March 15, 2012

"While my faith in things has sometimes been challenged, I still believe this is America..."

"... this is a country that is governed by the rule of law; that the truth ultimately will prevail."


Tim said...

So, he thinks he has a political future after serving his prison term.

Illinois must be dumb enough to allow convicted felons to run for public office.

We already know they're dumb enough to elect them.

CJinPA said...

I love trying to guess the topic of posts before clicking the link.

When you roll over this link, you "BBC" and "Canada." I wasn't expecting it to be about the former governor Illinois.

It's sad to watch a corrupt politician, who was only following the rules set by other corrupt politicians while big-city media gave a wink and nod, suddenly find the rules had changed.

By sad, I mean funny.

Saint Croix said...

"I still believe this is America."

Somebody ought to tell the Democrat party

CJinPA said...

You "SEE" BBC and Canada...

edutcher said...

He believes in the rule of law like his old buds who moved to DC.

Bob Ellison said...

He's right on all three counts!

garage mahal said...

Could be a bad year for corrupt Governors!

madAsHell said...

"This is fucking gold!!"

The rule of Lemnity said...

That was the last guy I thought might have said that.

Somewhat disconcerting..

Are liars supposed to be that eloquent.. or does eloquence only rise at times of distress?

Anonymous said...

I am a Republican living in the West Suburbs of Chicago, and I think Rod got railroaded. Never voted for him.

What was the crime again? Political horsetrading in Chicago? That never happens.

And why weren't all the tapes played at trial? Irrelevant, really? It would be interesting to hear Blago talking to Reid, Emmanuel, and others. Bet offers were made.

And if Jesse Jackson Jr. basically offered him $5 Mil for the seat, isn't that attempted bribery?

The conspiracy devil on my shoulder tells me somebody wanted to shut Blago up, even though he hasn't stopped talking. Might have been his father-in-law, Chicago Alderman Dick Mell.

Fitzgerald wanted to save the "integrity" of the Senate Seat? Oh yeah, like there's all kinds of integrity in the US Senate. Rule #1.

Anonymous said...

And @Tim is right in the first comment above. I can attest to it. You're gettin' a witness here!

Illinois IS stupid enough to elect crooks and felons. Marion Barry would have done well here.

That's why Illinois Republicans would give Scott Walker a free rub and a tug.

traditionalguy said...

Political trades for political favors has been The United States winner take all political Spoils System for 200 years. It's just Blago's luck to be scapegoated by Dems for doing what they do 24/7.

Blago's only crime was in getting caught at it.

Hagar said...

Almost too bad. He would have made a good late night talk show host, or maybe "The Price is Right."

Anyway, they will probably let him out when Obama has left office and it is all yesterday's news.

Titus said...

Maybe he will do something about that hair.


TMink said...

As he goes to jail, I am certain that this still is America!

So at least we agree on that!


Rick Caird said...

I am not so convinced we have the rule of law any longer. We now have the rules of the rich and powerful. See banks, mortgage fraud, and robosigning. See MF Global, John Corzine, theft of customer funds, and rehypothication. See also GM and Chrysler and the theft of assets from Senior bond holders. Then, see Solyndra, GE, and a host of crony capitalists. Then, see the Justice department, the New Black Panthers, and Fast and Furious.

KCFleming said...

The rule of law??

Ha ha ha.

Man, he's killin' me.

Unknown said...

14 years seems like a lot to me, especially when he and Obama were both playing from the same Chicago playbook.

Rusty said...

Unknown said...
14 years seems like a lot to me, especially when he and Obama were both playing from the same Chicago playbook.

His crime?
When the music stopped he didn't even try to sit down.
What does that mean?
He didn't keep his big mouth shut and play the graft game like the other guys.
Now he gets to go play drop the soap.

Alex said...

So now he will get Jesus in prison. Haha, so typical.

Methadras said...

Blago, idiot tool of the left that got caught and punished by the rule of law he willfully chose to subvert.

Anonymous said...

I'm with @Rick Caird up there.

Free Blago, Filet Corzine.

JAL said...

Doesn't the rule of law cover selling the privilege of holding a US Senate seat to the highest bidder?

William said...

He deserves prison, but the sentence, if he actually serves it, is on the stiff side. He's not an odious person, and I have the sense that there have been greater crimes and bigger crooks.

Rusty said...

Alex said...
So now he will get Jesus in prison. Haha, so typical.

Hot if jesus gets him first.

Rusty said...

Are you fucking kidding me?
His hair alone should have gotten him the needle.
The putz deserves every day of it.

Carnifex said...

I have to come down on the side of the "he didn't do anything others weren't doing". I kinda like the guy, like looking at a rattlesnake behind a glass panel at the zoo.

'Course, that's how I look at all politicians.

Hey, least ways he didn't kill some chick by driving off a bridge, and leaving her to die, like other, more prominent democrats. He's got that going for him, I guess.

Mick said...

The Rule of Law is gone, and it's demise is supported by the "law prof", who refuses to even acknowledge that there are eligibility problems related to Obama (I thought this was a law Blog!!!???!!).

A law enforcement officer of the US (Sheriff Arpaio) has concluded that the LFBC is a fake (not that it matters, since Obama is ineligible anyway-- no matter where birth occurred, due to birth as a British subject, of a British subject father), yet not a word from the "law prof".
The POTUS is the executor of the law. If he is not eligible there is no law! What do they teach in that Left wing bastion they call UW? I have filed suit in Fla. as of 2/16/2012, challenging the nomination of Obama by the D Party, and asking that he be stricken from the 2012 ballot. I have used Fl. ss. 102.168, and Fl. ss. 86.011-86.0111. Service of defendants soon-- you will hear about it. I will not have to tell my children that I did nothing as the Constitution burned

Tim said...

"Hey, least ways he didn't kill some chick by driving off a bridge, and leaving her to die, like other, more prominent democrats. He's got that going for him, I guess."

Well, he forgot needed two martyred older brothers, one of them a president, from a wealthy, politically active family for which people had lost all ability to reason before he could pull that get-out-of-jail-free card.

Hard to blame the guy though - corruption is the lubrication for political friction - he surely didn't know any other way, and no doubt the voters never held anyone to account on that score.

madAsHell said...

Rock on, Mick!!

Sadly, you haven't a snowballs chance in hell, but.....rock on!

cubanbob said...

Heard it here first folks: Barry gets canned in November and Blago along with Barry's real estate buddy Tony get a last minute pardon. But they have to STFU for life as part of the deal. Give the dem's credit, unlike the republicans they take of their own if they remain good boys.

Mick said...

"madAsHell said...

Rock on, Mick!!

Sadly, you haven't a snowballs chance in hell, but.....rock on!"

And that's why it's allowed to happen. Let someone else be a patriot, American Idol is on. The fact that this is calked a "law blog" is a joke. The "law prof" is a fraud. She should be embarrassed, but she will nevertheless sit in her cushy government paid job as the Constitution she supposedly teaches about turns to ash. I could teach her class more than she does.

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
Could be a bad year for corrupt Governors

You want to know what's funny?
The guy in the White House is up to his razored hairline in these kind of politics, but 53% of you dolts fairly skipped to the poles to elect this countries most corrupt, nearly black, president. Your smug commitment to his cause makes the idiocy complete.