January 21, 2010

"I am Quinn's father... It was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter and hopefully one day, when she understands, she will forgive me."

Yes, a lot of things were wrong, including that, but is there one shred of evidence that you'd admit to any wrongdoing before everybody already knew about it? I thought not? So why are you still getting on TV? Go away! Do penance for your sins... somewhere where we don't see you. And maybe one day, you will deserve forgiveness.


AllenS said...

Yes, I'm Bill Clinton, and yes, that's my cigar. Forgive me, but I forgot to mention not to put it in your mouth.

Anonymous said...

"Yes we can," said President Obama who has spent more than any other man in history. And he inhaled.

Kevin said...

What a loser.

Anonymous said...

Fox and Friends was teasing this story as a "John Edwards BOMBSHELL!"

Wouldn't a bombshell require us to be at least the tiniest bit surprised?

The only thing that surprises me is that anyone ever thought that this guy was anything but a phony, even before this story broke.

Unknown said...

As I've always said, the sleaziest thing on the planet. He combines all the endearing traits of a used car salesman and a bad televangelist.

El Presidente said...

You know Hillary is pissed.

kjbe said...

Maybe if we ignored him, he'd go away.

traditionalguy said...

Edwards ran into a last of the Mohecans type of real News organisation. How was he to know that reports of his his deeds would not be killed by the NYT et al., if he simply said that he was the victim of the vast right wing conspiracy.

Leland said...

I guess after he is convicted of paying off his mistress with campaign contributions, he'll tell us,
"It was wrong for me ever to deny I misused the money you gave me to run for President. Hopefully, one day, when you understand that I just wanted a sex partner with a thinner skirt and youthful appearance, you will forgive me."

KCFleming said...

Edwards: "JFK got a pass; why not me?

rhhardin said...

If he doesn't announce he's the father, he is no father.

That's a grammatical point in his favor.

DADvocate said...

I would say Edwards needs to take up residence in a trailer park but then I'd be insuling the othe trailer park residents.

Anonymous said...

"He combines all the endearing traits of a used car salesman and a bad televangelist." ... and an ambulance chasing lawyer.

"It was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter"

We figured that out a year ago, John. When did you find out?

Beth said...

What a narcissist - when she understands she'll forgive him.

Fred4Pres said...

Edwards is a deeply flawed wreck of a man. Seriously, go away. You are not Lord Jim, but you need to go off and do something different to redeem yourself.

Bob said...

From what I've read (in the Wilmington, NC paper, if I recall) Edwards is living separated from his wife at his weekend home on Figure Eight Island near Wilmington, and hitting on barmaids at the local watering holes. Scumbag.

The rule of Lemnity said...

In Game Change, John Edwards was said to have offered to endorse Obama for a promise to be named attorney general.

Now he's just settling to appear on Maury.

KCFleming said...

His only hope is to move to Haiti and pick up the wreckage for the next 2 years, and say nothing at all to the press about it.

Redemption is hard to come by.

bagoh20 said...

It's my impression that this type of person gets much further, more often, on the left side of the spectrum. I think it has to do with the style over substance trait in the left. Not that the right does not have some of that, but in degree, I'm talking.

Peter V. Bella said...

Will Obama now give Elizabeth Edwards a cabinet post ala Hillary?

Charlie Martin said...

Mistakes were made.

robinintn said...

He thinks he had to make this statement to get in front of Andrew Young's forthcoming tell-all book. But he'd only think that if he still imagines he has a reputation to protect; i.e., if he still imagines himself making a comeback.

He should get together with Eliot Spitzer, and they can discuss their (hopefully) imaginary respective futures as political movers and shakers.

As I type this, I realize that I'm not absolutely confident they're delusional.

fivewheels said...

Just another something to keep in mind in the conversations where people are talking about how scary it would have been to have so-and-so as vice president. Honestly, there hasn't been a very good running mate for either party, winning or losing, since Kemp. (And I guess he had his crackpot moments too, but he was my kind of crackpot.)

reader_iam said...

Eli Lake, via Twitter, has declared Jan. 21 "Mickey Kaus Day." Tee hee! I'm remembering all those smirks and expressions of incredulity from Bob Wright during certain diavlogs way back when. Kaus was right from start, and good on him for standing his ground.

reader_iam said...

Who knows what might have been. I can tell you that at the Iowa caucus I attended, the next biggest bloc after Obama's was that of Edwards, and they were the most assertive at trying to get everyone to come to their side. And when it was clear they had way cleared the required legal threshold, they were adamant about not "sharing" some of their people to allow any other candidates who had not done so to meet the minimum number necessary. At that particular caucus, that most (though not only) affected the bloc for Hillary. I'm not saying they *should* have "shared," of course. But it's interesting to contemplate what might have been ... .

TMink said...

Forgiveness is relatively easy, you sincerely ask God to forgive you and He does. Simple.

Regainin trust is another matter. You have to prove that you have changed with actions. Repeatedly. I never trusted him in the first place, and never would even if he had kept it in his pants.

I do not begrudge him his money, but I do smell a phoney when he is so wealthy and crying about the poor without doing anything but crying about it.

So just disappear John. Try to do something good instead of continuing to try to feed your ravenous ego.


Fen said...

Edwards should be made into an object lesson. Tar and feathers and all that. Hot tar.

Fen said...

And Elizabeth is no angel either. She came in on the scam after she knew.

Lynne said...

Quick! Ignore him before he reproduces again!

holdfast said...

I will personally forgive him, if he promises to go away and never appear on the political scene again. Of course, my forgiveness is pretty cheap, since I never believed a word he said, and so cannot claim to have been bamboozled.

vw "loing" Edwards' loins longed for some new-age, strange *ss.

fivewheels said...

National Enquirer submitting John Edwards coverage for Pulitzers

That is awesome. I wish by some miracle their industry could possibly become remorseful enough to actually give it to them.

John Stodder said...
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John Stodder said...

Edwards is still angling for a cabinet nomination from Obama! He thinks if he finally comes clean, he'll be put in the mix for AG if Holder ever resigns.

Otherwise, why would he do this on TV?

Oh...I guess there's another possibility. He's looking at Obama's falling poll numbers and thinking, "maybe I should start visiting Iowa...New Hampshire...I can beat him South Carolina...."

reader_iam said...

It seems to me that the National Enquirer has simply followed in the footsteps of the "Miami Herald"--which exposed Gary Hart back in 1987 (when the paper was still owned by Knight-Ridder prior to the acquisition by McClatchy).

I'd be surprised if Kurtz doesn't remember that.

reader_iam said...

I don't mean to imply that the "Miami Herald" sought a Pulitzer for that coverage. I don't know either way, though I think that was the year it won a Pulitzer for work on Iran-Contra. What I mean is that such goings-on at such a high political level, even among Democratic presidential candidates, was considered newsworthy by other than just a "supermarket tabloid," at least at one time.

It's the tone of Kurtz's piece that's bugging me.

reader_iam said...

John Stodder: What's unnerving is that it's hard to just competely dismiss that possibility out of hand when it comes to John Edwards. I'm not much for psychoanalyzing politicians (or anyone I don't know) or pathologizing their behavior, but in this case it's hard not to wonder if there's a far deeper mental or cognitive problem--far more than what mere narcissism or overblow ego can account for.

TMink said...

reader_iam, never underestimate the power of really virulent narcissism! Tis not so deep as a well, nor wide as a church door, but mind you tis enough.


Omnibabe said...

Deny??? Not only did he deny, he tried to falsify DNA evidence to prove she wasn't his child. I find that more offensive than the original lie.

John Clifford said...

Could this guy be any more pathetic? Does he have a single redeeming quality as a human being?

I think when his daughter gets old enough to understand she'll avoid him like the plague.

What a douche!

josil said...

I wonder if those who thought McCain's choice of Palin as his running-mate foreold his defeat had also supported Kerry's selection of the dreadful Mr Edwards.

Revenant said...

"I am Quinn's father"

The most appropriate response to this statement is "we already knew that, John".