November 19, 2023

"She had been delivered by Mr. Carter’s mother, a nurse. And a few days later... his mother took little Jimmy to Rosalynn’s house, where he 'peeked into the cradle to see the newest baby on the street'...."

"He was not quite 3. Eighteen years would pass before the two would truly connect. But once they did, they became life and work partners, melding so completely that as president Mr. Carter would call her 'an almost equal extension of myself.'"


rehajm said...

…not the worst Presidential couple. She and Jimmy used to come to the hunting camp on my property back in the day.

Jimmy seems the type to go shortly thereafter out of a broken heart…

The Godfather said...

Remind me: When Hillary Clinton ran for President was Bill identified as the prospective Co-President?

It might have helped.

rhhardin said...

Music from another Room (1998) 5yo boy helps deliver baby girl owing to small hands, later marries her

FullMoon said...
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Yancey Ward said...

She was to all appearances a fine wife, mother, and woman.

Mason G said...

"A full 16 years before Bill and Hillary Clinton offered themselves to the nation as a package deal, she and Jimmy Carter worked as near co-presidents"

Were Rosalynn or Hillary on the ballot? No, they weren't. I don't want a package deal when I'm scheduled for heart surgery or having my car's engine rebuilt. How about let's nip this "co-president" thing in the bud, okay? If the president's wife (or husband, if you insist) needs a hobby, let them find something to do other than stick their nose in policy making.

Big Mike said...

She’s the only member of that whole administration who seemed to know what she was all about. The rest seemed wildly over their heads.

RIP Rosalynn Carter

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Personification of elegance and reticence in an age of uninhibited self-promotion. God bless both of them. Integrity from a bygone era. I thought Jimmy’s statement was very moving. ‘As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.’

n.n said...

One love, for life.

rcocean said...

She lived a good long life. 96 is fine old age. May we all be as lucky. I read a book about Carter, and it seems she wasn't too thrilled when Carter quit the Navy and went back to Plains to take over the family business, and even less happy that Carter made the decision without consulting her. Seems she wanted to get out GA as soon as she could.

But politics made her happy and she was very active well into her 90s. I can imagine what she said about Trump. But she seemed quite normal and likable compared Betty Ford, Nancy, HRC and Dr. Jill. A low bar I agree.

Fritz said...

"almost equal"

hawkeyedjb said...

She seemed like a nice lady. I voted for her husband's opponent, but it's all a long, long time ago. RIP.

wild chicken said...

I always admired her but didn't know it was a package deal! That gives me pause as it was not clear at the time.

But what difference, at this time, does it make.

farmgirl said...

… almost equal.
Ain’t that the way?
May the Angels be your guide… graceful lady.

M Jordan said...

Rest in peace, Rosalyn Carter.

Clark said...

My dad first met my mom on the day she was born. He was 5. My two grandmothers were close friends.

Jamie said...


As to the co-president thing - I don't even like that when it's about a VP, where it makes a lot more sense. Or at least I don't like it about this VP.

I know having her on the ballot was supposed to reassure voters that someone without dementia would be in on all the big decisions, and ready to step in as soon as the president became unhidably (is that a word?) unable to do his job, with the bonus of her sex and skin color. But unfortunately she's a clown.

Narr said...

Waiting for Tina Trent to weigh in.

In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Did you know Joe Biden has received more money from Israel than any other politician?

All legit, of course.

Via Reddit

Dr Weevil said...

When people talk about the important role of the First Lady, I like to tell them it should be exactly the same as Dennis Thatcher's role when his wife was Prime Minister: absolutely none. Well, maybe emotional support and occasional advice on what color and style of clothing to wear, but no public role whatsoever. What did a retired chemical company executive know about governing the U.K. that his wife didn't already know much better?

Readering said...

Jimmy '76 and '80 my first presidential votes. Don't remember his wife being touted as part of a package. But did find her admirable at the time and over the years.

walter said...

Apparently Jimmy (and Kissinger) got the prolonging RBG treatment(s).

walter said...

Re co-presidency, see how that is viewed with a female prez.

walter said...

Lem the artificially intelligent said...
Did you know Joe Biden has received more money from Israel than any other politician?
Compared to his grift from other countries?..

Wilbur said...

From the Carter Center website, under Rosalynn Carter's Leadership in Mental Health:
"Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter has been a driving force in the field of mental health throughout her public service career."

It goes on and on. Another Leftist success story.

Tarrou said...

It's a shitty thing to do to try to blame Mrs. Carter partially for her husband's presidency so soon after her death. For shame.

donald said...

Seeing as how just died, I won’t tell my Rosalyn Carter stories.

Rusty said...

God bless her.
At least she got her moneys worth out of the Secret Service.

robother said...

Wow, this obit writer went to considerable length to plant the suggestion that Jimmy Carter was a cradle robber.

Kirk Parker said...

Donald @ 6:21am,

Please do come back, go, after whatever decent interval you think is appropriate, and tell the stories. I can't be the only one who suspects that the rosy glow surrounding the Carters is as much a press creation as was that around The Lightbringer, Joe from Scranton, etc
(Not to mention the anti-laudatory tales spun about anyone with that fatal (R) against their name.)

Rusty said...

There was that unfortunate interval when her husband was president.

Wilbur said...

I was a very interested voter in 1976 and 1980. I have no recollection of Rosalyn ever being mentioned as a two-fer package deal with Jim Earl, ala Hillary.

Excuse me, that's Hillary!.

Tina Trent said...

Now she can hang out with Jim Jones again.

Rusty said...

Didn't she have her picture taken with John Wayne Gacey?