ADDED: Thomas and Levin's distaste for robots inspires commenter Chip Ahoy to produce this new episode of Bloggingheads:
August 17, 2008
The Olympics: "weirdly unsexy."
Slate's June Thomas and Josh Levin delve into the mystery of why they aren't more sexually aroused by the Olympians.
ADDED: Thomas and Levin's distaste for robots inspires commenter Chip Ahoy to produce this new episode of Bloggingheads:
ADDED: Thomas and Levin's distaste for robots inspires commenter Chip Ahoy to produce this new episode of Bloggingheads:
Chip Ahoy,
Why do most of the blogging heads look like they came out of the geek show in Coney Island?
Bring back the Jane Hamster chick. She was hot.
I must admit I'm not exactly sexually aroused by those two either. Perhaps if they were to syncronize dive, then shower together.
so robots are unsexy?
Dara Torres has a certain je nais se qua.
So little is sexy these days.
Delving must be desperate for subject matter.
Those two look like they have never been sexually aroused by anything at anytime.
"So little is sexy these days."
In days gone by? So big was.
rhhardin said: "So little is sexy these days"
Praise God for Christine Hendricks
"Those two look like they have never been sexually aroused by anything at anytime."
True, but, in fairness, we haven't had the hammer throw yet.
How could any red-blooded American girl not find the swimming-packed olympics not sexy?
strike one of those "not"s
OMG. I couldn't make it past "health education films from the '50s".
The two of them look like Dramatic Chipmunk debating Trotsky's fidgety brother.
As for the Olympics not being sexy, they were supposed to be?
What, bodies automatically equals sex? Eh.
I did notice that in the last couple of days the camera, when catching the Phelps display after the races, has kept the camera from the belly button up. I've missed that pelvis. (And I still haven't seen his tattoo.)
I'm watching the fencing now. In the movies fencing is very sexy. Here it is frumpy and boring. Even the obvious phallic symbol doesn't entice.
And who is going to admit to finding the prepubescent girls we've been watching on the uneven bars sexy?
I have to agree, at least to these two. Man!
Christy, you must've missed this blogginghead episode with Curtis and Lipsyte.
Apparently, some do consider gymnastics a kind of soft porn...
The least sexy thing is when the young female gymnasts suddenly land on the balance beam right on their crotch (with legs spread). I don't see why that is supposed to look good or be impressive other than as a showing of disregard for pain (and good sense).
Now, if we could see males do that, it would cross the line into true entertainment.
Middle Class Guy said...
"Those two look like they have never been sexually aroused by anything at anytime."
chickenlittle said...
"rhhardin said: 'So little is sexy these days[.]' Praise God for Christine Hendricks"
A-men! Her turn in Firefly was scrumptious. God help me I like bad girl...
Trooper York said...
"Bring back the Jane Hamster chick. She was hot."
Wasn't she the evil piece of rancid, leftover splooge who blackfaced Joe Lieberman during the Connecticut primary a few years ago?
"Now, if we could see males do that, it would cross the line into true entertainment."
Oh man. I need that like a male fish needs to accidentally slip off his bicycle saddle onto the top tube.
Absolutely dude. But you have to bang her Joey Heatherton looking ass so hard that you Sandy Duncanize her to the point where her eye pops out and she sees things the right way and finds contentment with Truth, Justice and the American Way.
As we used to say in Derby, I wouldn't even touch her with yours, mate.
Where can I get my eyeballs rinsed?
This we say in the County Clark.
I'm working on a theory that the more you talk about "it" the less you get "it"-which would make-
Titus the resident vestal virgin in these parts.
What an idiotic conversation.
People such as dancers and athletes, who train their bodies in pursuit of excellence, view their bodies asexually and as tools of their trade, at least during training and performance/competition.
Their focus is ultimate execution.
That is the attraction.
Now that I'm looking for it, I'm finding rowing sexy.
Victoria, I'm off to look at that blogging heads piece.
I'm finding rowing sexy.
Of course! It's rhythmic. And not that silly ribbony gymnastics rhythmic. But the proper kind.
Stroke. Grunt. Stroke. Grunt.
BTW, Simon, you do know these are the best Olympics for Great Britain since...well, maybe ever.
(My God, how un-British that was. Who cares, I'm emotionally American now)
I accidentally saw some of the men's beach volleyball. I think that was plenty sexy. The men swimmers standing in a row with their ab muscles all nicely displayed... that was sexy. Swimmer's shoulders (men or women) not so much.
Biologically, I do think that we have some conception of the fact, right down at the level of our genes, that women with no body-fat can't breed. There is a point where working out to extremes interrupts biological function. For men it usually takes the extreme of steroids to make their bodies truly asexual.
But mostly... I think it's like a dog show... like Golden Retrievers. They've nearly become two separate breeds of dogs. The pretty ones and the ones that can hunt. The pretty ones are blond and a little blocky and have grand champion ribbons. The ones that can hunt are lean, and red, and smaller... almost scrawny.
No one gets to be a world class athlete because he or she is pretty. If any are good looking it's by accident. And different body types are better for different sports. Add to that a certain focus for muscle development and the swimmers can be told from the runners can be told from the gymnasts just by looking at them.
Paul Harvey long ago, ``If the world made any sense, it's the men that would ride side-saddle.''
It's actually testicle-crushing that has to be avoided, and so long as that is avoided, things are fine. There's plenty of room down there.
Bike seats designed for the two sexes have a similar cut-out, which just seeks to avoid applying a constant pressure along other areas along a centerline axis, which otherwise produces nerve damage.
I am a 64 year old man.
Now, what would you think if I told you that I find the female gymnasts sexy? I think I'd end up on a child molester list somewhere.
Now, Dana Torres? That's sexy.
Russian female weightlifter: "Coach, I've got hair growing on my chest."
Russian coach: "How far down does it go?"
Russian female weightlifter: "All the way down to my balls."
Tennis and Ice Skating have sexy women athletes but the Olympics?
Women with broad shoulders, narrow hips, low body fat, muscles and/or look like little Girls. Sexy only to Gays.
BTW, speaking of the UK isn't there some fast English sprinter ala "Chariots of Fire"?
This has been mentioned already, but it bears repeating. Those two folks aren't the type of people one should listen to about bringing the sexy.
Ah, but wait. Wasn't there an Althouse blogpost that devolved into a dissertation on the merits and measure of Michael Phelps rudder???
Now, if we could see males do that, it would cross the line into true entertainment.
If Mike Judge's prophetic (and hilarious) Idiocracy is correct, then that will indeed be one of the highest rated shows on TV in the future.
Also, it seems to me if you are in to the male form, then there's plenty of sexy in the Summer Olympics, between the swimmers, divers, sprinters, and even boxers, you've got some young, well developed, muscular without going overboard, eye candy to stare at.
If you are in to women, it's a little harder, given that athletic training tends to de-emphasize the curvy lusciousness we tend to find sexy in women. But, a combination of lithe and strong can be appealing, and a lot of these women look much better when not in performance. In every day clothes, not straining and struggling, they often look much more womanly than when engaged in battle.
If I were straight, I would say that the place to for women-ish figures would be women's volleyball. Stay away from softball though.... far, far away!
For whatever reason, these particular Bloggingheads have ignored the women Olympians, particularly the volleyball players, both beach and non-beach variety.
The beach volley women in their bikinis, well, enough said. Need evidence, try this YouTube vid:
I find their gym-confined sisters somehow even more, shall we say, interesting. They wear the most flattering tight and very brief (you should pardon the expression, Ann) shorts. Evidence can be found here:
Great link. Thanks!
The reason they picked these two dudes for this blogging heads is because of what's listed on their driver’s license under occupation:
Weirdly unsexy.
Women under the age of about 35 are just girls, so the pickings are slim.
Which was more boring, the Saddleback non-debate or the Olympics?
My God, how un-British that was. Who cares, I'm emotionally American now)
So, British genes but American jeans, eh, Vic?
Now, if we could see males do that, it would cross the line into true entertainment.
I'll bet Ernest Borgnine does that every morning just to get his heart started!
"Ah, but wait. Wasn't there an Althouse blogpost that devolved into a dissertation on the merits and measure of Michael Phelps rudder??"
Why yes! Dear Michael is a gold medal winner in more ways than one.
Oh Mikey, is that where you keep your medals?
I'm hungover and the first thing I see on top of Althouse are these two faces?
Every single one of these blogginghead people (with the exception of Ann) looks like something out of a circus freak show. There's a reason for the's so people don't have to see what you look like!
And you know the phrase "a face for radio"? These two don't have a face for life!
XWL: That clip... hilarious.
Hey, don't forget the Bloggingheads movie: trailer.
Wow, I never noticed this before. (YouTube pointed me to that.)
Joe Hogan: Great point. Everybody else brings up women's beach volleyball first thing.
wurly said..."Perhaps the women on this thread feel otherwise, but I've gotten the impression that women aren't that into "moose knuckles". If they were, speedos, rather than board shorts, would be more common at U.S. beaches."
Yeah, and I've gotten the impression that men aren't that into the vulva. If they were, these would be much more popular.
Hey I just bought a Speedo for my Las Vegas trip.
I just have to remember to put the potato in the front.
As trooper york said, those two are weirdly unsexy. Actually, they're a lot worse than that.
It can sometimes be the case that perfect-looking bodies might not be as sexy as one might imagine, but the past few times I have watched the Olympics, I have been struck by how sexy some of the sports and activities can be.
Both the male and female swimmers can be sexy, but certainly not all of them are. Still, I don't think I'm the only one to have noticed when they use the underwater cameras to show the way the swimmers move coming out of a turn. Several folks have already commented on the volleyball, and that can apply for both men and women. The same is true of diving. And as Christy said, the rowing can be sexy.
Some sports are definitely not sexy--the fencing and horseback riding that I just saw a little while ago come to mind, as does shooting--but most of the others have the potential to be.
I found the trampoline the most beautiful of the gymnastics events. I don't know if it was sexy, but it was sexier than the rest of gymnastics.
I felt too nervous watching most of the gymnasts to enjoy it, especially after I saw that Japanese guy fall off the rings and as he was falling it looked like he closed his eyes and was just praying he wouldn't land in a way that would break his neck.
The thing I'm happy about from the gymnastics is that China blatantly, openly cheated in front of all the world, so now if China should win either the gold medal count or the overall medal count I can point to that and say they are a fraud. Because that cheating wasn't just an individual athlete breaking the rules; it was the Chinese government! I'm still not grasping how they got away with it, but at least everyone knows.
I don't know, Althouse. Camel toe is not sexy. At the same time, it's magnetic, like a train wreck.
Also, the male bikini is common currency up and down both sides of the Mediterranean. And, as we know, Europeans are totally fashionable. So, really, who is right about the moose knuckles?
The female swimmers are often quite sexy once they take off their swimming caps and put on their warm up suits. Like in the women's 50m, the German gold medalist, Britta Steffan, and the Aussie bronze medalist, Cate Campbell, were definitely looking sexy to me!!
I'm looking for some women's handball coverage on TV. In that past there's been some Scandinavian hotties in that sport.
Oop, let me try that pic again.
Still not that hot.
...but infinitely hotter and sexier than June Thomas.
Where does Slate dig these people up...apparently to discuss sexiness?
(I say "apparently" because I have boycotted this clip purely on aesthetic grounds.)
Someone who watches the Olympics for their latent sexual content has deficient internet navigation skills. It's as obsolete as trying to get a glimpse of a well turned ankle of a woman climbing onto a bus....I pride myself on my depravity but the girls on the gymnastic team looked so sweet and vulnerable that it killed all hope of erotic frisson.
I hope I don't end up sounding like I'm dumb as a sock, but what do moose knuckles refer to? I understand the camel toe concept.
Everyone knew what camel toe was due to the tight jump suits Lola Falana used to wear on the Dean Martin celebrity roast. But know one knew what Moose Knuckle was until the show when Bullwinkle was sitting next to a young Donny Osmond when they roasted Donny and Marie. When Bullwinkle got up to do his bit, his moose knuckle swung and it was so prominent that it knocked out Sandy Duncan’s glass eye. And she was sitting four seats down. Donny was underage at the time so despite Bullwinkle obvious interest he waited to call him until he was sixteen. Bullwinkle was not that kind of moose.
(Jay Ward and Alex Anderson, Rocky and Bullwinkle The E True Hollywood Story
I had to Google it, and found this on youtube:
Absolutely hillarious!
Hahahaha, everybody else at Slate was home having sex on a quiet Sunday morning and left these two weirdly unsexy freaks loose at the office with the video camera.
The internet is a horrible, wonderful invention. Where else could one learn that June Thomas wrote an article for Slate about how penis pumps work. Talk about your lack of sexual arousal. Did she practice on her own penis or Josh's?
I'm going to attempt a link for my above comment:
cool song
The reason they picked these two dudes for this blogging heads is because of what's listed on their driver’s license under occupation:
Weirdly unsexy.
Umm, Trooper, the one on the left (June Thomas) is a woman. I had to find a Slate article with the Thomas byline that said "you can email her at..." in order to convince me of this. (I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the video yet.)
And yeah, I know that June is usually a woman's name, but the new head football coach at SMU proves that there are exceptions.
One problem is dirt-ugly commentators weighing in on who is sexy. By guess is that if either was shown any interest by the average-looking Olympic athlete of their particular sexual preference (if any) their peeved little hearts would be jackhammering.
Part of the problem layman like the two dog-faced commentators overlook is that competition is not a beauty contest. Faces are set in determination, concentration, not giving off "come hither" sex vibes. (except the deliberate "sex-sells" "uniforms" of beach volleyball, womans figure skating that were set into rules when the sport was created) Extra pounds are shed with grueling training for a whip-lean look.
When they are away from competition, hair down - you find that many of the athletes have made big money being attractive models, by being "sexy" product pitchpersons (the highest-paid tennis athlete is not Serena Williams, Rafa Nadal, or Roger Federer - it is Maria Sharipova).
19-year old gold-medalist Nastia Luikin is a Covergirl model.
And Katarina Witt? Oh, Katarina Witt! As Ernie Borgnine would say, and likely did!
We have been making stars of certain charismatic athletes since the 20s from the Olympics and collegiate & pro sports.
And athletes in major sports tend to have a big contingent of groupies and wannabe suitors. In or outside the USA, by sport popularity and charisma.
If you don't find Greco-Roman wrestling sexy then you must be... well you must be like the two unappealing dullards in this video.
Kev that's bullshit. No way that's a woman.
I don't watch blogging heads because it causes brain cancer. That's how they got Bert Convey.
Just for S & G, could somebody please juxtapose the picture of June with that picture of satan from a few posts ago (but I still maintain that it's really Merv Griffin, photographed by Anne during her recent visit to hell.
Ann put this up as her idea of a joke.
We were supposed to read her post title, look at the pictures and laugh out loud.
"We were supposed to read her post title, look at the pictures and laugh out loud"
Oh, then don't bother!
I'm glad she at least excepted male swimmers and divers because I'm with Knox - what isn't sexy about most of those guys!?
The little dude on the left talks funny - that alone is enough to put one off of one's feed.
Cedarford said...
Part of the problem layman like the two dog-faced commentators overlook is...
Cedarford, you have finally gone too far. Now, we know you have many strong opinions on things and are not afraid to express them. But you have hit the tipping point.
Calling those two dog-faced is an insult to all dogs; even those ugly, floopy earred curbstone setters also known as mutts?
What have dogs ever done to you? Are you one of those dog haters? OK, they are asexual, they are unappealing, they probably do not own mirrors. Their idea of sexual feelings are hunger pangs.
Whatever. They are not anything like dogs. You have defamed, demeaned, and decaninized dogs. You,sir, should be ashamed!
BTW, Simon, you do know these are the best Olympics for Great Britain since...well, maybe ever.
(My God, how un-British that was. Who cares, I'm emotionally American now)
Wrong. You'll never be American, Victoria.
The greasiest anchor baby is more American than you'll ever be.
You'll just have to learn to live as an alien. To the end of your days. Stiff upper lip and all that, old gel.
This was Ann's joke. Almost no one even had the appetite to watch the tape. Hilarious Ann.
Anyone who thinks poor June Thomas and Josh Levin are ugly by bloggingheads standards hasn't been watching bloggingheads.
Trust me these two are like Brad and Angie compared to what's usually on there.
Check out Matt Yglesias. The guy is heinous and sounds like hell and basically is a nerdy writer with an opinion on everything who as far as I can tell has never done anything in his life other than go to school and start a blog.
That's why I vote for Amanda Carpenter to blogheads with Ann. She's pretty, at least as aggressive as Ann and wont back down from a good argument even when she knows she's wrong. Amanda is also an ex athlete so maybe she can add some insight to the Olympics.
Anyway, when did the Olympics become a sexy contest? I missed that.
I guess with the Cold War over we need something other than athletic competition to keep some people interested.
AJ Lynch said...
This was Ann's joke. Almost no one even had the appetite to watch the tape. Hilarious Ann.
Appetite to watch the video? I lost my appetite for the rest of the day. I hope neither of those two ever decide to breed! Especially with each other.
I saw Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and my first thoughts on posting is -- Ann didn't like The Dark Knight, and I didn't like Woody Allen's latest flick!
It was very watchable, but I didn't feel that any new ground was covered by Allen. Thankfully, Bardem and Cruz were great.
But other than that, it reminded me somewhat of an American version of Food of Love. I'm sure the gay Althouse commenters know that film.
P.S.: I feel like hugging Diego Hypolito. Valeu, gato!
That's why I vote for Amanda Carpenter to blogheads with Ann.
Has Ann ever bloggingsheaded with Michelle Malkin or Laura Ingraham? Unfortunately, Ann is usually put on the "Right" side of the opinions, so we have to concentrate on good-looking Lefty blogger ladies...and you know, it ain't easy.
Weirdly unsexy Olympics blogging heads.
bleeper: didn't wanna risk coining anti-caninite eh?
Chip you are the coolest man. Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL, Chip. Just clicked on it. Brilliant!
Along the same lines:
Björk talking to P. Diddy
The greasiest anchor baby is more American than you'll ever be.
If I ever got a whole bunch of Latinos together to form a Latino hardcore punk band, which I would of course manage with Peter Grant-esque brilliance, I think I'd name the band "Greasy Anchor Baby". That would totally rock. Thanks for the idea, dude! Genius!
"Has Ann ever bloggingsheaded with Michelle Malkin or Laura Ingraham?"
No, but I have been on the left a few times -- with Jonah Goldberg, Jim Pinkerton, and Glenn Reynolds. And even with Robin Givhan and Bella DePaulo (but probably because in those cases I was in the role of interviewer).
Chip, that was great. I frontpaged it.
Chip is brilliant again.
Well, I finally did get the stomach to watch the bloggingheads. Look, I mean, they're not claiming they are sexy. But I thought the funniest part - if you go to the rest of their talk - was the monotonal guy talking about how boring Michael Phelps is.
I am devastated.
Last night I went out dancing and took off my brand new Prada shirt and lost it. I ended up on my hands and knees pushing through endless legs of D Star jeans and Puma sneakers to no avail. I cried in the bathroom with my friends.
I ended up leaving the club shirtless, waiting for a cab shirtless, explaining to the cab driver why I didn't have a shirt and running into and sharing an elevator ride with my neighbors while wearing no shirt.
I was humiliated and lost a $350.00 shirt. It was the only medium of that kind in the store.
What am I to do now? Also, the reviews from everyone last night were so positive.
Also in my building everyone leaves their shoes outside their units so as to not disturb the fabulous floors.
One of my favorite things to do it read the labels inside the shoes.
The queen next door is having a little soiree and the designers are as follows: Burberry; Prada; Gucci; Cole Haan; Puma. Thought you would all want to know.
Cheers and big specials hugs.
And Katarina Witt? Oh, Katarina Witt! As Ernie Borgnine would say, and likely did!
Katarina was hot IN COMPETITION -- I got "come hither" vibes from her during her Olympic routines. *sigh* She is lovely.
Also, I did a repeat in the bathroom stall of the club last night while I was trying to be comforted in the fact that my Prada shirt was lost forever.
He kept calling me sir and asking me to tell him what to do. I am sorry I can't get into any of the kind of talk. Just blow me and keep your mouth shut slut.
Even the rare clumbers only sniff the fabulous shoes in the hallway. They always pass by the crap shoes and head right for Prada.
Great taste runs in the family.
Josh Levin looks like he might have a big hog. He is kind of cute in a Woody Allen, nerdy kind of way. The guy on the left not so much.
My mom called me tonight all upset about the man from Middleton who's Mastiff kills some ladies 12 pound Pedlington Terrier in a dog park. Also, the other dog, a peakapoo, that witnessed the killing ran away for three days but was thankfully alive.
How sad.
The new next door neighbor is loud when he is saying good bye to his friends in the hallway.
Keep it down bitch. She has Illinois license plates. She needs to get those changed ASAP. Not fabulous.
Titus said...
"Just blow me and keep your mouth shut slut."
Isn't that anatomically impossible?
"I was humiliated and lost a $350.00 shirt. It was the only medium of that kind in the store."
Who the hell spends three hundred bucks on a shirt?! Don't you people have JC Penney or WalMart? Fucking flyover state "sophisticates" ... And by "flyover states," I mean those coastal states normal people fly over on heir way to the heartland, where you'll get laughed at if you want to spend three hundred bucks on a shirt. New Yorkers! [sakes head] There hundred bucks is a nice suit jacket, not a shirt! God you people are a mess.
Ladies, don't listen to Simon. Just because he likes to dress like Lindsey Nelson with plaid jackets with matching white shoes and belt, does not mean you can not spend $350 on a shirt. Overalls, a staw hat and red flannel long johns are acceptable in Indiasaw or Arkiana or where ever the fuck the bridge he lives under is located. But a beautiful $350 blouse is perfect for a night on the town when you are catching a Broadway show and dining in an elegant restaruant in the Meat Packing District.
Titus don't listen to him. And when you are ready to become a cross trainer, let me and I can hook you up. Sorry about your shirt.
Thanks Troop.
I am watching female gymnastics now. They must have to shave their beaves so no unseemly pubes project from the leotard.
Also, they certainly tart that little 10 year chinese gymnasts to look older. She looks like a drag queen that I know named Ming Vase.
Romania female gymanst was great.
I am glad for Romania, considering what Borat did to those poor gypsies.
Trooper, I can see a woman spending that much on a shirt, although that seems like the high end of reasonable. But that's quite different: wrap Cobie Smulders in something slinky and it's on. Wrap a guy in a three hundred dollar shirt and I'll show you a jackass with more money than sense. It's still just a guy in a shirt. Ah, jackasses with more money than sense, where would capitalism be without them? ;)
tinpen41They obviously didn't watch the beach volleyball competition.
Then again, there was an incident when Misty May offered President Bush a chance to swat her on the rump (considered a 'good luck' wish in beach volleyball) and the President refused. I'd be happy to take his place, if it's offered to me.
I had to look up Lindsey Nelson. I don't advocate dressing like that. I advocate dressing like Barney Stinson. Suits are worth that kind of money, and maybe a blouse is too, but a guy's shirt? In no contry on this planet is that anything but daylight robbery. For that kind of money, it had better not just look fabulous, it should wash itself and make the tea.
Eli, I thought she asked him to tap her and he tapped that?
Who's Barney Stinson?
Also, Simon, this is NYC. It is incredibly competitive. You have to be on at all times. You walk out your door and you are on stage working the runway surrounded by thousands of people checking each other out.
If I lived in the middle of nowhere, with a big yard, I wouldn't be buying Prada.
But I am not. I am living in the worlds greatest city. The financial capital of the world. One slip up and your ruined.
Dressing well here is very important to career, social life, and status.
When I go home to visit family in Wisconsin you will find me in $10.00 Old Navy shirts is that is comforting.
Also, I do make a decent salary but in order to live in NYC you need it. My mortgage, condo and parking fees are outrageous. My loft is 1400 square feet which is huge by NYC standards. I have friends that live in 500 square feet condos.
I do think of moving somewhere else all the time. The thought of having more space, cheaper housing, less stress is appealing. And someday I will likely do it. I am 38 now and I don't see myself living in NYC when I am 50. The place ages you quickly. Which is why I have a large inventory of Kiehls products.
Also, one of the biggest reasons I do love it here is noone gives a shit about me being gay. It scares me to live somewhere else where I may be thought of as a freak, and not because I buy $350 shirts, but because I am a big mo.
Where is Bahrain? One of their Olympic runners was hot.
TitusTuck said...
"Who's Barney Stinson?"
Barney! (Played by the fbulous Neil Patrick Harris.)
"Also, Simon, this is NYC. It is incredibly competitive."
I get it. It's New York City. It's an urban jungle, a slow-moving catastrophe of human compression. I'm much happier living out here in America, myself. I don't understand the mindset of people who look at New York and think "wow, that looks like a good way to live!" I can understand a brief anthropoligical visit, a la Althouse, but live there? What's that about? Ah, the variety of human choice, I guess. Still, it's ungainly to choose to live in that hellhole and then complain about the burdens it imposes, isn't it?
(Don't think that's a criticism purely of NYC, by the way. It goes to all huge metropoli)
Kev that's bullshit. No way that's a woman.
Well, Slate says she is, at any rate. No guarantee that she was born that way, of course. ;-)
FYI-NYC is in America also.
It is very American. Probably the most capitalistic city in the world.
Consumption is our middle name.
And I am originally from the middle of America. Right in the middle of the midwest. I still have those midwestern qualities. There may be a $350.00 shirt on top but underneath I am still very midwest and very American.
I love to be able to go back and forth between where I live now and where I grew up.
Chickenlittle wrote:
bleeper: didn't wanna risk coining anti-caninite eh?
Didn't think of it. Anti-dogite was easy. One syllable, add an "ite", it riffed off "anti-dentite" and there you go.
I might have thought of "Hittite" but would never have made it as far as Canaan and I know the pun on canine never arrived in my sleep deprived brain pan. More's the pity, as that is a good one. A polysyllabic gem. Well done.
I had never been to bloggingheads. But I went there to see Matt Yglesias. Not good - I understand that we owe much of how we look to genetics. Can't do much about that, I get that. But the constant leaning back and forth towards the camera is nauseating. And his voice makes Truman Capote's sound melifluous. Learn to breathe, learn to speak. And if your head is that pointy, and that is not a fauxhawk, change your hairdo. Really.
I didn't bother to listen - don't need to hear his opinions on anything.
I always thought that "a face made for radio" applied to Garrison Keillor and Terry Graden. And Rush. And that cadaver in a cowboy hat who was fired...
The most amazing case of face-for-radio who is on TV all the time is Larry King.
I like seeing weird or ugly people talking, but some of the bhtv people are just too bland -- just big, blobby expanses. I won't name names.
I find Yglesias rather entertaining. He uses that stammering for humorous effect, though sometimes it can be irritating. I think it's a tic picked up at Harvard. Obama does a similar thing. Somehow, the speaker thinks it sounds intellectual to do that.
Everything Titus says about New York only applies to talent-free social climbers, who have to wrap up the big nothing that is themselves in expensive clothes just to get anyone to pay attention to them. The brilliant, intelligent people can make it here in a 30 dollar shirt. Sorry about your luck, Tits.
I never said I was talented Palladian.
By the way do you always have to be so harsh?
Also, Palladian I am not a "social climber".
To be honest I don't give a shit about that stuff.
Yes, I buy stupid expensive name brand shirts, but I could give a shit about "social climbing". Really. I have my friends, whom I am completely satisfied with, and have no interest in getting to know someone else who may be above my "pay grade".
Also, Palladian, I think you are secretly a little obsessed about me.
Not me per se, but the gay that I am and that you are not.
You find all of it a little exciting don't you? Be honest.
"You find all of it a little exciting don't you? Be honest."
Nope, not at all. I'm rich, happy and have a wonderful boyfriend. You simply command attention because you're a constant irritant. Like poison ivy.
There's really no eroticism in the Olympics that I can discern (or ever could, even back in those days a loose button on a blouse was erotic enough). I can see it being different for women, as the men are being very manly.
But mostly, so are the women.
There is grace, beauty, power, strength, grit and even (rarely) humor. But they're so completely focused on something (that isn't sex), there's no room for anything else.
They're very attractive, of course, and out of competition, they have that sort of sexiness that comes from complete confidence about their bodies.
But during the events? Nah.
Of course, the Olympic village is famous for sexual shenanigans, since many of them are done competing early on and have two weeks to spend with thousands of other peak physical specimens....
Palladian, you are rich?
You don't work either, is that correct?
If so, that's hot.
And I am glad you are happy and have a boyfriend.
I am happy and don't have a boyfriend and don't want one.
Also, I am not rich but I make a lot of money.
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