February 4, 2020

Watching the State of the Union?

Hang out here.


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Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Ramesh Ponnuru said ...
Trump’s claim that NAFTA cost 1/4 of manufacturing jobs has no basis, but the good news is that USMCA largely replicates NAFTA.

Mark said...

The Dems standing for the president -- and even staying in the chamber rather than walking out -- is a confession by them that their impeachment is an illegitimate farce.

MayBee said...

I couldn't figure out what they were yelling either. Came on here in part to find out.

gspencer said...

I love all the zings at the "previous administration"

Ryan said...

What kind of sick fuck would rape a 92-year old woman?

Bay Area Guy said...

Nancy Pelosi = hot octogenarian = Hoctogenarian

Andrew said...

Pelosi's going insane. Amazing to watch.

Nichevo said...

Ryan said...
What kind of sick fuck would rape a 92-year old woman?

D voter.

Mark said...

State of the Union has become a re-election speech.

Seeing Red said...

I can afford it. My ctiblefter Obamacare went to $7000 pp. it finally came down to $3500 pp but it increased t$4500 pp.

Thank God we’re not in the new normal, because we middle class wouldn’t be able to afford that either.

Nichevo said...

Blogger Andrew said...
Pelosi's going insane. Amazing to watch.

Need clips

Limited blogger said...

Rocky Jones, RIP. May God bless your family.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I wonder how many suburban mum votes giving Rush a medal earns him.

Anonymous said...

See Above /\ See Above

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Ryan said...

What kind of sick fuck would rape a 92-year old woman?
2/4/20, 9:00 PM
Bay Area Guy said...

Nancy Pelosi = hot octogenarian = Hoctogenarian
2/4/20, 9:01 PM

Interesting juxtaposition!

Shouting Thomas said...

Dems favor criminal aliens.

That should be a winner.

Nichevo said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I wonder how many suburban mum votes giving Rush a medal earns him.

My dear snake in the grass, you will find out.

Seeing Red said...

Oooh a spending program Nancy and the Dems like!

Where did that money go from the Obama stimulus for roads?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rush Limbaugh on NAFTA said ...
Skilled workers, educated people are going to do fine 'cause those are the kinds of jobs Nafta is going to create. If we are going to start rewarding no skills and stupid people, I'm serious, let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.

Laslo Spatula said...

"What kind of sick fuck would rape a 92-year old woman?"

If it would keep Trump from giving Alaska to the Russians I bet Schiff would do it.

That is the kind of patriot he is.

I am Laslo.

Mark said...

People around Schiff need to be careful since his eyes have now popped all the way out of his head and on to the floor.

Ryan said...

I agree with Althouse: why even mention impeachment? You want this speech to be read years from now, when nobody will even remember the failed impeachment. Don't remind them.

Marc in Eugene said...

I can't listen to much more of Mr Trump's idiomatic rhetorical style-- it's 2104-- so hope that he's almost finished. I'll admit that he seems to have become more enthusiastic as he's gone along, although the breathiness is disconcerting.

Jim Gust said...

Love the attacks on sanctuary cities, Republicans should ramp this up.

Sprezzatura said...

"Will save some time and money."

I know I get, at least, daily texts from DJT asking for money. And, I get mail more often than weekly.

And all I did was buy one MAGA hat Christmas ornament and donate to the thing for the troops when DJT didn't go to one of the R primary debates.

I never gave big dough directly to DJT, only for the heroes.

BTW this is one of two texts re today:

"URGENT: We need 84 Trump patriots by TONIGHT's State of the Union. You FAILED to renew you membership & are INACTIVE. You MUST renew NOW [then there's an NRC link.]"

Bay Area Guy said...

I am merely admiring Nancy's beauty. But since she is about the same age as my Mother, I am not going there!

Ps Bay Area Gal is drinking wine and barking at the tv. She thinks Nancy Pamts looks great too -- for her age.

Ryan said...

Laslo, he's not giving it to the Russians. He's trading it for support in the 2020 election, remember? The art of the deal.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rush Limbaugh gets the same honor as Rosa Parks. That should be worth some votes in the inner cities.

Shouting Thomas said...

Throwing down the gauntlet.

Nichevo said...

Ryan said...
I agree with Althouse: why even mention impeachment? You want this speech to be read years from now, when nobody will even remember the failed impeachment. Don't remind them.

Something mumble Jesus mumble something ixnay on the ucifixion-cray. Don't remind them!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

From a comment over at Insty:

“Trump is making the Dems eat one shit sandwich after another.”

Bay Area Guy said...

Pence looks like former Arizona Basketball Coach, Lute Olson.

What kinda name is Lute?!!?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andrew said...

Pelosi just gestured at someone to knock it off. She's becoming a comical figure. Exercise your authority, Nancy.

Francisco D said...

ARM is really shaking his ass tonight.

He is no Jennifer Lopez, but he is really trying hard.

Chuck said...

They have certainly confirmed a record number of federal judges. Thanks to a change in the rules. A rule changed for District and Circuit judges during the Democrats' majority in the Senate, in the second Obama term. And changed further in the Trump administration to include Supreme Court Justices.

A rule change that, at the time in 2013, Mitch McConnell denounced.

It's so odd; Trump talking about federal judges. I like his choices, but every time he talks about anything related to the courts, it is revolting. His ignorance is startling.

Mark said...

Thanks for that partial, out-of-context quote ARM.

Nichevo said...

The best part is afterwards when the President will turn around and greet VP Pence and totally, utterly cut Nancy Pelosi. That or toss her a ball to balance on her nose while she does her real clap.

Ryan said...

Speaking of new judges, I was in Federal Court yesterday and the judge was fuming about the idiotic $75k threshold for diversity jurisdiction, which hasn't been increased since the 1980s. I bet increasing the minimum to automatically account for inflation would be equivalent to appointing dozens of new judges, at least. Getting rid of the ADA and TCPA would be monumental.

Limited blogger said...

Can't wait to hear CNN's take on this Trump fest.

Oh yeah, there is also a 'rebuttal' coming.

Good luck with that

Beasts of England said...

This is a command performance. Yuge. Bigly.

Gahrie said...

Rush Limbaugh gets the same honor as Rosa Parks. That should be worth some votes in the inner cities.

Rush got an honor that had previously only been given to Rosa Parks? What was it?

Mark said...

I like his choices, but . . .

A simple "Thank you" would have sufficed.

You know, there really is no need to be a boor in everything.

Chuck said...

Nichevo said...
The best part is afterwards when the President will turn around and greet VP Pence and totally, utterly cut Nancy Pelosi. That or toss her a ball to balance on her nose while she does her real clap.

Pelosi extended her hand to Trump at the beginning. Trump turned on her.

Bay Area Guy said...

I hope Trump ends his speech by grabbing his Johnson and shouting, "Impeach This, Bitches!"

Nichevo said...

The best part is afterwards when the President will turn around and greet VP Pence and totally, utterly cut Nancy Pelosi. That or toss her a ball to balance on her nose while she does her seal clap.

Seeing Red said...


JAORE said...

Rush Limbaugh gets the same honor as Rosa Parks.

Or Bill Cosby

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bay Area Guy said...
I hope Trump ends his speech by grabbing his Johnson and shouting, "Impeach This, Bitches!"

I do too. But he will probably have to put his glasses on first - from all accounts.

JackWayne said...

This is where Trump’s ability to work 18 hours a day really pays off. He has a ton of successes to brag about.

Original Mike said...

"Pelosi extended her hand to Trump at the beginning. Trump turned on her."

My impression was he didn't see it.

Beasts of England said...

’Trump turned on her.’

I’m very sorry for your loss, Chuckles.

Andrew said...

Beautiful transition to the killing of Suleimani (sp)? Trump's use of people in the gallery has been brilliantly effective. He's giving the Dems no quarter. For them to stay seated looks awful every time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

will the demo-frat girls wearing white get a ride back to high-school after the address?

Jim Gust said...

"If you attack our citizens, you forfeit your life." I wish Bush had said that, and meant it.

David Begley said...

And to think Dem Senators tomorrow will vote to remove our great President.

Dems sit for death of QS.

Mark said...

So the "We came, we saw, he died" crowd now sits on their hands.

Nichevo said...

nose while she does her seal* clap.

Pelosi extended her hand to Trump at the beginning. Trump turned on her.

Oh, joy! It's not grabbing her by the pussy or shooting her on Fifth Avenue, but it's a start. Thanks for sharing that, Chuck!

*Corrected real to seal. I had reposted with the correction but you quoted me before I could delete, so oh well.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

M-A-R-S, Mars Bitches

Limited blogger said...

Trumps now cramming all kinds of accomplishments in at the end. No filler tonight.

PubliusFlavius said...

Trump understands stories.

Nancy is ...anxiously... working?

Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "Pelosi extended her hand to Trump at the beginning. Trump turned on her."

I am so very very sorry this is happening to you.

Thoughts and prayers.

Shouting Thomas said...

Your jealousy of the president for squiring one of the most beautiful women in the world, ARM, is duly noted.

Must be a bitter pill to swallow.

Mark said...

Pelosi extended her hand to receive the portfolio he was handing her.

Sprezzatura said...

"Or Bill Cosby"

Seems like that should be BHO's fault.


Tyrone Slothrop said...

Dick size ARM? Seriously? I know fourth graders with more highly developed senses of humor.

Chuck said...

Bay Area Guy said...
I hope Trump ends his speech by grabbing his Johnson and shouting, "Impeach This, Bitches!"

I expect that you wouldn't be satisfied if Trump yelled, "I want that goddamned fucking statement!"

Mark said...


Bay Area Guy said...

There is a striking contrast between Pence, head up, eyes alert, tasteful clapping and Nancy P, eyes down, fidgeting, fumbling with papers, like she's confused by a Denny's Menu.

Big Mike said...

What kinda name is Lute?!!?

Short for Luther.

David Begley said...

Best SOTU ever!

Ryan said...

Regarding the chanting, according to CNN:

"Democrats could be heard laughing when the President said he was taking on big pharmaceutical companies. As Trump riffed on the subject, a crowd of Democrats also started chanting “HR3," referencing the Democratic health care bill to lower drug prices."

Shouting Thomas said...

So, now we know, ARM...

Sexual jealousy is what is driving you.

That afflicts a lot of men in respect of the president.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

An Oprah moment. Are there going to be free cars?

Dude1394 said...

Wow trump!!!

Limited blogger said...

Trump just dropped the mic

Jim Gust said...

OMG!!! Bringing the father back from deployment to meet his family in the gallery!

This will never be topped.

JackWayne said...

What an amazing showman! He’s killing it!

Milwaukie guy said...

Blown away. Greatest show on earth. Gloves off.

Shouting Thomas said...

No, ARM, the Oprah moment was your confession of bitter sexual jealousy.

Mark said...

Speech turns into rally.

Big Mike said...

U S A! U S A! U S A!

Andrew said...

Oh wow. Another great moment. The surprise entrance of the military husband. Trump is owning this room. He's already been reelected.

Nancy, psycho bitch, didn't even stand for that? Or did she sit down quickly?

Andrew said...

Oh wow. Another great moment. The surprise entrance of the military husband. Trump is owning this room. He's already been reelected.

Nancy, psycho bitch, didn't even stand for that? Or did she sit down quickly?

Bay Area Guy said...

The Army guy was cool --- for an Army guy.

Mark said...

Still, Pink Hat Mitt will find something to tsk-tsk about.

Wince said...

How long before somebody calls this the Reality-TV SOTU?

Andrew said...

"The beautiful, beautiful Alamo." Lol.

Seeing Red said...

This SOTU is so much Better than Obama’s first when one of his main goals was weatherstripping houses.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump smites his enemies by doing generous things for people.

Limited blogger said...

Pelosi is reading something. WTF??

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck is going to have to spend the next 48 hours binge-watching Rachel Maddow after all this.

Seeing Red said...

Pelosi I 5hink is reading his speech. He handed her and Pence each a binder (not full of women) at the beginning. I think he should have handed her a pen, too.

Sprezzatura said...

Lot's of folks here loving the, as they put it, show.

PTB knew that the population increased.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump Rally-SOTU

Limited blogger said...

Can't believe how perfect a pick for VP Pence was. He is perfect with a wry grin behind his POTUS.

Inga said...

Trump tried very hard to make himself look worthy of the Presidency.

Ryan said...

Holy fuck, Pelosi ripped up the speech!

Beasts of England said...

King Kong wears ‘Trump’ pajamas.

Shouting Thomas said...

Pelosi rips up the president’s speech.

Bay Area Guy said...

I caught a Schifff-Nadler sighting. They look unpleased.

JackWayne said...

Made Bush and Obama look weak and pathetic.

Limited blogger said...

Pelosi just ripped the presentation up!!

How bitter can yo be?

Browndog said...


Pelosi ripped up Trump's speech.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AFChiling said...

Did you see Pelosi tear up here copy of the speech? Really classless.

FullMoon said...

"Pelosi extended her hand to Trump at the beginning. Trump turned on her."

She had a booger on her finger.It is all over youtube:Embarrassing

Guildofcannonballs said...

Wow, ripped the speech she did! Very stable.

Andrew said...

Pelosi ripped the speech in half??!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nancy Pelosi is an evil cunt.

Chuck said...

Limited blogger said...
Pelosi is reading something. WTF??

A copy of the speech. Copies are presented to the Veep and the Speaker at the beginning of the speech.

Ryan said...

I agree with Inga: Trump made himself worthy of the presidency. Excellent job.

Wince said...

Didn’t hear Trump mention impeachment.

And Pelosi tore-up the transcript?

Nichevo said...

Ryan said...
Holy fuck, Pelosi ripped up the speech!

2/4/20, 9:25 PM

No! ☺😄😃😂😅😆💥

Seeing Red said...

Pelosi ripped the speech in 1/2 and let it fall to the floor?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

David Corn said ...
Trump has deployed more troops to the Middle East than were there when he took office.

Shouting Thomas said...

Being worthy of being president, Inga, amounts to being elected.

You’ve behaved disgracefully over the past 3 years. Shame on you.

Jim Gust said...

Wowsers. That is the first SOTU that I've seen that was really worth my time.

Brilliant! Even the CBS anchor is saying it was a SOTU unlike any other.

Martha said...

Wow. Pelosi just vigorously and viciously ripped her copy of Trump’s speech in half as Trump exited the House.

Mark said...

I caught a Schifff-Nadler sighting. They look unpleased.

They looked punch-drunk.

Getting hit by a freight train will tend to do that to someone.

Seeing Red said...

Yes Inga, We and our is so much more presidential thank I. I. I. I. me meeeeeeeeeeeeee

Beasts of England said...

Nancy, you ignorant slut...

Nichevo said...

Martha said...
Wow. Pelosi just vigorously and viciously ripped her copy of Trump’s speech in half as Trump exited the House.

Stupid-it was worth more than all those impeachment pens put together.

chickelit said...

Fight the dour!

Drago said...

ARM: "David Corn said...
Trump has deployed more troops to the Middle East than were there when he took office."

Sorry ARM. Trump "ain't" letting your Russian pals get the Syrian oil.

Limited blogger said...

Trump doesn't even go have a beer after that, he doesn't drink.

Guess he starts working on a new list of accomplishments for next year's SOTU.

Qwinn said...

Mrs. Qwinn is beside herself in appreciation for that SOTU speech. She loved it. As did I. Excellent job, Mr. President.

Andrew said...

@Ryan, thanks for explaining the chanting. That makes sense. It sure looked bad, though.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I agree the best is yet to come. Doubt Trump will be part of it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Dems Leave Chair Empty At State Of The Union To Honor Fallen Hero Soleimani."

Just kidding. but you thought -- did they?

Bob Boyd said...

NBC commenter now calling atmosphere in SOTU "poisonous"

Ryan said...

All I can think about right now is VASOLINE LIPS guy.

Seeing Red said...

It’s a SURGE! Maybe this time it will work?

Sprezzatura said...

"Pelosi just vigorously and viciously ripped her copy of Trump’s speech in half as Trump exited the House."

I know the thing to do here is for y'all to say everything DJT does is brilliant.

How about going on the record first?

What, if anything, should he do to respond?

Or, you can just wait, and then after the fact say what he did was the perfect response.

FTR, I'll go w/ him tweeting about her being old and having face surgery. Since that's what is so popular w/ y'all in this thread. Presumably y'all think like he does.

FullMoon said...

Sorry ARM. Trump "ain't" letting your Russian pals get the Syrian oil.

Actually, ARM is more concerned with Trump puttin' the screws to China. ARM a real fan of China. Notice his absence during discussions of the protests? "Reasonable Man became Invisible man.

Andrew said...

Oh boy, a rebuttal! How sad...

I can't watch it. Not worth my time.

Big Mike said...

Pelosi extended her hand to Trump at the beginning. Trump turned on her.

She picked the fight with him, not him with her.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Mich. Lady Governor is hot! Chuck, you need move on that!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

So now it's Tracy Flick's turn.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm glad Pelosi revealed her inner brat. She show-cased it to all.

walter said...

"Pelosi just vigorously and viciously ripped her copy of Trump’s speech in half "

Drago said...

Anyone else notice how often Palsi Pelosi attempted to get Pence to interact with her?

What a buffoon she was.

JackWayne said...

What a lousy public speaker Whitmer is. She sounds forced and theatrical.

Inga said...

“What, if anything, should he do to respond?”

He’ll probably have some foreign leader announce an investigation into one of her children.

Marc in Eugene said...

Mrs Pelosi's tearing up Mr Trump's speech on live television was a shamefully childish act unbecoming of her. It's a perfect symbol of what the truth is behind any claims in this Congress to desire bipartisanship, however. Am glad I made it to the end, since Mr Trump's peroration was very good and I got to witness the Speaker's ugliness.

Qwinn said...

The Democrat response is apparently "I failed to fill potholes in the state I'm the governor of, so little kids have to do it themselves."

Nichevo said...

anti-de Sitter space said...
"Pelosi just vigorously and viciously ripped her copy of Trump’s speech in half as Trump exited the House."

I know the thing to do here is for y'all to say everything DJT does is brilliant.

How about going on the record first?

What, if anything, should he do to respond?

I already answered your stupid question at 9:30.

Limited blogger said...

Michigan guv doing rebuttal.

Talking stimulus.

'Infrastructure spending'

JackWayne said...

Trump is making America Great Again. Democrats are filling potholes.....

mockturtle said...

Anyone know who those dour women seated directly in front of the podium were?

Mark said...

After they fixed health care, the Dems are now telling us we need to fix health care.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pelosi's moment of ugly will pay dividends. Thanks Pelosi.

Leave Hunter Biden alone! He has every right to launder tax payer money thru Ukraine and Barisma and into his coke-headed stripper-fucking wallet.

FullMoon said...

FTR, I'll go w/ him tweeting about her being old and having face surgery. Since that's what is so popular w/ y'all in this thread. Presumably y'all think like he does.

OK, boomer.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I say it rarely, and I try not to be one myself, but I'm going to this time.

Pelosi is a colossal cunt.

Thank you. That is all.

Mark said...

Whitmer asks who the economy is strong for?

Guess she thinks that blacks and other minorities -- who have record low unemployment -- don't count.

FullMoon said...

Trump is making America Great Again. Democrats are filling potholes.....

Not in California

Limited blogger said...

Sorry, Michigan stays with Trump.

Nichevo said...

Inga said...
“What, if anything, should he do to respond?”

He’ll probably have some foreign leader announce an investigation into one of her children.

2/4/20, 9:36 PM

You mean, her criminal son doing gas biznez in Ukraine? Good idea, and with your bipartisan support, a no-brainer!

JackWayne said...

Whitmer can’t even fake sincerity.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

<Democrats are filling potholes.....

They are? We wish.

David Begley said...

MI Gov claims the Dems represent the middle class. Ha! Not any more.

Spiros Pappas said...

Nancy Pelosi is a boss.

Limited blogger said...

This lady seems nice, but zip energy

Ryan said...

"Democrats are getting things done" is apparently theme of the rebuttal. In response to Trump's "Do-nothing Dems," I suppose.

Problem is, Dems have focused so much on the impeachment, which failed, that I'm afraid the impression is just incompetence.

JackWayne said...

I dunno, Californians are filling the streets with poop. It’s kinda similar.

Nichevo said...

I can't believe I missed the whole speech. This will be on YouTube, right? I gotta see this!

Seeing Red said...

MI Gov claims the Dems represent the middle class. Ha! Not any more.

2/4/20, 9:41 PM

That’s been a lie for almost 2 decades now.

Drago said...

Admiral Inga is very very upset cokehead/kicked out of the Navy/deadbeat dad/corruptocrat/sister-in-law-doinking wanker Hunter Biden has been caught out.

Just how many crackpipes has Hunter lost in rental cars anyway?

mockturtle said...

I was happy to see that Sinema not only didn't wear white but stood and applauded most of Trump's points.

Hagar said...

I don't think she actually ripped his speech in half, but just made a gesture as if she did to show what she thought of it.

To start with, that was a lot of pages for a person to rip, and second, a little later she was sorting the pages on her desk, I think.

Bob Boyd said...

The Dems looked at a loss, looked like yesterday, like history, like has beens.

Bay Area Guy said...

After listening to the Mich Gov babble on, I retract my statement. She is too stupid to be hot.

Ryan said...

Dems would have some respect if they could have proven Russia ,collusion or pulled off an impeachment. They are just incompetent.

wendybar said...

I am getting so sick of all this popcorn, and we have tomorrow to savor too. I can't wait for the riots and Antifa to come out into the streets and represent the Democrats like good old Nancy did tonight. They reap what they sow.

Deanna said...

Did Witmer say Dems are filling potholes? In what states? Not hers!!! My daughter moved there last summer - I don't think I've ever seen worse roads. Not even in Illinois. In fact, I was just thinking last time I was there that for a state that's known for it's automotive production you'd think they'd have better roads.

Seeing Red said...

Michigan guv doing rebuttal.

Talking stimulus.

'Infrastructure spending'

Trump already covered that and I’ll ask again, where did the Obama stimulus go?

Maybe Trump should take a page out of Obama’s playbook and have the roadway signs printed all I remember ....recovery act.

Qwinn said...

Hagar, she absolutely ripped a few pages in half. Completely. Not the entire speech though.

Martha said...

Pelosi definitely and decisively angrily ripped Trump’s State of the Union speech in half —several pages at a time.

stephen cooper said...

I feel so sorry for the old ladies wearing white.

I mean, I feel a little bit bad for Trump, going through life thinking Lincoln was a hero, but I feel much much sorrier for all those rich old ladies (well a few were middle-aged, too) wearing white as if they were young virginal maids when we all know they are all pro-abortion, misogynistic women with almost no love in their heart at all for the babies who just want to survive until their day of birth, or for all the mothers of those babies who are threatened every day by Planned Parenthood with the fate of being killed, dismembered, and sold off.

Chuck said...

In Michigan, Bloomberg has gone from -11% in a race with Trump to +7%. In 90 days.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
“What, if anything, should he do to respond?”

He’ll probably have some foreign leader announce an investigation into one of her children.

It will certainly be interesting to see how much money relatives of Pelosi got from places like Ukraine and Iran.

I know you love your corrupt masters.

Your tears when they are indicted will be delicious.

stephen cooper said...

Chuck you are a liar, so shut up.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Send her gripper springs and excercise bands.

She looked like she was having a hard time with that paper and she's got 4 more years of speeches to shred.

Ryan said...

I'm listening to CNN, and they are having trouble criticizing anything about the SOTU.

There's also a butthurt tone of disappointment that he didn't mention impeachment. And stuck to the script.

And: apparently references to impeachment in drafts of the speech were "excised" from the drafts. LOL.

CNN's main focuse is how "divided" congress is. As if that is somehow Trump's fault?!

Milwaukie guy said...

There was the Oprah moment, girl you get a scholarship. The Rush medal ceremony with the First Lady. The Hallmark moment when the soldier comes back from deployment.

There was also a lot of highlighting of blacks and Hispanics, because Trump really thinks they're as real American as the wypipo. Expanding the tent.

I'll go with Grand Slam.

David Begley said...

What a bush league move by Nancy.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "In Michigan, Bloomberg has gone from -11% in a race with Trump to +7%. In 90 days."


Well, with that comment from Chuck it proves the rumors are true: the dems have officially kicked Slow Joe to the curb!

Nichevo said...

Lucid-Ideas said...
Send her gripper springs and excercise bands.

She looked like she was having a hard time with that paper and she's got 4 more years of speeches to shred.

Sounds like a digitally rejuvenated Robert De Niro delivering kicks to a fallen enemy in The Irishman like an old man trying to put on his slippers without bending over.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Limited blogger said...

Can't believe how perfect a pick for VP Pence was. He is perfect with a wry grin behind his POTUS.

Unlike almost all VP's Pence has executive experience as a governor. Unlike almost all VPs, especially Joe Biden IV, he may actually have a shot at the presidency in 2024.

Pitch perfect as you say.

I thought Nancy P made an ass of herself not standing for a 12 years old kid who dreams of the Air Force Academy. What did he do to deserve her scorn? I noted she did stand for his father the general.

And Rush Limbaugh with a beard looks like an imposter. I am so used to seeing him cleanshaven that I can't absorb the beard. Same thing as with David Letterman and his beard.

John Henry

Andrew said...

Back to Trump. That was one of the greatest speeches I've ever witnessed. I wish his delivery were a little crisper, without the heavy breathing and the stringing of paragraphs together. But his multiple talents for showmanship easily make up for his rhetorical weaknesses. He really is a political genius. And this was taking the battle straight to the Dems.

First the Iowa caucus catastrophe. Then this fantastic speech. Tomorrow he's acquitted by Congress (will any Dems cross over?). I believe they call that a "hat trick."

David Begley said...


Trump will win Michigan. The Green New Deal would destroy Michigan.

lb said...

Thanks for the comments - wasn't able to listen but just read the thread. Takeaway without actually seeing it is that the Dem's have oppositional defiance disorder. Whatever Trump does that is good for the country has to be bad because he's the authority figure. In that context, Nancy Pelosi perfectly illustrates her disorder by ripping up his speech.

JML said...

Is rich, short, white, old, Bloomberg the new Dem savior? I'm not surprised - he fits all the demographics the dems were discussing these past few years...

D. said...

Why was Pelosi tearing up the paper? "these people are stupid" - Q

Birkel said...

Bloomberg goes from 0% in the Iowa caucuses.
To 0% in New Hampshire.
To 2% in South Carolina.

Step 2: ????? (consult the underwear gnomes)

Step 3: Beating Trump in Michigan in November.

Seems legit.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...
In Michigan, Bloomberg has gone from -11% in a race with Trump to +7%. In 90 days.

Chuck's "principles" are telling him to support the guy that wants to repeal the 2nd amendment and ban soda.

He is a real conservative.

The rest of us are not.

He will fight you.

Ken B said...

Pelosi ripped up the speech. How petty is that? (Answer: Birkel)

Inga said...

Pelosi afforded Trump’s speech the respect it deserved. After Trump lying about protecting Americans with pre existing conditions, while he’s is in court trying to take away those very protections, someone should’ve stood up and yelled “You lie!”.

Lucid-Ideas said...

If I had 5 year old I would say that I would expect better behavior from my 5 year old, and that unlike Pelosi, I would get that from my 5 year old, which by the way doesn't exist.

Neither does Nancy's composure. I've never seen so much seethe.

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