June 2, 2011


A newly coined word for people who've gone all obsessive about the size of their pores.  And speaking of words...
High-definition television has arguably upped the ante. Consider the celebrity with glistening teeth and yogic arms, but a jarringly pock-marked nose in close-ups. Viewers think, “If her pores look like that, what do mine look like?” said Dr. Mary Lupo, a clinical professor of dermatology at Tulane University School of Medicine.
... somebody needs to tell the New York Times that pock marks are not pores.

And maybe somebody needs to show these porexic whiners what real skin damage looks like.


Shouting Thomas said...

I'm going to beat Tight Ass to the punch here, and demand more Weiner Weiner!

Ann Coutler is not impressed with the size of Weiner's Weiner. She's written a column titled Weiner's Penis Photo Dispute to be Resolved in Small Claims Court.

What's the technical term for worrying about the size of your penis? Evidently, there's a more of that going around than worrying about the size of your pores. I get penis enlargement spam e-mail every day.

1775OGG said...

Althouse: Another off topic comments.

Your new, and hopefully well "red" url, needs to use something like blogger's word verification so that us commenters can have some fun with the WVs.

wv: sesse he said with teeth clinched and legs bent.

1775OGG said...

Althouse: Another off topic comments.

Your new, and hopefully well "red" url, needs to use something like blogger's word verification so that us commenters can have some fun with the WVs.

wv: sesse he said with teeth clinched and legs bent.

1775OGG said...

My second comment is so much better?

Fred4Pres said...

tweetapenisphobia--the fear that you just sent a picture of your wiener to all your followers on Twitter.

Known Unknown said...

I've never had a problem watching Robert Davi or Edward James Olmos.

Why? They're good at what they do — which is acting, not being a celebrity.

Unknown said...

Anyone who feels their skin is bad should spend time entertaining kids at somewhere like the K.U. Burn Clinic. You will ever after feel grateful and much more than a little sobered.

Unknown said...

Shouting Thomas --

"I get penis enlargement spam e-mail every day."

I just sent a picture. Got an apology and removed from their list.

wv: uprooki - That's what the Polish guy said in the apology. I think it means salute or something.

erictrimmer said...

Because I'm a tall, wealthy and strikingly handsome man with rippling muscles and a large wiener, I suppose you might not believe me when I tell you I have suffered for years from low self-esteem.

You see, I suffer from porexia, or enlarged pores. It may sound harmless, but porexia is a serious hereditary skin disorder that can cause chronic skin infections and permanent disfigurement. There is no cure for porexia, but there is hope...

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Glossy magazine covers fuzz away ALL pores. The expectation isn't that we have small pores - but NO pores at all.

edutcher said...

Vanity in this society gets more absurd by the day.

SteveR said...

Who wins the Diane "soft focus" Sawyer vs HDTV battle will set the trend.

Gahrie said...

HD TV nearly ruined Chris Myers' career.

erictrimmer said...

Very thin frame with large, fake breasts; long, straight hair; fake eyelashes and heavy, conspicuous makeup, especially around eyes; aggressively re-shaped eyebrows; no wrinkles or blemishes; no body hair.

traditionalguy said...

Warning: A woman with a large pore on her face does not want you to notice it. Like a birthmark or a beauty spot, these pores do not harm a woman's looks. But she will never believe you.

gerry said...

Are you quasiporexic, with only what seems to be an obsession with pore size?

Or, do you suffer pseudoporexia, which is a false large-pore obsession?

Maybe you are hyperporexic? Hypoporexic? Hyperporexiphilic (there may be a web site where you can meet large-pore fearful folks...www.porehouse.com)?


I think I'm a porexiphobe.

The Crack Emcee said...

... somebody needs to tell the New York Times that pock marks are not pores.

Somebody needs to tell the New York Times a lot of things.

And, as far as these pock mark obsessed people are concerned, somebody needs to tell them they're nuts. And it shouldn't be somebody who decides to coin a new word for what kind of nuts they are - nuts is nuts:

The patient, and the "doctor," need to get over themselves.

Yeah, I'd make an awful therapist.

viator said...

Somebody needs to tell The New York Times that is has become an imitation of Pravda and it's readers a Nomenklatura.

KCFleming said...

Most men are concerned about only one of a woman's pores; the largest.

Methadras said...

My wife sees a blemish and she panicks. It drives me nuts because I look at it and tell her it's nothing. One time she had a small ketchup stain, very tiny, on the end of her nose (we were out eating) and she looks into her compact and says, "Oh my god, how did that zit get there so fast?" I just looked at her, took my napkin, dobbed it in the water glass and wiped the offending stain off. The look of relief on her face was like telling her she just dodged cancer.

Methadras said...

Oh grandma, look at the giant pores you have.

The better to eat you with my dear.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

I don't really get the obsession there with pores. On the other hand, I remember watching Spider-Man 2 in an IMAX theater and thinking, "Oh my god, Kirsten Dunst's pores up there must be a foot across."

wv: resso. But the resso her was just fine!

chickelit said...

wv = "nomesmatic" adj. Of or relating to the coinage of words.

Chip S. said...

Alas, Porexia. I knew her, Horatio.

In fact, I knew her well enough to send her a drawing of my codpiece.

gerry said...

In fact, I knew her well enough to send her a drawing of my codpiece.


Wince said...

If you crop that right-most photo at the linked article...

it looks similar to the Weiner photo, no?