April 6, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


Photos taken this morning at 6:27 and 6:39 — with the camera pointed toward the west to catch a break in the clouds. It got nicely sunny and warm a few hours later, then declined into a dark, windy afternoon.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like it when clods looks like outer-space.
Very cool.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Here’s a theory. Sometime in the 90s we started using she/her pronouns for God. What if the trans picked up on that? Did we go and disturb a beehive, as it were. The name of the album was Pet Your Friends.

Counting Blue Cars

Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I'd really like to meet her
And ask her why we're who we are
Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I'm on my way to see her
So tell me, am I very far?
We're not very far now
We're not very far now
We're not very far now

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

It was 65 today at our home site. The forecast is 70 tomorrow. Then snow is forecast for Monday morning. If you don't like the weather, just wait a while.

farmgirl said...

Love the sky pics!
Hope your house is back on schedule, Mike.
Lem- our church never called the Father: she. But you’re right about the beehive- somehow it got whacked w/a big stick.

Beasts of England said...

Top photo is special…

stunned said...

A University of Chicago student asks Anne Applebaum about the media cover up for Hunter Biden.
The question took place at an event called “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy.”

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...

I like it when clods looks like outer-space.
Very cool.

I don't think the Biden's have ever looked like outer space, acted like the came from there maybe, but never actually looked like it.

traditionalguy said...

The Masters tees off tomorrow. Great memories.

tim in vermont said...

Twitter banned Scott Ritter for expressing his expert opinion on the war, and questioning Ukrainian propaganda, this is the same Twitter that told you that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation." Don't worry though, you are only hearing the truth and the media are all good guys who fortified the election to protect you. Send your kids off to the military, they will look out for them.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

A lot of things that don't make sense to me, kind of make sense with this prediction presentation by Ray Dalio.

Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order (subtext: The decline of the American Empire)

When the decline comes how do people in the know act?

In the decline is art an afterthought?

Is the decline making people long for the old songs?

Is the decline responsible for a short ass movie preference?

The slap and the aftermath screams decline very loudly.

Mutaman said...

Query : What name is Bernegger posting under here?


Gahrie said...

Sometime in the 90s we started using she/her pronouns for God.

Somebody back in the 70s rewrote the whole Bible with God as a woman.

Owen said...

Incredible skyscapes...

gpm said...

>>If you don't like the weather, just wait a while.

Shame on you for culturally appropriating (and distorting!) either New England or Mark Twain or both. And it should be "a few minutes."


Readering said...

Amusing turn in Trump v Clinton. His lawyers tried judge-shopping by filing in a district with a division with only one judge, Trump appointee. But case somehow assigned to WJC appointee instead. Trump moves for recusal given supposed inherent conflict from party-spouse connection to 20th century appointment. Judge denies. Cites 4 or so recent Trump cases before Trump appointees that somehow didn't raise an inherent conflict in his eyes. More evidence of bush league lawyering.

One surprise for me. Judge said he has never spoken to either Clinton. I spoke with an Obama appointee who had no prior connection. (USDJs are usually product of local senator recommendations.) But Obama called from AF1 to briefly congratulate. Probably had lists of such calls. Seems like kind of thing WJC would do.

gilbar said...

i try not to complement you on your pix, 'cause i don't want it to go to your head..
But that 1st pic is REALLY Good

Humperdink said...

Quote from Egon von Greyerz (Zero Hedge): "Wars are such a wonderful excuse for poor leaders both to print more money and as a blame for the misery that the people suffer."

wendybar said...

THIS article sums up the narcissist Obama that the world sees.

"Biden looks desperate and disbelieving as he clings to the shoulder of a man pretending he doesn’t ­exist.
