August 2, 2005

Bunched pajama pants and popcorn

The Poor Man Cafe links to my "Pajamas Media vs. BlogAds" post and says, among other things:
She doesn’t mention that some people might want to think twice before signing a long-term business deal with a bunch of guys who have spent the last few years explaining how lying and corruption isn’t really lying and corruption and equating disagreement with treason, but that’s what I’m here for. Anyway, long story short, panties become bunched, and Charles Johnson issues a terse rebuttal, which ends with this confidence-inspiring sorta-denial:

I should also mention that we have no plans at all to interfere with or control the content of blogs who sign up for the affiliate program, at either of the two levels.

Oh … good. How reassuring.

Amusingly written, from the left perspective.

Matt Welch just says
"BlogAds vs. Pajamas Media Catfight! Bring popcorn."


Steven said...


She doesn’t mention that some people might want to think twice before signing a long-term business deal with a bunch of guys who have spent the last few years explaining how lying and corruption isn’t really lying and corruption

You see, I thought Pajamas Media was run by some right-wingers, not Clinton Administration, United Nations, and Air America apologists.

knox said...

That photo at the top is amusing, if nothing else.

Justin said...

Professor Althouse -

I like the changes to the description of the blog.

How about adding, "2002 UW Law School Professor of the Year" to it?

Or you can add:

"Maddening to all but the Mainstream" - Justin Hein

if you would like. :)

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks, Justin. Nice quote.

Knoxgirl: I think the photo keeps changing, but it's a really nice looking blog I think (Poor Man's, that is).