August 29, 2020

"And I do think — the Democrats, I think, have come to understand, they somehow got on the wrong side of order."

"And they got somehow attached, even though Biden is not actually attached to it, to the idea of defunding the police. And they need to somehow make some gesture to show they understand the insecurity of the American people. The country has been through an anxious time, with the pandemic, economic turmoil. There's just this great sense of fear, of fear and a sense of unsafety, physical unsafety, from the pandemic and everything else. And somehow they have to address that. Now, a lot of law and order talk is code word for racism. There's no question about that. But I think a lot of it is not. And I think Democrats would be making a mistake if they just said, oh, you're all just a bunch of cryptoracists. I think people have legitimate concerns about expressing their opinion safely, about living safely. And so I think Biden really would do well by himself to somehow address this issue and say, no, we're for policing, we want to reform policing, but we will keep you safe. This is just an elemental issue of politics stretching back 3,000 or 4,000 years...."

Said David Brooks (on PBS Newshour last night).

They need to somehow make some gesture....

They need more than some gesture! Show some leadership. Why should they be trusted when they've been running the cities with the worst problems with crime and the police?

"Cryptoracist" is a useful word. Reminiscent of "cryptofascist" (which which is what Gore Vidal said he meant to call William F. Buckley when he called him a "crypto-Nazi"). Brooks's use of "cryptoracist" is to mock the notion that there are lots of such people out there.

The OED has an entry for "crypto" as a free-standing word: "A person who secretly belongs to or supports a particular political group; esp. a crypto-communist." There's a Churchill quote: "Pacifists or ‘cryptos’, or that breed of degenerate intellectuals."


Marshall Rose said...

How about he actively support Republicans who already stand for law and order, rather than wish democrats pretend to be Republicans just to get elected.

Ken B said...

There is in fact doubt about it. Brooks is too gutless to just tell the truth, he has to pour pander-sauce over it.

RMc said...

Show some leadership.

They are showing leadership...they're blaming Trump, aren't they?

Josephbleau said...

Of course the Democrats need to make a gesture. They need to hornswoggle the independents into thinking that police will be supported and safety will be maintained while giving their anarchist base a secret sign that they will do the opposite.

Bay Area Guy said...

Brooks is an inept, over-educated buffoon. He's been carrying water for the Democrat Party for years, who in turn is directing these violent riots.

Openidname said...

How, I wonder, does one distinguish law and order talk which is code for racism from that which is not?

Hippogryph said...

"And I think Democrats would be making a mistake if they just said, oh, you're all just a bunch of cryptoracists."

If? I think we've been there for a while, Brooks.

And further, it's not just "insecurity" that law-abiding types of Americans are feeling. It's a sense of indignity. We are supposed to be living in a democracy, where political things are decided by vote---but now we have a large portion of the Left which is equally happy to get their way by recourse to violence and threat.

Oso Negro said...

I would say the Democrats HAVE made gestures. Such as ordering the police to stand down while Democrat-controlled cities burn. THAT has been quite the gesture and contributed to the recent box score from the Kenosha riots - All-American boy 3, rioters 0, police - no show.

JohnAnnArbor said...

"Now, a lot of law and order talk is code word for racism. There's no question about that."

Why? People of all races want safe communities.

Big Mike said...

They need more than some gesture! Show some leadership. Why should they be trusted when they've been running the cities with the worst problems with crime and the police?

Handsy Joe and Kamala have never been leaders before, how do you expect them to change now? The closest Biden has come to leadership was the Clarence Thomas hearings, and Thomas was confirmed anyway. And, frankly, for David Brooks and far too many others, “some gesture” gets translated into “say something appropriate.” But right now words are not nearly good enough.

Caroline said...

Another evidence-free assertion that law and order talk is “code” for racism.

Gabriel said...

Just like Andrew Sullivan. Rein it in so you don't blow the election. Stop saying the quiet parts loud under after the election where you can kick the Deep State into high gear and start managing everyone's lives for their own good again.

Iman said...

The Democrat Party: Making Empty Gestures Since Forever.

Swede said...

Brooks is an effete little dandy that doesn't even qualify as a RHINO.

He's just trying to walk his buddies on the batshit crazy left back from the ledge.

He'll fail.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

The "Sister Souljah" argument - which George Will brought up - simply won't work this time, not with this movement. A gesture worked with an unknown rapper who said an ugly thing. But this is an national movement that has the sympathy - if not support - of major elements in America, especially the anti-Trump resistance media.
One speech, one gesture, one response won't do it.

Stephen St. Onge said...

        The great issue of Western political philosophy, ever since the late 17th Century, is whether Western Civilization was morally legitimate.  All through this period, a huge number of philosophers have said it is not, and won't be until it is remade by said political philosophers, who are both smarter and more moral than the rest of us.  Those philosophers were the originators of what was dubbed "the Left" during the French Revolution.

        The Democrats have been infiltrated by that Left.  They make up a large portion of the party, and intend to destroy the U.S.  From the Left's viewpoint, disorder is a good thing, as it destabilizes the existing political setup.

        In the long run, the Left will have to go.  We can do it peacefully, by splitting up the country, or we can do it horribly, by killing them all, but in the end we can't live in peace with them.  Because they mean it when they say they intend to institute totalitarian rule.

The Godfather said...

Vidal called Buckley a crypto-Nazi, not the other way around.

stevew said...

The Democrats, and Biden/Harris, embraced the narrative of systemic racism, defund the police, BLM, etc. so completely that that toothpaste is out of the tube. I don't see how they switch position to law and order without revealing themselves as disingenuous and patronizing, cynical even. But they should try. The only people that will be pissed off are the BLM folks - and AOC and the squad - and they aren't voting in meaningful numbers for Biden anyway. Worth a shot to win back some of the suburban moms.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Five "somehows" in that short quote. If only there was a group of people whose job it was to come and tell us what happened and why.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"somehow" got on the wrong side of order ????

"the facts of [a functional] Life are conservative"

"Order" being one of those facts.

ProgLibDems are by nature and intent on the wrong side.

It's not an accident.

Rory said...

"There's just this great sense of fear, of fear and a sense of unsafety, physical unsafety, from the pandemic and everything else."

More gaslighting: that this all arises from the pandemic and then Floyd. There haven't been organized leftist gangs bullying college campuses and city centers for at least a decade.

Nichevo said...

Sincerity blah blah fake it blah blah got it made

Anonymous said...

David Brooks, Peggy Noonan, and the other Coastal Urban Republicans are the Mythical Conservative Democrat.

Meade said...

The term “covert racism” still works, as it has worked for some 50+ years. The Democrats began covering up their racism starting with JFK. From LBJ through HRC they mastered the art. Now, with Biden, the mask has completely slipped. And by accepting a job offer from a person she openly accused of being a racist and a rapist,Kamala Harris represents the cynical enablement of the Democrats’ “necessary illusion.”

Drago said...

"And they got somehow attached, even though Biden is not actually attached to it, to the idea of defunding the police."


Oh yes. Where oh where did that idea come from? It's inexplicable I tellya!

We may never know where that idea came from.

Next up for David Brooks: Why oh why do people think the democraticals are coming for your guns?.....

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

This is the point in the crisis where the media joins hands in an attempt to figure a way for Democrats to elude responsibly for the mess they’ve crated. Some way to appease the rubes without dissing their holy anarchist allies. Will people be fooled again? Probably.

Rabel said...

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.

And we're just the ones to do it.

- D. Brooks

Hoping I'm first with the reference.

YoungHegelian said...

And I think Democrats would be making a mistake if they just said, oh, you're all just a bunch of cryptoracists. I think people have legitimate concerns about expressing their opinion safely, about living safely.... This is just an elemental issue of politics stretching back 3,000 or 4,000 years....

Translated from Brookish to English this means "I think you assholes have really screwed the pooch on this one, Big F'ing Time".

Kathryn51 said...

Althouse, I watched the Buckley-Vidal "debate" (it was on every night altho I'm not sure which year or party convention - 1968?)and I think it was Vidal that called Buckley a "crypto-Nazi". Buckley then called Vidal a "queer" - in other words, a true statement.

Oso Negro said...

I would say the Democrats HAVE made gestures. Such as ordering the police to stand down while Democrat-controlled cities burn. THAT has been quite the gesture and contributed to the recent box score from the Kenosha riots - All-American boy 3, rioters 0, police - no show.

CWJ said...

"Brooks's use of "cryptoracist" is to mock the notion that there are lots of such people out there."

Saying "Now, a lot of law and order talk is code word for racism. There's no question about that." undercuts your interpretation.

Earnest Prole said...

which which is what William F. Buckley said he meant to call Gore Vidal when he called him a "crypto-Nazi"

You've got those two names reversed.

rhhardin said...

The idea that the democrats lack only the correct urge of the moment is mistaken.

Getting economics (for instance) wrong is not a mistake at the top. Misleading the voters about consequences is their whole method. It's deliberate.

Iman said...

"Teh Soft Bigotry of Joe Expectations"...

rhhardin said...

Trump has to pander to women too. The curse of the 19th amendment. But he does seem to do stuff that benefits the country rather than his party. If it benefits the party, it's a side-effect only, as from doing something that works out for the country.

He has to trick women only because they're irrational. He doesn't have to trick men.

Kai Akker said...

Love all those "somehow"s. Who is he kidding? Well, not many left to kid, I guess. The Democrats somehow got on the wrong side of order, they somehow got on the side of defunding the police, and they somehow need to make a gesture.

Because they CHOSE those two positions when faced with the choice. They need to make a gesture because there might still be someone left in America who doesn't know in his bones what the Democrats have chosen to be about. It could only BE a gesture because their preferences and constituencies are clear.

Let them take it all to the ballot box and get the verdict.

Narayanan said...

Said David Brooks (on PBS Newshour last night).

They need to somehow make some gesture....
That must be coming from his heart - it is not a gaffe. I don't think so.

robother said...

"Make a gesture" is the typical cynical approach to politics, that Beltway creatures all engage in, and voters more or less accept as part of the game, trying to sort out the BS from what someone actually will do in office.. (e..g., every Democrat candidate in 2008 saying "marriage should only be between a man and a woman".)

I'm not sure Brooks or anyone rooting for Biden to win appreciates that law and order pose an entirely different magnitude of voter concern. It's literally existential, at both individual and societal level. Treating "lawnorder"as just another cynical gesture is not going to be met with the same shrug by voters as even abortion may be.

And those antifa and BLM types don't seem to be the types to reward Biden's and Kamala's eyewink ("i'm really on your side") at the polls. But maybe Joe's internal polling guys are seeing something different.

Ken B said...

As I read Meade’s comment I can see Harris rocking back and forth, laughing, repeating “It was a *finger* rape, it was a *finger* rape”.

Rabel said...

Brooks has color coded his bookshelves.

That raises my opinion of him.

Ozymandias said...

Wasn't it Vidal who called Buckley a "crypto-Nazi"? Leading Buckley to call Vidal a "queer"and threaten to punch him.

Narayanan said...

Meade said...
... Now, with Biden, the mask has completely slipped. And by accepting a job offer from a person she openly accused of being a racist and a rapist,Kamala Harris represents the cynical enablement of the Democrats’ “necessary illusion.”
may be not completely - Kamala is still dangling from one of his ears

Skeptical Voter said...

Living safely may involve the police. The inability to express an opinion safely involves the cancel culture that the libs and the Democrats so happily embrace. Two separate problems there David. Don't lump them together because you need different things to solve the two different problems.

In any case Biden doesn't have the leadership skills or the energy to solve either problem. I'm not saying Trump does either--indeed he may exacerbate the cancel culture problem. But just as in the Middle East, the American electorate will favor the strong horse. And comparatively speaking, The Donald is a Clydesdale--and old Slow Joe is a spavined Shetland pony.

Skeptical Voter said...

Living safely may involve the police. The inability to express an opinion safely involves the cancel culture that the libs and the Democrats so happily embrace. Two separate problems there David. Don't lump them together because you need different things to solve the two different problems.

In any case Biden doesn't have the leadership skills or the energy to solve either problem. I'm not saying Trump does either--indeed he may exacerbate the cancel culture problem. But just as in the Middle East, the American electorate will favor the strong horse. And comparatively speaking, The Donald is a Clydesdale--and old Slow Joe is a spavined Shetland pony.

Mark said...

I think Biden really would do well by himself to somehow address this issue and say, no, we're for policing, we want to reform policing, but we will keep you safe.

So Brooks, who is himself a fraud, wants the Dems to lie.

I say, it's about time that the Dems showed their true colors.

I say to the Democrats, "Be who you are. Be true to yourselves. Let us see the real you. Whatever that may be."

Bob Loblaw said...

And so I think Biden really would do well by himself to somehow address this issue and say, no, we're for policing, we want to reform policing, but we will keep you safe.

Biden can't do that, though, without splintering his base. That's why the Democrats are leaning so heavily on spurious accusations of racism; they don't have any room to maneuver on policy.

policraticus said...

Pretty sure it was Vidal who called Buckley a crypto-nazi, prompting Buckley's unfortunate use of a homosexual epithet and threat of "plastering him so he'd stay plastered." I'm sure I'm not the first to notice this accidental reversal.

Achilles said...

Kamala Harris's family owned hundreds of slaves and has had wealth for generations.

She is the perfect person to show how transparently racist and calculating democrats are.

RichardJohnson said...

Brooks enlightens the cave-dwelling deplorables:
"And I do think — the Democrats, I think, have come to understand, they somehow got on the wrong side of order."
It's a little late in the game to come to that realization. IIRC, the Demo Convention infomercial had no mention of the riots and looting.

"And they got somehow attached, even though Biden is not actually attached to it, to the idea of defunding the police."
One more time the incompetence and/or mendacity of the MSM reveals itself. Doesn't David Brooks work at the NYT?

Chris Wallace Is Wrong, Joe Biden Does Want to Defund the Police.

In fact, Wallace’s own network reported on it:

Joe Biden said in an interview Wednesday that some funding should “absolutely” be redirected from police, amid calls from some in his party to “defund the police” in the wake of the protests across the country.

Biden’s campaign has said he does not support defunding the police. But in a Now This interview with activist Ady Barkan, the presumptive Democratic nominee said that police forces don’t need surplus military equipment, saying this is what leads them to “become the enemy” in a community.

“But do we agree that we can redirect some of the [police] funding?” Barkan asked Biden.

“Yes, absolutely,” said the former vice president.
(Video included)

And the MSM muckety-mucks wonder why so many view them with contempt.

Tommy Duncan said...

David Brooks writes like a man in need of a testosterone booster. Or a pair.

Achilles said...

Democrats want power.

They will say and do whatever it takes to get power.

Any position or platform they can use.

They are completely amoral violent people.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero and a leader.

It is time to convince a bunch of people they need to find a different country to live in.

JPS said...

“if they just said, ‘oh, you’re all just a bunch of crypto-racists.’”

Nice use of the conditional. But we’re way past crypto-racists. In fact, we’re past calling Trump voters racist, with no cute prefix attached. We’ve quite moved on, to White Supremacists.

Anyway, good luck with that gesture, Brooks. Your new party’s real good at gestures.

Achilles said...

Joe Biden doesn't want to defund the police.

He wants them to do what the police in DC and Chicago and Portland and Seattle and other places where democrats are in charge are doing.

He wants them to protect Antifa from the peaceful productive citizens of the country.

doctrev said...

"Gestures" won't stop the cities from burning. Now, what will stop it are orders to shut down the riots. Problem is, Donald Trump will take that opportunity to grab the Antifa leaders in their homes and lock them up as terrorists, while suspending basic civil liberties. He'll then crow that yes, he was the one who broke the back of the rioters.

What are the Dems going to do? Say he's lying, the rioting stopped because Bloomberg ordered it to stop? Very stable geniuses.

Josephbleau said...

Of course the Democrats need to make a gesture. They need to hornswoggle the independents into thinking that police will be supported and safety will be maintained while giving their anarchist base a secret sign that they will do the opposite.

Conservachusetts said...

I think you have Buckley and Vidal reversed in your paragraph.

Original Mike said...

"And they need to somehow make some gesture to show they understand the insecurity of the American people."

No, they govern these cities. They need to stop it.

Temujin said...

"And they need to somehow make some gesture to show they understand the insecurity of the American people. The country has been through an anxious time, with the pandemic, economic turmoil. There's just this great sense of fear, of fear and a sense of unsafety, physical unsafety, from the pandemic and everything else."

Not a mention of actual civil unrest- riots- massive protests taken over by looters, rioters, and destructors. People have been killed. Many more injured. Hundreds of business burned, destroyed- first by the government shut downs, then by the local government's (Democrat) approval of unbridled violence in their own streets.

David Brooks obviously gets his news from his own newspaper, because only a reader of the Times could have missed the actual scenes on the ground. And that, folks, is why the country will be moving along without the Democrats and half the Republican Party come November.

wild chicken said...

"an elemental issue of politics"

That's just how stupid they are.

narciso said...

gosh dave, you are sharp as a tack,

Michael K said...

Biden can't do that, though, without splintering his base. That's why the Democrats are leaning so heavily on spurious accusations of racism; they don't have any room to maneuver on policy.

If Biden, or his handlers, once admit that rioting and looting is wrong, they lose the Bernie Bros. The Occupy/BLM wing is out of control, anyway.

cronus titan said...

Too late now. Democratic leadership has been egging riots on since May. The DNC did not mention riots once in its convention. They can't pull back now even though it is obvious they are taking on water. All their energy and enthusiasm is coming from rioters or their base the supports rioters. At most, they might say something tepid like arson or assault is not helpful.

As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly.

readering said...

It was Vidal who called Buckley a crypto-Nazi.

Patrick said...

I love it when Ann talks tough

Yancey Ward said...

That's the thing about it, isn't it- every Democrat supporter and Brooks, but I repeat myself, talk about gestures when it is Democrats almost exclusively in the actual positions of responsibility in all of these places with riots and looting. Just go down the line- how many of these night after night riots and looting have Republican mayors- how many are in cities in states with Republican governors?

And despite Brooks' best efforts, Biden is attached to this, if only for not saying a fucking thing denouncing it for now three months. All Biden has done is try to redefine what "Defund the Police" means. If he tried this at a BLM rally, the protestors would drive him back to his basement.

Not Sure said...

"And they got somehow attached, even though Biden is not actually attached to it, to the idea of defunding the police."

According to the great sage David Brooks, the idea of defunding the police is a lot like a coronavirus, just sort of floating around in spaces where it can attach itself to unsuspecting victims. Unfortunately, Biden is insufficiently prohylactic.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden's moment to do anything authentic and convincing was gone by the 2nd week in June.

Jamie said...

And this is the "trap" Sullivan was talking about in the other post - a trap Democrats set for Republicans and have now stumbled into. They wanted a mob, they wanted to foment chaos, and they got it. Now they realize that the chaos redounds to them in the minds of many voters whom they thought would automatically think "Trump" when chaos broke out, so they want to restrain the mob they created. If they can, then it might still work out for them. It's not as if the American voter has such a great attention span.

I'm not going to root for chaos or mob rule. But I can really see how "the worse, the better" came about - we really are looking at an era of public-policy-through-temper-tantrum if Biden's elected.

Harsh Pencil said...

Vidal called Buckley a crypto-nazi. The exchange went

VIDAL (loftily): As far as I’m concerned, the only pro- or crypto-Nazi I can think of is yourself. Failing that—

smith: Let’s, let’s not call names—

vidal: Failing that, I can only say that—

BUCKLEY (snarling, teeth bared): Now listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I’ll sock you in your goddam face, and you’ll stay plastered—

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Meade, this has been obvious for quite some time. My eyes were opened when LBJ was president and I was 12 years old... a teacher (imagine that!) helped me see the light by railing against Goldwater for wanting to 'send us back to the Middle Ages. Her vitriol and accusations were frightening and they motivated me to search out the facts as to how AuH2O was going to accomplish this crime upon the country. I visited both parties' local HQ's and got their platforms and any other material I could use to further my understanding. Of course that's when I became disillusioned with our educational system, even the very highly Nebraska version. I then knew that academics would lie to me instead of teach me. I trace my penchant for auto-didactism (NTTAWWT) to that incident.

Can you explain how smart people could be so oblivious to continue to vote for the Democrats time after time? How they could, for example, vote for Obama, a man with no real accomplishments and a purposely veiled background? Was it wishful thinking? Was it bien pensants rationalizing their votes? Was it peer pressure? Naivete? Brazen self-interest? Laziness? Hatred for the 'Other'? Fad? Indoctrination? Band-wagoning? Gullibility?
It perplexes me. Just like the myth that the parties somehow changed sides in the 60s perplexes me that people still believe that. No, I understand why a sunsong, Freder, readering, steve uhr, igna and ARM may believe that. I mean why do some smart people believe that? Perplexing.

My advice? Plead the Fifth.

Glad to see the scales are falling from the eyes of some folks.

Clues? said...

Dem Party Response: Nonono, we need to triple down on the all-Trump-supporters-are-white-supremacists formula!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Now, a lot of law and order talk is code word for racism. There's no question about that"


Racist leftwing terrorists are burning and destroying property - and all this asshole has to say is "Talk of law and order is racist."

David Brooks is an ass.

cubanbob said...

What hell, if you're going to do the time, might as well commit the crime. Yes, all whites are racist. Now what are the POC's going to do about that?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The collective left is a fraudulent enterprise. Filled with corruption excusing assholes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I have a gesture for Brooks.

Dude1394 said...

So democrats just need to find the correct words to hide their the intentions, again. Hope you are FINALLY watching black America.

PM said...

Hey Joe:
"I want to defund the bad cops and defend the good ones."
That's how ya straddle, podner.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

But do we agree that we can redirect some of the [police] funding?” Barkan asked Biden.
“Yes, absolutely,” said the former vice president.

Biden wants to "redirect" funds from the police to... ? Does it matter?
Somehow the word "redirect" is supposed to give Biden leftwing street cred with his hivemind. *wink*

then they can all fall all over themselves proclaiming he never said it.

The Gipper Lives said...

"And they got somehow attached, even though Biden is not actually attached to it, to the idea of defunding the police."

Maybe because redirects you to Biden and he gets a slice of all Black Lives Murders-donations.

If we "redirect" Biden's pension to Mike Flynn's Legal Defense Fund, we haven't defunded China Joe?

Kevin said...

Some people need to do something?

Pro Tip: that ship has sailed.

The only option available is to anger the other half of the “Democratic” Party.

I'm Not Sure said...

David Brooks says:

"And I do think — the Democrats, I think, have come to understand, they somehow got on the wrong side of order. And they got somehow attached, even though Biden is not actually attached to it, to the idea of defunding the police."

Well, here's the thing, Dave (can I call you Dave?)- the Democrats "somehow" got attached because that's what they chose. The problem for Democrats is not that they're on the side they are (they're Democrats, for crissakes- where else would they be?), it's that people can see that they're there.

It would be so much more convenient to just overlook all the unpleasantness that's been going on lately, wouldn't it, Dave? Anyway, as the esteemed Mick Jagger once said, "You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes, well, you just might find you get what you need."

And Democrats do need a serious beatdown at the ballot box.

Michael said...

Biden can say something, but I don't think he has the personal force to sell it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

How come all the allegedly brilliant, liberal pundits like Sullivan nd Brooks are just realiz
ing this?

exhelodrvr1 said...

Statement from Rittenhouse attorneys

MartyH said...

This blog is driving home the fact that Democrats and their allies believe that electoral considerations are the only reason to denounce the rioting. Democrats do not condemn the riots because they lead to injuries and deaths; for the violence; for the intimidation; for the immediate destruction; for the long term damage.

Democrats need to "make a gesture" because otherwise Biden might lose. And Biden winning is all that matters.

donald said...

Brooks emerges from his favorite Grand Central Station restroom glory hole to drop some knowledge.

The Gipper Lives said...

"Statehood for D.C."? Are you kidding me?

This attack on Rand Paul and others is the VERY REASON our Founders created a Federal District: so senators would not be threatened, intimidated and coerced by local scumbag partisan politicians like Mayor Bowser and her Klantifa/Black Lives Murders-mob of domestic terrorists.

Statehood? We should rescind Cityhood. These Hoodlums can't even handle that.

This is the Satanic spirit of the Mob unleashed by Mayor Jezebel Bowser when she sent her domestic terrorists over to the White House to lynch the Trumps last month. The President had tweeted that rioters should avoid the White House because the Secret Service was highly armed. Bowser tweeted back that there were no weapons and the President was alone and defenseless.

Mayor Bowser was trying to get the Mob to assault the President, and failing that, she hoped to get rioters killed to get her Kent State on. And now we find that she denied the senators Secret Service escorts to their hotels. She wanted them attacked by her Soros-zombie night-riders.

In a way, it is a fitting end to Republican Convention, which got better and brighter every day if that’s even possible. This dark evil only shows us clearly what is at stake in this contest. These riots were scheduled because President Trump has cut into black vote. Massa don't allow that.

One hundred years ago, the Klan acted as the paramilitary militia wing of the Democrat Party. They were domestic terrorists. Today BLM and Antifa are the paramilitary militia wing of the Democrat Party. They are domestic terrorists.

They used to be white supremacists and segregationists, now they're Black Supremacists and Communists, but nothing else has changed much in a century.

TreeJoe said...

Brooks is looking for a strongly worded gesture to show what real leadership looks like.

holdfast said...

“ Now, a lot of law and order talk is code word for racism.”

JFC, just when you think Brooks can’t be any more of a cuck, he tops himself.

tim maguire said...

Thank goodness the Times has good conservatives like Brooks to downplay the Democrats’ problems and make excuses for them.

Chris of Rights said...

"Now, a lot of law and order talk is code word for racism. There's no question about that."

Ummm...I think there's significant question about that. In fact, I would want you to prove such an assertion, since you state it as fact.

Owen said...

rhhardin: “
The idea that the democrats lack only the correct urge of the moment is mistaken.

Getting economics (for instance) wrong is not a mistake at the top. Misleading the voters about consequences is their whole method. It's deliberate.”


I smell flop sweat on Brooks.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ummmm... I vote a gesture, Hara Kiri! Get this nation into gear again.

Paco Wové said...

"...they need to somehow make some gesture..."

That was how I always saw Kerry's nomination in 2004. "Post-9/11, we have to pretend to care about 'patriotism' and 'the military' and all that shit – Kerry was in the Army, right? Nominate him, the rubes will lap it up."

tcrosse said...

Seems a bit late for a gesture, unless they can wave their hands and make all that plywood disappear.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Harris was chosen for her sex and color by a party who say sex and color shouldn't matter. Failing the self awareness test.

Narr said...

Hey Brooks, I got yer gesture right here!

Brooks gives putzes a bad name

Ken B said...

How, other than lying, can you get back on the right side of this particular issue? “Sure, I was in favor of burning your business, and mugging your child, but you can trust me now.”

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys are blaming Democrats for what blacks and the civil rights movement are doing, like they blame the Republicans for what trump and the tea Party does.

You're all confused.

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry about reversing the names. Fixed.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

And I do think... the Democrats...have come to understand, they somehow got on the wrong side of order.

They understand they got on the wrong side politically. The do not understand they got on the wrong side morally.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"As I read Meade’s comment I can see Harris rocking back and forth, laughing, repeating “It was a *finger* rape, it was a *finger* rape”."


Damn Canadians always were kinda funny. I even like Super Troopers 2 despite some stupid anti-American propaganda by Canadians. There was stupid anti-Canadian propaganda too, by Americans ostensibly, also.

Good job KB.

Sebastian said...

"They need more than some gesture!"

Well, everyone understands that it would be a gesture, and nothing but a gesture.

"Show some leadership."

Joe? After 40+ years? Right after he showed leadership by picking Kamala?

"Why should they be trusted when they've been running the cities with the worst problems with crime and the police?"

Well, because Dems and lots of nice women have been letting them get away with it, and still today contemplate voting for Dems cuz Orange Man Bad. After decades of failure, we all know: progs want the destruction.

GingerBeer said...

Still, it would only be a gesture. When deemed useful again, Ds will be only too happy to revert to form.

Charlie said...

"we're for policing, we want to reform policing, but we will keep you safe."

Ahhh, it's a little late for that I think. The toothpaste is already out of the tube!

Charlie said...

Also, "make a gesture" = not actually do anything.

WK said...

I am sure the crypto-Republicans will make a noticeable difference in November.

Guildofcannonballs said...

---"plastering him so he'd stay plastered."---

yeah that sounds like bill wtf???

I hope Althouse learns to hate fake quotes. Accurate quotes can be the basis for great things in tough times, whereas inaccurate quotes are always mere lies at base, therefore mostly soon to be forgotten, even when the lies are supposed to be humor-hiding-lies in evolving disguise.

5M - Eckstine said...

All done with altruism. Altruism that gets easily corrupted and violent because of lack of boundaries.

Research impacthubs. pepesgrandma on twitter had the links. OFA. SOROS funding.

Its a pyramid of community activism highly connected and funded. One that desires to use global violence to tear down and rebuild open societies.

Readering said...

Another circle jerk.

Kevin said...

they need to somehow make some gesture

Note that Brooks isn't saying the Democrats need to mean it.

They just need to allow the media to make a plausible argument that it has some meaning behind it.

Birkel said...

Is it the law that is racist?
Or the order?

I am pretty sure it's not the and.

Law and order is about the promise of domestic tranquility.
It would suit everybody to have a bit more tranquility.
That's not racist in any way.

J Melcher said...

"They need more than some gesture! "

Gestures are MAGICK! Run a 10K in order to cure breast cancer. Dump a bucket of ice water over your head; thereby curing Lou Gehrig's Disease. Make a speech so that the oceans begin to recede and the planet begins to heal. Raise a fist to end racism. Burn a flag to bring the troops home. Virtue signal, let the freak flag fly, raise awareness, demonstrate, join hands, lift your voices, chant along ...

There are an awful lot of people who seem to think that if THEY gesture hypnotically, (like Mandrake the comic strip magician), WE will work for them. They gesture, we act. They demand the universe suddenly become "fair" and we are somehow expected to make it happen. Magically.

effinayright said...

Hear Buckley go after Vidal for yourself:

eddie willers said...

I smell flop sweat on Brooks.

And not for the first time: Broadcast News Albert Brooks Sweat Snippet

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

In his periscope this morning Scott Adams said (paraphrasing) 'the most racist thing whites do with blacks is to infantilize them.'

Allowing riots -"the wrong side of order"*- are part of that and so is the idea that blacks don't or can't get a basic ID to show at the polls.

*Looking for ways to soften a blow, perhaps? -infantilizing. said...

The Libs are making a gesture. They are now claiming that the violence, looting and arson is being done by White nationalists that infiltrated the mobs. This clears the deck for Dem leaders to call for more forceful responses to the riots. BLM and Antifa have become a liability. Ask Robespierre what happens when that happens.

Bob Boyd said...

I'm not sure the Democrats can just shut this stuff off, but what does it tell you if they can?

JAORE said...

Defund? Joe said defund? No, no a thousand times no. How dare you imply that.

What Joe HAS endorsed was a transfer of funds from police to some unspecified group.

Now that makes sense if, and only if, defund means remove every last penny from....

But, for you on the left, I'd never want you defunded. That would be awful. But if you would all just transfer just a measly 10 percent of your income to me all will be well in the world.

Stephen St. Onge said...

QuestionAskedAndAnswered dept.:

“I'm Full of Soup said...
“How come all the allegedly brilliant, liberal pundits like Sullivan and Brooks are just realizing this?"

        The answer is here: The real stakes in the David Shor saga. Discussing the Left's cancelling of David Shor's job, Matthew Yglesias says:

“In late May when the blowup happened, YouGov polling shows that the demonstrations were widely seen — by Black Americans as well as whites — as significantly inflected by violence.

“Two days later, a Reuters poll found that 'majorities of both Republicans and Democrats said they supported peaceful protests but believed property damage undermined the demonstrators’ cause. Less than one quarter of Americans said violence was an appropriate response.' . . .

Progressives need to maintain the ability to be smart

“The punchline to all this is that concerns of people like Shor about whether a possible protest backlash could boost Trump, so far, seem to be wrong.”

        IOW, there was no electoral backlash visible in the Liberal Bubbles they live in, and neither the NYTwit nor the Bezos Blog were reporting on the problem, so they had no idea it existed. It has only just penetrated that the God-Emperor Donald I may be reelected.

Stephen St. Onge said...

QuestionAskedAndAnswered dept.:

“I'm Full of Soup said...
“How come all the allegedly brilliant, liberal pundits like Sullivan and Brooks are just realizing this?"

        The answer is here: The real stakes in the David Shor saga. Discussing the Left's cancelling of David Shor's job, Matthew Yglesias says:

“In late May when the blowup happened, YouGov polling shows that the demonstrations were widely seen — by Black Americans as well as whites — as significantly inflected by violence.

“Two days later, a Reuters poll found that 'majorities of both Republicans and Democrats said they supported peaceful protests but believed property damage undermined the demonstrators’ cause. Less than one quarter of Americans said violence was an appropriate response.' . . .

Progressives need to maintain the ability to be smart

“The punchline to all this is that concerns of people like Shor about whether a possible protest backlash could boost Trump, so far, seem to be wrong.”

        IOW, there was no electoral backlash visible in the Liberal Bubbles they live in, and neither the NYTwit nor the Bezos Blog were reporting on the problem, so they had no idea it existed.  It has only just penetrated that the God-Emperor Donald I may be reelected.  A gesture is needed that will stop that calamity.

JAORE said...

"Gestures are MAGICK!"


Way back when an Atlanta radio station called on everyone to turn on their car lights to show support for the Iranian hostages.

My ex-wife complied.

That evening she called me to say she forgot to turn them off and the battery was dead after 8 hours (ya think?).

It required a new battery that I bought, hauled to her job and installed.

When she saw I was unhappy she said, "But it was for the hostages".

My response, "Really, how many were freed because you killed the battery?" was not well received.

Iman said...

I have a gesture for Brooksie as well, BB&H...

........('(...エ...エ.... ッ~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.キエ

Oso Negro said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
You guys are blaming Democrats for what blacks and the civil rights movement are doing, like they blame the Republicans for what trump and the tea Party does.

You're all confused.

8/29/20, 3:43 PM

We may be confused, but you guys can't even manage a fucking race riot anymore without a bunch of skinny-ass white girls to lead the way and a bunch of soy-boys to do the violence while your stank-asses loot the high end stores. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I drove a cab at the Phoenix Airport for a while, 6 years. 160 licenses were drive a cab at the Airport. 12 were Russians. You did not want to f*ck with those guys. 12 were white Americans. Black guys did not drive the Airport. I don't even know why. 136 drivers were Moslem. Here's the thing about Moslems. They know one thing. Strength. I knew a white guy who drove at the airport. He would drive into the cab lot, get out of his cab, and shout...KKK. He was trolling the Muslims, and making his presence known. The Muslims would get out of their cabs, and respond..KKK. They respected that guy.

Eggheads think they know everything.

rhhardin said...

I remember Buckley saying, "Listen, you pinko queer," but it may just be a tendency to improve zingers.

walter said...

"Now, a lot of law and order talk is code word for racism. There's no question about that."
Do tell.
#Bring back our order.

rhhardin said...

Progressives need to maintain the ability to be smart means appeal to women. They can't appear smart to men.

tcrosse said...

The raised fist seems to be the gesture du jour. Let's see how effective that is.

clint said...

"Birkel said...
Is it the law that is racist?
Or the order?

I am pretty sure it's not the and."

Actually, it might be the 'and'.

In the vein of "no justice, no peace" the defund-the-police rioters are threatening that there won't be order again until there's no law. Law or order, pick one.

Yep. It's the 'and' that's racist.

William said...

Buckley said that if law and order was a code word for racism, could someone kindly supply him with the code word for law and order.....The pious praise of questionable characters like George Floyd and Jacob Blake leads me to believe that the left has their own code words and dog whistles. The officers involved may or may not have some degree of culpability, but to claim that Floyd or Blake were passive and innocent victims of racist cops is just nonsense. There are other kinds of bigotry besides white racism.

Francisco D said...

Yancey Ward said...
Biden's moment to do anything authentic and convincing was gone by the 2nd week in June.

Pundits used to believe that the POTUS campaign really starts after Labor Day. That may be less the case with social media's influence. However, Biden still has time to reverse course. He will be backed by the corporate DNC media.

The only authentic things about Joe are that he is not very bright and he has been well liked by his colleagues. Perhaps the two attributes are related.

chuck said...

"they somehow got on the wrong side of order."

It is called "bad luck".

The Crack Emcee said...

Destroy things and they kill you.

Anything less and they won't take you seriously.

Destroy things.

wild chicken said...

"You guys are blaming Democrats for what blacks and the civil rights movement are doin"

True. Very few identify with parties anymore. Waaay out of style.

So what DO we call them?

daskol said...

One would think that, having been fooled by a stylish liar like Obama, Brooks would be a little more cautious about "gesture politics." But no, in Brooks' world, it's about the crease in your pants, and the feint you make for the rubes. That's what he's saying, of course: the Dems are losing the rubes, and you need to gesture in their general direction lest the whole basket of deplorables vote Trump again. BidenHarris 2020: We want to get some of the people in the deplorable basket to vote for us. That's the evolution of Democratic political outreach, the lesson they've learned since 2016. Maybe in 2024 they'll realize that to practice this cynical brand of politics most effectively, you have to be more cautious indeed about letting the rubes know how you feel about them. I guess with Brooks it's maybe an age thing, where he doesn't realize just how transparent our society has become. We see you, asshole.

Oso Negro said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Blogger Readering said...

Another circle jerk.
Sorry I missed this open invite earlier readering.

Hey, congratulations!! I heard that you came in first and third!

No pun intended.

daskol said...

And I just want to emphasize for those who would call Brooks and the other establishment folk stepping all over their dicks, they are not stupid. These are for the most part highly educated and high IQ people. There is some other reason they keep doing shit that is so obviously counter-productive. My personal take is that the deep state is basically run by committee, and committees of even brilliant people can do incredibly stupid things because of the logic of committees. But it's not because they're stupid.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Who garnered on the wrong side of order, again?

You know.

You know...

It's all still the same: "I win by repetition--scaling from virus to planets."

When they say "you know, you know" like my angry kin, they are saying "you're getting bought off to profit from our slavery" until his great, great electric union got him/she/it paid about 100K a year.

Craig said...

I assume that whatever David Brooks says, the opposite is true. So hearing what he thinks about an issue is useful in that perverse way.

RAS743 said...

“Some gesture”?
Maybe you’re not understanding the audience he is addressing. It’s not the viewers of the broadcast: it’s his fellow pundits. Can’t get too far out there committing himself. The likes of quipster Mark Shields — has anybody read a newspaper column of his in a general-circulation publication in the last 20 years? I really want to know who’s squandering their money on a Democratic hack — might ridicule him. That would be awful for this Bobo. Gingerly, delicately, tippy-toey, he’s got to put his tootsies in the bathtub to broach the idea that, excepting Democrat Kool-Aid drinkers, the rest of the country either is outraged by their silence-is-complicity, or laughing their a55es off at their presixament. Brooks knows his tribe. He knows what he can and can’t say.

h said...

J Melcher (4:27) for President.

Jupiter said...

"And I do think -- the Democrats, I think, have come to understand, they somehow got on the wrong side of order."

Well, once you're on the wrong side of the law, you're likely going to find yourself on the wrong side of order, too.

Drago said...

We are witnessing in real time the utter collapse of every democratical campaign strategy launched over the last year up until this afternoon.

Did you know Biden is running commercials in Michigan blaming Trump for MI high school and college football being cancelled?.....After Whitmer herself took great pride in publicly executing that cancellation and virtue signalling off of it for the last 6 weeks.

All on top of the biden campaign/democraticals/LLR-lefties literally trying to claim that it was Trump who created the riots and sustained the riots.....after the democraticals/LLR's took proud ownership of their handiwork right up until the polls collapsed on that one in the last 2 weeks.

All on top of the democraticals failing to mention their hilariously hoaxy Ukraine phone call impeachment effort even 1 time during their 4-day Zoom call...I mean "convention".

And the democraticals already know that ChiCom virus narrative firewall that they built has collapsed as well as everyone knows about the democratical governors insistence on shoving sick patients into nursing and retirement homes to kill off the old folks.

So what do the moron lefty/LLR-lefty "experts" have to talk about?

4th time regurgitated hoax russia collusion, Lego-Gate, ZOMG(!) "unprecedented" fireworks over the Washington monument(!), Melania's dress, Barron Trump (again), etc.

And the democraticals/LLR-lefties are stuck with Dementia Joe whose staff assures us that Fightin' Bitin' Rootin' Tootin' Jumpin' Joe Biden is Ready To Campaign Your Socks Off ("Just watch him!").....and that will start in about 10 days or so. Or not. Who asked you?! C'mon man! Fat!

Rosalyn C. said...

The Democrats thought they could get away with not condemning the slogans of BLM to defund the police, while taking in tons of money from BLM supporters. Remember when the line was, they don't really mean it and then it was, yeah they do? Not only do they mean to defund the police but they mean to redefine law and order as only optional for blacks.

David Brooks should just shut up because he's saying the Democrats have been caught in a lie and now he is suggesting that lie could be solved by another lie. There is no gesture or any celebrity I can think of who can fix this mess because supporting law enforcement is anathema for the Democrats at this moment. It's not cool. It's off brand.

Brooks stepped away from the approved message. The mob will go after him.

Matthew Heintz said...

Michael Moore's enthusiasm for bacon double cheeseburgers is off the charts.

gilbar said...

They need more than some gesture! Show some leadership

HOW? how would they do that? Who? WHO would do that?
Jo Biden? Really?
Jo (apparently) said: "I want to defund the bad cops and defend the good ones."
How long, 'til the Unions make him walk this one back?

Big Mike said...

"Democrats, I think, have come to understand, they somehow got on the wrong side of order," Brooks said.

It took a while, but I realized what’s been bothering me about this assertion (besides the fact that David Brooks made it). The Democrats’ entire strategy seems to have been to use the arson and looting and rioting to goad Donald Trump into a blunder. And he hasn’t and at this point almost certainly won’t. The closest thing to a mistake was his sending federal officers to defend the federal courthouse in Portland. And then the rioters overreacted, so in the end it worked out as a plus for Trump.

JaimeRoberto said...

How can the Dems condemn something they claim doesn't exist?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Public safety is a civil right. Democrats, I'm talking about you Ted Wheeler and Jenny Durkan, have systematically denied that right to their citizens by their actions and inactions. Ted Wheeler could have spared his city 95 nights of riots if he'd allowed the police to arrest the antifa criminals 4-years ago. Instead, he gave them the keys to the city. Jenny Durkan allowed the "protestors" to rampage through the city, ordered the east precinct evacuated and then blessed the CHOP/CHAZ zone as a "summer of love."

All they had to do was enforce the law. But, the left can do no wrong.

madAsHell said...

And I do think — the Democrats, I think, have come to understand, they somehow got on the wrong side of order.

Never crisis after all good is wasted.

Drago said...

Stephen St. Onge: "IOW, there was no electoral backlash visible in the Liberal Bubbles they live in, and neither the NYTwit nor the Bezos Blog were reporting on the problem, so they had no idea it existed."

All of Pauline Kael's children and grandchildren agree.

Fritz said...

"I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture."

Anonymous said...

Remember what George Burns once said:

"Sincerity --- if you can fake that, you've got it made."

MadTownGuy said...

Josephbleau said...
"Of course the Democrats need to make a gesture. They need to hornswoggle the independents into thinking that police will be supported and safety will be maintained while giving their anarchist base a secret sign that they will do the opposite."

I don't think the anarchists are the base. Party leadership is too invested in the status quo (i.e., the deep state and crony capitalism). The anarchists are the useful idiots and, therefore, expendable.

James K said...

Brooks acknowledges that the Democrats are on the wrong side of this fundamental issue, and while he of course will vote D anyway, he's concerned that some of us less enlightened deplorables might be inclined to vote for the candidate on the correct side of this issue. But since we are not that smart, in his view, maybe we will fall for some "gesture" in the direction of law and order and vote D after all.

Dream on, Brooks. The Democrats have crossed the Rubicon, and no mere gesture will get them back.

Jupiter said...

"Now, a lot of law and order talk is code word for racism. There's no question about that."

So basically, he's saying we're all just a bunch of cryptoracists.

Jupiter said...

'Statement from Rittenhouse attorneys'

An unconventional approach, but possibly a good one. Attack the prosecution for the lying, politicized weasels they are.

Matt Sablan said...

"And I think Democrats would be making a mistake if they just said, oh, you're all just a bunch of cryptoracists."

-- I think he's using the wrong tense here.

h said...

Combining the ridicule over "gesture" with the observation about "infantilizing": David Brooks seems to believe that black people are so stupid that they can be tricked (by a sufficiently clever gesture) into believing that Biden simultaneously supports BLM and Antifa, and opposes demonstrations, riots, and looting. And that white voters are also that stupid.

Unknown said...

The Bernie Bros promised this would happen when Biden beat him, sans brain

AOC clearly says to defund the police, and she is the Dem's North Star

The squabs and Harris all support "The Movement"

MLB, NBA, Walmart, AT&T all back The Movement

Democrats thought they could ride the tiger

"Just elect us and all this can go away"

Unknown said...

Brooksie worried people can see what Dems want

Advises one more diversionary tactic

Drago said...

Biden team has announced Dementia Joe will be going to Minnesota for a campaign event.


A state no republican has won since 1972.

Because Biden is so far ahead in the polls.............LOLOLOLOL

Again, only pay attention to where the money is flowing and those states the campaign is focusing on to understand the actual state of the race as perceived by the insiders.

The push polls are jokes.

wild chicken said...

"'the most racist thing whites do with blacks is to infantilize them.'"

Under the old rules, yed.

Scott Adams has some catching up to do. Actually, a lot.

Jaq said...

"Brooks has color coded his bookshelves.

That raises my opinion of him”

Now tell us about the crease in his pant leg.

Bob Smith said...

Mostly it’s the Liberals, you know, us, the good people, realizing that somebody needs to answer the phone when Mookie is breaking in and you call 911. Because Mookie might hurt meeee. Instead of some right winger who has it coming. It’s all about who’s Ox is getting gored.

Michael K said...

The Antifa crazies are now occupying the Mayor of Portland's apartment.

Limbaugh said the RNC convention was the most diverse in history.

Interesting juxtaposition.

Big Mike said...

Kerry was in the Army, right?

Wrong. Kerry was a swabbie.

rehajm said...

Defund public broadcasting!

DEEBEE said...

I presume, Biden needs to appear in neatly pressed a de creased kakhi pants for Brooks to start panting.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

'gestures'-- like offering trinkets to natives?

Martin said...

When did the Democrats call anybody cryptoracists? They just call people racists. Have for years. If you have any disagreement with them it is because you are a racist, sexist, homophobe, fascist, deplorable, science denier .....

The list is pretty long and your denial of any of those labels is proof that you are that label.

Narayanan said...

Drago said...
Biden team has announced Dementia Joe will be going to Minnesota for a campaign event.


A state no republican has won since 1972.
will he kneel to the Somali princess or Souljah her?

walter said...

A simple invite to Joe's infamous swim sessions might get Brookse goin'

wildswan said...

"Some sort of gesture" The problem is that Biden has to appease the Sanders people and they want revolution and chaos and blood on the streets. So a law and order gesture has to be a gesture that the Bernie Sanders supporters don't notice and the independent voters do notice but somehow fail to mention. Quite the problem.

Rt41Rebel said...

As another poster alluded, they got into this situation thinking that they were setting Trump up to do something even more inflammatory in response, but he hasn't yet. It's just another of too many to count Wile E Coyote calculations made by the Democrats in the last 4 years.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I was visiting a relative who lives in southwest Milwaukee - very close to, but not quite the suburbs. When I was last there, about 6 weeks ago, I saw maybe 1 Trump sign and 4 or 5 Biden signs. There are a lot more Trump signs on lawns today. It's very noticeable.

I've also seen more Trump signs popping up in my 'burb, but it's red. Seeing them in Milwaukee - I don't recall that in 2016.

Bob Loblaw said...

If Biden, or his handlers, once admit that rioting and looting is wrong, they lose the Bernie Bros. The Occupy/BLM wing is out of control, anyway.

And it seems like the Democrats didn't realize that until recently when they shortened the reins and nothing happened. How did they not know this would happen?

cyrus83 said...

Why wouldn't they just need to make a gesture? Why would we expect leadership now from the Democrats? They have perfected the art of virtue signalling word salads to feign concern, but have never been much to worry about the results of their policies, what matters to them is that they cared.

In a certain sense, results are not what the Democratic party wants - if they managed to solve the problems they decry, they'd need new issues! How else to explain how Democrats have controlled many major cities for decades and yet they all seemingly still have problems with black poverty, racism in the police force and government, and poor government schools?

The pro sports players and Hollywood celebrities rather mirror Democrats. They love doing empty gestures, demanding that money be shoveled to some organization or other to enact change that never comes, but does suspiciously manage to provide nice salaries to the people running them...and probably kicks back some of that cash in the form of political contributions.

DeepRunner said...

Self-important NYT columnist David Brooks offered aloud...
"And I do think — the Democrats, I think, have come to understand, they somehow got on the wrong side of order. And they got somehow attached, even though Biden is not actually attached to it, to the idea of defunding the police. And they need to somehow make some gesture to show they understand the insecurity of the American people."

Yeah, DB, that's the answer. Tokenism over substance. Typical chattering class thinking. However, the Dems didn't "somehow get on the wrong side of order." They embraced that position and continue to hold it closely, like a cherished possession. They know if they abandon it, their base, such as it is, will abandon them. No, it's not the wrong side of order. It's the wrong side of sensibility. Only responding now because polling shows them to be in the wrong, they are trapped in a device of their own making.

Pookie Number 2 said...

You guys are blaming Democrats for what blacks and the civil rights movement are doing, like they blame the Republicans for what trump and the tea Party does.

As is typical, Crack misunderstands what’s going on. We applaud when “blacks and the civil rights movement” protest injustice, and we condemn them when they destroy things. We blame the Democrats for being too stupid to know the difference, because people who don’t know the difference are stupid.

JAORE said...

Biden = Gestures
Trump = Actions

Action is needed.

Banjo said...

I hope David Brooks doesn't come across this string. His simpering over the many years has got under a lot of skins. Where else but the NYTimes would they put up with Uriah Heepishness, and how much longer now that The Resistance has kicked the quaint old timers out and the emotional Know-Nothings are calling the shots?

Stephen St. Onge said...

Steve M. Galbraith said...
The "Sister Souljah" argument - which George Will brought up - simply won't work this time, not with this movement. A gesture worked with an unknown rapper who said an ugly thing. But this is an national movement that has the sympathy - if not support - of major elements in America, especially the anti-Trump resistance media.
One speech, one gesture, one response won't do it.


        Bill Clinton did a lot more than make a gesture with Sister Souljah.  He presided over the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, black murderer.

        Biden's problem is that, not being in government at the moment, he can't do anything to show he is tough.  And he'd need a damned tough action to erase 3 months of silence and inaction from the public mind.

Stephen St. Onge said...

wholelottasplainin' said...

Hear Buckley go after Vidal for yourself:

        There are a couple of words apparently suppressed in that clip.  What I recall Buckley calling Vidal was "little pink queer".

Sam L. said...

The Left is why I do not trust it, but despise and detest it.

stan said...

There is nothing Biden can do to distance the Dem slate this election from the violence.

1. No one sees Biden being in charge.
2. Democrats have been slandering cops for decades.
3. Democrats have been running all the cities with all the problems for many decades.
4. Biden is too fearful that he would piss off the Soros/Antifa wing of the party.

Trump will wrap the violence around Biden and tie it up with a bow. Milquetoasts like the Bushes would be afraid to do it because the news media would squeal about how unfair it is. Trump has much bigger brass ones.

Narayanan said...

Stephen St. Onge said...
Steve M. Galbraith said...
The "Sister Souljah" argument - which George Will brought up - simply won't work this time, not with this movement. A gesture worked with an unknown rapper who said an ugly thing. But this is an national movement that has the sympathy - if not support - of major elements in America, especially the anti-Trump resistance media.
One speech, one gesture, one response won't do it.
Biden's problem is that, not being in government at the moment, he can't do anything to show he is tough. And he'd need a damned tough action to erase 3 months of silence and inaction from the public mind.
what if Biden shoots (gun or taser - I don't care) De Blasio on Fifth Avenue?

Anonymous said...

Crack said:
Destroy things and they kill you.
Anything less and they won't take you seriously.
Destroy things.

Well...yeah. Conservatives brag about the half million people who converged on Washington DC in 2009 to petition the Government over State control of health care. Obama smiled, jumped on Marine One and went golfing. Even Richard Nixon went out to talk to the protesters. Conservatives brag about how they left the grounds cleaner than they found them. OK. What did you accomplish? Nothing. Well, the grounds were clean.

Final analysis...there is no point to Conservatives to protest. That's a Dem/Progressive thing. The Prog media will give round the clock coverage to Prog protests.

The fact is, when people start burning things, attention is paid.

I agree with Crack. Kill them.

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