November 13, 2016

The first "Saturday Night Live" after the election — I was expecting something great... what a disappointment!

"Alec Baldwin will have to be on," I said, eagerly awaiting the opening sketch and wanting to see what the show would do with the kick-in-the-head Trump victory.

The show opened with Kate McKinnon's Hillary Clinton playing somber chords on the piano...

... I recognize the chords — there's no secret — it's "Hallelujah." They're combining the election story with the story of the death of Leonard Cohen. How's that going to work?

"Oh, she's doing this in earnest," Meade says, and he turns out to be right. Kate McKinnon sang the song in a somber tone, an earnest expression of sadness about the election (and perhaps also about the death of Leonard Cohen). No Alec-Baldwin-as-Donald-Trump ever bursts in. She completes the song, then turns to us and says, earnestly, her eyes glistening with tears, "I'm not giving up and neither should you."

The rest of the show was under-written and flat. I'm sure they knew that, since in one segment, they resorted to the gimmick of going meta, stopping a sketch mid-scene and switching to the actors analyzing what went wrong with the sketch, and the meta part was also under-written and flat.

The host was Dave Chappelle, who was making a big comeback. His opening monologue seemed be the result of a decision to just let him go on however he wanted for as long as he wanted. Many of his lines were garbled, and nearly all of it was some sort of racial analysis of what just happened in the election, with the main idea being that black people have always known that white people are racist. The most memorable joke was that he's staying in a Trump hotel and he likes it because: "Housekeeper comes in in the morning and cleans my room and I'm just 'Hey, good morning, housekeeper!' grab a handful of pussy, say, you know, 'Boss said it was okay.'"

There were some humiliating, cringe-inducing sketches. 2 were based on pathetic couples getting sex — "Last Call with Dave Chappelle" and "Love and Leslie" — and one was about a grown man (Chappelle) breastfeeding on his mother (Leslie Jones). There was a long, unfunny impersonation of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. There was a passable sketch about young white people watching the election returns with their black friend, played by Chappelle, who, I'm thinking, the show's decisionmakers deemed insufficiently energetically funny, since midway through the sketch, Chris Rock shows up to play the role of the white people's other black friend. There was an elaborately produced "Walking Dead" segment that gave Chappelle a chance to bring back a lot of characters that some people may remember from his old TV show. I don't know "Walking Dead" and I didn't watch much of the old Chappelle TV show, so I found this segment very hard to watch. It was one black man forcing a group of black men down on their knees and threatening them with violence. When the violence finally comes — at 3:23 — it gets surreal, and you might enjoy this part if you can endure the n-word and decapitation.

The severed head does some comical things. At 4:10 it talks about the nation "beginning to heal, through laughing again": "Because even though our country feels irrevocably severed like a man from his head, let my example prove that we should continue to move forward." The head asks us "to see ourselves in one another," and the special effects put this talking head in various places, including on the body of Donald Trump ("I am every man") and Hillary Clinton ("I am every woman").

The severed head was the best thing on the show. But then, I like optimism and surrealism. Mostly, I think the show just couldn't get it together to digest the news enough to make it into comedy. It was a real test of comic skill, nerve, and endurance, and they didn't have what it took. I guess it would have been easy to celebrate a Hillary victory, to gloat and mock, but they got their comeuppance, and it showed.


PB said...

Kate was dressed as Hillary, so it wasn't completely in earnest.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

SNL is simply Air America for late night TV.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hollywood is a special place filled with special people. I say we nuke it.

sane_voter said...

Didn't watch it then. Won't watch it now.

Laslo Spatula said...

"...There was a passable sketch about young white people watching the election returns with their black friend, played by Chappelle..."

Didn't see it, but assuming they are Hillary supporters?

Same scenario:

White friends are distraught, but Chappelle is a Trump voter, bemusedly watching them lose their shit, let's them know how he understands it will be tough being white like them in Trump's America, etc.

I would have written it for them if only Lorne had asked.


I am Laslo.

Curious George said...

My son and I watched...first time either of us had watched SNL in years, but he's a big Chappelle fan We bailed half way through. Just not funny. Awful.

tds said...

has Alec refused to portrait Trump-the-winner?
has Lorne forgot to book Alec thinking Trump will be irrelevant?
has Lorne refused to allow Alec to portrait Trump-the-winner?
have writers refused to portrait Trump-the-winner?

so much work for the NYT's investigative reporters

M Jordan said...

SNL has given birth to some of the comedic legends of our lives: Bill Murray, Will Ferrell, Joe the Plumber, Chris Rock, Mike Myers, Kristine Wiig ... the list goes on. I don't watch the show these days except for Internet clips but I am pretty certain they have no one in the present cast who's going to make it past this round. Comedy died when Barack Obama took office with the PC ethos that came with him.

David Begley said...

Yes. Before I feel asleep, it was quite disappointing.

But I won't fall asleep and will be quite happy when the Creighton Bluejays thrash the Wisconsin Badgers on Tuesday. Thrash I say. A real thrashing.

tds said...

TBF, post-election South Park episode was not particularly funny either. (I'm lending SNL a hand here)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hallelujah - we dodged a bullet...
Hallelujah - We put a stop to Hillary's corruption - her private server travels to foreign lands to make deals that enriched her private family foundation - foundation that only gives 6% to any actual charity. We put a stop to her obsession over Citizens United and her ultimate desire to smash the 1st amendment and make it illegal to criticize her.

Hollywood is sads.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I read somewhere three of the biggest losers on Tuesday were Mitt Romney, the Never Trumpers and Kate McKinnon.

Fritz said...

Laslo Spatula said...
White friends are distraught, but Chappelle is a Trump voter, bemusedly watching them lose their shit, let's them know how he understands it will be tough being white like them in Trump's America, etc.

I would have written it for them if only Lorne had asked.


I am Laslo.

When I watched it, I thought you did.

Bay Area Guy said...

The.Dave-Chappelle -Chris Rock skit with pretentious Hillary supporters watching the returns was not bad- but the rest of the show was atrocious.

Observing the reactions of Leftists to this epic defeat is fascinating. They've been lying to the public for so long, that they got comfortable lying to themselves about Hillary's 99% shot at winning.

A cold dose of reality is setting in. I don't feel your pain.

mpeirce said...

Much like the Clintons, SNL just won't fade away when its time has passed.

Come on NBC, time to try something new.

Eric said...

I have no doubt that Plan A for this show was for Hillary to appear so that we may adore her but there had to be some changes due to unforeseen events.

Curious George said...

"M Jordan said...
SNL has given birth to some of the comedic legends of our lives: Bill Murray, Will Ferrell, Joe the Plumber, Chris Rock, Mike Myers, Kristine Wiig ... the list goes on."

Kristine Wiig? No.

Laslo Spatula said...

(White couple, Ted and Alana, watching Election Returns with black friend, Dave)

Ted: I... I can't believe this is happening.

Alana: I think I'm going to cry.

Dave: Uh... sure.

Alana: I mean, this is going to be rough on everybody, but for you, Dave, you being, well...

Dave: ...a black man?

Alana: Yeah. It's got to be absolutely heartbreaking for you.

Dave: I'll survive.

Ted: That's my MAN! Don't let it bring you down!

Alana: (starting to sob) I feel like I need to apologize to you, Dave...

Ted: It's okay, honey...

Dave: Apologize? To me?

Alana: Yeah. Apologize to you on account of white people. Not ALL white people are racist, Dave -- I hope you can remember that...

Dave: Yeah. I'll keep that in mind.

Ted: I can't BELIEVE people voted for that guy.

Alana: Rednecks, honey. I told you about the rednecks.

Ted: Rednecks and hillbillies. It's like their vote counts as much as mine.

Alana: A college degree should matter. Right? Maybe only people who've been to college should vote...

Dave: Well...

Ted: Oh... yeah. I mean, a lot of black people don't get to go to college because of racism...

Alana: Racism.

Ted: THEY'D still get to vote, just not the hillbillies.

Alana: Or rednecks.

Dave: I'm good with everyone getting to vote; it's all of our's President, right?

Ted: You are SO strong, Dave.

Alana: Yeah: strong. I mean, aren't you, as a ...

Ted: man.

Alana: Yeah, a black man: aren't you afraid of this guy coming to President? I feel like we elected Hitler (sobs)...

Ted: Hold me, honey (consoles Alana).

Ted: You know, this is hitting you guys pretty hard. I think I'm going to head off -- got an early day at work tomorrow...

Ted: Dave, have I told you how Strong you are?

Alana: You're a strong man, Dave. I'm soooo sorry... (sobs)

Dave: I'll be fine, you guys. Just take care of each other, alright?

(Dave gets up to leave, pauses at doorway. reaches into coat packet, pulls out "Make America Great Again" hat, puts it on)

Dave: Good night, guys...

(Dave leaves)

Ted: I think he didn't want to cry in front of us.

Alana: I think you're right, Ted. he could've, you know? He could've cried in front of us -- we'd understand.

Ted: You know: I'm not black, but I SO feel what he is going through...

Alana: Me too, honey: me too...

(end scene)

I am Laslo.

Ann Althouse said...

"White friends are distraught, but Chappelle is a Trump voter, bemusedly watching them lose their shit, let's them know how he understands it will be tough being white like them in Trump's America, etc."

While we were watching it, Meade predicted that it would end with the Chappelle character saying he was a Trump voter.

The sketch really went nowhere, repeating the same point over and over, but there was room for a big twist and the black person's argument for Trump could have been written to be devastating. Perhaps they thought of it but rejected it because they didn't want to be edgy that way.

Laslo Spatula said...

First post: 8:10
Second post: 8:38

Wrote it in less than half an hour.

With no expletives or anal sex.

Lorne: call me.

I am Laslo.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Chappelle skit with the clueless white Clinton supporters was pretty funny, at least by SNL standards. Althouse is trying a little too hard to pander here.

One Eye said...

Big mistake for her to be in Hillary garb for the opener. A duet with Alec Baldwin as Trump? Nope, supposed to be serious we find out in the end. Indulgent.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg thing was awful. Reminded me of the old Will Farrell cheeleaders thing which I never thought was funny.

Susan said...

"The first SNL after the election... I was expecting something great..."

Well there's your problem.

JAORE said...

Sadly, they are convinced the country elected Hitler 2.0. The fell asleep in a world where a black man was president due to our enlightened majority and awoke in a world of Klansmen.

And they were so SMART, they were so RIGHT it has to be the others are in the Klan. And the Klan is EVERYWHERE.

Irrational, sure. But if that's all you can conceive of, it must be terrifying.

Could have made some comedy gold out of that.

CWJ said...

M Jordan,

No one from the first year's cast? You're dating yourself (as far younger than me).

Actually, the most successful launching pad from that earlier time was Second City TV. I think every one of the cast other than Dave Thomas went on to bigger things. Even then, Thomas was more writer than actor so I don't know.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I miss Phil Hartman.

Wince said...

The theme of the Chappelle sketch was that the white yuppies were bemoaning their fate all the while blind to how awful it has been especially for blacks, now and through history.

Meanwhile, Wanda Sykes was booed at an annual comedy fundraiser in Boston before a large arena crowd.

What killed Sykes performance was a profound lack of any comedic material. She phoned it in. There were no punchlines in her Trump rant. Pure opinionated invective. The lack of laughter from all audience members was the opening the eventual hecklers needed when it all became too much to endure and snowballed. It was as much a consumer revolt as a political backlash.

Actor/comedian Dennis Leary who organizes the annual event made fun of Trump in his opening bit and everyone laughed because it was funny and he dished it out to both sides.

tola'at sfarim said...

How far in advance does snl prepare sketches? Im guessing they had a different one planned-maybe hillary dropping down through a skylight?

Birkel said...

Laslo FTW.

MayBee said...

I wish we could have had this national mourning when Mitt Romney lost.
*That* was a national tragedy. But nobody at SNL or the NYTs wanted to cry along with me.

MayBee said...

How far in advance does snl prepare sketches? Im guessing they had a different one planned-maybe hillary dropping down through a skylight?

They write on Tuesday for table reads Wednesday, rehearsal Thurs Fri Sat

MayBee said...

I think. Either that or they write Monday. Regardless, Wednesday to Saturday is enough time to respond to real world events.
South Park does it and they aren't a live show.

chickelit said...

Ha ha. Ratings tanker.

Laslo Spatula said...

"...they resorted to the gimmick of going meta..."

SNL should go meta in the following way:

Every week they have the reoccurring spot for "The Alt-SNL Skit".

Has it's own title card, theme music.

Has one of the cast members introduce the skit by explaining 'for our liberal audience' that the following skit is from a differing viewpoint, and consider this a trigger warning, get in your safe spaces, etc.

Then: a skit that does NOT come from a liberal viewpoint. Doesn't have to make fun of liberals, just comes at humor from a differing angle.


I am Laslo.

Ryan McLaughlin said...

For what it's worth, SNL lost about 30% of their prep time this week since they couldn't do much on Monday or Tuesday. If any of us lost that much time in a week, we wouldn't produce the same results either. Couple this with the fact that most of the writers and actors were probably pulling very long days to make up for the lost time and it's not hard to imagine some of the sketches falling flat.

mikee said...

SNL plays to a specific demographic of people, those too drunk, stoned or high on Saturday nights to remember their Netflix ID & password. Once you understand that, everything you see on the show makes sense.

Matt Sablan said...

"I'm not giving up and neither should you."

-- Uh, Clinton doesn't need to give up. She lost in the electoral college in such a way that she can't contest it.

She lost. He won.

Get over it.

I don't watch Saturday Night Live, but if this is their opening act, a paean to not getting the Dear Leader they wanted, I think it is for the best I don't.

Bay Area Guy said...

Leftists have zero creativity and zero sense of humor.

Alec Baldwin must be at an undisclosed secure location with Dick Cheney.

Bill Peschel said...

Listened to Loren on the Marc Maron podcast, and he was going on about how he recasts the show for each new generation because he wants comedians and writers to speak to them. They are SNL's audience, and as the boomers and slackers age out, the up-and-coming generation replace them.

To which Maron, if he had any brain cells, should have asked, "But you're a 71-year-old boomer making all the decisions. When do you get replaced?"

But what's interesting about SNL is that there have been competing shows like Fridays and MadTV that have risen and fallen. The SNL system of writing tons of sketches only to have them chosen at the last minute (amid a lot of in-fighting and personal biases among the showrunners) is incredibly inefficient and morale deadening.

Members of the cast have talked about how much material they churn out that gets burned at the end of the week. How Loren plays favorites and gets others to fire cast members because he can't do it himself.

Meanwhile, Monty Python and SCTV put out several seasons of (mostly) high-quality material, because they respected each other, worked as a group improving the material, and didn't let the suits dictate what they should do.

Is this the best American talent can do? SNL?

Susan said...

Laslo is now on record as promoting evil-bad-think.

At long last, sir, have you no shame?

Ryan McLaughlin said...

"Either that or they write Monday. Regardless, Wednesday to Saturday is enough time to respond to real world events."

From what I understand, they write Monday and Tuesday (usually around 50 ideas each), sift out the bad ideas Wednesday until they're down to about 15-20 salient ones, then they start plotting those late Wednesday or Thursday until they get down to about 5-7. Then Friday they tighten up those 5-7 and rehearse maybe once Friday night, but often not until the rehearsal show before they go live on Saturday. They couldn't start writing election skits until Wednesday which means they lost time they normally would use to sort through the bad ideas, which pushes back all the other prep steps. They were also probably pulling extra long hours to make up time so now they're getting very little sleep which makes it hard to think or perform well. And to top it off, comedy is actually one of the hardest, if not THE hardest genre to write for. They weren't able to tighten the sketches in the same way they usually can so it's no surprise they weren't as funny.

YoungHegelian said...

All art must serve the Revolution!

Do you not know this by now, Comrade Althouse?

Discover your inner enthusiasm for the Great New Five Year plan, or we shall send you to a re-education camp in The Dells!

Matt Sablan said...

They should have just pitched more ideas Monday/Tuesday, with a caveat "Toss if Trump wins." or "Toss if Clinton wins."

I'm just willing to bet that they couldn't fathom "Trump winning" as a possibility, which is what really curtailed their writing.

Curious George said...

"AReasonableMan said...
The Chappelle skit with the clueless white Clinton supporters was pretty funny, at least by SNL standards."

The Dutchess County Office Building is a skyscraper. At least by Poughkeepsie standards.

JAORE said...

Sablan beat me to the punch.

"They couldn't start writing election skits until Wednesday ...."

Bet they did, by the dozens. Each of which revolved around Hillary crushing the Donald.

Laslo Spatula said...

(White couple, Ted and Alana, watching Election Protests with black friend, Dave)

Ted: Things are getting bad out there...

Alana: People are upset, Ted.

Ted: Oh, I understand. Burning cars, breaking windows -- you have to do SOMETHING to express your anger at all of this.

Alana: I feel their despair. Especially black people. Right, Dave? How can black people NOT be angry?

Dave: I don't know. Maybe people should just bring it down a bit.

Ted: Dave, have I ever told you how STRONG you are?

Alana: Yeah, Dave: STRONG. I mean, you must feel like breaking things too, right...?

Dave: You know, I do kinda feel like breaking this beer bottle on your table.

Alana: We understand, Dave: let it out!

Ted: Yeah, Dave: don't hold back!

Dave: Really? You sure about that?

(Ted and Alana nod)

Dave: Okay...

(Dave shatters bottle against table)

Alana: I bet that felt good, right Dave?

Dave: Sure.

Ted: I feel we are holding you back. Do what you feel you need to do, Dave -- it's okay.

Dave: So if I stomped this table to pieces you wouldn't be mad?

Alana: Of course not, Dave! We know what you're going through!

Dave: Okay, then...

(Dave gets up jumps on table, breaking it. Stomps the pieces, kicks the books that fell off, throw a leg across the room.)

Alana: It is so good to see you be able to express your feelings, Dave!

Ted: Yeah -- I really liked it when you threw the table leg -- I could feel your pain...

Dave: You know, I think I'm going to break this vase, too...

(Dave walks to shelf, picks up glass vase)

Alana: Oh -- uh...

Ted: That was a gift from Alana's grandmother...

Alana:..she gave that to me, right before she died.

Dave: Sure, sure, I'll just set this back...

Alana: No, Dave, no: it's OK. My grandmother probably would've voted for Trump, anyway...

Dave: Okay then...

(Dave throws vase to ground, shattering it).

Ted: I bet that felt good, right Dave?

Dave: It feels like something, that's for sure...

Alana: We're here for you, Dave: we're her for you...

Dave: You know, it's getting late. I got an early day at work tomorrow -- I think I'll get going...

Alana: We understand, Dave.

Ted: You sure you don't want to break one more thing?

Alana: Yes, Dave: break one more thing! America owes you!

Dave: Alright,if you insist...

(Dave pulls over shelf, all the items go falling and breaking)

Dave: See you guys tomorrow?

Alana: Sure thing, Dave!

(Dave walks to door, puts "Make America Great Again" hat on, looks at wreckage of apartment, shakes head, leaves)

Alana: I think we really helped him work through some of his emotions...

Ted: That's what friends do, Alana: that's what friends do...

(Ted and Alana sit in the wreckage of their living room; TV voice-over of announcer describing protests as "mostly peaceful")

I am Laslo.

walter said...

Chappelle voted for Clinton..just claims to understand Trump's appeal.
Same for Trump's bud Kanye.

Yancey Ward said...

Eric nailed it- last night's show had a good portion of its planned bits torpedoed when Trump won Wednesday morning. It is very, very likely that Clinton herself was supposed to show up for at least one skit with Alec Baldwin.

So, Baldwin didn't show up at all? Wow.

Fabi said...

Laslo for Press Secretary. If there's any justice in life!

walter said...

Baldwin wouldn't be able to do his Trump schtick without balling.

Yancey Ward said...

I have to agree with ARM about the election night skit with Chappelle and Chris Rock- that was pretty funny.

Etienne said...

SNL is a Jewish Bolshevik front.

Laslo Spatula said...

walter said...
"Laslo, Chappelle voted for Clinton..just claims to understand Trump's appeal."

Yeah. Not representing the 'real' Chapelle. Just writing the 'scripts' as a character named Dave. Could be any black actor.

I am Laslo.

bgates said...

pretty funny, at least by SNL standards. Althouse is trying a little too hard to pander here.


The first SNL after the election... I was expecting something great...

You got something great:

walter said...

He still has Dennis Rodman, which will come in handy dealing with Lil' Kim's tantrums.

chickelit said...

So, Baldwin didn't show up at all? Wow.

But Baldwin has a such a brilliant and secure future, mocking Trump and mocking middle America!

I agree with April: SNL is just late night Air America.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It wasn't funny at all. When did cringing become the objective of comedy instead of laughter? Chappel, who famously tore into Hillary last week and defended Trump in his NYC act, was forbidden to "go there" last night by the special SNL snowflakes. What a bunch of pussies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well after all, the guy did say he wants to change the libel laws - since the new chief law enforcer is incapable of taking that form of free speech known as "insult."

So what do you expect? That sourpuss scowler has no sense of humor - certainly not about himself, and wants to jail people for insulting him. Satire in America now has to die to appease him. Hope you're happy with that. And not surprised that you can't figure out SNL's broadcast was the only response. I guess they'd like to stay out of jail too.

Etienne said...

CBS News web site has the story headline:

Dave Chappelle, Kate McKinnon give thoughtful coda to Trump victory on "SNL"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

All art must serve the Revolution!


So why don't you kindly pass along the instruction manual on what type of art is acceptable under the new fascists' "revolution?" After all, the artists just want to avoid being jailed by the Narcissist in Chief.

I always had a feeling you would totally defend the whims and predilections of a fascist in charge. Good to know I was right about that.

Conservatives and fascists as the new artists and aesthetes. Please show me the way to the nearest vomitorium.

walter said...

Oh..I suspect once the shock/grief subsides, satire will be very, very healthy.
You the Times' return to objective journalism.

walter said...

They will be anxious, actually..after treating Obama with kid gloves for years.

chickelit said...

Well after all, the guy did say he wants to change the libel laws - since the new chief law enforcer is incapable of taking that form of free speech known as "insult."

Oh lighten up, R&B. SNL was so obviously in the tank for Hillary. They mocked Trump. They mocked Bernie. They mocked Palin. SNL's Hillary actress was not mockery -- ever.

So Hillary lost and SNL takes it on the chin. Schadenboners all around.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Lighten up?" To which shade of orange? (Or just plain off-white?) Can you please do society a favor and forego social suggestions for the next four years?

We are not talking about fairness and single-standards because your hero President-Elect Orange has done something that no presidential candidate in living memory has ever done: Exhorted us to change the libel laws to better suit his thin-skinned compulsion to sue anyone who insults him.

You, like Trump, are of an inadequate caliber for appreciating the harm this represents to our cherished, 225-year old freedoms and legal traditions. Ask any lawyer with a modicum of respect for constitutional law about just how benign a development they think this is.

This is how dictators start and tyrannies begin. Thankfully we should hope that the only thing standing between us and that is his incredibly short attention span and sundry, all-around ineptitude. But don't think I'm going to let up on reminding you of it. This popular vote loser will be reminded of the country he took-over every day. Until I hear his sincere, contrite retraction on the matter.

Get used to it. Free speech might not matter to you. But it's time to let the "real Americans" speak.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah. They mocked him before he became the very selective chief enforcer of our constitutional freedom to insult.

JAORE said...

"... no presidential candidate in living memory has ever done: Exhorted us to change the libel laws to better suit his thin-skinned compulsion to sue anyone who insults him."

Hmmm, not like a presidential candidate suggested we change the free speech protections to avoid negative comments about her.

R&B you are a never ending source of head shakes.

JAORE said...

Or, R&B are you totally ignorant of the genesis of Citizen's United?

Laslo Spatula said...

(SNL writers in an office, throwing ideas out)

Writer #1: I know -- I know! How about we do Trump as an orangutan? And he's trying to read a newspaper, but he's holding it upside-down!"

Writer #2: Sounds good! Where do we go with it?

Writer #1: I don't know. Maybe he scratches his ass?

Writer #3: And then he smells his finger!

Writer #1: Smells his finger! That's gold!

Writer #2: I got one! Trump shows up on a CNN interview, but with a Hitler moustache. And people keep looking at him, and he doesn't get it. "What? What are you looking at?" he keeps asking...

Writer #3: That's a good one, too!

Writer #2: Yeah! He's too dumb to know what he did!

Writer #1: Wait! I got it: CNN has a translator, who translates Trump into German!

Writer #2: Brilliant! Trump says his usual bullcrap, and then we see the subtitles of the German translation, explaining it in Nazi terms!

Writer #3: The translator could be dressed as a Nazi, too! That will really bring it home!

Writer #1: We gotta start writing this down...

(writers start furiously scribbling; moments later there is a knock at the door)

Writer #1: Come on in!

(Nazi-style Stormtroopers come in the room)

Stormtrooper Lead (German accent): We have had troubling reports of your writing...

Writer #1: We're just comedians! We just make fun of stuff, that's all!"

Stormtrooper Lead: So you find treason funny? That is an odd type of funny, herr writer...

Writer #2: We don't mean any harm, really! They're just jokes!

Stormtrooper Lead: Then tell me one of these funny jokes.

Writer #1: Uh... we have the President as an orangutan?

Stormtrooper Lead: And this is funny to you?

Writer #2: Well, he scratches his ass...

Writer #3: And then he smells his finger!

Stormtrooper Lead: And you are paid to come up with such things?

Writer #1: Well, yeah...

Stormtrooper Lead: Who is it that pays you for this... comedy?

Writer #3: Lorne Michaels! Lorne pays us! He's upstairs right now, I bet!

Stormtrooper Lead: I think we shall visit this... Lorne.

(Stormtroopers leave; writers wipe foreheads, etc)

Writer #3: That was CLOSE!

Writer #1: I know! I hope Lorne will be okay...

Writer #2: I have a bad feeling about this, guys: I mean, we turned Lorne over to the Stormtroopers. Without a fight, even.

Writer #3: Ah, Lorne will be okay: he handles things like this from the Network all the time...

(machine gun fire from above)

Writer #1: Maybe they're just trying to scare him, that's all...

(more machine gun fire from above)

Writer #3: I don't know about Lorne being scared, but I just wet myself...

Writer #1: Guys! Guys! We must stay strong! America needs our Humor, more than ever!

(more machine gun fire from above)

Writer #2: I don't know, I'm thinking Canada might need Humor, too...

Writer #1: I'll drive...

Writer #3: Your car is a Prius -- it will give us away for sure!

Writer #2: My car is a Ford -- I think we'll be safe...

Writer #1: Than k God SOMEONE here bought American...

(writers leave office; more machine gun fire)

I am Laslo.

chickelit said...

This one's for you, R&B: Hitler Finds Out Trump Wins

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Or, R&B are you totally ignorant of the genesis of Citizen's United?

Who cares about the "genesis" of it. The outcome is a sweeping rejection of any effort to make the process less financially corrupted.

walter said...

chickelit said...

Rhythm and Balls said...Yeah. They mocked him before he became the very selective chief enforcer of our constitutional freedom to insult.

Come on, a SNL actress cried because Hillary lost. And that wasn't acting. I don't want her real-life tears in my entertainment.

Drago said...

Ryan McLaughlin: "For what it's worth, SNL lost about 30% of their prep time this week since they couldn't do much on Monday or Tuesday. If any of us lost that much time in a week, we wouldn't produce the same results either. Couple this with the fact that most of the writers and actors were probably pulling very long days to make up for the lost time and it's not hard to imagine some of the sketches falling flat."

Not even close.

The skits had already been conceived and written and the show was ready to go....then the election happened.

The show had to be scrapped and there wasn't enough to time to rewrite effectively.

They should thank their lucky stars they had Chappelle. Without him the show was a total loss.

chickelit said...

She was probably crying because her show's character got written out for future.

JAORE said...

"Who cares about the "genesis" of it."

Well of course you don't. After your rant that Trump is the first presidential candidate to make a move destroy the first amendment.....

LOL. A failed lawsuit, followed by relentless attacks on the Supreme Court decision by Hillary, Obama and most of the MSM for years. Why be concerned by the genesis of Hillary trying to block a movie that doesn't praise her.

Nothing to care about that at all.

You are nothing if you are not consistent R&B.

Now you can take that as you are consistently a partisan hack, or that you are a nothing. Take your pick.

Drago said...

R&B: "That sourpuss scowler has no sense of humor - certainly not about himself, and wants to jail people for insulting him."

Perhaps you are not quite characterizing Trumps position with precision.

However, if you are correct, I would be happy to be a character witness for you at your upcoming trial.

My fees are quite reasonable.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. Hitler?

Parallels between Orange Supreme and Hitler:

1. Winning (just barely) on the tails of longstanding economic devastation and other systemic political failures to rally the working class.

(1.b - neither one a majority. Trump lost the popular vote. The NAZIs got in with about a third).

2. Rallying his base with racialized economic appeals. That's how Trump famously kicked off his campaign, in fact. Mexicans are rapists but rich gropers are ok.

3. A failure of leadership and any ability to hold power on the part of the ruling, opposition liberal faction.

4. A sweeping party-based takeover of as many branches/levels of government to ensure something close to one-party rule.

5. Humorless leaders who changed their names a few generations ago from sillier, more Germanic-sounding equivalents.

6. Leaders who couldn't tolerate dissent, or ridicule.

7. No one needs to say anything more because conservatives and fascists are incapable of self-criticism anyway and will do nothing to entertain it of their disastrously flawed fascist takeover. Everything for them is to be divided into "bad" or "good" and of course they view themselves and their little development with the sense of perfection that parents look upon their newborns.

Keep ignoring the substance.

I guess once der Untergang is complete then we can live like post-war Germans with all their guilt, uptightness and conciliation. What fun.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Come on, a SNL actress cried because Hillary lost. And that wasn't acting. I don't want her real-life tears in my entertainment.

Not the issue. In school, in geometry class, did you fill out as answers Shakespeare sonnets?

What is with you and your complete inability to directly face a simple, direct question head-on?

Maybe it's something we'll only be able to understand through the mind/actions of your leader.

chickelit said...

Hillary planned to make overturning Citizen's United a litmus test for SCOTUS appointees. She even prioritized its demise and planned a constitutional amendment to reverse within 30 days of her taking office. Undoing Citizens United was just a venal, evil attempt to shut down criticism of Hillary Clinton. PowerLine said it best.

We dodged the bullet, barely.

walter said...

"because conservatives and fascists are incapable of self-criticism anyway "
More projection...

Drago said...

I personally do not mind R&B's often over the top attacks on Trump. His consistency over this election cycle in attacking the establishment/insider hacks and their attempts to control everything was appreciated.

Having as your starting position the proposition that everything the elected leadership wants to do is likely corrupt, dangerous, etc., is actually not a bad starting position to possess.

Or, in the words of my "on- wing" (squadron assigned more senior officer who helps you "learn the ropes" in the fleet): "People are shit....until they prove otherwise.

I wouldn't exactly call him an "inspirational leader", but it takes all kinds.

el polacko said...

after that cringe-worthy opening number which, i guess, was supposed to be some kind of catharsis for snowflakes with the sads, the rest of the show was all about anti-black racism. how not voting for hillary is racist escapes me but they hammered away at it for the next ninety minutes. the cherry on the top was the weird trayvon graffiti 'art' displayed during the music act that was treated like a religious icon...freaky. as i usually say when i happen to do it, i can't believe i watched the whole thing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thank you, Drago.

Drago said...

R&B: "Not the issue. In school, in geometry class, did you fill out as answers Shakespeare sonnets?"

Of course not! That's ridiculous.

I offered Shakespearean answers in calculus class as God intended it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, for the character witness offer, as well. ;-)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

While I agree that overturning CU would be problematic and there are free speech concerns to doing that and others have shown a way around the corrupt current financing system....

Would anyone really disagree that the current financing regime has no major problems with it?

Drago said...

Rhythm and Balls: "Well, for the character witness offer, as well. ;-)"

You are welcome.

Just remember that when I come calling for your help in 4/8/12 years when I am picked up for "re-eductation".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just remember that when I come calling for your help in 4/8/12 years when I am picked up for "re-eductation".

If that were ever to happen I would personally bust into the holding cell and orchestrate a prison break/escape that leaves the entire compound in shambles.

Drago said...

Rhythm and Balls: "Would anyone really disagree that the current financing regime has no major problems with it?"

Any financing regime has problems.

Which regime/structure in your opinion poses the fewest?

Note: my guiding principle is generally what empowers the individual and limits the ability of the state to intercede.

Are there problems with that? Yes, for then I can hardly complain about Soros or the massive foundation financial advantage of the left (ironically the result of fortunes by many of our foremost "robber barons" and oligarchs!)

Life is funny that way.

Drago said...

Rhythm and Balls: "If that were ever to happen I would personally bust into the holding cell and orchestrate a prison break/escape that leaves the entire compound in shambles."

Not comforting.

The OBJECTIVE should be my release! Stay focused!

Though I appreciate the sentiment...

walter said...

Drago said...Having as your starting position the proposition that everything the elected leadership wants to do is likely corrupt, dangerous, etc., is actually not a bad starting position to possess.
But the ridiculous attacks on those who voted contrary to his views are tiresome and unnecessary...and part of the reason things played out the way they did.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Listen, I want to give the guy a chance. Half of what he campaigned on I totally get. Hell, maybe more than half.

I'm just saying that if Hillary had won, I would have given her hell from day one. She would have been no less a disaster. Probably more. I was not happy about it.

I just want to know that people will be willing to do the same for the Don.

Both of these nutcases would have required heavy opposition or at least challenge to keep them straight or throw them out.

So that's all. That's all I want or would want to know. That there's a limit on what he'd be able to get away with as sharp and as solid as the line that would have been drawn on what Hillary could have gotten away with.

THat's all I need to say. I've said my peace.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We will secure not only release, but relentless legal/financial/political retribution against any authority that made it necessary to effectuate the release.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We've got RIOTERS! We can break down the compounds of these camps!

Drago said...

walter: "Sure.. But the ridiculous attacks on those who voted contrary to his views are tiresome and unnecessary...and part of the reason things played out the way they did"

2 thoughts on this (numbered for your safety and convenience):
1) Arguing about what is tiresome and/or unnecessary is generally a waste of time (whats the gauge, who is to say, etc.)

2) If you truly believe your opponent is continuing to behave in ways that will lead to an advantage for your side......why would you challenge them to stop?

Something along the lines of "don't get in the way of an enemy that is busy destroying themselves".

Don't quote me on that.

walter said...

The media would have continued to shelter/collude with Hillary et al(see Brazille).
Trump will trigger a return to "journalism" (and sharp satire)..his misguided libel law threats notwithstanding.

Drago said...

Rhythm and Balls: "We've got RIOTERS! We can break down the compounds of these camps!"

They seem awfully undisciplined.

I was hoping for demonstrated skillsets and cross-training along the lines of US and/or Israeli special forces.

But then, like Trump, I demand the best!

walter said...

I was addressing you, not R&B...not arguing..just felt you were glossing over.

Drago said...

R&B @ 12:40pm-

I get what you are saying.

I suppose we can agree to disagree with whether or not the media would ever hold Hillary to account. I think we have enough data points to demonstrate conclusively they would not, but at this point, at long last, what does it matter.

Our bright, brilliant orange God, bursting like a galactic-sized sunrise over the horizon is our new earth-bound Supreme leader!

As you can see, I am ambivalent about his prospects.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks, walter.

I just find it chilling, nonetheless. Given the political resources he'll now have at his disposal.

Fortune wrote that almost a year ago. Let's see how much of a chill to free speech people feel now.

I'm just trying to get the room warmed up! Sure it's state-by-state and all that. But when you combine that statement, with his attitude, with his newfound political power -

I just think it's too much of a gathering storm. Pre-emptive insult is no less necessary than pre-emptive wars, sometimes.

Drago said...

walter: "Drago, I was addressing you, not R&B...not arguing..just felt you were glossing over."

I am absolutely glossing over.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If Trump cracked a smile every now and then, esp. at a joke on him, I would feel more comfortable.

Until then, I unabashedly reserve my constitutional right to run up from behind him (if at a very safe distance guaranteed by wht the secret service cordon off) - stick out my tongue, put my thumbs on my ears, wiggle my fingers, and yell, "Nah nee nah nee poo poo!'

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm going to war with the insult/mockery brigade that I have. Not the one I want.

-Don Rumsfeld.

walter said...

Of the things Trump said, I don't recall much echoing of his sentiment. I took it as bluster that the country has no real desire to rally around.
Every admin has to figure out where to spend their political capital..and given other more pressing concerns that do have wider support, can't imagine this is where it would be spent.

Drago said...

R&B, as a part of what has been discussed on this thread today, what is the responsibility of a Trump administration in dealing with a media that some would argue have become nothing more than an adjust arm of the opposing party?

Just take a look at the NYT headline the day after the election!

And just this morning Jake Tapper warned Rudy Giuliani the media would be watching closely for conflicts of interest between Trump and his children running the Trump businesses.

I have to admit that after 8 years of the Clinton pay for play scheme with foreign governments and CGI, that one elicited a fully belly laugh.

Drago said...

Rhythm and Balls: "I'm going to war with the insult/mockery brigade that I have. Not the one I want. -Don Rumsfeld."

The capability of this insult/mockery brigade is a "known unknown" (also don Rumsfeld)

Is there anything that guy can't do?

Drago said...

You will have to elect to Trump Presidency to see what is in it. Nancy P.

Drago said...

"I got a rock" -- Charlie Brown

walter said...

Due to my vocation, I had to work at two Trump rallies. Libel law was never mentioned. Oh..he smiled plenty and came across surprisingly pleasant.
So..I just think a wait and see approach is worth makes future real criticisms more credible.
I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities.

Drago said...

"Please pass the sweet and sour sauce"--me, about a week ago.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe so. But let the record reflect that until now, I never gave anywhere near as much thought as I should to the weight a president's character and personality give to the mood of the nation.

Hopefully things will smooth out by the inauguration. But he does have a lot of outreach to do, or should do. I have always taken self-deprecation in our presidents for granted. We should have presidents that take things seriously. And there's a lot he's promised to take seriously that I'm happy to support.

But it must be admitted that he has a dramatically different way about him when it comes to cracking the ice. I have no idea what sort of a crack he'd find good-natured enough to not get all wracked about.

Culture is an important part of a country. I suppose we'll all have to rewind that Comedy Central roast of him he wanted to do years back to figure out where the man begins and the mind of a megalomaniac ends.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don Rumsfeld was greatly under-rated and under-appreciated.

If America has anything approaching a philosophy, he is a national treasure to it. With almost as much to contribute as Twain.

I'm being 100% serious here.

Drago said...

R&B: "Maybe so. But let the record reflect that until now, I never gave anywhere near as much thought as I should to the weight a president's character and personality give to the mood of the nation."

This is a fascinating admission and is worthy of an entire conversation all its own.

It has been discussed in the past of course:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."--John Adams

walter said...

Some of that depends on how reasonable the press is with him. They've shown their text. It's never been more explicit.
There is credibility to the "rigged" accusation.

If he was truly more Reagan-esque, he might be able to remind the nation of that in a humorous way if they get too ridiculous. Maybe he will be capable of that due to feeling more secure about his situation.

Drago said...

Rhythm and Balls: "Don Rumsfeld was greatly under-rated and under-appreciated.

If America has anything approaching a philosophy, he is a national treasure to it. With almost as much to contribute as Twain.

I'm being 100% serious here."

I know you are. Its one of many facets that separates you from the automaton lefties who post here.

Your earlier rants on Western Civ, our cultures failure to maintain understanding of it, etc, is one of the first subject areas that you addressed that caught my attention.

And I would bet you and I would be considered polar political opposites.....or is the lesson of all that has transpired that we actually are not?....

Drago said...

walter: "If he was truly more Reagan-esque, he might be able to remind the nation of that in a humorous way if they get too ridiculous."

The king is dead.

Let him go....

walter said...

Nope. Still a helpful reference point.

Drago said...

walter: "Nope. Still a helpful reference point>

Sorry, I was being glib with a movie line...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B, as a part of what has been discussed on this thread today, what is the responsibility of a Trump administration in dealing with a media that some would argue have become nothing more than an adjust arm of the opposing party?

He should be relentless in calling them the loser-lackeys and political hacks that they are. It's becoming impossible to ignore. Even Sanders did a good bit of this - or at least a lot more than any other Democrat had done.

Just take a look at the NYT headline the day after the election!

I don't even bother taking them seriously any more. I knew I couldn't when, during the primary, their coverage became blatant cheerleading... so unprofessional and egregious that their comments on Hillary vs. Bernie articles garnered comments that were strongly critical (threats to cancel subscriptions) by like 9 to 1. THeir ombudsman was forced to take it seriously, but it never went further than that. Alcindor was the worst. Her question to Bernie before his concession about being a "sexist" for staying in the race was, and I use this word intentionally, deplorable. She wouldn't even shut up, jumping up and down raising her hand as he kindly asked her if she could let him call on someone with a serious question.

And just this morning Jake Tapper warned Rudy Giuliani the media would be watching closely for conflicts of interest between Trump and his children running the Trump businesses.

Unfortunately, whether legit or not, I guess this is just how it's going to have to go. As with all the investigations of the CLintons. You guys were right to do that now, I've seen. As Mace Windu told Anakin, "He's got control of the senate AND the courts! He's too dangerous to let go!"

Trump has unprecedented power. Challenge might seem unfair, but is necessary to convince the electorate that he's not politically invincible. If his performance and policies have merit, he will accomplish them and they will stand. Isn't that all that should matter?

I have to admit that after 8 years of the Clinton pay for play scheme with foreign governments and CGI, that one elicited a fully belly laugh.

Yes. Clinton is/was horrible and so are her media monkeys. Horrible. They deserve the biggest loss out of all of this. Complete ignominity. They don't even know how to handle it.

BUt there is an even bigger casualty, and one that we can all agree to laugh at.

The Saudi and Gulf sheikhs who insulted Trump two weeks ago and will now not get their paybacks for all the money in lost bribes they spent on the Clintons.

If you're going to laugh at anything, laugh at that. We are all Americans first, and these assholes are subterfuge meddlers #1. Talk about being no friend to the nation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We are not opposites. I think if I learned anything about conservatives, it's just that they place great value on personal relationships and loyalty and the natural ties that bind (or are challenged in binding among a humungous nation of >300 million) whereas the left are perhaps coldly just trying to rationalize too much when it comes to government and policy. The left instead puts warm fuzzy projections into their individual lives, cultural institutions, etc.

But civilization is even more important and hopefully endures. If I try to do anything when it comes to my understanding of the West, it's to appreciate how much of a framework it sets for who we are in our bones, sinews, and other gross fleshy un-distanceable anatomical and very organic beings.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If you want lefty challenge of the NYT, I think there was an article the other day about how world leaders are "coming to terms" with Trump.

Nothing about how stunning his victory was.

How much of an upset it was.

How much of a vindication it was for his supporters.

They turned the tables and asked how it would look if they didn't cover things that way when Obama won.

It was eye-opening.

I think it was Joe Scarborough who pointed it out. He's a pretty fair guy.

I saw him in town almost a decade ago at a book signing. He's a good guy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I suppose we can agree to disagree with whether or not the media would ever hold Hillary to account.

The media most definitely WOULD NOT have held Hillary to account. At least esp. during the election afterglow.

But the real left was pissed. Their coverage would have set off more distance between the media and the left, and I'm pretty sure the political revolution would have taken place right there. Underground, on independent media, online, people were seething. Seething I tell ya.

Now they don't know what to do. The revolution has been co-opted by a guy on the right. (Ostensibly).

Treat it well. Do well with it.

Get some of the things right that we were no less enthusiastic to do. One way or another, change is a-coming.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OT: At The local grocery store "Vitamin cottage" aka "natural Grocers" - some old geezer went on a loud rant yelling obscenities against Trump and all the JEWS! He screamed. "Trump and all the Jews are going to destroy the planet - they are Nazis"

He ran out of the store in a huff. I have no idea if the cashier told him to pipe down and control himself. I also wanted to yell back at him from across the store, but I didn't have it in me today.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Always the Jews. If they're not Zionists steering Hillary to war and global financial domination I guess they're all with Trump (whose four grown children seem to prefer dating them, in any event).


It's enough to make me want to withdraw from life, put on a vest and taxi driver's hat and retire to a life of playing violin from atop my roof.

Drago said...

Can't respond point by point on R&B's last 3 posts are so but then again I don't need to.

Much more agreement than not and any disagreements are basically quibbles.

In any event, buckle up! It's going to be infinitely more entertaining with tremendous possibilities for change.

If I were Trump I would double down on my campaign promises and then develop a plan to go right at the African American vote with an emphasis on jobs and getting businesses moving in the inner cities.

rehajm said...

It's hard to write comedy when you've been making scared pee pee in your pants all week.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If I were a socialist,
Daidle deedle daidle
Daidle daidle deedle daidle dumb ♫...

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
Lol. Hitler?

Parallels between Orange Supreme and Hitler:

Parallels between the Progs and Hitler:

Both socialists.

... yeah I think we can end there.

JAORE said...

Does no one recall President Obama, while in office, sniping at both Fox and Rush Limbaugh? They are dwarfs compare to ABC, NBC, CBS.

Does no one recall the WH banning Fox from certain events(to their credit the rest of the MSM called foul the first time it happened)?

Does no one recall Hillary keeping the press behind ropes at certain events?

Does no one recall the outright collusion between the WH and MSM to kill off Bernie and to try to stop Trump?

May the new Press Secretary keep these in mind every day when distributing questions to the press.

May the Senate remember the guidance established by Harry Reid (D-Lying Bastard)?

Healing, sure, sounds great. But remember, always remember.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's right, Packer. You've got nothing else.

Fabi said...

Trump let one of the late night hosts ruffle up his hair, R&B -- that's yugely self-deprecating. He also let Comedy Central roast him. It was vicious and he took it in good humor. The guy is more relaxed and humorous than he presented himself in the campaign. Maybe he'll let that shine through over time.

Rob said...

I'm surprised at Ann's reaction, and the reaction of many commenters, to the opening song. I thought it was beautifully conceived and executed, and expressed the feelings of many of the half of the electorate who voted for Clinton. And I say that as someone who voted for Trump (despite his being a perfect fool).

The only thing that would have improved the opening song is if Hillary had appeared to sing the last few lines with Mackinnon. I wonder if SNL reached out to her to try to get her there. She should have done it--and you know she'd have received a five-minute standing ovation.

gadfly said...

"Oh, she's doing this in earnest," Meade says, and he turns out to be right. Kate McKinnon sang the song in a somber tone, an earnest expression of sadness about the election (and perhaps also about the death of Leonard Cohen).

Somber is not what "Hallelujah" is about. Yeah, Leornard Cohen was somber, but his words inside the music were genius. The Pentatonix version is done much more appropriately.

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
That's right, Packer. You've got nothing else

Oh, I can keep going. Like:

They both hate Jews

By why bother? You're an idiot and life is short.

Rusty said...

R&B @12:40

I can live with that.

Unknown said...

So I noticed someone asking about whether SNL was the best American can do.

Try Studio C. They are on Youtube. Their stuff is far, far better than anything SNL has done for years. It's family friendly, and funny.

Seriously, I've been in tears from laughing so hard at much of their stuff.

Scott Sterling is one of their inventions; the one that maybe most people have heard of.


Amanda said...

In what way is disappoint at a lost election a comeuppance?

Besides anyways, it's not just Hollywood that's losing out.

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