everything, a la Purge movies.

Dixcus said...
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Disparity of Cult said...

SeƱora Baldwin - "He is, how do you say, jerk."

Curious George said...

The writers are all on board. Everyone from Lorne Michaels on down are on board.

Dixcus said...

The Democrats fake pearl-clutching at hearing the word "schlong" are the same ones holding a "Drag Me To Hell" demonic drag queen event this weekend, literally inviting Satan to assist them to their final destination and literally melting into a Wicked Witch of the West-style goo whenever someone in the crowd shouts Jesus Is Lord.

Rory said...
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Bob B said...

The Weekend Update appears to strive to be a real MSM broadcast as it edited Harris’ statement to make her look better and edited Trump’s statement to make him look worse.

Bob B said...
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Skeptical Voter said...

When Alec Baldwin plays a complete jerk, he's just being himself.

hombre said...

Lefties playing to lefties. Normals are tired of it. It's "normal versus crazy" now. Sadly, the numbers are blurry.

Ampersand said...

Get ready for 16 days of the most intense propaganda campaign you have ever experienced.

The Vault Dweller said...

The "But no matter who we vote for I promise you I am not going to therapy," joke was pretty good. The "Now That's What I Call Dementia," joke felt like it was from a lot of built up energy of not being able to joke about or even talk about Biden's cognitive problems.

Tina Trent said...

You have to admit, there's nothing funnier than joking about child molestation.

Lee Moore said...

It's just "comedy", but for the record they cut off the bit where Trump explains WHY he was amazed Harvey Weinstein got "schlonged." He was amazed because Weinstein was a fully paid up member of the Democrat protection racket. He was 'plot-shielded"

n.n said...

Lights. Camera. Shoot...

Alec's act has been done to death. He needs fresh meat... material.

RCOCEAN II said...

So, Kamala does exactly ONE, I repeat ONE, tough interview, and SNL attacks it as being unfair and slanted! Since nominated every other interview by Kamala has been a powder puff interview with softballs she could bat out of the park with a fountain pen.

I love Carvey, and Baldwin is a good BB, but the writing sucks. And so do the guys doing SNL Weekend update. I wish they could do something funny.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

I don't understand why the Dems (SNL & the talking-point conduits here) are playing up the 39 minutes of music thing. Trump is trying to steal the Joy theme, and they are helping him do it.

The NY Magazine article was on point: the quirky/eccentric/charming 39 minutes episode undermines the Fascist Trump narrative.

RCOCEAN II said...

The amazing thing about Democrats and liberal/leftists, is many of them politics from TV shows! I've had them support their arguments with skits from SNL, John Stewart remarks, and examples from CSI: whatever. I think many of them live in a fantasy world.

narciso said...

hes 'shot his wad' literally

RCOCEAN II said...

39 minutes of music is just the current stick to beat Trump with. Tommorrow it will be something different.

gspencer said...

Whatever Alec Baldwin decides to do, I'll stand behind him. Way, way behind.

Butkus51 said...

The person who loaded the gun is in jail. The person who pointed it at a human and pulled the trigger is doing "comedy" on SNL.

samanthasmom said...

I admit it I judge people by what they think is funny.

Gunner said...

Baldwin is political comedy kryptonite. Why does SNL love him so much?

Dave Begley said...

Maya Rudolph would be a better president than Kamala Harris. Maya needs to cash in because after November 5th, her impersonation career is over.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Democrats are unable to handle any jokes or criticism. They are the most delicate fascists to roam the planet.

narciso said...

he also wrote the script and was the producer, but no responsibility

narciso said...

oh noes...anyways

Bob Boyd said...

Aside from a live audience, how was this Weekend Update segment different from any network news show's political coverage?

Yancey Ward said...

The really hilarious thing is that Baier wasn't hard on Harris- he asked her questions that she and her staff should have anticipated. It went wrong for her because Baier didn't let her dodge the questions with Trump Word Salad, which is what any solid interviewer would not have allowed. It wasn't any particularly worse than the 60 Minutes interview with Whitaker- the only difference was that Whitaker gave Harris a little too much room to evade answering questions and the CBS editing room falsified some of her answers with friendly editing- something FOX editors either didn't have the time to do or refused to do.

tcrosse said...

Like Vaughan Meader.

Quaestor said...

It would have been brilliant if Baldwin had shot Harris dead for her evasive non-answers to simple questions.

narciso said...

that would have been entertaining, would have broken the illusion though,

like the python cheese sketch

Yancey Ward said...

That would have had me rolling on the floor but it would have been in incredibly bad taste for Baldwin to do so.

Breezy said...

Trump is much more entertaining all week long than SNL is just for one night. That must be hard for them.

Leland said...

"Give me the exact number of murderers you let loose in this country" spoken by a murderer intending it to be a joke.

Lazarus said...

Lorne Michaels isn't going to hang around forever. When he goes, NBC should put the show on a long hiatus, ostensibly as a tribute and to give a new team time to reboot, but really because the whole formula of the show has gotten stale. When Michaels does go, maybe we could have a moment of clarity when people could admit that Donald Trump is actually closer to the irreverent spirit of the original SNL than the show has been in recent decades.

Jess said...

I'd be really wary, and make sure there were no guns on the set.

loudogblog said...

I was only turned away from a polling place once. They couldn't get their computerized voting touch screens to boot up correctly so they told everyone to leave and come back later in the afternoon. California has since switched to 100% mail in ballots. Last week, there was a story about someone finding a big pile of the mail in ballots in a storm drain.

rehajm said...

These are for old people so I didn’t watch but is the premise that of all people Bret Baier is a jerk?

loudogblog said...

I also caught a little anti-gay vibe with the jokes about Trump's taste in music. The people on the left will constantly tell you that's it's inappropriate to try and denigrate someone by implying they're gay or using "gay" as an insult... Unless they're a conservative. Then it's one of the go to insults that they constantly throw out at conservatives. And Trump is not anti gay. (Although, he does have issues with the trans movement.)

mccullough said...

The real interview was funnier.

mccullough said...

The real interview was funnier.

Original Mike said...

Yeah, Baier had the temerity to try and circumvent Harris' filibustering. If Bret was a jerk, Kamala was the reason why.

Big Mike said...

How did they convince a cameraman to stand in front of Alec Baldwin?

narciso said...

the pythonesque satire with the clown and the unicorn was more entertaining

Iman said...

Better make sure the wind direction is to your benefit!

Iman said...

Bring back Baldwin’s Schweddy Ballz !

Iman said...

As I’ve said, Democrats get their news and strategies from comedians… both professional and the amateurs from CNN, MSNBC, ABC/CBS/NBC.

Iman said...

Lois CK whupped it out?!

Shame on shim!

Eva Marie said...

It’s still difficult fir me to believe that the Democratic nominee for President never went through a primary process and Democrats are just fine with that.

M Jordan said...

How in hell is Alec Baldwin able to show his face on SNL after shooting his Ukrainian cinematographer? Is there no shame left in the left? As for the skit, Dana Carvey was the only funny thing in it. They used that clever bit of smear where they dole out an equal number of “jabs” on both sides but the “jabs” are not of the same quality. Kamala’s TikToking vs. people dying on J6.

Joe Bar said...

Be prepared for the McDonalds memes!

Sprezzatura said...

When do we get a post re DJT making fries and handing out food to random customers that are minorities that love DJT?

That's free, free, super free speech, so obviously cruel neutrality must show it on this blog!

Iman said...

Spazzy… Sunday is the day of rest and your mouth and stubby, sausage fingers would appreciate if you observed it.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Still not funny…