February 21, 2024

"... Harvard interim president Alan M. Garber... said the cartoon depicted a hand labeled with a Star of David with a dollar sign in the middle holding nooses that were tied around the necks of an Arab man and a Black man."

"Screenshots of the cartoon appeared to show that the men were boxer and antiwar activist Muhammad Ali and former Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. [The Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee and the African American Resistance Organization] have since taken down the image and apologized...."

From "Harvard condemns ‘flagrantly antisemitic’ cartoon posted by student groups" (WaPo).


Aggie said...

My first reaction was of a smirking, glasses-wearing smart-ass holding his hand over his mouth and saying, snidely, 'Oops.... my mistake!' Where Harvard is concerned, one naturally wonders if that was the intent. Not for too long, though.

Narayanan said...

since they got admitted to Harvard IQ must be high?!

Enigma said...

The militant left demands change and will force a breakup of its coalition, as always happens on the left over time. And then the center right will take over by default.

mccullough said...

Harvard is a shithole.

Jeff said...

"Apologized;" that is: "We're very, very sorry that we got caught."

Leland said...

They condemned the cartoon. What about the students that created it? Extra DEI training? Probationary period during which they are required to show adherence to DEI? Slap on the hand? Slap on the back? High fives?

Big Mike said...

Don’t accept apologies that are not truly meant. Expulsion is the only solution.

Amadeus 48 said...

We are not sending our best to Harvard.

Quaestor said...

Nazi apologies are generally insincere.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Pretty sure it also posted by a faculty group. You know, teachers. Who are Marxist sc_m.

Static Ping said...

Our "elite."

Honestly, being a recent Harvard graduate should now be considered a negative.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

This story reminds me of the scene with Fran Drescher in This Is Spinal Tap:

BOBBI: Ian, come on, tell me whatever is on your mind....
IAN: ...this whole issue of the, uh...the issue of the cover.
BOBBI: Yeah.
IAN: ...uh, we feel, I mean, we feel and it seems to be facts that, uh...the company is rather down on the cover. Is that the case?
IAN: You can give it to me straight, you know.
BOBBI: Listen umm... they don’t like the cover, they don’t like the cover.
IAN: Uh huh, well that is certainly straight.
BOBBI: They find it very offensive and very sexist.
IAN: Well what exactly...do you find offensive? I mean, what’s offensive?
BOBBI: Ian, you put a greased naked woman...
IAN: Yes...
BOBBI: ...on all fours...
IAN: Yes.
BOBBI: ...with a dog collar around her neck...
IAN: ...with a dog collar...
BOBBI: ...and a leash...
IAN: ...and a leash...
BOBBI: ...and a man’s arm extended out up to here holding onto the leash and pushing a black glove in her face to sniff it. You don’t find that offensive? You don’t find that sexist?
IAN: No I don’t, this is 1982, Bobbi, come on.
BOBBI: That’s right it’s 1982! Get out of the 60’s. We don’t have this mentality any more.
IAN: Well you should have seen the cover they wanted to do. It wasn’t a glove believe me.

Richard Dolan said...

Yes, it was "flagrantly anti-Semitic" and merited "condemnation." But the cure is more speech, which in this case should include transparency as to the authors as well as condemnation of the speech. It's the only way to break through the bubble at places like Harvard that makes something like this seem acceptable. As the educrats might say, turn it into a teaching moment.

CJinPA said...

Fascinating to watch the Left debate edits to their official Hierarchy of Oppressed Chart.

Jewish v. People of Color. As weird as it sounds, skin tone usually settles the matter for them. But this one's a puzzler.

These conflicts usually prompt calls to 'Remember our common enemy.' (Fingers pointing to non-progressive, pale Christians.)

rehajm said...

shame shame…but…Expelled? Suspensions? No? Then this is approval, not condemnation…

gilbar said...

i guess; Money Talks, and racism walks

Krumhorn said...

Maybe they mean it....and maybe they don't. The apology sounded genuine to my ears, but I can't swerve past the observation that it was a step way too far in order to maintain any hope for organizational longevity, and they know it. It's a damned tenuous "intersectionality" between Palestinians and American blacks.

- Krumhorn

Sebastian said...

Cartoon, bad. Accusing Israel of genocide, fine.

The Vault Dweller said...

Muhammad Ali and Nasser seem an odd pairing. Is Nassee held in.high regard in the Muslim world? He talked about driving the Jews into the sea and paving the roads with their skulls, which I'm assuming some Muslims like the idea of. But he also provoked and then lost the 67 war.

Jersey Fled said...

The Harvard Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine reposted the image according to the WSJ. Don’t know if WaPo got around to mentioning that.

narciso said...

So mohammed ali whose namesake empowered slaves and sadat who worked with nazis to launch rockets at israel

Hassayamper said...

The dark shadow of Nazism, always falling on the Right, but always landing on the Left...

Rick67 said...

Let's stipulate the apology is sincere.

Apology or no, sincere or no, can we be astounded that they even printed such a thing in the first place?

That is what floats around in their little minds.

Jupiter said...

" ... the cartoon depicted a hand labeled with a Star of David with a dollar sign in the middle holding nooses that were tied around the necks of an Arab man and a Black man."

I'm not clear on the problem here. Is it [Black guy + noose]? {Star of David + dollar sign]? [No women]? No doubt, the wrong ox was gored, but where exactly did the horn enter? Show us on the cartoon ...

Jupiter said...

I mean look. Why did these assholes, who undoubtedly hate Jews, apologize for this cartoon? Because Harvard has some kind of a rope around their necks, that's why. Duh-uhh. I guess what was really offensive is the implication that Jews use money to control institutions, forcing them to punish blacks and arabs. That's just NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!! Which is why it's offensive to say it, right? So Harvard needs to do a better job of punishing their pet blacks and arabs, or they're gonna hear from some {{{donors}}}.

Jupiter said...

Oh, that's Rich! They're blaming it on the SNCC, a black radical Commie front, created and funded by -- uh, Muslims! Yeah, yeah, all those radical lawyers were Muslims, I'm almost sure of it. Or maybe those dumb black assholes dreamed all that shit up on their own, when they weren't busy fucking shiksas.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Innocent women raped and mutilated on Oct 7th, babies murdered in horrendous ways - and the collective left are OK with it.

loudogblog said...

It's one thing to "condemn" the action. What needs to follow is punishment for the action.

Jim K said...

Richard Dolan has it exactly right. That's the only way forward.

Jupiter said...

I have to laugh. All you good liberals -- left, right, center, whatever -- piously whinging about an anti-semitic cartoon. It's not like they drew Muhammad with a bomb or anything, right? The Jews aren't Muslims. They're not going to shoot up the office of a magazine or anything. They'll just use their economic power to manipulate the institutions of the societies they are in but not of, and destroy their enemies. You're all just afraid that "incidents" like this impede "progress" on the road to the perfect multi-cultural society that all of you see in the offing.

Get with the program. The American future is tribal. Anyone who wants to have an American future needs to get right with his tribe. I say "his", because chicks can join other tribes if they like. You might get raped a little, there at first, but if you're good looking some guy will claim you as property. But for males, that's not an option.

rcocean said...

wow, that's a cartoon requiring some historical knowledge. How many people remember Nassar? He was one of the great leaders in Eygpt history and was not controlled by Jews. So, I don't understand the cartoon.

Died at 52, heart attack due to a bad diet and heavy smoking.

Rabel said...

As long as there is no call for violence or use of University resources, why don't the students and the professors have a right to express their opinions, whether antisemitic or otherwise?

Jupiter said...

From the Crimson;

"Walter Johnson, a professor of History and of African and African American Studies, resigned as a faculty adviser to the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee and from Harvard Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine after the groups faced a wave of backlash for sharing a post containing an antisemitic image.

History professor Alison Frank Johnson, Johnson’s wife, confirmed his decision to resign from the two groups when reached by phone Tuesday evening."

Justice is one thing, but History is another. Got to protect the grift!

Earnest Prole said...

They condemned the cartoon. What about the students that created it?

The cartoon was created in 1967.

Fascinating to watch the Left debate edits to their official Hierarchy of Oppressed Chart.

As the vintage cartoon suggests, this debate goes back many years.

Dude1394 said...

So who is getting kicked out of school like they would if they said a man is a man.

rhhardin said...

Jews are successful, with an average IQ two standard deviations above blacks and arabs, so Jews are taken as oppressors, represented by a noose, to account for their difference in outcome. It's not exactly hatred but more delusion.

If East Asians did the same thing, that would be hatred or something. They have more or less the same success and average IQ as Jews.

PK said...

A day late and a tenure short

Tina Trent said...

Meanwhile, deep in rural Georgia, Billy Joe and I went to buy some gas and had a nice talk with the Pakistani man behind the counter. Knowing them both to be loquacious, I settled in. We talked about Ukraine and Russia, and they agreed with each other that the problem was like a bad marriage and decided Ukraine was the wife. They talked about how good the fried okra is at the Mexican/Southern meat and three next door (the breakfast tamales rock too). They talked about the election without revealing their choices and without rancor. They groused about inflation. Then they hugged each other. Billy Joe said "Jesus loves you." The Pakistani man said something like "Allah Tomsee."

I am so glad to live in the despicable, small-minded South.

Floris said...

Publishing a clearly antisemitic cartoon is worse than anything that Amy Wax is accused of saying at Penn. Will Harvard convene a faculty body to try and strip these faculty members of their tenure, as was done to Wax?

Josephbleau said...

I just wonder what kind of self defeating childish stupid dumbshit hopped up jackass would even think it was a good idea to publish Nazi artwork under their own names. Did they do a risk benefit analysis? A list of pluses and minuses?

The only answer I have is that large portions of ivy educated elites are stupid as shit.

Saint Croix said...

WaPo misses the lede...

after student groups and a faculty group shared an antisemitic cartoon.

Jonathan Burack said...

At Harvard, the prevailing line seems to be this was an "inadvertent" misstep by students (and faculty apparently) carried away by their anger. I think this is Harvard refusing, as it has all along, to come to terms with the real nature of the ideological triumph there of a profoundly antisemitic, DEI-induced radicalism. Hence, I posted this remark on the Harvard Crimson site. (Sorry for length, but this issue is a big deal for me.)

The choice by those who dredged up this image to go back to SNCC and the Panthers is deliberate. It is part of the overall DEI-inspired recasting of the Sixties civil rights struggles so as to reposition the black nationalist wing of the movement as the true essence of that struggle rather than King, SCLC, and the central message of a color-blind social order based on individual merit, opportunity. and the Declaration.

The black nationalist wing of the movement depicted "Amerika" as an imperial oppressor and looked to violent third world revolution as its model. Antisemitism is inextricably bound up in this world view, which sees capitalist oppression and Jewish capitalist oppression especially as the central enemy in the struggle. It is this profoundly anti-American worldview that the current radicalism, enforced by most DEI bureaucrats, seeks to promote in order to undermine the core values of the American nation. '

Which is why there is little hope from administrators who seek to stifle these bigots and this one image without addressing their own role in allowing this complex of illiberal, even totalitarian ideas to dominate their institution.

Narayanan said...

Leland said...
They condemned the cartoon. What about the students that created it? Extra DEI training?
is not the cartoon DEI compliant in color composition?

what about the dismissiveness of remarks by Harvard President using generic descriptive Arab and African? the depicted figures are historically identifiable as Nasser and Muhammad Ali

The Godfather said...

If I'm following this correctly, some group posted an antisemitic cartoon, the University condemned it, and the group apologized. Isn't that the way we'd like to see issues like this resolved? Or are we supposed to go back to witch burning?

wildswan said...

That image was an old anti-semitic cartoon first used back in the Sixties. That's why it has oldie figures like Nasser. Maybe somebody used AI to compose the whole poster and AI simply saw that the same thing was being said and so used the same picture.
You wonder why no one saw the poster was clearly and unacceptably anti-semitic. But these student groups are usually controlled by outside figures and perhaps the poster came from a controller and no one dared object. In any case, Harvard is rotted through if it has students and even faculty who are unable to see, on their own, how unacceptable that image would be as something allegedly coming from Harvard. It comes from the streets; it's how they thought on the streets in the Sixties and you learned it for free. Now seemingly it's what you pay $60,000 a year to learn at Harvard. Heckava job, Claudine and Alan.

Jupiter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gusty Winds said...

Are there any consequences or just a free pass with the fake apology.

If a keg drinking frat like Sigma Chi did this they'd have their charter revoked, and suspended. Of course Skull and Crossbones can get away with whatever they want. Like starting wars that kill millions.

Harvard Schmarvard.

Patrick Driscoll said...

What is the issue? Is there a certain ethnic group that feels they should be completely immune from criticism?

Josephbleau said...

“If I'm following this correctly, some group posted an antisemitic cartoon, the University condemned it, and the group apologized. Isn't that the way we'd like to see issues like this resolved? Or are we supposed to go back to witch burning?”

Yes that’s the I’ll hit you and then yell No Hitbacks! Rule. But after three hits, that rule no longer applies.

I think Jewish voters need to send a brushback pitch to the Democrats, but the Palestinians will win that fight because they control Michigan’s electoral votes.

n.n said...

The cartoon captures the essence of Critical Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry) Theory (CDT).

Josephbleau said...

"As long as there is no call for violence or use of University resources, why don't the students and the professors have a right to express their opinions, whether antisemitic or otherwise?"

Yes and in 1938 the Nazis had the right to make a movie showing a hand with the Star of David on it clutching over Europe with a fade-out to rats running out of the sewer.

The Harvard groups had the right to demonstrate their hatred of Jews, and they did it. And they should accept that they will be despised for it. And the same rule should apply to people who propagandize against any other minority or majority group.

Jupiter said...

What's the end-game here? Obviously, some people who have been "admitted" to Harvard, as students or faculty, have views they feel compelled to express, that Harvard's management feels compelled to suppress. How does that work out?

It's pretty funny, really. If you want to know how that works out, it's all explained in that cartoon. A picture is, indeed, worth a thousand words.

Jupiter said...

America's politicians eventually found themselves compelled, by domestic politics, to denounce the apartheid government of South Africa, even though it was evident to any thinking person that the ultimate result of that denunciation would be a genocide of whites, accompanied by a complete economic collapse of the only remaining economically viable nation in sub-Saharan Africa. I admit, I did not think it would take this long, but here it is at last. Jews are supposed to be smarter than other white people. Maybe they can dodge this bullet. For now.

Jupiter said...

"I just wonder what kind of self defeating childish stupid dumbshit hopped up jackass would even think it was a good idea to publish Nazi artwork under their own names. Did they do a risk benefit analysis? A list of pluses and minuses?"

Um. They have been saying that kind of thing about me, and mine, for many years now. And getting rewarded handsomely for doing so. "Good Negro! Hate Whitey! Say, 'Me hate whitey!'. Say, 'Whitey cracker!'. Say 'Rayciss-rayciss, systemic rayciss!'. No, no. Sisss- teeeem- ick.' You can do it. You're smart! Say 'Sissss-teeeem-ick'. Good Negro!". Who the Hell do you think taught them this shit? Putin?

Tina Trent said...

What Jupiter said.

EdwdLny said...

The left again saying the quiet part out loud. Well not "saying" exactly, more of a screaming at the top of their lungs.
When people tell you who they are, believe them.
Libs are fascist terrorists in word, deed, and belief. They prove it every day. Treat them accordingly.

Tina Trent said...

The vastly underrated Elinor Burkett wrote the book, Another Planet: a Year in a Suburban High School, in the wake of hysteria about teens following Columbine. It's a great read.

As with all her books, it is fair, interesting, insightful -- and punctures polemics. Her basic point: the kids are OK; just leave them alone to grow up.

Unfortunately, we have chosen exactly the opposite path.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are lying liars who lie.

De-fund the police = the Soros plan

Howard said...

This is how Free Speech works. A group of shit heels publishes something vile. They take it down and apologize after universal condemnation. No government intervention required. Once again, the system is working.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The former Harvard President, Fraud Claudine Gay(D), falsely accused a black man who researched the truth on police brutality - and allowed the truth to be revealed. She accused him of... wait for it.... sexual misconduct. The left's go-to big lie when they want to tear someone down, and ruin their life because they uncovered the truth.

Claudine Gay - fraud and liar
watch the whole thing

Cappy said...

Did they offer context?

Just asking.

James K said...

Once again the issue is the unequal treatment. Imagine what would happen to students or faculty who posted a blatantly racist or anti-gay poster. Neither that group nor the ones who did this should be expelled, but in reality only the former would be severely punished.

Drago said...

Over-compensating non-combat "vet" Howizer Howard: "This is how Free Speech works. A group of shit heels publishes something vile."

You mispelled "typical democraticals at all levels" and "current conventional democratical thought".

Nice try though.

Mr. T. said...

And FACULTY groups, Washington Post.

You know the groups that should be EDUCATING these pro-Hamas student groups about why these perpetual bouts of antisemitism are WRONG.

Jupiter said...

"Once again, the system is working."

Howard nails it again. It just doesn't get any better than this!

Jupiter said...

"What Jupiter said."

I don't know if I'd go that far.