September 24, 2015

Which 4 Justices attended the Pope's speech to Congress?

John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor. 3 Catholics, 1 Jew.

Missing were Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, and Elena Kagan. 3 Catholics, 2 Jews.

So Pope Francis couldn't get a majority — not a majority of the Court, not even a majority of the Catholics, and not a majority of the Jews.


Sebastian said...

But he got Kennedy and Roberts, and we all know those are the ones that matter.

David Begley said...

And Ruth dozed off. Again!

Althouse to replace Ginsberg. At least Ann won't sleep on the job.

David Begley said...

Ginsburg. Not Ginsberg. But still nodding off.

Jim S. said...

As a Protestant, I can't imagine having an opportunity to hear the Pope and not attending. Well, no, if I had a commitment to a loved one, that would take precedence, but I would probably hint at them to see if I could go see the Pope instead.

le Douanier said...

The others probably streamed it on the tubes while working. Or, watched it on the tube, if not working. Or, like the modern kids, streamed it on the tubes, if not working.

le Douanier said...

Btw, for you geezers here, the third sentence of my earlier comment is a reference to "cable cutters."

Fritz said...

Ruth might as well sleep through the arguments; she's gonna vote with all the other liberals anyway..

Bayoneteer said...

Old lawyers wearing black dresses watch high priest of invisible god in the sky cult who is also wearing a dress. Historic.

Bayoneteer said...

That's why the left wins. The Democrat justices aren't there to judge. They are there to vote. When Dems are in office they are in power. When Repubs are in office they are in office.

n.n said...

No protestants in a majority protestant country. I wonder how that slipped past the class diversity committee.

Rick said...

There was a majority.

Test or oversight?

cubanbob said...

What exactly would the court learn if they all showed up to hear the Pope? The Court is in favor of abortion. The Church is not. The Court is in favor of SSM. The Church is not. This Pope is in favor of income redistribution, this court in large part also is in favor of income redistribution. What is to be learned?

buwaya said...

Correction, the court is in favor of redistributing some people's income, certainly not all of them.
I'm not sure what the Pope wants, re redistribution, and I don't think he knows either.

Birkel said...

If four Justices attended, I am pretty sure the Pope has been granted cert.

Achilles said...

Rather than make the rest of the world as prosperous as the US, the Pope wants the US to become northern Mexico with all of the attendant poverty and corruption that permeates Catholic dominated South America.

He is not a good person.

Mark said...

My Catholic father flew out to attend the White House ceremony and got back yesterday thrilled at the experience.

It's a shame the justices skip and leave those seats empty when plenty of Catholics dream of such an opportunity. Especially the Catholic justices.

traditionalguy said...

It was high times at the TV Networks that gave away continuous hours of commercial free air to catch every word and gesture of a Midieval pomp and circumstance play. Mind control anyone?

Curious George said...

He did get a majority of women. If you count Kagan.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

If we so deeply believe in proportional diversity in America, how do we end up with a SCOTUS populated entirely with Roman Catholics and Jews? Shouldn't we have some seats reserved for evangelicals and other protestants?

Oh, sorry, I forgot. Evangelical Christians are currently America's "Jews". Besides, since the Pope can really confess only to God (because there's nobody higher in the church structure than he), doesn't that make him a Protestant?

gerry said...

Most of the USSC members who say they are Catholic are merely nominal Catholics as evidenced by feeble reasoning skills and moral commitment. So, no surprise. And they are (or were() lawyers. Again, no surprise about their feeble reasoning skills and moral commitment.

Oh Yea said...
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mikee said...

Bart hall: In the wonderfully leftist movie, The Shoes of the Fisherman, Pope Anthony Quinn sells off Vatican art to fund a food drive for starving Chinese communists, to avert a world war. So leftist popes are a staple of art, if not reality before recently.

And in the equally wonderful but not as leftist movie, Monsignor, soon-to-be Cardinal Cristopher Reeves confesses his sin of adultery, with a nun novitiate no less, to a village Franciscan in a rural area far outside Rome, confident nobody else will ever know. Except that the nun gives him, in his new red hat & gown, a very noticable evil eye as she walks past the assembled cardinals during a ceremony.

And meanwhile in the real world, homosexuals who became priests via a Velvet Underground in the seminaries caused horrible damage to many, many young Catholics, and Pope JP II helped Reagan and Thatcher dismantle the USSR without a nuclear war.

You decide if history or art is your preferred cup of tea; both have good and bad mixed up into a mess to sample.

Good times for all!

Carnifex said...

That the Traitor Roberts was the only nominal conservative to show up is extremely telling about where his thinking truly lies.