January 20, 2022

"Number one: Anybody who listened to the speech — I did not say that they were going to be a George Wallace or a Bull Connor."

"I said we’re going to have a decision in history that is going to be marked just like it was then. You either voted on the side — that didn’t make you a George Wallace or didn’t make you a Bull Connor. But if you did not vote for the Voting Rights Act back then, you were voting with those who agreed with Connor, those who agreed with — with — And so — and I think Mitch did a real good job of making it sound like I was attacking them. If you’ve noticed, I haven’t attacked anybody publicly — any senator, any — any congressman publicly. And my disagreements with them have been made to them — communicated to them privately or in person with them. My desire still is — look, I underestimated one very important thing: I never thought that the Republicans — like, for example, I said — they got very upset — I said there are 16 members of the present United States Senate who voted to extend the Voting Rights Act. Now, they got very offended by that. That wasn’t an accusation; I was just stating a fact. What has changed? What happened? What happened? Why is there not a single Republican — not one? That’s not the Republican Party. ... So, that’s not an attack.... Look, I still contend — and I know you’ll have a right to judge me by this — I still contend that unless you can reach consensus in a democracy, you cannot sustain the democracy....  I believe we’re going through one of those inflection points in history that occurs every several generations...."

From the transcript of Biden's press conference. Biden was responding to a question about his campaign promise that his “whole soul” was dedicated to “bringing America together, uniting our people.” Instead of reaffirming that dedication, he found a new basis for dividing people — the misinterpretation of his Georgia speech. "Mitch did a real good job of making it sound like" he was attacking his opponents. He was attacking his opponents, and really harshly — yelling at people who don't support the current voting rights legislation.

By the way, I've been noticing that the supporters of the Voting Rights Act rarely if ever mention any specific provisions of the text. They say "voting rights" but not which rights. I'll bet very few Americans have any idea what is in the bill, what rules states will actually need to follow if it is passed. The political discourse is woefully impoverished, abstractions and accusations of nefariousness.


Mark O said...

I haven't read it because I'm massively irrelevant.

cubanbob said...

One hundred and fifty million votes were counted in the 2020 election in a country of three hundred and thirty million. Who besides non citizens have been denied the right to vote? What is this bill proposing other than legalizing fraud?

Dave Begley said...

This is what Joe said. This is what the President of the United States said, "At consequential moments in history, they present a choice: Do you want to be the si- — on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?"

Achilles said...

The political discourse is woefully impoverished, abstractions and accusations of nefariousness.

We don't need to accuse the Biden Regime of being dishonest and nefarious.

We just need to say the things that they are actually doing out loud in plain English.

Democrats right now want to force you to be vaccinated and have papers and ID to leave your house.


Democrats right now want to make it illegal for States to require ID to vote.

You do the math Ann.

gilbar said...

if you did not vote for the Voting Rights Act back then, you were voting with those who agreed with Connor

serious question:Of the 19 Senators that didn't vote for the Voting Rights Act, how many were Democrats? Or Republicans?

Big Mike said...

I'll bet very few Americans have any idea what is in the bill, what rules states will actually need to follow if it is passed. The political discourse is woefully impoverished, abstractions and accusations of nefariousness.

And the reason for that is ? Hint: not because most people would support what’s in the bill if they knew what was in there.

0_0 said...

We need to pass the Voting Rights Act to find out what's in it.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Biden said: "I still contend that unless you can reach consensus in a democracy, you cannot sustain the democracy"


Everyone has to agree about everything???

Isn't democracy about making decisions when not everyone agrees? Isn't that why we take votes and the losers are expected to go along with the vote? Isn't THAT democracy?

Mandatory consensus is fascism, isn't it? Isn't the definition of fascism that we all have to agree and act together?

rhhardin said...

The chain of custody for votes needs to be tightened at every turn.

Dan from Madison said...

@CubanBob at 10.12am:
"Who besides non citizens have been denied the right to vote?"
Pretty much this. It is SO easy to vote. There are NEVER specifics mentioned like "community x does action y to create z effect on the vote". Therefore, it is easy to figure out that whatever is in that bill, is bs.

Achilles said...

Democrats have been flying illegal immigrants into the country and refused to allow them to be tested for Covid.

Democrats want all citizens who refused vaccination fired from their jobs.

Do the math.

cf said...

Contrast and compare our current Leader's first year with our last leader:

On this day 4 years ago, President Donald Trump was rightly proud of the enormous wins he had brought to the nation and world:

* turned back and defeated the bloody ISIS takeover that had been birthed by Obama and his women.

* began an inconceivable turn in relations with the Koreas that would result in a whole new peace between north and south.

* squashed and cut so many dopey regulations that the business sectors busted UP, and Most Important: jobs, especially for blue-collar, began growing to records unseen, hispanic and Black biggest job growth percentages in history through his administration

I could itemize so much more. (Harder to do, since I see both YouTube and Twitter have deleted so much of the record, amazing to see how much they erased and that just little me lost from that era)

G*dspeed, America

wendybar said...

Once a plagiarist, always a liar.

TJ said...

"Being a" versus "being on the side of"...I'd call that a distinction without a difference.

Mike Sylwester said...

He's a stutterer. That is why his speech is so inarticulate. Give him a break.

Mike Sylwester said...

Biden is restoring normalcy and civility to our country's politics.

If you do not agree that he is doing so, then you are on the side of Bull Connor.

rcocean said...

The voting bill does the following:

1) Makes the Federal elections in November a Holiday
2) Requires Motor Voter in every state.
3) Everyone - even those under 18 - are automaticaly registered
4) Requires online voting and vote by mail in every state
5) You cannot be required to submit ID to vote by mail, signature is enough
6) You cannot be denied a In person vote due to lack of ID, others can vouch for you, or you can cast a provisonal ballot, and its up to the election office to follow up later and get your ID.
7) ID such as Fishing liscense, SS card, or Utility bill addressed to you is good enough.
8) No proof of citizenship required. There are no penalties for voting while foreign. Bill makes almost impossible to ask if you are a citizen. Automatically enrolled must check a box saying they decline to register because they aren't citizen.

Michael K said...

Did Biden mention all those villains he compared voters to were Democrats ? Bull Conners was a member of the DNC.

MikeR said...

Not having read the "Voting Rights Act", I'll just comment on how it appears to me from news reports: The Act requires doing anything that will make conservatives mistrust the elections process, and forbids doing anything (such as Voter ID) that will help them trust it.
A feature, not a bug.

Misinforminimalism said...

They say "voting rights" without specificity because it's not about the right to vote, at all. Nobody's getting the franchise, just as no one is being denied the franchise in the various state laws that they're freaking out about. It's all about process: how long should early voting be open, what does vote-by-mail work, what ID do you need to show. "I HAVE THE INALIENABLE RIGHT TO VOTE TWENTY-TWO DAYS BEFORE ELECTION DAY" or "NOT HAVING ELECTION DAY AS A NATIONAL HOLIDAY IS A DENIAL OF THE RIGHT TO VOTE" are facially absurd statements, but the enablers in the press just go along with the ruse, because that's their job.

rcocean said...

One of the most interesting provisions is that 16-17 y/o with a DL are automatically registered. The state can still set a voting age of 18, but you cannot keep a 16-17 y/o from registering. All Felons will be allowed to vote.There are also provisions mandating early voting.

But you can see what the D's are after. everyone votes by mail. Everyone gets registered ONCE via the DL. Everyone votes online. Everyone gets a paid holiday. Everyone gets to vote whether citizen or not. A massive invitation to fraud. And perfect way to get all their low information, low motivation supporters at 100% participation.

rcocean said...

Again the difference between the D's and the R's. The D's want to win. The D's want power, want to use their power, and want to keep power. And will do almost anything to accomplish their goals.

The R's are good losers. Their voters hate politics and just want to left alone. They're always bleating about "Government in the enemy". When the R's get in office, they do nothing. They rarely even roll back stuff they've been complaining about for years. The only issue that animates them is cutting taxes or helping big business.

Guess who will win in the long run? The D's. You can't win the game if don't want to score a touchdown but just want to play defense.

robother said...

Here's the New York Times, reporting on Biden's Atlanta rant the next day: Biden “left no doubt that he has reached a breaking point when it comes to voting rights, lashing out at the holdouts in the Senate and comparing them to some of the country’s most infamous racists."

exhelodrvr1 said...

" What happened? Why is there not a single Republican — not one? That’s not the Republican Party."

That is an argument in favor of what Manchin and Sinema are doing.

hawkeyedjb said...

rcocean left out the additional aspect of the vote fraud bill that makes it basically illegal to verify signatures on mailed ballots.

If all this is not for the purpose of fraudulent voting, perhaps some informed leftist here can tell me what it is all about.

Owen said...

Prof A: I want to thank you for doing the dirty work of actually reading, and honestly trying to understand, this stream of word-like noises offered by Brandon. It spares the rest of us a lot of real pain.

Another old lawyer said...

We don't have debates over proposed legislation, and the policies and policy choices embodied in the proposal, in context and based upon facts.

We have marketing campaigns using buzzwords, slogans, and conclusory assertions.

D.D. Driver said...

By the way, I've been noticing that the supporters of the Voting Rights Act rarely if ever mention any specific provisions of the text. They say "voting rights" but not which rights.

Ann, do you even pay attention to the news? It's very simple: one side is good and they want people to be able to vote and one side is controlled by billionaires and Russian oligarchs and they want to stop people from voting (and they also want to rip up the skate park to build a strip mall and turn your dog's hide into a snappy Dalmatian shawl). How is any of this difficult to understand?

The best part of all of this is that the people who actually believe the statement above believe--truly believe to their core--that they are the "smart ones."

Joe Smith said...

If you have to spin it that much then you're losing.

That speech was an abomination.

Butkus51 said...

Dont forget his good "friend" Mitt Romney wants to lock up black people in chains.

2 peas from the same pod.

gilbar said...

Everyone votes online. Everyone gets a paid holiday.

Everyone votes online... Which is WHY, Everyone gets a paid holiday.
huh? If everyone voted online; WHAT is The Point of the paid holiday?
i mean, other than being an ObamaPhone?

Joe Smith said...

'The chain of custody for votes needs to be tightened at every turn.'

We should be using paper ballots with no universal mail ballots.

Those ballots should be transported under armed guard from the precincts to where they are counted, just like large sums of money are.

This is what we'd do if voting was actually 'sacred.'

But we don't do that because if we did, Ds would only get elected in large cities and nowhere else...

Wilbur said...

Who should be the most famous person in America?

That person is the one individual - just one is all I'm asking for - that is being denied the opportunity to register or to vote by any state law or practice presently in effect.

Because if that person existed, they would be more famous than George Floyd, their picture and hardship would be ubiquitous in all media, and the so-called Voting Rights bill would be named after them.

Rollo said...

I suspect that the "Voting Rights Act" that 16 Senate Republicans voted to extend was the original 1965 act, something very different from what Congress is considering now.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Mike Sylwester said...

Biden is restoring normalcy and civility to our country's politics.

If you do not agree that he is doing so, then you are on the side of Bull Connor.

You mean I am not just a Democrat but a Democratic Party official?

Oh, my stars and garters.


Rollo said...

When everything about the new bill and everything said in support of it is a lie, why wouldn't Biden lie, and insult Republicans, and lie about insulting them?

Sebastian said...

"They say "voting rights" but not which rights."

Ah, now why might that be?

"I'll bet very few Americans have any idea what is in the bill, what rules states will actually need to follow if it is passed."

I'll bet. Now why might that be?

"The political discourse is woefully impoverished, abstractions and accusations of nefariousness."

Not at all. At least from the left side, it is rich with insinuations and insults, very concrete in the goals pursued, no more nefarious than any other prog maneuvers in the culture war.

Progs are absolutely clear about their goals and calculate as best they can. Sometimes they miscalculate, but they don't give up. Of course, lamentations of woefulness do not deter them, unless and until the nice women of America decide to put a stop to their shenanigans. So far, they haven't, so the woeful woe continues. It'a almost as if the Dem audience prefers the lamentations over an actual change of direction.

By the way, Althouse, are you still happy you abstained?

mikee said...

For Biden's opposition, is being compared to the most violent racist Democrats of yesteryear really worse, or is it maybe a bit better, than being called Hitler reborn? I think maybe Joe Biden has been a vile person who insults his opponents in a way that should not be acceptable, since before he got hair plugs.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

An honest White House press core would ask at least one question about the specifics, if this was a real issue. Since it is manufactured outrage about things that are not happening and would be illegal even without the John Lewis Voting Scam, all discussion must be kept superficial and focused on accusations of intent and not on actual instances of suppression, because as Biden said yesterday more African-Americans voted in 2020 than ever before. So if they were being suppressed how could that happen? Everyone polled hates this bill. They can't even get their own party unanimous, although they are close. But in DNC-Media World it is always Republican malfeasance alleged to be behind the Democrat malfeasance we see in front of us.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Press core? Maybe I meant corpse like Obama says.

Michael said...

The superbly crafted Jim Crow Georgia voting law, aimed at keeping black people from the polls, and some women, and denying the right to vote for all people of color and having provisions that make it impossible to exercise the right to vote, for black people only, resulted in record turnout in Atlanta mayoral election with a new black mayor the outcome. We need to try another harsher approach if we are to achieve the suppression levels desired.

Critter said...

I watched some of the Brandon press conference last night and felt shame and embarrassment that the America I love would be led by such a demented and incoherent individual. The world is either laughing at us or shaking their heads in disbelief. I would sooner take Peter Sellers from Being There as my president. At least he was not so thoroughly corrupt.

It was even worse to see the press groveling to the demented man for lowering himself to answer questions even when the questions were so soft and designed to make Biden look good.

Has America really fallen so low?

retail lawyer said...

Its the Al Sharpton Voter Fraud Enabling Act.

Nancy said...

Ann, I propose a "diagram that sentence" challenge.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The reason why they want to blow up the filibuster is that their “voting rights” bill will make the filibuster’s work on their behalf, obsolete. The filibuster would only obstruct a permanent majority. “Voting Rights” = Permanent majority. That’s why it’s so important to the democrats.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Now both Jen Psyko Psachi and Slow Joe have come out to clarify his position on letting Vlad insert just the tip of his spear into Ukraine, and the hilarious part is both started their clarifying statements with the preamble that, "I/the president have/has been very clear about Russian aggression..."

Uh huh. He's been clear. He's been better than expected. How can we be governed by someone so out of touch that they believe their own bullshit?

Real American said...

It isn't a "voting rights" bill. It's a federal takeover of elections bill, and much of it is unconstitutional.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Jan6 may turn out not to be the terrible event that needed fixing. That’s why they were hyping Jan6 so much. Remember “never let a crisis go to waste”?

Andrew said...

Someone should give the transcriber a raise and a bonus. Same with the sign language interpreter. And this should continue throughout Biden's presidency. Plus, make sure their therapy is free.

wendybar said...

All those poor blacks that the Progressives know of, that the Republicans are stopping from voting, must be hiding behind the same bushes as all those White Supremacists they see everywhere. Funny that.

TrespassersW said...

I've been noticing that the supporters of the Voting Rights Act rarely if ever mention any specific provisions of the text. They say "voting rights" but not which rights. I'll bet very few Americans have any idea what is in the bill, what rules states will actually need to follow if it is passed.

They don't want people to know what's in the bill, because if they did, it would be even MORE unpopular than it is now. QED.

TrespassersW said...

And Joe has always been a liar and a nasty piece of work. All the fluffing by the Lickspittle Media can't obscure those facts.

narciso said...

the guy at the mandela funeral, is probably available,

Paul said...

'The political discourse is woefully impoverished, abstractions and accusations of nefariousness. "

Well we have to pass it in order to find out what is in it.... - to paraphrase Pelosi!

Original Mike said...

"Number one: Anybody who listened to the speech — I did not say that they were going to be a George Wallace or a Bull Connor.""


"By the way, I've been noticing that the supporters of the Voting Rights Act rarely if ever mention any specific provisions of the text."

There's a reason for that: the majority of people (I'd be willing to bet a large majority) recognize ballot harvesting, mailing out unsolicited ballots, no verification of mailed-ballots, and drop boxes with no chain of custody for what it is. A vehicle for massive cheating.

Leland said...

I don't know what's in the bill. I oppose it because I don't agree with federalizing elections. It could offer all the features of an election held in the State of Texas today, and I would disagree that those features need federal control. Still, I haven't heard any notion of what is in the bill that isn't about Georgia, Florida, or Texas voting laws are bad and it is somehow good, when I'd take any Georgia, Florida or Texas election over NY, NJ, or CT election system. But that's all debating the topic on some sort of merit. As noted by many above, this is about creating a permanent party, which socialists have done in every other country they took over.

hawkeyedjb said...

You'd think Biden could come up with some names of people that aren't/weren't Democrats to describe the awfulness of opposition to his vote fraud bill.

But the Democratic party has always been the party of race, and has always used race as its primary instrument of political advantage. Biden follows in the proud footsteps of his mentors: Wallace, Faubus, Maddox, Connor, Barnett, and of course his namesake and slaveholder Gerard Brandon.

Ceciliahere said...

Every time someone from the Biden administrations says, “let’s be clear”, then comes the lie. This is the tell all democrats use…clearly, I want to be clear, just to be clear. Then the bullshit is spewed. I think Biden is not aware of video tape being used when he talks. I just saw him on video call people racists if they don’t vote for his supposed voter rights bill. So, who you gonna believe “Lying Biden” or your lying eyes and ears. What a schmuck!!!

chuck said...

"Voting rights", sure, and digital rape is "pursuit of happiness".

Douglas B. Levene said...

Not only does the Democrats’ voting bill require mail-in voting, outlawing states like New Hampshire which stubbornly stick with in-person voting, it requires states to accept mailed ballots for up to ten days after the election, overruling states like Oregon which require mailed ballots be received by Election Day. Because Jim Crow 2 or something.

rcocean said...

I admire people who constantly attack Joe Biden for his senile gibberish. If MSM and Entertainment industry wasn't on his side 99% of the time, he would be a laughingstock of the entire country.

But frankly, to me, pointing out Biden is stupid or lying is like pointing out the Sun rose today.

Jersey Fled said...

I don't get what the kerfuffle over voter registration is all about. Philadelphia has had more votes counted than registered voters for decades.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In that bill: Removing voter ID requirements.

rcocean said...

"rcocean left out the additional aspect of the vote fraud bill that makes it basically illegal to verify signatures on mailed ballots."

Putting your signature on the mail in vote is all you need. But no one is going to VERIFY that signature.

Foreingers voting in American elections is illegal. But no one will check if you're a citizen. Or punish you if you vote.

Pretending to be someone else and voting for them is illegal. But lack of ID can't stop you from voting, and its up to the election office to track you down AFTER the election and see if you can produce ID. And there's zero punishment if you made a "mistake".

Biff said...

By the way, I've been noticing that the supporters of the Voting Rights Act rarely if ever mention any specific provisions of the text. They say "voting rights" but not which rights. I'll bet very few Americans have any idea what is in the bill, what rules states will actually need to follow if it is passed. The political discourse is woefully impoverished, abstractions and accusations of nefariousness.

My sense is that we've become more and more focused on content-free "horse race" journalism over the last twenty or so years, mostly because of the need for cable news ratings and, more recently, social media clickbait. In other words, the specific background of an issue is unimportant. The only thing that matters in contemporary journalism is who is winning or losing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We all know now that blacks and women are not allowed to vote.

I'm not sure how I voted all these years? I must have imagined it.

rcocean said...

Similarly 16-17 will be automatically registered and if they mail in votes, it will be up to the election officials to notice they are underage and void their ballot. How many Election officials in say Detroit or NYC are going to care that 16-17 year olds voted mail in for a D candidate?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Federalizing elections is.... Very Russian... Very Soviet.

If the democrats try it, it's going to lose in court. But that's why they want to stuff the court.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Uh, President Biden, you were caught on video from last week stating you did say what you defiantly said yesterday that you didn’t say. Damn those video cameras! Joe is probably thinking that the video must have been edited. His aides must have been spending a lot of time last night trying to figure out how to spin this and other comments he made yesterday. There is a reason why the Madison, WI, city council (and I am guessing some other blue cities) is against body cams on police because the video evidence will destroy their narratives about rogue and racist cops just like Biden out and out calling half the country racists for opposing this misnamed “voting rights” bill.

rcocean said...

Yeah, its just a "Kerfuffle". If you'r a libtard or a Democrat that's a good position to take. If you're not -it not a "kerfuffle". Of course, most Americans are sheep, so again what does it matter.

Mich McCormick said...

“You either voted on the side — that didn’t make you a George Wallace or didn’t make you a Bull Connor. But if you did not vote for the Voting Rights Act back then, you were voting with those who agreed with Connor, those who agreed with — with — And so — and I think Mitch did a real good job of making it sound like I was attacking them.”

I’m sorry, but what? We’re not segregations-we just agree with them? I know it’s silly trying to interpret a nearly 80 yr old man’s words, but I can’t help it.

I don’t agree with segregations, I just think the Dem leadership is pushing a shit bill in a time where school closures and inflation occupy far higher place on my concern list.

Iman said...

+1 MJB Wolf @11:18am…

I expected a shitshow, but severely underestimated the volume of excrement.

Skeptical Voter said...

Blather bluster and bull dung-- are provided in heaping piles when Biden speaks. Senator Rand Paul was correct when he suggested that it would be better for Biden (Build Biden Better?) if Slow Joe severely limited his public appearances for the rest of his term. The harangue in Atlanta and the train wreck of a press conference have not helped Biden's popularity.

effinayright said...

Nothing angries up my blood more than to hear lawyers yammering about preserving "our democracy".

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM took a Con Law class where they learned that the Framers deliberately rejected that idea, in favor of a Constitutional Republic--which is why we have two senators per state, and the Electoral College.

Had they not, we would never formed a country called The United STATES", as the less-populated states would have known that they would have ZERO power in it.

Other than when voting for POTUS and VP, we don't have ANY national votes or referenda based on direct votes by the entire citizenry. And our scummy pols know it.

So EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM who shouts this lie about "our democracy" is a lying crypto-fascist.

Or a Democrat.

Josephbleau said...

To establish trust in elections all that ins needed is for each state to be required to publish a list of all registered voters, and a list of all who voted. And the list should be able to be sorted and filtered by common SQL software. Also a person who was on the voting list, upon proper ID, could find out the votes recorded for them. We want a secret ballot, not an anonymous ballot.

Josephbleau said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike of Snoqualmie said...

What the Senate rejected last night was the Democrat Election Fraud Restoration Act (DEFRA).

FullMoon said...

How entertaining would it be if Biden gave frequent impromptu press conferences as did Trump.
Joe has the same ego but not the intelligence.

John henry said...

I'd like to see someone prominent, like pedjt perhaps, suggest that if elected he would encourage originals in voting.

The presidential electors would be selected by state legislators.

Congress critters and senators could be appointed by town councils.

Not that I think actually doing it would be such a great idea. I like the idea of popular voting.

But think of the entertainment value.

More importantly it would point out that the United States was never intended to be a democracy.


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Chucky Cheesey Schumer thinks that it's voter suppression if voter can't vote at midnight. Or 2:00 a.m. It's also voter suppression to make voters get out of their cars and walk into a polling place. It's voter suppression to remove people from the rolls who have either moved or died. After all, the dead have just as much right to vote as do the living. And the moved have just as much right to vote in their old precinct as in the new precinct. Anything else is just voter suppression!

Rosalyn C. said...

Obama had finesse, a quality which Biden lacks. Biden's obviously lying but it's for a good cause. Democrats seem to be OK with that.

Butkus51 said...

A transitory incursion. 2 birds one stone.

Jaq said...

I'll bet very few Americans have any idea what is in the bill, what rules states will actually need to follow if it is passed. The political discourse is woefully impoverished, abstractions and accusations of nefariousness.

That's because the press is an arm of the Party, what do you expect. But I have noticed among my IRL friends that his is starting to stink on ice, largely because of its obviousness. It's undeniable.

Jaq said...

"Our democracy," think of it like "La Coso Nostra."

Jaq said...

Has the New York Times filled you in to it? If it has, you could do us all a service and give us the other side of the description, because the way it looks, only the right wing press actually reports on the content of the bill.

The only comment I saw here defending a specific was to say that currently, the state legislature may remove a local elections board, which is said to be racist, but I always thought that the legislature had to have power of oversight, and that toothless oversight is worthless.

In Arizona there is a concerted effort by the Democrats to obstruct the power of oversight of the legislature, which makes the voting laws. Same in PA. Wisconsin seems to be allowing the investigation, and a lot of anomalies are turning up. Thousands of fraudulent same day registrations, illegal use of drop boxes, illegal application of supposedly "non partisan" Zuckerbucks to benefit one side exclusively, so I have to hand it to Wisconsin.

Jaq said...

Ballot harvesting is an open invitation to voter coercion, and the law makes that legal in all fifty states.

Joe Smith said...

George Wallace. Bull Conner. Jefferson Davis.

Why are Democrats so racist and why do they hate black people, Jews, and Catholics so much?

M Jordan said...

It's so satisfying to me to read this transcript. Deeply satisfying. And more so with Ann's commentary on it. People are finally starting to notice what a divisive, smearing little man Joe Biden is, was, and will be. It's in his DNA.

But he always somehow got away with it. Well, seems those days are ending. And for me, that is -- how shall I put this? -- DEEPLY SATISFYING.

M Jordan said...

I must add a point concerning ballot harvesting, et al Dem tricks. We should fight them, then, when they win, harvest the hell out of the rural areas of America. Every single dirty voting trick Dems use -- and that's all they use -- should be 1) resisted then 2) embraced.

hawkeyedjb said...

"We should fight them, then, when they win, harvest the hell out of the rural areas of America."

There just aren't enough votes to be harvested in rural America. This is a technique that works best when applied to illegal immigrants and dead people.

TreeJoe said...

M Jordan said, "I must add a point concerning ballot harvesting, et al Dem tricks. We should fight them, then, when they win, harvest the hell out of the rural areas of America. Every single dirty voting trick Dems use -- and that's all they use -- should be 1) resisted then 2) embraced."

You do realize that harvesting a 30,000 vote rural district is a fuck-ton harder than harvesting a 250,000 person urban area, right?

Dems control the mindspace of urban centers where there are massive volumes of people/population density. Repubs have allowed this to happen and encouraged a rural & suburban vs. urban mindset in their own right.

It's stupid. Moreso because Dem run urban centers tend to be chronically falling apart while taxed high.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

By the way, I've been noticing that the supporters of the Voting Rights Act rarely if ever mention any specific provisions of the text. They say "voting rights" but not which rights. I'll bet very few Americans have any idea what is in the bill, what rules states will actually need to follow if it is passed. The political discourse is woefully impoverished, abstractions and accusations of nefariousness.

That's because any honest discussion would show that the Democrats are full of sh!t.

What do they want to do:
1: Block PhotoID laws. Which are supported by vast majorities of Americas, including by a majority of "PoC", because they're such an obvious requirement

2: Block verification of absentee ballots. Because the Democrats want vote fraud.

rcocean covered the rest.

What the Biden* bill is about is destroying democracy, by destroying our ability to have honest elections.

There is no functional difference between you not being allowed to vote, and you being allowed to vote, but a fraudulent ballot being submitted with votes opposite of yours.

The Democrats expect that their Party will be the on committing vote fraud, and that therefore this is "good. What they're trying to do is deny the vote to every single person voting for Republicans, by cancelling our votes with fraud.

It's a great way to spark a civil war. it's a bad way to run America

Peter Spieker said...

“It isn't a "voting rights" bill. It's a federal takeover of elections bill, and much of it is unconstitutional”.

I’ve been wondering about how much of this bill is constitutional. It’s an obnoxious, destructive bill and an abuse of power, but that does not mean it has to be unconstitutional. Not every abuse of a constitutional power is an unconstitutional act. The second section of the 15th amendment reads “The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation”. That seem like it might be interpreted pretty broadly. What is “appropriate”? In practice, “appropriate” sometimes means everything I want, nothing I don’t want, who cares what you want.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

Peter Spieker said...
I’ve been wondering about how much of this bill is constitutional....
The second section of the 15th amendment reads “The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation”. That seem like it might be interpreted pretty broadly.

The Wonderful Thing, about a Living Constitution; is that it ALL can be interpreted 'pretty broadly'.
The Living Constitution means WHATEVER some (currently 5) Justices SAY it means.
Heck! you could get this from the Commerce Clause
Hell! you could get this from " promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty"
As i say, if 5 Justices Want it... It IS
(THIS is what Sux about the Living Constitution)

Mike Tanis said...

Even cruelly neutral people should begin to understand the danger posed by the current Democratic Party. If these changes were forced upon America, the Democrats would never lose an important election again.

CWJ said...

I've said it before. There is only one national office for which the people vote. Only one. All other elections from Senator down to the city council are conducted at the state and local level. It boggles the mind to think that one could federalize the entire electoral process for the sake of one office. And even that office is technically elected state by state, not nationally. How this usurption could possibly pass Constitutional muster on tenth amendment grounds alone seems impossible.

And before anyone reminds me, yes I know the President and Vice President are two offices, but they are offered up to the electorate as a single ticket, not individually.

Peter Spieker said...


If you have a law that says you can raise taxes, with the restriction that the taxes must be for the general welfare, and some knave interprets that to mean you can spend money on anything you like, you have a problem with interpretation – the conclusion in no way arises naturally from the law. That’s your living constitution.

But if you have a law that says that, with regard to X, you can do anything you like, so long as it is “appropriate” and someone then runs amok and does all sorts of horrible things, then you don’t have a problem with interpretation. Your problem is with the law itself, and/or the berserker. Subjectivity is not being forced onto the second law, it arise naturally from the use of “appropriate”, which can mean anything.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Althouse: "... I've been noticing that the supporters of the Voting Rights Act rarely if ever mention any specific provisions of the text. They say "voting rights" but not which rights. I'll bet very few Americans have any idea what is in the bill, what rules states will actually need to follow if it is passed. The political discourse is woefully impoverished, abstractions and accusations of nefariousness."

That is the absolute essence of Joe Biden. Virtually ALL legislation is so wide ranging and so packed with unrelated amendments as to be impractical of discourse.
Notably, the alternative of doing nothing is rarely posited. ALL politicians tend to the tactic you graciously noted. But Biden? It is the only tool he has.

gilbar said...

Peter Spieker shows his problem when he said...
and some knave interprets that to mean ...

Peter, i'm going to type slow, and try not to use any big words; i Hope you can keep up
It DOES NOT MATTER, what 'some knave' interprets
It DOES NOT MATTER, what YOU want, or Think, or Like...
It ONLY MATTERS, What a majority (sorry, that means MOST) of the Supreme Court thinks

I'm sorry that i sound Rude, or Condescending (sorry, that means speaking down to you);
But are you REALLY so f*cking stupid that any of this is new to you?

wildswan said...

Back in the day of Bull Connors there were counties in the South with majority-black populations which has not a single registered black voter. In Jim Crow Mississippi only 5% of the eligible black population was registered to vote. Contrast this with the City of Milwaukee where in the wards in the black community 85 to 90 percent of the registered voters habitually vote, mostly for Dems. This large reliable vote is at the core of Dem victories statewide. And the situation is the same in all the major US cities led by Dems. "Nationwide, voting experts pointed to the role that Black voters played in this year’s election, and especially in urban cores such as Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, where the outcome in these cities drove the outcome for the state." How then can anyone say that the black vote is being suppressed?

Some say that ID requirements are suppressing the black vote. But it's easier to get the ID needed to vote than to get the vaccine ID needed to access restaurants and bars in places like New York. You need one ID to vote; you need two ID's to have vaccine ID. Yet no one, so far, has claimed that members of the black community are being discriminated against because they cannot get vaccine ID.

In 1962, Deputy Attorney General Burke Marshall reported that “racial denials of the right to vote” existed in eight states, with only fourteen percent of eligible black citizens registered to vote in Alabama, and just five percent in Mississippi. There were pockets with even lower numbers: eleven Southern counties with majority-black populations but no registered black voters; and a Louisiana county that hadn’t registered a single black resident since 1900.

Josephbleau said...

"If you’ve noticed, I haven’t attacked anybody publicly — any senator, any — any congressman publicly. And my disagreements with them have been made to them — communicated to them privately or in person with them."

Beiden is a goddam liar.

Caroline said...

Has anyone told Biden yet that you have to have a photo I’d to get a Covid test?

Butkus51 said...

Let me be clear........................................................................................................................................boobs

Richard Dillman said...

I can’t think of any valid traditional way of analyzing Biden’s political rhetoric. Trump had a consistent rhetorical strategy. He used a kind of populist rhetoric that identified with his audience, and that was often accompanied by humor, satire, mockery, and irony . Trump’s speeches were often fun. He tended to be quick, flexible, and somewhat long winded. His persona, even with his egotism, was attractive to his supporters. Biden’ s rhetoric is characterized by incoherence, confusion, contradictory statements, rambling, awkward pauses, ignorance, frequent use of loaded words, false choice arguments, a mine field of logical fallacies, invective, and lots of ad hominem arguments. He also uses numerous straw man arguments. Most of his rhetorical problems flow from his senility, and his persona is that of a confused, cognitively challenged, angry old man. He doesn’t have a rhetorical strategy. Instead we get meandering, disorganized, angry, word-salads.

Richard said...

Dear Ann, You are like a pillow that cushions and cozies unhelpful inferences to sleep. It is a gift. Regular folk know what we heard, and we sure do know what he meant.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

tim in vermont said...
Ballot harvesting is an open invitation to voter coercion, and the law makes that legal in all fifty states.

More importantly, it's an open invitation to vote buying, even more so than absentee balloting in general

We went to the secret ballot to get rid of vote buying. You have to be pretty corrupt to want to bring it back

Greg The Class Traitor said...

hawkeyedjb said...
"We should fight them, then, when they win, harvest the hell out of the rural areas of America."

There just aren't enough votes to be harvested in rural America. This is a technique that works best when applied to illegal immigrants and dead people.

Actually, the correct response is to "harvest" votes in cities, pop open the ballots, replace them all with straight ticket GOP ballots.

The point of the Democrat bill is to enable vote fraud. Teh proper response is to therefore engage in every shred of vote fraud that you can, using their rules.

If you want honest elections, you demand rules that make it hard for either side to cheat.

If you oppose photoID requirements, if you oppose chain of custody and ballot verification requirements, if you support massive absentee "voting" and "ballot harvesting", you're fighting for corrupt elections.

And once you've decided to do that, I can see not rational, moral, or ethical bound on me to keep me from trying to make the corruption favor my side.

In 2018, teh Milwaukee "vote counters" "discovered" extra ballot boxes late in the evening, when just about all the counts were in, and it was looking like Walker might win.

The "discovered" ballots were about 10% more Democrat (70 - 80%, I don't remember the precise details) than the previous totals for Milwaukee, because when you're faking up ballots, there's no point in faking too many for the other side.

It might do good for various GOP county vote counters to prepare some boxes of ballots to "discover" in case the election is close.

What, you think that's wrong? When was the last time you demanded a full audit of all ballots when Democrat "vote counters" "discover" boxes?


If it's ok for the Dems, why are you whining now?

The Godfather said...

There's room for compromise if you recognize that the Democrats' objectives are twofold: (1) encourage voting by unmotivated Democrat voters (e.g., make election day a national holiday), and (2) facilitate voter fraud (undermine registration requirements, permit vote harvesting, etc.). What Republicans want is (a) voter ID and (b) no voter fraud.
So, the Republicans should agree to making election day a national holiday, in return for the Democrats agreeing to voter ID.
Win win!

Lurker21 said...

Old joke that Kurt Vonnegut stole from a bathroom wall or someplace:

“To be is to do”—Socrates.
“To do is to be”—Sartre.
“Do be do be do”—Sinatra.

Biden is playing a child's game. Nobody can be Bull Connor because there was only one and he's dead now. If Biden says, "Are you going to stand with Bull Connor?" he's coming very close to saying, "Are you going to be Bull Connor?" or "Are you going to stand in the position of Bull Connor?" but he tries to weasel out by saying that he was talking about you acting like Bull Connor, not being Bull Connor, but if you can't be Bull Connor, the point is moot, isn't it?

And all the rest is "Do be do be do."

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The Godfather said...
So, the Republicans should agree to making election day a national holiday, in return for the Democrats agreeing to voter ID.
Win win!

We've already got photoID, and the nation loses when people who don't care about politics cast their utterly uninformed votes

There's no reasonable compromise

Gahrie said...

So, the Republicans should agree to making election day a national holiday,

Only if it is truly 1 day of voting. (No earlier voting, no mail in ballots, and the only absentee voters are those serving the government overseas. Military and diplomats)

You vote in person, with an ID.

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