May 11, 2020

At the Sunrise Café...


... keep the conversation going.

(That is this morning's sunrise, a Type #5 sunrise, photographed at 5:44 — 7 minutes after the "actual" sunrise time.)


Bay Area Guy said...

In the famous Watergate hearings, Sen. Howard Baker asked, "What did the President know, and when did he know it?"

Is is permissible to ask the same question with respect to Obama?

The press seems kinda shy about this topic.

The Steele Dossier was bogus, full of lies.

The FISA applications were based on the bogus Steele Dossier

The Flynn investigation was bogus, full of lies.

The Carter Page investigation was bogus, full of lies.

Inquiring minds wanna know!

Nonapod said...

It looks like 1 in 3 US Covid-19 deaths occured to residents and workers of nursing homes. Only about 10% of the total confirmed cases occured in nursing home.

narciso said...

rehajm said...

Bill Gates Has Regrets'

Years before the Covid-19 pandemic, the billionaire tried to warn global leaders of the threat from new infectious diseases. Few listened. “I feel terrible,” he says.

Yah I sure remember Bill Gates out and about using his billions to get the word out instead of reaming a passive leftie deferring to the metoo/inequality/orangemanbad fork and pitchfork crowd.

Just walk off the end of your dock into Lake Washington...

rhhardin said...

Equations in words come in five types, one of which does not occur, according to Wm. Empson.

The type that does not occur is exemplified by Pope

Where Bently late tempestuous wont to sport
In troubled waters, but now sleeps in port.

Wa St Blogger said...

You seem to have a long string of great mornings.

Anne-I-Am said...

What are the odds on Elon Musk leaving Cali for Texas?

Anne-I-Am said...

What triggers moderation?

Funny exchange with my son yesterday, harking back to an Althouse post some time ago. I mentioned that I would be taking the stitches out of my right arm where I had a squamous cell cancer removed. He said, "Don't you start up with that old people language and call it the cancer."

hstad said...

Blogger Anne-I-Am said...
What are the odds on Elon Musk leaving Cali for Texas? 5/11/20, 1:35 PM

Not until his subsidy contract with the State expires!

Lewis said...

Beautiful - as usual - I don't know why - maybe the alcohol - but it makes me think of Malcolm Lowry - well the sun setting makes me think of Mexico, I suppose - why?

MadisonMan said...

Inquiring minds wanna know!
Inquiring minds do not work for the Press.

Freeman Hunt said...

A mostly unmentioned pleasure of modern life: the workout the day after feasting, a workout of smashed PRs and the feeling of flight.

Clyde said...

In the news: "1900 former DOJ employees call for Barr's resignation"

Me to the 1900 former DOJ employees: "Fuck you, Deep Staters!"

There's a reason that they are FORMER DOJ employees.

Meade said...

"What triggers moderation?"

A subjective sense that an entity is unable, or refuses, to self-moderate... manic obsessive posting of gratuitous insults and personal attacks on the blogger and/or other commenters... doxxing of anyone by anyone... perceived sadism... perceived attempts to damage or ruin the Althouse blog for any reason whatsoever...and so on...

FullMoon said...

What triggers moderation?

Look at last nights cafe. The person who has been removed by a blog administrator
is the reason for moderation. This person has a personal beef with AA and has been banned for years. This person is capable of using an alias and posting comments but would rather intentionally cause moderation as a power trip.

The Blogger application is not capable of automatic censoring of particular commenters.Therefore, in order to maintain the continuity of banning the afore mentioned commenter, it is unfortunately necessary to either babysit the blog full time, delete comments after the fact, or moderate comments and delete the scofflaw before posting comments. Moderation effectively allows for elimination of the outlaws slings and arrows.

The fact that comment moderation slows down the back and forth exchanges and the spontaneity on the blog provides pleasure for the banned person. It makes them feel important and in control.

Some people are very angry with this person for creating this inconvenience. Personally, having experience with alcoholics, drug addicts and mentally ill, I am inclined to be more sympathetic than miffed.

Ken B said...

Reading an interesting book,Wicked Beyond Belief, by Bilton. No, it’s not about Strzok. It’s about the botched hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper, which led to an overhaul of British policing.

We will eventually read a similar book about the CDC and FDA I expect.

Lewis said...

After Hours


Those noises in the blank hour
Between twelve and one,
The ingenuous girl singing a song
Perhaps borne from the late closed pub,
The car alarm that mischievously sputters
Its unfrightening sound off and on,
Drinkers warming themselves
Over the hollow sound
Of their chanted slogans
Ready to beat, in the unifying desire
Of oblivion, any fellow man;
And, in between, quiet and quiet,
This slow, singing, melancholy hour.

And, to distract, the thought of you asleep
Comes and goes like that crying alarm:
Dog barking desires of my frightful cellar.


If, in this sphere of solitude,
Egocentric and sentimental,
You could somehow intrude,
Could arrive with bags and face turned
To that obscure, private life we somehow share
What, in the broken paces of private habit,
What movement outside it and therefore hope,
Could bloom, stare its tired stare,
Bare from beaten limb (yes, that fellow)
The one, doubled, solitary flower?


Among the insomniac cars
My shattered face stares whitely
At the moon. The blown flowers
Of our common school die quietly
Aged gestures of a beaten face.
Conversation, left
In my struggling, conceiving days,
Bouncing back from that rough, gauged place,
Poses the question of our death.

Am I then, in this absurd posture,
Abstracted by the flying blue lights
Making those correct, forewarned waves?

Death is a sordid thing
Done by sordid men
Use to a sordid world:

This our modern way
We love but cannot have
The once promised life?


My mind has not the peace that’s promised
But a rage, a rage at a limb and joints
Incomplete, broken desire,
The unforewarned abstraction of our death.

And yet if you were here like the nurse
You would find only words of blood
And the absurd indignity of this mans fall.
Death crying (sentimental) among
The blotted whiteness of a ward,
Silhouettes of urgent shadow
And the dark faces beaten beyond

narciso said...

but of course they would

Nonapod said...

manic obsessive posting of gratuitous insults and personal attacks on the blogger and/or other commenters.

I was just reading an article discussing the correlations between internet trolling activity, loneliness, and the so called "Dark Triad/Tetratrad" constructs.

Because loneliness represents a state of chronic frustration and unmet need, it can trigger aggression toward others as a way to discharge tension or express oneself—even if in maladaptive ways.

Wa St Blogger said...

What triggers moderation?

Being bombarded daily by politically slanted approached to everything, my first reaction to that question was someone wanted to know what generated a moderate position on a topic.

My initial response was "moderation is in the ye of the beholder." If we thought of the spectrum as represented by a 12 inch ruler, to a liberal, a moderate would land somewhere around the 9" mark. For a conservative maybe it is the 3" mark. Anyone on the 6" mark would be both ultra liberal and a right wing whack job at the same time.

I took an online quiz once that put me almost dead center on the political spectrum. The questions, I think were reasonably balanced in assessing left and right positions. I think of myself as moderate-right, but most people in my region would classify me and pretty hard-right.

I do wonder if there is a good way to actually determine what moderate means. Would it be the spot on the ruler that would maintain balance if you put the entire population of the US on the ruler based on their level of extremity on political positions? Would that mean there is a California moderate different from a Texas moderate? A us moderate different than a French moderate? Or, is there a universal definition of the middle?

bagoh20 said...

"perceived sadism"

That's cruel, but they probably like being banned good and hard.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I simply rely on a time tested evaluation of said troll. That is... "fucked in the head". It suffices.

stevew said...

Sunrises around here have been quite nice of late too. Though Saturday was gloomy gray with light rain and snow. As is usual this time of year the weather for the start, middle, and end of the day can vary from gorgeous to miserable and back. My sense is that this year has been a long, slow spring, much cooler than is typical. This follows a very mild winter.

Lovely photo that, the color difference between the lake, land, and sky is dramatic.

J. Farmer said...

What are the odds on Elon Musk leaving Cali for Texas?

Elon Musk reminds me of a quote from Wall Street: "What the hell is Cromwell doin' givin' a lecture tour when he's losing 60 million a quarter? Guess he's giving lectures on how to lose money. Jesus Christ...if this guy owned a funeral parlor, no one would die! This turkey is totally brain-dead!"

Anne-I-Am said...

Thank you, Meade. I was curious because I haven't seen much difference between the comments of the person to whom I think other commenters were referring and others who also seem gratuitously insulting and obtuse.

Anne-I-Am said...


YOU DISCOVERED THE ANSWER TO THE COVID!!!! Now we just need to have Elon buy funeral homes.

Freeman Hunt said...

If you are the neighbor in the Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode entitled "The Creeper," you might trigger comment moderation.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Meade @2:13 PM: Touchy, touchy, touchy! Jeez.

Just the same I better watch myself.

Anne-I-Am said...

Then there's this insanity...these are the SCIENCE people who want to lock us up in our houses forever:

From a PJ Media article:
Three female high school track athletes are suing the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) over unfair rules that allow biological males who identify as female to compete in women’s sports. Last month, a district court judge barred the girls’ lawyers from referring to the biological males as “males,” insisting that the lawyers call them “transgender females.” He threatened to retaliate if they refuse to do so. This effective gag order may undermine their case, and it certainly shows bias against their underlying argument. Therefore, the lawyers moved for the judge to recuse himself.

“The Court has now reprimanded Plaintiffs’ counsel and prohibited Plaintiffs from referring to those individuals as ‘male athletes’ because—in the Court’s view— alluding to an individual of the male sex as male is contrary to science, ‘bullying,’ and violates ‘human decency’ if that individual claims a female gender identity,” attorneys Roger Brooks, Kristen Waggoner, and Howard M. Wood III wrote in a motion filed Friday and provided to PJ Media. “A disinterested observer would reasonably believe that the Court’s order and comments have destroyed the appearance of impartiality in this proceeding. That requires recusal.”

Maillard Reactionary said...

Lewis @2:02: Another Malcolm Lowry fan, eh?

A beautiful sunrise is a great way to start the day, I can't think of a better one. I remember the time when I saw morning light on the Rockies, after a night camping on the top of a hill outside of Central City, CO. One of the first truly memorable experiences of my life (I was recently 19).

Of course, one rarely sees sunrises in person if one is often under the volcano, so to speak.

mandrewa said...

Anne-I-Am said,

"I was curious because I haven't seen much difference between the comments of the person to whom I think other commenters were referring and others who also seem gratuitously insulting and obtuse."

You're not seeing the full story Anne; it's been going on for a long time. I don't read 98% of what goes on at this blog but still I've seen some ugly and extraordinary things posted by a certain person a few years back. Things that if they were directed at me I would be worried about my personal safety. Or more specifically, aside from their hateful ugliness, they may have been posted by a person way to close. As if maybe the person posting them was outside the house or otherwise crossing boundaries that should have never been crossed.

Achilles said...

Wa St Blogger said...

I do wonder if there is a good way to actually determine what moderate means.

There is no such thing as moderate on a political spectrum.

A true "moderate" would correlate most strongly to apathetic. If you don't care you aren't discussing politics.

Moderate in terms of political discussion invariably means "agrees with me." Everyone using the term is just being dishonest generally.

Quaestor said...

This turkey is totally brain-dead!

Yeah, the brain-dead guy is about to launch the first manned US space mission since 21 July 2011.

Definitely, definitely brain-dead. Wapner. Wapner's on. Oh, my. Gonna miss Wapner.

J. Farmer said...

Yeah, the brain-dead guy is about to launch the first manned US space mission since 21 July 2011.

It's a joke. Lighten up, Francis.

Big Mike said...

Just walk off the end of your dock into Lake Washington...

... with at least 20 pounds of ankle weights strapped to your lower legs.

Arashi said...

Actually, you want him to be wearing about 90 pounds in a scuba weights, just to be sure.

Meade said...

From Nonapod's link: "Everyday sadism is the tendency to enjoy other people's suffering and pain"

Anne: You're welcome and I'm glad you asked because in the end it is a subjective judgment call and people sometimes wonder just what the hell are the rules around this joint?. "try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters, bring some substance or humor to the conversation, and don't do that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks".

Best "rules" I can recommend for commenting here: The Golden Rule. Worry about your own bad self. Let it roll and let it flow. Live and let live. And, if you can, try to be just a little kinder to yourself and each other. Cheers.

J. Farmer said...

I do wonder if there is a good way to actually determine what moderate means.

What I don't like about "moderate" is the way it is often used to convey a sensible, pragmatic approach that eschews ideology. One of the ways our system works is it defines an acceptable range of opinion on issues and permits a great deal of debate and variance of opinion within that range. Anyone who takes a position outside of that range is depicted as a radical, a crank, unserious, etc.

Meade said...

Phidippus said...
"Touchy, touchy, touchy! Jeez."


Meade said...

"If you are the neighbor in the Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode entitled "The Creeper," you might trigger comment moderation."

LOL. Only every time.

Quaestor said...

Farmer's 19th-century incarnation yelled "Sie musst dir ein Pferd besorgen!" at Karl Benz.

(Now THAT'S a joke.)

Freder Frederson said...

A subjective sense that an entity is unable, or refuses, to self-moderate

Then why are Achilles and Michael K. not banned? Achilles has fantasies of mass murder and Michael K. thinks it is funny to accuse people he doesn't even know of serious felonies.

Anne-I-Am said...

I'd personally like to see more banning for stupidity. Also repetitive remarks. Especially stupid repetitive remarks. And continued propagation of conspiracy theories that effectively have been debunked to the satisfaction of the objective "reasonable person."

Come to think of it, just put me in charge. /joke

FullMoon said...

Elon Musk reminds me of a quote from Wall Street: "What the hell is Cromwell doin' givin' a lecture tour when he's losing 60 million a quarter? Guess he's giving lectures on how to lose money. Jesus Christ...if this guy owned a funeral parlor, no one would die! This turkey is totally brain-dead!"

Musk has a big factory around here. Usta be G.M. Then, was Toyota (or something). Was passing out paychecks to thousands of workers. Homeowners, renters, people paying taxes and spending money.
People not on welfare.
I see his Teslas all over the place. Some freak used his remote to back the driverless Tesla out of a supermarket parking spot as he was walking up to it the other day and surprised me. I thought the car had slipped out of "park" and was rolling backwards. Kinda like my $150.00 '59 Buick convertible rolled down the hill and through an apartment wall ..

Sometimes it is easy to imagine the amazement of those old days people amazed at telephones , gasoline vehicles, movies,radio and TV.

Anne-I-Am said...

I want to learn about California birds. I am good with most Indiana birds (my parents are bird freaks), but don't recognize many of those I see around here. We don't have regular Blue Jays--rather, we have pretty blue Scrub Jays.

Did see a Red-Wing Blackbird on Saturday--quail as well. I love the way quail run. I was glad there was no one around to shoot them.

Meade said...

"Come to think of it, just put me in charge. /joke"

Wish I could. /no joke

J. Farmer said...


Farmer's 19th-century incarnation yelled "Sie musst dir ein Pferd besorgen!" at Karl Benz.

Comparing Musk to Benz is certainly a joke.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Also, IKEA-like videos of activity on the blog will be deleted.

Lewis said...

! sorry

Jersey Fled said...

In the news: "1900 former DOJ employees call for Barr's resignation"

These stories are so stupid and so predictable.

113,114 people currently work for the DOJ

Lewis said...

I am a poet, Anne and Meade, can't help it!

Lewis said...

Your lovely, Anne - who would shoot birds!

Anne-I-Am said...

Oh Lewis,

I hope that you are in no danger of being banned.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I watched the Netflix Waco documentary over the weekend. Five episodes. It happened in 1993 when George Bush was governor and Clinton was president. Hard to believe it never really became a f-ing huge nation disgrace. It would have been if it had happened today due to the internet's pervasiveness and reach.

Anne-I-Am said...


Interesting assertion. Perhaps the Bundy affair is an indicator that increase scrutiny of our over-eager alphabet agencies results in more measured responses.

narciso said...

actually it was anne Richards, the beneficiary of the conniption over clayton Williams, and her aide lena guerrero who was a total fraud,

Anne-I-Am said...

Goodness. Rain spots on the windows. Not a deluge, but a steady drizzle.

Lewis said...

 First Love.

A naked figurine in a green shrub
Or adorning the neglected lawn
The one comical illusion of one mind - mine.
And the great barn hall, stacked with dust,
Echoing the straw
Upon which we might have lain.
And, as your fingers curled the keys,
I was there in courtly guise,
Attendant, dancing upon your cast tunes,
Counterfeit of your desires.
Did you see?

Inga said...

Oh my gosh, a bird just flew into my window and made a huge thump, I sure hope it didn’t break its neck.

Anne-I-Am said...

OK, y'all. The slow dawn of comprehension has now become the blinding light of mid-day sun on a snow field.

Quaestor said...

Comparing Musk to Benz is certainly a joke.

May I suggest you know next to nothing about either visionary?

Lewis said...

Of course you didn't? Rain, Anne, that’s a superlative!

narciso said...

first rule of fight club, or perhaps second is don't be vindictive or stalkey toward our host,
second be interesting, there's only so many times, one can push the same narrative, which is everywhere, third I have to think about it's a corollary of the first,

Lewis said...

Your a poet, Anne, and you didn't know it!

Lewis said...

Well I am, Anne , I'm banned from evrywhere

Quaestor said...

People not on welfare.

Moving them to Texas will effectively double their salaries and triple their quality of life. (Assuming they can sell their homes, what sane person would voluntarily buy California real estate?)

narciso said...

buzzing sound, must be those murder hornets, opening for blondie

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Eloi Musk just might, since as a petulant type, got this treatment:

"Fuck Elon Musk!" --Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego

who needs whom more?

We never got around to writing our future best-seller

"Pith & Vinegar: The History of the Althouse Blog"

where some of the web's most exquisite rancor can be found-
Trench warfare and trenchant comments-- but to be clear--
it is a gem that we all appreciate, though may not always show
it by behavior. Thank you Ann & Meade.

re: the supreme court thing from last nite (we checked out early)--yes-- a tough call, and hopefully handled properly (trying to avoid the word 'Solomonic') How to prevent bought/coerced electors, how to ensure freedom to make a (hopefully) wise choice from conscience vs blindly following party dictates. Perhaps it could be said we have a diluted version in our representatives who dont necessarily vote our way. Who knows what goes on back in the smoke-filled rooms. It wouldnt be surprising to find this is another area that needs an overhaul. Push come to shove, it we think the electors should not be able to

J. Farmer said...

May I suggest you know next to nothing about either visionary?

You may suggest anything you wish. What do I care? Perhaps Filippo Marinetti is the better comparison.

Inga said...

If you speak Narcisen, you’ll have a leg up on the English speakers here.

Lewis said...

But I write - I write and I write - drunken shit that I am

narciso said...

it takes great talent to do good verse lewis, heart and ability, I don't have the rhyming skill

Anne-I-Am said...


Another interesting, related, possibly case in utero...

The whole national popular vote movement. I can't imagine living in a state where my preferred candidate won the electoral votes and having the legislative snakes throwing those votes to the opposing candidate.

That truly might lead to violence.

Anne-I-Am said...


I don't ALWAYS read your poems (not the really long ones), but I do at times. I find them lovely. Maybe be kinder to yourself.

narciso said...

do they ever reevaluate, rhetorical question,

yes the Swedish model, turned out to be a better one,

narciso said...

the buzzing is getting louder,

Anne-I-Am said...


Does Blogger accommodate co-admins? Some sites (Ace of Spades, Watts Up With That) allows comment moderation by a number of people.

Projectile vomiting of malignancy.

Anne-I-Am said...


More like The Birds.

Howard said...

That's what this block needs another control freak with power. I hear they have job openings down at the local DMV maybe try there Anne

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

non-citizens, voting age lowered to 16...

... do we really want Tide Pod eaters choosing our officials?

something to ponder, eh?

Lewis said...

You know what I want - anything that will 'prove' I'm not complete moron - and you the success of that!

Lewis said...


narciso said...

like the ones in the core, that film stunk to high heaven, not one of aaron Eckhart's better efforts,

Howard said...

As soon as I saw Gronk endorsing Tide pods I've been eating two or three every day in my lean body muscle mass is increased by 25% and just six weeks

Anne-I-Am said...

Yes, narciso. I like Aaron Eckhart, too. I guess everyone has some duds.

And Howard? Not a control freak with power....more like an exterminator with vermin traps.

Howard said...

We are all morons Lewis join the club. The problem with most people in life is they don't realize how stupid they are. I was fortunate enough to learn that at an early age. Embrace the inner Neanderthal.

Lewis said...

'Projectile vomiting of malignancy.' You're very funny - even if you are Mead!

Howard said...

Avocado works better than cheddar cheese for sure. also you got to make sure that you wear gloves when you set the trap otherwise the rat will smell your human stench

Anne-I-Am said...


Clearly you are no moron. I don't understand you, but you don't strike me as anywhere near moronic.

Inga said...


Does Blogger accommodate co-admins? Some sites (Ace of Spades, Watts Up With That) allows comment moderation by a number of people.”

Anne doesn’t understand Ann. Chuckling. That Anne thinks Ann would trust anyone other than Meade with her blog is humorous. Oh boy, it takes a huge ego or an ignorance of how this blog is run to think anything of the kind would occur while Ann Althouse has a breath left in her body.

Howard said...

My favorite NorCal birds are the Ravens the wild turkeys and hummingbirds I like just the regular J's the stellar Jays are a little bit too hoity-toity for me as for all the other noisy Little birds that always run away at the least provocation I don't know what the hell they call those. While you are trail running maybe you'll have the Good Fortune of running into a mountain lion. Don't be afraid they're well-fed by all the deer.

Lewis said...

Tank you, Anne - I just 'need' someone to acknowledge me - which you just did!

Lewis said...

thanks - not tanks!

Anne-I-Am said...

Oh Howard, you really are cute. Cloaking your vitriol in lots of words.

No fears for me though. I am predator-repellant. Everywhere I go, promised appearances of predators (bears!) turn out to be empty.

Lewis said...

I love him - a bit like my dad!

Tomcc said...

Water looks choppy today.
Kind of like this thread.

Howard said...

Oh Anne, you're pathetically low self-esteem it's even worse than shouting Thomas poor girl. Anyways it's not vitriol it's humor it just looks like the trailer when you're the butt of a joke I suppose.

You know you're really missing out the mountain lion is a magnificent creature I lived in the Santa Cruz mountains for 10 years and saw one once in the wild.

but if you're feeling really cocky like you sound you should go surfing down at Sand Dollar Beach it's just south of Manresa

Lewis said...

Fuck his politics, fuck his personality - it's all nonsense - he's an artist and his art tells you everything (Sorry for being rude!)

Lewis said...


Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lewis said...

Niel Young

Inga said...

Some commenters seem to think that they don’t do their fair share of insulting other commenters, they think they are so cleverly cloaking the insults in some verbal jujitsu. All I see is a tall gangly underweight aging person running with an odd loping gait at risk of falling on their face every few yards. They have no idea how clumsy they look

Lewis said...

Anne-I-Am said...

Oh dear, Howard. I don't take you seriously enough to suffer any damage to my self-esteem from your inept barbs. And humor is a sign of intelligence--hmm. That explains a lot about you.

Howard said...

Careful Inga I resemble that remark. Although I suppose I don't couch my insults. I'm not clever like the rest of you people

Inga said...

As I said yesterday narcissism makes an intelligent person less intelligent. They cannot conceive that well adjusted intelligent people can see through the BS that the narcissist thinks they are getting away with.

Inga said...

“Careful Inga I resemble that remark. Although I suppose I don't couch my insults. I'm not clever like the rest of you people.”

Oh Howard, but you are a not a clumsy tall gangly flat chested underweight runner, are you?

Howard said...

Anne you don't understand what is obvious to everybody is that your self-esteem is already damaged beyond repair and your advertising it all over the blog it's quite pathetic and very funny at the same time. Of course you think I'm trying to get your goat. It's not all about you babe

When I post something directed at somebody I'm really just hearing myself and speaking to the broader audience. the number of people that don't post here is quite a bit higher than the people that do. I'm just doing my bit providing free content so an Meadehouse can sell more trinkets on Amazon so they can afford their next road trip to Austin for some of that killer brisket.

Anne-I-Am said...

Whatevs, Howie.

narciso said...

even Michael caine had some clunkers, re jaws 4, 'I never saw the film, but I did see the house it built'

Howard said...

Inga: I'm the before picture on the old Charles Atlas ads in comic books getting sand kicked in his face.

Howard said...

Whatever means "okay I know you are exactly right but I don't want to talk about it anymore"

Thanks for confirming

Inga said...

“Inga: I'm the before picture on the old Charles Atlas ads in comic books getting sand kicked in his face.”

Howard, you are my AlleyOop. I’ll be your Ooola, until your wife finds out.


Howard said...

Michael Caine was a workaholic so he made tons of crappy movies it's how he was able to afford to make the great ones for little or no money. I really loved him and that movie he made with Steven seagal. Caine looked like he had just got the bandages off from plastic surgery his skin was stretched like a drum over his skull. It actually enhanced his characterization of evil.

Howard said...

Alley-oop and Ooola never really quite get together or hook up. Alley always screw something up to miss closing the deal.

Anne-I-Am said...

Giant Murder Tedium. The Mind Killer. The Masters: This blogs trolls. Yawn.

Out for a run so I don't look like a bloated, stinking, beached, ancient whale busily propagating conspiracy theories.

Howard said...

That's right runaway Ms self-esteem

Inga said...

“Alley-oop and Ooola never really quite get together or hook up. Alley always screw something up to miss closing the deal.”

Ah sad, but for the best, he then gets to meet the one who ran away from mountain lions with the grace of a gazelle.

Inga said...

Oh for whom the Blog Trolls! It trolls for thee!

Lewis said...

narciso said...

that was a terrible film, he looked like al pacino in dick tracy,

narciso said...

was this an impeachable offense?

Howard said...

narisco: yeah, you nailed it

Howard said...

Maybe she's just a sock puppet for Fen. They both have that trait of oversharing their personal life along with a blindingly obvious confidence problem.

Inga said...

“Maybe she's just a sock puppet for Fen. They both have that trait of oversharing their personal life along with a blindingly obvious confidence problem.”

I’ve said something very similar last week. She sounds a lot like him, he was a creative writer, but then he had that unfortunate nervous breakdown...

Wa St Blogger said...

I see a couple of commenters suggesting that being moderate is not really possible. In some ways I can see that. Some topics might suggest it is hard to be moderate. Let's say I am a slavery moderate. Fine if you want to keep slaves, but it should not be mandated by the government to keep or not keep them. On the surface this is a moderate position, but in reality it is schizophrenic. One could then make the same argument about Abortion. If abortion is murder, there is no moderate position. You either advocate murder of innocents or you abhor it. What's the moderate position? If you are pro-abortion, you could take the position that a) it's a clump of cells and b)forced pregnancy is slavery and you either advocate slavery or abhor it. Is the moderate position like slavery? Ok for you to murder if you don't think it is murder? Or Maybe the position is, you can kill only if certain criteria are met?

On the other hand, there are certain positions that can lend themselves to moderate views. Regarding capitalism, there is one extreme that says capitalism is exploitive of people and resources and another that says any regulation on the free exchange of goods and services is detrimental to the well-being of all people by limiting the development of advancement. A moderate approach might say that capitalism can be exploitive if there is an inherent imbalance in power among the participants that cannot be mitigated naturally, and thus some regulation is required. For example, the person who has a mine at the headwaters of a river that people downstream rely on is poisoning that stream. The people downriver have no remedy under capitalism to halt the poisoning of their river. They may need to resort to other means. One such means might involve violent force. However, a reasonable method of regulation could resolve the conflict without violence. Thus a moderate might accept some regulation of capitalism as a necessary evil.

lb said...

Another great photo - looks like the ocean....the beach in Madison is open :) Thanks for the moderation - enough still creeps through that feels like high school days again but enjoy most of the comments - very interesting people on this blog

narciso said...

now 'thank you for smoking', was a good film, Eckhart can do the glib publicist, as with the sincere prosecutor, or the hard knocks marines,

narciso said...

Adapted from a wry chris buckley book, he got jaundiced not long after that, the last he was ruining historical fiction,

Rory said...

Classic classic TV tonight: the MASH doctors invent Captain Tuttle, Gomer Pyle sings "The Impossible Dream," and Corporal LeBeau helps a "little old lady" evade the Gestapo.

Howard said...

I’ve said something very similar last week. She sounds a lot like him, he was a creative writer, but then he had that unfortunate nervous breakdown...

Sex change?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Farmer said...


I'm just doing my bit providing free content so an Meadehouse can sell more trinkets on Amazon so they can afford their next road trip to Austin for some of that killer brisket.

Ouch. That's some brutal honesty right there.

Anne-I-Am said...

Several things I love about running the streets of Oaktown:

I can stop and admire the crazy kaleidoscope of colors displayed in the gardens of those with horticultural talent. Today, I stopped to take in the color-saturated splendor of a front garden filled with rich reds, deep blues and brilliant oranges. Just a dash of violet thrown in. The owner was industriously weeding and dead-heading. He told me the names of plants and described how they propagate. Then he kindly gave me a start from a violet flower with silvery green stalks that i frequently see and covet.

I find fascinating (to me) flotsam and jetsam. Not run-of-the-mill, ordinary trash; that doesn't catch my eye. Odd insertions of the inner life of households--Christmas ornaments, lost jewelry, forks and spoons, a Clipper card. A tiny child's sock. Serendipitously, today I found half of a blue plastic Easter egg. I nestled my flower start in it, added some dirt, and finished my survey of the goings-on around my neighborhood.

I observe families playing--a toddler out in his jammies early one morning; a dad throwing a football with three kids stair-stepped in height.

And loose change. Today, I found two dimes and five pennies.

Trails are soothing; the city is engaging.

Hey Skipper said...

@J Farmer:

“ Ouch. That's some brutal honesty right there.”

I saw cruel neutrality. Unless it was neutral cruelty.


hstad said...

5/11/20, 1:01 PM - Blogger Nonapod said...
It looks like 1 in 3 US Covid-19 deaths occured to residents and workers of nursing homes. Only about 10% of the total confirmed cases occured in nursing home.

That's nothing! Taxpayers have spent >$660MM to build mobile field hospitals to treat COVID-19 patients. Most empty. Many closing. Aside from Javitz(NYC)Center ($11MM cost), all field hospitals put together treated a grand total of 82 patients. That's $8 million per patient.

Of the 80,000 plus deaths in the USA [to date] these states account for more than 50%:

Remind me why we closed down an entire country? Even CA only had = 2,745 (to date).

NY = 26,923
NJ = 9,255
MA = 4,979
MI = 4,551
Total = 45,708 (57%) of 80k.[NYC = 21,478 = 27%].

Lewis said...

The Apology.


The heat folded in an airless layer.
So you see my seeming arctic heart
How foolish this tearful child and babbling eye
Which is drunk and staggers,
Broken below your stairs.

We never could lift up our waxen wings
Or lifted did not the hateful, burning accident
Dissolve then drown its flesh? You and I
Adrift among the pillared trees,
Charred in our two dreams wary sleep.
We float on the lazy but then unstoppable streams.

So, to be left in the arctic land,
Here, where the bell broods hollow.
Among the clattering ice
Of your eyes dream
Never where we so formed
Nor oned like our lips seal.

Then darling (you permit me thus?)
I have fought the darker things
That instant light extinguished,
That here with fortune rise.
And age but the second tide.
Oh, perhaps sensed beneath the skin
Youths wild but aesthetic bone.

Then how we might laugh, how dream
As the tedium formed stalagmites
Count our mortality.
Blushes for the flesh
And a pointed limestone world.

Yes. But love? Words that patter on the floor:
It will not utter, it will not speak, disclose.
Our memory will blow like dust in the common wind,
Absorbed in a million pores it will forget itself.


I have fought this long hard day to contain you
But you where ever braver than I:
Will I always, thus, fall under your hammer
Auctioned at the obscurest price?

And how, then, do the ages tell
You from your dalliance,
Those ages that could never tell
Old bones from new dust.

And how then, pray, will you find
A companionable skeleton
There for me to commune
Through it’s blown skin ribs?


Our talk has a fungal form
Or metaphysic and directed down
From some ill hell it wiry swells
Like creeping ivy through the gloom.
Sad and distempered a fiery rage
Infects its veins and illuminates
A wistful steam that pales the face.

And, how, across this space,
That when I look stretches dizzy,
As if with ambition coils the Earth,
Can we again drown the cold
In ignorant passion?
Our desires recoil and wrap
In frigid, spiritful fire
Till love is all but a little,
Indistinguishable, sanctuary flame
For how long burning?

If the branches here do touch
Can the steal there then melt?
And, if inflamed, would you despise
The uncontrolled, fast beating heart
Or, then, mourn ices wavering
Or unwished loss of our loved
Stone, statuesque, seeming godhead?

Lewis said...

The pain is really bad - it's pain but kind of cheap -

Lewis said...

Wow, beautiful!

Lewis said...

My guts are filled with weds and salads of yesteryear - I don't think I survive - but you're are a poet to? I did and I didn't know that.

Lewis said...

'A tragedy apportioned to a giants nerve' - So Malcolm Lowry - 'Here us our Lord from heaven thy dwelling place'.

Lewis said...

'Hear@ not 'here'

Lewis said...

If you bring Cholera
To my people, prepare to die -
You'thin, tall, short poeple',
You 'thinny, fat poele',
You'somebody poeple',

If you bring cholera to my people
Prepare to die ' you thin
You 'tall, short people'
You 'thin, fat people'
You 'somebody people', You nobody people'!


Lewis said...

I love Judas in Webbers musical - the profoundest he ever did - if you can call anything he did 'profound' - it's sorta me:

Lewis said...

Lewis said...

Lewis said...

Gethsamane - who but me has read the bible - I know it of by heart:

Lewis said...


Lewis said...

It's a 'Greek' tragedy - Judas as the 'chorus' - 'Jesus' as the 'tragic' hero - which I think very clever - if not 'original - I think Medieval plays did the same?

Lewis said...

And, the music, pretty awful - but 'ideas' are what matter!

Lewis said...

'To conquer death, you only have to die'

Lewis said...

I want to die - I hate that - and I want to do it 'rationally' - who could do such an 'irrational' thing 'rationally' - and I know it's going to be bloody painful - to kill this body takes some effort - but I must do it - I'm horrible.

Lewis said...

The bacon that I burned and the cheese gone stale - what was the point? Food a kind an invidious invasion. The stupidity of the body. Alcohol lifting me to heaven. A chemichal stupidity. Each step worse than the last.

Lewis said...

Between the carbon monoxide and the poison that is alchaohol, this is what I think about:

The Desolation of Jerusalem

1 How deserted lies the city,
once so full of people!
How like a widow is she,
who once was great among the nations!
She who was queen among the provinces
has now become a slave.

2 Bitterly she weeps at night,
tears are upon her cheeks.
Among all her lovers
there is none to comfort her.
All her friends have betrayed her;
they have become her enemies.

3 After affliction and harsh labor,
Judah has gone into exile.
She dwells among the nations;
she finds no resting place.
All who pursue her have overtaken her
in the midst of her distress.

4 The roads to Zion mourn,
for no one comes to her appointed feasts.
All her gateways are desolate,
her priests groan,
her maidens grieve,
and she is in bitter anguish.

Lewis said...

5 Her foes have become her masters;
her enemies are at ease.
The LORD has brought her grief
because of her many sins.
Her children have gone into exile,
captive before the foe.

6 All the splendor has departed
from the Daughter of Zion.
Her princes are like deer
that find no pasture;
in weakness they have fled
before the pursuer.

7 In the days of her affliction and wandering
Jerusalem remembers all the treasures
that were hers in days of old.
When her people fell into enemy hands,
there was no one to help her.
Her enemies looked at her
and laughed at her destruction.

Lewis said...

“May the day perish on which I was born,
And the night in which it was said,
‘A male child is conceived.’
4May that day be darkness;
May God above not seek it,
Nor the light shine upon it.
5May darkness and the shadow of death claim it;
May a cloud settle on it;
May the blackness of the day terrify it.
6As for that night, may darkness seize it;
May it not [b]rejoice among the days of the year,
May it not come into the number of the months.
7Oh, may that night be barren!
May no joyful shout come into it!
8May those curse it who curse the day,
Those who are ready to arouse Leviathan.
9May the stars of its morning be dark;
May it look for light, but have none,
And not see the [c]dawning of the day;
10Because it did not shut up the doors of my mother’s womb,
Nor hide sorrow from my eyes.

11“Why did I not die at birth?
Why did I not [d]perish when I came from the womb?
12Why did the knees receive me?
Or why the breasts, that I should nurse?
13For now I would have lain still and been quiet,
I would have been asleep;
Then I would have been at rest
14With kings and counselors of the earth,
Who built ruins for themselves,
15Or with princes who had gold,
Who filled their houses with silver;
16Or why was I not hidden like a stillborn child,
Like infants who never saw light?
17There the wicked cease from troubling,
And there the [e]weary are at rest.
18There the prisoners [f]rest together;
They do not hear the voice of the oppressor.
19The small and great are there,
And the servant is free from his master.

20“Why is light given to him who is in misery,
And life to the bitter of soul,
21Who long[g] for death, but it does not come,
And search for it more than hidden treasures;
22Who rejoice exceedingly,
And are glad when they can find the grave?
23Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden,
And whom God has hedged in?
24For my sighing comes before [h]I eat,
And my groanings pour out like water.
25For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me,
And what I dreaded has happened to me.
26I am not at ease, nor am I quiet;
I have no rest, for trouble comes.”

Lewis said...

The sore delayers of the sore d'opinions

Lewis said...

the sore decayers

Lewis said...

I know what you like, Anne, and I'ms sorry for being stupid about it - one of the reasons reason the child of my mother split from me was that I used to sit in my 'room' - it was our 'room', really - writing my stough and she felt so neglected - which wasn't my intention, of course - I just needed to do it - but she was very 'week', 'nervous and she thought I should make her strong - 'me' - what a joke! I wanted her to make me strong - but I realised that was impossible!

Lewis said...

Lewis said...

I worry about him:

Nichevo said...

J. Farmer said...
What are the odds on Elon Musk leaving Cali for Texas?

Elon Musk reminds me of a quote from Wall Street: "What the hell is Cromwell doin' givin' a lecture tour when he's losing 60 million a quarter? Guess he's giving lectures on how to lose money. Jesus Christ...if this guy owned a funeral parlor, no one would die! This turkey is totally brain-dead!"

5/11/20, 2:54 PM

J. Farmer said...
May I suggest you know next to nothing about either visionary?

You may suggest anything you wish. What do I care? Perhaps Filippo Marinetti is the better comparison.

J. Farmer said...

Farmer's 19th-century incarnation yelled "Sie musst dir ein Pferd besorgen!" at Karl Benz.

Comparing Musk to Benz is certainly a joke.

5/11/20, 3:59 PM

And somewhere in there you begged for mercy with a 'just kidding?' Schizo much?

Show Karl Benz the video of a SpaceX launch and landing, then wait for him to tell you which end of the horse you are.