May 2, 2017

"In fact, the only thing [Trump's] mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster."

Actual joke told on CBS network TV last night — on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert."


eddie willers said...

I'll just wait for Laslo.

Earnest Prole said...

As Alec Baldwin has demonstrated, the go-to killer insult for lefties is homosexuality.

Big Mike said...

Scratch a liberal, find a homophobic misogynistic elitist.

WisRich said...

Would he still have his job if that joke was directed at Obama? I think not.

TrespassersW said...

Two questions:

1. How exactly is that a joke?
2. Didn't Stephen Colbert used to be somebody?

furious_a said...

I thought liberals were cool with people putting whatever they wanted into their mouths.

Except cigarettes and Big Macs, apparently.

rehajm said...

There's two standards.

FullMoon said...

Did the audience laugh? Suppose so. But,even at middle school level, that joke is not funny,, much less by a professional comedian. I guess it was written for him by a team, everybody salivatin'ike Pavlov's dog waiting for him to spring it.

Toto said...

No media outrage. None. Just imagine the jokes Colbert will tell next month... next year.

Media bias isn't restricted to news outlets. Entertainment publications may even be worse. I follow plenty of their writers on Twitter. It's ... ugly.

Sam L. said...

These guys are so "swave" and "deboner".
Roy J, it ain't, and he wasn't.

Todd said...

Graham says, referring to Colbert, Sir,” but try to do so in a manner that’s more becoming of someone of your immense talent.

Asserting facts not in evidence. I have yet to witness anything from Colbert that indicates the existence of talent. I may have a high bar though. I expect comics to be funny and late night show hosts to be entertaining. Others have different standards.

n.n said...

There was a joke in a similar vein on I believe "60 Minutes". One of the JournoLists advised Bloomberg that he would not get into heaven simply because he was a white male billionaire. He hesitated. I'm sure that he wanted to say white male billionaire Jew. These are ugly people who are no longer hiding behind a cloak of [class] diversity or a pretense of "good" intentions.

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

I'm confused. Is that a bad thing in their Leftist world where gay men are heroes?

mezzrow said...

This is after 100 days. Where will they be in three and half more years?

"Oh, wonder! / How many goodly creatures are there here! / How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, / That has such people in 't!"

Once more I am reminded that these are the crazy years, after all. This lot is just getting warmed up.

furious_a said...

Colbert's got a high bar to hurdle to surpass Letterman's statutory rape jokes about Willow Palin.

Comanche Voter said...

Salivating like one of Pavlov's dogs? There is a certain canine quality in the writers for the "comedians". As for Colbert; who realizes (a) that's he's not personally very funny; and (b) relies on a comedy writing "crew" that itself is not very funny---why in keeping with the intellectual level of that bunch of no talent schlunks, I'd say they are all in deep ca ca.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Eh. Colbert is still butthurt because he made fun of Trump incessantly in the run up to the election, said flat out that Trump had no chance of winning - and then Trump won.

It's almost as if the American public doesn't seek Colbert's guidance when it comes to voting.

David Begley said...

When all of this Russia stuff turns out to be wrong the Left and MSM will be completely discredited.

tcrosse said...

Nice talk coming from a cis-gendered straight white male. Check your privilege !

furious_a said...

I have yet to witness anything from Colbert that indicates the existence of talent.

He did some pretty good cameo work on Elmo's World, like when he ("The Letter Z") and Nicole Sullivan ("The Latter A") asked passersby at a shopping center to name words that started with their respective letters. Colbert got increasingly peeved as all his respondents could find was "zebra" and "zylophone" while the Letter A ran up the score.

Plus his Mr. Goodwrench spots.

Chuck said...

So I am curious; what should happen to Stephen Colbert now?

Should we ban him from speaking anywhere, like the liberals have tried to do to Ann Coulter, Charles Murray and Heather Mac Donald? Should we organize an advertiser boycott, to convince CBS to fire him? Should we organize riots in public places in the ways that BAMN and Occupy! and Black Bloc have?

Colbert is a comedian. I think that there is something about the 11:30 ET comedy shows, that many Americans regard as a sort of public utility, right? Thinking that there is a kind of "fairness doctrine" that governs their speech. Right?

Don't get me wrong; people are free to complain about Colbert. Boycott his advertisers. Organize secondary boycotts (as much as I oppose them, myself, for reasons that Professor Bradley Smith has argued so admirably). And by all means, point out the hypocrisy in Colbert's using homosexual/ridicule imagery to his advantage... when he'd never allow a conservative to get away with something similar.

Do all of that. Combat disagreeable and offensive speech, with more speech.

But what else does anybody propose?

Bay Area Guy said...

When the Right makes even the slightest perceived racial or gay or sexist slur, they are fired.

When the Left makes an outright gay slur, well, the guy deserved it!

Without double standards, the Left would have no standards at all.

Dave in Tucson said...

Ladies and gentlemen, the party of tolerance, inclusion, and diversity.

Professional lady said...

Stupid and gross. Glad I didn't watch (I never have).

gspencer said...

"Colbert is a comedian."

Unless you had told me I'd never have known.

eric said...

Another one of those times I wish I were a billionaire.

I'd so troll these people. I'd write entire shows scripted with things said by Democrats about Republicans and just sit back and enjoy the outrage. I'd get politicians like Ted Cruz to ask a general on camera whether or not he expects Guam to tip over. There is so much material out there. And I'd love to spend my days pointing out and laughing at the hypocrisy on the left.

mockturtle said...

Without double standards, the Left would have no standards at all.

Good one.

cubanbob said...

Hey Chuck, here is what we ought to do: take a tip from Glenn Reynolds and re-institute the Hollywood Tax and charge a gross receipts tax on over the air broadcasters. And just for extra measure unbundel cable. I don't want to pay for See BS. And they should be paying a fee to benefit for a monopoly use of a frequency. Besides Democrats like taxes, they should pay them until they bleed.Oh, did I forget to mention entertainment workers need to have their bennies like the limos etc taxed to them personally as an imputed income.

Bill said...

Very disappointing to hear such filth from him. I've read that he's a practicing Catholic, and even a catechist.

furious_a said...
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furious_a said...

So I am curious; what should happen to Stephen Colbert now?

Colbert should become more selective of his audience, like ESPN is doing. If that doesn't work out he can always go back to Elmo's World guest spots.

Oh Yea said...

Blogger tcrosse said...

Nice talk coming from a cis-gendered straight white male...

Making some assumptions aren't we?

Paul said...

Well hell Colbert, you have been a cocksucker for the MSM for years, so I guess you know a lot about that subject.

Richard said...

Why would someone who claims to be against homophobia, resort to using homophobic slurs to attack his political enemy? It is almost as if he really believes that there is something wrong with the gay lifestyle.

TestTube said...

Ties back to a previous Althouse thread on coarse language...

Colbert's comedy doesn't work when gets overly crude and macho like this, because you look at the guy and kind of figure that if he said that in person, Trump might very well make Colbert HIS c***holster.

Sorta like Trudeau trying to label George H. W. Bush a wimp. Doesn't stick to a guy that flew torpedo bombers in WWII.

Most people can't, and shouldn't use strong language. Does anyone remember who came up with the Mark Twain quote on this topic in the previous thread?

Jim said...

I'm so old, I remember when the Democrats made commercials calling for decorum in public discourse.

Alex said...

Ben Shapiro makes an excellent recurring point. Trump is a moron, but the media are bigger morons, so Trump gets by for now despite only achieving Gorsuch and not much else.

DanTheMan said...

He's getting exactly the reaction he wanted: Adoration from the left, and anger from the right.
"The only thing worse than being talked about..."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left cannot face that Hillary is a lying corrupt money grubber. They have swallowed the "It was Russia" thing whole.

Bob Boyd said...

"what should happen to Stephen Colbert now?"

There was probably a specialist in Putin's office first thing this morning asking the same question.

Rabel said...

So Carlin was wrong?

TestTube said...

Just like, you can get away with snarking about some of Billy Joel's songs, but it doesn't work when you try to label HIM as a softie, because everyone knows the guy was a boxer and could kick your tushie from the Italian restaurant to the uptown girl's apartment.

Ken B said...

Gaybasher Stephen Colbert. That is how I will refer to him now, every time. Let his fans and apologists wear it.

tcrosse said...

Does anyone remember who came up with the Mark Twain quote on this topic in the previous thread?


DanTheMan said...

And what, exactly, happened to Anderson Cooper when he made his "teabagging" joke?

Hint: Nothing.

Big Mike said...

Anyway, no CBS for this household anymore. It's something we can do without.

TestTube said...

An excellent quote, tcrosse. I thank you for it.

William said...

This is far from the highwater mark. Comedians are in open competition to make the vilest joke possible about Trump. It doesn't have to be funny. It just has to be vile and insulting. Broadcast standards are relaxed to permit passage of such jokes, but only if they are directed at Trump......This is voodoo comedy. The efficacy of a voodoo curse is dependent upon the hatred and vitriol with which the witch doctor casts the spell. Voodoo comedy doesn't depend upon humor but rather on hatred. The audience enjoys not the humor but the hatred. Hatred is the whole point of it......Comedians will soon have a lower reputation than reporters, and reporters currently have a lower reputation than politicians.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

The LGBTQ brigades will be along to call for Colbert's job any minute now.
Aaaaaany minute.

n.n said...

Cooper is transgendered, which presumably grants him license to tell transgendered jokes. Is Colbert? This could easily be settled with a baby trial. Either Colbert is transgendered, thereby entitled to tell transgendered jokes, or he is not, and should be deemed not viable (or worthy) and should be aborted.

n.n said...


Just like the female chauvinists called for Clinton's "head". Welcome to the twilight zone.

tcrosse said...

Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.
- Mark Twain

Bilwick said...

Colbert, who seems to be the King of Late Night Agitprop, now becomes a shoe-in for the Mark Twain Award previously given to the former Queen of Late Night Agitprop, Tina Fey. And the Age of Ellsworth Toohey continues. . . .

Fernandinande said...

William said...
The audience enjoys not the humor but the hatred.

"12 Minutes Hate" - a new standard?

mockturtle said...

Who watches this crap, anyway???

Jeff Faria said...
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Anonymous said...

It's just so coarse, so ugly, so naked in its hate. And it's mainstream network TV. Makes me think even harder about the Benedictine Option....

Jeff Faria said...

It may well be that everyone here knows this already, but perhaps it bears repeating every time Colbert's name is mentioned: The Clintons are a major Colbert client. They pay him to get their message out. Here he is, in a simple Google search, shilling for the 'Clinton Global Initiative', on and off the show.

And here's some material from WikiLeaks on Colbert.

fivewheels said...

"When all of this Russia stuff turns out to be wrong the Left and MSM will be completely discredited."

What is this, comments from the '80s?

robother said...

It's nice that John Stewart and Colbert drove "Crossfire" off the air (because its political debate format was "hurting America"), opening the way for this kind of respectful, reasoned discussion of the issues. Didn't Stewart and Colbert even have a Civility rally in DC? Civiilty Bullshit indeed.

JaimeRoberto said...

I suspect he's attempting to get conservatives to call for his head and then he can point to hypocrisy regarding free speech.

mockturtle said...

I suspect he's attempting to get conservatives to call for his head and then he can point to hypocrisy regarding free speech.

Colbert's head isn't worth calling for.

Lucien said...

LLR Chuck, did you get your answer?

Kinda feels like you were hoping someone would propose going full Antifa on Colbert and no one did.

Does that make you happy or frustrated?

Lucien said...

60+ comments in I might add. That's got to be really frustrating. And you even asked the leading question hoping someone would go for it.

MeMySelf said...

And I should care what this fool has to say?

David said...

Ratings ploy, and its working.

tcrosse said...

I'm surprised Bill Maher didn't say it first. Or maybe he did....

Chuck said...

Lucien said...
LLR Chuck, did you get your answer?
Kinda feels like you were hoping someone would propose going full Antifa on Colbert and no one did.
Does that make you happy or frustrated?

The comments generally give me the impression that there are a few cockamamie ideas (unbundle your cable package, meanwhile CBS is a broadcast network; and pass punitive taxes on the broadcast networks, presumably for unsatisfactory content) and the rest of them being, "Do nothing, mostly."

I did not expect anyone to threaten any Colbert-riots. I did expect some people to advocate for CBS advertiser boycotts, and we'll see how that goes. Well beyond the Althouse blog, of course.

I am not disappointed, or delighted, or surprised, or anything else.

What spurred my further interest late this afternoon, was seeing the Drudge/Trump propaganda machine pivot on the issue. Early this morning, Drudge was in his full-Hannity "blame the GOPe leadership in Congress" for the big bloated spending bill that was largely negotiated under Obama (and with the expectation of a Hillary win).

But then, as Democrats and their media friends spiked their collective footballs, Trump went nuts and started Tweeting about a government shutdown in September. Time then, to dial back the "blame Republicans" bit for a bill that Trump would be soon signing.

Time, then, to move on to the Stephen Colbert Hate Outrage headline. I presume that this post from Althouse was ripped from the banner-page of the Drudge Report.

furious_a said...

Good stuff, Jeff Faria.

Bob Loblaw said...

I have yet to witness anything from Colbert that indicates the existence of talent. I may have a high bar though. I expect comics to be funny and late night show hosts to be entertaining. Others have different standards.

It's "clappy" humor. That is to say, it's not actually funny, but people will cheer if they agree with the politics. The Daily Show and The Colbert Report cultivated that kind of audience. Neither of those guys is funny, and for all the attention they received they never had an audience beyond smug coastal leftists and dorm room Marxists.

Chuck said...

I think everybody -- most particularly Althouse as her own editor-in-chief -- is missing the real late-night comedy scandal.

Althouse took her lead from Drudge, and went straight to Colbert.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Kimmel did his own terrifically unfunny, unfactual, whining, misleading story about who his child almost died from a cardiac ailment requiring emergency surgery.

Nobody else will use this sort of shorthand, but the policy implications of the story were complete horseshit. (The human-interest part was of course genuine, and intended to dominate everything else, and it seems to have worked to perfection. Those Hollywood guys know how to do messaging.)

Obama then joined in with a Tweet supporting Kimmel and the opposition to changing Obamacare.

Althouse, if you want to do a post on how badly Jimmy Kimmel mangled healthcare policy, I think that would be a lot more substantive.

Mr. Groovington said...
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Mr. Groovington said...

"But what else does anybody propose?"

As has been previously mentioned here, suspend the Constitution, go to war.

damikesc said...

Remember, gay friends, these are your friends. Really.

DavidD said...

Can our public discourse get any lower?

Yes; yes, it can.

Mark said...

Colbert -- and all the Obama/Bill Clinton sycophants -- should really not talk with their mouth full.

Freeman Hunt said...

There's an age line somewhere that when you cross it, you're too old to say things like that and not look like a complete jackass. Colbert is on the wrong side of that line for this bit.

(Young people say things like that and merely look immature.)

le Douanier said...

What are the odds that headlines re blowjobs will have a statistical increase re dudes prepping/angling for such this evening?

Not to mention the gals gettin' their own ideas.


Freeman Hunt said...

Perhaps Trump has considered gayness. He would not be the first president to have ostensibly done so. If he has, and we couldn't possibly ask him to find out if he has because asking creates a culture of harassment, is this not hate speech?

readering said...

Trump said, when you're a star you can do anything. We'll find out if you can say anything.

Chuck said...

DavidD said...
Can our public discourse get any lower?

Yes; yes, it can.

We were saying that more than a year ago, and it was true:

Lewis Wetzel said...

Out of curiosity, I looked up the definition of "authoritarian" at Merriam-Webster.
What I found fits the Democrats, the MSM, and people like Colbert, not Trump.

Definition of authoritarian
: of, relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority
: of, relating to, or favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people

Stephen said...

Colbert crossed the line. Respond how progressives do -- BDS (boycott, divest, sanction). Then ask advertisers if they want their brand associated with this guy. Run the clip over and over at shareholder meetings until they cancel their ads with CBS. Good ratings won't matter unless they can be monetized.

dreams said...
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Matt said...

Suddenly conservatives are now the language police and socially aware. Funny the way that works...

damikesc said...

Yup. Holding others to their own standards is the apex of hypocrisy.

Matt said...


Correction: It's the apex of partisanship. Few conservatives care that someone made a gay slur or offended Trump. They only care because it was said by Colbert. I'll grant you if Ann Coulter or Rush said the same line about Obama then the left would be going nuts. But, again, no one cares in general until they see WHO said it and who they said it about. Then things get interesting and somewhat stupid. And then pitchforks....

Lewis Wetzel said...

I'll grant you if Ann Coulter or Rush said the same line about Obama then the left would be going nuts.
Interesting that you compare Colbert to Coulter and Limbaugh, Matt. Coulter has been banned from NRO for saying nasty things about conservatives. My local radio station dropped Limbaugh after he said Sandra Fluke must be some kind of slut if she couldn't afford to pay for her own birth control pills.

Thorley Winston said...
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Che Dolf said...

Bill said... Very disappointing to hear such filth from him. I've read that he's a practicing Catholic, and even a catechist.

He's a devout churchian.

"I love my Church, and I’m a Catholic who was raised by intellectuals, who were very devout."

"We’re, you know, very devout and, you know, I still go to church and, you know, my children are being raised in the Catholic Church."

Matt said...

Lewis Wetzel

Feel free to follow the left's lead and ban everything you hate. That is part of my point. The right [correctly] is angry at the left for being so sensitive and politically correct and wanting safe spaces and all that. But when it comes time to prove the right is more adult about such matters they call for boycotts and are just as unreasonable as the left. [Although, conservatives haven't rioted yet over a speech so kudos for that. It's likely because conservatives tend to be older and past the protest / riot phase while the left tend to be younger... different topic.]

hombre said...

Colbert is a lefty lowlife who has improved his ratings by pandering to other lefty lowlifes. Nothing new or surprising here.

Carry on.

BN said...

Still no "decadence" tag, huh?

This is a perfect example of who we have become.

I feel sick. And I'm starting to enjoy it.

That's decadence.

Rusty said...

Blogger Matt said...
"Suddenly conservatives are now the language police and socially aware. "

Not really. But if you're going to call yourself a comedian you should at least be funny.

Michael K said...

"Defining deviancy down." Said by a Democrat.

walter said...

A splooge stooge?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Matt said...
Lewis Wetzel

Feel free to follow the left's lead and ban everything you hate.

Oh, I never said I wanted to ban anything.
I was only pointing out that it is incorrect to believe that the Left and the Right respond to provocative speech in the same fashion. The right polices their own -- sometimes too strictly IMHO. The Left does not.

Thorley Winston said...

The fundamental problem is that the Left has been allowed to pick and choose which rules of civil society they wish to discard or keep based on what serves their whims of the moment. They get to break the rules that they find inconvenient and expect the rest of us to continue to respect the ones which protect them. They keep doing this because they know that conservatives don’t want to escalate things any further. If you want it to stop, then we need to stop trying to match whatever the Left does when they decide to change the rules.

If you want to get Stephen Colbert to change his behavior, then show the clip to his two sons who he won’t allow to watch his show. Do it when they’re out in public at a park or in a store by flashing a clip of dad talking about c***k holsters and whatever other vulgarities he spews for a living. Let them see firsthand what kind of a person their father is and how he acts when they’re not around. Maybe he’ll come to realize that when you act this way, the rest of the world is under no obligation to respect your self-serving wish to compartmentalize it so that you don’t have to suffer the consequences. Or it may even force him and his wife to have explain to their children why they should never act like their father. Either way, it will hurt him on a deep and personal level and send a message to the rest of his fellow travelers that the old rules where they’re the ones who get decide when and whether to change the rules no longer apply and they might just think twice about it.

Unknown said...

Maybe Colbert is polishing material for a comedy album, like

Eddie Murphy "Raw"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Colbert should go down on Hillary. Right there on live TV. Go full Bill Nye d-crat junk.

Come on Colbert, you freak, you know you want to. Nothing better than corrupt money whore leftwing poon. A little whine first, perhaps?

Clinton just lost the 2020 election. (yeah - I think the DNC is dumb enough to run her up the flagpole again) Geeez - will she ever shut up and go the F away?

Bob Loblaw said...

Maybe Colbert is polishing material for a comedy album, like

Eddie Murphy "Raw"

Raw is actually funny.

Bill said...

I thought that it couldn't get worse than Rachel Bloom's performance on Bill Nye's latest show, but I was wrong.

Unknown said...

Correct me I'm wrong, but I once read that this guy Colbert taught the catechism in his church to children. I hope I'm wrong, because I would never let him near my child for any reason. He's disgusting.

Dave in Tucson said...

> Still no "decadence" tag, huh?

Also another missed opportunity for civility bullshit. Or are you not doing that anymore, Althouse?

Chuck said...

Rusty said...
Blogger Matt said...
"Suddenly conservatives are now the language police and socially aware. "

Not really. But if you're going to call yourself a comedian you should at least be funny.

Rusty I don't know how funny others might think you are, but you might be the only other Althouse commenter to use the term "cock holster":

Rusty said...
Blogger Achilles said...
Amanda said...
"To say "Trump has split the Democratic vote" is engaging in magical thinking. Think again."

We know you don't get out much and are not particularly bright. Talk to some actual Sanders voters. They will change your mind.

I'm going to have to quit reading her. Every time she opens her semen crusted cock holster a healthy child gets aborted and brain cells die. She makes garage look like an intellectual.
3/29/16, 9:07 PM

Otto said...

Time to stop being snowflakes and get off this postmoderism culture BS: words, words and more words. Colbert can say anything he wants and if it is a violation of FCC rules he should be punished. That goes for conservatives also. There use to be an old saying in America " sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me". Time for us to be doers , build something, instead of sayers and kvetching, like i am doing now :-).

RBE said...

Other media personalities have been fired for less. I must be very naïve because my mind can't imagine saying something like that in public.

Paco Wové said...

"Feel free to follow the left's lead and ban everything you hate."

Did somebody suggest 'banning' Colbert, or did you just make that part up?

richardsson said...

The one and only time I've seen Colbert was when he was "testifying" before a Congressional committee. I've never had HBO and my reaction was WTF. I guess he was the perfect replacement for Letterman, who I understood perfectly. Letterman was an angry man using alleged humor to relieve his pain. Nice work if you can get away with it. As for taking Colbert off the air, I say No...No. Let him dig his grave and CBS's grave one mouthful at a time. Since I hardly watch television anymore, I'm not bothered by what's on anymore.

mockturtle said...

Let him dig his grave and CBS's grave one mouthful at a time. Since I hardly watch television anymore, I'm not bothered by what's on anymore.

X2. The MSM will be the last to know how obsolete they have become.

Mr. Groovington said...

" They keep doing this because they know that conservatives don’t want to escalate things any further "

Speak for yourself. Not escalating in response is the problem. Unleash the dogs.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Why does the establishment call itself "the resistance"? Hillary Clinton saying that she is part of "the Resistance" is like Darth Vader calling the Death Star "Rebel Base."

wholelottasplainin said...

"Cock Cozy" works so much better.

Mark said...

"We’re, you know, very devout . . ."

I've said this before, but faithful active Catholics almost never refer to themselves as "devout."

Jon Ericson said...

Makes me puke to see these themes slipstreamed into the big old Alt-world.

Jon Ericson said...

Cuuummmm Bucket. Yes, very woody.
Splodge Stooge Tinny! Shriek!

Rusty said...

Chuck @ 9:16

You confuse humor with wit.

JOB said...

CONFIRMED: 30 years ago I stopped watching TV* for a reason.


*except for the NYFGs, of course!

David said...

Great joke. Certainly not homophobic. There are more important things to get upset about.

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