June 26, 2024

"For decades, Democrats in New York and across the country have succeeded when they hold together a coalition of Black, Latino and Jewish voters, young people and..."

"... the ideologically liberal of all stripes. The race between ['Squad' member Jamaal] Bowman and [George] Latimer showed how badly that coalition has cracked — by race, class and age — and just how much work President Biden will need to do ahead of November.... Mr. Bowman, who is Black, openly campaigned as the candidate of the working class, progressives and people of color. He called Mr. Latimer, who is white, a candidate for the wealthy suburban class. And he alienated many Jewish voters with harsh criticism of Israel and comments like one suggesting 'the Jews' in his district had intentionally chosen to live apart from other people. Mr. Latimer, in turn, portrayed the incumbent as a sideshow, preoccupied with making his name and playing an 'ethnic game.' He repeatedly made racially coded comments that fed Mr. Bowman’s case, including by suggesting that the congressman did not care about voters 'who are not Black or brown.'"

I'm reading "5 Takeaways From Jamaal Bowman’s Loss/The congressman, who lost to George Latimer, was the first 'squad' member to fall, in a painful defeat for the Democratic left" (NYT)(free access link, so you can see the other 4 takeaways, one of which is about that "haunt[ing]" fire alarm).

The phrase that caught my attention is "how much work President Biden will need to do ahead of November." Biden is supposed to bring these diverse groups together after so many decades of using them as separate blocs and expecting them to vote the same way in the end? Biden can barely do a minimal job of appearing to be a candidate for reelection. How could he perform this magical task in the last 4 months?


Money Manger said...

Just what is so “racially coded” about Mr. Latimer’s comment ? What seems coded is the insinuation by the Times that Mr. Latimer is a racist.

rhhardin said...

And he alienated many Jewish voters with harsh criticism of Israel and comments like one suggesting 'the Jews' in his district had intentionally chosen to live apart from other people.

That's a deep fact. Jews maintain alienation as a way to avoid assimilation among the low IQ end of the curve (a habit of seeing antisemitism everywhere), while the high-IQ Jews use alienation as a creative resource, producing all sorts of things, among them spectacular scholarship.

Alienation comes from being tied more to prophets (the past) than to (early Greek) philosophers (the present, ties to the polis). Hegel called it unhappy consciousness. What makes it worthy of scholarship is that it represents the human condition in general, which the scholarship then analyses. Everybody is a Jew.

It's amusing as an accusation when it's a founding principle.

Blacks use racism the same way that low-IQ Jews use the Holocaust, as a get out of jail free card. Technically it's called "temporizing the essence," a narrative principle that a thing is essentially today what it comes from or what it winds up as.

Todd said...

Mr. Latimer, in turn, portrayed the incumbent as a sideshow, preoccupied with making his name and playing an 'ethnic game.' He repeatedly made racially coded comments that fed Mr. Bowman’s case, including by suggesting that the congressman did not care about voters 'who are not Black or brown.'"

(a) Among other things, Bowman IS a sideshow.
(b) Bowman IS preoccupied with making his name and playing the "ethnic game".
(c) What was racially coded about telling the truth that the congressman does not care about voters who are not black or brown?
(d) Love that "racially coded" phrase which is actually racial code for "anti-black", look who is trying to hint at someone being racist INSTEAD of pointing at the clear racist or [silly me] does the NYT agree with the position that non-whites can't be racist?
(e) Bowman, don't forget to pull the fire alarm on your way out the door... :)

R C Belaire said...

Let's wait for the outcome after the additional "lost" ballots appear. You know they're out there somewhere!

Breezy said...

Ah yes, those darned haunting fire alarms! You never know when they’re going to decide to haunt you…

Wilbur said...

AA, thank you for the free link.

My name goes here. said...

My entire life the Democrat party (at the national level) has been a coalition party and it's constituent groups have always had significant disagreements. Greens and Unions are naturally enemies. Native minorities and illegal immigrants similarly have opposing desires. Just like Abortionists (sitting at the head of the table) make it really hard for Catholics to stay sitting at the same table, or college educated women have pushed working class whites out of the party these intra-party factions will only get bigger. If they can keep it together for the 2020 election remains to be seen. Even if they do the party as presently constituted cannot hold together for much longer.

imTay said...

There is a Greek proverb about politicians, I think, that goes, "however bad the current guy is, the next one will be worse."

tim maguire said...

How could he perform this magical task

He can’t, and they know he can’t but that’s not important. The strategy with Biden is to portray him as a talented and dedicated president campaigning for reelection after a successful first term. That’s the game they’re playing.

Leland said...

Two racist competed for a Democratic primary, and the Democrats could only choose one and that makes them sad.

Christopher B said...

Biden is supposed to bring these diverse groups together after so many decades of using them as separate blocs and expecting them to vote the same way in the end?

The zero-sum/"you scratch my back and I scratch yours" transactional nature of the Democrat Party coalition, as created by FDR and expanded by LBJ, has been evident almost from its very formation. There's nothing binding Northern Blacks and Progressives with Southern Klansmen other than shared antipathy to "rich men north (and east) of Richmond." This worked so long as the ideological center of the party was represented by conservative Southern Democrats who were driven largely by economic concerns as illustrated by the Presidential victories of Truman (Missouri), LBJ (Texas), Carter (Georgia), and B Clinton (Arkansas). JFK was culturally an outlier but still firmly in this camp with an economic policy that wouldn't have been out of place in Ronald Reagan's GOP. The increasing influence of Progressives as more conservative Southerners exited the party shifted the transactional nature of the coalition, which drove an expansionist economic philosophy in order to provide universal benefits, to a more paternalistic one that emphasizes distribution over expansion. This first drove the 'Reagan Democrat' revolt and is now seen in the evident exit, at least at the Presidential level, of minorities from the coalition to a Republican coalition emphasizing national economic expansion. There's likely no way to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

tim maguire said...

R C Belaire said...Let's wait for the outcome after the additional "lost" ballots appear.

It’s the primary. The party is probably happy about Bowman’s loss.

Dave Begley said...

“ How could he perform this magical task in the last 4 months?”

He can’t. He can barely walk and talk.

Christopher B said...

Interesting comment, rhardin. I'd say we have both high-IQ and low-IQ anti-semites posting here, to go along with your high-IQ and low-IQ Jews.

rehajm said...

They’re both Democrats and would vote the exact same way so big wup…

imTay said...

"If they can keep it together for the 2020 election remains to be seen."

One good thing is that social media has taken responsibility for the information warfare against this coalition out of the hands of doddering old fools who are part of the problem, like McDonnell, and traitors to the base like Paul Ryan, and so we have become much more effective. Their ham fisted attempts to lock down the information space against us is a long way from being effective. There are a lot of ideas that are forbidden to be articulated in the media, but once said out loud, are undeniable. For instance, that illegal immigration hurts black employment, and therefore wages, but only benefits affluent white Democrats. The Democratic Party that we are all supposed to pretend exists, should care about this issue, but the real one doesn't. NPR should be doing stories about how working class wages are being suppressed by illegal immigration, but they simply don't. It's not allowed to be said, but people can see with their own eyes that it's happening. So they come to the same place working class whites, whose concerns are also ignored by the Democrats, support for Donald John Trump.

I am still waiting for the first story that talks about the "lived experience" of the working class and the current inflation, after all "lived experience" is sacred, right? But instead the Democratic outlets, which is the entire mainstream media, assures us that the numbers show that these workers are wrong about inflation, then the numbers that they give us to prove their point, like the ones Rich provides, actually are muddied up by mixing in out years in the past that are irrelevant, and add in the benefits to the affluent, which these working class people never see.

rehajm said...

NYT is talking about race but the real reason for the defeat is the electorate was uncomfortable with Bowman’s age- he’s only 48. A baby. Latimer is 70. Not exactly the octogenarian voters would favor but he’ll do…

gilbar said...

i'm Pretty Sure "Biden" is a codeword for Biden Administration
i'm Pretty Sure "Biden Administration" is a codeword for The Democrat Party
i'm Pretty Sure "The Democrat Party" is a codeword for the O'Bama Gang

Political Junkie said...

The day is off to a good start, as the "Jew hater" Bowman was defeated. Yay!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Biden is supposed to bring these diverse groups together…?”

Laughter is the best medicine they say. To be fair he has brought an unusual coalition together but it is one that opposes him and his policies. My hunch is that the squad, always slow learners, are too far behind the curve on this issue. Oh well.

rehajm said...

…now you might be amused by that but look at why age matters- no career risk when you subvert the judiciary from the inside, the consequences of treason aren’t a big deal. You’ve had a good life…

…a liberal oldster sporting absorbent underthings and a metaphoric suicide vest targeting the constitution.

Political Junkie said...

AA with a nice summary. I still think SOB JOE is the favorite, but he deserves to lose based on his record and his "life situation".

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

I don't see much of a future for the Squad. I think Americans as a whole don't care for the far right or the far left. At some point, most people reject a message of hate, victimization, and bigotry. Let us hope that point comes very soon for America.

rehajm said...

I’ll wait for more evidence but I’m optimistic we may we witnessing limits to the effectiveness of their propaganda…

Breezy said...

Well, AOC handily won her district’s primary…. Interesting that she essentially ghosted Bowman though.

Enigma said...

The post-FDR Democratic coalition was about generosity for everyone who joined. It was initiated by the ultra-wealthy oligarch FDR and his "chicken in every pot" rhetoric. He gave stuff to the working class (unions), and set the stage for later Party gifts. This included welcoming Jews (as both victims and blue-voting oligarchs), LBJ's and Carter's gifts to minorities (Blacks, Hispanics), and other Party gifts to women, Hollywood's sex, drugs, rock & roll party-hearty crowd, and alternative-sex practitioners.

Later blue-in-name-only oligarchs used FDR's Bread & Circuses gift/bribe model for maintaining control. This means life-long predator Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, and the rest of those who own major media/propaganda outlets and who routinely manipulate elections using gifts to the poor. Hegemony. "Someone is going to win and it's going to be me."

This model started to fall apart when Bernie Sanders, Tax the 1%, and Occupy Wall St. brought back Marxism's class warfare model. The oligarchs and their (gift recipient) government surrogates won't tolerate this at all. They now constrict the working class economy with environmental regulations, keep wages down through unrestricted immigration, cannot reconcile Israel vs. Palestine, etc.

"I support the working class, but there will be no chicken in your pot!!!!"

As others have noted, the current Democrats are a coalition of natural enemies, not friends. Without Trump Derangement Syndrome the Party would have dissolved in 2016.

Jersey Fled said...

“Biden can barely do a minimal job of appearing to be a candidate for reelection. “


JRoberts said...

Rep. Bowman used a campaign slogan of “For the Many, Not the Money” in an effort to gain votes and sympathy. However, even with his brief, embarrassing tenure in Congress, he has set himself up (like many elected officials) to become a member of the 1% for the rest of his life. Before he leaves office, I’m confident he’ll have a well-paying, no-show job with a Beltway advocacy group.

He’ll never have to visit the Bronx again – except to pick up checks for occasional speaking engagements.

Who says America ain’t great!

Mr. D said...

Bowman was bad for business. Latimer will vote almost exactly the same way, but he'll keep his head down and avoid the ostentatious stupidity that was Bowman's signature.

Meanwhile, here in Minnesota the primary for Ilhan Omar is coming in about a month and her opponent (Don Samuels) nearly took her out last time. She's been running ads on television for weeks, so I'm guessing she's nervous. Samuels won't embarrass himself, so he has a chance.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Obama, cradling Biden in his arms: The President says don't worry, I'm the hopey changed guy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Another enjoyable moment was AOC railing against Latimer for daring to challenge a sitting Congresscritter, as if it doesn’t happen all the time, as if she herself had not done it to one of the most senior members of the D caucus. She has become a clownish parody of herself in record time.

Todd said...

I am still waiting for the first story that talks about the "lived experience" of the working class and the current inflation, after all "lived experience" is sacred, right?

As is typical, that story line is being saved for when the next (R) is POTUS...

Whenever a (D) is POTUS and the economy sucks, the story lines are of the following:
- Deny, deny, deny, until you can't, then switch gears.
- We are all in this together.
- How to make your dollars stretch.
- The joys of stay-cations, multiple part time jobs are [interesting|fullfilling|fun|etc.].

Whenever a (R) is POTUS and the economy sucks:
- Can you believe these stupid gas prices?
- Grandma has to eat canned dog food.
- Person of the week that has to live in their car.

Has been so since at least the 70s. As others have said, no matter how much you hate the media, it is NOT enough.

Quaestor said...

"...a painful defeat for the Democratic left."

That's NYT struggling to hide the truth yet again. It would be refreshing if just once in a blue moon that butt-wipe periodical could diverge from the Joseph Goebbels Handbook of Party-Approved Fascist Tripe.

New Yorkers are a particularly stubborn subspecies of human, Homo sapiens stultus. However, after the ninth or tenth shit sandwich they do begin to notice the taste.

planetgeo said...

Diversity is its own poison pill. Once it eliminates control by those is seeks to be diverse from, it turns on itself. Always. It is always looking for the next thing it needs to stay diverse from. The enemy. (See, for example, Muslims: Sunni VS Shiite).

The genius of the America that the DEIs hate and want to destroy was the brilliant concept of "e pluribus unum" (out of many, one). It was genius because it accepts but de-emphasizes differences, and continually drives toward mutual acceptance, creating stability.

Many of us experienced and remember what it was like. Liberals and conservatives being able to be friends and expressing their views openly without being treated as mortal enemies. Ethnic differences and racial differences more as points of curiosity and interest to explore than as battleground leverage points.

I still have hope that a leader who understands this and champions it can and will arise. E pluribus unum. I'd put money on it, and not just have it on our money.

Temujin said...

"He repeatedly made racially coded comments that fed Mr. Bowman’s case, including by suggesting that the congressman did not care about voters 'who are not Black or brown.'"

Is it racially coded when it's very up front, frank, and true? There was no coding about it. In fact, it is how Bowman worked. It is how the entire Democratic Party has worked for years.

How else would they continue to corral over 90% of the Black vote while still continuing to oversee the destruction of the Black family, our cities, the massive crime that Black families in the cities have to live with, the drug infested communities, and more than anything, the lack of school choice. And this is, of course, because the Democrats are owned by the teachers unions. So the poorest kids in the worst schools are locked into those schools and now allowed school choice because the Dems favor those teacher union bucks over the upward movement of their own people.

What is new is that this is a Democrat saying out loud what everyone knows. When a Republican says it, they're called racist. When a Democrat says it, there is confusion among Democrats as to know what to say or do.

The days of voting for someone based on such stupid things as the color of their skin or what is or is not hanging between their legs is going to come to an end at some point. This is a small sample at the beginning of that end. But I'll take it.

Quaestor said...

"I don't see much of a future for the Squad. I think Americans as a whole don't care for the far right or the far left."

Rich doesn't see much of anything. If he did, he wouldn't use the phrase far-right.

Far-right is how European fascists describe anyone with enough political support to threaten their current stranglehold on the EU Parliament. In the United States, it's the fascist label for anyone who reveres the Constitution.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Biden can barely walk let alone reason. Karloff's Frankenstein nailed it in 1931.

robother said...

The Biden sock puppet is about to be discarded. Obama is trying on new beards as we speak.So many empty vessels, so little time....

William said...

It's not like Catherine the Great fucked every horse in the stable. One roan, one time on a strictly experimental basis. Bowman pulled one fire alarm, one time and did it to advance the higher aims of democracy. It's a shame that the electorate couldn't look beyond this one unfortunate incident and, also, his support for Hamas.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Biden can barely do a minimal job of appearing to be a candidate for reelection. How could he perform this magical task in the last 4 months?”

President Biden will get other people to do the job for him, which is what leaders do. Possibly the job won’t get done, or it won’t be enough. But that’s how Biden won in 2020, by doing a minimal job of appearing to be a candidate for election.

Rusty said...

Christopher B said...
"Interesting comment, rhardin. I'd say we have both high-IQ and low-IQ anti-semites posting here, to go along with your high-IQ and low-IQ Jews."

Low IQ posters on the Althouse blog? Why there aren't any low IQ post.............Oh, wait.

William said...

The Democrats used to be the party of the outsiders and the alienated, and the Republicans were more the Establishment types. It's hard to keep track nowadays.

Iman said...

Time for JoJo - the dog-faced, pony fucker - to work his magic with these inbreds.

Sebastian said...

"How could he perform this magical task in the last 4 months?"

By bribing his special interests with other people's money. Doubling down on a "tax armageddon." Abortion, abortion, abortion. And since Jews don't matter away from NYC, sacrifice the Jews.

Of course, when talking about Biden we should mean that figuratively. "Biden" = his prog handlers.

Yancey Ward said...

I am going to try to make this as simple as possible for the low IQ Rich- a fringe far left or fringe far right don't warrant the amounts of time people like you and others expend on them, Rich. If you and others are spending so much time talking about far left and far right, then it is going to be the case that they aren't really fringe elements of a party but, rather, a key electoral constituency. So, good luck building your "centrist" majority from either side without them.

John henry said...

Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat. Except for about 3 months in spring of 16,he has never been one in his 50 years or so in politics.

He has never campaigned for or raised money for the Democrat Party or any candidate as far as I know.

Bowman may be the first ever.

I wonder why?

John Henry

gspencer said...

"How could he perform this magical task in the last 4 months?"

As Lawrence Welk would put, "Turn on the bubble and cheating machines. And a one and a two . . ."


narciso said...

Dont be the hamas denier hat tip

mindnumbrobot said...

Biden is supposed to bring these diverse groups together after so many decades of using them as separate blocs and expecting them to vote the same way in the end?

Identity politics is evil. We can only pray people are waking up to this fact.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the obsession with Boebert has subsided this morning. She won the primary in a landslide.

Other than a few of her personal F-ups, Boebert speaks well and speaks for her constituents.

She is not far-right. The far left is the mainstream of the democxratic party.

Far left is mainstream leftist democratic progressivism. Democratic hiveminders give crook Joe a pass for his international pay to play family grifting.
Democratic progresivism = They/them Trans obsessive Bullshit - Men in the womens' lockerroom - exposing themselves. Left = pro-pedophile. Left = yelling obsessive Zionist conspiracies for proff of all bad things. Pro war/war machine. Obsessed with abortion. Calling everyone a "xenophobe" or a whatever-"phobe" as every lame argument they make... an on and on. Many are actual racists and Anti-Semites.

Modern democratic progressivism is The View and MSNBC Maddow joke Lying liars who lie. The hacks who yammer on endlessly about Russian collusion and Russian disinformation... who themselves are Soviet clones.

Drago said...

Quaestor: "Far-right is how European fascists describe anyone with enough political support to threaten their current stranglehold on the EU Parliament. In the United States, it's the fascist label for anyone who reveres the Constitution."

"Far-right" is how US fascists describe anyone with a military background, offers up complaints at school board meetings, attends Latin Mass, votes for Trump, wants our borders brought under control, doesn't want the CIA/NSA/DHS/DOJ/FBI spying on innocent US citizens, opposes the mutilation of our children under the New Soviet Democratical religion of transgenderism, opposes the grooming of our children in schools by marxist psychos, etc.

Aggie said...

..."Mr. Bowman, who is Black, openly campaigned as the candidate of the working class, progressives and people of color..."

..."Mr. Latimer, who is white, a candidate for the wealthy suburban class..."

'Calling Racial Coding.... Calling Racial Coding... Please pick up the White Courtesy phone.'

Quaestor said...

"Oh, wait. [pointly extended ellipsis] Nevermind."

One would think someone attempting to make sport of "low-IQ" people could come up with something more creative.

rhhardin said...

Low-IQ Jews means not able to use alienation as a creative resource. They need another way to remain alienated.

n.n said...

The ideologically divergent. Principles matter.

Achilles said...

Quaestor said...

"I don't see much of a future for the Squad. I think Americans as a whole don't care for the far right or the far left."

Rich doesn't see much of anything. If he did, he wouldn't use the phrase far-right.

Far-right is how European fascists describe anyone with enough political support to threaten their current stranglehold on the EU Parliament. In the United States, it's the fascist label for anyone who reveres the Constitution.

The Globalists/Statists are still trying to paint the populists as "Far Right."

Rich and his ilk support censorship, wars, and persecution of political opponents and corruption/destruction of democratic processes.

Zelensky in Ukraine is their perfect hero leader. He reneged on a campaign promise and started a war, then he jailed all of his political opponents and canceled elections "until the war is over" which means until Putin is brought down.

i.e. never.

They cannot be honest about what they represent so obviously they have to defeat the "far right" which now refers to people who want their governments to serve the people in their countries.

Enigma said...

@rhhardin: Low-IQ Jews means not able to use alienation as a creative resource

I've heard various times that European Ashkenazi Jews didn't allow their low IQ children to breed for several hundred years. Many European Jews were finance/banking professionals (and later doctors, lawyers, and academics), and thereby needed future employees with the right skills. So, they invented selective breeding and eugenics long, long before Darwin and Hitler made it mainstream. Their cultural niche piggybacked on the gaps in non-Jewish European career options (e.g., moneylending was a no-no in some Christian subgroups and eras).

E.g., A paper on Jewish intelligence from MIT.EDU:

Big Mike said...

Times reporter Nicholas Fandos writes “Mr. Bowman, who is Black, openly campaigned as the candidate of the working class, progressives and people of color.”

Except that in the 21st century the progressives are pretty openly contemptuous of the working class and the Democrats as a whole have been eager to run workers (a.k.a. “Deplorables” who “embrace their guns and their religion”) out of the party. Maybe that was part of the problem for him. The story about Jewish parents at a fifth grade graduation ceremony being “pummeled” (i.e., they had the shit beaten out of them), the riot in front of the LA synagogue the Sunday before the primary, and perhaps even the release without charges of the anti-Israel demonstrators from Columbia almost certainly motivated Jewish Democrats to vote against one of the most openly antisemitic Democrats in Congress. Others of that ilk could follow.

In a comment on a recent thread I mused on how the Democrat strategists seem determined to force out the Jewish component of their coalition in favor of a new antisemitic component, which given how important the Jews had historically been to the success of the Party made no sense to me. I said that either those strategists are right and the new coalition will thrive, or I’m right in my analysis and the Democrats are headed for permanent minority status. We dhsll see, won’t we?

Skeptical Voter said...

As always there's a lot of magical thinking amongst the kiddoes in the New York Times newsroom.

wildswan said...

A new slogan to bring the Dems together:

Pot for every chicken

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Enigma said...

It was initiated by the ultra-wealthy oligarch FDR and his "chicken in every pot" rhetoric.

That was supposedly Hoover, except there's never been any evidence that he said it.

wildswan said...

RH Hardin
As I see it, philosophy ran into a dead end based on the inability of idealism to explain how our ideas reach existing reality. So after Hegel, you get your "temporizing essence" where idealistic philosophers, the central core of that time, try to substitute a common tradition based on the history of a country for metaphysical analysis of universal ideas as in realist philosophy. Hitler showed how dangerous a loss of universal ideas can be as you won't feel safe about your own country's reasonable basis unless you obliterate everyone else's. Philosophers are the people who do carry out ideas to their logical conclusions and so Nietzsche carried out this way of philosophizing (temporizing essences) to its logical conclusion when he said that, rationally regarded from within idealism, all belief systems are based on nothing rational or, more shortly, "God id dead." By that he meant, we have to supply our meaning and there's nothing to base ourselves on - we swing nauseated above a void - beings who must have meaning, rational beings who see there's no basis anywhere for meaning. What idealistic philosophers, like Nietzsche reasoned out at the end of 19th century, regular people have come to understand through deep cultural drifts based on events throughout the 20th century. Auschwitz - it makes us say that there must be meaning but it is met by silence from idealistic philosophers. And after a hundred years, they with their replacement figures, the social scientists, the ultimate creators of temporizing essences, are at the top of society. (What is polling data but a temporal essence?) This is the understanding I acquired from the book, "The Drama Of Atheist Humanism."

But if idealist philosophy painted itself into a corner and wrecked reason, what about realist philosophy?

John Paul II confronted this issue which is why he wrote "Be Not Afraid" which is realist philosophy for non-philosophers. The same could be said about the Federalist Papers. But if you, like me, want a reasoned approach, you might be interested in Being and Some Philosophers by Gilson. "The statements is interesting but tough" as they extricate reason from the idealistic trap.

JK Brown said...

Biden is having to use a lot of his powder to staunch the hemorrhaging of once assured groups. He's buying the votes of the college indebted and trying keep a few Islamic votes in Michigan and Minnesota happy. As well as seeking to buy Hispanic votes with the illegal border crosser initiatives.

Meanwhile, Trump is making a few few forays in the Democratic Party plantation system causing those corralled there to stop and think.

Word is, Biden's most secure demographic is old Boomers. And "old people" vote they say. Sure, Biden was a last hurrah for the 1970 activist Boomers, but a lot of us younger Boomers learned our politics in the Reagan years and all the lies the media and 1970 types told about him. (full disclosure, my first presidential election as 1980 and I foolishly listened to the media and voted for Carter. Thankfully, there were smarter people voting. I had got "woke" by the 1984 election and voted Reagan.

JK Brown said...

We apparently, are getting to see this statement verified:

"The parties of special interests, which see nothing more in politics than the securing of privileges and prerogatives for their own groups, not only make the parliamentary system impossible; they rupture the unity of the state and of society. They lead not merely to the crisis of parliamentarism, but to a general political and social crisis. Society cannot, in the long run, exist if it is divided into sharply defined groups, each intent on wresting special privileges for its own members, continually on the alert to see that it does not suffer any setback, and prepared, at any moment, to sacrifice the most important political institutions for the sake of winning some petty advantage."

Mises, Ludwig von (1927). Liberalism

mikee said...

There is no need to hold a coalition together now for the Democrats. They have the overwhelming superiority in harvesting, selectively, the unauditable universal mail in ballots in key states, and they have overwhelming superiority in running the counts of votes in key precincts in those key states. They cannot lose because they have the votes to win, and even if they don't have the votes to win during the election, they will have the votes to win before the final count is announced.

Harun said...

Easy peasy. Just jail your political opponent.

Rosalyn C. said...

When I was a child in the 50's my family used to drive from Pennsylvania down to Florida for the summers in Miami and we'd stay in motels along the way. In the early evening when we were looking for a place to stay we'd often see signs posted in motel offices stating: "No Blacks, No Jews." I don't think any of those motel owners ever complained about how few Jews stayed in their motels.

The Jew haters in Europe at one time attributed their hatred of Jews to Jewish alienation, Jews being different. Was that Jewish alienation the reason Jews had been excluded from many professions and forced to live in ghettos, not to mention subjected to persecution and pogroms? No. Had the Jews chosen to live in separate neighborhoods? No.

But then later in the twentieth century, after the laws of social and economic exclusion had been relaxed in more Western nations such as France and Germany, the Jew haters decided now they hated the Jews for being too assimilated, not alienated enoug. The problem was that Jews were overly represented in positions of authority, law, universities, science, mathematics, medicine, the arts, etc. Interesting that now we're told smart Jews are analyzers of society because of their alienation and because we're all alienated after all, therefore Jews have an advantage in scholarship. (So unfair.) If Jews have low IQ's they are merely focused on their survival and take seriously Hamas's goal of annihilating the Jewish people, much like the Nazis did in the Holocaust. Somehow that concern is a sign of low intelligence. It is hard to make sense of such nonsense but it must be true because only super smart people can understand the depths of this knowledge.

I don't know if there are high IQ Jew haters versus low IQ Jew haters. For me it's all the same. It seems to me that being a Jew hater by definition is an indication of someone who is choosing a low IQ. I think stupidity can be a choice the same way that hatred is a choice. Such people are pathetic but because this is a conscious choice I don't feel sorry for these people.