November 29, 2012

"Fight over Susan Rice holds political risks for White House."

So say Anne Gearan and Steven Mufson, writing in the Washington Post, prompting me to think the opposite.

I say we're being played by a political maneuver designed to keep us from looking deeply and broadly into the issues surrounding the Benghazi attack. It's all about Susan Rice, but why? She isn't even the nominee for Secretary of State. She just might be. Focus on her. She was sent out onto 5 Sunday talk shows a few days after the attack, to say something about that terrible video, which is itself a contrivance, a distraction. So make it about the video and embody that in a specific person, whom we never noticed before. And let's yammer about her for weeks and months until we're tired of talking about her, and then — who knows? — John Kerry is the real choice for Secretary of State. Rice was always expendable. She was the capsule into which the Benghazi scandal was enclosed for burial. Once we're tired of Rice — she's been battered and beaten and those who've done the beating have been accused of black-woman-battering — we'll automatically already be tired of talking about the Benghazi scandal, which never even broke!

Political risk? Political genius!


glenn said...

You catch on fast.

Paco Wové said...


SteveR said...

Straw woman alert

Anonymous said...

Trial balloon bursts.

Bob Ellison said...

Use few words.

chickelit said...

LarsPorsena said...
Trial balloon bursts.

It was a shelium-filled balloon--not helium.

Wince said...

The White House wants a "fight on Rice" to be white on Rice.

Calypso Facto said...

Side benefit: chance to call GOPers RACIST again

MisterBuddwing said...

Remember how the whole Clarence Thomas imbroglio became an up-or-down vote on whether you believed Anita Hill?

And all of the pro and con arguments about Thomas' qualifications for the Supreme Court went sailing out the window.

garage mahal said...

I say we're being played by a political maneuver designed to keep us from looking deeply and broadly into the issues surrounding the Benghazi attack

We're getting played, no doubt.

But it's all about getting Scott Brown back in the senate, not Rice's qualifications.

John said...

Never assume genius where corruption, arrogance and stupidity will do. First, by all accounts Rice is a generally nasty piece of work. The woman who is known to scream and berate her subordinates and once gave a senior official the finger in a meeting is not likely to go gently into that good night. She wants to be Secretary of State and was no doubt promised the job. And with an administration as corrupt as this one, who knows what kind of dirt Rice has on Obama. Obama may not have a choice but to nominate Rice.

Second, the political risks are overrated. Obama knows or certainly thinks he has a personality cult. It is not like his followers are going to ever turn on him no matter what he does. As far as those Dem senators who are up for re-election in 2014, too bad. That is not Obama's problem. He has the entire national media who will say exactly what he tells them to say and millions of followers who will support him no matter what he does or had bad Rice makes him look.

When you consider those two factors, it is pretty obvious what is going to happen. Obama will nominate Rice. She will perjurer herself and make an utter fool of herself and the administration during her confirmation hearings. And she will be confirmed on a straight party line vote hurting the political prospects of every Senator from an even purple state who voted for her and Obama won't care. Not his problem.

garage mahal said...

I wonder if conservatives will ever tire of being played for fools by their media sources who know better.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media refuse to mention that 2 previous Secretaries of State were black. Colin Powel and Condoleezza Rice. They were both Secretary of State under Republican administrations.

The big sad distraction is the ability for the first post -racial president to mire us all in bogus racism.

Meanwhile there are real questions about Benghazi that remain unanswered.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No Garage, it's all about keeping Scott Brown from the opportunity to face the voters.

John said...

He has the entire national media who will say exactly what he tells them to say and millions of followers who will support him no matter what he does or had bad Rice makes him look.

And along comes garage to prove my point about his followers. There must be some kind of odd sense of security that comes with giving up your dignity and freedom of thought for the cause. It certainly appeals to a lot of people.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Granular Rice.

garage mahal said...

Scott Brown just faced the voters.

X said...

I do hope Lurch is dumb enough to go under oath. there are many questions.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Maybe they want to keep Hillary Clinton as long as possible. So Susan Rice swings in the wind for, could you stretch it for a year?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rice was ordered.

Jim said...

Rice is a smoke screen. The only question that needs to be asked is - did Barry give a cross-border order in order to save almost 40 American citizens that night or not. If not why, not? (Hint - there was a false meme out there that Al Qaeda was on the run.) All else is silliness and egos.

JHapp said...

Actually Romney won the election but we are being told Obama did, and John McCain is a double, he has been dead for years

test said...

I think you're overreading it slightly. The WH isn't trying to avoid Benghazi, the better way to do that is to simply not discuss Rice. Then there's no current event hook without which 95% of the stories disappear and the rest are ignored a la Fast & Furious.

The WH wants this spectacle. They believe their claim that those seeking answers are "playing politics" resonates. They're using this as step one in their "Republicans are just out to get Obama and BTW that's also why they aren't agreeing to Obama's sequestration resolution" narrative.

The truth is they just don't see Benghazi as a big deal. People died, so what? Bumps in the road are distractions from their mission of developing a bureacracy large enough it's effectively a full employment program.

John said...

did Barry give a cross-border order in order to save almost 40 American citizens that night or not. If not why, not?

I think he froze up and didn't know what to do. So he did nothing. But again, when you have millions of creatures like garage supporting you, you can afford to screw up.

Do you think liberals care that those people died? Of course not. Even if all of the rumors are true, that there was an illegal CIA prison there, that the ambassador was in Bengazi buying arms to be sent illegally to Syria and so forth, it will not matter.

I honestly don't know why Obama bothers to even pretend any of this does. It would be a lot easier if he would just tell the truth followed by "fuck you that is why" and move on. It is not like it would hurt his standing with his cult.

Renee said...

I'm afraid you're right.

Cedarford said...

This Benghazi thing will not go away because Republicans sense the public is still very interested at getting to the bottom of why they were lied to.

It's really not about - with 4600 dead soldier and 45,000 casualties - a massive public concern about how to make it all perfectly safe so we don't ever have 4 DEAD HEROES!!! - again or how to rescue and save any American under Islamoid attack.

The public is interested in the mystery behind Benghazi. Who knew what and when. Who lied and why they lied about the 1st successful large terror attack against Americans since the first 9/11.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Benghazi baby sitting goes from Petraeus to Rice.

shiloh said...

Bottom line, Willard will not be picking a new Sec of State as Althouse keen political savvy marches on lol.

garage mahal said...

There must be some kind of odd sense of security that comes with giving up your dignity and freedom of thought for the cause

You just aren't nearly smart as you think you are. Ask yourself: why is McCain going after someone who had nothing to do with the security at Benghazi? Why not go after the state dept, or the CIA, who was? McCain said before the election Scott Brown was the one he wanted in the senate the most.

That, and McCain still probably chaffed he got smoked by Obama and wasn't the one given the opportunity to kill bin Laden. [my only personal opinion].

Nonapod said...

Never assume genius where corruption, arrogance and stupidity will do

Exactly this. I've always been leery of conspiracy theories.

When looking at any political situation or scandal I always start from the assumption that people are idiots, because we are. This is especially true of this administration. They're a bunch of arrogant, beggarly fools. Any one of them would stab another in the back without hesitation if they believed it would help their political prospects. And with a compliant media protecting them the corruption will spread like wildfire over the next 4 years.

edutcher said...

They've tried throwing Hillary, Clapper, and Petraeus to the wolves, but it hasn't worked.

Thing is, now it's down to one of the Chicago crowd's own and it's getting close to Zero, so they're trying to end this.

Cedarford said...

This Benghazi thing will not go away because Republicans sense the public is still very interested at getting to the bottom of why they were lied to.

Have to agree with Cedar. the Lefties have been going after The Establishment for 40 years in movies and TV with every angle of the cover-up story imaginable.

Now they may be hoist on their own petard, especially since the election is over and the people who aren't "low-information" are the only ones who'll be following it.

Balfegor said...

And let's yammer about her for weeks and months until we're tired of talking about her, and then — who knows? — John Kerry is the real choice for Secretary of State. Rice was always expendable.

Yeah, I have to wonder whether Republicans have really thought this through. Given the choice between a liar and a fool, isn't the liar generally going to be the better choice for Secretary of State? Isn't that what diplomats are supposed to do? Do Republicans really think Kerry would do a better job than Rice? Because if he comes up for nomination it's pretty unlikely his chums in the Senate will vote him down.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Bottom line, Willard will not be picking a new Sec of State as Althouse keen political savvy marches on lol.

Yes, just one more incompetent boot-licker who will tell Barry how smart he is.

And, since he's ba-a-a-ack, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Unsticking the pages on your copy of Barbara Windsor's Book of Boobs?

shiloh said...

((( Althouse ~ My observation of the entire scene tells me Romney will have a decisive win. )))

Indeed, as you can't get this kind of political awareness just anywhere! :-P

Which is why she and her #1 trained seal make such a good prognosticating team. Bless their little hearts ...


X said...

my only personal opinion

I believe you

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes he did, but we can't risk him facing the voters again, right?

cf said...

Terrific observation, Ms. Althouse, thank you.

It is always a useful exercise, as one browses NYT, listens to NPR or gets tricked into getting onto PuffHo, to ask yourself this question: "What are they NOT talking about?"

I was amazed, for instance, in the week last spring that Ryan introduced his game-changing budget proposals, Huffington Post took great care to have big headlines and dramatic art that would yammer about ANYTHING else, and only way way down scrolling was there a tiny item with a pic of Ryan and a caption that was trivial, unrelated and jabberwocky. Fascinating journOlism.

Four more years, arggh!

John said...

You just aren't nearly smart as you think you are

Maybe so. But one thing is for sure, you are a lot further gone than even I thought you were. I would think your cult leaders gave you better talking points. Scott Brown? WTF? That is stupid and nonsensical even for a sock puppet.

Anonymous said...

Didn't I just call y'all dupes a couple days ago for focusing on Susan Rice's talking points? Why yes, yes I did. You are being played, now you need to figure out who is playing you and why, hint Senate seat as Garage pointed out.

Another hint, sour grapes.

In the meantime, why were we still in Bengahzi after the Brits left? That answer is on the Obama administration. In this regard, we all may be being played.

garage mahal said...

I would think your cult leaders gave you better talking points. Scott Brown? WTF? That is stupid and nonsensical even for a sock puppet.

So what is it? Drone talking points, or crazy nonsensical sock puppet theories?

test said...

Inga said...
Didn't I just call y'all dupes a couple days ago

Is being a dupe a big deal? I'm curious because you repeated falsehoods that Romney took a 77k tax credit for his horse and there are tax deductions for offshoring workers. Were you a dupe for repeating those falsehoods? Or were you a liar?

X said...

Inga, no one was more duped than you on Benghazi. you thought it was a protest over a disgusting and amateurish video and maintained that position longer than Susan Rice.

Colonel Angus said...

In the meantime, why were we still in Bengahzi after the Brits left? That answer is on the Obama administration.

Why were we in Libya in the first place? Did you ask yourself that question before pulling the lever for him or did ideology trump principle?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John said...


Tell your handlers to give you better talking points. Connecting this to Scott Brown is just stupid even by your admittedly low standards.

Unknown said...

I say we're being played by a political maneuver designed to keep us from looking deeply and broadly into the issues surrounding the Benghazi attack.

Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Althouse is about as deep as a puddle.

Anonymous said...

I agree Colonel, why were we in Libya? Especially after the Brits left.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

((( Althouse ~ My observation of the entire scene tells me Romney will have a decisive win. )))

Like to see where she said that.

'Cause I sure don't remember it.

Indeed, as you can't get this kind of political awareness just anywhere! :-P

The little weasel drools because he thinks he made a funny.

Considering all his "political awareness" comes from copying and pasting Ned Silver's latest drivel, well, pot, kettle...

Which is why she and her #1 trained seal make such a good prognosticating team. Bless their little hearts ...

Helps when the count is honest.

BTW, off Insta Why The Republican Party Can’t Do Anything About Ballot Security. Because they’re forbidden by a decades-old consent decree.

The only way the Demos can win.

And, speaking of losers, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Last picked as sperm donor for Jason Patric's girlfriend?

edutcher said...

Jake Diamond said...

I say we're being played by a political maneuver designed to keep us from looking deeply and broadly into the issues surrounding the Benghazi attack.

Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Althouse is about as deep as a puddle.

No rebuttal, but the truth is often fairly simplistic.

shiloh said...

"((( Althouse ~ My observation of the entire scene tells me Romney will have a decisive win. )))

Like to see where she said that."

Damn, you're a fricking idiot as the link is provided @ 10:19 AM above.

Indeed, the same thread where "you" and several other Althouse flunkies made complete fools of themselves!

Apologies to frickin' idiots/complete fools ...

Nathan Alexander said...

They aren't really "going after" Susan Rice.

Obama refuses to answer valid questions that he already has the answer to. He tells Sen. Ayotte to come after him, but then is unwilling to do so. (cowardice? or concerned about having to tell new lies to cover old ones?)

When you investigate, you start with what you already have.

We already know that Susan Rice went to an extremely large number of shows to push a description/explanation on behalf of the White House.

We already know beyond a doubt that the description/explanation she delivered was not supported by the intelligence that was known at the time.

We already know that the US Ambassador to the UN would not be anywhere in the top 10 list of people most appropriate to be a spokesperson for a topic like Benghazi (the most appropriate being a top official from State, ODNI, or DoD at worst).

So you ask her questions, getting her answers on record. Then you go to the CIA, DoD, etc, and ask similar questions, and take note of inconsistencies.

Blaming mistakes on bad intelligence is the oldest dodge in the book. It's like saying "the check is in the mail" or "the dog ate my homework".

In fact, that's how we know that her talking points were not based on the best intelligence at the time. We know that Intelligence knew it was an organized assault by a terrorist organization and not anything to do with a YouTube video at all while the attack was still going on.

So you keep pressing Rice because her story will break down. She cannot continue to repeat lies without destroying her personal reputation and her personal future. If she tries to (perhaps guaranteed of a career-/reputation- restoring post after?), then you can eventually get around to legal charges of perjury or misuse of federal position to spread lies.

That gives you the leverage to force testimony from people closer to the one who actually made the decision to go with the bald-faced lie.

Even when they prefer to visit friends in Australia instead of testifying or are forced out due to a "scandal" the White House has been sitting on for at least 6 months, but deployed scant days before testifying under oath.

No conspiracy: we know the White House decided to lie to the US people about the Benghazi attack.

But it has to be proven, and it has to be done in such a way that the person responsible is held to accountability. We must prevent some flunky being scapegoated.

Colonel Angus said...

I agree Colonel, why were we in Libya? Especially after the Brits left.

Obama stated he didn't believe in dumb wars and then proceeded in getting us into a pretty dumb one. Yet, his followers ignored it, as they did the follow up, or lack thereof and suddenly Big Bird and birth control took center stage.

We should be demanding to know why we engaged in regime change in a sovereign nation that posed no threat to us. But then again that's rhetorical since liberals play by a different rulebook.

Anonymous said...

McCain continues to push for US involvement in Syria. Is that dumb too? What was Romney's stance on our involvement on Syria?

bandmeeting said...

Scott Brown just faced the voters.

BFD. He gets to face them as many times as he feels like it unless the Mass Dems rig the system as they have done in the past.

Are you actually comfortable with the rules changing depending on the viability of the Republican candidate?

Answer: "Why of course, as long as it favors my side."

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a lesson we will learn from this is not to involve ourselves in other nations civil wars and revolutions. And not to start wars in countries like Iraq, who were no direct threat to us. And not staying in wars that should've long been over, like Afghanistan.

shiloh said...

This thread was highly amusing also as mega ((( wishin'/hopin'/prayin' ))) was on high alert lol rather than astute political deduction!

dreams said...

I think Romney carries Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and maybe Michigan. Romney by a landslide.

11/5/12 9:05 AM

edutcher said...

What dreams said.

I also think the Romster will take NV, NM, possibly OR, and maybe Jersey - given the events of the last few days.

Be interesting to see how close NY is.

11/5/12 9:33 AM

Again, like Althouse, edutcher is totally unaffected by his previous foolish/nonsensical pres predictions ~ bless their little hearts ...

As con inane, self-righteousness marches on!

garage mahal said...

Connecting this to Scott Brown is just stupid even by your admittedly low standards.

So you feel Republicans praising John Effing Kerry as a good pick for SoS is sincere? Heh.

ricpic said...

If the Al Qaeda attack on American citizens in American territory in Bengahzi was being watched in real time for seven hours...where was Obama? Now I ask you, why don't the brilliant and tenacious investigative reporters in the MSM ask that kindergarten question? Who is naive enough to believe we any longer live in a remotely free country?

Cedarford said...

X said...
Inga, no one was more duped than you on Benghazi. you thought it was a protest over a disgusting and amateurish video and maintained that position longer than Susan Rice.
In fairness to Inga - she is more correct that the events of 9/11/2012 had more to do with the video re: attacks on Americans that day than conservatives that suddenly forgot all about the 11 other violent protests at or in US embassies. That, including pillaged embassies, looting, burned property - and several thousand Americans in fear of their lives - was directly the result of radical leaders using the video to stir up angry and vengeful mobs eager to pay America back for the Blasphemy.

Even at Benghazi, the blasphemy video was used to motivate and anger the jihadi combatants before the planned attack started. All later interviewed said the video was part of the info leaders gave them beforehand. Some even watched footage on the leaders cell phones.

We do the same thing with our guys going into combat. Have since the Revolutionary War. If the enemy is stupid enough to give us ammunition - it is used in our propaganda.

Cedarford said...

Inga said...
McCain continues to push for US involvement in Syria. Is that dumb too? What was Romney's stance on our involvement on Syria?

Romney thought we should arm the non-radical Islamist part of the opposition, but go no further than that. He is not as war-thirsty as McCain is.

Nor is the general public.

Or most Republicans, who are not aligned with the neocons or Fundie war hawks within the Party, for the most part. They are as sick as the rest of the public of trillions squandered in eternal wars of nation-building, adventure, and supposedly giving the noble people trying to kill Occupying US soldiers - Freedom@! Democracy! and "Arab springs" at gunpoint!

Colonel Angus said...

McCain continues to push for US involvement in Syria.

McCain isn't President. And yes its wrong.

Anonymous said...

Thank God he isn't President, we dodged that bullet didn't we?

sakredkow said...

Romney thought we should arm the non-radical Islamist part of the opposition, but go no further than that.

I'm going to guess that it's not that easy to tell who's who in Syria without a program. And there are no programs.

Colonel Angus said...

Inga, as for Libya, Obama engaged in regime change as did Bush. But for all of the caterwauling from the left about invading a country that posed no threat, Obama got a pass.

So in essence, liberal Democrats really don't care about military intervention when they do it. The electorate evidently cared more about abortion, birth control and vaginas than foreign intervention or impending economic collapse.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Nice to see that Althouses most prolifically posting overweight couple (Garage and Inga) have come to spike yet another thread.

Then again I guess it is not yet lunchtime in the midwest so they have some time to type before stuffing their fat faces.

Hope and Change!

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Damn, you're a fricking idiot as the link is provided @ 10:19 AM above.

And here I thought it was pointing back to another of the little weasel's Ned Silver fellations.

So, naturally, I ignored it.

Indeed, the same thread where "you" and several other Althouse flunkies made complete fools of themselves!

Yes, we were going by valid numbers, not the inflated gibberish coming out of the Gray Lady's rectum.

This thread was highly amusing also as mega ((( wishin'/hopin'/prayin' ))) was on high alert lol rather than astute political deduction!

You mean as opposed to waiting for Ned Silver to be fed how many votes Axelrod intended to stuff in various states?

BTW, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Applying Prep H to Ned Silver's 4th point of contact?

Inga said...

Thank God he isn't President, we dodged that bullet didn't we?

We did?

We still have President Lead-With-His-Behind.

Remember Labia.

garage mahal said...

Then again I guess it is not yet lunchtime in the midwest so they have some time to type before stuffing their fat faces

I'll post a pic of me, and you can post of yourself. Deal?

Anonymous said...

Colonel Angus, how would Romney have been better at foreign policy than Obama? How did he do in his trip to Europe? As for the impending economic collapse, will it be similar to 2008?

Ah well we're veering off significantly from the topic of this post and engaging in mutual gotcha. Maybe we need to focus on why we are demonizing Susan Rice and who is being played and why.

hombre said...

Oblahblah is also being spared the need to make a statement about the emerging Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship in Egypt and Palestinean statehood both of which demonstrate either the amateurism of his foreign policy or his commitment to Islamist goals regarding Israel.

As usual, the lefty sociopaths who infest this blog are either: changing the subject, denying, or attacking Althouse and her commenters.

Anonymous said...

President Mom Jeans= Jay, huh Garage?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

You mean your icon isn't your headshot? Could have sworn you were a founding member of Wild Stallions.

You already let us know your height and weight tubby, I'm happy to share mine. 6'0 185. And self admittedly could stand to lose about 10-15 pounds to get back to my svelte swimmer days, but far from the officially obese status you enjoy. Michelle Obama said so.

edutcher said...

Inga said...

Colonel Angus, how would Romney have been better at foreign policy than Obama? How did he do in his trip to Europe?

Just fine; as I recall, it turned out he was proven right within a few days.

Considering Zero is not only wrong, but impolitic and offensive to boot, I'd say the Romster would have been a big improvement.

sakredkow said...

Nice to see that Althouses most prolifically posting overweight couple (Garage and Inga) have come to spike yet another thread.

Then again I guess it is not yet lunchtime in the midwest so they have some time to type before stuffing their fat faces.

I see we have a new competitor to replace Jay, the missing bottomfeeder. Try adding "Idiot" to the end of your comments. And although Jay would actually (mis)argue a position, don't feel bad if you aren't able to actually do that. Your grade-school "fatty" attacks make you a strong frontrunner.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but Type II diabetes is going to get you.

garage mahal said...

You already let us know your height and weight tubby, I'm happy to share mine. 6'0 185.

Yes - 5'11 200lbs.

If you're telling the truth you should have no trouble snapping a current pic and posting it.

C'mon chickenshit, what say you?

Hagar said...

The Susan Rice Sunday - Nakoula arrest fracas may be seen as successful distraction from the Libyan mess, which appears to be one "proper cock-up all around," as the Brits might put it.

However, the longterm damage to the administration's "image" hardly qualifies it as a brilliant tactic of "politcal genius."

n.n said...

Colonel Angus:

The same thing happened in Egypt, albeit through different channels. However, what happened in Libya is happening (i.e. regime change) in Syria; and, it seems the the spoils of war in Libya are feeding the "revolution" in the latter. The actions in both Libya and Syria are following the Afghanistan model, where we aided domestic interests to seize power.

As for Benghazi, the cover-up is tremendous. It reminds me of, among other things, the "Fast and Furious" charade which the administration performed in our own nation. An action which resulted in the recorded death of one American and hundreds of Mexicans.

In the meantime, the administration is purchasing support from a majority of voters. Is this the model followed by other administrations? I don't recall such overt efforts to bribe and corrupt the population previously.

Balfegor said...

Re: Cedarford:

In fairness to Inga - she is more correct that the events of 9/11/2012 had more to do with the video re: attacks on Americans that day than conservatives that suddenly forgot all about the 11 other violent protests at or in US embassies. That, including pillaged embassies, looting, burned property - and several thousand Americans in fear of their lives - was directly the result of radical leaders using the video to stir up angry and vengeful mobs eager to pay America back for the Blasphemy.

But was the video actually the cause? It was just a helpful prop to radical leaders trying to get a bit of rabble rousing going. Not like the video was posted and the very next day our embassies were burning -- they were uploaded in July. Even if that particular video hadn't been uploaded, I'm sure there's hundreds of other instances of anti-Muslim material that's been posted to the internet in 2012 any of which would have served just fine. This particular video just turned into the Gangnam Style of anti-Mahometan videos.

X said...

C4, do you contend the planned and coordinated attack wouldn't have happened sans the video?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The internet is forever buddy. You dropped 20 lbs since 8/25/2012?
And Obama will cut the national debt in half.

garage mahal said...
And yet I happen to know as a fact that you yourself are fat!

Why the self-loathing, garage?

I'm 5'11" 220lbs, is that "fat" fat? No where near as fat as Limbaugh in any case.

The question is why you think a whacked out conspiracy theorist like Limbaugh is worthwhile for your readers. Wait, nevermind.

8/25/12 10:37 AM

Anonymous said...

The video was posted on the Saturday before Tuesday 9/11, on Egyptian TV WITH translation. On Tuesday 11 embassies were attacked, in retaliation for the video, within days of 9/11 22 embassies had protests against the video.

X said...

Inga said...
President Mom Jeans= Jay, huh Garage?

and Inga = Allie Oop for those who want to read her stupider comments from September. the ones she didn't delete that is.

garage mahal said...

The internet is forever buddy. You dropped 20 lbs since 8/25/2012?

You post a current pic with your name and date. I'll do the same.

Balfegor said...

Re: President Mom-Jeans:

I'm 5'11" 220lbs, is that "fat" fat?

No! But I was recently told I looked like Jabba the Hutt when I weighed that much, so opinions on that point differ.

Anonymous said...

Mom Jeans, I have stated that I changed my moniker from Allie Oop to Inga, my real name several times here on this blog, it's no secret. What is your problem?

Rusty said...

What the hell does anybodys weight have to do with anything.

What the hell are you guys, like 5?

Grow the fuck up. You're worse than Inga.

Anonymous said...

It's Jay, getting PO'd that he can no longer post under "Jay" because he had made such a pathetic fool of himself so many times.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA , just channeling you Jay:)

Balfegor said...

Re: Inga:

The video was posted on the Saturday before Tuesday 9/11, on Egyptian TV WITH translation. On Tuesday 11 embassies were attacked, in retaliation for the video, within days of 9/11 22 embassies had protests against the video.

So 3 days after the video hit the big time. But is there anything about that particular video that would make it more inflammatory than the hundreds -- thousands? -- of anti-Muslim videos and other materials that get posted every year in the US. Any of them (well, beyond a certain level of polish) would have sufficed for the purposes of the rabble-rousers involved.

It's like saying that a crime committed with a particular gun was "caused" by that specific gun when in fact, even if that gun had been destroyed, there were 100 other guns close to hand, and if guns were unavailing, a knife or nail-studded baseball bat would have done in a pinch.

Methadras said...

Inga said...

Didn't I just call y'all dupes a couple days ago for focusing on Susan Rice's talking points? Why yes, yes I did. You are being played, now you need to figure out who is playing you and why, hint Senate seat as Garage pointed out.

Another hint, sour grapes.

In the meantime, why were we still in Bengahzi after the Brits left? That answer is on the Obama administration. In this regard, we all may be being played.

Why do you care now? You got the answers from the investigation you wanted right? Either you got the answer you were looking for or you accept the outcome of the investigation. So there really is nothing more for you to say on the matter. bye now.

garage mahal said...

What the hell does anybodys weight have to do with anything

Because brainless idiots like Moms Jeans, in lieu of arguments, think they're clever when they anonymously attack people for appearance.

So it's time to put up, or shut the fuck up.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I have never posted under any handle other than this, but if in your fevered leftist brain it makes you feel better to equate me with another boogeyman from the internet, by all means.

Also, Garage, that did not sound like a denial of the 220 number. Scale don't lie.

And unlike you and the majority of the democratic voting coalition, I actually have to get back to work to generate the exorbiant tax dollars to support the health care the will inevitably have to pay for your weight related ills. Eat up.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I have never posted under any handle other than this, but if in your fevered leftist brain it makes you feel better to equate me with another boogeyman from the internet, by all means.

Also, Garage, that did not sound like a denial of the 220 number. Scale don't lie.

And unlike you and the majority of the democratic voting coalition, I actually have to get back to work to generate the exorbiant tax dollars to support the health care the will inevitably have to pay for your weight related ills. Eat up.

X said...

It's Jay, getting PO'd that he can no longer post under "Jay" because he had made such a pathetic fool of himself so many times.


say what you want about AI, at least SkyNet possessed self awareness.

Anonymous said...

Balfegor, only that it was featured on Egytian TV with translation, three days before the attack. Who knows, it may have been part of some diversionary tactic to allow attacks on embassies. Why hey chose to attack on 9/11, well that's very symbolic, I'd say.

Anonymous said...

X, you and Jay Jeans serve no purpose other than to make a thread divisive and hateful. X has an original thought and comment on rare occasions.

jaynie said...

Two items from the news today:

1. Heard that Gitmo is closed to new prisoners. Secret CIA prison in Benghazi, Broadwell mentioned, does make sense.

2. Heard that new, deadlier weapons are now showing up in the hands of Syrian rebels. Could the Ambassador in Benghazi have in fact been facilitating transfer of heavy weapons to Syrian rebels?

Then, a third thought on the matter:

3. Finally, why blame the video? Dont you think it is too simple to think that, to protect his re-election chances , Obama wanted to blame video so no one would know that al quaeda was still a threat?

3a. Why did both Obama and Clinton insist on using, while condemning the video, the phrase "that we had nothing to do with?" No one was accusing them. No one would automatically think, hmm, bet Clinton and Obama collaborated on producing that little gem. If I had won Powerball, I'd have put a big bet on there being much, much more to the video and the filmmaker, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, than first meets the eye.

UN Ambassador Rice is, perhaps, a genius distraction.

Lydia said...

Inga said: You are being played, now you need to figure out who is playing you and why, hint Senate seat as Garage pointed out.

Maybe not. It is Massachusetts we're talking about, after all.

When Romney was governor, the Democratic-controlled legislature changed the law to fill vacant seats. It had been that the governor would appoint someone to fill out the remainder of a term. But since a Republican was governor, the Democrats passed a new law requiring a special election be held after a position becomes vacant.

But then Ted Kennedy died, and the Democratic governor was stuck with that new law, and look what happened. So now there's talk of going back to the old law.

See how that works?

garage mahal said...

I actually have to get back to work

Hahahaha. Of course you do. Maybe next time?

hombre said...

Okay. Distraction complete. Next?

Unknown said...

And here's the output of edutcher's electoral analysis:

"I also think the Romster will take NV, NM, possibly OR, and maybe Jersey - given the events of the last few days."


X said...

Who knows, it may have been part of some diversionary tactic

wait, you're saying the video use may have been to fool someone? did it work on anyone you know?

Balfegor said...

Re: Inga:

Balfegor, only that it was featured on Egytian TV with translation, three days before the attack. Who knows, it may have been part of some diversionary tactic to allow attacks on embassies.

That's not my point -- Any other video would have done. Some news host (evidently named Sheikh Khalad Abdalla) picked it to air on TV to inflame public opinion. It was just a tool.

That said, as I look into it, it seems like rather than spreading organically amongst Islamic radicals keen to stir up hatred of the US, there was a Coptic activist (Morris Sadek) who decided to use the video to try and provoke a reaction in Egypt by sending it to hundreds of people including many journalists. So maybe it wasn't so much a tool being used by Islamist preachers to stir up anti-American hatred, as a tool being used by an Egyptian-American activist to . . . do something? Make Muslims look like idiots? Not sure what his plan was there.

Again, though, nothing more than a tool.

Why hey chose to attack on 9/11, well that's very symbolic, I'd say.

Well obviously.

edutcher said...

Jake Diamond said...

And here's the output of edutcher's electoral analysis:

"I also think the Romster will take NV, NM, possibly OR, and maybe Jersey - given the events of the last few days."


Well, take away all the fraudulent votes and he probably did.

We know the unions stuffed the ballot boxes with illegals in NV. Probably the other states, too.

PS The jackass does what it does best - bray.

It's easy to be accurate when Axelrod's already told you what the returns will look like.

edutcher said...

PPS If I'm so far out there, why are the little weasel and Diamond wasting so much time denouncing me?

Nathan Alexander said...


garage mahal, previously:
I'm 5'11" 220lbs, is that "fat" fat? No where near as fat as Limbaugh in any case.

garage mahal, (apparently forgetting what he previously said about Rush Limbaugh) today:

Because brainless idiots [...], in lieu of arguments, think they're clever when they anonymously attack people for appearance.

Fascinating hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness on display.

Self-righteousness kills.

shiloh said...

"I see we have a new competitor to replace Jay, the missing bottomfeeder.

Althouse will always have her doting tag-a-long subterranean, edutcher er how low can you go!

Apologies to subterraneans ...

death, taxes, trying to catch a clue edutcher!

jaynie said...

Think about it this way:

If the video "caused" a great deal of violence and need cost lives, then that would add support to the OIC - Organization of Islamic Cooperation . The OIC has a complex piece if "legislation" or a resolution before the UN, right now. As I understand it, within the depths of turgidity of the proposal, lies wording that will make it a crime to criticism Islam, thereby abrogating or eroding Americans' right to Freedom of Speech on the issue of Islam.

That makes the video actually pretty useful, more than a simple diversion.

X said...

you gotta love Inga's rationalizations. she's the last person on Earth to realize Benghazi wasn't a movie review that got out of hand, and that makes everyone else a dupe.

shiloh said...

"so much time"

Althouse's pet replies to 99% of my posts and I empathetically reply to 1 to 5% of his.

As Althouse #1 doting ((( please look at me ))) trained seal craves any sypathetic con attention daily.

Time for a group conservative hug around edutcher! :-P

narciso said...

Focusing on the wrong video, the one included here was the important detail;

jungatheart said...

I tend to disagree with the article. Like putting Rice at the UN and placing Samantha Power as a natioal security advisor(?), Obama likes who he likes. I think he really wants Rice at State, and they don't give a hang if the GOP goes bonkers over Benghazi, because in the end, it's a dead end.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Althouse will always have her doting tag-a-long subterranean, edutcher er how low can you go!

Apologies to subterraneans ...

death, taxes, trying to catch a clue edutcher!

Hey, your side wants to go off the fiscal cliff. As far as subterraneans go, at least I come here with more to say than a lot of Lefty boilerplate.

But some are just sheep, to be led to the slaughter.

so much time

Althouse's pet replies to 99% of my posts and I empathetically reply to 1 to 5% of his.

And yet here's the little weasel still running around, yelling, "Nyah, nyah, I won. Ned Silver said so", his insecurity knowing no bounds.

And the reason he doesn't answer is the he has no rebuttal for the facts.

All he has is his KosKidz propaganda.

But here he (or his sockpuppet) is answering me agai, so, again if I'm so wrong, why do you need to keep up the juvenile prattle about how "wrong" we all were?

Unless we were right.

Unknown said...

PPS If I'm so far out there, why are the little weasel and Diamond wasting so much time denouncing me?

Great point. I never ever make fun of internet lunatics and their crazy opinions.

The obvious explanation for my mocking of edutcher is that I don't want the rest of humanity to see the compelling logic behind his conspiracy theories. So every time I criticize his nuttiness, I'm actually proving that he's right.

Life in the bubble.

Anonymous said...

X, did you choose to ignore how Cedarford corrected you on your faulty logic? Instead, as usual, you focus on what I have said, even if it is similar to what Cedarford has said, because you are scared shitless to get into it with Cedarford, interesting and revealing.

I think it's amusing how some of you here are scared to confront Cedarford.

X said...

Inga, do you ever get tired of being wrong?

12:39. still no response from him.

chickelit said...

I think it's amusing how some of you here are scared to confront Cedarford.

I have confronted Cedarford several times in the past. I am not afraid of Cedarford.

Anonymous said...

X , do you ever get tired of being an asshole? Fair question.

You are scared shitless of Cedarford, I've seen it happen over and over again. I love it.

Nathan Alexander said...

Inga, I find it both amusing and appalling that you are scared to confront Obama's lies and mistakes.

Cedarford has proven himself to be less worth listening to than even Jake Diamond.

And that's not easy to do.

For that matter, the fact that you find his opinions compelling is to your detriment, Inga. He has free speech, but he chooses to waste it with hatred and foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Chickelit crowed like rooster, I ain't askeered of Cedarford!

Anonymous said...

Nope Nathan, Cedarford makes some very cogent observations and if you wouldn't have such a closed mind you would see it. That doesn't mean I have to agree with every single thin he says, but to dismiss everything he says is missing out on possibly good info.

Epistemological closure?

X said...

I've called C4 on his jew scapegoating. that's more than you have ever done. he replied the other day to explain he hates all the other minorities too.

you were born in Austria huh? and you like C4? what are the odds?

Big Mike said...

She was the capsule into which the Benghazi scandal was enclosed for burial.

I hope that Issa and others won't it be buried along with Rice's career. Having Rice go out on national TV to push the administration's phony story about Benghazi being spontaneous was only one screw-up among many screw-ups. If Congress doesn't find out what happened and why then how can we the public have any confidence it won't happen again?

edutcher said...

Jake Diamond said...

PPS If I'm so far out there, why are the little weasel and Diamond wasting so much time denouncing me?

Great point. I never ever make fun of internet lunatics and their crazy opinions.

Yet here he is.

Riddle me that one, Batbroad.

The obvious explanation for my mocking of edutcher is that I don't want the rest of humanity to see the compelling logic behind his conspiracy theories. So every time I criticize his nuttiness, I'm actually proving that he's right.

Blah, blah.

In other words, all those vote fraud stories are not only not going away, they're gaining traction at places like Insta.

Stay tuned.

Unknown said...

Cedarford has proven himself to be less worth listening to than even Jake Diamond.

Yes, unlike Nathan Alexander who never fails to impress with his analytical skills. For example, this is Nathan's prediction for the election:

"A combination of enthusiasm/turnout favoring R and Romney raking in a 22-pt lead with independents means that the poll averages you see will shift 7 full points to Romney in votes cast.

That means that even Oregon and Minnesota go for Romney, resulting in 355 electoral votes for Romney vs 183 for Obama.

The same thing will happen in the Senate, where the GOP will end up with a clear majority but fall short of a filibuster-proof lead with 56 Senators."


chickelit said...

Are you on or off your meds today, Inga?

Anonymous said...

Chickelit, I am on my Cardizem, and vitamins, how about you?

chickelit said...

Inga suffers from peristaltic closure.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Chickelit, I am on my Cardizem, and vitamins, how about you?

Inga, I'm not on any prescription meds. Thanks for asking.

Unknown said...

In other words, all those vote fraud stories are not only not going away, they're gaining traction at places like Insta.

At "Insta!" Wow! It's not like "Insta" ever posts idiotic gibberish, right?

Anonymous said...

X, I was married to a Jewish man and gave him four children, that would make them half Jewish. Do you know that there are Jews that were born in Austria? Even AFTER the war?

Amartel said...

Relying on crony media to miscover, selectively cover, or (preferably) not cover, nonstop political bumbles and policy fraudulence = political genius?

Way to set the genius bar high!

Obviously it's political but where's the genius?
It's like the term "global thinkers."
The intellect is all presumed.

Anonymous said...

Chickelit, then don't inquire about if I am on any type of medication. Don't hand it out if you can't take it, be a big Chickie, like a rooster!

Unknown said...

Chickelit seems to be more of a capon than a rooster.

Anonymous said...

And Jake, you deal with Edutcher so the rest of us don't have to! THANK YOU for your noble work! Shiloh gets credit too.

Anonymous said...

Jake, Chickelit is a Yickelit, a Yenta and a chicken combo, he gossips more than any female commenter here.

X said...

X, I was married to a Jewish man and gave him four children, that would make them half Jewish.

you've played that card many times.

Lydia said...

There once was a lady named Oop
But then when derided
She quite soon decided
To be Inga as head nincompoop

--E. Dickinson, "Posthumous Notes"

Anonymous said...

X, too bad I have to remind you of it so many times when you want to paint me as an antisemite for agreeing with Cedarford on some subjects.

You are flailing today X.

Anonymous said...

Very funny and adult Lydia Lovelace. Ah well time Ito go finish my Christmas stockings for my grandchildren who are 1/4 Jewish.

test said...

Inga said...
X, you and Jay Jeans serve no purpose other than to make a thread divisive and hateful

The most self-unaware comment ever posted at Althouse.

Anonymous said...

And before I go, how many liberal commenters here refuse to engage Marshal, because he is such an obnoxious debater who doesn't know how to debate fairly? Several that I know of.

test said...

Just to make the point clear, here's her first comment:

Inga said...
Didn't I just call y'all dupes a couple days ago

It's also funny she whines that others "run away" from Cedarford, as if understanding why it's the jews fault is in any way enlightening. It just shows she's willing keep any company as long as it furthers the immediate attack.

X said...

you want to paint me as an antisemite for agreeing with Cedarford on some subjects.

I don't think you're an anti-semite for agreeing with C4 on some subjects. but you do believe in White Guilt as demonstrated by your many comments about white men and there are logical extensions to that. your ridiculous rules, not mine. let me guess, you give yourself a pass for some reason. couldn't you allow yourself to be as generous to others?

Anonymous said...

Aufviedersehen, spater. Sei gut kinder!

test said...

Inga said...
And before I go, how many liberal commenters here refuse to engage Marshal, because he is such an obnoxious debater who doesn't know how to debate fairly? Several that I know of.

I do believe in treating people like they treat others. If you think that's obnoxious you should look at yourself.

test said...

Note also that fair Inga still has not answered whether she's a dupe for repeating anti-Romney falsehoods or if she's a liar for knowing repeating them. No doubt she believes remembering her idiocies is "unfair".

Run Inga, Run!

Colonel Angus said...

Colonel Angus, how would Romney have been better at foreign policy than Obama?

Since I don't believe Obama has displayed competence at any level, I can safely say Romney would have done a much better job at domestic and foreign policy.

Basically, Inga, your argument boils down to well my guy doesn't have a plan but we don't like yours.

Cedarford said...

X said...
C4, do you contend the planned and coordinated attack wouldn't have happened sans the video?

Which attack, X?
The Benghazi one or the semi-planned violent attacks on 11 other US diplomatic outposts that WERE DIRECTLY TIED TO THE VIDEO???????

Even Benghazi was part influenced by the video. Yes, the attack would have gone forward without the blasphemy video - but maybe with less people, with the attackers less stoked up to kill Americans.

Balfegor said...

Re: Inga:

Chickelit, then don't inquire about if I am on any type of medication. Don't hand it out if you can't take it, be a big Chickie, like a rooster!

The devil? Did I miss something that would provide a context in which this outburst makes sense?

Balfegor said...

RE: Cedarford:

Even Benghazi was part influenced by the video. Yes, the attack would have gone forward without the blasphemy video - but maybe with less people, with the attackers less stoked up to kill Americans.

But did it have to be that video? That's just the one they happened to use to rev up the crowd. I think attributing too much significance to the particular video used is a huge mistake and kind of silly. They could have used cartoon depictions of Mohammed after all, and that would probably have worked about as well. Blasphemy occurs all the time in the United States, so there's no want of offensive material to choose from.

Lydia said...

Perhaps a lesson we will learn from this is not to involve ourselves in other nations civil wars and revolutions. And not to start wars in countries like Iraq, who were no direct threat to us. And not staying in wars that should've long been over, like Afghanistan.

What is so disturbing about this statement is the mindset behind it, one characterized by invincible ignorance.

As if no such thing as a power vacuum has ever existed in world history. Or what has happened when one is waiting to be filled.

Unless, of course, this is viewed as a policy feature, not a bug.

Cedarford said...

X said...
I've called C4 on his jew scapegoating. that's more than you have ever done. he replied the other day to explain he hates all the other minorities too.

The rest of the world has moved past the idea of immunity of jews against all criticism of jewish actions and Israel's - because they suffered in a war.

Only in America is any criticism of them still considered by many as proof of bigotry.

Others have tried playing the Jewish card. With less success. Blacks came the closest - but less and less people buy the race card being played to stifle any criticism of black pathologies. Gays have a recent success track - but consider it a temporary thing because they will soon spread a new disease far and wide by butt fucking one another or there will be another huge pederasty scandal that they have less success deflecting than the superb PR job they did recasting gay priests as non-gay "pedophiles".

Muslims and "Islamophobia"? Not even close to the Jewish immunity amulet in the USA. And criticism of China as racist? Forget it.

shiloh said...

"Shiloh gets credit too."

Many try, few succeed! I try to reply to his nonsensical discombobulation just often enough so Althouse #1 trained seal doesn't have withdrawal symptoms. Again, liberal empathy!

Obviously my one mo. vacation from Althouse daily inanity bothered the 64 y.o. lapdog immensely and I'm truly sorry for causing more pain as he probably hit his threshold some time ago.

Re: my Althouse vacation and just for my own amusement:

Oct. 4

"Nate ~ “But here’s the bad news for Mr. Romney: no candidate who trailed by as much he did heading into the first debate went on to win the election."

Oct. 18

Bart again, if you think this is 1980 you are ((( wishin’/hopin’/prayin’ ))) rather than doing astute political analysis notwithstanding, if the election were held today VA would be blue.

And Willard is no Dutch aside, the undecideds always go to the incumbent is a ((( myth ))) as ((( astute political analysts ))) like Nate et al will tell ‘ya.

But as always, keep hope alive …

Oct. 18


Oct. 23

Outliers Gallup/Ras notwithstanding, this post sounds more like you’re trying to convince yourself ie you’re in denial.

Oct. 25

Plus Willard being on the wrong side of the auto bailout issue = a relative easy win for Obama in Ohio~Ohio~Ohio.

Again, Obama’s ground game is state of the art and has been up and runnin’ on all cylinders for (6) years, whereas alas, Willard’s Ohio ground game resembles Woody Hayes three yards and a cloud of dust! :D

Oct. 26

Again, Gallup and Ras are outliers:

Oct. 28


Nov. 2


Be afraid, be very afraid! :-P

Nov. 6

Bart, I feel your pain …


Indeed, I was quite worried Willard would win! lol

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Jake Diamond said...

In other words, all those vote fraud stories are not only not going away, they're gaining traction at places like Insta.

At "Insta!" Wow! It's not like "Insta" ever posts idiotic gibberish, right?

One of the most respected sites in the Blogosphere and a lot less like to post anything idiotic than Diamond is to say it, right?

shiloh said...

Shiloh gets credit too.

The Lefty circle jerk is still unbroken

Many try, few succeed!

Thought the little weasel is never one of them, thus his unwillingness to rebut my points.

I try to reply to his nonsensical discombobulation just often enough so Althouse #1 trained seal doesn't have withdrawal symptoms. Again, liberal empathy!

On display in the top thread regarding the Egyptian court.

But, as all will see, I seem to have no trouble speaking on other subjects - something the little weasel apparently can't.

Obviously my one mo. vacation from Althouse daily inanity bothered the 64 y.o. lapdog immensely and I'm truly sorry for causing more pain as he probably hit his threshold some time ago.

The little weasel flatters himself. Actually, it was as nice a time as the few days after Turkey Day when Ann and Meade stuffed and roasted the little turkey as he should be.

BTW, notice our our insecure little mascot can't seem to stop talking about his wet dream, Ned Silver, as if he's trying to take our minds of other things?

Wonder why.

So, once again I must ask, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

PLO on a tramp steamer traversing the Panama Canal?

PS Don't click any of the little asshole's links. They'll take you to a site that will lock up your browser tighter than a drum.

shiloh said...

Althouse please, I beseech thee as your #1 doting, trained seal needs an intervention.

Indeed, as he has totally self-imploded w/rage!

And surely he qualifies for psychological help as a major donor to your fav charity! :)

blessings ...

edutcher said...

And yet the little moron returns.


My insistence that the election was stolen must be unbearable, so frail his delicate ego that, in this small matter, he might have been actually been right for a change.

Or I may just be right and may convince others. I can see where that would bother him.

But pleading to the bloggress to intercede on your behalf and make me stop opposing you (it must be distressing to see you cannot win here) will avail you naught. Madame believes in free speech, so you'll have to prevail on your own - which, of course, you have utterly failed to do.

So, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Giving Little Zero the benefit of your political savvy that this Benghazi thing would just blow over?

SukieTawdry said...

Political genius!

Yeah, well, maybe. "Genius" isn't a trait I generally ascribe to this crowd.

So, did Rice know she was being set up as a diversion? Did Clapper change the intelligence "talking points" in order to dupe her and reel her in? Did she ask why they were sending her, of all people, out (after, as we've been assured, she had nothing to do with Benghazi)? Why not someone from the WH or State or Defense or Intelligence?

She's wanted SecState since she first hooked up with Madeleine Albright. I don't see her willingly putting all that in jeopardy just to ride point in Obama's dog and pony show. What was she promised? What was she told? Inquiring minds want to know.

Most important, of course, is what the heck was going on in Benghazi. We hear CIA operation posing as consulate; we hear detention center; we hear gun running. How about we finally hear some cold hard facts. The administration is sadly mistaken if they think we're going to let this go. They can distract us all they want. We're quite capable of focusing on more than one thing at a time.

Meanwhile, Susan, the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round.

Unknown said...

My insistence that the election was stolen must be unbearable...
Or I may just be right and may convince others.

Both sad and amusing.

Matt said...

Susan Rice is the Ollie North of our time - only not as depraved and crooked. But she can be used like Ollie to be thrown under said bus so that people stop talking about more important events [or scandals, if you will]. Nothing new here people.

edutcher said...

Ollie North was depraved and crooked?

That's a hot one.

All he wanted to do was defend this country and its people.

All rice wants to do is cover for Zero.

Jake Diamond said...

My insistence that the election was stolen must be unbearable...

Or I may just be right and may convince others.

Both sad and amusing.

If it's so amusing, why give it so much attention?

The little weasel and his sockpuppet invest so much effort in knocking me down, given they're such loyal Obamatrons, one might suspect there's something to what I say.

The fact they can't keep away from is endlessly fascinating.

To hear them, they won, but they're so afraid of one guy who begs to differ.

Balfegor said...

re: edutcher:

Regarding vote fraud and the election, I think there was some vote fraud -- there's enough to raise a strong suspicion -- but I don't think it determined the election. Obama's margin was beyond stealing distance. His partisans may just have been afraid it was going to be closer than it ultimately was. Sort of like Nixon in 1972.

edutcher said...


If you feel that way, OK by me, but I see it not unlike the WMDs in Iraq.

When a set of conditions is so widely accepted and later we're told that they never existed, that strains credulity way too much and, like the WMDs and so much else the Lefties want us to swallow with only their say-so, I'm more than open to the possibility that those conditions were true and what the Lefties want us to believe is a lot of hokum.

I respect your opinion and wouldn't dream of giving you a hard time about it, but I'm just going to remain skeptical for a while.

In the meantime, you may want to give the third paragraph in this piece a gander and some reflection on just how good vaunted the Axelrod ground game really was.

Hint: The Blonde is registered Demo (Operation Chaos '08), but never got a call from the Obamatrons; I OTOH am registered Republican and we were deluged with calls from them.

Unknown said...

Don't forget that edutcher believes that Obama is a communist agent sent here by the Soviets.

Tin foil hat time!

Known Unknown said...

I'll post a pic of me, and you can post of yourself. Deal?

And we can all play a round of "Althouse's Hot or Not!?!?"

Known Unknown said...

I'll post a pic of me, and you can post of yourself. Deal?

"The camera adds about 10 pounds."

"How MANY cameras were on you?"

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