October 12, 2024

33 things "our most aggressive adversaries would likely implement if they wanted to destroy America from within, and had the ability to take control of our leadership."


Iman said...

The man lays it all out and does it well. Thank you for this post!

Kylos said...

Well put.

tim maguire said...

I don’t like the “what would our enemies do” framing that has been so popular the last few years since there are endless things our enemies might do, and some of them are bound to be things our opponents are doing—that’s why we don’t support them.

That said, the Democrat’s programs, if followed implemented, would doom us and the rest of the world with us. However much some people might prefer a weaker more humble US, the cold reality is a strong hegemon is the only thing keeping most of the world from going up in flames and if that hegemon is not the US, then it’s nobody.

Jersey Fled said...

Pretty much sums it up.

Wince said...

Ackman uses the subjunctive formulation "our most aggressive adversaries would implement" to eschew actually stating the inescapable conclusion to be drawn from the 33 bullet points: this is an intentional strategy to "destroy America from within" by the Democrats in power.

Dave Begley said...

Exceptionally well stated. Also brave given the fact that he lives in NYC. Ackman has F.U. money and isn’t afraid of any blow back.

Michael K said...

He has been paying attention, unlike many celebrity endorsers. Also he is not a member of the "Military-Industrial Complex."

Aggie said...

The ones that are paying attention have specific arguments and a sense of vision of where & what things lead to. The ones who are desperate for the 'Status Quo' do not present arguments, suggesting that they are not paying attention or thinking for themselves. Instead, their arguments are mostly ad hominem condemnations, emotionally based, often exaggerated or even outright wrong.

Political Junkie said...

He mentions being registered as a D, since the R in the general has no chance in NY. I have wondered if Rs need to stop registering as R and register D as everywhere. The R primary will still produce the most right leaning casndidate, but the D primary will then produce a more moderate/conservative D general nominee.

Jupiter said...

I think it might be more accurate to say that the Democratic Party has been taken over and weaponized by some of America's enemies. The "Democrats in power" are bought and paid for.

Jersey Fled said...

But where are we going to find that moderate/conservative D nominee? Especially now that they don’t bother wit primaries.

Freder Frederson said...

First off, why should anyone care who a Hedge Fund Manager is endorsing?

Secondly, isn't Bill Ackman the exact kind of elite egghead that you all contend is destroying the country? (legacy admission to Harvard, undergraduate degree in social studies, and the thing that should make MAGA run away, an MBA from Harvard)

tim in vermont said...

Since Jimmy Carter saddled Afghanistan with the Taliban, it is just possible that the war there was the only justified war we have fought since WW2. It's a shame we quit before we undid that terrible thing of organizing, funding, and arming the Taliban there. And if you think that 9-11 was not too heavy a price to pay to reverse a communist coup there, when the commies all fell a decade later anyway, well, go ahead and say it out loud. At least the communists list equal rights for women as a fundamental tenant of their system, unlike the Taliban we put in power there.

David53 said...

I’m guessing all 33 points will be labeled misinformation/disinformation which should have been censored.

tim in vermont said...

The day is coming soon where the cost of our debt service exceeds the cost of our military, and writing $4 trillion a year in hot checks will bring that day pretty soon, but hey! At least we will all have electric cars, which will be too dangerous to use as boat anchors.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

And yet he was still cowed into apologizing for supporting Trump, and wrote the weakling's inevitable preamble about Trump's supposed imperfections while never a mention of Harris' many fatal flaws.
This is a symptom of how the propaganda of "The Good Guys!!!!" has permeated conventional wisdom. We who support Donald Trump personally and his pro-American agenda have to apologize and explain ourselves for defying the Party and its anti-American, anti-humanity ideology.
Shouldn't those who seek to erase our nation's borders and culture, release criminals among the innocent, kill babies and mutilate children, persecute political opponents and the citizens who support them, and engage in conspiracies to defraud and deceive the public be the ones to apologize and explain their behavior?

Oso Negro said...

Niggle. Perhaps you word have quibbled with a word or two of the Declaration of Independence?

Oso Negro said...

Don't be a fucking idiot Freder. It's a probabilistic phenomenon with the Ivies, not deterministic and we all know that. Except for perhaps you.

tim in vermont said...

Repetition may not make an argument logically stronger, but it does make one more persuasive. They own the media firehose.

tim in vermont said...

I don't think it's a strategy, I think it's magical thinking. Like Joe Biden just said a week ago, "There is nothing America can't do," including, apparently, the impossible.

Leland said...

I figured that comment would trigger you and you would whine like a hit dog about it. Grow up someday.

Iman said...

Here’s a like argument from another oldtimer lib…


Oso Negro said...

My first read is that this forms an excellence basis for a second Declaration of Independence if the voting system fails us. And I mean that either way - if you are a Trump supporter, you cannot abide these acts the Democrats have visited upon the nation, it is probably time to leave if Harris wins. If you are a Democrat and want to keep going with the 33 items that can be continued, you may be advised to leave should Trump return to office. Easily as good a piece of writing as Martin Luther's 95 Theses, or Letter From Birmingham Jail in terms of defining a political moment. If a person can read these and still feel politically neutral, it may be time to consider a neurological visit to monitor potential cognitive decline.

Leland said...

Like many listicals, there were repeats. I disagreed with 15. It has just risen to the presidential level. Democrats have done similar things at other levels. Using Texas as an example, I point to the criminal charges and trials brought against Tom Delay, Rich Perry, and Ken Paxton.

Lazarus said...

X Premium could be a good deal if you've got a lot to say.

What Ackman doesn't consider is that maybe George Soros is just trying to give young people the great opportunity he's had -- to start out with absolutely nothing.

And there'll be plenty of bargains to pick up once the country goes splat.

donald said...

Lookee Freder getting all gotcha MAGATS! Way to read the room boy.

n.n said...


n.n said...

Also, MAVA, not MASK.

n.n said...

MACA in the Founders' convention.

Coop said...

I have a pseudonymous X account bur have never posted, replied or even really get on it. Ackman’s post is the first time I’ve ever replied to someone’s Xtweet. #14 was the one I am concerned about over all others. Further, it’s the erosion of all our natural rights that I see happening before our eyes that is the most alarming. Good for Bill.

planetgeo said...

This is an outstanding and timely post. It's central theme, that the current policies and actions of the Democrats are those of an enemy of the United States and are intended to destroy the United States, is accurate and irrefutable. But let's hear our joyful leftist commenters attempt to respond to the author's request to offer an explanation of how any of these policies and actions are good for the wellbeing of this country and its citizens.

DavidD said...

Yes, but it’s no good having the “moderate” Democrat win when the party itself has gone so far Left.

Grandpa Publius said...

Note: the 33 are not the acts of merely Biden / Harris. The entire Democratic Party supports each and every one of them. Kamala is a poorer candidate than Generic Democrat, but Generic Democrat would still be a poor choice.

Jersey Fled said...

It isn’t about who he is, but what he said.

Kevin said...

Exactly! We should be listening to Taylor Swift!

Christopher B said...

David Foster posted an unrolled version at Chicago Boyz

Kevin said...

Secondly, isn't Bill Ackman the exact kind of elite egghead that you all contend is destroying the country?

So you're saying even some of them think we've gone too far?

I can see where you got confused. Rather than standing on his credentials and telling everyone to simply vote his recommendation, he laid out exactly why he was voting for Trump to allow reasonable people to both specifically object and to consider the arguments when coming to their own conclusions.

It's not like on the left where tens of "experts" sign on to someone else's pre-written statement, with threat of repercussions if they don't...

Jonathan Burack said...

I read this right after reading a Politico article telling Kamala what she must do to win. It essentially said, "tell them how centrist you are." It was almost totally devoid of anything specific, since it's unstated assumption throughout was that she was not really centrist but should try to appear to be. Ackman's remarkable specificity and the Democrats' hiding and obfuscation are the central forces now driving this campaign.

Ampersand said...
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Ampersand said...

Ackman has done a public service. Even so, his list is incomplete. Every social institution that would enable the next generation to appreciate its extraordinary good fortune, and to flourish by transmitting the best of our civilization to their successors, is under attack. The list could just keep going, though in fairness I must concede that the BidenHarris cabal has in many respects merely continued and amplified the obsessions of the woke mind virus that predated 2020.

Grandpa Publius said...

For argument’s sake, let’s reject the They-Hate-America-and-wish-to-Destroy-It motivation. What is the better explanation? Is there One? Or are there 33 separate explanations? I prefer to think They-Love-America-but-are-Misguided-and-Stupid, but sometimes that explanation seems inadequate.

Joe Bar said...

Except, there's no universe where Maher is voting R.

n.n said...

Secondly, isn't Bill Ackman the exact kind of elite egghead that you all contend is destroying the country?

Principles before principals, which by conservative convention acknowledge principals. Americans, by consensus, do not exercise liberal license to indulge Diversity dogma popular in progressive sects.

Michael K said...

Economist Freder is even less intelligent that his Field Marshal app.

Michael K said...

I think it does now.

Jupiter said...

"hold back armaments and weaponry from our most important ally in the Middle East". Ummm. Would that be who I think it is? How exactly are they an important ally? Seems like they are only an important ally against all the new enemies they have found for us. No Iranian ever called me goy.