July 12, 2005

What's wrong with Technorati?

Technorati has become almost useless lately. It takes forever to do a search, and then the information retrieved is pathetic. According to them, my blog hasn't been updated in 84 days. Links I know I have from checking Site Meter referrals don't show up on Technorati. I'll cut them some slack, since they've just configured the place, but it's so annoying to wait out the slow search and then get lame info.


goesh said...

I am still able to leave home without a computer attached to my body. For how long such technological degeneracy will endure, I do not know.

Unknown said...

The Ecosystem seems off as well; links for everyone seem about 20%-30% lower than usual (and so the ecosystem rankings still seem reliable). I'm not sure whether N.Z. incorporates Technorati information into his data, but it may all be related nonetheless. Whereas Goesch may be able to ride this out, you and I may be suffering until it's all back-to-normal. Perhaps we should organize a "We Are Not Afraid" march for bloggers to pull us all through this dark time.

Jody said...

Technorati is having a fit with blogspot. Most of them are not being updated. It's one of my reasons for finally leaving blogspot and becoming mu.nu...

I must say the learning curve has been difficult but the benefits are wonderful. :)

AGR said...

I had the same problem with technorati. It said I hadn't updated in two months, even though I had been posting almost every day. I fixed it by "declaiming" my blog, and then reclaiming it a day later (technorati wouldn't let me reclaim it immediately). Since then, it's recording my updates.

Rick Lee said...

I was going to say what Colin said. It took about 3 or 4 days for an Instapundit link to show up on my Ecosystem details page.

Anonymous said...

It's way lame. It still doesn't show my Gawker link from yesterday.

BlogVantage said...

Just use the ping form every once and a while:


I just found it, myself.

Ann Althouse said...

Dave: Thanks for noticing.