November 30, 2023

Sunrise — 7:07, 7:16.

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Talk about whatever you want in the comments, and please support this blog by using the Althouse Portal to Amazon to do your shopping, thus sending me a commission. I can recommend these Carhartt mittens for women, which I just bought for myself.


Narr said...

So I went a-googling for the connection if any between Strangelove and Kissinger. As I recalled, Herman Kahn and Edward Teller are mentioned, and the obvious Nazi--von Braun. Clearly a composite, and Kissinger was virtually unknown when the movie came out, without cultural relevance or resonance.

It's one of those cultural coinkidinks or overlaps, like the common notion that the novel "Catch-22" was a critique of the Vietnam War (American Phase).

Narr said...

Prof. van Creveld (over at As I Please) has some thoughts on Israel's women warriors, their uses and misuses.

It's a curious fact that the clamor for access to combat roles for American servicewomen has dropped off steeply since serious shooting wars started popping up.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Michael and Matt Taibbi been working on this...

Tina Trent said...

Wow. You are selectively cynical.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The Next president of the USA got it done!

traditionalguy said...

The Iranian owned government of Obama using Demented Joe as their hold on power just ordered Israel not to defeat Iran’s murder army called the Palestinians.

This Benedict Arnold move should expose who is for evil, who is for good, and yet worse, who is a fence sitter.

BUMBLE BEE said...

OM Fing G...
Jesse Waters had Sammy the Bull on live.
He called the Bidens out.
Watch for the clip. It's For real!

farmgirl said...

That’s blue.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hostages THANK Hamas For Compassionate Treatment!

rhhardin said...

Serious elite persons analyze the psychological faults of the right

JK Brown said...

Apparently, political humiliation is a thing. It's made the WaPo

including one that is rarely discussed outside of niche kink circles: political humiliation. There are people who get turned on by the idea of having their political views mocked, usually (but not always) by members of the opposing political group. Liberals desire being dominated by conservatives and called pejoratives that imply they are weak and unintelligent, while conservatives want to be mocked for supporting former president Donald Trump, among other perceived transgressions, according to those who participate in this subculture.

Iman said...

Gotta say I think DeSantis is manhandling Newsom to this point in their “debate”. Gavy is unable to hold his mud.

Mike Sylwester said...

The election race is irrelevant.

The Gold Bachelor chose Theresa!

Leslie was devastated! She was 1,000% sure that she was his choice.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Anybody watching a debate between DeSantis and Newsom?

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mutaman said...

"What if Hannity works some magic and Newsom and DeSantis are both launched into becoming their party's candidate in 2024?"

Althouse 11/28/23

This sure didn't age well.

Humperdink said...

Pastor Chuck Smith commentary (1982): "I will plead with them for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and have parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; they have given a boy for a prostitute, they've sold a girl for wine, that they may drink (Joel 3:2-3)."

The terrible treatment that the Jews have received from the people throughout the world, the ill treatment, even up until the Holocaust in Hitler's day. God's people, and yet the world has treated them so terribly and the world will stand in judgment before God.

"Yes, and what have you to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all of the coasts of Palestine? will ye render to me a recompense? if you recompense me, swiftly and speedily I will return your recompense upon your own head (Joel 3:4)"

Now, this scripture is interesting to me because he's talking about Palestine and all rendering an evil against Israel, but God returning and retaliating speedily and swiftly. To me it is interesting the tact that the Jewish people have taken towards terrorists. How that they immediately respond by a counterattack more vicious than the attack that was against them. Almost as if they were fulfilling this verse in Joel.

Smith's commentary on chapter 3 of Joel is a fascinating read. It is contained in the Blue Letter Bible under commentaries. The audio is also available. Smith died in 2013.

planetgeo said...

Dear ChatPLO (AKA Crack), thanks for the link about the hostages. A few more questions for you since you have so many answers.

1. How many hostages were taken?
2. How many are still in captivity?
3. How many are still alive?
4. Got any quotes from Lani Shouk? You know, the young woman who was paraded in the back of the truck, naked, bloody, broken, and unconscious before the cheering crowds.

wendybar said...

"Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, two honest men who worked on the Twitter Files, exposing how the government collaborated with Twitter to affect the 2020 election, testified before the House today. What they said should terrify you. Beginning in January 2017, under then-president Obama’s direction, the government instituted a social media manipulation system intended to game the 2020 election through censorship and controlled information (which, to my mind, amounts to misinformation). It was unconstitutional, but it worked. And now, using the vehicle of the corrupt criminal action against Trump, the government is bypassing manipulating information and is planning to target ordinary Americans."

BUMBLE BEE said...

Future heirlooms. Those mittens will last forever! My Carhartt gear has!

“Bad Genes” said...

US oil production rises to fresh record

US oil production notched a new record in September, with output of 13.24 million barrels a day, as growth continues just a month after the country broke its pre-Covid highs. Production rose by 224,000 barrels a day, or 1.7 per cent, during the month, according to data from the US Energy Information Administration.

"The US is now producing more oil than any country in history just as Opec+ countries curb supply in a bid to tighten supplies and bolster prices. The growth in American crude production comes in spite of a more cautious approach to drilling being imposed by Wall Street on publicly listed companies and fears around dwindling volumes of prime acreage.
So, contrary to the claims, oil companies were definitely drilling. But the nugget of truth is that they weren’t ramping up drilling as fast as they had in the past. They didn’t get back to pre-Covid levels, for a very simple reason. They had been burned multiple times over the past decade by over-drilling and causing prices to crash."

tim in vermont said...

"This sure didn't age well."

It was a "what if," I don't think that you understand this blog even a little bit, and since it seems unlikely that anybody could be that stupid, and since we know that CTIL provides training to sock puppets, and since your comments seem to align seamlessly with the actual disinformation that the CTIL has been pushing, one does wonder.

Anyway, this is from the testimony to Congress yesterday, based on documents leaked by a whistleblower:

“US and UK military contractors” deployed “sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics… against the American people.”

It's almost like all of the evidence pointing to J6 being a false flag has been backed up by documentary evidence of the use of such tactics. With the Canadian trucker protest, Trudeau accused the workers who had united to protest working conditions as "nazis" because of a man waving a flag with a swastika, and when demands were made to identify that man, the Canadian government said that they could not identify this man for "reasons of national security." Of course Canadian media is heavily subsidized by the government, so such stories will get no play there, but it's pretty clear that our government is being run by people who have taken a page out of the German Nazi playbook, and that comparisons of J6 to the Reichstag Fire, which the Nazis used to consolidate power and to shut down free speech and freedom of assembly and to strip away the rights of the accused, were probably correct.

tim in vermont said...

"There are people who get turned on by the idea of having their political views mocked, usually (but not always) by members of the opposing political group. Liberals desire being dominated by conservatives and called pejoratives that imply they are weak and unintelligent, while conservatives want to be mocked for supporting former president Donald Trump, among other perceived transgressions, according to those who participate in this subculture."

First off, Althouse blogged this, but second, my guess is that both groups are liberals who hate Trump, it's just that one is into cosplay.

The Crack Emcee said...

planetgeo said...

"Dear ChatPLO (AKA Crack), thanks for the link about the hostages."

You're welcome.

"A few more questions for you since you have so many answers."

I have clearly stated, before, that looking at a topic does NOT imply I have answers. Right wing hypocrites, who've adopted the same cancel culture they claimed to hate before Oct 7, have repeatedly said I have answers, or I must have answers. You're all insane control freaks, who've clearly never really believed in free speech or the educational or democratic process, and have no clue how to leave others alone. That's why your kind had to leave Yurp to come here: you just can't leave mothafuckas alone. You must always force yourself on others, under such false pretenses.

"1. How many hostages were taken?"

I'm not sure, but - for every one released from Gaza - Israel is rounding up more in the West Bank.

"2. How many are still in captivity?"

I'm not sure, but, then, I never said I did.

"3. How many are still alive?"

I'm not sure. See what an expert I am? How you got the idea I "have so many answers" should be discussed with your psychiatrist. But don't feel bad - or alone: I'm still waiting on Drago to prove I ever said I have a 'lots of experience with "hidden Command and Control Centers"' and hpudding to prove I've ever said I'm "a justice warrior for the oppressed." Like you, they just make things up when addressing blacks they don't like - it's like a contemptible nervous twitch or something that, I'm sure, has caused some black person grief, offline, at some time before.

"4. Got any quotes from Lani Shouk? You know, the young woman who was paraded in the back of the truck, naked, bloody, broken, and unconscious before the cheering crowds."

No, but I got advice: don't party next to concentration camps or use poverty as an aphrodisiac. It's not a good look.

tim in vermont said...

"So we have the names of the waitresses in breakfast diners who donated $15 to the Canadian Truckers protest, for example, but none of the names of Maxwell and Epstein's clients."

But remember, Pizzagate is a bizarre conspiracy theory, and in this universe, it's impossible that pedophiles hold positions of power in the United States of America! Even though there is video on Hunter Biden's laptop of him raping a 12 year old girl almost certainly provided to him by the Chinese Communists, when he flew there as "chaperone" to his young niece on Air Force 2 with his dad, whom he called "Pedo Pete."

I don't know anything about the specifics of "Pizzagate," but it's not even debatable that pedophile hold enough power in the US to suppress that client list, suppress the reality of the child rape that was on that laptop, and have Epstein murdered in prison, and then we are all supposed to simply pretend it was just an unfortunate coincidence that all of the cameras failed at the same time that the guards fell asleep.

The Crack Emcee said...

This Is What Israel Has Planned For Palestine

It's amazing how the Zionists get away with comparing Hamas to the Nazis, when the Nazis were all powerful and killed 10,000 Jews a day, but the Gazans are weak and only strike back occasionally, their biggest hit being 1,200 people on Oct 7. The Zionists killed more than 2,100 Palestinians, mostly civilians, just in 2014.

The western powers are completely out of whack here.

Leland said...

Hostages THANK Hamas For Compassionate Treatment!

Source Reuter (
"Israeli women and children on their return from Hamas captivity in Gaza speak of being beaten and threatened with death, moved from place to place and forced to whisper during weeks spent with little to do, their families say."

Kfir, 10mo, was unavailable for comment as Hamas killed him in captivity.
Also now unavailable:
Livia Dikman, 24
Elimelech Wasserman, 73
Hannah Ifergan, 60+

Hamas won't abide by the ceasefire, which means there is no truce with them.

tim in vermont said...

Looks like the J6 committee destroyed evidence that Trump has requested, and the judge says that Trump can simply rely on the transcripts provided by the people who destroyed the evidence.

reason 12.7X10^17 (approximately) whey they want to shut down X.

tim in vermont said...

Hey Rich, are you really that ignorant of the analysis of statistical evidence that you can't see that the trend leading up to Biden's seizure of power would have put us far ahead of where we are now, and that with Biden's seizure of power, US oil production suddenly flattened out, even after the effects of the pandemic were over?

Finally, three years later, Biden has surpassed where Trump was in 2019, by a tiny amount, and this little niggle above the line, but far below any trend line one could have drawn during the Trump years, is rolled out as some kind of massive own of Trump. The only reason Biden has allowed US production to increase, remember when he gave that little warning to banks not to take advantage of market conditions favoring US production of oil?, but the only reason he has taken off the full on clamp down, is because of his ill-advised war with a country that provides 10% or so of the worlds oil.

But how stupid do you think we are? Don't bother to answer that, the answer is already pretty plain.

planetgeo said...

Dear ChatPLO, the poor quality of your responses to my questions and general evasiveness and deflection indicate that you must be the ChatPLO 3.5 version and not the more advanced ChatPLO 4 Turbo. I will therefore refrain from taxing your limited abilities by asking more complex questions such as why peaceful people would even take innocent children and women as hostages in the first place, much less rape and kill them.

The Crack Emcee said...

Leland said...

I hear you, but I repeat: on top of the current 15,000, Zionists killed 2,100 in 2014, so Hamas will always have some catching up to do.

"Hamas won't abide by the ceasefire, which means there is no truce with them."

So Zionists will keep trying to solve a political problem with their military - by doing exactly what Hamas wants. Zionists are, currently, the dumbest, and most Nazi-like group I've ever seen in my lifetime. They look brave, and on the defense, in the same way Nazi leadership looked like aryan supermen.

Narr said...

Tina, who is being selectively cynical, and about what? (Comment at 631PM)

“Bad Genes” said...

@ Tim in VT
The U.S. is pumping oil faster than ever. Republicans [and Tim in VT] don’t care.

The US is now producing more oil than any country in history just as Opec+ countries curb supply in a bid to tighten supplies and bolster prices.

The growth in American crude production comes in spite of a more cautious approach to drilling being imposed by Wall Street on publicly listed companies and fears around dwindling volumes of prime acreage.

The Crack Emcee said...

planetgeo said...

"Why peaceful people would even take innocent children and women as hostages in the first place"

1. To trade with the Zionists, who hold many more Palestinian kids. 2. To get us all talking (mission accomplished: the '72 Olympics worked the same magic) 3. To wreck Netanyahu's plans and career 4. To show the Palestinians SOMEONE in the world sees the evil done to them by the Zionists, and the world, but is still by their side. 5. Nobody's "innocent" on stolen land. 6. Even peaceful people have limits.

n.n said...

Hostages THANK Hamas For Compassionate Treatment!

Murder, rape, torture, and abduction are tools of the terrorists' trade celebrated by forward-looking people... persons.

Original Mike said...

Like yelling at a foreigner who doesn't speak English, Rich thinks if he just publishes the same thing twice he will have made a point.

The Crack Emcee said...

Karine Jean-Pierre and top Biden spokesman inappropriately used their roles to influence elections with attacks on 'MAGA' Republicans, government watchdog rules

Robert Cook said...

"But remember, Pizzagate is a bizarre conspiracy theory, and in this universe, it's impossible that pedophiles hold positions of power in the United States of America! Even though there is video on Hunter Biden's laptop of him raping a 12 year old girl almost certainly provided to him by the Chinese Communists, when he flew there as 'chaperone' to his young niece on Air Force 2 with his dad, whom he called 'Pedo Pete.'"

Have you seen the video of Hunder Biden raping a 12 year old girl? If you haven't, who has seen it whose testimony describing its content is unimpeachable? Can you--or someone else--offer unimpeachable testimony that Hunter called his dad "Pedo Pete," or, basically, about anything else related to the "Pizzagate Republican Wet Dream?"

The Crack Emcee said...

n.n said...

"Murder, rape, torture, and abduction are tools of the terrorists' trade celebrated by forward-looking people... persons."


PALESTINE: Jewish terrorist group attacks Officers' Club (1947)

Joe Rogan on NAKBA (1948)

From Reuters: "Before 2023, some of the worst fighting was in 2014, when Hamas and other groups launched rockets at heartland cities in Israel. Israel carried out air strikes and artillery bombardment that devastated neighbourhoods in Gaza. More than 2,100 Palestinians were killed, mostly civilians."

I have since learned that bombardment of Hamas rockets in 2014 destroyed one (1) house.

The Crack Emcee said...

Israeli TV Show APOLOGIZES For Smearing Elderly Hamas Hostage!

Other former captives are confirming her story of good, and even humanitarian treatment, by Hamas.

The Crack Emcee said...

James O'Brien pushes caller to explain Netanyahu's words

Old and slow said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
"Even peaceful people have limits."

How does this relate to the Palestinians?

The Crack Emcee said...

Inside the wellness retreat where Nova festival survivors are coming together to recover from the trauma of the bloodbath: 'I want to clear my mind of the screams'

Back into the warm embrace of the same cult practices that allowed the Nazis to kill others by the thousands. Most Indians, including most Hindus, do not practice yoga, but cult members almost always do. They're the ones who cause shit they need to recover from.

Candide said...

Most Slave owners were decent people and treated their slaves well. Most Slaves liked their masters and remained faithful servants for life.

Should we conclude that Slave Trade was a benign commercial institution?

Here a few basics maxims,

Slave Trade should never have been practiced

Israeli hostages should never have been taken by Hamas

Hamas should be completely destroyed

The Crack Emcee said...

'In 1937, four years after the Nazis attained power, the country's first yoga centre opened up in Berlin and operated until it was destroyed by Allied bombs in 1943.

The teacher who ran it had disciples in 50 German towns and cities. Himmler, obsessed as he was with hocus-pocus race theories and mysticism relating to his S.S. 'supermen,' carried around a German copy of the Bhagavad Gita with him wherever he went.

He regarded the ancient Sanskrit epic as being a blueprint for cruelty and terror, using it, said Tietke, to ultimately justify the Holocaust.

He wrote; "He identified himself and the SS with the old Indian Kshatriya caste and its publicised attitude of unscrupulous killing for one's 'higher purpose.'"

Tietke says Himmler's attitude to 'karma' was never better displayed than at the secret speech he made to senior S.S. men at Poznan in 1943 when he spoke of the noble, virtuous work his butchers were performing in eliminating the Jews of Europe and Russia.

Himmler was also interested in other early Indian religious writings of India, including the Rigveda which contains the mythology of the Hindu gods. “These celebrated the racism of the Aryan immigrating from central Asia to India, killing and a driving out designated 'inferior' opponents," said Tietke.'

BTW - From a western world drenched in talk of 'karma' and surrounded by yogis: Inside warped yoga cult busted in France where arrested ‘guru’ aimed to ‘have sex with 1,000 virgins’

Mutaman said...

im in vermont said...

"since your comments seem to align seamlessly with the actual disinformation that the CTIL has been pushing, one does wonder. "

Your comments seem to align seamlessly with someone who has their head up Putin's ass.

Candide said...

It is absolutely outrageous how some people go on and on about traumatic legacy of Slavery and then declare that Hostage taking is fine.

Hostages are enslaved upon capture and are kept as slaves. Hunting for human hostages in Negev desert is no different than hunting for slaves in Africa.

Crack, are you still in the audience? Go fuck yourself!

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

Hamas Considerately Branded Children, Beat Jews With Electric Cables, and Kept Israeli Women in Cages

FullMoon said...

Hamas Considerately Branded Children, Beat Jews With Electric Cables, and Kept Israeli Women in Cages