December 10, 2019

Yeah, I know... impeachment unveiling this morning...

... can I avert my eyes? It's really awful. I'll try to look at video of the announcement later, but right now, I can't put up with these people.

ADDED: Here's the video. I'll force myself to watch:

UPDATE: I tried. I got 2 minutes and 45 seconds into the presentation, and I had to turn it off.


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Original Mike said...

"I hope Durham is smart enough to avoid DC juries, like the oen that let Greg Craig off last month."

Does he have the latitude to do so?

Drago said...

BTW, for those keeping track, thus far in Trump's tenure we have the democrats and LLR-lefty democrats trying to hand responsibility for obamacare and trade deal imbalances to Trump while simultaneously attempting to take credit for Trump's economy and new trade deals.

LLR-lefty Chuck was hot on this trail during 2018 before he was banned from Althouseblog for being a dishonest and vulgar poster who threatens women and children.

I will be curious to see if LLR-lefty Chuck attempts to pull that ploy again with regard to USMCA.

TJM said...

This is for Inga and Chuck, a trip down memory lane:

31 Democrats voted along with the Republicans to impeach Clinton, because he was obviously guilty of multiple felonies. The fact that Pelosi and Nadler voted against impeaching Clinton, while now leading the effort to impeach Trump on very flimsy charges, demonstrates the level of their hypocrisy.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

The Democrats have been let down by their propaganda wing. They expected the Media to take the ball and run to a touchdown. That is, they expected to inflame the public to the point that they demanded Trump's impeachment. The public is more and more attuned to Media propaganda.

I hope that's true, though it's sad that we have to develop the Pravda mindset. OTOH, I'm not sure it *is* true. I often hear people I know to be intelligent (though concentrating on other things) buying whatever's on NPR or in the local paper.

narciso said...


Mr. Groovington said...

He needs to take the rallies to enemy locations. Facilitate street war breaking out nationally. America on fire. Nothing less.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JohnAnnArbor said...

Does Schiff have a thyroid condition or what?

Drago said...

Unknown: "The Democrats have been let down by their propaganda wing. They expected the Media to take the ball and run to a touchdown."

Keep in mind the lefty/dem powers that be (including billionaire lefties Soros, Hoffman and Omidyar, amongst others) have also invested heavily in creating fake conservative "life long republican" "publications (Weekly Standard, Bulwark, etc) and fake conservative blog posters to attempt to demoralize real republican's and conservatives and drive up the vote for democrats.

Mr. Groovington said...

The justification? Just one will do, being relentlessly slurred.

narciso said...

Guess who:

narciso said...

rick gates, who ratted on manafort and looted accounts to pay three mistresses, has a recommendation of no jail time,

Freder Frederson said...

The big terror attacks on bases have been called "Workplace violence" by your messiah.

Again, you can name one "big terror attack" on a base, that was not called an act of terrorism. But besides Fort Hood, what have you got? Or was the "s" in attacks a typo?

phantommut said...

I hope Durham is smart enough to avoid DC juries, like the oen that let Greg Craig off last month.

It would be hilarious if Durham took his work product to Cincinnati. (Hilarious to a certain type of political geek, anyway.)

Chuck said...

TJM said...
This is for Inga and Chuck, a trip down memory lane:

31 Democrats voted along with the Republicans to impeach Clinton, because he was obviously guilty of multiple felonies. The fact that Pelosi and Nadler voted against impeaching Clinton, while now leading the effort to impeach Trump on very flimsy charges, demonstrates the level of their hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, now-Senator Lindsey Graham (who has called Donald Trump a "kook" who was "unfit for office") was an actual House Manager for the impeachment of Clinton, and scarcely a word that Graham uttered in that entire process could not now be used to impeach Trump.

I don't have the Democratic Party problem that you identified. I'm a lifelong Republican. I liked it and was proud of my party when we held Nixon, and then Clinton, to higher standards than they were willing to stand for. And now the exact same holds true for Trump. I have no conflicts. I have no past statements or positions to regret. Unlike Graham (or Pelosi) but most especially Trump.

Browndog said...

Blogger Rosalyn C. said...

I only got through about half of the announcement, (what the heck was going on with Maxine Waters's mouth?) -- I had to turn off at Schiff spouting unpalatable lies about the mountains of evidence

Remember the "Nunes Memo"?

Schiff said it was full of lies, and issued his own memo.

IG Report Confirms Schiff FISA Memo Media Praised Was Riddled With Lies

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

31 Democrats voted along with the Republicans to impeach Clinton.

shhhhhhh memory hole that.

LA_Bob said...

"Nadler is short and fat."

No, no, no, no, no. He's sedentary.

gerry said...

They have to hold a vote to impeach - and they don't even know if they have enough congresscritters on board to do so.

I've been told forever that Pelosi is such a cunning politician that she would not have ventured this far out on a limb unless she knew it would support her weight. If internal polling plunges dramatically overnight, however, she may force a censure vote instead. That poses a grave danger to the party, but wounds will heal in time.

They promised their more rabid supporters they would do so.

A hugely valid point! Socialist/Communist radicals firmly believe that

"Our Party is strong and invincible because, when leading a movement, it is able to preserve and multiply its contacts with the vast masses of the workers and peasants." [Joseph Stalin, Pravda, March 2, 1930]

The Party is infallible because it is never out of touch with the masses! For that reason it can do no wrong. It is inerrant, even if it contradicts itself, because it is the channel of the masses, which the tide of history guides scientifically to the utopian Communist world order!

The radical core of the current Democrat Party is tuned into the dizzying Stalinist philosophy. The quasi-religious fervor driving the "rabid supporters" will not permit retreat. That is why even if there is no high crime (or even a lousy misdemeanor) they believe their righteousness will win the day and result in impeachment and conviction. Scientific History demands and predicts it!

Drago said...

The Ever Sadder Liar LLR-lefty Chuck: "Meanwhile, now-Senator Lindsey Graham (who has called Donald Trump a "kook" who was "unfit for office") was an actual House Manager for the impeachment of Clinton, and scarcely a word that Graham uttered in that entire process could not now be used to impeach Trump."


Lindsay Graham has called the democrat impeachment a joke and just yesterday Graham called what the DOJ/FBI did to Trump in the campaign and after a literal "criminal conspiracy".

So no, pathetic LLR-lefty Chuck. Even the "moderates" are abandoning you and your lefty allies.

I'm afraid its just you, Nadler, Schiff, Max Boot and antifa now.

Enjoy it. Enjoy it all. Gorge yourself at the far left buffet to which you have bellied up.

You have been completely exposed. But don't worry. It's only totally and irrevocably exposed.

Congrats. You deserve it.

Meanwhile, Trump Keeps Winning. Winning, winning winning.

And yet, I'm not tired of winning yet. Not yet. Perhaps soon though......but I doubt it.

narciso said...

well there are the proles and the inner party, their interests are sometimes at odds,

Drago said...

It seems like only yesterday LLR-lefty Chuck was regaling us from his "lofty perch" (LOL) with tales of how Trump would never, EVER(!), be able to renegotiate trade deals.

LLR-lefty Chuck really did that, in between racist posts that he is wont to make.

And now, even with the utter collapse of democrat impeachment follies right before our very eyes, LLR-lefty Chuck quintuples down on long debunked lefty talking points and narratives.


So. Much. Trump. Winning.....which means America is winning.

Curious George said...

"LLR-lefty Chuck really did that, in between racist posts that he is wont to make."

And feral titty twisting fantasies, don't forget them.

Francisco D said...

I don't have the Democratic Party problem that you identified. I'm a lifelong Republican. I liked it and was proud of my party when we held Nixon ...


We all know that Chuckles is a blatant liar, but I never gave him enough credit for his absurdist comedy.

Drago said...

Francisco D: "We all know that Chuckles is a blatant liar, but I never gave him enough credit for his absurdist comedy."

Just give him enough rope and he will hang himself, every single time.

Rory said...

"Here are the various endings for this that are possible:"

They could just sit on it, sort of like the Biden rule. No impeachment trial during an election year. Let the voters decide if there will be a trial, and who will sit as the jury.

LA_Bob said...

Matt said, "Maxine looking like a leather handbag..."

LOL, can't get that one out of my head! She always looks that way, but this is the best description I can imagine.

Maybe Nancy will throw Maxine over her shoulder and head off to Bloomingdale's.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Ann takes one for the team. Congrats on getting almost all the way to three minutes!!

narciso said...

why the cruise ship sank,

Birkel said...

A racist fopdoodle is mad that an impeachment that included crimes (and court orders evincing the same) is treated differently than this Democratic farce that involves no allegation of criminal behavior.

Cry, fopdoodle.

Drago said...

Nadler, Pelosi, Schiff-ty, Mad Maxine and gang!!

They had LLR-lefty Chuck at "hello".

Drago said...

Isn't it interesting though that LLR-lefty Chuck continues to try and make impeachment arguments that the dems have already abandoned?

As always, LLR-lefty Chuck secures a policy or political position to the left of where the mass of democrats are.

You'd think that every now and again, even if by random chance, a real "lifelong republican" would at least inadvertantly find himself or herself to the right of the democrats on at least one issue.

Alas, with LLR-lefty Chuck it is not to be.

Shouting Thomas said...

I think Althouse has done a great job on impeachment and on Trump in general.

No complaints here.

wendybar said...

Judging by a lot of the comments here, it looks like the Democrats may go the way of the Whigs!!! I too, hate the party, and will NEVER vote for a Democrat ever again in my life. This is really a joke.

wendybar said...

OH!! And what's up with Nancy's nose??

Qwinn said...

Can anyone find posts by our resident leftists (including Chuck) regarding the Nunes Memo vs the Schiff Memo?

I mean, there's zero doubt they sided with Schiff and slandered Nunes at the time. I think it would be good to dig them up and preserve them, now that they've been exposed as completely wrong. Not that they'll apologize or even admit it.

I'd look them up myself but I'll still be at work for hours.

Rick said...

Are you saying that any act of violence at a military base is a terrorist attack? That is just ridiculous.

What's ridiculous is pretending this is a rational interpretation of what he said. This is what happens when people start commenting before learning to read.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Qwinn: "Can anyone find posts by our resident leftists (including Chuck) regarding the Nunes Memo vs the Schiff Memo? I mean, there's zero doubt they sided with Schiff and slandered Nunes at the time"

Indeed. Easy to recall LLR-lefty Chuck continuously implying Nunes was a corrupt lying dumb loser. All the time. And always coinciding with what we now know were deep state hits on Nunes.

Meanwhile, FakeCon LLR-lefty Chuck would simultaneously go into his fake "objective observer" act and pretend to take seriously all the patently false crap the dems were spewing.

In fact, I can recall during the republican primaries LLR-lefty Chuck, using his FakeCon persona, would trash Trump daily. When asked his thoughts about Hillary or the dems he would always, and I mean ALWAYS, demur and claim that he was only concerned about the republican primary. Chuckie assured us then that when the general election came around he would also critique the dems.

Of course, that never happened. Anywhere. For any office at any level. It was just straight up attacking Trump and conservatives and the republican base voters. Every single day.

It was clear then what he was and is and remains.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

The thing everyone is missing is that a LOT of Republicans are just as complicit in the Ukrainian kickback corruption as the Dem's are... Our entire government (both sides of the aisle) are compromised, some in small ways, the majority in large, career ending ways... Its designed this way on purpose so that everyone stays in-line because the blackmail river runs fathoms deep... You all need to understand that Trump (and we deplorables we desire a return to honest, law-abiding governance) represent an existential threat to the ENTIRE system, not just Dem's... and I would hazard that if push came to shove, the Republicans in the Senate will sandbag as much as possible, even throw the game, if its a choice between their own necks and President Trump's...

Francisco D said...

They could just sit on it, sort of like the Biden rule. No impeachment trial during an election year. Let the voters decide if there will be a trial, and who will sit as the jury.

We should consider that as a possibility. How things play out seems to be very fluid.

We do not know the negotiations behind the scenes, but I have no doubt that Republicans and Democrats are talking, with Trump likely to be in the loop. In the past, Democrats could count on Republicans being true to their word and then giving them the shaft. Big Clinton was a master of that game.

However, things have changed.

Homey (Trump) don't play dat game.

Francisco D said...

Another outcome may be gaining traction:

A group of about 10 Democratic members of Congress, including New Jersey Rep. Josh Gottheimer, Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader, New York Rep. Anthony Brindisi, and Utah Rep. Ben McAdams, are all reportedly open to a censure resolution of Trump instead of moving forward with impeachment, according to Politico.

Interesting that only one of the representatives named is from a red state.

Jim at said...

you claimed that some unnamed Democrats (in the military, the administration, the FBI?) are covering up terrorist attacks at military bases by calling it "workplace violence".

Obama himself called the Ft. Hood shootings 'workplace violence' when it was a known terrorist attack.

You know this and then you play dumb by twisting words. But that's expected. You're a leftist. It's what you do.

Rosalyn C. said...

@Browndog Definitely buried in the MSM: "IG Report Confirms Schiff FISA Memo Media Praised Was Riddled With Lies"

Remember the Nunes Memo! There is no doubt Adam Schiff is a proven liar and he should be held to account, he should never be treated as a hero or rewarded for his lies and deceptions.

Michael K said...

Another outcome may be gaining traction

I would not be at all surprised. Sanity might be breaking out.

Freder, it is not worth looking up details to educate you. There was a Muslim in Oklahoma that chopped off a couple of heads of fellow employees. San Bernardino, the attacks on recruiting offices, I think in Kentucky. It's more with Muslims than military bases. Frequently, the names are not released until much later.

It's a bit like black crime in Chicago. They are "youths." In UK they are "south Asians."

The other doctors in the Fort Hood medical unit knew all about Hassan and were afraid to report it. You just don't want to know.

FullMoon said...

Chuck said:

I don't have the Democratic Party problem that you identified. I'm a lifelong Republican. I liked it and was proud of my party when we held Nixon ...

Interesting in that I thought Chuck made a couple of comments in the past that kinda put his current age as mid fifties, which would make him ten or twelve at time of Nix impeach.

I could be wrong.

Howard said...

Between all the LLR and LOL Drago spews out, you would think his capital L key wood ware out

AllenS said...

So, is the daily Demo shit show over for the day? If so, what happened? Anything?

Bilwick said...

Caption to the picture illustrating the article: "This is a nice country here. Be a shame if anything happened to it."

With Schiff as Fredo.

James Graham said...

Pencil Neck and No Neck.

Rabel said...

"If we keep electing fucking lawyers you're going to get a bunch of fucking lawyers running the country like the fucking mess that you're seeing right now. None of this happens without a whole bunch of fucking lawyers in the same place acting like fucking lawyers. Let's get some people who aren't fucking lawyers to run the fucking country. Jesus Fucking Christ."

- Scott Adams on the Impeachment Posse

effinayright said...

JohnAnnArbor said...
Does Schiff have a thyroid condition or what?

Actually, he's Marty Feldman's unacknowledged love child.

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Qwinn said...

RE: Scott Adams, he really needs to see the list of Dem and Rep Presidential and VP candidates since Carter. I haven't updated it for 2016 but:

Democrats: ALL lawyers, except for Lloyd Bentsen in 1988 and Al Gore who went to divinity law school and failed out

Republicans: NONE lawyers, except Bob Dole (who did like 30 other things as well) and Dan Quayle (who got the degree but. ever practiced).

I've been shouting from the rooftops that the Democrats are nothing but a criminal conspiracy of lawyers for the last 30 years, but no one seems to think it's relevant.

Freder Frederson said...

Freder, it is not worth looking up details to educate you. There was a Muslim in Oklahoma that chopped off a couple of heads of fellow employees. San Bernardino, the attacks on recruiting offices, I think in Kentucky. It's more with Muslims than military bases. Frequently, the names are not released until much later.

Nice moving of the goal posts, Michael. We were discussing attacks at military bases, not San Bernadino (and anyway that was called a terrorist attack and didn't involve the military) or a recruiting station in a strip mall (not a base by any stretch of the imagination).

I know it is way too much to ask since you are never wrong, but how about just this once. If you follow Achilles down his delusional rabbit holes you will always end up looking foolish.

Jerry said...

Morkoth4682 @ 1:59 PM

Bingo. Working your way up through the political food chain means the powers that be know what your handles are. They know what's available for blackmail, they know what they can use to manipulate a man, they know what the hooks are that'll get someone to do what they want.

Trump's problem is that he didn't come up through the usual channels. He's been a media figure, he's been completely open with his life and the tabloid reporters dug up every embarrassing thing they could in the '80s and '90s. There's NOTHING hidden they can use to manipulate him, and he wouldn't care anyway.

For what some may think of him, I think he's likely the most honest man in DC at this point. It's no wonder they can't stand him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


The dems are going to drag this out but not let it get to the senate.

I want a Senate Trial. oooo yeah - we do.

Assholes like Jason Crowe(D-Colorado leftwing hack) want to Impeach Trump. I hope we can find a way to screw him.

FullMoon said...

No matter what happens, Dems will spin it as partisan Repubs obstructing justice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think it's hilarious how their but but but BRIBERY! didn't make the final cut.

ooops. I wonder why?

Michael K said...

If you follow Achilles down his delusional rabbit holes you will always end up looking foolish.

I knew it was no use trying to be sensible with you. Go away and try your Field Marshal bit again. No name yet for the Pearl Harbor shooter. Hmmm

Chuck said...

How many comments are there here, by Althouse's usual suspects, that basically consist of personal attacks on me?

How many comments are there here, by me, that consist of personal attacks on others?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

BYRON YORK: It’s official: The dossier was malarkey.

The reporting did terrible damage to a new president as he took office. And now, the Horowitz report definitively shows that it was all garbage.

The report makes clear the dossier never had even a shred of credibility. Steele had no firsthand knowledge of anything in the document. He got all his information secondhand or thirdhand from sources who themselves heard things secondhand or thirdhand.

Maillard Reactionary said...

mccoullough @9:26 AM: "Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler have the three ugliest necks in Congress."

Nadler has a neck? I've never seen it. Are you sure?

I've always suspected that he is the regrettable offspring of a fornication between Jabba the Hut and an angry blancmange. (That mental picture kind of puts Harvey Weinstein and the potted plant into perspective, doesn't it?)

Or maybe he's just a Democrat.

Ken B said...

If the senate acquits the house might impeach them for obstruction. Makes about as much sense ...

Anonymous said...

Now it comes out Rick Gates was offered financial assistance if he stonewalled prosecutors.

I'm sure Bill Barr will be all over that lol

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ugly necks? yes. Ugly faces -- YES.
Schitt looks like his name, for crying out loud.

Obstruction is their go-to BS. 'How dare you stand in the way of our lies and corruption. OBSTRUCTION!

James K said...

ugly necks? yes. Ugly faces -- YES.

It's the inner ugliness that is most obvious.

Pookie Number 2 said...

How many comments are there here, by me, that consist of personal attacks on others?

The entirety of your first comment in this post was a personal attack on Althouse for not sacrificing her integrity like you have.

effinayright said...

Chuck said...
How many comments are there here, by Althouse's usual suspects, that basically consist of personal attacks on me?

How many comments are there here, by me, that consist of personal attacks on others?

Confess, Chuck: you just come here to get your fair share of abuse. Then...

Bleat! Baaaaahhhh!! Bleat!

narciso said...

He might be the abzorbaloff from 5he revamped dr.who or possibly the slitheen

Freder Frederson said...

No name yet for the Pearl Harbor shooter. Hmmm

Why do you tell such easily disprovable lies? Note the article is four days old, so you really have no excuse. Or maybe the Navy Times is just a tool of the liberal MSM and is spreading fake news.

Birkel said...

Would a racist fopdoodle be happier if he just said fewer dumb ass things so he suffered fewer slings and arrows?

It's the road less traveled.

narciso said...

It hasnt been harped on, because he was just a reprobate, one struggles to shape a narrative from it.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "How many comments are there here, by Althouse's usual suspects, that basically consist of personal attacks on me?"

As with all leftists, LLR-lefty Chuck becomes quite irate when his long unbroken string of lefty talking points and narrative boosting is pointed out for context in regards to his latest lefty talking points and narrative boosting.

This clarity defeats his mission of pretending to be a conservative to undermine real conservatives.

effinayright said...

Qwinn: Republicans: NONE lawyers, except Bob Dole (who did like 30 other things as well) and Dan Quayle (who got the degree but. ever practiced)

Romney has a JD from Harvard. As well as an MBA.

Drago said...

Freder: "Or maybe the Navy Times is just a tool of the liberal MSM and is spreading fake news."

Navy Times was turned into a liberal rag the moment it was purchased by lefty Gannett in 1997.

Dr. Graphene said...

So, yeah, the Russiagate/Ukrainegate/emoluments/continuous impeachment is all just political bullshit that will end up hurting the Dems in the long run. Good, they deserve it. And sure, it's a bad precedent.

But there's one thing no one has mentioned I'd like to throw out there:

That pesky little correlation/causation thing notwithstanding, we will have gone through two impeachments and the lengthy investigations that accompany them over the last 25 years. Neither will have resulted in the removal of the President.

Yet despite all the attention/negativity that the drama in DC attracted on these occasions, the US enjoyed historically good economic conditions both time.

So maybe it's not so bad after all.

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's the Article of Impeachment:

As noted early, there are 2:

1. Ukraine
2. Subpoeanas

I was hoping for Emoluments! but I guess the genius lawyers at Lawfare couldn't pigeonhole it in.

In sum, both articles are utter pieces of shit. If you are for them, well, you are either stupid, or an utter piece of shit, yourself. Yes, they are that bad.

To negate 63 Million votes, because there was a slight DELAY in foreign aid to a tiny little corrupt country far, far, far away is a joke. A farce. A sham. A travesty. A mockery. A scam. A charade.

Maillard Reactionary said...

JohnAnnArbor asked: "Does Schiff have a thyroid condition or what?"

I'm no physician, but if I were betting, I'd say that he has a megacolon. It appears obvious that he has avoided surgical intervention so far.

narciso said...

So then this happened

Maillard Reactionary said...

Bob, in response to an earlier comment, "Nadler is short and fat", said:

"No, no, no, no, no. He's sedentary."

Come on Bob, get with the correct terminology: He is both vertically and horizontally challenged. Among other challenges he has, like lacking a neck (aka "cervically challenged").

Now Nancy, she's thermodynamically challenged, but remains (like Hillary) in a state of quasi-animation through regular infusion of a mixture comprising the blood plasma of teenagers and embalming fluid, accompanied by readings from The Scroll of Thoth.

Michael K said...

Thanks, Freder. I had not seen his name. You really should grow up.

Michael K said...

Come on Bob, get with the correct terminology: He is both vertically and horizontally challenged. Among other challenges he has, like lacking a neck (aka "cervically challenged").

He is, like Michael Moore, a failed obesity surgery. Maybe not a complete failure, as he was spherical before, but not one I would put in an ad.

Maillard Reactionary said...

wendybar @1:48 PM: "OH!! And what's up with Nancy's nose??"

At first, I read that as "And what's up Nancy's nose??"

Both are good questions.

M said...

“They are the liberals you have been voting for all your life. They are the people you tried to empower by voting for Hillary. They did exactly what you said they shouldn't do.
So now what? Have they lost you yet? Have you made "plans" and do you now "see what happens," so that you can resolve not to support these people any longer?
Or are you still "neutral"? Or is it still abortion ueber alles for you? If so, you only encourage them--and you do in fact "put up with them."

I was going to post the same thing. Has Althouse seen enough to prove to her that the Left is now controlled by the unhinged and power at any cost groups? Will she vote for the crass Trump to stop the slide of the Left into utter Hitler level insanity? Or not?

Qwinn said...

Wait, they're making an Article out of the -subpoena- thing?

Are they ignoring all the subpoenas that Obama wiped his ass with? Or are they hinging it on their being related to the impeachment power that they don't have until they, you know, actually have an impeachment vote?

What fucking assholes.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

One good thing about the 2 articles of impeachment, is that it puts to bed a zillion other bogus hysterical leftwing charges.

1. He fired Comey! (not impeachable)
2. He colluded with Russia! (no evidence)
3. He joked about the Russians disclosing Hillary's emails! (not impeachable)
4. He threatened to fire Mueller! (not impeachable)
5. He obstructed the Mueller probe! (not impeachable)
6. Don McGahn! (not impeachable)
7. Emoluments! (not impeachable); and, of course.
8. He grabbed them by the pussy! (not impeachable)

Drago said...

BTW, apparently the compromise defense bill will fund the new Space Force!!

Another LLR-lefty Chuck loss.....and America win.

In fact, I would go so far as to say it has become axiomatic that if LLR-lefty Chuck supports something it is by definition bad for our nation.

Don said...

If I noticed correctly each person behind the podium was from NY or CA.

A bi-coastal impeachment.

narciso said...


Francisco D said...

Wait, they're making an Article out of the -subpoena- thing?

My prediction: That is the only impeachment article that will get 218 votes. The Senate will debate it and come to the reasonable conclusion that it is a court matter and not grounds for impeachment. No trial, no Hunter Biden, Eric Ciamariella or Adam Schiff testimony.

In other words, the Democrats can show the Far Left base they impeached Trump, but minimize the loss of seats in more conservative districts. Impeachment over Executive Privilege is something red state Dems can sell as a reasonable question.

So the "dramatic" hearings were for show so that the Media could impeach Trump because there are no legal grounds.

Chuck said...

To negate 63 Million votes, because there was a slight DELAY in foreign aid to a tiny little corrupt country far, far, far away is a joke. A farce. A sham. A travesty. A mockery. A scam. A charade.

No one is negating any votes. If any impeachment were a “negation” of an election, it wouldn’t be in the Constitution to begin with. Impeachment is a legal, Constitutional process; just like tabulating electoral college votes and not any national popular vote is a curious but well established part of the Constitution. Hillary got more votes than Trump. Did Trump’s election “negate” the almost-67 million Clinton votes? Of course not.

A Trump conviction upon impeachment would only remove him from office, legally. It would make Mike Pence, and not Hillary Clinton, President of the United States. Impeachment doesn’t reverse any other electoral outcomes. Pence may be a bit of a dunce, and he may be all too craven as VP, but he isn’t as utterly amoral as is Trump.

Truly; I think Trump fans see a Trump impeachment as a negation of their votes precisely because Trumpism is such a personality cult.

Drago said...

I was wondering how LLR-lefty Chuck would somehow get a pro-Hillary comment into the conversation at the same time attacking Trump and republican base voters.

LLR-lefty Chuck never disappoints does he? Of course, nothing less is expected of a Soros/Hoffman/Omidyar minion.

Browndog said...

When Chuck says stuff like he just said, I can certainly understand why some cannot refrain from smacking him around.

Freder Frederson said...

Thanks, Freder. I had not seen his name. You really should grow up.

And you should do a simple google search before you make false statements.

narciso said...

delusion dialed to eleventy,

Drago said...

You know, its no accident that LLR-lefty Chuck is going on and on and on and on about how great Hillary is and how she won the popular vote.

After all, we now see the machinations of the Clinton Machine as it begins manuevering to get Hillary into the 2020 race.

We saw a fake poll "leaked" which showed Hillary, if she jumped in, would immediately take the lead over the rest of the hack dem pack, so clearly, along with LLR-lefty Chuck's comment here, we see a concerted effort on the part of the Clinton Machine to begin the drive to get Hillary in!

Thanks LLR-lefty Chuck! You are a perfect Hillary Clinton status bellweather.

And I mean perfect.

As if you were tied directly into her someone who was pulling a double shift for Clinton Team know, just like that.


Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "And you should do a simple google search before you make false statements."

Says the Bundy Case Liar.

Drago said...

Does everyone remember how passionately LLR-lefty Chuck attacked anyone and everyone who dared suggest Hillary had ever done anything wrong ever and how he desperately claimed Hillary hadn't collapsed during one of her campaign stops?

Good times, good times.

Michael K said...

And you should do a simple google search before you make false statements.

Well, I see it is no use to expect any sense from you.

Have a nice day.

narciso said...

chuck reminds me of one of these shady weekend pitch managers, who assure us he can save us paying tax, even though he reminds us of all the taxes, the dems from biden to steyer are pushing

Anonymous said...

Morkoth is absolutely right. Full stop. No qualifier.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Adam Schitt declared, today, that Trump stole the 2016 election.

Qwinn said...

So doing some research, looking for juicy quotes regarding the Nunes memo. Here's my first good find:

Blogger readering said...
So FBI and others say release of memo will undermine intelligence gathering and lo, a post with commenters undermining intelligence gathering.

Meanwhile, the unstated premise of this post is that the memo was deceptive about what FISA applications contained but we won't know how deceptive until release of Schiff memo which Republicans are stalling on to give POTUS space for more batshit crazy spin.

2/3/18, 9:44 AM

Browndog said...

Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...

Adam Schitt declared, today, that Trump stole the 2016 election.

Also stating the 2020 election is illegitimate if Trump is still in office.

Francisco D said...

When Chuck says stuff like he just said, I can certainly understand why some cannot refrain from smacking him around.

Why not just ignore him. He is trying to distract the discussion.

It is informative and thought provoking when we discuss among ourselves. There is often no value in discussing things with the trolls beyond one or two comments. They are too stupid and/or dishonest.

Qwinn said...

And here's some Inga:

Blogger Inga said...
Take off your own tin foil hat and stop watching Fox News.
"The government has a duty to provide enough information to the courts to weigh the evidence.” They DID."
“How can you possibly know that, Inga?

“Are you aware of Andy McCabe's sworn congressional testimony?”
Andy McCabe in his testimony stated that the Dossier was a PART of the criteria used to obtain the Dossier, he also said that other information was used, as well.
On Friday, the committee’s ranking Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, took issue with the memo’s characterization of McCabe’s comments, saying the former FBI deputy director was speaking generally about how any FISA application relies on “each and every component” included.
2/3/18, 9:46 AM

Andy McCabe and Schiff were lying through their teeth, and everyone on the Right knew it, but McCabe and Schiff had Inga's complete trust anyway, cause she's too smart to watch Fox News.

Last two quotes from this thread, btw:

Tommy Duncan said...

"Joe Biden is promising to not comply if subpoenaed by lawmakers to testify at the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump in the United States Senate.

The former vice president, who had already ruled out voluntarily testifying at the impeachment proceedings, told NPR in an interview published on Monday he would not cooperate with a subpoena."

Qwinn said...

Blogger Inga said...
“Well, given that Schiff is a liar who leaks government documents for partisan gain, let's just say I'm... circumspect of his claims.”

Well, given that Nunes is a liar who is a Trump shill for partisan gain, let's just say I'm... circumspect of his claims.

2/3/18, 9:53 AM


Chuck said...

I don’t like Hillary Clinton. On these comments pages, I specifically called her the Democrats’ worst nominee since Al Smith.

I’ve never written a word of support for her.

Drago’s usual garbage-spewing is without any basis in reality, and he can’t link you to any word of mine that supported Hillary.

And with as much as I loathe Trump, and Trumpism, and Trump fans, I still voted for Trump in 2016. As the lesser of evils. Some kinda Hillary fan I am!

FullMoon said...

For fun:

Chuck said...

"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."

3/4/16, 4:46 PM

Drago said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Adam Schitt declared, today, that Trump stole the 2016 election."

Yep. The dems/LLR-lefties have come full circle right back to their hoax russian collusion narratives.

Its as if the last 3 years never happened. History began anew just this morning and the dems/LLR-lefties are referencing "kompromat", saying the dossier is verified (Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck et al), etc etc etc.

LLR-lefty Chuck snuck in ANOTHER electoral college slur upthread, as if it were Nov 11, 2016!!

Its the same stuff from 2016/2017 iver and over and over.

How psychotic are these dems/lefties/LLR-lefties? Well, we are going to find out come next year. After Trump's reelection and retention of the Senate I suspect we are going to see a number of additional Hodgkinsons popping up.

Qwinn said...

Man, that thread is GOLD. These are just awesome.

Blogger AReasonableMan said...
Key Allegation In Nunes’ Weaponized Memo Drop Kicked

"The Washington Post reported Friday that Justice Department officials made “ample disclosure of relevant, material facts” to the court that a political entity provided financial backing for the research

Carter Page is somebody who had been under scrutiny for his uncomfortable connections since about 2013. His name wasn’t picked at random, in order to get at the Trump campaign."

2/3/18, 11:50 AM

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "And with as much as I loathe Trump, and Trumpism, and Trump fans, I still voted for Trump in 2016."

ANOTHER demonstrable lie.

But then, thats what leftists do, isnt it?

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that in order to be a Real Republican you must love Hillary Clinton.
Cuck has this GOPe fever dream that if only there was no Trump everyone would wear bow ties and contribute to AEI. You just have to convince yourself we’re going back to ¡Jeb! or Romney because ITZ ALL A CULT OF PERSONALITY AND IF IT WEREN’T FOR THAT MEDDLING TRUMP WE’D ALL LOVE OPEN BORDERS AND CHEAP LABOR. But you have zero future in the party Cuck. Zero. No more Bushes or McCains, Trump or no Trump.

FullMoon said...

Chuck said:
My point, and my question to all of the Trump fans is this: Trump as the Republican nominee will result in Hillary Clinton winning the Presidency of the United States and holding that office until Justice Scalia is 85 years old. Hillary could nominate replacements for Ginsburg, Breyer, and one or two Republicans. We could end her term with a Supreme Court comprised of six young liberals who might serve for 25 years.(eClimate change is a joke, compared to those prospects.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, Hillary Clinton wins by 350 electoral votes.
If Trump runs as a third party candidate, Hillary might win by 300 electoral votes12/ 2015.

Drago said...

Qwinn: "Man, that thread is GOLD. These are just awesome."


Recall how LLR-lefty Chuck attacked Nunes over and over and over again.

Today? For Nunes, complete and total vindication over LLR-lefty Chucks pathetic lies.

And it is so very very sweet.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "Drago’s usual garbage-spewing is without any basis in reality,"

LLR-lefty Chuck told us the following:

-Trump was a russian agent
-The hoax dossier was true
-Trump would not govern as a conservative
-Trump would not follow thru on any campaign promises
-Trump would nit successfully renegotiate trade deals
-Trump would not bring back manufacturing jobs
-Trump would not appoint conservative judges (BTW, those claims where Chuckie pretends to be conservative are my favorites!)

Etc etc etc etc

Who lives in reality again?


wildswan said...

I watched part of yesterday's proceedings and I think the Dems cut the whole thing short because if people had time to review and absorb what was going on it's possible the Dems couldn't have been ahead ahead with impeachment. The Republicans were beating up on Jerry Nadler, making a complete fool of him. In one section I saw they were bombarding him with points of order about the way the hearing was being run, specifically whether a witness could also be Judiciary Committee counsel. Jerry was struggling feebly to explain - "I made the ruling." "But why? This is never done in the courts?" Crouched over with his head below desk level, a staffer sneaks up to Jerry's side and whispers to Jerry an explanation of why Jerry ruled as Jerry did. "It's allowed under Rule 66." says Jerry. A hail of questions and points of order follow. The crouching staffer comes creeping back and whispers more. "It's allowed under Rule 660," says Jerry.

Today he's up there trying to revoke the election of 2016.

Drago said...

You watch, before this night is out, LLR-lefty Chuck is going to be attacking Trumps youngest son (again!), making racist attacks against Trump admin members who happen to be minorities (again!) and attacking conservative politicians who have stellar combat records (again!).

Its inevitable.

Yancey Ward said...


I was going over the February 2018 Nunes/Schiff memo threads, too. Of course, when the FISA warrants were leaked out later in 2018, we got most of the answers then which memo was truth and which memo was dogshit wrapped in a newspaper. But, yes, those threads contain some real stupidity from Inga, ARM, readering, and others. Chuck, for the most part, just deflected everything by concentrating on "shithole countries" and whether or not Trump was 239 pounds.

madAsHell said...

Ya know.....I have this perverse desire to watch. I have to know if Pelosi broke into her Kiss-My-Rolex dance move.

Qwinn said...

Yeah, Drago, Chuck was actually very very quiet on the Nunes memo. As Yancey notes, he obsessed on "shithole countries" and so forth. He actually got into high dudgeon at the time because people presumed to know his opinion before he stated it. He even tried to charge folks a $2,500 retainer and $4500 per hour for him to actually give his opinion. It was pretty laughable, but so far, no evidence that he took sides on the Nunes/Schiff deal.

Here's the page with him trying to charge for his opinion:

Shouting Thomas said...

Got the Dem story from MSNBC. Playing on the stationary bike next to mine at the gym. You’ll be shocked. Here goes. Trump forced us to impeach him. We had no choice. Now, the bastard is threatening to turn this into a show in the Senate. He’s even threatening to call the Bidens, Schiff, Steele, etc., as witnesses. This is a constitutional crisis. Mitch McConnell has an ethical duty to summarily dismiss the impeachment charges and never allow them to the Senate floor. Otherwise, the very future of the U.S. is threatened. Really.

Trump has won. It’s all over.

narciso said...

if chuck owned a blog,

yes it's like the mindstone, which was in the scepter that drove the avengers apart,

Mark said...

Do they really think that the public will be outraged that Trump obstructed Congress (even if it were true, which it isn't)?

Trump could tell Congress GFY all day long, and most of the country would cheer him.

narciso said...

French's mustard trying to forget the internet doesn't

Browndog said...

Lindsey Graham says "we're not doing oversight" in the trial. Quick trial, no witnesses.

Not going to fly, Lindsey. You fuckers in the Senate sat there with your thumbs up your asses while this President went through years of smears and lies, and you all kept your mouth shut "to see how this plays out".

It played out.

Donald J. Trump will have witnesses testify on his behalf, and have the ability to impeach the credibility of the witnesses against him.

Shouting Thomas said...

Read my comments above Browndog.

I think the terms of surrender must be under discussion now.

narciso said...

from a finance professor in texas, who helped me understand how some of these pieces fit

long time ago, perhaps a year he showed me how the claims against carter page were ridiculous,

Tommy Duncan said...

Regarding Shouting Thomas at 6:02 PM:

Earlier in this thread I said:

"It will be interesting to observe how the Democrat/media spin evolves this week."

The answer came quickly...

narciso said...

this fellow is not keen on papadop, but he may have been right to be,

he was a bit player like hugh Sloane in Watergate, or Robert owen in iran contra,

Qwinn said...

On the other hand...

Ace just posted an *awesome* thread rounding up the utterly wrong opinions, and slanders of Nunes, and defenses of Schiff, by the NeverTrump pundit crowd.

And these are all Chuck's favorite authors.

So... yeah, I don't think it's out of line to make fun of Chuck when it's revealed that all of his heroes repeatedly shit the bed and hysterically attacked the guy who was right and passionately defended the guy who was lying through his teeth, even if he didn't push their bullshit himself.

Yancey Ward said...

If you want a better thread for Inga's stupidity in this particular matter, I point you to this thread from July 2018 the day after the FISA applications were leaked. There is some classic Inga Ignorance in that thread.

FullMoon said...

You watch, before this night is out, LLR-lefty Chuck is going to be attacking Trumps youngest son (again!), making racist attacks against Trump admin members who happen to be minorities (again!) and attacking conservative politicians who have stellar combat records (again!).

Its inevitable.

Maybe he can rough up a petite woman,fulfill his fantasy, relieve his stress.

Browndog said...

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...

Read my comments above Browndog.

I think the terms of surrender must be under discussion now.


I got it.

I don't think Trump is going to allow Graham to do the democrat's bidding and whitewash this Impeachment.

narciso said...

so papadop, may not have behaved with perfect aplomb, but what's the proper reaction when the deep state, goes on a fishing expedition against every possible trump apparatchik, and we know know there was a motive to target the former's involvement with the gas pipeline,

Browndog said...

Reporters are getting dragged too-

Shane Harris
‏Verified account @shaneharris
11 Jan 2018

This notion that Steele’s memos triggered the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign persists, even after a whole team WSJ reporters, me included, found that it’s just not true.

Yancey Ward said...

Gin makers consider Michigan to be a black hole of some kind.

Bay Area Guy said...

A wise commentator above made a list of hysterical memes discarded by the three stooges, Pelosi, Nadler & Schiff.

1. He fired Comey! (not impeachable)
2. He colluded with Russia! (no evidence)
3. He joked about the Russians disclosing Hillary's emails! (not impeachable)
4. He threatened to fire Mueller! (not impeachable)
5. He obstructed the Mueller probe! (not impeachable)
6. Don McGahn! (not impeachable)
7. Emoluments! (not impeachable); and, of course.
8. He grabbed them by the pussy! (not impeachable)

I would humbly add:

9. No quid pro quo
10. No Bribery
11. No Extortion
12. No Putin
13. No collaboration with DNC email disclosure.

Jon Ericson said...

It's just so cute, the way that Chuck just keeps on keepin' on.

narciso said...

it's a shame, because shane harris, wrote a balanced take on the puzzle palace, but the hallucinatory images seem to dominate,

chickelit said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...Adam Schitt declared, today, that Trump stole the 2016 election.

Schiff should watch his own back -- after this is all over he may not be reelected.

chickelit said...

Jon Ericson said...It's just so cute, the way that Chuck just keeps on keepin' on.

Keep on Chuckin'

Tommy Duncan said...

The Democrats are focused on their political base. Trump is focused on 2020. If the Democrats impeach Trump they will pay a heavy price in the election. The Republican ads for 11 months before the election will write themselves and will feature endless Democrat sound bites.

Instead of an impeachment I now suspect the Democrats will back away and issue a sternly worded letter of censure. And Trump will mock them and send out dozens of hilarious in-your-face tweets.

I expect to see the Trump campaign to hand out "3 years of impeachment and all I got was this lousy censure letter" t-shirts.

FullMoon said...

Yancey Ward said...

If you want a better thread for Inga's stupidity in this particular matter, I point you to this thread from July 2018 the day after the FISA applications were leaked. There is some classic Inga Ignorance in that thread.

Commenting from morning into the late night. Either Inga is suffering an illness or current Inga is a copy cat.

No recent all day arguments. No recent references to her Naval Officer daughter. No comments on the diet thread last week. No mention of family get together or baking pies during Thanksgiving. Current Inga more like R/V, one comment and disappear.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

And with as much as I loathe Trump, and Trumpism, and Trump fans, I still voted for Trump in 2016. As the lesser of evils. Some kinda Hillary fan I am!

Nobody believes you Chuck.

You are even more dishonest than Freder.

The masks are off. This is Trump's greatest accomplishment.

chickelit said...

Browndog said...Lindsey Graham says "we're not doing oversight" in the trial. Quick trial, no witnesses.

So, Lindsey Graham is going to have to teach the electorate a lesson or two? Heh.

narciso said...

apparently it wasn't papadop, it was dibble, who was with the London embassy? who was the trigger for the investigation,

Drago said...

Bay Area Guy: "A wise commentator above made a list of hysterical memes discarded by the three stooges, Pelosi, Nadler & Schiff."

You know what is most awesome about the moron dems/LLR-lefties impeachment collapse?

Just yesterday, JUST YESTERDAY, LLR-lefty Chuck was going on and on and on and on about how the dems had proven bribery AND THEN, WHAMMO!!

The dems leave LLR-lefty Chuck holding the Acme box of dynamite over the edge of the cliff with just the right moron expression before he plummets!!


Complete narrative destruction in less than 24 hours!!

Hey Chuckie, life comes at you fast. If you dont take a moment to look around you might miss it!!

FullMoon said...

Chuck said...

And with as much as I loathe Trump, and Trumpism, and Trump fans,

Well, we don't loathe Chuck. We pray for him...

chickelit said...

Commenting from morning into the late night. Either Inga is suffering an illness or current Inga is a copy cat.

Y'all should leave Inga alone, personally. Attack her ideas all you want but leave her alone. Focus on Chuck. He deserves far worse.

Browndog said...

narciso said...

it's a shame, because shane harris, wrote a balanced take on the puzzle palace, but the hallucinatory images seem to dominate,

I should note that tweet was him dragging Kimberly Strassel for this tweet

In the comments, you'll see just how brainwashed liberals are.

Browndog said...

Well, we don't loathe Chuck. We pray for him...

We pray for him every day. We pray for him all the time.

Jon Ericson said...

Ain't nothin' holdin' me back

I'll keep right on, right on

Giovan Pietro Bellori said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Qwinn said...

Yancey, thanks for that link. Indeed, some hilarious examples of Inga's mendacity in that thread.

chickelit said...

Don said...If I noticed correctly each person behind the podium was from NY or CA.

A bi-coastal impeachment.

Indeed. The entire "cold civil war" is mostly a bicoastal vs. flyover dispute. There are exceptions on the coasts and within the interior but by and large, you're correct.

JML said...

Chuck says: ... Impeachment is a legal, Constitutional process;...

The death penalty is a legal penalty, if rendered by a court. But, if the person executed is found guilty based on known false evidence the State made up, is this not murder?

Drago said...

JML: "But, if the person executed is found guilty based on known false evidence the State made up, is this not murder?"

In dem/LLR-lefty world, it depends on whether or not the dems/LLR-lefties feel better afterward.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

he optics

A fat loser
and a pop-eyed pervert

Bring on law professors and bureaucrats
to declare the President bad

And thus those who elected him are bad

While shutting down all defense or common sense
shutting down those bad voters

Yet many voters see good results
results typical of a middle of the road presidency

they don't care about a few words in some phone call with minor country

Anonymous said...

Freder is not dishonest==he doesn't pretend to be something he's not.
Cuck is a play-conservative, a losercon. He thinks the Future of Republicanism is The Bulwalk. McCainiacs don't get to accuse others of cults of personality.

Yancey Ward said...

I was reviewing just now a thread from the day after Barr said the "spy" word about what happened. Here is the best comment in that thread, and it is particularly pertinent after yesterday. It is a commenter named Brian who was responding to, of all people, Chuck, who was criticizing Barr for saying anything. Enjoy.

"It's a shot across the bow. Barr is going to be investigating (maybe already have been, just no formal conclusions as of yet). Get your ducks in a row. Start formulating your defense. McCabe, can you "flip" on Comey? Comey, can you "flip" on Yates? Yates, can you flip on the WH?

This is Washington, the responsible parties have boxes full of CYA memos to the file. Some of Comey's are just now coming to light.
More will become public. Where does the buck stop? Nobody knows.

This was always in the plan, but it couldn't be announced until the Mueller report was released. Yates was high cover for the DOJ, then she was fired so they had to get Sessions to recuse himself. Comey was high cover for the FBI, but then he got fired, so they had to get a Special Counsel appointed for high cover. Well they just lost their high cover with the release of the report.

It's obvious now from the summary of the Mueller report that the plan was to investigate the President, have him go off half cocked and do something stupid, and get himself impeached. The underestimated him, however. Because they are stuck in the movie where he's an idiot. It does them no service.

If you are predisposed that a successful (in 3 different areas!) man is just a dunce bumbling his way through life and getting lucky then this proclamation from Barr makes no sense.

If instead you can acknowledge that no man can achieve what Trump has achieved in his life without having some smarts, then this plan was announced by him back in May of 2017 with his tweet: Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

Instead of taking that as a warning shot to stand down, they instead tried to force Mueller into the FBI director spot (15 days later) and failing that, appointed him Special Counsel (the next day). The hope is that the House is the high cover now. The die is cast.

We should welcome an investigation. As Barr said, if there was a valid reason for spying on a political campaign, then we should know that. If there wasn't a valid reason, then we should know that too.

But "spying" (surveillance) of the Trump Campaign (Carter page and anybody he was 2 removed from in perpetuity) happened. Those are facts. The FISA warrant exists. Legal? Warranted? That requires an investigation.

Again the media does the DNC a disservice. By being cheerleaders they provide false information about the state of the battlefield and lead the party into strategic mistakes, which perpetuates a feedback loop requiring more cheer-leading."

4/11/19, 9:59 AM

FullMoon said...

You know what is most awesome about the moron dems/LLR-lefties impeachment collapse?

Just yesterday, JUST YESTERDAY, LLR-lefty Chuck was going on and on and on and on about how the dems had proven bribery AND THEN, WHAMMO!!

Pecan Pie Fiasco like.

JamesB.BKK said...

If you've lost Althouse (and it was likely only a matter of time), prospects for garnering votes are imperiled unless you accelerate the importation of reliably leftist voters from places that are (inscrutably) undesirable for living. Who is the one person standing in the way? The importation plan became a failure - after all that gloating and showboating about the darkening of America and decades of actions contrary to the interests of people already living in the US including their historical constituencies by Democrats - upon the election of Donald J. Trump. We are just witnessing the thrashing of the dying beast.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What the heck's so "awful" about it? It can't be as awful as Trump. I think you're afraid of accountability and think that should take a backseat to whatever "entertainment" value you get out of him.

I can't put up with these people.

Lol. But you can put up with President Pussy Grabber? Lol. What's wrong with you.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "I think you're afraid of accountability.."


Barr and Durham are getting to the bottom of it all as we speak.

Drago said...

Does "accountability" include having FBI lawyers forge emails to get permission to spy on domestic political opponents?

Chuck said...

Drago said...
LLR-lefty Chuck told us the following:

-Trump was a russian agent

I don’t think that; I never thought that; I never wrote that.
The hoax dossier was true
I have no idea about that; and I couldn’t care less about it.
-Trump would not govern as a conservative
Well he’s blown up the budget, and we’re running breathtaking deficits. He’s done a lot on deregulation, which I think is a function of other lifelong Republicans in Washington. In any event, Trump had zero record on any real conservatism before his election and that is just what I wrote on these pages. And you can’t possibly link to any other quotes from me.
-Trump would not follow thru on any campaign promises.
I recall saying that Trump would never build any goddamned “Wall.” And that he had no plan to “replace” Obamacare.” And that I didn’t see how he could promise any great expansion of auto jobs or coal mining jobs or steelworking jobs. Check, check, triple check.
Trump would nit successfully renegotiate trade deals.
Show these readers where I said that. What Trump has gotten so far is a modestly modernized NAFTA, with happy acquiescence from Canada and Mexico. I am quite happy with it, inasmuch as it is nothing like what he campaigned on. Remember Trump’s bloviating about tariffs on Fords assembled in Mexico? We have a modest deal with South Korea, disastrous relations with Europe, and so far nothing with China. Meanwhile billions of taxpayer dollars are going to farmers to pay them for Trump’s punishing (to Americans) tariff war.
-Trump would not bring back manufacturing jobs
I’m just curious what those numbers really are. Moreover, where the hell did I write that and what exactly did I say? What was a he context? That’s on you. You’re claiming to know what I wrote.
Trump would not appoint conservative judges (BTW, those claims where Chuckie pretends to be conservative are my favorites!)
Not only did I NOT write that; one of the very few reasons that I could find, to hold my nose and vote for Trump, was his dramatic promise on SCOTUS nominees and his deliberate embrace of the Federalist Society. Which I do support. They helped Bush 43, and they would have helped a president Cruz or Rubio or Kasich.

You’re a fucking psycho, Drago.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think anyone opposed to this impeachment needs to clarify the conduct that they would find impeachable.

I'll take Noah Feldman and Andrew Napolitano's arguments any day.... over, well... over what? No one's offered a reasoned defense against them and their position. Pretty remarkable that someone who markets her writings under the claim of having been a law professor neglects to offer a single reason for why the fourth or third impeachment of a president ever attempted or undertaken in our history is so wrong for her legally. I understand that she feels it's wrong "emotionally", whatever that means. But neither that reaction nor any legal objection (should she even have one) has even been attempted by her to be explained. Sad.

Anonymous said...

president Cruz or Rubio or Kasich.

There never would have been a President Cruz or Rubio or Kasich and there never will be.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Does "accountability" include having FBI lawyers forge emails to get permission to spy on domestic political opponents?

Sounds like you're getting distracted.

When you're charged with a crime, or even wrongdoing, you don't go around and say, "Well Billy Bob did X and Johnny Rockets did Y."

That's baby stuff. Nonsense. A diversion.

Your politics is so distraction-driven that you can't even account for Trump's wrongdoing with anything other than a "Well you're a poopy head so there!"

Works for Twitter. Not for constitutionally correct leadership.


JamesB.BKK said...

What's really at stake here is the continuing unrestrained industrial scale infanticide operation in the United States. Why do some care about that so much? Is it the body parts trade? Culling blacks through overrepresentation on the receiving end in abortion rooms? A desire for sexual promiscuity? Sexual promiscuity is a tool for control and emptiness.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "You’re a f****** psycho, Drago."

The cursing is usually a tell with LLR-lefty Chuck that he is heading right over the cliff.

Sorry LLR-lefty Chuck. Like all the NeverTrump lefties who faked being conservative for decades, the years of posting have laid bare your true intentions and there is no going back.


For any of you.

FakeCon's like yourself will never be able to again utilize the fake online persona's you worked so hard to develop.

You are just another Schiff-ty/Nadler type and now everyone knows it.


JamesB.BKK said...

Lefties pretending to respect what is constitutionally correct is played, dude. Nobody's buying that crap.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "When you're charged with a crime....."


Looks like someone hasn't caught up with what the hack dems/LLR-lefties jettisoned today!


Absolutely pitch lefty perfect.

Not to worry HoaxPPT. You'll always have LLR-lefty Chuck battling side by side with you.... condolences.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Barr and Durham are getting to the bottom of it all as we speak.

Are they the ones tooling around in the Ukraine with senile Rudy?

I'm sure those answers are just around the corner. Keep digging. Maybe you'll strike gold. Or find the aliens at Area 51. One way or another the real scoop will arrive.

Conspiracy theories galore from the side that doesn't believe the earth has an atmosphere worth conserving.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "Conspiracy theories galore....."


You actually named yourself "President PeePee Tape".


And you speak of conspiracies!

How perfect is that?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Looks like someone hasn't caught up with what the hack dems/LLR-lefties jettisoned today!


Absolutely pitch lefty perfect.

Not to worry HoaxPPT. You'll always have LLR-lefty Chuck battling side by side with you.... condolences.

Apparently the denizens of subpoena-evading President Pervert need a refresher course on what constitutes "a responsive answer."

Name calling must work really well for you in, well, whatever occupation and life you must claim to have.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You actually named yourself "President PeePee Tape".


And you speak of conspiracies!

How perfect is that?

Hey. It sounded funny and it sure got under his skin. Plus he fucks porno actresses bare-back so who are you to say that his sex life is normal? It's not even remotely safe. Or clean.

A germaphobe who fucks porno people unprotected. Gross. And ridiculously weird.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "Hey. It sounded funny and it sure got under his skin."

So that's your new story.

Uh huh.

Very convincing.

Very LLR-lefty Chuck-level convincing!

Sorry HoaxPPT. Guess what? It's not yesterday anymore and you are going to have to work much harder to catch up on what lefty lies collapsed overnight. Perhaps after you recover from this evenings chemical "experience" is over you can get right on that.

ken in tx said...

"See State of Texas vs Rick Perry. Democrats have tried this before, but at the state level."

Came here to mention this. He was charged with communicating a threat to a public official for proposing to veto the budget of a drunken, incompetent prosecutor. He turned himself in and had a mug shot taken. Texas Court of Criminal Appeals threw it out.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Look. A 7:29 comment that's just as incoherent and blame-shifting as every other one.

The guy's getting impeached. A dishonor reserved for the very worst among presidents. Enjoy the infamy.

Someday you'll wake up and realize that desperation for the one guy nasty enough to save your useless party and the pols it runs is no reason to defend everything he or it does. But that's how low you Banana Republicans have sunk.

A decline over 40 years in the making. Rock bottom.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The thing is, that article of impeachment is rock solid. Iron clad. There's nothing in there that anyone capable of a 10th-grade reading level can deny, or defend against.

The Banana Republicans have backed themselves into a corner. After 4 decades of political warfare against the American people, with positions so depraved and unpopular and dangerous that the only guy left to stick up for them (after disenfranchising everyone possible) is a 73-year old perpetual potty mouth, you'd think they might see the light, look to reality and re-think this dead-end position into which they've driven themselves and the country.

But no. Their only priority in life is to be as petulantly anti-reality as possible. They like driving off cliffs. It's fun for them!

Maybe be less uptight and then you'll stop looking to politics as the only outlet through which to channel your wild, weird, anti-social and depraved impulses.

Francisco D said...

Ritmo reminds me of moving out of my first apartment back in the early 70's. We had boxes of books stored, but they were filled with cockroaches that came flowing out when we picked them up.

Qwinn said...

"I think anyone opposed to this impeachment needs to clarify the conduct that they would find impeachable. "

Running guns to Mexico drug cartels to gin up pro-gun control narratives

Dismissing your own side's voter intimidation judgments after having won the case

Disabling default credit card verification in order to be able to collect completely untraceable and foreign money to your campaign

Siccing the IRS on your political enemies

Spying on your political enemies for bogus reasons

Jailing a movie maker to cover up your horrible foreign policy blunders

That's off the top of my head.

I really could do this all night.

FullMoon said...

@ President Toilet Paper Shoe's Perfect Phone Call

As a believer in science,What pronouns you use?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Banana Republicans would have us believe that a guy capable of saying anything - and telling thousands of lies in three years to prove it - is actually capable of self-restraint when it comes to abstaining from lawless behavior, despite the temptation in the power of his presidential office to do so.


They will believe anything, won't they? It's hilarious how much of a shock this impeachment is to them. Putting off everything and prioritizing nothing of importance. That's the Banana Republicans for you.

This reality is hitting them like a brick wall.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"I think anyone opposed to this impeachment needs to clarify the conduct that they would find impeachable. "

Running guns to Mexico drug cartels to gin up pro-gun control narratives

Dismissing your own side's voter intimidation judgments after having won the case

Disabling default credit card verification in order to be able to collect completely untraceable and foreign money to your campaign

Siccing the IRS on your political enemies

Spying on your political enemies for bogus reasons

Jailing a movie maker to cover up your horrible foreign policy blunders

That's off the top of my head.

I really could do this all night.

And that's your problem. You have no capacity for prioritization or context.

Trump believes no rules apply to him. That's clear.

And I realize that, psychologically, that must feel incredibly liberating to your average "conservative." After all, conservatives are uptight as hell and have not figured out how to come to terms with the fact that they live in a country founded on progressive ideals. So you channel all your boredom and uptightness through his wild lack of any self-control whatsoever. Suddenly finding that liberating when in reality all you do is think of reasons all day long to find everyone else guilty of literally everything.

Get over it. The American people didn't prefer this guy (popular vote loser) and your party has lost 5 of the last 6 national popular votes. We don't want your conservative, weird BS that you're selling and we want a responsible leader who's capable of doing something for the country and people rather than just looking for ways of constantly aggrandizing himself 24/7.

MadisonMan said...

A dishonor reserved for the very worst among presidents.
Agreed. Clinton was a President who destroyed the Democratic Party.

JAORE said...

I have voted R, D and I for president (John Anderson - Carter had already conceded before I could vote). I have voted D and R for Governor, Senator and Congressman.

I have long held that pulling the lever for a straight party vote was foolish and lazy.

But I can not and will not vote for a party that hates free speech, endorses socialism and economic crushing platforms (New Green Deal) throws out presumption of innocence and make skin color/gender/sexual practices/etc. the value of a person.

These people should NEVER be allowed near the levers of power.

But I still believe a straight party line vote could cause me to vote in someone truly horrifying unwittingly.

Therefore my future votes will be for R or abstain.

Seeing Red said...

Meh. now if you can prove it was only Americans that voted, you might have a point. You can’t. There’s a reason Soros is funding SOS Dem candidates.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Clinton was a President who destroyed the Democratic Party.

Kind of.

What he did was to run it to the right and put it on the same Wall Street Gravy Train that the Depraved Republicans had been enriching themselves off of. That flew directly in the fact of the Democratic Party's FDR legacy and predictably led to a near-depressionary economic collapse less than eight short years after he left office.

So Clinton did almost to the country the same thing that the Hoovers and Coolidges did. Which led to a global economic collapse, the rise of fascism, WWII and the Cold War. Plus tens of millions dead. Not fun. A good thing to learn from and find a way to avoid.

Bernie Sanders and to a lesser extent the current crop of progressives is trying to correct for that, but it's too late. The damage was done. Economic populism was already yielded to the same right-wing wolf in sheep's clothing under Trump that Reagan got the working class to vote for.

They'd vote for a proper, FDR-style populist, but first the Democrats have to show that they have a spine and aren't afraid of President Potty Mouth or whatever right-wing blowhard will back him up to the end. They care so much for power (and nothing else) that they will follow him to the Gates of Hell.

This impeachment does exactly that.

Seeing Red said...

Lolol shock of impeachment? Where have you been for the past 3 years?

Go back to your stupor.

Anonymous said...

They'd vote for a proper, FDR-style populist

I think you're right. But FDR wasn't promising no border, no wall, no America at all. He was praising Mussolini (his favorite world leader until 1936) and, when he felt it necessary, putting Japanese-Americans in camps.

Qwinn said...

Ritmo is presented with six massively impeachable acts by Obama, each individually infinitely worse than anything that's even been suggested re: Trump, and he replies with a word salad that utterly fails to even attempt address even one of them.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have voted R, D and I for president (John Anderson - Carter had already conceded before I could vote). I have voted D and R for Governor, Senator and Congressman.

I have long held that pulling the lever for a straight party vote was foolish and lazy.

But I can not and will not vote for a party that hates free speech, endorses socialism and economic crushing platforms (New Green Deal) throws out presumption of innocence and make skin color/gender/sexual practices/etc. the value of a person.

These people should NEVER be allowed near the levers of power.

But I still believe a straight party line vote could cause me to vote in someone truly horrifying unwittingly.

Therefore my future votes will be for R or abstain.

This senseless over-50 voter is just the sort of old-timer that is "aging out" of the country (real-estate term applied creatively) and that the Democrats and progressives and basic FDR types should be happy to write off. There are plenty of progressive old folks as well, who understand the importance of reinvigorating the FDR/Sanders/etc. faction. But the important thing is that they have the young folks, the future. And the right-wingers like the fool above just has some old stereotypes, outdated and unworked ideas that the Banana Republican party will be happy to continue catering to, assuming it still exists after Trump's done destroying it.

Have fun!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo is presented with six massively impeachable acts by Obama, each individually infinitely worse than anything that's even been suggested re: Trump, and he replies with a word salad that utterly fails to even attempt address even one of them.


If your term for "context" is "word salad" then it's a waste of time trying to explain to you, not only why Obama was never impeached, but why no one with any political power ever seriously suspected him of confusing himself with the office he held - which is exactly what Trump's problem is.

l'etat, c'est moi

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