February 1, 2022

"At Georgetown Law, Black students are haunted by the shadow of impostor syndrome. Shapiro reinforced this phenomenon by reducing Black women’s accomplishments to 'small favors' from 'heaven.'"

Wrote The Black Law Students Association at Georgetown, quoted in "Georgetown Suspends Lecturer Who Criticized Vow to Put Black Woman on Court/Ilya Shapiro has apologized after tweeting that President Biden was poised to nominate not 'the objectively best pick,' but a 'lesser Black woman' to the Supreme Court" (NYT).

Who is responsible for "the shadow of impostor syndrome" that "haunts" black students? Not Shapiro. He is only accused of having "reinforced" it.


Saint Croix said...

The should read...

Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby

RideSpaceMountain said...

Well, when black women aren't milking 'small favors from heaven' for everything they're worth, they're appropriating the accomplishments of just about everyone else.

Just look at Hidden Figures...what a colossal joke.

Owen said...

Why would anyone be "haunted" by a syndrome such as this? Unless they were mentally ill?

Why are these people so deficient in character that they collapse at the very thought that somebody somewhere might underestimate them?

If they deserve the places they hold at this school, why don't they just soldier on, outperform, and prove the doubters wrong?

Oh, and by the way: when (or if) they leave school and attempt to serve the community as lawyers, they are going to encounter far worse than this self-regarding syndrome of victimology.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Thomas Sowell had some choice words for 'black women'. You won't be able to find them though because they have been buried so far dows core they've fused with uranium and iridium in the Earth's core.

Michael K said...

Every black student who has benefited from AA knows deep down that they got a favor because they are black. The black foreign students that I taught in medical school knew they were given an advantage, too, but they also did not have the victim mentality that the American blacks do. As a result they did fine in school. Most of them probably did not need AA but they were happy to take it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What? I've been paying attention to the race conversation for decades now. And this is the first time I'm hearing black students at elite universities are "haunted" by imposter syndrome. In fact, I had to look up "imposter syndrome" if only to make sure it wasn't some Ibram Kendi CRT discovery.

Is Affirmative Action victimizing black Americans?

Ceciliahere said...

You must never say anything negative about the African American people. You will be banished to hell and never released. This is the ultimate speech crime. No matter how true your statement, the Left will ruin your life. So, just shut up and let AA do the job it was meant to do. No Whites need apply!

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Who is responsible for "the shadow of impostor syndrome" that "haunts" black students?

Reality is responsible for it. because their grades and LSATs suck, and > 80% of them wouldn't have gotten it without the illegitimate "benefit" of "affirmative action".

So, sadly but correctly, 100% of them are considered to be imposters who are there only because of their skin color

Achilles said...

There is a solution for all of this.

MLK knew what it was.

Judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

The democrat party cannot do that. Democrats are inherently incapable of giving up these racist tendencies.

gspencer said...

Live by the AA sword. Die by the AA sword.

Biden’ll do what he wants and in the process will further cement the AA taint. Since no one will know the basis underlying how AB (a black man) or CD (a black female) arrived at a favored station in life, it will be assumed that he/she got there by AA. That taint will follow them forever. Of course having that taint will mean little if Ds continue to control the institutions of power. Such people won’t care since their aim is to destroy America. On the other hand patients of an AA-tainted “doctor” or clients of an AA-tainted lawyer will care. And will pay the price for incompetence.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Owen said...
If they deserve the places they hold at this school, why don't they just soldier on, outperform, and prove the doubters wrong?

Because they don't deserve their places there, and they know it

Oh, and by the way: when (or if) they leave school and attempt to serve the community as lawyers, they are going to encounter far worse than this self-regarding syndrome of victimology.

No, they won't. They're get a job with the government, with an "activist" group, or they'll be the token at some law firm, and never be required or expected to actually produce anything of actual merit

Just some rando on the interwebz said...

Oh, and by the way: when (or if) they leave school and attempt to serve the community as lawyers, they are going to encounter far worse than this self-regarding syndrome of victimology.

Recently there have been professors that have used racist language in hypothetical scenarios either in exams or lectures. This has led to complaints and mandatory trainings. What is going to happen to these aspiring lawyers when they deal with discrimination lawsuits? Are they going to have fainting spells when the client describes graphically the language used. Same thing is supposedly happening with discussions on sexual crimes. In the above case I wonder how much of the angst is feigned to take out a bad conservative but I do wonder overall if these lawyers are going to ready to deal with the very messy messy thing we call life.

Big Mike said...

Keep Shapiro. Expel the students who object to his presence. Enough is enough.

frenchy said...

Affirmative action.

Loren W Laurent said...

Haunted by shadows?

"Sometimes a shadow moved against a dressing-room blind above, gave way to another shadow, an indefinite procession of shadows, that rouged and powdered in an invisible glass."

Baked into the American Cake.


Original Mike said...

Seems to me there are two groups. If you got into Georgetown on subpar accomplishments, you should be haunted by imposter syndrome. If you actually belong there, well, I feel sorry for you but there's nothing to do but soldier on. Browbeating the rest of us into ignoring the stigma of AA isn't going to work.

Skeptical Voter said...

Shadow of impostor syndrome may occur when you are getting your academic tail whipped. And in top tier law schools you don't have to be black, or an "affirmative action baby" to suffer from that.

There's a strange sort of funnel effect when you enter a top 10 law school (as I did back in 1965). You work hard in high school to prepare to get into a "good" college; you work hard in college to get the grades needed to get into a "good" law school. In those days you didn't have prep courses for the LSAT, but if you're smart and have had a decent education you score high. All along the way you've been at, or very near the top of the class.

And then you show up at 1L--and pretty much everyone else is at least as smart as you are--if not smarter, and got better grades at better colleges. And you look at Martindale Hubbell (not having any lawyers in your family) and see that if you want to get a job in a firm in your home town you'd better make grades good enough to get on Law Review and Order of the Coif.

It's danged easy to suffer from "shadow of the impostor" syndrome. The only way out of it is to buckle down and adapt the Richard Nixon "iron pants seat syndrome". Nixon said he had that at Duke Law School when he realized he'd have to work harder than his classmates to succeed.

Been there, done that.

Sebastian said...

"Who is responsible for "the shadow of impostor syndrome" that "haunts" black students? Not Shapiro. He is only accused of having "reinforced" it."

If they know they are not impostors, why do they worry about what Shapiro says?

If female black lawyers are, on the whole as qualified as any other group, why not provide the hard data--LSATs, GPAs, class rank, law review editorships, articles published, cases won, etc.?

Footnote: I myself am not saying black law students are "impostors," though it seems that, on the whole, their credentials and performance are below average. Similarly, I am not saying black female SCOTUS candidates are "lesser," partly because at that level merit is political.

Amadeus 48 said...

The shadow of imposter syndrome at Georgetown Law must originate in those lower LSAT scores (as a group).

As to African-American lawyers, I can tell you that my black colleagues at a large Chicago law firm were great lawyers and great people.

Rocketeer said...

“Imposter syndrome” is a bullshit “syndrome” that tries to turn virtues - humility and self-examination - into vices, and vices - entitlement and pridefulness - into virtues.

Carol said...

Gee, if only Joe hadn't said the quiet part out loud.

Michael said...

Do plenty of business with lawyers. Would not hire a Georgetown law grad regardless of color. I don’t want someone who finds words or ideas hurtful representing my interests. Full stop.

Ice Nine said...

>At Georgetown Law, Black students are haunted by the shadow of impostor syndrome.<

Yes, and...?

Original Mike said...

It has reached the point that I would seriously consider avoiding a black doctor; something that would never have occurred to me years ago. AA is a poison. There is no way it can not be.

hawkeyedjb said...

Haunted, are they? "Haunted." So much of the discourse about race is just plain, simple made-up self-serving bullshit.

Critter said...

Don't we all view someone who got a job through nepotism as tainted by the imposter syndrome? Then why on God's green earth would we want to put that stigma on Black people of accomplishment?

ga6 said...

Tribal myths becoming reality. Mass delusions part 2001

Mike Sylwester said...

The more "diverse" the college, the fewer the opinions that may be expressed there.

AZ Bob said...

We live in the Age of the Wise Latina.

Joe Smith said...

This is the insidious nature of affirmative action.

No matter how qualified or talented a minority is, there will always be questions.

Did they really deserve that grade? Are they really smart enough to get into that school?

Etc., etc.

Thank the liberals and democrats.

Wince said...

Shouldn't that be penumbras of imposter syndrome?

Christopher B said...

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

mezzrow said...

It's complicated.

If you publicly comment using reason, without predetermined filters, you will pay a price. The price of staying within the academy seems to be silence on this topic. It is what it is.

Put a macro into your internal text editor that turns your screen a flashing bright red if you type the words 'lesser black female' in sequence, to begin with. I can find no context for that without pain.

Public beatings are ugly.

Real American said...

Joe Biden is one who elevated Race/Sex over qualifications. He explicitly traded a supreme court nomination for a political endorsement. (Why that isn't a bigger scandal, I don't know). Shapiro acknowledged the reality that when you make decisions based on race and/or sex that you're not picking the best potential jurist because being the best is not the decisive factor. The nominee isn't been considered and compared against the most qualified candidates, but only against the smaller racial subgroup.

It's possible that a black woman would be the best, but unlikely given the selection process. We just don't know. That's a problem of AA in general. There's a stigma of being a token. Did they get admitted/the job/the nomination because they're qualified or because of a handout? That is a legitimate question. No wonder the left wants to cancel anyone who asks it.

That is certainly Shapiro's informed and rather knowledgeable opinion. That doesn't make him right, but he probably is, and his preferred "objectively best" candidate was a progressive (which ought to be a disqualification) and not White and he wasn't considering any originalists. The fact that the Left so wants to cancel Shapiro is more proof of the corrupt nature of this process. He's not wrong, but he's not allowed to state the obvious out loud. The Democrats will do anything to pretend that the black woman nominated is deemed the most qualified candidate in history even though everyone knows that's bullshit.

But it probably doesn't matter. The pick will be a reliable leftist hack just like Breyer.

Jeff Weimer said...

Shapiro was *lamenting* that phenomenon, you oversensitive crybabies. The problem is the problem, not that someone pointed it out.

mezzrow said...

Black students admitted to the tiptop tier should all go see Bartok's Bluebeard's Castle and imagine themselves as Judit. The love they feel is real, but it's... complicated. Things are not quite as they have been presented, and they will learn things they wish they didn't know.

Leland said...

Is Affirmative Action victimizing black Americans?

It seems in Whoopi Goldberg's View, you have to be black in order to be a victim, so yeah.

Gospace said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...
No, they won't. They're get a job with the government, with an "activist" group, or they'll be the token at some law firm, and never be required or expected to actually produce anything of actual merit

Makes one think back to Michelle's very important must be done job at a Chicago hospital for a few hundred thousand a year, a job so vital, so important, that after Obama was elected and they headed off to Washington, the job was never filled. Apparently she did the job so well, no one needed to follow her- everything that ever needed to be accomplished had been accomplished, and no lesser mortal could fill her shoes.

Yancey Ward said...

If you think you are an impostor, then you almost certainly are.

narciso said...

sandra fluke came from there, case closed,

MadisonMan said...

Never tell the truth when you work at a University.

Saint Croix said...

Don't we all view someone who got a job through nepotism as tainted by the imposter syndrome?

No. Imposter syndrome is something that comes from within. "I'm not worthy of this job. I'm a phony."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Let's be honest here and spell out that it's not the AA that has riled up the public but the incessant Virtue Signaling that precedes any actual action by this admin. After all, if he had taken action affirmatively and named a qualified woman who is black without announcing it ahead of time the way he did it, his choice would be praised. Almost everyone is happy to see a qualified candidate succeed in securing a prized position, or nomination in this case. But that's not how the hard Left rolls nowadays. Every action must be preceded by preening and pandering to "constituencies" in order to maximize political engagement. But the public is tired of the Obama-Biden-Harris affinity for crass virtue signaling. Now the process has become the story instead of the yet to be named pick. Further evidence how lame Biden's handlers are. He's always been a dolt, but we were assumed his handlers would have some savvy or competence.

We were wrong.

Shapiro commented on the absurdity of the process and now dishonest students act like he disparaged an actual black lady and instead of his contempt for the idea of POTUS projecting a discrimination-in-progress where you declare none of the qualified Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans or whites will even be considered. Psaki and Klain the messaging team are so detrimental to Joe's fragile presidency that I don't see how he can continue to rely on their bad advice and survive to 2024.

gilbar said...

if you think about it, AA is a universally hilarious practical joke!
It smears Everyone with its hilarity
*deserving white or asian kids get spoofed by being refused admission
*undeserving POC get spoofed by being admitted to a school over their abilities
..Which doesn't JUST make them fail (which makes them feel like sh*t)
..It makes them think they have been Scammed, by RACISM! (which makes them feel hateful)
*deserving POC get spoofed, because everyone (including themselves) think they are getting free rides
*people not involved hear about it, and are spoofed by thinking 'What the Hell is going on?'

Like i say, it's the universally hilarious practical joke!
It 'seems' like it's supposed help POC's, instead it Hurts them immensely
It 'seem' like it promotes racial healing and justice; instead it unjustly does the reverse

Seriously, if you WANTED to create racial divides and animosity; how could you do it better than AA does?

Jeff Weimer said...

@Critter - No, "impostor syndrome" is an individual thing - you're the one who feels like you don't belong even if everyone around you thinks you are doing an excellent job.

Iman said...

Please, no more about taints, gspencer!

‘tain’t nachul

hawkeyedjb said...

MadisonMan said...
"Never tell the truth when you work at a University."

Yup. The make-believe world is fragile, as are the people who inhabit it.

Jeff Weimer said...

This complaint about "impostor syndrome" reveals much more about the Georgetown BLSA than Ilya Shapiro. It reveals their feelings and self-talk about affirmative action and their place in and due to it.

"The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." - Proverbs 28:1

Jaq said...

Wise Latinx. How many times do you have to be told?

Narayanan said...

Why won't Obama be the go to person that speaks to them about this haunting

rhhardin said...

Amy Wax says she's never seen a black person in the top half of her law class, as I recall.

In addition, picking a woman gets you somebody not particularly interested in structural stability, in favor of an interest in worthy exceptions. So it will collapse but it will collapse doing something worthy.

There are, however, 28,000 black women with an IQ over 130, on the bright side, if I've used the applet right. I'd have expected a lot less. They don't wind up on TV, I guess. That's 560 per state, which maybe isn't as unreasonable as it looked.

Narayanan said...

Ilya Shapiro is idiot with white privilege

Ceciliahere said...

You might be smart to avoid a black doctor. My nephew could not get in to med school in the states. He went to Grenada. But, several of his black classmates, who ranked lower in the class did get into med school in U. S. He did internship and residency in the states and is now a cardiologist. But, his experience with AA will forever make him angry. I always research any doctor I’m considering to treat me. No AA docs for me. Too bad for those Black students who are worthy. AA has cast a suspicion on their qualifications.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Look, squirrel!

Meanwhile schools and universities continue to chip away at objective measures of merit. The goal is to make AA impossible to detect. How can you say race preference overcame lower performance or merit when performance and merit are not measured?

Bruce Hayden said...

“And then you show up at 1L--and pretty much everyone else is at least as smart as you are--if not smarter, and got better grades at better colleges. And you look at Martindale Hubbell (not having any lawyers in your family) and see that if you want to get a job in a firm in your home town you'd better make grades good enough to get on Law Review and Order of the Coif.”

We were told essentially the same thing, though it was far from a top tier law school.

Richard Dolan said...

Shapiro began his comment by saying that the 'best' pick for Biden was Sri Srinivasan, and gave his reasons for that view. By definition, that makes any other pick less than the 'best.' And, the logic of affirmative action leads to the same conclusion -- set asides based on race and gender (which is what Biden said he was doing) only make sense if the supposed beneficiaries of the set-asides are excluded based on otherwise applicable criteria. So, whether his wording was inartful, as Shapiro later said, his criticism of Biden's discriminatory criteria in considering potential candidates makes sense and isn't racist or objectionable except on the dumbest 'woke' scale.

But that's just his opinion and others will disagree.

The "shadow of impostor syndrome" that "haunts black students" at Georgetown is also an artifact of affirmative action, and for the same reason. The way affirmative action works, as the Harvard admissions case shows all too clearly, is to create separate pathways for black candidates for admission to otherwise very selective groups, and it does so by applying less demanding (in the Harvard case, very much less demanding) criteria. That truth about affirmative action doesn't become false because it has become a Rep or conservative talking point. To claim that it does is classic gaslighting. And, as applied by Biden for admission to the class of potential candidates for appointment to SCOTUS -- about as selective a group as one can imagine -- Biden's race/gender criteria work in the same way. It's not necessarily true that everyone who meets those criteria could not also have satisfied more appropriately job-related qualifications, but that the "shadow" of affirmative action always gives rise to an element of "impostor syndrome," even for those who aren't actually "impostors."

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Why is Bill Treanor still dean? What a hypocrit. He should resign that position and let a black woman take her rightful place.

MayBee said...

Isn't this about keeping someone who doesn't believe in Affirmative Action from teaching future lawyers from Georgetown? And letting others know this is not an area of law to be questioned any more if they want prestige?

Joe Smith said...

'You might be smart to avoid a black doctor.'

My grandfather always said, if you need a doctor or a lawyer, Chinese or Jewish is the way to go : )

Rosalyn C. said...

Speaking of craziness, we have obvious imposters like Don Lemon (and others) who are sure of their superiority who advance the stupidest ideas, but get a pass because people want to see a gay Black man in a prominent position.

What I find ironic in this case of Black female SCOTUS nominees is that so many of them have grown up in the most elite circumstances. It’s absolutely absurd to think of them as representing an underprivileged minority. They are nothing like the ordinary Black person and the only thing they have in common is their skin color. We’re told that matters. I hope the person who is eventually nominated and confirmed has an excellent character and a superior legal mind. That’s all that matters to me.

Kevin said...

reinforced it

What they mean is "mentioned it".

In today's environment, mentioning the wrong things gets you into real trouble.

So, shut up before you speak.

Rabel said...

I think Shapiro meant exactly what he wrote in the moment that he wrote it.

He grouped people into categories, in this case Indian American immigrants and African American native females, and stated that a person in the AA female category would intrinsically be inferior to a person in the Indian immigrant category. Lesser!

Obviously, this isn't accurate since the IQ curves overlap, but that's what he wrote and that was clearly his thought process when he put out the tweet - it's right there in black and white. He's an intelligent man so he knows, on reflection, that that was wrong and a bit stupid but he did it and should own up and stop trying to weasel his way out with claims of simply being a poor writer.

Say what you will about the about the varying abilities of different races and ethnicities, but if you write that all "X's" are superior to all "Y's" then you have crossed the line.

gspencer said...

btw this is a good story to begin another phony Black History Month.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“And then you show up at 1L--and pretty much everyone else is at least as smart as you are--if not smarter, and got better grades at better colleges. And you look at Martindale Hubbell (not having any lawyers in your family) and see that if you want to get a job in a firm in your home town you'd better make grades good enough to get on Law Review and Order of the Coif.”

This was my experience as well. But I remember vividly a discussion I had with a classmate about law review. We had a “write on” process where you had to write and have the writing reviewed to be selected for law review. The traditional method was “grade on” meaning top students got selected simply based on grades. My classmate was so “high and mighty” about how much more fair and inclusive the “write on” process was (why should those with the best grades get selected to the detriment of the “others”).

After the law review members were selected it was pretty obvious to me that they were largely the same as the students with the top grades.

But hey, whatever makes you feel better about yourself…

Jeff Weimer said...

I'm less concerned about affirmative action at private Ivy-League colleges as all they are doing is carefully curating a boutique student experience - which is important to them and their community - as I am for AA in more pedestrian land-grant and/or public/state funded colleges. *Those* were instituted to promote a more ruthless meritocratic ethic by making a quality college education accessible to even the lowest classes, as long as they could keep up. No AA required.

Michael K said...

One of my former partners in practice was a Cuban who got to the US as a child. He spent a couple of years in an orphanage until his parents escaped. He went to college in LA and applied to UCSF medical school. He did not hear anything from them so, after a few months, he went to the San Francisco campus and met with the staff of the admissions committee. They told him his application was in the "Hispanic Committee." He had no idea what that meant so he asked if he could just be considered a "white" applicant. A couple weeks later he got accepted. Who knows what might have happened if he had not gone up there. Of course, that was years ago when merit still mattered.

Andrew said...

Haunted by the shadow,
People can be callow.
Black for real?
Imposter feel?
We still black people hallow.

Aggie said...

past justifications of the act aside, the mavens of Affirmative Action want us all to grant privilege without equal consideration of true individual merit. But: We live in a meritocracy - that is the reality. It can be corrupted, as we see. But the consequence of corrupting it leads to the reality that nobody trusts the credentials of the so-privileged - because they have been provably falsified.

Somebody once said, about things like this: "You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality"

Mark said...

EVERY student at Georgetown "Law" School needs to be preemptively disbarred and prohibited from ever practicing law; and every "law" professor at the school needs to be immediately disbarred.

Mark said...

Before they throw stones, let's remember that Georgetown is a former slave-owning institution.

n.n said...

Collateral damage of social justice. Critical Racists' Theory presumes diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) that denies individual dignity, conscience, and value, and normalizes color blocs (e.g. "people of color"), color quotas (e.g. "Jew privilege"), and affirmative discrimination. The Pro-Choice religion denies women and men's dignity and agency, and reduces human life to negotiable assets. #HateLovesAbortion... Impostor Syndrome

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Gospace said...
Makes one think back to Michelle's very important must be done job at a Chicago hospital for a few hundred thousand a year, a job so vital, so important, that after Obama was elected and they headed off to Washington, the job was never filled. Apparently she did the job so well, no one needed to follow her- everything that ever needed to be accomplished had been accomplished, and no lesser mortal could fill her shoes.

IIRC, Michelle's main "accomplishment" was to cite the Tuskegee experiment, and use that as a reason to keep black girls from participating in the HPV vaccine studies.

One wonders how many black females will get cervical cancer because Michelle "saved" them from getting the shot as part of one of those studies

krnanjing said...

These are likely the same students who got a Georgetown Law professor fired for stating to a colleague the following...:"I end up having this angst every semester that a lot of my lower ones are Blacks, happens almost every semester."
Wonder why that is????

CL said...

A school can charge more if it has high standards which means the students are highly qualified which means the students can get a good job. Lowering standards is like monetary inflation, it debases the currency. Some schools have gone down that road so far that they are making their diplomas worthless.

Jim said...

Since there will be an affirmative action hire on the Supreme Court, shouldn't said AA hire recuse herself every time AA comes before the court?

mikee said...

What a wonderful game it is, to accuse of racism those who decry as improper the use of skin color as a significant factor in one's treatment of people. Even protesting the existence of the game is supposedly racist. To hell with that, and to hell with them.

R C Belaire said...

Richard Dolan --a great summary. Thx.

hawkeyedjb said...

Shapiro is toast. An apology is an admission of wrong; even worse, in this case it is an admission of wrong-think. Progs won't be satisfied until there is blood.

ALP said...

Paralegal here. I used to work for a white, female, Jewish attorney that was considered quite a big deal in her practice area. Listed in Who's Who. Speaking engagements all over the west coast. Is there any group of people more 'suited' to the attorney life/culture than a Jew?

SHE had impostor syndrome! I knew this because she TOLD me so.

hawkeyedjb said...

America is becoming like a shithole Muslim country, where you cannot naysay the Prophet except on penalty of death. You cannot naysay the religion of Diversity, except on penalty of career death. It is a matter of faith, and all your rationality and facts count for nothing. You either [pretend to] believe, or you are gone.

DanTheMan said...

>>The more "diverse" the college, the fewer the opinions that may be expressed there.


Maynard said...

and stated that a person in the AA female category would intrinsically be inferior to a person in the Indian immigrant category. Lesser!

Obviously, this isn't accurate since the IQ curves overlap, but that's what he wrote and that was clearly his thought process...

IQ curves apply to populations, as in the population of Blacks, Whites, etc. You are correct in stating that the curves overlap (quite a bit actually). However, you are incorrect in equating the IQ of a specified individual to that of a population.

Jupiter said...

"Who is responsible for "the shadow of impostor syndrome" that "haunts" black students? Not Shapiro. He is only accused of having "reinforced" it."

Yeah, I think it must be genetic. Like the hair.

Mea Sententia said...

It is far too easy to publish our thoughts now. If I had any kind of public following or position, I'd be terrified of using Twitter. A single wrong tweet and self-immolation.

Jupiter said...

"Say what you will about the about the varying abilities of different races and ethnicities, but if you write that all "X's" are superior to all "Y's" then you have crossed the line."

He didn't say that. He said that the best of the Xs are superior to the best of the Ys. Kind of like, the tallest men are taller than the tallest women.

Anonymous said...

The black foreign students that I taught in medical school knew they were given an advantage, too, but they also did not have the victim mentality that the American blacks do.

In many cases the very well-educated students who come here from Africa and do well under affirmative action are the descendants of kings and chiefs and merchants in what is now Ghana or Nigeria, whose families were made wealthy and powerful by the slave trade before, during, and after the days of the Middle Passage. I’ve known a number of them, and they commonly harbor a disdain for African-American “Descendant of Slaves” culture that would shock a Klansman. It goes beyond the discomfort many non-black people have with the misogyny and criminality celebrated by the culture of American-born blacks. It is bound up with a uniquely African heritage of tribal loyalties and contempt for those descended from their ancestral enemies, as well as criminals and troublemakers from their own tribes, all of whom their remote great-grandfathers were glad to be rid of by selling them off to the slave traders.

Big Mike said...

You might be smart to avoid a black doctor.

And after this kerfluffle you would be wise not to hire a black lawyer who got his or her JD from Georgetown Law. Clearly, if you’re white or Asian or Hispanic they aren’t going to give their best effort on your behalf,

BUMBLE BEE said...

AA "has kept them voting democrat for the next 50 years", and beyond. So there's that.

Gator said...

You would think at some point folks will come to the realization, some people will never be satisfied and use anything as a reason to be a victim. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It happened near our house in Richmond, VA, where the monuments were taken down, but when the ugly graffiti-laced pedestrals were removed the same people complained about that for......reasons?

Rabel said...

"He said that the best of the Xs are superior to the best of the Ys."

No. He may have meant that, or not, but that's not what he wrote.

Rollo said...

Imposter syndrome isn't confined to minority groups. We used to just call it modesty or insecurity. A possible cure might be the recognition that prestigious institutions are themselves imposters and perhaps less worthy of respect than one thinks one is entitled to oneself.

Mea Sententia said...

The students themselves are responsible for how they feel about themselves.

effinayright said...

Jeff Weimer said...
@Critter - No, "impostor syndrome" is an individual thing - you're the one who feels like you don't belong even if everyone around you thinks you are doing an excellent job.

Limbaugh did a spoof on that sort of thinking, only the "imposter" was an
accomplished white guy who guiltily felt HE didn't deserve praise for what HE had actually accomplished.

Today he'd be held up as an example of White Privilege---"You're right! You DIDN'T deserve any of that! You deprived a black guy of the chance to accomplish what YOU accomplished!"

Jaq said...

"The more "diverse" the college, the fewer the opinions that may be expressed there."

What's the opposite of diversity? University.

DanTheMan said...

>>the tallest men are taller than the tallest women.

I think Joe Biden has promised to fix that.
Right after Obama stops the oceans from rising, and Joe wraps up his cancer "moon shot".

Zev said...

the emanations and penumbras of impostor syndrome

Anyhow, based on their recent ridiculous behavior, I'd say it's not just impostor syndrome; these people really are unfit for adulthood, let alone higher education.

n.n said...

set asides based on race...

50 shades of Obama's Kenyan elite vs deplorables is the black, white, yellow, red, orange new old world order. Diversity breeds adversity. Forward!

The Dark Lord said...

I would nominate the AA community itself for creating the syndrome... high achieving AA students are accused of "acting white" ... too many AA "singers" are thug wannabes ... if any community in American works overtime to avoid being judged by the content of their character its the AA community ...

The Dark Lord said...

I would nominate the AA community itself for creating the syndrome... high achieving AA students are accused of "acting white" ... too many AA "singers" are thug wannabes ... if any community in American works overtime to avoid being judged by the content of their character its the AA community ...

Tom Grey said...

The main visible result of AA in college:
Blacks are most of the bottom of most integrated classes.

The purpose of AA is get visible results.

The REAL purpose of AA is for white college students to see most Blacks as academically inferior - but NEVER talk about what they SEE.
AA has been effective at showing White Supremacy in college - AND thought control censuring of such racist thinking.

Probably a lot of college grad rage is fueled by this cognitive dissonance.

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