December 6, 2023

Lake Mendota at 1:27 p.m.



William50 said...

Excerpt of a letter sent to Fulton County, Ga., District Attorney Fani Willis from Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the chair of the House Judiciary Committee.

"...The partisan January 6 Select Committee had a troubling track record of procedural abuses and due process violations. It only solicited evidence from a select set of relevant individuals, ignored exculpatory evidence, and did not pursue witnesses with evidence that would not advance its partisan narrative.It fabricated and publicly released doctored evidence. It cherrypicked selective information to create false and misleading public narratives."

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that pillar of virtue and all things conservative, Liz Cheny, a prestigious member of that "Select Committee"?

She should just jump on her Democrat donkey and ride off into the sunset. Good riddance.

n.n said...

50 shades of gray. It's quiet, too quiet, a sample of serene. Change!

Big Mike said...

Yesterday three presidents of elite universities — Claudine Gay from Harvard, M. Elizabeth Magill from Penn, and Sally Kornbluth from MIT — testified in front of Congress regarding the pro-Hamas (antisemitic) demonstrations on their campuses. What they proved beyond all shadow of any doubt is that women are simply not up the job of being a university president.

pacwest said...

I haven't seen LLR Chuck around in a while. I know Drago likes to equate Rich and Chuck, but I doubt it's the same person. Anyway I was just curious.

Chuck, how long did you say you have been involved in Michigan's Republican Party again? That wasn't about the same time they began their downhill slide into incoherence was it?

tim in vermont said...

Joe Biden is complaining that “petty” politics about the border is getting in the way of him delivering to Hunter’s clients in Ukraine. If it’s so petty, Joe, why not just give them what they want?

The Crack Emcee said...

Andrew Tate ain't goin' for the okey-doke.

farmgirl said...

That’s lovely…
It’s 7degrees outside right now up here. In the NEK.
(Northeastern VT)

The Crack Emcee said...

Grinning Israeli War Vets Admit To R@ping & Murdering Palestinians

Old and slow said...

Fuck Andrew Tate, and fuck you Crack. You are a vile excuse for a human being,

Joe Smith said...

Watching the prez debate.

Haley is a neocon lighweight and Christie is literally the biggest asshole on the planet.

Talk about smarmy and entitled.

He needs to go away and quickly...

“Bad Genes” said...

Sad to see Ukraine becoming just another football in US domestic politics. Biden is 100% correct about Congressional Republicans playing political games with funding Ukraine defense aid - it is a gift to Putin and he's willing to hold out for a friendly administration.

Joe Smith said...

The Jersey Jerk just endorsed parents allowing the mutilation of their children.

JRoberts said...

Tom Cotton and Tim Kaine were on Special Report with Bret Baier tonight. The first question was about anti-semitism on college campuses and Kaine immediately referenced Trump and the UVA Charlottesville rally in 2017 as the starting point.

What scum. We really dodged a disaster when Clinton/Kaine lost in 2016.

Dr Weevil said...

tim in vermont (7:04pm) alleges that Biden is "delivering to Hunter's clients in Ukraine". This is a gross falsehood that I have corrected before, only to have him repeat it again.

All of Briden's bribe-taking occurred under Poroshenko, and Hunter Biden left Ukraine the very month Zelenskyy came into office after defeating him. Hunter obviously knew the jig was up, because Zelenskyy ran on an anti-corruption platform, and has delivered on that promise. Every single claim about him owning mansions in Florida, or yachts, or whatever, has proven to be (a) utterly false, and (b) traceable to Russian propaganda and its numerous gullible or paid servants abroad.

As I have noted before, Zelenskyy has a lot in common with Trump: when all the established politicians in a country are blatantly corrupt, a sensible electorate will elect a non-politician who has proven abilities in another field, like construction (Trump) or entertainment (Trump and Zelenskyy). By the way, Zelenskyy was also a businessman on a semi-large scale, running a TV production company, and said to have been worth $20,000,000 before he ran for office. I suspect that Trump's obvious success in office is one of the things that convinced Ukrainians to take a chance with Zelenskyy, a chance few of them seem to regret.

It would be good if 'tim in vermont' would stop repeating lies that have already been refuted many times.

Drago said...

pacwest: "I haven't seen LLR Chuck around in a while. I know Drago likes to equate Rich and Chuck, but I doubt it's the same person. Anyway I was just curious."

LLR-democratical C**** is not the same person as LLR-democraticals Rich or lonejustice.

They employ the very same tactics, the same lies etc.

LLR-democratical C**** slithered into a thread earlier today.

Breezy said...

Too bad the Congressional Democrats need to be forced into dealing with our own border crisis. It’s like they actually believe Mayorkas when he’s says that the border is secure, even as Wray tells us the threats are the highest he’s seen. As an aside, I wonder how Wray and Mayorkas can even be on the same team. Mayorkas is responsible for a good part of Wray’s problems.

Iman said...

How can anyone think Chris Christie has the motivation and discipline that will be required to right the Ship of State when he doesn’t even possess the motivation and discipline required to put the fork down and back away from the table?

Joe Smith said...

'Sad to see Ukraine becoming just another football in US domestic politics.'

I would be happy to give them money if they signed over the rights to 1M board feet of timber, 1M barrels of oil, 1M tons of grain...

You get the point. No more free money to anyone.

Iman said...

Chris Christie, you fat fuck!

Big Mike said...

Sad to see Ukraine becoming just another football in US domestic politics.

Thanks to the "help" from Lloyd Austin and other US experts, a war that was essentially won after the recapture of Kherson is now a dead loss. When you've lost a war, it's time to surrender.

pacwest said...

Republicans playing political games with funding Ukraine defense aid

60% of Republicans think the US is spending too much. 45% of Americans think we are spending too much. Support for spending is waning month over month.

Them stupid Republicans. Doing what their electorate wants them to do. Representative democracy sucks, huh Rich? Not to worry though. I hear you guys got a plan to do something about that.

Iman said...

Sorry, no sale, Rich. Biden can barely put a coherent sentence together. The only things he knows: how to enrich his family and how to fuck the USA and its citizens.

Narr said...

Just got back from a 48th and a Half anniversary showing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Good quality compared to many of the prints I've watched, and still funny as hell.

This one had subtitles for many of the best lines, which many in the audience couldn't wait for.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pacwest said...

"Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) is calling on the right to allow incarcerated criminals and individuals as young as 16 years of age to vote in the upcoming 2024 election."

Because logic dictates that letting adolescents and criminals decide how our country is run is a good thing I guess. Sounds like a winner to me.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I like this picture.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Couple of yesterday's pics were Jackson Pollock.

wildswan said...

The indiscriminate violence of Hamas has shattered the universe of discourse which existed before October 7. It has upended US politics, for a start. Day by day Dems like AOC and Tlaib cannot stop attacking Jews because they can't see that the Shattering has made their antisemitism evident just as the Dem presidents of major universities cannot see that after the Shattering most people (and certainly the Jews) understand that Palestinian slogans stand for a real intention to commit a genocide as brutally as possible. Is the use of such slogans by Dem politicians and student constituencies protected speech? Well, I guarantee that this speech doesn't protect against its consequences any more than Bud Light was protected against the consequences Dylan Mulvaney's sponsorship. The Dems will not survive without continuous enthusiastic involvement by Jewish individuals - and those people are walking quietly away from working with people who share campus attitudes and belligerently justify atrocities.

Rt41Rebel said...

"It’s 7degrees outside right now up here. In the NEK.
(Northeastern VT)"

It's in the low 50s tonight in Naples, not cold enough for a falling iguana alert, but colder than it's been for almost a year. Whenever the temperatures fall below 60 here, many of the folks go full eskimo. Wool hats, gloves, scarves, puffy jackets, earmuffs. My mother's theory is that transplants from the north just want a reason to wear it. Maybe, but I will tell you that when it's 40 degrees colder than the summer norm, some of those things sound appealing to me when walking my dogs after midnight.

gadfly said...

In saying goodbye, Kevin McCarthy tells us:
"I’m an optimist. How could I not be? I’m the son of a firefighter."

I live near a Fire Station but I observe no optimists among the crews that man the station. That is the way it is because fighting fires requires specific training for muscular folk to be capable of operating unique trucks and equipment. Once trained and tested, these firefighters arrive at work, spit-shine the equipment, work out in the training room, and sit on their asses awaiting a fire alarm.

What optimism can transpire when cleaning the house and waiting makes up far more shift hours than fighting fires? I can only hope they keep the bid limits low while playing poker or betting on sporting events online.

wendybar said...

Joanne Mason

Strongly suspect that those saying they'll never watch anything with Kelsey Grammer in it again wouldn't think twice about watching Roman Polanski movies.
8:47 PM · Dec 4, 2023

wendybar said...

PNW Shan ⚔

Replying to @tomselliott and @Penn
Paid $400,000 for political favors and connections.
And people wonder why tuition is so high.
4:39 PM · Dec 5, 2023

Tom Elliott

Univ. of @Penn Pres. Liz Magill defends paying Biden $400,000 for a no-show job: "He invited speakers"

wendybar said...

WWAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH......cry me a river. He has no clue.

RNC Research

SWALWELL: "I wanna speak personally because there's nobody on this committee who has been a bigger victim of the weaponization of the intelligence community than me!" 🤡

(He was removed from the House Intel Committee over his relationship with a Chinese spy)

wendybar said...

Rich said...
Sad to see Ukraine becoming just another football in US domestic politics. Biden is 100% correct about Congressional Republicans playing political games with funding Ukraine defense aid - it is a gift to Putin and he's willing to hold out for a friendly administration.

12/6/23, 8:14 PM

Joe Biden being installed as president is a gift to Putin, Xi and every other dictator in the world.

wendybar said...

When actions don't get the consequences they deserve....this is what happens. Welcome to Progressive Utopia. Criminals run free, children run wild, and there are no consequences because somebody might get their feelings hurt.

“It was getting to the point that it was scary. There were a few days that I was scared to go to school,” Stacey Sawyer, a former 8th-grade teacher from Cape Coral, Florida, told The Post.

The veteran teacher, 55, quit last June, she said, after student misbehavior spiraled out of control following the pandemic: Fights regularly broke out, ending with teachers hit and punched, and one student allegedly hospitalized after being slammed on the ground.

“Even though I ran a really tight classroom, the disrespect just skyrocketed. Probably 75% of my time was dealing with discipline,” Sawyer said. “The stress of it was just too much. I even hated just driving down the road to school. I didn’t want to go anymore”

donald said...

Zelensky’s got his own corruption scheme going on. The Billions are going over and are getting washed. It’s a meet the new boss same as the old boss thing. Just so’s were clear here.

wendybar said...

Greg Price

National Women's Law Center President Fatima Goss Graves, the liberal witness at the Title IX hearing, says that female athletes should "learn to lose gracefully" to biological men.

Screw her and the idiots like her. SHE is the problem. She hates women.

wendybar said...

Pelosi belongs in prison for this. (and Insider trading) SHE is to blame for America becoming a shit hole under Biden.

"Why wouldn’t Pelosi want to be sure that “Democracy was secure” so that Vice President Mike Pence could certify the Electoral College vote? Making sure that the Capitol was safe and sound would mean that Joe Biden’s presidency would be assured. After all, the election of 2020 was “the most secure in American history,” so why wouldn’t you want that obvious fact certified and rubber-stamped by Congress?"

wendybar said...

Ain't THAT convenient?? Anybody surprised they are a couple of Progressive idiots??

The woman who told women athletes they should "lose gracefully" is married to the Chief Prosecutor of the January 6th political prisoners.

They seem to all be in bed together in a giant orgy in DC, don't they??

tim maguire said...

Rich said... Biden is 100% correct about Congressional Republicans playing political games with funding Ukraine defense aid

So what? Ukraine is not a vital American interest. If they’re going to play games, what better to play games over?

Funny how, with the left, standing up for America is playing political games.

Mark said...

wendybar, your copy pasta just reinforces how stupid Desantis has been by focusing on what books are in school libraries as the schools themselves are in actual crisis.

IMO, his eye is totally off the ball here.

tim in vermont said...

" Biden is 100% correct about Congressional Republicans playing political games with funding Ukraine defense aid"

It's interesting to find out that a civil war on the other side of the world, that started when we instigated a coup there, backing the Right Sector, which massacred dozens in Maidan Square, which then the US pinned on the democratically elected government there, and installed our own Anti-Russian government in its place, and began arming one side of that civil war, it's interesting to find out that that civil war on Russia's border,, thousands of miles from America, is more important to Biden, that protecting Ukraine's artificially created border is more important to Joe Biden than protecting our own border.

War on the other side of the world that even Obama said is none of our business, or protecting our own border... What to do, what to do... ?

This is why I wonder if "Rich" is one of those sock puppets from the CTIL. I mean, who else would be as offended that Trump insulted The Atlantic, neocon central? Or was that Mutaman, I can never keep them straight.

What's funny too is that Zelensky won a landslide on a platform of resolving the civil war and making peace with Russia, but then those lovable Right Sector guys must have gotten too him, I guess, because as soon as he got elected, he renounced his platform. I am sure that it's unrelated that Ukraine so often settles political disputes via assassination, like they just did again two days ago. That's the "democracy" that we are supposedly protection.

tim in vermont said...

Dr Weevil, why don't you google the Pandora Papers and Zelensky, and then get back to me about "Russian propaganda."

tim in vermont said...

Even the Rand Corporation just said that one of the things that is problematic about countering Russian "disinformation" is that it is often true, but "inconvenient" for the West.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Speaking of Roman Polanski, Pramila Jayapal as adopted the Whoopi Goldberg definition of rape: It's not really rape unless it was rape-rape. Pramila has since walked her defense of Hama rape back, but it's too late. She'll always be the rape-rape Congresscritter from Seattle.

tim in vermont said...

I would love to hear Rich explain why it is more important for the millions of illegals to continue crossing the border than it is to get money and weapons to extend a war on the other side of the world.

Rusty said...

Rich said...
"Sad to see Ukraine becoming just another football in US domestic politics. Biden is 100% correct about Congressional Republicans playing political games with funding Ukraine defense aid - it is a gift to Putin and he's willing to hold out for a friendly administration."
Wrap your little civil servants brain around this. We-the USA- wasn't in a proxy war with Russia under Trump. All the players knew their place. Little. tiny brained people like you whos feelings got hurt by Trump voted for this. This is on you, Rich. You owe everybody here an apology and a tank of gas.
Now go play in traffic.

gilbar said...

Rich said...
Sad to see Ukraine becoming just another football in US domestic politics. Biden is 100% correct

hmmm? is it becoming another football? or is it becoming another Lacrosse?
“Don’t Laugh, Man!” – Joe Biden Tells Brazen Lie About Wanting to Play Lacrosse and Football at the Same Time (VIDEO)
Football is a fall sport and lacrosse is a spring sport.
Archmere Academy (Biden’s high school) didn’t have a boy’s lacrosse team until 1993, 32 years after he graduated.

Big Mike said...

I’m apparently not alone in thinking that the three female university presidents are in over their heads (see comment at 6:16 yesterday). From the Chronicle of Higher Education by way of Instapundit:

“A day after M. Elizabeth Magill, president of the University of Pennsylvania, testified at a congressional hearing about campus antisemitism, the state’s Democratic governor said she had ‘failed’ to ‘speak and act with moral clarity’ and made an implicit call for her removal.”

Jersey Fled said...

Re: Grinning Israeli war vets …

I don’t know, Crack. It seems to be from an unverified documentary by somebody nobody has ever heard of from 75 years ago. I only got through the first minute or so before I could feel my brain cells dying.

You really need to get better material.

Jersey Fled said...

Rich has better grammar and sentence structure than LLR Chuck.

I personally think Rich is an AI Bot.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Fatback Band - Is This the Future?

donald said...

Gadfly doesn’t know any firemen.

Big Mike said...

Pramila Jayapal as adopted the Whoopi Goldberg definition of rape: It's not really rape unless it was rape-rape. Pramila has since walked her defense of Hama rape back, but it's too late.

Some people seem to think rape isn’t really rape if the woman is Jewish and murder isn’t really murder if the person killed was Jewish.

MadTownGuy said...

From XTwitter:

"BREAKING: Yesterday, at 3:59 PM, Hamas terrorists fired 12 rockets into Israel, specifically into the city of Beer Sheva.

The launch site of those rockets? Right in the heart of where Israel and others have sent humanitarian aid.

Israel helped Gazans temporarily evacuate northern Gaza and set up tents for them in the south, something no army has ever done in the history of war.

Hamas, as Hamas does used that specific area to fire rockets right next to those tents. 12 rockets.

I guess I don’t need to tell you why they did that.

Can you imagine the headlines? “Israel evacuates Gazans and sends humanitarian aid, then proceeds to bomb the area to which they evacuated them.”

That was Hamas’ strategy.

This is Hamas and it’s time the world understood that and stopped reporting their propaganda like a puppet.

This is yet another sick immoral tactic Hamas used to kill innocent civilians, this time, their own.

Drago said...

donald: "Gadfly doesn’t know any firemen."


That's why he wrote that he "observed" them...not spoke with any of them.

He probably just watched them for a little while like a child around a corner somewhere.

Its posts like that which keep gadfly from ever attaining Varsity LLR-democratical status. He will forever remain in the Cut and Paste Pee-Wee league.

Not everyone can make it to the next level...or any level for that matter.

We'll call it the gadfly standard.

Did you know that there was one time this astonishingly ignorant gadfly actually tried to engage on rocket science in an attack on Elon Musk?!


It was like listening to a 3 year old babble while slobbering on his shirt!

It will live forever!

Drago said...

donald: "Gadfly doesn’t know any firemen."


That's why he wrote that he "observed" them...not spoke with any of them.

He probably just watched them for a little while like a child around a corner somewhere.

Its posts like that which keep gadfly from ever attaining Varsity LLR-democratical status. He will forever remain in the Cut and Paste Pee-Wee league.

Not everyone can make it to the next level...or any level for that matter.

We'll call it the gadfly standard.

Did you know that there was one time this astonishingly ignorant gadfly actually tried to engage on rocket science in an attack on Elon Musk?!


It was like listening to a 3 year old babble while slobbering on his shirt!

It will live forever!

The Crack Emcee said...

THE ZIONISTS ARE LIARS: Haaretz found that some narratives propagated by Israeli officials concerning the actions of Hamas contained “significant exaggerations.”

Those who promoted distorted narratives included senior military officials, politicians and civil society activists, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office and wife, along with several ministries and government departments,...

Journalists Nir Hasson and Lisa Rozobsky, the writers of the report, debunked several claims, including a notorious allegation that Israeli soldiers had discovered the bodies of dozens of beheaded children,...Another debunked story involved the alleged kidnapping by Hamas of a pregnant woman, who was said to have given birth while in captivity.,...and,...a fabricated story about a child burned to death inside an oven.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jimmy Carter on Israeli Apartheid

Drago said...

Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Crack is now running with Haaretz reprts as authoritative!


What a loser you are.

Too funny.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Israeli Housing Conflict Dispute

The Crack Emcee said...

German abbot told to cover his cross by Israeli guard during Jerusalem tour

MadTownGuy said...

Ex-Philly labor leader John Dougherty found guilty in embezzlement trial

"Former Philadelphia labor leader John "Johnny Doc" Dougherty and his co-defendant Brian Burrows were found guilty on dozens of charges in their federal embezzlement trial.

The verdict was reached early Thursday afternoon.

Dougherty was accused of embezzling more than $650,000 from Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) between 2010 and 2016. He was found guilty on more than 70 counts of embezzlement and theft.

Drago said...

Now Crack runs with Jimmy Carter!

Carter's pure hatred for Jews and Israel was never hidden nor restrained.

But keep going loser. Keep digging.

Still waiting to hear you explain how the Jewish Temples were built thousands of years ago but the whitey Jews only showed up in 1948.

rhhardin said...

Loury Mcwhorter clip for Thursday leaves you wondering what the consequences will be for them. Nothing that wasn't obvious long ago to whites but now you have influential blacks saying it.

Full podcast will be out Friday.

I'd expect come cancellation or other.

Drago said...

Big Mike: "Thanks to the "help" from Lloyd Austin and other US experts, a war that was essentially won after the recapture of Kherson is now a dead loss. When you've lost a war, it's time to surrender."

I dont actually believe the russki strategic retreat (a russki PR disaster given Putin's comments about the "permanence" of Kherson as part of Mother Russia!) really meant the war was "essentially won" at that point for Ukraine. Particularly given how the russkis were still in okay defensive shape in the other eastern provinces + Crimea.

As you well know given your background (if I am remembering correctly) the reteat and reposition across the river was a smart move as the russki's shifted to a long term, defensive, wear them out strategy with the possibility over time of re-developing a very real correlation of forces advantage over Ukraine, which appears to have occurred.

Right after Kherson the Ukrainians were in no position to take back all that territory as their failed "push" to retake Mariupol via the counter-offensive later demonstrated pretty conclusively.

How many fighting age Ukrainian males have fled Ukraine? That's been a real warning flag too.