March 11, 2011

On the battlefield of protest, so many (snow)men have melted.


"Please Keep off the Mud."



Expat(ish) said...

Didn't that used to be grass?


wv=magos. Too easy.

Ann Althouse said...

Yes. It would be end-of-winter lawn.

TosaGuy said...

Time to hire some non-union landscapers.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

looks like a bad case of protester over grazing.

Lincolntf said...

Translated for non-Madisonians:

"Don't hurt the dirt, but feel free to trash the shit out of the Capitol Building."

Lucius said...

Any snowman brave enough to melt in that pile of mud can drink from my canteen any day.

Unknown said...

Definitely, keep off the mud.

Where else will Michael Moore and the rest of the Lefty pigs wallow now that there's no trough in WI?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Keep off the mud

Wisconsin is famous for their mud..

William said...

Gawd, I love the smell of narcissism in the morning.

More destruction by those “terrorized” by not losing their jobs. Hopefully the overheated rhetoric that will spew tomorrow will dry out the soil and bring forth new grass.

Anonymous said...

Now... who killed all those people that are buried there in that mud???

The evil Republicans did!

Violent. Brutal. Thugs.

Chip Ahoy said...

I have the answer to this dilemma. Waaaait foooor iiiiiit ... astroturf!


Michael K said...

Hopefully, there are some people reassessing their positions today and wondering if they really want Armageddon this year.

That reminds me of the Indian kid who joined the Army after graduating from Johns Hopkins. He became something of a national hero in India as the Indian newspapers followed his blog about Iraq and the battle for Fallujah. We need more like him.

Not the pimps in the Madison Capitol.

G Joubert said...

Has spring sprung in Wisconsin?

Mutaman said...

I suspect as long as there's one college kid protesting at the capital, Meade will show up to film him. It's not like he has anything else to do.

Harry said...

Does Charlie sheen have anything to say about Wisconsin? I thought he might know who's winning. Might be persuaded to put out one of those truth torpedoes about the whole thing.

MadisonMan said...

Mud season is just something to endure. Spring is just around the corner. I don't recall seeing such a non-green lawn up at the Capitol before though. I wonder what's up.

I did see green -- as in new vegetation -- today, which was a tonic.

Anonymous said...

Mutaman said...

I suspect as long as there's one college kid protesting at the capital, Meade will show up to film him. It's not like he has anything else to do.

Meade could put his videography skills to use shooting porn. Lesbian mud-wrestling teachers, maybe? I don't think that niche is covered yet.

Anonymous said...

A man and woman are talking at a party, and the man asks the woman her name. "My name is Carmen," she replies. "Originally I was named Mary, but I wanted to change it to something more interesting. I figured that the things I enjoyed the most are cars and men, so I combined the two and came up with Carmen. What's your name?"

"B.J. Titsengolf."


gail said...

Farm kids know there are 2 kinds of mud: clean or manure mud. I'm actually puzzled trying to decide which kind of mud surrounds the capitol.

kimsch said...

It looked like that on February 19th. People were being kept off the grass/mud that day.
wv: rarapp

Wince said...

On the battlefield of protest, so many (snow)men have melted.

Now the battle moves into the courts, with (cave)man lawyers.

Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

ricpic said...

Blue mud
Blue sky
Trees reaching out of it
Trees reaching up to it --

The beauty that knows not
Our misalliance
Nor wonders why.

jaed said...

Nice one, ricpic.

Toad Trend said...


LOL, "I'll sue you and your whole crummy airline!"

Lincolntf said...

Another day, another video of the "peaceful" union scumbags in Madison.

ricpic said...

Thanks, jaed.

Tully said...

The protesters tore up all the grass to use in building straw men, which were later burned.

J2 said...


"Please Respect the Turf Area"


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Now that the grass has been trampled into a muddy mess, I wonder how much it will cost the people of Wisconsin to re-sod the area.

Of course, the people who did the trampling, don't give a shit because most of them either don't live in your State or are sorry worthless hippy wannabe students who don't work or pay taxes.