March 7, 2021

"Democrats have bollixed up every sexual harassment scandal I’ve covered."

"Joe Biden truncated the Hill-Thomas hearings in the name of comity. The Clintons had henchmen smear Lewinsky. Democrats vainly hammered Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh on sexual misconduct, hoping to stop judges they opposed on ideological grounds. Now, some Democrats are feeling regret over forcing out Al Franken, and for all those statements by prominent Democrats about how we must start with the presumption that women are telling the truth — an absurd standard.... 'Probably enough Democrats feel it no longer makes sense to hold your own side to serious ethical standards if Republicans won’t, so it’s possible to tough out things like this,' Ron Brownstein, a senior editor of The Atlantic, told me. 'I wouldn’t look at this as evidence that #MeToo is losing momentum; it’s more the sense that a red-blue cold war is gaining momentum. I think there’s less and less willingness to unilaterally punish your own side. Why take your own piece off the board if they won’t?'"

Writes Maureen Dowd in "Cuomo Discovers #MeToo Means #HimToo/Democrats agonize over the fate of a falling star" (NYT).

I kept the Brownstein quote in my excerpt not because I think he's sharp and getting it right. I kept it because it is such ripe bullshit, and I thought you might enjoy a laugh.  He wouldn’t look at this as evidence that #MeToo is losing momentum? Well, I sure as hell would.


rhhardin said...

It's like with blacks, where whites no longer care what blacks feel after a couple of decades of trying to help and getting slammed anyway.

Men no longer care how women say they feel. Suck it up, babe.

Michael said...

In other words, if Republicans won't cancel their people because of our false charges, why should we cancel our people because of accurate and substantiated claims? Standard Progressive logic. As the Blogfather says, "If it weren't for double standards, Progressives would have no standards at all."

The Vault Dweller said...

Americans shouldn't use bollux or bollix or bollixed or bloody or any British slang.

Shouting Thomas said...

Feminism is a lie.

That's the problem, Althouse.

You keep trying to find a way to make an evil, useless ideology into something valuable.

There's nothing to salvage from the mistake of your youth. Give it up.

The Vault Dweller said...

Also I just looked it up isn't it bollocks? Imagine trying to upjump yourself by using a gutter-level pejorative of another country.

The Crack Emcee said...

'Probably enough Democrats feel it no longer makes sense to hold your own side to serious ethical standards if Republicans won’t, so it’s possible to tough out things like this...Why take your own piece off the board if they won’t?'

Two things; 1) The Democrats only have "serious ethical standards" enough to break them whenever they see fit.

2) As long as Bill Clinton isn't "off the board" and the lie of Harvey Milk rules our lives, the Democrats are the party pretending to hold some moral high ground, after they started the nation's ethical decline - and (along with Milk helping to kidnap a child) don't forget Hillary's harassment of Bill's victims, that the Democrats tried to reward her with the WH for. She killed Kathleen Wiley's dog, for Christ's sake.

Where does it stop with these people?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'd like the leftists to tell us all about Julie Swetnik.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats do not give a shit about women or blacks.

Democrats are all Castro family wannabees.
Democrats care about power and money. That's it.

Bob Boyd said...

She killed Kathleen Wiley's dog, for Christ's sake.

I think it was a cat, but yeah.

narciso said...

How about lt governor rapist i mean fairfax, that went down the memory whole.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Real accusations against Democrats = No big deal. come on - democrats are corrupt, they lie and they are above the law. right?

Fake accusations against any conservative = burn the witch.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

"Why take your own piece off the board if they won’t?"

Because failure to do so demonstrates:
..the hypocrisy of your position; your primary concern is your own political power not ethical treatment of fellow human beings; dishonor your target audience by assuming they are too dumb or too servile to be put off by your hypocrisy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats do not agonize over Bill's sex with an intern in the 1990's, or Biden's crimes in Ukraine and China, or Tara Reid's very credible accusations, or Cuomo's heartless killing of the elderly and his sexual advances towards young women in his orbit. no no no.

Democrats are furious they got caught.

Lurker21 said...

I kept the Brownstein quote in my excerpt not because I think he's sharp and getting it right. I kept it because it is such ripe bullshit, and I thought you might enjoy a laugh.

I did. But it's all about Trump now. Still. And I guess it's a little about Cuomo too. Apart from that "institutional memory" is a myth. The elites are as foolish and present-minded and easily manipulated as anyone else. Republicans who got forced out for sex scandals are forgotten. Democrats who got away with them are forgotten. The question -- still -- is how they are going to get Trump, and whether Cuomo is an acceptable sacrifice along the way.

Michael P said...

Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas.

It says an incredible amount about double standards and hypocrisy that the go-to sexual harassment claims about Republicans are 30 to 40 years old, and have always been extremely debatable in terms of what happened. How does that compare to what Democrats are credibly accused of doing in the last decade?

Bob Boyd said...

There's zero evidence Obama ate Kathleen Willey's dog.

Chick said...

Democrats are jerks, Republicans are fascists. Okay.

wendybar said...

This is why America is waking up, and realizing the lies and the venom spews from one side....and that side can and does get away with doing WHATEVER they want, with little or no consequences. Because YOU are a bigot if you disagree.

Gahrie said...

What Dowd fails to mention is that the Democrats she cites were actually guilty, and the Republicans she cites were innocents that the Left attempted to frame.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Al Franken's exit was puzzling. I suspect he has a closet full of skeletons that needs to remain shut.

daskol said...

Americans can't just say bollixed. Anyway it's bollucks, and it refers to testicles, so not without some cleverness in this case. But the word belongs to the Brits, and she's using it to distance herself from her own countrymen.

Lurker21 said...

Al Franken's exit was puzzling. I suspect he has a closet full of skeletons that needs to remain shut.

He certainly looked like he had a handful in the picture.

daskol said...

Al Franken's exit was puzzling. I suspect he has a closet full of skeletons that needs to remain shut.

I think he's just a pussy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Splanky -
Democrats are jerks and fascists. The GOP are too weak and lazy to stop it.


narciso said...

He was no longer useful after obamacare passage and the sessions kerfluffle.

Bob Boyd said...

The people who make it to the top in national politics tend to be the worst people, often total socio-paths. That's not new, but now we have a media who, to an unprecedented degree, works to keep only one side in check and works actively to protect the other side.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Bob Boyd said..."There's zero evidence Obama ate Kathleen Willey's dog."

How could there be?

Rory said...

"Why take your own piece off the board if they won’t?"

In addition to the reasons cited above, Democrats assert themselves to be guardians for society's victim classes. In many situations, Democratic ideology requires a recognition that individuals go into a transaction with unequal levels of vulnerability, and that the individual of superior standing must act as a fiduciary for the historically victimized individual.

Leland said...

Let me know when Cuomo gets a Senate hearing investigation into supposedly sexually harassing a classmate at a private party when they were both in High School. I may pay attention when thousands of women march on the hearing and its ignored as a minor protest and not characterized as an armed insurrection to remove the Governor from power.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dowd: "Probably enough Democrats feel it no longer makes sense to hold your own side to serious ethical standards if Republicans won’t."

What crap.

Maureen Dowd is blinded by her adoration of team D.

The accusations against Kavanaugh were laughably flimsy. The high school account from a woman who lied about her fear of travel and other accountability issues, and a story without any corroboration at all. ... a supposed bed-bounce from high school.


Very serious accusations of women from WHO WORKED WITH CUOMO who were treated to some serious unprofessional sexual advances. circa now - not high-school 1980's.

Maureen Down lost all credibility here. pathetic.

rcocean said...

Brownstein is a liar. But then he's a left-wing Democrat, so that goes with the territory. The Liberal/left MSM is now engaging in propaganda and gaslighting America on almost every subject. Part of that is accusing the republicans/Center-right of things THEY do. The Democrats never attack their own side. They always defended Clinton, Biden, Etc. Its the *Republicans* who threw Roy Moore and every other person CREDIBLY accused of sexual harassment.

Franken was tossed under the bus, because he was hampering the ability of the Democrats to attack the Republicans (especially Trump) on sexual harassment. And the Democrats were afraid he was going to lose reelection in 20202.

rcocean said...

Dowd never had any credibility to lose. She's an unfunny clown at this point. Just like Noonan is now an out-of-touch snob with nothing interesting to say.

Skeptical Voter said...

Bronwstein's comment was "ripe"? Well it was certainly fragrant--sort of like the smell that comes off a cattle feedlot. But then he was talking to MoDo who only hopes, fantasizes, dreams that Governor Fredo will see her one day and hit on her.

Cuomo may tough this one out--a few appearances on TV with tears in his eyes and claims that "I didn't mean to grab her by the XXXX". That may be enough to ride it on out.

The Crack Emcee said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

"Maureen Down lost all credibility here. pathetic."

Wait - when did Maureen Dowd gain credibility?

Drago said...

Crack Emcee: "Wait - when did Maureen Dowd gain credibility?"


rcocean said...

Franken could have stayed and fought if he wanted. But he wimped out. It's pretty obvious that the other Senators weren't fond of "Joke Boy", and were embarrassed that this clown was a Senator. Of course, being D's they kept it somewhat hidden, unlike the R's who LOVE to sneer/jeer at their own side (cf: Cheney).

Minnesota has to be the dumbest state in the Union. Are they so bereft of intelligent people they had to import Al Franken from NYC to be their Senator? That's funnier than any joke Al Franken ever wrote.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What made the entire Kavanaugh witch hunt fall apart were the over-the-top desperate accusations from slimy liars like Julie Swetnik. "I was raped by Kavanaugh at all the high school gang rape parties!" I only went back for more 10 times... or wait... let Julie change her story again ...
doesn't matter that Julie's story doesn't line up with her "sworn testimony" -
Oh look - Julie just changed her story again - live on NBC.

MadisonMan said...

Maybe I'm wrong, but #MeToo always struck me as a Left-Manufactured way of attacking Trump, one that backfired spectacularly as so many Friends of Democrats (or Democrats) have learned. Franken, Weinstein, Lauer, the list goes on.
Sexual Harrassment has absolutely no place in the workplace. But to expect sleazy politicians to act on it is expecting too much, especially given the toe-licking journalists who cover up their deeds. There are people of both sexes who use attraction to get what they want. That includes in the workplace. That won't change until Journalists and Politicians -- who do very much the same thing to get good assignments or press -- change their way.

Mike Sylwester said...

I wish I had Dowd's high-paying job, writing one stupid column every week.

rcocean said...

Yes, and I knew Franken grew up in Minnasota. Except his family had shallow roots there, and he left as soon as he could to go to Harvard, LA and NYC.

Breezy said...

The last paragraph in the piece by Dowd:
I covered his father, Mario, the three-time governor of New York who gnawed at the idea of a presidential run. And I can tell you that the closest he came to making a move in his office was reaching for a book by Teilhard de Chardin to give me. I still have it.

She’s decided Mario Cuomo was AOK because he didn’t hit on her. LOL.

rcocean said...

"I wish I had Dowd's high-paying job, writing one stupid column every week."

Mike, You don't meet the IQ requirement. Your IQ is too high.

Unknown said...

The big difference between Kavanaugh and Thos, on one hand, and Franken and all those Democrats, on the other, is that all those Dems actually committed these, shall we say, improprieties, whereas the accusations against Kavanaugh and Thomas were fabrications.

Drago said...

rcocean: "Just like Noonan is now an out-of-touch snob with nothing interesting to say."

Though she voted for Hillary in 2016 (to help "conserve conservatism" and "Reaganism"....(wink wink)), Noonan's last sentient and salient observation immediately after Trump won in 2016 was to note the collapse of our moronic and terrible "elites" and institutions and to accurately say we are being governed by our inferiors.....

....then she realized the NYC party invitations began drying up and she rapidly got back into the lefty rhetorical line.

Mary Beth said...

The Vault Dweller said...

Americans shouldn't use bollux or bollix or bollixed or bloody or any British slang.

3/7/21, 8:53 AM

Yes, let's make our own list of taboo words.

I use bollocks. And numpty, when it seems fitting. I was going to use it here, then I caught the joke when I reread your comment and "bloody" finally registered. (I should stop commenting before I'm fully awake.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack Emcee -
Maureen Dowd had a few sparks of credibility over the decades. I'll give her that. She doesn't like the clintons and she once wrote about her pot-candy experience. I enjoyed her writing then. She is an old blind faith leftist now and I think the Trump years ruined what little impartial fairness she had in her writing.
So I stand by what I said - this kind of NYT bad faith and dishonesty does her no favors.
It's all for the hivemind.

Paul said...

Democrats punish THEIR SIDE????

Whenever did they do that???

narciso said...

The real story that threatens the hive

Butkus51 said...

So Joe gets to cradle and sniff 10 year old girls hair. No big whup.

Big Mike said...

She’s decided Mario Cuomo was AOK because he didn’t hit on her. LOL.

@Breezy, I’m not desperate enough to hit on Maureen Dowd either.

Rory said...

"#MeToo always struck me as a Left-Manufactured way of attacking Trump, one that backfired spectacularly as so many Friends of Democrats (or Democrats) have learned."

The politicians, lawyers, and media had spent decades hunting for harassers in other industries while protecting each other. #MeToo just spread the hunt into areas dominated by Dems.

narciso said...

What happened to lauer and moonves, the flagships of toxic masculinity why is glern thrush and mark halperin still employed?

BUMBLE BEE said...

John Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Chris Dodd, LBJ, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, ad nauseum. See any "High Ground" back there anywhere? Error 404 Page Not Found.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Menendez... the D stands for degeneracy.

Sebastian said...

"there’s less and less willingness to unilaterally punish your own side"

When have Dems ever done that? Even Franken was not a unilateral move, but a tactical one to win in Alabama.

"Why take your own piece off the board if they won’t?'"

What MeToo pieces has the GOP not taken off the board? And don't give me Trump's they'll-you-grab nonsense or the Blasey Ford smear.

Michael K said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
It's like with blacks, where whites no longer care what blacks feel after a couple of decades of trying to help and getting slammed anyway.

Men no longer care how women say they feel. Suck it up, babe.

True enough. Empathy exhaustion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are feeling really butt-hurt over Cuomo - because they give him an academy award for his acting skills.

The left's Potemkin President Biden showered Cuomo in praise - calling Cuomo "the gold standard" in governing.

The left placed all the golden eggs in the Cuomo basket. At one point - Cuomo was percolating as presidential material.

Now this?

Why can't the leftwing press circle the wagons effectively?
Or - How can the leftist press circle the wagons more effectively! Come on brave soldiers for the corrupt democrat party... pull it together.

Perhaps Hillary can dig up some trash on the young women who were sexually harassed by Cuomo.

Drago said...

BFTPFCP: "The left placed all the golden eggs in the Cuomo basket. At one point - Cuomo was percolating as presidential material.

Now this?"

Not to worry.

There is already an army of Blue-Anon Ingas running about claiming this is a republican set up and Trump actually ordered the COVID infected elderly into nursing homes and lied about it.

The only thing missing is claims hawaiian shirt wearing republican operatives were seen conversing with Cuomo's victims.

But the day is still young, so give the Inga-Blue Anons just a bit more time.....

Yancey Ward said...

Dowd is so completely full of shit.

Jaq said...

"Probably enough Democrats feel it no longer makes sense to hold your own side to serious ethical standards if Republicans won’t”

That’s how they justify every naked power move they make. First they whip up false charges against the Republicans, or disconstrue every word out of his mouth, then use the outrage they have whipped up to cover their own outrages.

Who cares about the thousands of grandmothers and grandfathers that Cuomo killed, that was in a good cause, to keep Trump from looking good.

Drago said...

"Why can't the leftwing press circle the wagons effectively?"

Oh contraire.

They are being quite effective...if the goal is well understood.

They are taking Cuomo out of 2024 contention to smooth the path for obama-controlled Harris. In fact, the obama minions which dominate the executive branch are sending a clear message to all democraticals and LLR-lefties (whom the left funds at The Bulwark, The Dispatch and The National anti-life Google/Facebook Review) that they can turn you into a hero or a zero overnight if you cross them.

Cuomo and his people wouldnt shut up about Cuomo being presidential material....and the obama people said enough is enough...and no democratical/LLR lap poodle is immune to the machinations dems use to take out opponents.

Yancey Ward said...

They aren't taking Cuomo off the board, though. He isn't resigning, isn't going to be forced to resign, and will probably win re-election.

Someone wrote a few days ago in these threads- it may be that Cuomo's allies are drumming up the Me-Too accusations as a way to deflect attention from the coverup of the nursing home deaths. The one notable thing about the nursing home story is that it is the WSJ that is carrying all the water right now- no other paper seems to be doing actual work on it themselves.

Yancey Ward said...

Watch what happens over the next half year- Cuomo does a big apology speech on the Me-Too scandal, publically gets some therapy, and then the media start in with the "Old news and Cuomo has apologized" in reply to every raised question about both scandals.

Iman said...

I see Ron Brownstain’s comedy act continues...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - an interesting theory.
Now - If only the democraticals can let it be known that sexual harassment in the work place is... not cool. even for grandma killing team-D-ers.

Earnest Prole said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hawaiian shirt wearing... LOL. The Hawaiian shirt army is about to take over.... be fearful!

meanwhile - young angry drunk leftwing turds in whitey white proggy Boulder look upon the leftwing white turds of Portland, and think - 'cool - vandalism and property damage against "the man" is fun + F the police'.

Welcome to Kamala's 'merica.

Iman said...

I can almost hear her stilettos’ enraged clickety clacking down the hallway.

No... wait... that’s Katie Couric...

Iman said...

Franken found out that the “10’s” were NOT his decade.

Kate said...

Franken wasn't just a she-said case. We saw the evidence. As someone with a personal space bubble the size of a Buick, I found that pic a hanging offence. Let everyone from now on go into a fraught meeting with their finger on the record button.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Blue-Anon is trending. I love it.


"Who paid Brett Kavanaugh's debts?"
"Why did Justice Kennedy resign?"
"The Capitol riot was planned by Republicans, and Capitol police collaborated."
"Detention centers are concentration camps."


Any others?

"Brett Kavanaugh is a gang rapist"

"Melania Trump has a body double."

"Trump committed felony obstruction 10 times to hide his collusion with Russia"

“Trump is using the USPS to steal the election.”

"pee pee tape is real, man"

The pivot from "Mueller's got him" to "Mueller is too stupid"

Iman said...

My paternal grandmother was from Doncaster, England and never lost her accent over the years of living in Utah. I recall her often asking - when annoyed - “what are you little buggahs up to?”

We didn’t realize “buggahs” was a cleaned up version of buggerers until after she’d passed.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

What's wrong with "bollix"? (And it is usually spelled that way, when it's a verb.)

Me, I love me some Brit slang. Mark Steyn (who has more excuse than I, having spent a good part of his working life in Britain, unlike my not-quite-a-year) sprinkles it around prodigiously. "Wanker," which is an excellent word. "Cockwomble," even better . . .

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Iman, "buggers" derives from "buggerers," but it's a different word.

h said...

Contra Brownstein: One of the earliest of these scandals (1983) involved two Congressmen who were accused of having sex with under-age Capitol Hill pages. The Republican was voted out in the next election. The Democrat continued to win re-election for more than a decade.

The Crack Emcee said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

"Hawaiian shirt wearing... LOL. The Hawaiian shirt army is about to take over.... be fearful!"

AKA The DJ Dad Shirt

LA_Bob said...

"I kept it because it is such ripe bullshit, and I thought you might enjoy a laugh."

You were right. But I laughed at your statement much more than Ron's puddle of pablum.

Gunner said...

People talk about Al Franken like he is dead. If he really wanted to, he could primary some less socialist Democrat. If he is as beloved as these dorks act like he is, it should be no sweat.

Openidname said...

Literally saying it's okay to do anything, no matter how appalling or against your own stated principles, as long as your opponents are doing it (or you think they are).

narciso said...

one of the cranes from illinois, vs gerry studs, it's transgressive or something

Joe Smith said...

"'Probably enough Democrats feel it no longer makes sense to hold your own side to serious ethical standards if Republicans won’t, so it’s possible to tough out things like this,'"

Wow. So much unawareness in one sentence.

I mean, Clinton had his cock sucked in the Oval Office, and an actual 'journalist' offered to suck it again.

But maybe democrats held someone accountable in 1934...that must be what he's talking about.

Drago said...

BFTPFCP: "Blue-Anon is trending. I love it.

It means basically every single thing Inga and readering and puddin and LLR-lefties have been saying and writing all the way back to Iran-Contra and accelerated with their lies about russian collusion starting in late 2015.

narciso said...

they got rid of weiner and they ended up with deblasio, same with spitzer, the next one up is worse, they even wrote a whole series about characters like spitzer, weiner and co, as apologia.

Amadeus 48 said...

This all could have been different if the nuns had let Dowd be prom queen.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

h at 10:48 gets it.

Also, Brownstein’s examples are of Democrats credibly accused and blatantly getting away with it versus #fakenews accusers groomed by Democrat Law Firms and shielded by dishonest press who relentlessly endlessly (it seems, during) repeat the accusations without evidence and once the actual “evidence” proves a dry hole they move on without apology, without explanation, with never a regret about the lies and dirt they amplify and spread far and deep. In fact the Party and its media amplifier simply keep calling the conservative people “rapists and abusers” as if they had prevailed in the hearings after all. Win-win!

Accusers of Democrats are not ever “believed” and supported by media like that. It doesn't happen. Franken was taken down by a Twitter mob only because he gave in and resigned. The Party would not have axed him. He was stupid.

Joe Smith said...

"they got rid of weiner..."

I'm kind of surprised he hasn't popped up again.

It's hard to keep a good man down.

Radical feminists have been trying to get rid of wiener for years.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Now do “waitress sandwich” and tell us how it ruined those Dem careers. I’ll wait...

narciso said...

yes for a time, then they gave him a slap on the wrist, he'll probably run for something again, unless he suffers mike kelleys fate in house of cards,

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Michael, comment #2, said it all.

Biden didn't stop the Thomas hearings out of "comity", he stopped them because the Republicans had a bunch of witnesses lined up who would have utterly destroyed the Democrats whole story line.

"Democrats vainly hammered Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh on made up sexual misconduct claims, hoping to stop judges they opposed on ideological grounds with fraudulent stories.

Fixed it for her

Sam L. said...

I have no trust in anything MoDo writes.

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Sam L. said...
I have no trust in anything MoDo writes.

Remember like 15-20 years ago when what Maureen Dowd wrote was a thing? I even remember an episode on The West Wing, where they had a Maureen Dowd character stand-in and all the little people were in a tizzy because one staffer was worried they made a mistake between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. And then that that led to another junior staffer trying to repair things but humoursly somehow leaving her panties behind which for some reason had her name inscribed on them. Then at some point, people no longer cared what Maureen Dowd had to say... There was no reason given. And no words were said. But it is interesting to witness what goes on in the left's head.

Old and slow said...

Her use of the phrase "bollixed up" was actually correct. It was also pretentious and annoying coming from an American. Though to be honest, I still think it is hilarious when I hear an Irishman use the word "mutherfucker" in an American accent...

n.n said...

Ethics, religion's relativistic cousin. The oldest new religion.

n.n said...

Also, #MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed, #HimToo #HeProgressed, for purposes of selfieshness, rape-rape culture to justify Planned Parenthood (e.g. selective-child, cannibalized child), cancel culture, relations with "benefits", and force people to kneel. A forward-looking construct normalized by the sociopolitical complex.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I've used 'bollixed/bollixed-up' and am pretty sure I did not get it from Britspeak. I can see now that it's pointed out how it must be related to 'bollucks', but that's not how it came to me in SC, where it was just an altnerate euphanism to 'fouled' in 'f--ked-up'.

As for 'buggahs' ==> 'buggerers', well, in the South it's 'boogers' as in the nasal excretion. We used to play "Ain't No Boogers Out Tonight!" frequently.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack -
OK that is a great mix.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Blue Anon = Jill Stein and Tusli Gabbard are RUSSIAN ASSETS!

Never mind that Biden and Hillary are Poot's poodles. See high gas prices.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"that is a great looking shirt"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maddow is BIG time Blue Anon. She is the Hillary-Blue-Anon Poster boy.

Anonymous said...

The bollixed every scandal: Creating ones out of whole cloth against (R), covering up ones against [useful at the time] (D)

That isn't bollixing up, that is evil.

Kirk Parker said...


I'm kind of partial to "Sod off, swampy!"

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