July 2, 2024

"I’m not a journalist. I’m not in the media. This is a military headquarters for a populist revolt."

This is how we motivate people. This show is an activist show. If you watch this show, you’re a foot soldier. We call it the Army of the Awakened.... Immigration, spending — it’s the lack of confidence and self-loathing of their own civilization and their own culture. That’s the spiritual part that’s at the base. Immigration is just the manifestation of a loss of self-confidence. And it’s shocking...."

Said Steve Bannon, quoted in "My Unsettling Interview With Steve Bannon" (NYT) (free access link). 

The "me" is David Brooks, who says:
Like everybody, I’ve been trying to figure out why populism is having this broad resurgence. My story may be a little different from yours. My quick story is that 20 percent of Americans go to nice colleges and get professional-type jobs. They marry each other. They move into cities like Washington, Denver, Austin, San Francisco. They invest in their kids, who get into the same colleges, who then get good jobs. The people who are not in this hereditary educated elite conclude that it has too much cultural power, media power and now financial power, so much of the rest of the country says: Enough is enough. 


Well, they have power. But we’re going to win. We’re ascendant in Europe. We’re ascendant here. We’ve had no money. We’re not organized. It’s self-organizing. But our enemies — and they are enemies — continue to overplay their hand, and so we continue to rise. 


After the financial crisis I thought it would be a great time to be a leftist. You’ve got a financial crisis caused by irresponsible capitalism, wages are stagnant, inequality is rising. Heck, even I almost turned into a Marxist. But somehow this has been a better era for the populist right than the populist left.... 


The historical left is in full meltdown.... They don’t understand that the MAGA movement, as it gets momentum and builds, is moving much farther to the right than President Trump. They will look back fondly at Donald Trump. They’ll ask: Where’s Trump when we need him?


doctrev said...

Bannon is a bit careless and urbane for my tastes. Many in MAGA have long since outgrown him since he was punted out of the Trump White House, and he knows it.

Dying as a prison martyr would not merely turbocharge the movement, but cement Steve Bannon's place in the pantheon of American patriots. Are the oligarchs really this stupid? Read a newspaper and find out.

Kay said...

“Army of the Awakened”


Big Mike said...

”They will look back fondly at Donald Trump. They’ll ask: Where’s Trump when we need him?..."

Well that’s an easy prediction. All Republican Presidents are “just like Hitler” (when they aren’t “worse than Hitler ever was”) until after they’re out of office.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Prison is the right place for serious lawbreakers. For all his tough talk, the flurry of appeals really give you a sense of how afraid this weasel is to see the inside of a jail cell. Have fun at summer camp.

Michael K said...

Gannon is a brilliant guy but he enjoys raising hell a bit too much.

Michael K said...

Bannon,of course.

Achilles said...

Kay said...

“Army of the Awakened”


There is a difference between a kid who thinks things and becomes "woke" and a country full of working class deplorables who live through the DC elites hating them and want to destroy their lives.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

Prison is the right place for serious lawbreakers. For all his tough talk, the flurry of appeals really give you a sense of how afraid this weasel is to see the inside of a jail cell. Have fun at summer camp.

He and Merrick Garland should join each other in a jail cell then right?

robother said...

Unfortunately, Althouse's comment (that the "me" is David Brooks) makes the long quote hopelessly ambiguous: is this really Brooks talking? The Bobo stuff at first sounds like him.

Aggie said...

Poor old Brooksie, he's terrified, confused and a closeted liberal. "He didn’t seem concerned about old-fashioned conservatives, moderates and classical liberals like me; we were destined for the ash heap of history...."

I've always thought that Bannon was oversold, but I can't see him as somehow terrifying or Trotsky-ish - maybe that's just the NYT with their 'reference commie Russia, somewhere' style requirement. I struggle to connect with his message, which never seems to be as focused as it ought to be - he just seems to have made himself into a product with his slobbish, bloodshot, unhealthy 'slept-on-a-park-bench' appearance as his brand. I've tried to listen a couple of times to his show, but it was boring, for me. I hope his jail time is uneventful and over quickly, though. He shouldn't be there, like a lot of the Lawfare casualties.

n.n said...

Unsettling or NAP? A steering publication.
The Fourth Estate should provide an unadulterated platform for rebuttal.

RCOCEAN II said...

There should be outrage over Bannon having to go to Prison for the same crime that Democrats don't get punished for. Or that the Democrat Judges and juries in DC are so biased and UnAmerican that they don't care about Justice only poliitics. But..
there isn't.

Bannon probably wont get a job in the Trump administration. Remember his self-destructive behavior in 2017?

As for Brooks, he's easly unsettled and excited. Obama's pant crease caused quite an emotional reaction, so its not amazing that Bannon's talk "Unsettled" him.

gilbar said...

Rich said...
Prison is the right place for serious lawbreakers.

it's Interesting,
that Rich (who claims to be intelligent) has now OPENLY called for Merrick Garland's imprisonment.

can we assume that you think former Vice President Biden should be in prison for his theft of classified docs?

i mean YOU (who CLAIM to be intelligent) JUST SAID that "Prison is the right place for serious lawbreakers)
which is more serious? Contempt of Congress? or theft of classified docs?

Achilles said...

Oh I forgot Bannon committed a crime by opposing democrats. That is what makes him different than Garland.

Brooks still thinks Trump having an account list a legal expense as a legal expense is a crime because Trump is his political opponent.

Brooks is still humiliated because he claimed for years that Biden was fit for office and was made a fool of.

Brooks also claimed that Trump colluded with Russia. Brooks is a fool.

Brooks also claimed that Trump committed fraud in a loan application. Brooks is a fool.

Brooks also claimed Trump raped some woman in a public dressing room about 20 years ago in some random year that hasn't been specified. Brooks is a fool.

Brooks also claimed that Hunter's Laptop was "Russian Disinformation." Brooks is a fool.

Brooks also claimed that Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels. Brooks is a fool.

Brooks still thinks 81 million people filled out ballots and voted for Joe Biden. Brooks is a fool.

The depravity is endless. They are so far in the hole they can't see anything else now. They are just starting to realize everyone thinks they are just fools.

It isn't just that they are stupid. The true realizing is that everyone else sees the fools for what they are.

rehajm said...

Bannon is playing to this audience with the brave NYT anthropologist. Brave, but still a bit rattled.

doctrev said...

gilbar said...

i mean YOU (who CLAIM to be intelligent) JUST SAID that "Prison is the right place for serious lawbreakers)

7/2/24, 9:32 AM

Don't bother. The LLRs have the pure SS mentality, where everyone in the camps deserves to be there. Of course, the Holocaust failed to kill George Soros, so it failed even at its "idealized" purpose.

Of course, this sort of charming attitudeis also the reason American GIs would routinely execute anyone they found in a black uniform, regardless of their otherwise humane treatment of most Wehrmacht POWs. Maybe the Waffen boys just got mouthy. Who can say?

narciso said...

Brooks is a knave remember before trump hd thought the huntress was a cancer on the party

Yes bannon is a little blutarsky

hombre said...

I have wasted more time reading Brooks than I have spent reading Bannon. Trotsky? Give me a break Brooks.

Here is the first comment on Brooks piece: "Through all the cruelty of the GOP, the hatred, the religious bigotry, the racism ...." Brooks, professing Republican, is unlikely to find that kind of unwarranted, divisive viciousness among Bannon and his devotees. However, it is not uncommon in NYT comments, the water in which Brooks swims.

Brooks is a multimillionaire fully able to stop the pretext. He can either start writing like the conservative Republican he claims to be or admit to being one of the nasties with whom he consorts.

rhhardin said...

Scott Adams today says we don't have two political parties. We have Republicans and batshit crazy women. Names Sonia Sotomayor, 20 minutes in.

Dave Begley said...

Steve Bannon is rich and has a Harvard MBA. He worked on the Street before he moved to CA and made his fortune.

But he is a working-class Irish guy who never turned his back on his roots and middle-class Americans.

The 20% David Brooks describes are the people who have sold this country out to China (via the CAGW scam) and have ruined the middle class. Seriously, who lets 12m illegal aliens into this country?

I haven't read the appellate court decision that affirmed Bannon's jail sentence, but at least it was a very selective prosecution.

All I can say is if Trump gets sent to jail OR Joe Biden wins re-election then all bets are off.

Dave Begley said...

RCOCEAN is correct. Congress held AG Eric Holder in contempt. No criminal prosecution. And how many times did Fauci and Garland lie to Congress?

Bannon is political prisoner.

Ann Althouse said...

"Unfortunately, Althouse's comment (that the "me" is David Brooks) makes the long quote hopelessly ambiguous: is this really Brooks talking? "

I'll add a word to make it clear

Ann Althouse said...

Yikes. I had them mixed together terribly.


It's correct now.

Kevin said...

Steve Bannon didn't kill himself.

Kevin said...

This is a military headquarters for a populist revolt.

We found the non-bedwetting brigade.

John henry said...

the Holocaust failed to kill George Soros, so it failed even at its "idealized" purpose.

Because he was on the other side? It was exciting, he said, rounding up fellow Jews for the camps.

John Henry

narciso said...

I still dont understand why soros chose to high light that point yes under the zsalasi regime which was more radical theb horthy

Btw eichmanns associate there was haj amin husseini

narciso said...

Bannon is the base of the anti globalist forces in western europe and anti xi forces in china

Eva Marie said...

This is what Bannon says about women in the interview:
Speaking about his supporters:
“First off, I would say 60 percent female. Female and over 40 years old. A lot of that, a third of them brought in by the pandemic, and the Moms for America. A ton of moms, women who didn’t read a lot of books in college. They’re not politically active. They had no interest. It was only later in life, as they became the C.O.O. of the American family, they realized how tough it was to make ends meet.
And then they saw the lack of education, and it was really the pandemic when they walked by the computer and saw what the kids are doing. They’re now at the tip of the spear.”

Eva Marie said...

Ban on was speaking more broadly about the populist movement within the Republican Party in the above quote.

FullMoon said...

(Bad Ass gangsta)Rich snarls...

Prison is the right place for serious lawbreakers. For all his tough talk, the flurry of appeals really give you a sense of how afraid this weasel is to see the inside of a jail cell. Have fun at summer camp.

Rich also confirmed weeping on a phone call:

"One time while I was at work, my wife phoned me as she was at home watching An Affair to Remember (a film we had often viewed together).. She put the phone next to the TV as the scene played of Cary Grant discovering the painting of Deborah Kerr. She knew precisely how I would respond…and I did.
5/6/24, 9:07 PM"

Temujin said...

I've always liked listening to Bannon's rat-a-tat-tat commentary and interviews...to a point. I'm not as 24/7 in your face ready to fight as he is, but sometimes I think I could be. While I'm not one of his soldiers in action- I've joined no school boards- he and I are not far off in thought. He does come up with some things that make me shake my head, but then, I'm not 100% in the bag for anyone's thoughts.

Bannon is taking this fight on as a man of action. And he's leading a movement that is not going away, even if someone laughably think's putting him in jail is a fix.

I like the fact that he's out there. He doesn't represent me in all thought, but I like the fact that this movement is out there and fighting. That his movement is real and moving forward every day. If that scares anyone, I would tell them to take a look at where we are as a nation. We're failing- in every way possible. And those who have been controlling government and media have failed us on purpose- by design, mixed with a steady dose of incompetence. We have to turn this around and it seems Steve Bannon is at the helm of a movement that is not slowing, but is gaining in both power and voice.

That it scares David Brooks might be a sign that Bannon's MAGA movement is on the right path. That it doesn't scare this conservative Jew who loves America says as much.

JK Brown said...

Eva Marie said...

Bannon is correct. The revolt started at the school boards in 2021. And mostly by Millennial moms, now in their early 40s, had kids in their early 30s, now paying attention to what the schools are indoctrinating. And those that went to college 20 years ago were in the vanguard of the "activists" trained up in the useless majors of the campus. But now they are choosing their own cause, their kids.

tommyesq said...

If the "unsettling" thing about the Bannon interview was not that Bannon is going to jail for refusing to comply with a subpoena that would require him to divulge information that he believed was covered by executive privilege (and of course we now know that there is in fact such a thing), then the interviewer is part of the problem.

Original Mike said...

Rich said…"Prison is the right place for serious lawbreakers."

Give me a break. Bannon was convicted of not talking to Liz Cheney's farcical committee. He is willing to stand up for his convictions. When will Garland and Holder be joining him?

Marcus Bressler said...

So Brooks confessed that he even "turned into a Marxist". What does he mean, "almost"? Brooks would be the one at the camp who decides who goes into the gas chambers or is selected for work-and-starve-until-dead assignment. Woe be the man whose pants don't have that perfect crease in them. But then he would be flabbergasted when the line of victims for that day was finally finished, after the last RINO from the cattle car is shoved into the building of death, to discover Herr Hillary grabbing him firmly by his girly shoulders, spinning him toward the entrance, overflowing with screaming eGOPers, and announcing with finality, "It's your turn now, comrade. Your contribution is over."

Marcus Bressler said...

Richie, where are all "the serious lawbreakers" who violently attack Asian women just walking down Roosevelt Ave in Flushing, Queens? The BLM and Antifa POS that burnt down stores and police station, 164 separate structure fires in the "peaceful protests"? Your TDS is no longer an excuse for your stupidity, your double standards, and blatant recitation of falsehoods.

Dave Begley said...

These liberal elites have no idea how angry average plebes are.

My car insurance went up 32%. Grocery and gas prices are way up.

We have 12m illegal aliens running around suppressing wages and committing crimes left and right.

We have the lawfare against Steve Bannon, the J6 protestors and Trump.

Last night on MSNBC, the two law professors (Katal from Georgetown and some woman from NYU Law) were in full disinformation mode asserting that the S. Ct was lawless on the immunity case and falsely claiming - without evidence - that SCOTUS overruled the Nixon case.

And then we were subjected to the spectacle of an obviously impaired Joe Biden stumbling through a 90 minute debate. The fucking Fake News had the gall to claim they didn't know about Joe's mental state. They have covered for him the entire time.

Now Dr. Jill is negotiating the bribe for Joe to step down and we are supposed to not know this is going on?

The liberal elites want to keep their grift going (especially the CAGW scam) and they don't care one bit how much damage average Americans suffer.

This is really intolerable.

Hassayamper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hassayamper said...

@JK Brown: Bannon is correct. The revolt started at the school boards in 2021. And mostly by Millennial moms, now in their early 40s, had kids in their early 30s, now paying attention to what the schools are indoctrinating.

This is my wife you're describing. She's a bit past her early 40's, but was about that age when she first took an interest in politics. And it all started with what she saw being forced on her kids by the teachers and their despicable communist union, one of the most malignantly evil entities in public life.

Now she is a right wing fire-breathing happy warrior that makes me look like Joe Lieberman. I had to talk her out of going to DC on Jan. 6th, or she'd still be behind bars.

Of course, at the rate this country is going, the only place for a respectable human being will soon be in the Democrats' gulag.

narciso said...

Katyal who defended bin ladens driver salim hamdan

Kate said...

Great read. Thanks for the free access.

Brooks leads by saying the interview terrifies him, assuming that his readers will understand why. He should be more specific.

Strong photos. Bannon should make a T-shirt of the second. I had forgotten he is so Catholic.

God, I love how he predicts the Left will long for the days of Trump. And he's absolutely right that it was a mean-girl focus on the gold toilets that started their disdain.

Iman said...

Brooks needs to stay in his parlor, drinking port like the spinster he is.

CJinPA said...

We’re not looking to compromise. We’re looking to win.

THIS is the approach the Left took years ago. (The "Social Justice Movement" is nothing more than decades-old left-wing ideas with the new caveat: "We're not negotiating this. We're imposing it.")

David Brooks is paid to comment on the polite tennis volley of old-school politics and the GOP's job of managing the nation's decline. The thought of actually trying to win never occurred to him.

Charlie said...

If David Brooks didn't exist, we'd have to invent him.

narciso said...



who-knew said...

I find it unsettling that Brooks thinks "After the financial crisis I thought it would be a great time to be a leftist. You’ve got a financial crisis caused by irresponsible capitalism". The financial crisis was not caused by 'irresponsible capitalism (whatever that is), it was caused by the feds encouraging banks to loan money people who had no down payment and that they knew probably couldn't repay the money. If you want to identify the source of a problem, government malfeasance is almost always the answer.

Hassayamper said...

Brooks needs to stay in his parlor, drinking port like the spinster he is.

I think old spinsters drink sherry, not port. Port is for men with waistcoats and walrus mustaches and fat cigars.

Hassayamper said...

If you want to identify the source of a problem, government malfeasance is almost always the answer.

Oh so true. All supposed failures of of the free market are in fact failures of government. Particularly the kind of government that gives rise to "Crony Capitalism."

walter said...

Rattling Brooks is a very low bar.
Rattle him enough and he drops his Brie.

Old and slow said...

I love a nice glass of port, or three.

Valentine Smith said...

Brooks has grown stuffy since his bourgeois Bohemian commentary. Today he merely takes clogged whiffs at his working clash, Irish American roots.

Valentine Smith said...

Ahhh class clash whatever, same thing with the Irish.

Iman said...

kama kama kama kama kama kamedian

Joe Smith said...

Irresponsible capitalism? Really?

You mean giving federally-backed mortgages to anyone with a pulse wasn't a good idea?

How about we keep the government out of all of these money grabs.

Rabel said...

"My quick story is that 20 percent of Americans go to nice colleges and get professional-type jobs. They marry each other. They move into cities like Washington, Denver, Austin, San Francisco. They invest in their kids, who get into the same colleges, who then get good jobs. The people who are not in this hereditary educated elite conclude that it has too much cultural power, media power and now financial power, so much of the rest of the country says: Enough is enough."

No, Dave. It's not the 20%. It's the 1 or maybe 2%.

Chuck said...

It's hard for me to discuss Steve Bannon with anything other than laughing schadenfreude.

So, haha.

But a bit more seriously, a clear majority in the United Kingdom now regret the passage of "Brexit." It has spawned a new word; "Bregret."

Once again, by the way; haha.

Michael said...

Trump's biggest error was pushing aside the populists like Bannon after the '16 election in favor of swamp things such as Mnchin, Haley, Pompeo, etc

traditionalguy said...

Bannon is a traditional Irish warrior. He will never surrender. Not very sophisticated, but one you always want to have on your side in a fight. Or at a minimum don’t want to see on the other side.

Narayanan said...

refusing to comply with a subpoena that would require him to divulge information that he believed was covered by executive privilege
I don't get this :
why did he not show up and refuse to answer
instead of
not showing up and subjecting to contempt?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Bullshit. Britons regret electing fake conservatives (boy that sounds familiar) who didn't follow through on Brexit. Hence the Tory crash and burn ongoing. France is now getting their version of Brexit. Italy is going hard right as they say. Get bent asshole.

Joe Smith said...

'It's hard for me to discuss Steve Bannon with anything other than laughing schadenfreude.'

Say what you will, but I guarantee he's a lot smarter than you.

A lot tougher and more patriotic too.

He won't see this country turn into a communist shithole without a fight, while you welcome it...

Chuck said...

The traditional Irish warrior.

Amadeus 48 said...

Think about JD Vance. Think about Sarah Palin. Think about anyone you knew who was engaged with the Tea Party. Going back in history, think about Abraham Lincoln. Elites have always turned up their noses at smart people who weren't credentialed without much regard to how worthless the credentials are.

pacwest said...

It isn't just that they are stupid. The true realizing is that everyone else sees the fools for what they are.

Biden wasn't the only one that was wearing new clothes. The entire retinue is naked now.

donald said...

Brooks is the prototypical Grand Central Station glory hole enthusiast.

donald said...

Sat at the bar at Cactus Cantina yesterday. Had a large margarita. There were four women at the bar, two on either side. They were discussing the debate, they were pointing out Biden’s lies, nastiness and feebleness. They were all aware of just what the Dobbs decision was and didn’t think anybody would miss out on killing preborns. They know about the Virginia governed and they know who Kermit Goslen is. They’re all moms and they knew the issues. They think Jill Biden should be in prison for elder abuse and they can’t believe how dishonest the press was about Biden’s criminality. They’re all attractive and nice with that awesome southern accent. I’m living in heaven.

narciso said...

the process is the punishment, it didn't matter what bannon proferred, in point of fact it was the J6 xommittee that commited obstruction and destruction of records,

narciso said...

the process is the punishment, it didn't matter what bannon proferred, in point of fact it was the J6 xommittee that commited obstruction and destruction of records,

Cummings is the rough analogue across the Pond in tory circles,

NKP said...

I had a conversation with Bannon once. He and my brother are old pals from Navy days.

Reject his world view if you please (my brother does) but do not, for a second, dismiss his intellect or commitment to his beliefs. I liked Steve, right off the bat. Reminded me a bit of Jackson Lamb in Apple's "Slow Horses".

walter said...

Dear Chuck!,
Do tell what is in the file you want folks to open/download.

mccullough said...

Boring Boomers Bannon & Brooks Bloviate

Big Mike said...

Do tell what is in the file you want folks to open/download.

@walter, viruses for your computer, of course.

Rusty said...

donald said...
"Brooks is the prototypical Grand Central Station glory hole enthusiast."
Damn you! Coffee all over the screen.