June 14, 2022

"Tampons, a necessity for many, are becoming harder and harder to find. People who menstruate are saying it's hard to find tampons on store shelves across the U.S. right now...."

Tweeted NPR, quoted in "NPR mocked for tweet warning tampon shortage a problem for 'people who menstruate' Twitter users blasted NPR for avoiding use of the word 'women' in the tweet" (Fox News).

NPR followed up with a tweet that leaned into the problematic concept "women":


David Begley said...

The shortage was caused by men buying tampons. Demand doubled!

rhhardin said...

The feminine care aisle has to be renamed too.

Temujin said...

Aren't we embarrassed by ourselves yet?

D.D. Driver said...

Can't we just call them "menstruators"? We don't call them "people who fight fires." We say "firefighter."

Rusty said...

Call em whatever you want. Not my problem.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Using the terms interchangeably is the worst of both worlds. It’s like a gesture towards being woke with a head-fake, to use a NBA term. I’m left marveling at NPR’s confusion instead of wondering why tampons are in short supply. Is it Putin? Did he cause this disruption too?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Maybe you haven’t heard but we have a severe shortage of Newcastle Brown Ale. First it was in short supply and now it is impossible to find in SoCal. Which is weird because it’s brewed in Petaluma (northern) California now instead of imported from England. Even Bass ale is out of stock now. Damn it!

Kevin said...

NPR, putting the “men” in menstruate.

Ann Althouse said...

"Menstruate" is too hard to say. Half the time people say "menstrate." It makes you sound dumb. We should say "period people."

gspencer said...

"People who menstruate"

Good one.

damikesc said...

Why feminists seem fine that women are being written out of America is baffling to me.

Bob Boyd said...

NPR: "There you go, Cons. Do you like that one better? We can do this all day."

Cardiac Jack said...

“Period people”? Too confusing; might refer to punctuation sticklers.

Bob Boyd said...

We should say "period people."

Makes it sound like a costume drama...

I'm not gonna say it.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Merriam-Webster-Webster has it pronounced both ways:

ˈmen(t)-strü-ˌwāt , ˈmen-ˌstrāt

But what’s the new euphemism for men, people who ejaculate?

pacwest said...

"People who menstruate"

When first we practice to deceive...

Amadeus 48 said...

Haw-haw! Those people at NPR are rubes.

But that is true of a lot of our "elites". "Elite" is becoming a disparaging term for "people who will believe anything," and "NPR listener" is becoming another term for "sucker".

Kate said...

Tampons are not a necessity.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amadeus 48 said...

"But what’s the new euphemism for men, people who ejaculate?"

How about "sperm donors"? Oh, wait...our elites say women can have sperm.


Bob Boyd said...

For NPR, covering the supply chain issue, is about advancing the social justice narrative. They don't want people to come together over shared difficulties. They want to divide us over it. They aren't good people. They really aren't. But their ability to twist absolutely anything into another reason to think well of themselves is fucking bulletproof. I think that's the primary thing they impart to their students at elite colleges these days.

Has anyone tried to buy windows lately? There's a 12 to 16 week wait. People who look outside are bearing the brunt of the cost once again, naturally.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrats who host all the democrat party "news" shows on all the alphabet channels - assure us it's Mitt Romney's fault... oh and Putin.

wendybar said...

Maybe they should take them out of the mens rooms in colleges across the country then. https://thelibertarianrepublic.com/colleges-putting-tampons-mens-bathrooms-men-can-vaginas

Oh Yea said...

The best part of the NPR story is that it will become a self fulfilling prophesy. What is now hard to find will be impossible to find when consumers and profiteers hoard the existing supplies. We can look to White House news conferences announcing that Biden is laser focused on solving the problem using the Defense Production Act and dedicated C-17 fights airlifting tampons. Soon they will need to prioritize C-17s between airlifting tampons, baby formula and Ukrainian military supplies.

farmgirl said...

Hahah, Left Bank:0)
It’ll be a war, all right.
The Menstruators vs the Ejaculators!

tim maguire said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...what’s the new euphemism for men, people who ejaculate?

Woke is about erasing women, not men. Not sure why. It's an odd direction to go in given how long they've been demonizing men for.

J Melcher said...

Dear @Ann,

With respect, I suggest you add the tag "dysphemism" to posts of this sort. You began considering the concept (at least, within the blog) I think here:


"Death Panel" as Sarah Palin highlighted decision makers under Obamacare. A much more recent example is the "Don't Say Gay" label opponents effectively stuck on Florida's attempts to insulate young students in state schools from what the legislature considered intrusive and premature sexuality instruction. We see the technique of taking a complex issue, hammering it into a small lump, and attaching a label to the worst feature (real or imputed). So in this case the intended inclusvie kindness complexity of "women and incompletely transitioned male-towards-female pseudo-women" is mocked by the dysphemism "MENstruators".

J Melcher said...

Oops. Quite obviously I've mistakenly indicated the direction of transition.

"MENstruators" is the shorthand for those more fully, kindly and inclusively called "women and incompletely transitioned female -towards- male pseudo-men"

I apologize to @Ann and to other commentors. I will attempt to be more careful.

It would be so much easier to just refer to persons in transition, who have voluntarily taken on the burdens of both sexes, and carry around some partial set of the anatomy of both, as herms .

Which is another kind of dysphemism, I suppose.

Quaestor said...

Althouse has applied the wrong tag.

People who menstruate is no more a euphemism for women than Bolshevik subhuman is for Jew.

Ann Althouse said...

"Merriam-Webster-Webster has it pronounced both ways: ˈmen(t)-strü-ˌwāt , ˈmen-ˌstrāt But what’s the new euphemism for men, people who ejaculate?"

Does Merriam-Webster — or Merriam-Webster-Webster if that really really is its name — have both e-jac-u-lāt and e-jac-a-lāt?

Ann Althouse said...

Does Merriam-Webster-Webster accept "li-berry" and "feb-u-ary"?

Lurker21 said...

At this point, the "u" is silent. Or you can pretend to be "mispronouncing" it knowingly and ironically. Like "liberry."

It's clear that the trans/nonbinary issue is behind this, but also there's an ongoing effort to "normalize" menstruation/menstration and make it something "bleeding people" aren't ashamed to talk about. Cable TV is coming up with a special about this later this year or next. I'm not sure which channel.

Ann Althouse said...

"At this point, the "u" is silent."

Also silent is the judgment that people who speak like that are dumb.

Earnest Prole said...

As NPR demonstrates, the problem with eliminating the term women from our discourse is that it makes it far more difficult to say “women, minorities hardest hit” about any trend story.

Unknown said...

Schrodinger's tampon

Sometimes its in a woman

Sometimes its in people who menstruate

Unknown said...

nuke-u-lar - Baby Bush

Quaestor said...

Amadeus 48 writes, "Haw-haw! Those people at NPR are rubes."

For a typically laconic spade caller, you are being uncharacteristically generous. A rube is a country bumpkin, a thoughtless dupe. Rube is the wrong word, collaborator is more on target.

lostingotham said...

That's odd. There are plenty in the new dispenser in the men's room...

BUMBLE BEE said...

Alice Cooper has said it... Only WOMEN Bleed

Amy said...

How can something that was completely understood and normal for millennia (that we have 2 sexes in our species just like every other mammal) have now become so incredibly complicated and worthy of endless discussion?
It is almost unbelievable. There is so much wrong with this movement that it is beyond description - and almost all of it damages women.

I THOUGHT progressives were all about 'following the science' in other matters, but in this one, they seem determined to IGNORE the actual science, which is really quite clear and easy to understand.

Amadeus 48 said...

Quaestor--I'll go with thoughtless dupe, which is what I meant. Country bumpkin doesn't fit, as you say.

But when the carnival wheels into town, NPR is always lined up at the Freaks and Curiosities Show. They are enthralled by the bearded ladies.

unknown said...

Fathers don't feed babies or don't struggle with finding formula?

Drago said...

Earnest Prole: "As NPR demonstrates, the problem with eliminating the term women from our discourse is that it makes it far more difficult to say “women, minorities hardest hit” about any trend story"

Good catch. I'll be stealing that one.

Owen said...

Prof A @ 8:14: You say to-MAY-to, I say to-MAH-to. Etc.

"Dysphemism" is a handy word but it does sound like a blood disorder or something.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"as mothers struggle to feed their babies during the baby formula shortage"

Now that's a really special line.

If it was breast feeding, then "mothers would be struggling".

But to say that only mother care about feeding their kids at all?

That's a really special claim.

We need to completely end funding for NPR, and for every other institution controlled by the Left.

If a useful institution is controlled by the left, then destroy it, and create a new one where no one who worked at the previous one can get a job.

But it's time to knock down everything they control that's on the taxpayer's dime, and sow the ground with salt

MayBee said...

It should be mxnstruate.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Kevin said...
NPR, putting the “men” in menstruate.

Thank you Kevin, I needed that laugh

Sebastian said...

"We should say "period people.""

Better: People of Periods, AKA PoPs.

Joe Smith said...

Do average lefties think this kind of language is normal?

Chest-feeding, pregnant people?

It goes against the grain of the entirety of human history.

If you want people on your side, you can only go so far left.

After that you lose even the crazies...

Greg The Class Traitor said...

tim maguire said...
Left Bank of the Charles said...what’s the new euphemism for men, people who ejaculate?
Woke is about erasing women, not men. Not sure why.

"Woke" is about competition among people who believe in a victim hierarchy

"Women" are above "men" in the victim hierarchy

So if you're a left wing male who wants to win in the woke wars, your primary goal is to come up with ways that you can leapfrog women.

The trans craze is perfect for that.

Now, why it is that women are so desperately eager to help lower their status? That I can't figure out.

I think that part of it is that feminism has been run by women who absolutely hated being women. Which is why they so consistently denigrated "women's work", and any women who were happy doing traditionally female things.

But that's not nearly enough explanation

Leland said...

Why do we accept the patriarchal use of the term MENstrauting? Shouldn't it be "People who period". MayBee has a good option too.

Joe Smith said...

'"Menstruate" is too hard to say. Half the time people say "menstrate."'

Like Feb-u-ary or Libary or (God forbid) Nuke-u-lar?

I am always careful to pronounce the R in the name for our second month....

Oh Yea said...

"Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"At this point, the "u" is silent."

Also silent is the judgment that people who speak like that are dumb."

As one who has never had reason to write the word menstruate before, I had to double check how it is spelled because I have never heard the second "u" pronounced in my 60+ years. I think it reflects more on how the person who judges people on what is a common (or in my circles, the normal) pronunciation. Some closed-minded people might judge the person who pronounces the "u" as pretentious.

s'opihjerdt said...

Temujin said...
Aren't we embarrassed by ourselves yet?

The people who should be embarrassed are called "them".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Biden administration has been particularly hard on women and children.

richlb said...

Actually NPR botches it twice. The follow-up focuses on "women" and "mothers" despite the fact that FATHERS are also raising children and feeding them, especially when formula is involved.

traditionalguy said...

Semicolon people.

tommyesq said...

As per CBS News, "Grocery shoppers have likely noticed an empty shelf of late where household staples like baby formula or sunflower oil are normally on display. Many online buyers are also coming up empty on everything from packaged goods to clothes and tools.

About 31% of grocery products consumers browsed were out of stock in the first week of April, according to Datasembly, a research firm that tracks grocery and retail pricing. That's up from 11% at the end of November 2021. Out-of-stock notices were even more common in Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas and Washington, where they surpassed 40%."

Why does NPR focus on tampons? Was it solely so they could use the "people who menstruate" phrase?

tommyesq said...

If you are an outdoorsman, shotgun shells have been in short to nonexistent supply for more than a year, and this week Cabellas was almost completely out of leaders for fly fishing. Where is NPR on this?

Nancy said...

I had a friend whose commune had a heated argument over whether tampons should be paid for by the group or only by the women. He defused the situation by developing a new use for them which became quite popular: Christmas tree angel decorations. You pull the cotton most of the way out of the tube and fluff it out to be a skirt etc.

Michael K said...

Prince Charles wished he was a tampon in Camilla. Long life to Queen Elizabeth.

Bob Boyd said...

Fellas, I recommend distanciation when it comes to menstruation.

If you find yourself in a situation where you can see you're going to have to enunciate the M-word, excuse yourself and get the hell out of there. If you're cornered, change the subject.

Think of it like Fight Club. For guys, the first rule of menstruation is, you don't talk about menstruation.

Rollo said...

I guess we need to pronounce the "u" because "menstration" is Bidenese for "my administration."

Yancey Ward said...

It's Putin's fault- before the invasion, Ukraine was the world's largest producer of tampons.

PM said...

People with testicles! They're disappearing our women!

Yancey Ward said...

Also, there are apparently no fathers anywhere in the US feeding their babies.

Paul said...

It's a CONSPIRACY... Men are buying up all the Tampons cause they have a feminine side (or so they say)! Just another example of male dominance!!!

Iman said...

“The bloody scene is bloody sad
The bloody news is bloody bad
The bloody weed is bloody turf
The bloody speed is bloody surf
The bloody folks are bloody daft
Don't make me bloody laugh
It bloody hurts to look around
Everywhere in chicken town
The bloody train is bloody late
You bloody wait you bloody wait
You're bloody lost and bloody found
Stuck in fucking chicken town.”

cassandra lite said...

Funny how there was never a shortage of tampons when only women could menstruate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Supply chain

Unknown said...

I'm far more concerned at the misattribution of the shortage to 'supply chain', it is inflation that is causing these issues and has been for the last year!

Static Ping said...

Welcome to the religious fervor of the "secular" left. We are watching a new religion form in real-time.

Quaestor said...

Does Merriam-Webster-Webster accept "li-berry"...?


Jason said...

This calls for immediate stopgap measures.

Jason said...

If the Administration doesn't address this quickly, I'm predicting a red wave this election.

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

what’s the new euphemism for men, people who ejaculate?

The appropriate term on this blog is "Splooge Stooge."

Robert Cook said...

Well...there are women who do not menstruate. In fact, all women who live long enough will become women who do not menstruate.

The solution: "Women who menstruate...."

This phrase does not specify between women born physically as women who no longer menstruate and women who became physically women later in life who never have menstruated and never will.

AZ Bob said...

If you are looking for tampons, check your local high school. I bet you can find some in the boys restroom.

Chris-2-4 said...

Ann, you missed your favorite one!

Existing stigmas and taboos around menstruation make it difficult to garner national attention and action needed to solve the scarcity problem, Marlowe said.

Rusty said...

cassandra lite said...
"Funny how there was never a shortage of tampons when only women could menstruate."
Which begs the question. What the hell are the men who are pretending to be women use them for?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

AS part of this whole war, I think that you would find this article interesting, Prof Althouse:

mikee said...

Tampons are also very useful for polishing shoes to a high gloss, cleaning firearms with good old Hoppes #9, and stanching the flow of blood from a wound. But I am just about certain without a lick of effort to seek details, that these uses of tampons have negligible effect on the availability of the product for their more common use.

ccscientist said...

No matter what sex change you attempt, XY can never menstruate or get pregnant. But let's continue with the make believe...

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

C'mon, man. Let's not go nucular about how to pernounce menstrate, liberry, Febuary, etc.

stlcdr said...

Why don't we go back to 'that-time-of-the-month'?

Howard said...

If young woman would simply feed their brats breast milk like they did in the good old days, they wouldn't be menstruating so much. Elimination of the need for inferior formula and toxic shock Tampax. That's the actual supply chain shortcomings.

Wa St Blogger said...

It used to be that we all understood our shortcut terms and did not make it a personal affront when we were not part of the group being referred to.

Why is it we have to specify that tampons are for people of the period. (Periodicals?)

All my life regarding feminine hygiene, we would just say women, everyone would know that we were not talking about pre pubescents, pregnant, post menopausals nor Klinger. IT was not necessary to qualify the statement and no one got up in arms about it. No one was confused.

But now with our national narcissism we all have to be special and make sure that we are included or excluded as the case may be. How tedious. Get over yourself, also quit being overconcerned about pushing advocacy by proxy.

Wa St Blogger said...

Library: where you find books
Lie Barry: One who tells you that you can keep your doctor.

MartyH said...

Soon the only real women will have once been men. To imply a transgender is not a complete woman will be called hate speech.

CJinPA said...

Baby formula shortage is not a women problem. One of the main reasons for using formula is that fathers can feed babies.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

If young woman would simply feed their brats breast milk like they did in the good old days, they wouldn't be menstruating so much. Elimination of the need for inferior formula and toxic shock Tampax. That's the actual supply chain shortcomings.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with the Regime you support.

Howard thinks those women with kids need to take responsibility for their circumstances.

But Howard will never take responsibility for his actions or the Regime he supports.


It is part of being a total piece of shit.

Anthony said...

Let he/she who hath pronounced "err" correctly cast the first stone.

n.n said...

Welcome to the religious fervor of the "secular" left. We are watching a new religion form in real-time.

An ancient religion (i.e. behavioral protocol).

A Twilight faith. An "ethical" (i.e. relativistic) religion. A progressive (i.e. monotonically) liberal (i.e. divergent) ideology. In Mortal Gods and Goddesses They Trust... and Stork to deliver at the time of coincidence.

n.n said...

Speciest. Do canines need tampons?

Do Dogs Have Periods?

Female dogs typically reach sexual maturity around six months old and that’s when have their first “heat” or estrus cycle.
When your dog is in heat, there are both physical and behavioral signs. For example, she’ll typically urinate more than usual, and there will be a blood-tinged discharge and swollen vulva.

Howard said...

Someone needs to send Achilles a binky and some tampons.

Drago said...

Howard: "If young woman would simply feed their brats breast milk like they did in the good old days, they wouldn't be menstruating so much. Elimination of the need for inferior formula and toxic shock Tampax. That's the actual supply chain shortcomings."

Please let this be the next democratical spin on the reality the dem foot soldiers spent months denying even existed at all.

Jupiter said...

It actually makes a good deal of sense. There are lots of women who don't menstruate, and it seems unlikely that many of them are inconvenienced by the shortage of tampons. "People who menstruate" are, precisely, the people who find a tampon shortage inconvenient.

Here in Oregon, you can always find a tampon in the boys' restroom at a public school. The law requires it. Which is kind of weird, really. We have all heard about the guys who like to dress up like women and go in the girls' restroom so they can rape girls. No surprise there. Of course Democrats are in favor of that! Of course! But who ever heard of a girl who likes to dress like a boy so she can go in the boys' restroom and try to pee standing up? I don't think there's a lot of that around.

Jupiter said...

"It is part of being a total piece of shit."

In Howard's defense, I don't think he has achieved totality. He's around 70-80%. But like the squirrel, he occasionally finds a nut.

Rollo said...

I've long thought that home pregnancy tests could be marketed to men who want to share the pregnancy experience with their partner, or who just enjoy peeing on things.

Darkisland said...

With all this talk about "people who menstruate" how about some love for people who mensurate?

Mostly non-adjectival men (born with a penis, not pretending to be women) the mensurate 20 and more days every month. Not 3-4.

They don't need cheap tampons. Mensuration burden them with expensive and heavy necessities.

So let's give a shout out to all the male and female mensurators out there.

John LGBTQ Henry

Yancey Ward said...

To Jason:

Well done!!!

pacwest said...

Baby formula, tampons.

DEF fluid is next. You think the supply chain is bad now. Cut truck transport in half and see where that gets you.

Nancy Reyes said...

My granddaughter, who is a student in a very PC college in the US, tells me the girls were encouraged to use vaginal cups instead of tampons because they are reusable and better for the environment.
So is this a plot by the evil (/s) ecology minded folk to encourage the use of these?

Mea Sententia said...

In the Bible, the euphemism is 'the way of women.' Rachel is sitting in her tent on a saddle where she has hidden items stolen from her father Laban. When he comes into the tent to search for them, she says, "Forgive me, my lord, from not standing up, but the way of women is upon me."

In the Gospels, there is also the woman with the flow of blood who comes up behind Jesus in a crowd and touches the edge of his cloak. She is immediately healed. Jesus affirms her faith and calls her Daughter.

n.n said...

It actually makes a good deal of sense. There are lots of women who don't menstruate,

It's true that not all women menstruate, but only women menstruate. Presumably, people... persons refers to all humans from the Grand Coincidence ("birth") or shortly thereafter, less granny (e.g. planned parent/hood), and other deplorables/disposables in Times of Opportunity.

Michael K said...

Blogger pacwest said...

Baby formula, tampons.

DEF fluid is next. You think the supply chain is bad now. Cut truck transport in half and see where that gets you.

The DEF shortage could be solved by the EPA allowing diesel trucks to run without DEF, which is supposed to reduce emissions or something.

Another crisis by design. This stuff is all in the plan.

Mary Beth said...

Menstrate for menstruate is incorrect, but I don't think it sounds any dumber than saying Febuary for February.

Mary Beth said...

Bleeders and breeders hardest hit.

Makes me happy to have reached the crone stage.

Darkisland said...


Just got finished reading a good explanation of the Def shortage by Donald sensing.


Union pacific rr is refusing to ship it. Cf industries is refusing to make it.

Both are controlled by Black Rock & Vanguard funds.

4 people named donilin control black rock and vanguard And hold positions in Brandon's administration

The whole article doe a great job of connecting the dots.

John LGBTQ Henry

Darkisland said...

You know what else needs Def? Tractors, combines, cultivators and most other farm equipment.

I said a month or two ago that Brandon is engineering a famine. I don't think it is too paranoid to say that millions of Americans will die.

Many literally starved to death. As in holodomor, for a Ukraine connection.

Many others will die in the accompanying violence

John LGBTQ Henry

Leora said...

Easy "BIPOC and people who menstruate hardest hit."

Mr. Majestyk said...

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine having an ideology for which it perfect makes sense to say "people who menstruate."

n.n said...

Men, women, and "our Posterity" are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Tampons are not a necessity.

Of course they aren't. I spent the entire period (no puns intended) from menarche to menopause w/o using a single tampon. Pads for me.

I did, though, once buy one. I was at the Juilliard School, between classes, and wandered down to the second floor and checked out the bathroom. There I found a dispenser labeled "sanitary napkins," and I thought that they must be like the hand-wipes you got in restaurants and such, so I put in the required coin. Only what popped out wasn't anything like that, but what I described to my mom as like a little paper caterpillar. Mom, of course, laughed her head off.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I should add to "lie-berry," "nukular," Feboo-ary," &c., "relaty" for "realty." My Mom uses that, though she would be ashamed to be caught using any of the others.

Bunkypotatohead said...

It's part of the Biden plan to transition to renewables.
You ladies are just gonna have to stuff a dishrag down there.
And throw it in with the rest of the laundry.

Darkisland said...

After posting the comment abut Union Pacific Railway cutting DEF shipment, I remembered something from a couple months ago:

U.S. fertilizer manufacturer CF Industries (CFI) is advising customers it serves, via Union Pacific rail lines, that railroad-mandated shipping reductions will result in nitrogen fertilizer shipment delays during spring planting season.

Union Pacific informed CFI, without advance notice, that it was mandating approximately 30 shippers, including CFI, to reduce the volume of private cars on its railroad effective immediately. CFI was told to reduce its shipments by nearly 20%.

Non-compliance, according to CFI, will result in the embargo of its facilities by Union Pacific. That means CFI will be unable to accept new rail sales involving Union Pacific customers for the foreseeable future.


So not being able to run tractors and other farm machinery may not be as bad as I thought since farmers will not be able to get the fertilizer they need anyway. No crops, no need for equipment. DEF problem solved. (Yeah, right)

I had looked for answers about why UP was cutting back DEF shipments and could not find any. But, looking for the story about the fertilizer, I found this:

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says he believes in “forcing behaviors.” "Behaviors are going to have to change and this is one thing we are asking companies, you have to force behaviors and at Blackrock, we are forcing behaviors."


Video at the link of Fink saying this at NYT Deal Book (From the backdrop) The Tweet was from March 23,2022 and I have the impression that the video was from a day or two before but it doesn't say when.

Black Rock owns 12-15% of Union Pacific. Vanguard Capital owns another 10-15% and the two companies seem closely twined.

John LGBTQ Henry

chickelit said...

NPR--deserves to fail--for a long time now, actually.

Darkisland said...

I leave the U out of menstruate but compensate by adding an R in Warshington DC

So, alphabetical parity overall.

John LGBTQ Henry

chickelit said...

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says he believes in “forcing behaviors.” "Behaviors are going to have to change and this is one thing we are asking companies, you have to force behaviors and at Blackrock, we are forcing behaviors."

Maybe BlackRock execs will breathe a colllectivist sigh of relief when they bring on holodormor-scale famine. After that, they'll insist we all get with the pogrom.

Michael McNeil said...

Do dogs have periods?

Dogs (and other mammals) have estrous cycles, but only primates menstruate per se.

Darkisland said...

I had a client who went to engineering school in Romania in the late 70s.

At that time, tampons were illegal in Romania. He and his wife went on vacation somewhere and, as a gift, brought back some tampons to a friend.

The friend's husband complained to my client that "We appreciate the contraceptives you brought us. But they do make sex somewhat painful." (Quote approximate)

John LGBTQ Henry

Dan said...

In this particular situation, this actually is only relevant to people who menstruate, and only a subset of them, as many do not use tampons. I'm far more offended by the suggestion that the desire to feed your babies is an issue only for women.

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