January 28, 2013

"iVegetarian: The High Fructose Diet of Steve Jobs."

"Flirting with fruitarianism and other eating disorders of Steve Jobs."
None of us, of course, knows what caused the pancreatic cancer that led to Steve Jobs's  death, or what, if anything could have saved him....

For awhile at college, Jobs lived on Roman Meal cereal. He would buy a box, which would last a week, then flats of dates, almonds and a lot of carrots.   He made carrot juice with a Champion juicer, and at one point turned "a sunset-like orange hue."...
Too much fear of death, too much of a fantasy of getting control... hubris.


chuck said...

And a sucker for carrots. What is it about carrots? Oh, and the carrots == night vision deception created by the British in WWII is still repeated as medical truth.

YoungHegelian said...

Fake Nutrition = The Left's War on Science.

Well, that and a bunch of other things.

bagoh20 said...

Maybe eccentricity is just it's own personality type, with multiple modes of expressions. It has benefits and drawbacks like every other personality type.

McTriumph said...

Maybe all the drugs he did in college constipated him.

YoungHegelian said...


I think this is not just personal eccentricity, but a form of eccentricity magnified by his northern CA environment. Marin County is full of some of the wealthiest & brightest people on the planet. It also has one of the highest rates of some childhood diseases because so many folks won't vaccinate their kids.

Anonymous said...

Yes the huge amount of fructose, even though it came naturally from fruit does cause a fatty liver, not good.

Abundance of fructose not good for liver and heart, Harvard Health Publications

m stone said...

Jobs was not just eccentric. He was extreme. Scary extreme pumped by ego and brilliance. Clearly his personality was offensive according to the article. A symptom along with B.O.

kentuckyliz said...

There are people who claim to be breathtarians. Yep. They live on their breath.

Ohhh kaayyyyyy.

Anonymous said...

As I understand it, when Jobs was first diagnosed with cancer he could have undergone a risky operation that might have saved his life, but instead of opting for surgery right away he spent several months pursuing alternative cures. By the time he had the surgery it was too late and he died.


Alex said...

Jobs was a fanatic binary-thinker. Didn't matter what. Food, computers, whatever.

Unknown said...

Karen Carpenter

edutcher said...

Maybe if he'd washed once in a while...

rcocean said...

Is there anything sadder than a vegetarian teetotaler who dies young?

Maybe Jobs got all his pleasure from money and power but still... pathetic.

McTriumph said...

No one knows what causes pancreatic cancer, very few stricken with it live for more than five years, even with aggressive treatment.

vnjagvet said...

Sadly for him, Steve's analytical ability did not extend to the medical field. Even more sadly for him, he thought that it did.

Paul said...


We are all touched a bit by hubris. But those that make it to higher pinnacles of life tend to have, well, big heads. Especially if they did not make their own success from the bottom up.

You see it in Obama and Biden since neither of them worked their way up.

Jobs, being gifted with a great mind, had it to.

Part of the blame is on all of us who made them into dimi-gods. That merely made their heads bigger.

And you know what, no one is as smart as they think they are nor as tough.

Valentine Smith said...

I went to school with a guy who carried a plastic bag full of kale. Only kale. Solely kale. It's all he ever ate. He claimed he rarely drank water as the kale provided enough hydration. He had skin bronzed from the betacarotene and he passed prodigious amounts of gas. He told me he once grabbed a few McDonalds french fries and his joints swelled from the grease. He nodded wisely to tacitly acknowledge how poisonous the fries are.

I blew smoke in his face and told him he was out of his fucking mind.

Wince said...

I used to drink shit-loads of orange juice.

Howard said...

Fucking bullshit article. Jobs got a shitty cancer lottery ticket. He likely messed up once he got sick by going for the gorp treatment instead of surgery.

In any event, he lived a thousand more lives compared to everyone else.

Do you feel better tearing down the great man? Life is safe in the little box where rebels go galt repeating opinions from Fox -n- Friends and praying to gawd for heaven and a big mac.

Chip Ahoy said...

Do you feel better blah blah blah crap blah blah FOX blah blah

Why no, Howard, I don't. Do you feel better painting with broad brushes slapping paint all aver the place and holding those brushes in both hands and both monkey feet?

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Yet another example that expertise in one area does not necessarily carry over into other areas. In fact, it frequently doesn't.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Legacy-wise though, he is going to luck out in one area.

It will appear that Apple went into decline after and because of his death.

The 'after' will be correct, but the 'because' will be that the competitors caught up, and beat Apple because it insisted on keeping the "high margin on products business model" long after their products could reasonably command that premium.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that Jobs was that extreme about diet.

I came out of the same Whole Earth hippie environment as Jobs and did my share of vegetarianism, fruit juices and fasting, but at some point I noticed how much better I felt after a good, thick tuna melt and I never looked back.

Reading about Jobs's diet now makes me queasy, as I imagine my blood sugar going up and down like a yo-yo.

rcocean said...

"Do you feel better painting with broad brushes slapping paint all aver the place and holding those brushes in both hands and both monkey feet?"

Hey somebody has to defend stupid dead Billionaires - because, y'know, because. And who are YOU Chip to criticize a GREAT MAN?? Jobs lived life to its fullest with all his computers and money and Oatmeal. He probably got up every day and rolled in his money and then rolled in his oatmeal and ate it.

Now that's living life to its fullest.

Bob said...

Do you feel better painting with broad brushes slapping paint all aver the place and holding those brushes in both hands and both monkey feet?

Best reply ever. Well done, Chip.

By the way,the medical term for turning orange from too many carrots is Carotenosis.

Howard said...

Great artists paint with big brushes, so thanks for the compliment Chip. Think Harvey Dunn.

The thing is he makes such bloody good pannier and scones.

Anonymous said...

Possibly Jobs was as nasty as he was because his blood sugar was bouncing around all the time.

rcocean said...

Ho Hum. So, Howard is just a troll. Throw him some attention folks, he needs it.

mccullough said...

Jobs was into some New Age bullshit.

CatherineM said...

The guy wasn't healthy. He had a serious eating disorder. Eating disorders are all about control, not health. It doesn't sound like he was trying to prevent cancer (although he tried to cure it with diet), but get to some mental state of purity and control.

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