October 7, 2024

"If [Trump] also wants to have a meaningful, in-depth conversation about women's rights in this country, then he is welcome on 'Call Her Daddy' anytime."

Said Alex Cooper in the intro to her podcast with Kamala Harris, which you can stream in many places. I like Podscribe — here — because you can listen or read (and search) the transcript.

Cooper got a lot of criticism from regular listeners, because the show has not been political. It's a podcast, for women, about sex and relationships, and some listeners felt betrayed when she seemed to shed her political neutrality. But now she says Trump is welcome too. Maybe he'll take up that offer!

I listened to the entire show, by the way. Of course, it's a softball interview, a complete safe space for Harris, so we don't get to see her tested under pressure. We never do. 

Harris was able to display her concern about sexual violence. I wanted to quote this part:

We still have so far to go on the issue of of child sexual assault. Just like in a previous time the issue of domestic violence, people didn't talk about domestic violence. And part of it was this really warped idea that, well, what happens in the home is none of our business. But if it happened on the street, it would be our business — if we witnessed it on the street. And so the point being that abuse of anyone is something we should all take seriously as opposed to saying it's not our business.

That made me think about something I heard Trump say in his rally in Juneau, Wisconsin. Heard on YouTube, here, not in person. Scroll to 1:47:36 for this:

I will defend — I can't even believe I have to say this — I will defend parental rights. Can you believe it? Who would believe you had to say that? Can you imagine 10 years ago having to say that? You'd be embarrassed to have to say it. But we will protect the parents. I won't investigate parents at schools and school boards. These school boards have dominated this administration. I've never seen anything like it. The parents are arrested. The FBI goes after them. We will protect parents. We will protect parental rights. It's very very important. I'm going to be listening to the parents. I'm listening to the parents.

I can see how these 2 positions could be coordinated. Both candidates state something that sounds absolute, but I don't think either really means it that way. I would think the real question is what should be defined as criminal, and then, how do you enforce the law. What should be left to the parents, and when should the state invade the home?

An additional question is what belongs to state and local government and when should the federal government take over. Trump likes to say that abortion is properly left to the states. Why does he think the federal government should determine the extent to which government may intrude on the parent/child relationship? You know, the constitutional right of privacy got started with cases about the parents making decisions about the upbringing of the children. 


rehajm said...

I’m afraid to look considering the brain damage my sister and I suffered from repeatedly reciting the 1970s ads for Fig Newton and Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies

Ted said...

This kind of goofy, surreal advertising makes sense for a something like Nutter Butter, since there isn't that much to promote in the product itself. They're a pleasant but uninspiring packaged cookie -- basically a peanut butter-flavored Oreo. But if you're going to eat something that's mostly sugars, white flour and processed oils, it had better be damn good. I can think of dozens of equally unhealthy packaged treats that taste better.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Whoops! Looks like someone overlaid a post!

Shouting Thomas said...

“Let’s talk about butchering babies!”

They should have Inga on the show to chat up her favorite recipes for stewing aborted baby parts in the witches’ cauldron in her back yard. When will this bullshit that women have been deprived of anything cease? We’ve been kissing women’s asses my entire life. (Not in the good way.) I’m fed up with their bitching. They never had anything to bitch about.

Wince said...

"Auntie Em, Uncle Henry, Toto! It's a twister! It's a twister!"

Kevin said...

So Cooper is admitting it wasn't a hard-hitting interview of a Presidential candidate, but merely a conversation about women's rights?

If so I'm expecting an in-depth discussion between Cooper and Harris of the Gluck Gluck 9000, and whether it is superior to earlier methods available to older women like the VP.

Gusty Winds said...

Yeah. It's a good idea for Trump to go on a podcast where young women talk in detail about sexual escapades.

n.n said...

Six weeks to abort a child, perform a human rite, surely a joyless wicked solution. #NoJudgment #NoLabels

Self-defense is an equal right processed through reconciliation.

However, we can do better to mitigate progress.

The sexes are equal in rights and complementary in Nature... in states other than liberal jurisdictions that suffer from progressive confusion.

Keep women affordable, available, reusable, and taxable?

Just say no to pornographic actors, neighbors who take civil liberties, mothers with illegal alien boyfriends, producers bearing casting couches, advocates to sequester the "burden" of evidence, president Biden (pun intended) his time, strangers offering drug cocktails, etc.

Gusty Winds said...

Oppressed wealthy liberal white women is the most important issue facing the nation today.

TaeJohnDo said...

Was she asked if doug slaps her around like that one gal he dated? Or if doug was sleeping with any of the hired help?

n.n said...

The Penthouse... Presidential forum. Take a knee... there are precedents.

Lilly, a dog said...

When I think about women's rights, I think about Nutter Butters.

Inga said...

WTF is wrong with you?

Gusty Winds said...

They discussed domestic violence but not the accusations against beta hubby Doug Emhoff. Kamla declared "I am your protector."

I don't know about you, but I feel safer.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m tired of spoiled rotten women like you bitching about nothing. Shut up.

n.n said...

Under Democratic law, s/he cannot discriminate by sexual orientation: sadomasochism, friends with "benefits", polygamy, etc. Forward!

n.n said...

Excess murder, rape-rape, probably rape, molestation, and other criminal migrations, permutations, combinations, progressions. American Civil Liberties Unburdened

Ann Althouse said...

"Whoops! Looks like someone overlaid a post!"

Oh, no! Not again.

I try so hard not to do that.

Will try to reconstruct... or screw those cookies...

mccullough said...

Kamala doesn’t have kids. She’s not going to protect anyone.

tommyesq said...

So QueMala's bold policy position is that she is against child sexual abuse? SO brave, speaking truth to power!

Ann Althouse said...

Can't find a cached page... will need to rewrite

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Concise summary: "...we don't get to see her tested under pressure. We never do." Except for her job, which is pressure, pressure she elides as she skates through without actually solving the things (broadband rollout, border surge root causes) that Biden has delegated to her.

Iman said...

Harris is The Word Salad Shooter. Never heard more drivel from a person in my life.

narciso said...

Except she has led sexual assailants go in oakland

Iman said...

That ain’t peanut butter!

rhhardin said...

Child abuse wasn't a public problem until the 1960s Child sexual abuse wasn't a public problem until the 1970s. That is, is you grew up before those dates, it wasn't something you or parents lived with. Hence kids playing outside playing horsey horsey until after the sun went down every day.

You get new "public problems" when somebody discovers it and takes ownership of it. It's a route to political power. See Joseph R Gusfield "Contested Meanings." (sociologist)

One thing about new public problems is that hey get great ratings.

rhhardin said...

For some reason my keyboard does not register two t's quickly. Same keyboard, different computers.

Inga said...

So only people with children will protect children? Are you aware that there are Trump supporters here who have no children?

Butkus51 said...

Decoding Kommie-speak is a losing proposition.

narciso said...

The deaf translater throws her hands up

Ann Althouse said...

I've reconstructed the Nutter Butter post. One post up. Can't believe I remembered it.

n.n said...

Kamala is unburdened. UnBurdened? She doesn't have the lived experience of a mother by Nature. Truth to power.

Dixcus said...

Kamala Harris' record demonstrates that she doesn't protect children. I don't know how to explain her actions. Maybe it's because nobody wants to have one with her (owing to her background as a literal streetwalker and woman who has been passed around to every up-and-coming politician in California).

Her record is bailing out murderers and rapists and not trying a single one of them as a prosecutor in California. That's her record.

She has never demonstrated, either in her personal conduct, her professional life, or her political career, ANY ACT of protecting ANYONE.

She is unfit to lead our country.

Freder Frederson said...

The parents are arrested. The FBI goes after them.

So when has a parent been arrested for or the FBI "gone after" parents who protest at School Board meetings (as opposed to investigating threats against School Board members)?

Trump is just lying once again.

Freder Frederson said...

So are you contending that children were not abused prior to the sixties, and child sexual abuse only happened from the 1970's on? I sure would like to live in your fantasy world of the 1960's.

Michael K said...

The dullard is not interested in the 650,000 children gone "missing" since the cartels were given free rein at the border.

n.n said...

Parkay Margarine 'Butter!' Commercial (1981)

An early AI and delectable mnemonic device. Nutter butter... better.

Ann Althouse said...

"So Cooper is admitting it wasn't a hard-hitting interview of a Presidential candidate, but merely a conversation about women's rights?"

Here's what SHE said about what she did: "I prepared seven different versions of this interview. Do I talk about the economy? Do I talk about border control?Do I talk about fracking? But then I realized you can hear about all of those issues on whichever news site you prefer. And let's be real, I'm probably not the one to be having the fracking conversation, but the conversation I know I am qualified to have is the one surrounding women's bodies and how we are treated and valued in this country."

She then invited Trump on the show to talk about the same thing — "women's bodies."

Kevin said...

I wouldn't be surprised if that question was off limits. We know several channels that were granted interviews were clearly restrained in their questioning.

Freder Frederson said...

And the DOJ even had to back off of the possibility of investigating parents for threatening school board members because people like Trump pretended to see something that was not there.

Michael K said...

Field Marshal Freder is on the case. He knows where all those missing children went. Right, Freder ?

Saint Croix said...

ha ha ha ha

I thought Fig Newton and Nutter Butter was some kind of sex move I hadn't heard about. I mean, Nutter Butter sounds like a sex move I haven't heard about. It probably is a sex move I haven't heard about. And Fig Newton could be anything.

Inga said...

The amount of lies and disinformation coming from Trumpland is astounding and Trumpublicans en masse repeat the bilge here in these comments sections and elsewhere no doubt. It’s always been bad, but I haven't seen anything like this before. The ability or willingness to untangle oneself from a Trump lie is well and truly gone among Trumpists.

n.n said...

The body of evidence. Sounds like an opening to a conceptual conversation.

Saint Croix said...

Honey trap! Honey trap!

Inga said...

No, you shut up, you lunatic. I hope you aren’t allowed to be alone with your grandchildren.

Inga said...

The senile asshole is getting as bad as Drago when he lies about what others here think.

Ted said...

Even though technical issues have changed this from a post about snack advertising to a more serious political discussion, I think my comment above still mostly works:

This kind of goofy, surreal [interview] makes sense for a something like [the Harris-Walz campaign], since there isn't that much to promote in the product itself. [She's] a pleasant but uninspiring packaged [candidate].

Aught Severn said...

I guess Scott Smith had already been memory-holed. To sum up: arrested during a school board meeting when he spoke out against an alleged transgender male student who assaulted his daughter in the girl's bathroom. The attacker had previously been kicked out of another school for a similar crime which the school district had covered up.


So yes, it has happened in the very recent past.

Saint Croix said...

Watch out for that vulva/vagina question.

Freder Frederson said...

Trump should jump on that. He likes discussing "women's bodies". He knows that if you are famous you can grab women by the pussy and get away with it (granted, he clarified later that he was just stating a fact and he would never do such a thing) or he can discuss his new methods for hitting on married women. I hope he has improved on his performance since his encounter with Nancy O'Dell who he, "moved on her like a bitch. But [he] couldn't get there." Of course, she later got "big phony tits", so I guess he was better off not fucking her.

Freder Frederson said...

Sour grapes, I guess.

Saint Croix said...

That's all Trump needs, hard-hitting questions about the vulva.

"Where is the G-spot?"

"Find the G-spot on this sex doll."

Inga said...

Trump would almost immediately veer from the topic of women’s bodies to his own perfect specimen of a body.

Drago said...

Wanna have some fun?

Ask the psychotic lunatic conspiracy theorist P-Inga who funded the hoaxed up Steele Dossier....then sit back and marvel at the astonishing pretzeling maneuvers and contortions the lunatic P-Inga will go thru to avoid answering the question.

If you are wondering why P-Inga would do so, its because even now, years and years after everything has been exposed, P-Inga STILL passionately believes Hillary did not pay for it!


Just ask her!

P-Inga has always been the biggest lefty conspiracy lunatic at Althouse, but sometimes she amazes us by setting new standards in denial and lying.

Kay said...

I don’t plan to vote for either of these losers but the donald should go on this podcast.

Aught Severn said...

And here is the article on Youngkin's pardon of Smith:

From the article:
Youngkin's pardon said Smith was "publicly and falsely accused of 'domestic terrorism' and 'hate crimes' for attempting to advocate for his daughter."

This from 2023.

Drago said...

Psycho Soviet P-Inga with more of her patented "You don't know what Mueller knows!!" mindreading!

Always amusing!

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...


There is no bigger self-declared Knower Of Other Peoples Thoughts than our very own P-Inga! She even does it in this very thread!

Too funny!

Inga said...

My comment isn’t mind reading, it’s based on watching Trump speak for the last 9 years. If you don’t know there is a pattern yet, you aren’t very observant. Also you blatantly lie about what other commenters have said here in the Althouse comments sections for years now, you too display a pattern.

Mutaman said...

"so we don't get to see her tested under pressure. We never do. "

She was tested when she debated Trump and she ended up kicking his ass.


Inga said...

And he’ll never live it down.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Trump would almost immediately veer from the topic of women’s bodies to his own perfect specimen of a body."

Inga--you are spending too much time fixated on Trump. How do I know? You called this one way too accurately. But he would be joking.

Freder Frederson said...

Field Marshal Freder is on the case. He knows where all those missing children went. Right, Freder ?

I would be on the case if I knew what the hell you are talking about. As usual, no link to back up your ridiculous assertion. You more than doubled the number Vance spouted, which itself was a lie.

Todd said...

"If [Trump] also wants to have a meaningful, in-depth conversation about women's rights in this country, then he is welcome on 'Call Her Daddy' anytime." Said Alex Cooper in the intro to her podcast with Kamala H


Self important much? First world problems much?

I didn't bother looking cause honestly, I don't give two sh*ts what this "pod-ster" does. Though I am slightly curious as to what right does she think women don't have in this country, that they should (meaning it is available to men but not women)? Sure, some states are starting to limit the time-frame for women to choose to end the lives of the future babies that are in their care but other than that feminist holy grail, what right do they not already have that is an actual right vs. a right they want woven (is that sexist?) out of whole cloth?

gadfly said...

I am not a podcast watcher and I have never heard of Alex Cooper, so there is zero chance that I would watch "Call Her Daddy" - for any reason. And I would guess that few Althouse folks would believe in her views (as outlined by Althouse).

But the fact that she suggests that she would be happy to talk to Donald "if he wants to have have a meaningful, in depth conversation about women's rights," predetermines that she will discover that any subject unrelated to the personal feelings of our malignant narcissist will never happen. Because if its not the Trump MAGA bullshit, the Cult doesn't care.

This article post is meaningless except to garner personal attacks on Comma La but no minds will change.

Leland said...

I think Althouse is properly fair in assessing the statements taken in isolation of both candidates. I think government does have some role if a person in the family does not feel safe in the family. On the Trump part, I think he means restricting the states from doing what California has done. It is one thing to investigate a family. It is another to pull a child out of a home and not tell the parents or even simply sever a parent’s rights over their child because the child may be confused about gender. I agree with Trump that I didn’t imagine a few years ago that anyone would propose such legislation but here we have California enacting it.

Aggie said...

I suspect that a meaningful, in-depth conversation about women's rights in this country' will take on quite a different definition for The Donald, than it did with Commie-La. But that's just me, in my jaded way, thinking about how ratings work in the real broadcasting world.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Don't sweat it. After 30 years in the IT business, I can assure you I've done worse things with a computer!

tommyesq said...

So are you saying no children who came over the border are unable to be located? Or just some number less than the 320,000? Just how many children gone missing is acceptable?

tommyesq said...

Do I talk about the economy? Do I talk about border control? Do I talk about fracking? But then I realized you can hear about all of those issues on whichever news site you prefer.

You can't hear about Kamala's views on these topics on any other news site (unless it is fracking, where you can hear whatever view you want to from Kamala, as she has endorsed everything from full ban to frack every piece of land above water).

One Fine Day said...

I love when dried up twat Inga pretends to care about anything other than supporting tyranny, trannies, and infanticide.

Jersey Fled said...


Maybe you missed this one.


Michael K said...

Dullard, he saw the video of the Planned Parenthood executive bragging about selling organs.

Freder Frederson said...

And here is the article on Youngkin's pardon of Smith:

Gee, I didn't realize that Youngkin could pardon people charged by the FBI. But of course, that is not what happened. He was charged with disorderly conduct by local prosecutors after an altercation with other parents.

Freder Frederson said...

Maybe you missed this one.

Don't know who taught you to read, but they did a shitty job.

The article clearly states that Garland was concerned about threats made against School Board members, teachers, etc.

Should the FBI not investigate threats of violence? You seem all for it if the intended victim of the violence is Trump.

Michael K said...

The mind reading by the lefties is just awe inspiring.

narciso said...

That is a very reductive view of young womens interests isnt it

narciso said...

She chosd the venue

Michael K said...

Delusions are so common among those whom live in Democratland.

Shouting Thomas said...

Excellent recipe for your baby stew, Inga: eye of newt, toe of frog, wool of bat, tongue of dog, adder’s fork (snake’s tongue), blind-worm’s sting (a venomous worm or snake), lizard’s leg, and owlet’s wing. Add a few baby thighs and arms, and maybe a little tomato paste… Salt and pepper… Boil for a couple of hours… Dig in!

Inga said...

Senile Asshole #1, so what does Senile Asshole #2 seeing a video have to do with me?

john mosby said...

Finger of birth-strangled babe,
Ditch-delivered by a drab….


Inga said...

I admit to watching one too many of his crazy speeches, it’s sort of like watching a train wreck. So I can anticipate his behavior.

Tom T. said...

She sat through a whole interview about domestic violence without being asked about the allegations against her husband, and whether we should believe the accuser?

n.n said...

Under Critical Gender Theory the female sex that exhibits attributes of the feminine gender, are to be kept affordable, available, reusable, and taxable, and their carbon-based "burden" of evidence sequestered in the darkness of sanctuary states. Even toxic masculinity posing as the feminine gender have priority in the Diversity hierarchy.

Ann Althouse said...

“ She was tested when she debated Trump and she ended up kicking his ass.”

The debate moderators were very friendly to her and fact checked him and framed questions in a way that pinned him down and hemmed him in. They didn’t do that to her. So when has she ever had serious questioning in front of us?

Leland said...

When I noticed Harris was going on the "Call Her Daddy" podcast, it was just after Althouse noted Harris not talking to her father. I wondered if there would be any comment at all about Harris calling her daddy? I realize that's not what "Call Her Daddy" likely means in this context. I do think if she was a Republican, the media would be making something of the podcast title and Harris daddy issues.

Freder Frederson said...

The debate moderators were very friendly to her and fact checked him and framed questions in a way that pinned him down and hemmed him in. They didn’t do that to her. So when has she ever had serious questioning in front of us?

Whatever happened to "cruel neutrality"?

baghdadbob said...

Freder: Whatever happened to "cruel neutrality"? Answer: it's been replaced by Cruel Reality.

baghdadbob said...

Willie Brown said "who's your daddy?"

Saint Croix said...

That's her point, Freddy, there wasn't any neutrality from the debate moderators.

Are you pretending that nobody has ever asked Trump a hard question?

Reporters ask him hard questions all the time!

When has she ever had serious questioning in front of us?

(I'll answer that one -- in the 2020 Democratic primary, when Tulsi lobbed a few hand grenades and chased Kamala out of the race entirely).

Aggie said...

"Whatever happened to "cruel neutrality"?"
I would say its definitions are intact on Ms. Althouse's terms, and therefore, do not apply to 'debates' that are highly biased in favor of one side, i.e. 'phoney'.

RMc said...

a complete safe space for Harris, so we don't get to see her tested under pressure. We never do.

We never will.

You think Obama was treated with kid gloves by the media? Just wait. Just you wait.

Kevin said...

No doubt the discussion of "women's bodies" will continue on The View, and Colbert, and Howard Stern.

Heck, it's going to be Women's Bodies Week wherever Kamala goes.

John henry said...

I ga seems to have started "Marinating the roast" (iykwimaityd) early today.

John Henry

Rosalyn C. said...

7:45 minutes into the interview, the two women have been talking about the big lessons their mothers taught them: essentially to never give up your power and to assert your agency when possible. Alex directly asks Kamala how she has asserted her agency as VP, and Kamala immediately changes the subject to talk about her role as a prosecutor. This has been her go to answer about what she has done as a public servant. Perhaps she's never had the chance to assert herself as Attorney General, US Senator, or VP?

Is it worth listening to the rest of this conversation? I doubt it but maybe my curiosity will get the better of me. For a change Harris sounds like she's actually a person.

Thanks for the link!

Inga said...

And John Henry forgot to take his dementia meds.

Iman said...

The desperation is palpable… AND IT’S SPECTACULAR!!!

Inga said...

Oh and John Henry, I dub you Senile Asshole #3.
#2 is Shouting Thomas
#1 is Michael K

So many I’ll soon need to keep a list.

Iman said...

I loves it when she calls me “Big Poppa”.

Iman said...

She’s making a list and checking it twice
Cuz she ain’t a hottie and she’s rife with crab lice

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga is definitely the #1 crazy shrew. My grandkids escaped your meat grinder, witch. They weren’t butchered in the womb. You’ll have to get your raw meat elsewhere.

Eva Marie said...

Inga says:
“Trump would almost immediately veer from the topic of women’s bodies to his own perfect specimen of a body.”
Now I understand the animosity to Melania. You like the guy. Listen, to each his own.

The Godfather said...

Way up above, Freder said (regarding the (in)famous Trump "grab them by the pussy" remark) that "granted, he clarified later that he was just stating a fact and he would never do such a thing". Thank you, Freder. Yes, any sensible person who heard Trump's remark understood it that way, but we are now on the third election cycle for Trump and, for me, anyway, this is the first time I have heard anyone other than a Trumpist (which I assume you are not) make this point.
Would you like to address Trump's description of the "fine people" in Charlottesville?

Ann Althouse said...

“ "Whatever happened to "cruel neutrality"?"”

It’s right there. I am cruelly and neutrally observing someone else’s non-neutrality.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vance said...

Inga seems in a particularly foul mood. Maybe she is just pining away to be Mr. Kamala Harris' next punching bag? Say Inga, the mighty feminist.... you chimed in yet on why Harris is hitched to a guy who slaps around women and makes them miscarry? Or is this another of those "Bill Clinton can abuse women all he wants as long as he supports abortion!" things? In fact, you admire the guy for actively killing a baby?

Vance said...

Wait, a leftist whining about someone deleting comments that "doesn't fit the narrative?" This is what you want, leftist. This is what Kamala promises! You are being treated exactly how the Democrats want to shape society.

Why are you complaining? Oh, right: "Censorship should never apply to leftists! No no! Only Republicans should be forcibly silenced! Never ever should the powers that be silence me!"

Yeah... enjoy it, good and hard.

Mikey NTH said...

Fun Fact: On Anna Maria Island is Roser Church, built by the ma who invented Fig Newtons. My parents had a condo next door.

Inga said...

And yet another lie/ from Trumpublica. Have you an opinion on Trump pulling out hunks of Ivanka’s hair and then raping her because he was so angry about his scalp hurting after scalp reduction surgery?

Inga said...

Eva, I don’t know why you think I have animosity toward Melania. I have never said an ill word against her. If you think I have, please go find the comment you think you saw and paste it here.

Michael K said...

I'm honored,.Inga. I haven't been #1 since medical school.

Inga said...


“The part of the book that caused the most controversy concerns Trump’s divorce from his first wife, Ivana. Hurt obtained a copy of her sworn divorce deposition, from 1990, in which she stated that, the previous year, her husband had raped her in a fit of rage. In Hurt’s account, Trump was furious that a “scalp reduction” operation he’d undergone to eliminate a bald spot had been unexpectedly painful. Ivana had recommended the plastic surgeon. In retaliation, Hurt wrote, Trump yanked out a handful of his wife’s hair, and then forced himself on her sexually. Afterward, according to the book, she spent the night locked in a bedroom, crying; in the morning, Trump asked her, “with menacing casualness, ‘Does it hurt?’ ” Trump has denied both the rape allegation and the suggestion that he had a scalp-reduction procedure. Hurt said that the incident, which is detailed in Ivana’s deposition, was confirmed by two of her friends.”

Michael K said...

So Sprezz didn't delete his nasty comments on the Meade thread yesterday ?

Michael K said...

Inga seems able to dig up every rumor about Trump in the leftist press. Are you stalking him ?

Inga said...

Are you stalking me Senile Asshole #1?

Inga said...

“Trump was deposed during the divorce, too. According to a report by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement, which examined the divorce records, Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination approximately a hundred times when Ivana’s lawyers asked him about adulterous relations with other women.“

Eva Marie said...

1. You fantasized about her being hit on the head.
2. You criticized her for not coming on stage during the convention.
3. You criticized her when I mentioned her book on Amazon.

Eva Marie said...

You’ve also disparaged her marriage (nothing wrong with a bit of wishful thinking).

Inga said...

Whaaaaat? I’m sorry Eva, but I never fantasized about Melania, lol! Also if you think that wishing she would’ve joined Trump on stage was displaying animosity, then you would have to say I made a caring comment about Trump. He looked lonely up there without her. Their marriage is a bit odd, no? It’s not just her marriage, it’s THEIR marriage.

Drago said...

P-Inga, the deluded self-declared Mind-reader extraordinaire, was just like all the other lefties at Althouse blog who implied and/or explicitly stated Melania had been an escort based on her earlier days as a model in Europe where racier photo shoots are quite the norm.

P-Inga's game is to run with all of these narratives as well every conspiracy theory that comes down the pike for literally years and then, later, when reality can no longer be denied, she pretends she never said a word about any of it!

Its rather astonishing to any normal person how some buffoon like P-Inga would even attempt such walkbacks after years of spouting off...but once you remember how the leftists in the Soviet Union or Mao's China routinely did the same, you recognize the irrefutable key characteristic of the leftist robotic foot soldier.

They are all precisely the same the world over and at any period of time over the last 100 years.

Rosalyn C. said...

I did listen and was struck by Kamala's narcissism. She reminded of a woman I knew decades ago: she was extremely attractive and confident in her talents but not able to be a real friend to anyone and emotionally healthy people stayed clear of her. Not that I now think Kamala Harris is a bad person but simply that I was surprised to see how strong is her sense of her own worth. Good for her, actually.

Overall I was impressed by the discussion about abortion, a topic about which I have no personal agenda or experience so not a factor in my decision on voting. I'm more concerned about the economy and foreign policy. The story of the woman who died because an abortion was delayed was heart breaking -- I got the point. But then Harris went on about Trump lying about late term abortion and therefore him not being fit to be president. So I fact checked the issue of late term abortion. In fact, while very late term abortion is extremely rare there are nine states where there is no restriction based on gestational duration. This argument about the rarity of practice reminds me a bit about the old argument allowing men (transwomen) to compete in women's sports -- that it never happens. But then it did happen and started happening a lot.

narciso said...

If you had picked this lemon you would be crying too

Inga said...


I have never fantasized about Melania getting hit on the head.
I did wish she had joined her husband on stage, I felt sorry for him.
I have no idea what you’re taking about regarding her book and your mention of it.
They do have an odd marriage, but is making that observation disparagement?

Josephbleau said...

Isn’t the funniest part of this that Harris is against violence against women, but her husband slapped his girl friend around? To me that is really weird, or, you may say, “funny”

Josephbleau said...


Josephbleau said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darkisland said...

Disappointed as I am to only be number 3, I am in excellent company.

Watch out, Thomas, I'm coming after your #2 spot. The, dare I say it, I will move heaven and earth to unseat the bullgoose SA. Don't look back, Mike, I'll be gaining on you!

John Henry

Iman said...

Harris seemed a lot more confident speaking back when she was a senator (e.g., Kavanaugh hearings). She looks and acts like she’s taken some bad beatings somewhere/sometime during the recent past. Perhaps that’s what spurred the drinking, as she always seems fairly inebriated.

Josephbleau said...

“Lucky for us instead of having him for POTUS, we can have DJT.

Yur smart!“

Yes I am very smart, we can have djt for president and not have a first man who slaps women and impregnates nannys. And as a plus, we won’t have a president who is silent about her husband who slaps women.

Inga said...

It’s never occurred to you that the story is untrue, eh? Could it be that’s why Harris is silent about it? Could it be that it’s beneath her contempt to comment on it? Why is it that Trumpists are such suckers for lies?

Inga said...


“The 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct“

Iman said...

“Whaaaaat? I’m sorry Eva, but I never fantasized about Melania, lol!”

“Caged Heat!”… Melania in prison and Igna’s the sadistic dyke guard (think ‘Mom’ in Dan Aykroyd’s “Dr.Detroit”).

Michael K said...

Well, dullard, that is why he referred to parts of babies. You are an enthusiastic abortion fan.

Michael K said...

The stupid lefties here are great for entertainment. You just contradicted yourself, dummy. The FBI was not involved with parents at school board meetings, now they are.

Josephbleau said...

Why Inga, I believe everything the media tells me, like all good citizens. I won’t fall for misinformation. By the way, are you saying that it is false that Harris’s husband impregnated the nanny? I think that is pretty will verified.
And how do you know it is not true?

You got to say that hunters laptop was a lie, you said hillaries russia dossier was true, i am not too impressed by your abilities at all.

Michael K said...

Sprezz has given up attacking the blog owner and now goes on rant about Trump's "message." "For one thing Kamala repeatedly tricked DJT w/ extremely obvious ploys." That is, I guess, what Sprezz thinks is smart. The fact that she can't speak rationally when the Teleprompter stops is fine with him and the other lefties.

Drago said...

P-Inga: "It’s never occurred to you that the story is untrue, eh?"


P-Inga the Queen of debunked hoaxes and conspiracy theories wrote that....just today....as if the last 10 years never happened at all!

Michael K said...

Not to mention the cocaine use. The baggie of coke found in the White House was hers, not Hunters.

Christopher B said...

Given that Trump has appeared everywhere from a gathering of the National Association of Black Journalists to various podcasts, Alex might want to be careful what (insert your choice pronoun here) wish for.

Darkisland said...

I though this bit was even better than Rosie O'Donnell(?) asking Bill Clinton back in the day what kind of underwear he used. "Boxers or briefs?"

ALEX COOPER: It’s outrageous. I mean, Daddy Gang, to put it in, um, our TikTok terms. I have seen girls on the street
walk up to men and be like, “Do you know where a tampon goes?” Do you know how many tampons we use? Do you even know how? Like, do you know what a X or Y or Z is of a part of our, and, and they don’t know the answer.

VP HARRIS: I was the First Vice President or President to ever in office go to a reproductive healthcare clinic ever.


It really brings a whole new level of dignity to the Oval Office. Finally, a president who will make us proud!

FWIW, I have some idea of how to use a tampon. I learned it from Kamala supporter Larry David explaining to a girl scout on a really cringy ep of Curb your Enthusiasm.

On the other hand, as a senile asshole (#3 with a bullet!) and guy I don't have a lot of need for the info and do not claim any particular expertise.

John Henry

Michael K said...

And who, like Obama, can't speak without a Teleprompter.

Michael K said...

If the DNC tells her, Inga is sure it's true.

Original Mike said...

"Why is it that Trumpists are such suckers for lies?"

Says the Russia! Russia! Russia! lady.

Vance said...

Inga is claiming, without evidence, that the stories about Mr. Kamala Harris are a lie? How can you justify that, considering your "We must beleive Jean Carroll and Blasey Ford and any other woman!" stance? Oh, right... your "believing women" is directly correllated to the "D" behind their name. You attack Tara Reade and now the women being beaten by Harris' husband, despite the extensive evidence supporting them. But Ford and Jean Carroll you scream "Bigotry!" if someone thinks they should have a little more evidence.
What a piece of nasty work you are. No one doubts you would gladly stand by and watch Antifa goons rape and murder women as long as they were Republicans. Just like lots of leftists celebrate Hamas people raping and murdering Israeli girls. You seem to want the same thing here for your political opponents.

Jim at said...

Should the FBI not investigate threats of violence? You seem all for it if the intended victim of the violence is Trump.

No. The FBI shouldn't. See if you can spot the difference: Trump is a former president and the Republican nominee. He is neither a teacher nor a school board member.

If - and that's a HUGE if - teachers and school board members are being threatened, that is a case for the local police. Not the FBI.

Thanks for making our point.

Achilles said...

Joe Biden is a known rapist. Inga voted for him.

Inga is a terrible human being and utterly dishonest in every way.

Jim at said...

It’s never occurred to you that the story is untrue, eh?

Good lord. Physician, heal thyself!

Maynard said...

Nurse Ratched is on a drunken rant and you guys are feeding into it. That's nasty.

Keep up the good work!

effinayright said...

Inga said:
“Trump was deposed during the divorce, too. According to a report by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement, which examined the divorce records, Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination approximately a hundred times when Ivana’s lawyers asked him about adulterous relations with other women.“

Got a citation for that? Wanna 'splain why the NJ Division of Gaming Enforcement is a credible "go to " source for Trump's testimony?

Wanna 'splain WHY adulterous behavior would have any impact on that NJ's investigation of Trump's licensing status?

Further wanna 'splain why Trump's assertion of 5th Amendment privilege could be "evidence" of Trump's disqualification for holding a NJ Gaming License?

Trump didn't lose his Gaming License after his divorce from Ivana.

So.....Just what IS yer fucking point, Inga?

Wanna 'splain how

GingerBeer said...

Suddenly, Miss Cooper wants to be taken seriously. Next she'll be wearing Tortoise Shell non-prescription eyeglasses. "Slut Camp," intellectual, what's the difference?

Lazarus said...

Is there something in the air today, or maybe the water? Or is it the hurricanes?

Anyway, this is why Harris doesn't need to give a serious interview - because her voters and potential voters aren't voting on policies or programs, but on Trump (and abortion). Just saying she has plans is more than enough. Harris doesn't have to go into detail. If your eyes have been closed for the last four years, are you going to open them now?

Will Harris be able to handle the challenges of the presidency? That's a moot point. The government has been on autopilot for months, maybe years, and people who've been satisfied by that will go on being satisfied.

Bob B said...

Harris said, "I will defend — I can't even believe I have to say this — I will defend parental rights."

LOL. So, who did she choose for her VP? Walz, who signed a bill allowing the state to terminate parental custody if parents prevent their trans children from receiving "gender-affirming care.”

Achilles said...

Inga has voted for multiple rapists. Just remember than when you read these mind reading posts of hers.

Big Mike said...

In response to one of the questions Harris asserts that there are no laws that apply strictly to men’s bodies. Ah, what about the draft? Considering the efforts she and her boss are putting into getting the US entangled in foreign wars, we may see that back again.

Rusty said...

One thing I can tell you, Inga. People that abort babies don't like children very much.

Rusty said...

Mostly it was the moderators that kicked his ass. She ain't too bright.

Rusty said...

I would relish an opportunity to talk to Inga's neighbors.

walter said...

The host talks about men not being informed about tampons. This needs to change with the advent of birthing unit products arriving in Men's bathrooms.

walter said...

To smooth over this Trans-ition, they should be labeled Timpons.

walter said...

Trump said that.