October 17, 2024

Somehow we don't have the definitive lip-reading on this yet.


mccullough said...

Obama starting to look old. Who is the lady next to Clinton?

Michael K said...

Bill Clinton stayed as far away as he could.

JRoberts said...

"Who is the lady next to Clinton?"

That's no lady, that's Nancy Pelosi.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Huh? Unless someone can lip read - how would we know it's "scolding"?

mccullough said...

Good call. She looks different from that angle.

mccullough said...

Gestures and body language (crossed arms). Obama looks flustered and Biden looks like he’s pretending not to enjoy Obama’s frustration.

Another old lawyer said...

Multiple versions of comical dubbing on X, though. YMMV on "comical".

Kate said...

Everyone around them is facing the other way because the procession has begun. Rude. Clinton finally waves at them, like, "STFU."

Iman said...

Not definitive? I’ve got that right here…


gspencer said...

Bill delivered the best eulogy that the children of any mother could ever hope to hear, "Hey, I really wanted to bang your mother. And I know she really wanted it too."

RideSpaceMountain said...

I have never seen a current POTUS look more pathetic. Good god he looks like some black sheep uncle at a distant relative's funeral.

Saint Croix said...

I love that. Second time I watched it, I realized that was Bill Clinton at the end. "Women looking fine up in here."

Amexpat said...

Funny stuff. It sounds like they used AI for the voices.

Eva Marie said...

That’s fantastic.

Lazarus said...

Interesting pecking order: Biden at the bottom, Obama higher and able to tell Joe no, but when Clinton speaks, or even gestures, the boys take notice.

Lazarus said...

I didn't think that was Pelosi next to Clinton, but it is. It's surprising how short she is. She also seems frailer than she does in television interviews.

wendybar said...

If you watch the video, it looks like old Bill was inching closer trying to eavesdrop.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is just one of them

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up, right Bill?"

Lazarus said...

To me it looked more like Joe wanted something and Barack didn't want to give that to him and Joe was hurt by that.

RCOCEAN II said...

Obama: blah, blah, blah
Biden: Yes boss
Obama blah blah
Biden: Can I have some oatmeal?

Breezy said...

Pelosi I think

“Bad Genes” said...

🚨 OT
The Federal Trade Commission has instituted a new rule that makes it much easier for customers to cancel unwanted subscriptions and memberships. When will Lina Khan's reign of terror finally end?

Ann Althouse said...

I've heard some of the comedy dubs but didn't find them too funny. Don't like the use of the "r" word. It's insulting to innocent and beloved bystanders. I want to know what they're really saying.

JRoberts said...

Even without audio, Obama comes across as an arrogant SOB. Look at the dismissive hand gestures as he talks down to Biden.

Breezy said...

Me, too. I don’t think it’ll be funny.

Dixcus said...

Surprised the Daily Mail hasn't done this yet. They certainly do it any time they catch the Royals whispering amongst themselves.

My suspicion, based on a lifetime of watching these people is that there is in fact a lip-reading. And that it's not being released.

Rocco said...

The guys at Bad Lip Reading on YouTube haven’t posted anything yet.

Dixcus said...

Biden has been revealed as a simp. Taken out by a girl (Nancy Pelosi). I'd be dismissive of him too. He's supposed to be the leader of the Free World and he looks like he has Barack Obama's hand up his ass.

Saint Croix said...

Here's the bad lip-reading of the State of the Union (2023)

Iman said...

Democrats are disrespectful of EVERYONE… in thinking that this Harris Clownshow Campaign with no substantive talk would suffice

tommyesq said...

Maybe Obama was dismissive because he thought he was speaking to Bill Clinton rather than Joe Biden.

wild chicken said...

Wants Biden to be more supportive of Harris
No passive aggressive shit. How galling to be lectured by that punk.

Keep it up, joe! You're doing fine. Lol

rehajm said...

It really doesn’t matter what they’re saying. For the current election Their expressions and body language is really all you need to know…

Megthered said...

They're probably talking about how bad Kammie is doing. Maybe Joe is asking to come back in and Bammy is telling him no and why it's the end of the road for them.

Joe Smith said...

The joke audio overlays are funny, but somebody must have actual lip-reading skills. There is probably some really good stuff here.

David53 said...

“Women looking fine up here” lol

Lilly, a dog said...

The NY Post is claiming this:

David53 said...

I don’t like the use of the “f” word for the same reason, especially in a church but in the 21st century it’s apparently ok.

Iman said...

The Democrat candidate: Kamala “CliffsNotes” Harris.

She’s NEVER “done the work”.

Dixcus said...

The Daily Mail has now released the lip-reading: Nothing of substance was said except that Kamala Harris is a poor candidate, and Obama agrees.


Dixcus said...

They certainly do seem concerned. It's obvious they've been reading the internal polls (the real polls that the candidates do themselves ... not the fake polls released in the media to hype up whatever story line they have pre-written.)

BUMBLE BEE said...

I watched Kamala on Fox last night. He facial expressions were really enjoyable!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Ok - here is wHat Obama said to Joe.
'You are not invited to MY Hawaiian paradise mega-millions compound. You are also not invited to Martha's Vineyard Maison-Compound. I'm not wiping your ass, old man. You take that hidden pay-to-play money we promised you'd have access to - and ride off into the sunset. Hear me? '

Dixcus said...

The Daily Mail has front-paged their lip reading finally. I can't post a link to it because then Google deletes the comment.

Yes, Google is SUPRESSING negative news about Democrats.

RideSpaceMountain said...

If this is even mostly plausible, then it tells me Obama (and others) are not worried that "Kamala is not as strong as Joe". Popularism doesn't matter if the fix is already in.

Iman said...

They’re fighting for who’s the weakest suck on the scene. It’s a tough call.

Dixcus said...

The Daily Mail reports that Obama agreed with Biden that Kamala is not a very good candidate. The Chicago Wing (Clinton\Obama) has been deliberately undermining the California Wing (Pelosi\Newsom\Harris) in every way possible.

Christopher B said...

I thought that from the thumbnail of the video of him hectoring black men about not voting for Harris.

Lazarus said...

Looking back over my life, I wonder how many times when I thought I was the regal Obama surrounded by suppliant Bidens, I was actually Joe to other people's Baracks.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The rule of Lemnity said...

This is not sports but maybe Jomboy can make an exception.

Let me check his timeline, maybe he’s on it.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

Now there's an "r" word?

rhhardin said...

The Airbus shouts "retard" right after every landing.

Rabel said...

Why are they facing the wrong direction? The action is behind them.

Bob Boyd said...

I'm good at lip-reading and I'm pretty sure Biden said,
"A lady that I know just came from Columbia"
Then he smiled because Obama did not understand.
Biden said,
"She brought me some Marijuana, ha ha,
She said it was the best in all the land"

And then Obama said to Biden,
"No, no, no, no, I don't smoke it no more
I'm tired of waking up on the floor
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze
Then it makes it hard to find the door"

rehajm said...

Let’s deep dive on it a bit- I don’t know what all y’all see but I see two old men ignoring the required decorum of the moment, only a few words away from completely losing their shit (as opposed to the default configuration of just the one). I know that might be hard for some of you ladies who never have your shit together to recognize, hence late term abortion being your primo uno and all, but stick with me. These two men are engaged in some kind of serious crisis. Contrast their status with the mood of the left on the eve of the last time the first woman President was being coronated. These are not the breezy smiles and contemptuous smirks of that night. These men are in crisis and it isn’t over the second first woman President’s victory party libations, complaining that Oprah is bogarting all the Roederer in the country again…

Iman said...

A woman Barcky know just came from Majorca Spain
She smiled because Joe did not understand
Then she held out a 10 pound bag of Cocaine
She said it was the best in all the land
And Joe said:
No no no no, I don't hoover no more
I'm tired of waking up on the floor
No, thank you, please,
It only makes me sneeze
And Hunter calls his dealer for some more

Iman said...

Oh, well, I'm... (UHH!)
Sittin' here in Rafah
Waitin' for teh YahYa (ohh, ohh)
Sittin' here in Rafah
Waitin' for teh YahYa (ohh, ohh)
It may sound funny
But I don't believe he's comin' (ohh, ohh)

h/t Allen Toussaint

Ralph L said...

I'm sure they were talking about how nice Ethel Kennedy was.

Iman said...

Who knew this YahYa Sinwar had blue eyes…

One blue this way and the other blue that way.

tim maguire said...

Joe: Put me back in, coach, I can do it!
Obama: No. Not gonna happen.
Joe: Then get me some ice cream.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

How accurate is ANY lip-reading? I doubt that anyone would be skilled enough to lip-read exactly what they were saying from that distance and under those lighting conditions.

Naturally, everyone is speculating that they were arguing over a subject that WE'RE interested in. But it could have about anything. Obama could have been complaining that someone in Biden's administration had failed to take some action on somebody's behalf -- maybe give them a job -- after Obama had put in the good word for that person.

rhhardin said...

The NY Post claims to have a professional lip reading.

rhhardin said...

lip reading

Yancey Ward said...

Obama: "Joe, why the fuck did you send that tweet endorsing Harris?"
Biden: "Uh, Barack I didn't"
Obama: "It is President Obama to you, Joe."
Biden: "Uh, sorry, sir. As I was saying.....uh......where was I?"
Obama: "Or, for fuck's sake, Joe, you were saying you didn't send the tweet!"
Biden: "Oh, yeah, right- I was saying.....where was I?"
Obama: "*&&&^*(^%%%%"

baghdadbob said...

If this lip reader is court-certified, and he read this Obama-Biden exchange, why are we given two sentences and a characterization of the rest? Give us the whole conversation, without your interpretation, and we can synch it to the video and decide for ourselves. Is that too much to ask, NY Post?

TeaBagHag said...

" Tough luck Joe! Somehow those MAGAts pegged you as an over the hill, demented, doddering old fool but give their cult leader a pass, as he literally sundowns at every event we see him at. The events that he doesn't cancel, dance a jig through or weave a shit tapestry of nonsense, instead of answering ANY questions. "

Mr. Majestyk said...

Yes, I was expecting the whole transcript.