October 9, 2024

"Harris Is Said to Have Raised $1 Billion Since Entering Race."

The NYT reports.

Why isn't she crushing Trump by now with all that dough? All you can do with money is buy things? At some point, what is there left to buy? We're told the money "is being spent on a wave of television and digital advertising and an expansive operation of offices and staff in the seven battleground states and beyond."

"The sums are so large because both candidates are raising funds into jumbo committees that can collect checks of more than $900,000 by including state parties nationwide and the national party."

Does anyone complain about all the money in politics anymore or is that an antique concern? Now, one simply exults and taunts.


Yancey Ward said...

Any cash not spent on get out the vote or ballot fraud has a fairly low point of diminished return. I think paid advertisements are almost a complete waste of money for Trump and a near one for Harris, too, by this point.

Michael K said...

In guess we'll find out on Nov 6.

Political Junkie said...

The nation burns. Federal debt and deficit are out of control. Political consultants and politicans don't care because they all get rich off the game or they are already rich. The country would be better off if "Ann Althouse" type people were elected officals. But I don't see that happening. I am too old/tired/lazy to go anywhere else, but where would I go anyway? My constant refrain...."We are fucked".

Rory said...

It's a very small price for $7 trillion cash flow per year.

Original Mike said...

"Harris Is Said to Have Raised $1 Billion Since Entering Race."

People need to ask themselves why so much money is being dumped on her.

tcrosse said...

What's the ROI?

Oh Yea said...

"I Do Think At A Certain Point You've Made Enough Money"

MadTownGuy said...

At some point, you've raised too much money.

Breezy said...

My guess is a good chunk of it is being used by down ballot campaigns.

Tacitus said...

Amazon spent a billion on their "Rings of Power", and my dog produces a more appealing product on our morning walks.

Political Junkie said...

1 billion plus - And look at the Quinnipiac polls that just posted on RCP. DJT with Big Mo.

doctrev said...

Epstein's clients don't want to hang.

Leland said...

Like Free Speech, concern for the amount of political donations was important until it became a barrier to democracy.

doctrev said...

Jeb Bush. Hillary Clinton. Ron DeSantis. All people who had a ton of money pumped into their campaigns, all lost to President Trump by lesser or greater extents.

Joe Biden was the exception, but he had a Chinese (?) pandemic on his side. Now... now I think most of the oligarchs have made their peace with Trump. But some have not. They know they're dead if Trump gets a second term. The are supposedly ready for civil war, but I really think they overestimate their chances.

Dave Begley said...

I wonder how much is from Wall Street and the wind and solar energy developers. Their gravy train is on the line with this election. The stakes are huge: $1.2 Trillion

Iman said...

All Democrats will die… in time.

I do find a measure of comfort in that. Something so right.

Krumhorn said...

Basically, it's a protection racket. Billionaire lefties just want to pay enough to the Black Hand to ensure that the mob of Orcs doesn't come after them with the pitchforks (mixing my film metaphors here).

- Krumhorn

n.n said...

Redistributive change schemes.

Ambrose said...

I am always amused to hear that money raised by Democrats is a sign of their popularity while money raised by Republicans is a sign of the pernicious influence of money in politics.

n.n said...

In the meantime they are viable and vengeful for Republicans standing against slavery, Diversity, and redistributive change schemes.

Quaestor said...

Bribes for endorsements.

n.n said...

PedoJoe, Kamala takes a knee, Walz 'n Mengele.

Saint Croix said...

She's a faceless cookie

tcrosse said...

With all that money, you'd think they could buy a better candidate, or a more skillful and intelligent actress.

Eva Marie said...

Kamala Harris is deliberately trying to lose.

David53 said...

Does anyone complain about all the money in politics anymore or is that an antique concern?

At this point in time I think it’s an antique concern.

hawkeyedjb said...

"With all that money, you'd think they could buy a better candidate, or a more skillful and intelligent actress."

A better candidate might get the idea she would have something to do with governing the nation. I don't think that's what they're looking for.

Darkisland said...

For how much trouble Harriss is in, I just heard that President Trump is going to do a massive rally in California this Saturday.

Is it possible that California is in play?

Or is this just pretending it is in play to scare the crap out of everybody.

How cool would it be if, like another hapless VP, algore, she lost her home state.

John Henry

MadisonMan said...

Said to have raised...without evidence.

William50 said...

In an era of trillion dollar government spending and deficits, a billion dollars seems like chicken feed.
I never thought I would ever say anything like that. We truly live in interesting times.

Darkisland said...

I've had this niggling at the back of my mind since before she was even a candidate. It's been coming more and more to the fore in recent weeks.

Ditto the media. Are they setting her up to lose?

Let's also not forget that John Malone, who is a HUGE trump supporter bought CNN a couple years ago. Is a CNN endorsement of President Trump going to be the October surprise in a week or two?

What does Anderson Cooper's contract say? If CNN decides they want him to endorse president Trump and the Repo ticket, can he say no?

John Henry

Ampersand said...

I remember Dr. Evil holding the world at ransom for 1 million dollars, and that after the world's laughter subsided, he got their attention by raising the ransom demand to the unbelievably huge sum of 100 million dollars. With a national debt screaming past the $35 trillion mark, merely dumping a billion on a contest to control the world's most powerful nation seems like a modest expenditure. It's about what Pete Buttigieg has spent per installed electric charging station.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Repulsive. She and the democrats are repulsive.

PM said...

That's a lot of nitrous oxide.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

"It's about what Pete Buttigieg has spent per installed electric charging station."
We all know there's Solyndra type grift involved.

Ampersand said...

Here in Los Angeles, all lawn signs and bumper stickers, all media, and just about all government officials are Harris/Walz. California is a fat cow providing the milk of political money, though.

Maynard said...

Harris-Walz ads here in AZ focus on Trump being for billionaires and Kamala-lala-ding-dong being for the middle class. Where did all that money come from?

mccullough said...

It’s the money that goes into their shell companies that’s the problem. Not what goes into campaigns. Kamala had to buy a lot of Hunters paintings before Joe quit the race

mccullough said...

It’s the money that goes into their shell companies that’s the problem. Not what goes into campaigns. Kamala had to buy a lot of Hunters paintings before Joe quit the race

tolkein said...

Democrats, and their media allies, no longer complain about money in politics, because it's they who have most of the money.

Breezy said...

Maybe he’s there to support R campaigns for Senate or Representative.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

MSM thinks campaign cash is great now that Democrats dominate in corporate and billionaire donations. The advertising advantage is so obviously one sided I’m by starting to wonder if it might turn some voters off. It’s hard to claim you’re the party of the people when you’re always spending like drunk aristocrats.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

Ask President Bloomberg what $1 billion in TV ads will get you....

DINKY DAU 45 said...

She dont need that amount,money isnt the only point.I believe she will be smart and give it away to down ballot places that need help.Joe was holding up the spicket,,KAMALA opened it up. 80 days and she is kicking it.trump is hiding,refusing 60 minutes,debates,interviews that call on facts and are fact checked.Put out the in other places that name the over 100 republicans who refused FEMA money ,especially ones in states getting plastered.A sorry lot of people. And could you imagine abolishing NOAA (project 2025 read it)so repubs could say well let the repub areas know whats going on but not the liberal ones,like trump likes to do with relief funding to who voted for him and who didnt.It will soon be over and the scourge of the US will be banished to pay up for his responsibilities.

Kevin said...

Once the Democrats realized they could out raise the Republicans, it ceased to be an issue.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Elon says the moguls are spending large because Trump will release Epstein's client list, which scares everybody.

Christopher B said...

I think Breezy is right. Wish I could remember where but Trump did a rally pretty specifically to support a Senate candidate in a state he would likely win. Thinking it was Montana. He's doing more of those this time around it seems.

With YouTube and other online media the reach of any is national.

Michael K said...

Ask how Disney is doing with all money spent on flops

Richard Dolan said...

This sounds like a replay of the majority and dissenting opinions in Citizens United. Before the Dems became the party of the up-scale team, its partisans routinely decried the corrupting influence of huge piles of cash on politics. No one ever really tried to prove that too many political ads (or anything else) purchased with all that cash was corrupting in any relevant sense, but put that aside. Now that the Dems have much more cash than the down-scale Reps, you don't hear that complaint quite so often. But it remains true that there is still nothing to show that too many political ads, and whatever else money can buy in a campaign, is corrupting in any relevant sense. At the same time, it's true that too little cash can be a huge political disadvantage. Never going to happen at the national level, however.

Jupiter said...

"Does anyone complain about all the money in politics anymore or is that an antique concern?"
Get real. The whole "campaign finance" hustle, like the whole "voter suppression" hustle, is a blatant lie promulgated by Democrats as part of their plan to steal America from its citizens. No Democrat ever complained about the vast amounts of money dumped into politics by the teachers unions.

Michael K said...

Yes. A lot of money is at stake. Not just "greens" but the military contracts.

Scott Gustafson said...

The winner will preside over a government that is projected to spend over $30 trillion over the next 4 years. A few billion dollars isn't even round off error.

Michael K said...

Wow! That was a burst of nonsense !

tommyesq said...

"Harris" didn't raise shit. Big Dem brokers bring the money in on her behalf, and have very specific instructions on what she is to do if the money gets her the win.

tommyesq said...

I saw in a previous post that she was putting on "drone light shows" and the like - as though such a thing would/should make one more likely to vote for her.

Original Mike said...

Yep, there's your answer right there.

Butkus51 said...

Thats a lot of BoonesFarm, isnt it Inga?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Good! Maybe we'll see some of the actually hopping aboard flights to countries that don't have extradition treaties with the US.

Inga said...

Sorry, I’m not familiar with BoonesFarm. Do they raise chickens?

Leland said...

A billion dollars? Well then, why isn't she 50 points ahead?

Inga said...

Down ballot races will be all the better for the excess. Democrats know that having the Presidency, the House and the Senate is imperative.

gspencer said...

I live in the highly lefty state of Massachusetts. Harris has been running ads in the 6-8pm time period. Something is being acknowledged by her campaign.

typingtalker said...

A billion dollars sounds like a lot of money but, "Approximately 240 million people were eligible to vote in the 2020 presidential election and roughly 66.1% of them submitted ballots, totaling 158,427,986 votes."


So ... at $10 per actual vote for the candidate of their choice, that works out to about $1.6 billion. It costs money (other peoples' money) to become The President of the United States of America.

Kevin said...

People in MA get bombarded by ads meant for people in the more highly-contested neighboring state of NH.

Paul said...

Hahahaha... you 'think' that Billion is gonna be used in campaign ads? No. Kamala is gonna use it to buy votes from drunks, dope heads, illegals, homeless, etc... in 'swing' states. Gonna get drivers to drive them to the polls and they vote for a fix or bottle of Jack Daniels or just a burger. See you have to pay off the drivers, their coordinators, fixers, dope buyers, etc.. along with the actual voter.

That is the Democrat way.

Leland said...

Bad news from Quinnipiac: https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3913
Probably explains Walz now stumping for the "national popular vote" efforts to get rid of the Electoral College.

In a word: PANIC

Deep State Reformer said...

Some of you are starting to get an inkling of the shape of things to come which is progress I guess. Bottom line: We're not voting our way out of all this with elections. Soon we'll have "vote" in other ways some of which [redacted fed poast]. So vote like it's 1933 and you're a jewish Berliner IOW with your feet.

Lucien said...

The question is, why is there so little money in presidential campaigns? Anheuser Busch and McDonald’s surely each spend as much on advertising EVERY year. Maybe it’s because the real return on investment is in lobbying Congress..

Tacitus said...

Yes, that was The White Hand.

Stephen said...

Who exactly is exulting and taunting. Every message that I see from Harris highlights a deadline to meet, or that has gone unmet. None exult or taunt.

rehajm said...

...all from one California billionaire?

Mikey NTH said...

Because she has the fanciest media machine money can by and no message other than re-runs (hate Trump, Jan. 6, abortion, etc.).

Though I bet the consultants are making out well from the rivers of cash.

Kevin said...

So they can tax "the rich", and make them pay their "fair share" right? Hahahahahah.

RMc said...

Or about a week later when millions of votes suddenly appear out of thin air.

William50 said...

Harris flooding Wisconsin with ads. They seem to be everywhere. Internet, radio, tv etc.

William50 said...

I left out snail mail. I bet I get at least 1 Harris flyer in the mail every other day.

Original Mike said...

Kevin nails it. All the rich people are donating bigly so that Kamala can make them pay their fair share.

Drago said...

Those are actually rats. The Boones Farm makes them think they are chickens.