September 5, 2019

Trump name-calls — "Bad 'actress' Debra The Mess Messing" — and challenges people to think again about the exile of Roseannne.

ADDED: What was the allegedly racist thing she said? "A black vote for Trump is mental illness."



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Nonapod said...

I confess I haven't fully paid attention to this particular story, what exactly did this Messing person say about "blacks and mental illness"?

JackWayne said...

This is exactly why I like Trump. Bush would have turned the other passive cheek. McCain and Romney would have rushed to agree with Messing.

Birches said...

He's not wrong.

Fen said...

Attack attack attack.

No more Prevent Defense for 4 quarters.

Fen said...

Purple Chuck looking for someone to Surrender Gracefully to...

Fen said...

Terrence K. Williams

President Trump just spoke about me when asked about retweeting my video. Thank you @realDonaldTrump for the kind words. They are going crazy over a retweet because they have nothing else to complain about since the Russia HOAX is over!

I can’t wait to meet you Mr. President

Darkisland said...

Why is calling for a blacklist "McCarthyism"

What did McCarthy ever have to do with any blacklist?

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Not to disagree with anything else PDJT said in those Tweets.

John Henry

Jim Gust said...

Roseanne got a raw deal.

Unless Messing was on Xanax, she should be held fully accountable.

WisRich said...

reading tweets: hm hmm, hm hmm. Yep, that's about right.

Hari said...

All the pushback is from people who (1) ridicule Trump in general; or (2) say Trump shouldn't be going after Messing. No one is actually defending Messing. That's how you know Trump hit the target again.

Hari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
readering said...

Bad "actress"
Nut job

Ralph L said...

What did McCarthy ever have to do with any blacklist?

None dare call it Anti-Communism.

Rick said...

Messing along with costar Eric McCormack are feeling the heat as they have since claimed they do not support blacklisting despite their desire to create blacklists.


"I absolutely do not support blacklists or discrimination of any kind, as anyone who knows me would attest. I’d simply like to understand where Trump’s major donations are coming from, which is a matter of record. I am holding myself responsible for making educated and informed decisions that I can morally and ethically stand by and to do that, transparency is essential."

Fen said...

Now watch Messing make an Own Goal and destroy herself...

That can't happen if you never take the field and force your opponent to defend.

I hope the GOP has been paying attention. Else, after Trump leaves office, it's lights out for the Republican Party. We are never going back to the Failure Theater and Surrender Gracefully Tours of cucks like McCain and Romney.

Nonapod said...

Thanks, Althouse. Being out of the loop is a bummer.

As always Trump is doing what he does, shining the brightest possible spotlight on another example of left wing bad behavior. It's not always pretty. And of course many conservatives have traditionally disliked it whenever someone sinks down to that level. But Trump is a culture warrior, he fully understands that conservatives have ceded ground without a fight for so long that they no longer understand what pushback looks like.

Drago said...

readering: "Bad "actress"
Nut job"

Couldn't agree more.

But then, many actresses are nut jobs, like Messing. Which is why she thought it would be totally cool launching a racist attack against African Americans who refuse to believe as she demands they do.

Vance said...

Watch other Democrats suddenly rush to defend blacklisting and also to call voting for Trump a "mental illness." I.e. to jump right into that hole Messing dug and attempt to bring over the excavator to dig it much deeper.

eric said...

Any moment now we are going to find out from the media every bad thing this guy Terrance ever did in his life. Even if he wet the bed until he was five years old.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Eric McCormack

The homophobic straight actor who plays a gay man on TV. His show needs to be cancelled.

Fen said...

what exactly did this Messing person say about "blacks and mental illness"?

"Trump also seized on a separate tweet from Messing that sparked a firestorm this week, one in which she applauded a sign in front of an Alabama church suggesting black voters who supported the president had mental illnesses. Messing on Wednesday apologized, tweeting that she regrets “recklessly” sharing the sign.

Her apology came as #RacistDebraMessing trended on Twitter. "The use of the term ‘mentally ill’ was wrong & hurtful,” she wrote of the church sign, though she doubled down on her criticism of incendiary rhetoric from Trump and his supporters. Trump on Thursday slammed the “terrible things she said about blacks and mental illness.”

Michael K said...

A shorter list would be actresses who are not nut jobs.

Crimso said...

"I can't spare this man. He fights."

Jaq said...

She is a bad actress who was once pretty hot. Kind of like “Joey” from Friends. He has been barely getting by on his four expressions, she only has her rapidly fading looks.

Ken B said...

Of course she was indulging her racial prejudices. She thinks she knows better than black people how they should think and act. It’s so clear to her.

Jaq said...

‘I Married an Actress” is a funny French movie. I think that’s what it was called.

Vance said...

Where's Inga and Ritmo and the rest of the gang to jump in and defend Messing and call for blacklists, McCarthyism, and to make racist statements about blacks?

Readering is here, but he didn't take the bait. I wouldn't expect Cook to defend this either.

I particularly liked Trump bringing Roseanne into this... how can they possibly justify Messing staying employed now?

narciso said...

the blacklist was an association of movie moguls not performers, who used red channels, to vet left wing activists in Hollywood,

Francisco D said...

Who is Debra Messing?

Why should I care what she thinks and says?

Ken B said...

No narcisco that was not what the blacklist was. It’s who the blacklisters were

rhhardin said...

She looks like Sandra Bullock, in google images. She was okay in The Wedding Date (2005)

narciso said...

the house unamerican activities, put together by a conservative democrat, martin dies, gathered info on these left wing activists, like howard da silva or dashell hammet,

Mccarthy was in charge of investigating government operations in the senate, but the commonality was this was the first and last time, that Hollywood performers were held accountable for their bad political judgement,

Darkisland said...

Are all actors "nut jobs" to some extent? They make their livings pretending to be someone else. If I tried to be someone else, I'd get pulled up for impersonation. They get paid for it.

Is that the behavior of a fully non-nutty person?

There was a Kurt Vonnegut story called "Who am I this time" about a man who acted in community theatre and could never be himself offstage but was always the last person he played. It has a happy ending when he meets a woman who was the same way.

Binging to check the name, I find that it was done as a play in 1982 and is on YouTube. Christopher Walken and Susan Sarandon? Sounds yummy. I'll give 800 Words a night off and watch this tonight.

John Henry

Seeing Red said...

I absolutely do not support blacklists or discrimination of any kind, as anyone who knows me would attest. I’d simply like to understand where Trump’s major donations are coming from, which is a matter of record.

So look at the record, idiot.

FullMoon said...

Roseanne insulted Obama's friend. Then she gave up the fight so her supposed friends on the TV show could retain their jobs . None of them stood by her.

Even reruns of her old series were suspended, although they, along with Cosby show which was also gone for awhile, are back on.

Her goofy ex, Tom Arnold is holding the Russian pee tapes as an October surprise next year.

n.n said...

What did McCarthy ever have to do with any blacklist?

A political myth that persists and progresses through popular culture. The same thing happened with the Crusades, with pro-choice (not Pro-Choice), various phobias, witch hunts, warlock trials, etc. It follows NYT style guidelines to form close associations and speak... publish truth to facts (h/t Biden).

Leland said...

I'm getting tired of these people that look at the color of a persons skin and demand or expect them to vote a certain way.

I saw this play out on election night 2016. I was a dinner hosted by a company trying to sell me and others their services. One of the other prospects was a black woman. As it was election night, the vendor decided to talk politics and assumed the black woman was an Obama voter and voted for Hillary too. Nope, and the deal was over at that point. It is hard to overcome racism and sexism entering a discussion. It ruined what might have been a nice dinner.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Debra Messing is an asshole. She deserves all of this.

henry said...

Branding works.

Seeing Red said...

On Fox Nation's latest episode of "Nuff Said," "Grey's Anatomy" star Isaiah Washington opened up about his decision to leave the Democratic Party, and the reaction he got from the Hollywood community after publicly declaring his support for the #WalkAway movement.

"Walking away is... a sacrifice," Washington said. "There's a risk and there's a penalty for it but you have to walk away when it matters...and the reason I chose to walk away from the Democratic that something doesn't feel right."...

rehajm said...

She deserves all of this.

Plus a wee bit more.

Darkisland said...

Blogger narciso said...

the blacklist was an association of movie moguls not performers, who used red channels, to vet left wing activists in Hollywood,

Yes but originally created by the trade magazine "The Hollywood Reporter" in 1948. THR threatened to raise hell about any studio that employed the people that were on the blacklist. It was not the studio's idea. They went along out of fear. Trumbo, for example, was a huge moneymaker for them. I am sure they would have preferred to kwwp him on the payroll.

Ironic that Messing asked the same Hollywood Reporter to do the 2019 blacklist.

I suspect that she has no idea of the history of the original black list and, like most people, think that it was something that McCarthy used to govt to impose. Completely ignoring what he was investigating (security clearances) and the timeline (McCarthy was still a very junior Senator with less than 2 years in office at the time)

iowan2 said...

I'm still waiting for some leftist to explain what policies President Trump has undertaken that are so awful. I got zip. President Trump is working exactly the plan he outlined while campaigning. Some of the most divisive, are equal to Obama policies.(Travel ban, and separating Children of illegal aliens). Morning Schmoe accused Trump of wanting to eliminate NATO...ignoring the head of NATO stating in an interview that NATO is stronger and more effective than its ever been, and President Trump is the single driving force of that improvement.

Just like the gun debate, facts are not welcome visitors to this narrative.

JohnAnnArbor said...

It was a very racist thing to say that Messing said, as if all people of a certain race should think one way. But that kind of racism is often overlooked by the left.

readering said...

Just to be clear. POTUS, who takes the time to identify DM as a bad actress in quotation marks as the start of a ranting tweet, is once again acting as a nut job. I don't even know what DM is accused of. Can't tell from the tweet.

Sebastian said...

"Watch the double standard."

IOW, observe what progs do, every time, all the time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I LOVE the guy in the video.

sing it.

Drago said...

readering: "Just to be clear. POTUS, who takes the time to identify DM as a bad actress in quotation marks as the start of a ranting tweet, is once again acting as a nut job."


Wrong again.

Trump is calling out a known racist blacklister for her obvious racism and blacklising tendencies.

This is embarrassing to you because Messing belongs to you and LLR Chuck and the other lefties so you are trying to change the subject.....and failing.

Seeing Red said...

Which is why racist. They want us on the plantation, too.

Bay Area Guy said...

"A black vote for Trump is mental illness."

Racist Deborah Messing is making racist statements and making ableist statements, discriminating and disparaging the mentally challenged.

So, Antifa should boycott whatever TV shows she is working on, because they oppose racism.

Drago said...

readering: "I don't even know what DM is accused of."


Thanks for playing and I recommend you continue your studies into the early phases of WW2.

Rick said...

Can't tell from the tweet.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his ideology depends on his not understanding it.”

n.n said...

Political myths... separation of "church" (not synagogue, not mosque, not temple, and certainly not chamber) and state. Other myths include Constitutional sanction of summary judgments, cruel and unusual punishment, denying the right to keep and bear arms... legs, a head, and life. And people go along to get along. They COEXIST, several letters short of first-order principals who progress local and global conflicts.

rhhardin said...

Racist is okay. Ill will is the bad thing. I wish people could keep those straight. One does not deserve the opprobrium that the other does.

Openidname said...

This confirms Scott Adams's hypothesis that, when President Trump heard about the NY Times's "Amerikkka is Racist" project, he determined to fight back by pointing out every instance of racism on the left.

Bay Area Guy said...

Why are white Hollywood liberals so racist?

Seeing Red said...

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd has a list of banned guests “who regularly mislead,” but he’s not telling viewers who they are.

“The answer is yes. There are people who have been on a ‘We’re not booking them anymore’ or a ‘We’re not booking them for a while’ list,” said Todd, arguably the most prominent political journalist on TV.

But, he added, he won’t permanently ban those he said mislead viewers because sometimes they are the only officials with information he needs....

Lists everywhere.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Leland said...

I saw this play out on election night 2016. I was a dinner hosted by a company trying to sell me and others their services.

Not at PackExpo, was it?

One of the machinery makers used to host a big activity every 2 years at TrumpTower Chicago and I would wangle a ticket. Absolutely top notch activity with no expense spared. Goregous venue.

In 2016, the activity was on election night. My son was tired and didn't want to go but I said "How are you going to miss an opportunity to say you celebrated Trump's win or loss at Trump Tower?" So he came with.

About 9 when returns started coming in, they set up a big TV in the hall in front of the grand ballroom. As people started milling in front of the TV, they started setting up chairs. Probably had 50-60 chairs, all filled and still people standing by the time it was over.

Other people would wander between party and TV.

I didn't hear much talk about pro-Hilary or pro-Trump but I suspect most of the people were pro-Trump. I say this because most of the people who go to these things are reality based.

John Henry

Seeing Red said...

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd has a list of banned guests “who regularly mislead,” but he’s not telling viewers who they are.

“The answer is yes. There are people who have been on a ‘We’re not booking them anymore’ or a ‘We’re not booking them for a while’ list,” said Todd, arguably the most prominent political journalist on TV.

But, he added, he won’t permanently ban those he said mislead viewers because sometimes they are the only officials with information he needs....

Lists everywhere.

Drago said...

Bernie Sanders comes out for population control.

Let's hope its not the "population control" tactics employed by his much loved Soviet Union.

n.n said...

"A black vote for Trump is mental illness."

Rabid diversity or a system of judgment, labels, and political congruence informed by low information attributes (e.g. skin color) and redistributed with mass proportions through inference.

Skeptical Voter said...

Why Bay Area Guy all those "melanin enhanced peasants" down on the Democrat Plantation are supposed to think and vote the way White Hollywood Liberals think they should vote. It's Hollywood's version of arrogant White Privilege donchaknow!

M Jordan said...

He fights. Throws real punches unlike Bush and McCain who would only punch their own. I love this guy.

narciso said...

don't you get the warm and fuzzies,

Im surprised they didn't name our own Chuck, as a Trump campaign worker,

Seeing Red said...

I think the “a black vote” came from a black Baptist Church in Alabama? I think it was on its sign.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

smart people

Seeing Red said...

Eric Mc Cormack is a Canadian by birth. Maybe there should be a list of Canadians?

rhhardin said...

Ten TV meteorologists arrested for child pornography.

Wow, weird ring, but I don't see how meteorology would attract like teacher, priest or scoutmaster. Uncle Weatherby or something

Turns out it's TV10 meterologist, at the half hour news.

Fen said...


Democrats Blacklist In Pittsburgh To Get Trump-Supporter Businesses Shut Down

Debra Messing would be proud, eh? The effort to destroy the livelihoods of those who do not accept The Approved Groupthink has expanded outside of Hollywood all the way to Pittsburgh.

Readering: I know nothing!

Readering also claims no awareness that "crematorium" (Konzentrationslager Auschwitz) across from his home was incinerating live Jews for 5 years: "I thought they made lampshades from animal hide!" he squirmed.

n.n said...

Debra Messing is an asshole.

A back, or, perhaps, rear hole. Enunciate! Not a black hole, and certainly not an asshole, which have been deprecated, and deemed vulgar, for the sake of social progress and politically congruent constructs.

mikee said...

Trump won re-election when he tweeted about the Squad that Leftist's vile lies and anti-Americanism "would not be allowed to go unanswered."

All Trump need do to stay in office until January 2025 is point out the insanity of his opposition up to the election. I think there will be plenty of opportunities to do so in the next year.

Seeing Red said...

Debra “ The Mess” Messing is a meanie.

rhhardin said...

It's not racist to say that a black voting for a republican is crazy. It's just saying that the dems are the party supporting blacks and the repubs are against blacks. So there's no logical or emotional reason for a sane black to vote otherwise, under the rule of self-interest.

That Messing's crazy is probably true but she's not racist for saying it.

Can nobody think for themselves these days.

FrankiM said...

Dorian roaring up the coast and Trump is fighting with actresses. Both Messing and Trump are assholes.

Jaq said...

"Can nobody think for themselves these days.”

Make them live by their own rules.

Ralph L said...

I thought readering identifies as female. Announce your pronouns, everyone!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is so proud of her butthurt supporters who lost their minds.

Fen said...

"Dorian roaring up the coast and Trump is fighting with actresses" whined Inga as she searched for floating bodies to stack up onto a soapbox

rhhardin said...

Make them live by their own rules.

Wrong, it just gets their rules made the standard. Ridicule them and their rules.

How many things can't you say because they've made it a rule that you can't say them. Forbidding them from saying them isn't getting anywhere.

Just say it yourself and dare them to do something about it. The claim being it's no rule.

Bay Area Guy said...


That Messing's crazy is probably true but she's not racist for saying it.

Of course, Racist Deborah Messing is a racist. She's stigmatizing blacks who don't share her leftwing political opinions. That is racist by definition.

Jaq said...

Politics is downstream from culture. That’s why it matters when actors and producers try to keep certain people out of the popular culture.

Pretending that there is no battle there is plain stupid. That’s why they cancelled Roseanne, even though it cost them a lot of money. There are more important things to these people than money.

rhhardin said...

Of course, Racist Deborah Messing is a racist. She's stigmatizing blacks who don't share her leftwing political opinions. That is racist by definition.

I stigmatize everybody who doesn't agree with me. Yot nobody says I'm racist.

You must mean that Messing fails to stigmatize whites who don't agree with her. I think she does, though.

readering said...

Weird stuff gets posted here.

Fen said...

I just read that Trump wants to reverse the stupid ban on lightbulbs. Currently, we are forced to buy the "energy smart" bulbs that barely light up the room and require a hazmat cleanup crew when they break.

I think I'm falling in love.

n.n said...

A "black vote" is a color judgment, the definition of racism, sexism, etc. It's a general statement and inference motivated by a low information attribute.

eric said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
Make them live by their own rules.

Wrong, it just gets their rules made the standard. Ridicule them and their rules.

How many things can't you say because they've made it a rule that you can't say them. Forbidding them from saying them isn't getting anywhere.

Just say it yourself and dare them to do something about it. The claim being it's no rule.

9/5/19, 11:38 AM

I so wish you were right about this.

Yes, it's not racist.

However, those are the rules. What you and I know to be racist doesn't count anymore.

The only way to get them to see their rules are wrong is to make them play under their rules.

I realize you disagree with this but I'm going to tell you you're in the minority right now. Pretty much Never Trump and a few others agree with you.

The rest of us want to see them live under their rules.

And even if they don't get a wake up call, like Williamson has, at least they get booted from polite society like some of ours has.

Fen said...

readering: Weird stuff gets posted here.

Readering confused about election: "I don't know anyone who voted for Nixon! Weird!"

rhhardin said...

A "black vote" is a color judgment, the definition of racism, sexism, etc. It's a general statement and inference motivated by a low information attribute.

Don't blacks vote 90% for dems or something? That seems like information.

Jaq said...

I think there was a game theory finding that if you never hit back, the opponent gets more and more aggressive, and the way to solve the problem is to hit back hard a couple of times in response, then hold back. It takes a few cycles for the other side to get the message. Just letting them fire away unopposed is a losing strategy.

Fen said...

I think there was a game theory finding that if you never hit back, the opponent gets more and more aggressive, and the way to solve the problem is to hit back hard a couple of times in response, then hold back. It takes a few cycles for the other side to get the message. Just letting them fire away unopposed is a losing strategy.|

Yup. It's basic anti-bully tactics.

tim maguire said...

rhhardin said...
It's not racist to say that a black voting for a republican is crazy. It's just saying that the dems are the party supporting blacks and the repubs are against blacks. So there's no logical or emotional reason for a sane black to vote otherwise, under the rule of self-interest.

It's not racist to say that blacks don't get to decide what their own issues are, that Debra Messing gets to decide what blacks can and can't value when they walk into the voting booth?

Sounds a bit racist to me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shorter Inga: Something bad is happening somewhere in the world, how dare Trump fight back against Hollywood's hypocrisy and leftwing fascism.

rhhardin said...

Racism got its stigma from trying to keep the races seperate in the South. A sort of ill will, albeit not complete ill will; but a social rule against doing what indivisuals might otherwise want to do.

Say businessmen who don't care who buys from them, money is money. You need a social force to keep that from happening. So racism became a social control. Nice business you have here shame if anything were to happen to it.

Sort of like boycotting Trump supporters, in fact.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No RH - it's mob mentality. Leave the plantation, and we will hunt you down and ruin you.

Jaq said...

"Dorian roaring up the coast and Trump is fighting with actresses. “

Shouldn’t he be ordering a nuclear strike or something?

FullMoon said...

the best thing about this situation is that the actress retweeted the mentally ill thing which was first spotted on a sign outside a black church.

She assumed she was scoring points with black people by agreeing with the supposedly legitimate anti Trump sign.

She assumed she was scoring points with the left by calling for a blacklist, forgetting to remember the left is sometimes against that, depending upon which way the wind blows.

rhhardin said...

Messing is just persuading blacks to vote their self interest. It's not great persuasion but it only has to work on blacks.

FrankiM said...

You people really need to calm down. Who the hell is Messing? A stupid actress. What power does she have to do anything? None. Your outrage over a powerless actress is hilarious.

rhhardin said...

I agree it's mob mentality, I'm just trying to point out mobs on the right are no smarter.

Seeing Red said...

Frankie - YAWN. Do try and keep up:

Via Lucianne I read this this morning

Earlier today President Trump delivered remarks on updated Hurricane Dorian preparations from the Oval Office. In addition to the hurricane updates, President Trump held an an impromptu press conference. [Video and Transcript Below]

He held a presser yesterday about Dorian.

Fen said...

And unfortunately, I think it's the major flaw in conservative philosophy: all of our efforts tend to err on the side of caution, we rarely lose from overplaying our hand. We run a Prevent Defense for the entire game to defend the status quo - a two point lead.

If you are trying to keep your position under gale force winds, you don't simply stand in place - you will be swept backwards. You have to push forward into the wind to remain constant.

Conservatism doesn't seem to allow for this, which is why they continue to lose the war no matter how many battles they win. Reagan understood this, he didn't accept the status quo re the Soviet Union, he decided we should accept the risk and try to win.

Anyone here tired of Trump winning? What comes after Trump? More RINO Cucks?

Jaq said...

Anytime there is a hook to reach the black community and to remind them of the reality of current record low unemployment among blacks, a smart person takes that opportunity.

Fen said...

Frank: You people really need to calm down.

Inga's squealing like a stuck pig. We must be over the target.

FrankiM said...

"Dorian roaring up the coast and Trump is fighting with actresses. “

“Shouldn’t he be ordering a nuclear strike or something?”

Maybe he could lend the meteorologists his big Sharpie?

Bruce Hayden said...

“She looks like Sandra Bullock, in google images. She was okay in The Wedding Date (2005)”

The two of the have the same sort of dorky comedian thing going on. Neither can ru Rey well in heels. Tat sort of thing. There is a physical element to both their comedic styles.

I really did like The Mess when she played a single mother detective with twin young hellions. Unfortunately, the show didn’t survive, but part may be that it seemed to be petering out once the original thesis wore out.

rhhardin said...

Outrage is entertainment but it's better with some original thinking.

Watch The Wedding Date (2005). Plot a litttle confused, in the romcom genre. You can see the romcom format rules intervening in the production if you're into it. But there's nothing wrong with Messing's character.

The thing about actresses is that they spent high school in drama club and so didn't learn anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama would stop that hurricane. He knows how to lower the oceans.

Michael K said...

Your outrage over a powerless actress is hilarious.

Says the idiot that supports Antifa and the other lefties that Doxx students and donors to Republicans.

rhhardin said...

Trump's tweets are fine. He's not outraged. He's inserting it into the news stream, making people talk about it. He's amused.

It's leftists that he wants outraged about it.

rhhardin said...

Make leftists act more leftist, is the plan.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Powerless actress? LOL. Have you watched Will and Grace lately? It's all anti-Trump Propaganda.

I wish I had that kind of powerlessness.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga- Shouldn't you be out on a ledge with your Russian Oligarch look-out goggles?

Michael K said...

Currently, we are forced to buy the "energy smart" bulbs that barely light up the room and require a hazmat cleanup crew when they break.

When Jerry Brown went apeshit and banned everything, I ordered a ten year supply of incandescent bulbs. I still have boxes of them in a closet. Only one a year burns out.

It's sounding like the boat fire in CA was caused by Lithium batteries. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature.

Big Mike said...

I don't even know what [Debra Messing] is accused of. Can't tell from the tweet.

This is because for lefties history starts anew every morning. Yesterday’s news about Messing is so last century to people like readering.

Just asking said...

Seeing Red said...
I think the “a black vote” came from a black Baptist Church in Alabama? I think it was on its sign.

9/5/19, 11:30 AM

The church sign. The other side says, "A white vote for Trump is pure racism."

Can a church do that and still keep its 501(c)(3) status?

Seeing Red said...

Regular bulbs have to remain energy efficient.

rhhardin said...

The LED bulbs don't require hazmat treatment and work fine, mostly. There are all sorts of color temperatures for them so I find them nice.

An occasional dog will burn out quickly, some component failure rather than the bulb strictly.

They save money in the summer. In the winter they heat the house so it's a wash.

Seeing Red said...

I knew GE was hurting, but this....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Up next on Will & Grace:

Will: "Did you see that? I cannot believe what I just saw. I saw a white dude marching down firth avenue with a KKK hood and a MAGA hat."

Grace: "OMG!"

Outrage and plot to seek revenge.

Fen said...

When Jerry Brown went apeshit and banned everything, I ordered a ten year supply of incandescent bulbs. I still have boxes of them in a closet. Only one a year burns out.

You know how this ends?

ISO incan bulbs. Will trade 30 rd mags or carton plastic straw.
Ping radio free AM for meet loc and time.

Seeing Red said...

I have straws.

Known Unknown said...

"Dorian roaring up the coast"

If only we had a Space Force to combat hurricanes.

Known Unknown said...

"When Jerry Brown went apeshit and banned everything, I ordered a ten year supply of incandescent bulbs. I still have boxes of them in a closet. Only one a year burns out."

I did this too but stupidly bought 100 watters which don't work with anything, and frankly, the LED bulbs are pretty good.

Wince said...

Now you're Messing with (A son of a bitch)

Now you're messin' with a
(A son of a bitch) now you're messin' with a son of a bitch
Now you're messin' with a
(A son of a bitch) now you're messin' with a son of a bitch

Talking jiving poison ivy
You ain't gonna cling to me
Man taker bone faker
I ain't so blind I can't see

Fen said...

Regular bulbs have to remain energy efficient.

Takes my energy efficient dryer 2-3 cycles to get my clothes dry.

New dishwasher is almost as bad.

Yay People's Republic of Maryland.

Soon as we ditch this house, we're outta here. Anyone want to buy a condo for $280k? Right next to Section 8 (free rats!) and Liqour and Pawn stores opening nearby soon!

Leland said...

John Henry,

It was a small event with a vendor trying to sell software that tracked safety information for a production plant. The software wasn't bad, but it was at least a generation older than other products on the market (not that they priced it that way). I usually avoid such events, but my wife was working late and a friend wanted me to attend, so why not take a free dinner. It was a nice restaurant. Among others Billy Gibbons had his own collection of wine there for his occasional visits.

Amadeus 48 said...

Trump just wants to have fun. His opponents make it easy.

stevew said...

Clearly Trump ought to be seated in front of a tv watching the Weather Channel's 24/7 coverage of Hurricane Dorian. Maybe add a look of concern to his face, so we know he's serious and doing somthing.

Known Unknown said...

Messing is attractive but titless.

Known Unknown said...

"I did this too but stupidly bought 100 watters which don't work with anything, and frankly, the LED bulbs are pretty good."

Which proves what? That the market solved the fucking problem--not government bans.

Rory said...

"Are all actors "nut jobs" to some extent? They make their livings pretending to be someone else."

Generally, they can only gain approval externally. Debra Messing was willing to wear fake boobs to be a star, though 30 years later she kvetches about it.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Trump punches back. Turning the other cheek is what people like Messing always count on from Republicans. In my opinion, she isn't worth the effort, but I also didn't run for president and win either, so my opinion isn't relevant. It works for Trump.

gilbar said...

Blacklisting, doxing, boycotting; are just like Private Jets and Luxury SUVs
They're are PERFECTLY FINE.... IF..... You are a Democrat

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Her apology came as #RacistDebraMessing trended on Twitter. "The use of the term ‘mentally ill’ was wrong & hurtful,”

Yes. What she meant to say that any Black person who votes for Trump is an Uncle Tom and has done gone runaway from the Democrat Plantation. Better get out the hounds and put them on the Black List with the rest of the racist, MAGA, KKK traitors.

Seriously, the Democrats are sounding more and more unhinged, violent, and dangerous.

Be prepared people. It is not going to get any better and when/if Trump wins expect them to go full tilt boogie nuts.

Leland said...

I don't even know what DM is accused of.

You are just not woke to your unconscious bias.

Roughcoat said...

I like this chap Trump.

Narr said...

Of course La Messing is a racist--all us white folk are!

Trust me

rehajm said...

if Trump wins expect them to go full tilt boogie nuts

Enough with the esoteric medical jargon. There are laypeople here, DBQ.

Rick said...

rhhardin said...
[Make them live by their own rules.]

Wrong, it just gets their rules made the standard. Ridicule them and their rules.

Wrong. Pointing out they don't live by their own rules shows even they understand those rules don't exist.

Seeing Red said...

Trump’s working on the dishwasher refs.

I hope mine can hold out that long.

rcocean said...

Typical Liberal/Democrat:

Liberals Yesterday: "Racist/racist/racist. Trump racist/Republicans racist. racism everywhere /white people racism/conservative racist/racist/racist."

Liberals Today: "I don't understand this "Racism" of which Trump speaks. Could you please describe it to me? My dictionary says...."

rcocean said...

It'd be nice if trump wasn't out there by himself. But I guess the Republicans like Mittens and McConnell are always too busy enjoying their vacations to EVER fight back against anything.

Bruce Hayden said...

The first rule of twitter wars with Trump is similar to the First Law of Holes. Quit digging. Trump is going to win. Regardless of how smart your sycophants have convinced you that you are.

Messerling’s career is effectively over. She now has “The Mess”, along with #RacistDebraMessing, probably permanently attached to her. Williams makes an excellent point - she is a rich white liberal woman lecturing a black man that he should support her party because they know better what is good for Blacks, than Blacks do themselves. Why isn’t that racist? Because rich white liberals don’t want it to be? Because, of course, they know better than real live Blacks what is good for them? This exposes that the emperor has no clothing, and rich white liberals are some of the worst racists around. The danger there is that if enough Blacks start listening to Williams, and thinking for themselves, a large part of the Black community may decide to walk off of the Dem’s plantation, depriving the left of their dream of a permanent electoral majority for at least another decade or so. Messerling way s stupid enough to expose this, which is why I think that the left will join the right in making sure that her career is essentially over.

rcocean said...

ITs too bad I can't boycott "The Mess" but I don't watch the Bitch. Just another Hollyweirdo that I care little about.

Rick said...

She assumed she was scoring points with the left by calling for a blacklist, forgetting to remember the left is sometimes against that, depending upon which way the wind blows.

She's too stupid to understand some things still cannot be admitted to in public. She thought because Trump's existence made open hatred of non-lefties acceptable that acceptance carried over to support for blacklists.

Bay Area Guy said...

Ok, frivolity aside:

1. The Left effectively tarnishes and/or banishes anyone they deem a racist. So, true racists don't make it in the modern world anymore and I can live with that.

2. The Left, however, as a political weapon, often falsely accuses people of racism, and often over trivial nonsense (See Jussie Smollet; see Duke Lacross Hoax, see Oberlin bakery case). Surprise, surprise the vics here are almost always conservatives or Republicans.

So, since racial hoaxes and racial false charges now greatly outnumber real racial grievances, we have a little fun dishing it back against Hollywood leftwing morons like Debbie Messing. That is all.

Trump gets this. He fights back. It is necessary. If one doesn't fight back against the Left, ya get steamrolled.

Also, the Left is generally humorless, so mockery can be quite effective, as well.

rcocean said...

Nothing is weirder than then white Liberals and their compunction to lecture Black Folks. Debbie Whitebread Messing has NO standing to patronize black folks and tell them how to behave. None at all.

traditionalguy said...

McCarthy claimed that the U. S. Army and the State department were Communist agents but had no proof. So he went after everyone with a liberal pedigree and personal honor seeking to have them fired and never be hired again. That is a Black List.

Hollywood is intimately familiar with how to do that.

gilbar said...

Another Iowan said....
still waiting for some leftist to explain what policies President Trump has undertaken that are so awful

Here's a Fun Thing!
Our Life Long Liberal, Chuck, said that he DID vote for Trump in 2016(grudgingly, and against his better judgement).

Chuck Has ALSO stated that he isn't likely to vote for Trump for reelection, that he'd MUCH rather vote for a SURE LOSER, like that michigan 'republican' that couldn't even get reelected in his own district.

So, CHUCK? Please Wise Us UP
What's your disappointment with President Trump? WHICH Policies of his are you so unhappy with?
HOW has he done SUCH A BAD JOB, that WAS SO MUCH WORSE than you'd thought it was going to be?
You (CLAIM) voted for Trump in 2016; what's changed? Are you like Farmer, and you think there's less wall now than then?

U.S. Border Crossings Continue to Fall as Mexico Disrupts Migrant Flow
August figures are 30% lower than July numbers and represent a victory for the Trump administration

narciso said...

No there was a list of communists in the state departmemt and other agencies who had buried their way in since 1932

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Debra Messing caught bullying.

Response from collective hivemind: *Stop bullying Debra Messing.*

Vance said...

As predicted Inga's here defending Messing and calls for blacklists and racist statements.

For any lurkers: FrankIM is Inga, a poster who was banned by our hostess for a variety of stuff. She's best known for her diligent, never-ending defense of Democrat violence against people. I think she openly campaigns against every single one of the Bill of Rights. She also apparently has an never-ending supply of grandkids who are being tortured or something by being exposed to conservative thoughts once every few years or something like that.

In short, she's the kind of girl Himmler would love to hire at Treblinka, as she would cheerfully herd the conservatives into the showers and then sip her drink listening to the screaming.

n.n said...

I am familiar with the popular treatment of "McCarthyism". I am not familiar with "McCarthy style" racist. Ideologue, perhaps. Americans, from before our nation's birth, have had a long standing aversion to left-wing ideologues, here, and across the pond.

Bill Peschel said...

"Skylark said...

I think there was a game theory finding that if you never hit back, the opponent gets more and more aggressive, and the way to solve the problem is to hit back hard a couple of times in response, then hold back. It takes a few cycles for the other side to get the message. Just letting them fire away unopposed is a losing strategy."

It's the tit-for-tat strategy. It has its own wikipedia page. It's an effective strategy, because the original attacker pays for his attack.

The secret is a) match the strength of the attack. Don't escalate. And b) withhold the attack in the next round to allow the opponent to pull back as well.

Whenever you don't play tit-for-tat (or tit-for-every-other-tat), you lose. Which is why we see ineffectual plays in foreign policy when Democrats are in power.

It's the secret of Trump's success, and only those who don't are either idiots or deliberately denying recognition of it. But I repeat myself.

And I hope Trump does roll back the light bulb / water restrictions, because they were stupidly ineffective. I have a dishwasher that doesn't wash effectively (requiring handwashing = more water waste) and a washer that leaves lint on the clothes (requiring more work to clean via lint rollers and shaking).

If he can get rid of the ineffectual security theatre at airports, he'd be re-elected in a landslide.

Bay Area Guy said...

Also, Deborah Messing is a racist for using the term "Blacklist." That's almost as bad as "Blackface."

She should not be blacklisting anyone or disparaging certain black men as mentally ill.

Clearly, she is a racist.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The LED bulbs don't require hazmat treatment and work fine, mostly. There are all sorts of color temperatures for them so I find them nice.”

I hate CFLs. Take too long to tour on, have bad color, cost more, and wear out too quickly. Should have done like Dr K did and lay in a lifetime supply. So, I have switched to LEDs. I replace bulbs that wear out most with them, which is most everything except I think, the big spot lights. Most I buy from DollarTree. They are cheap ($1) and work decently well. If you get a month or so on them, they will outlast CFLs. I did though have to pay a bit more at Home Depot for Daylight replacements for makeup lights. Which I thought ridiculous because she doesn’t apply makeup more than once or twice a year, and that invariably in a hotel room. Still, even I could detect the difference between Soft White and Daylight, when you have 5 or 6 lined up together. We have been in the new house only 2 1/2 years now (officially - in reality half that because we sunbird in MT), and almost of the CFLs have been replaced.

CFLs what you get when unelected, unaccountable, bureaucrats are allowed to make decisions that affect our lives.

Bruce Hayden said...

“CFLs what you get when unelected, unaccountable, bureaucrats are allowed to make decisions that affect our lives.”

Of course, they didn’t stop there. They made new dishwashers almost functionally worthless. Wondered why the dishwasher in the new house did so badly. Because it was Energy Efficient. Except that you would have to run it over and over again to get the dishes clean enough. Enough complaints that the Trump Administration recently announced that they are revisiting the Obama era regulations that caused this.

Nonapod said...

And I hope Trump does roll back the light bulb / water restrictions, because they were stupidly ineffective. I have a dishwasher that doesn't wash effectively (requiring handwashing = more water waste) and a washer that leaves lint on the clothes (requiring more work to clean via lint rollers and shaking).

If he can get rid of the ineffectual security theatre at airports, he'd be re-elected in a landslide.

Add to that the plastic straws bans, reducing ammo clip sizes, and a host of other non solutions to imagined problems that have been invented by C.S. Lewis's "omnipotent moral busybodies" for some percieved notion of a greater good.

I wish people were just slightly more skeptical of government action. Not everything may be as great a problem as you may be told. Not every "solution" proposed is necessarily realistic, feasable, rational, or particularly effective. History has shown many times that so called experts are often wrong. And politicians require that there be problems that need to be resolved in order to be (re)elected. If there are no problems, or no severe problems, then they'll often either invent or exagerate existing problems.

Seeing Red said...

Inga’s European. You can take the European out of......

Tomcc said...

So the sentiment about blacks that vote for Trump are mentally impaired was from a church?
For the last three years I've been hearing/reading that Mr. Trump is a racist. I have yet to see a cogent argument that makes that case. Is it because of his stance on illegal immigration? Is it because he's an immensely wealthy white guy that somehow managed to become president?
What is the evidence to support the claim? It seems to be: "just look at him!"

William said...

Didn't Hollywood rally round Roseanne when Bush criticized her for disrespecting the National Anthem? The hypocrisy of Hollywood is glaring. I wouldn't be surprised if this gives Messing a career boost. Hollywood doesn't seem to have a clue as to how much their subverting their own brand. How it plays in Peoria is the way they make their money. I'm not sure if they're ignorant or arrogant, but they're screwing up.

Drago said...

FrankiM: "You people really need to calm down. Who the hell is Messing?"

Don't you have some hoax collusion lies and hoax pee tapes to push? I seem to recall you were quite excited about all that and you demonstrated no ability to calm down about it all whatsoever.

Of course, it was equivalent to the not calm at all moronic and laughably false gang rape accusations you leveled at Kavanaugh.

stevew said...

CFLs are an inferior product that costs substantially more than incandescent bulbs. The light is poor, they take a long time to warm up to full capacity, and they contain hazardous material.

I stocked up on incandescent bulbs just before they were set to be banned. When those run out I'll try LEDs. CFLs are, or should be, dead.

Drago said...

William: "I wouldn't be surprised if this gives Messing a career boost."


Messing knows she will be protected by the blacklisters in power.

Does Messing have the power? Not really. She is simply someone who gives the game away a little too openly which is why she had to walk it back. The real power brokers who believe precisely as she does tend to be a little savvier about not showing their hands.

William said...

Segregationist Senators were key members of the New Deal coalition. Were black people mentally ill when they voted for New Deal Democrats? Is a pastor who labels selected members of his flock as mentally ill doing what Jesus would do? Do those poor sinners not merit as much respect and forgiveness as the average adulterer?

Drago said...

FrankiM: "Dorian roaring up the coast and Trump is fighting with actresses. Both Messing and Trump are assholes."


Trump should spend his time like obama did: conspiring with his agency leads to spy on opposing political candidates and iran deal opponents and members of the media along with their parents.

Also, has Trump spent a few hours filling out his NCAA basketball brackets yet?

History began anew this morning for Inga and LLR Chuck and readering.

gahrie said...

Seriously, the Democrats are sounding more and more unhinged, violent, and dangerous.

I'm teaching the lead up to the Civil War in my US History classes right now, and the parallels to the behavior of the Democrats today are both amazing and scary.

Jim at said...

Dorian roaring up the coast and Trump is fighting with actresses.

So if he didn't Tweet about the racist bitch, the hurricane would be roaring elsewhere?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga's relatives:

Drago said...

Jim at: "So if he didn't Tweet about the racist bitch, the hurricane would be roaring elsewhere?"

Recall how the left literally blamed GW Bush for Hurricane Katrina? Not just the response, but the literal existence of the hurricane AND its trajectory!!


Inga and LLR Chuck and readering don't remember that because it didn't happen this morning.

Seeing Red said...

Private payroll growth way above Wall Street estimates despite recession fears

More jobs...more taxes paid.

The horror.

MacMacConnell said...

These asshole actors like Di Nero, Messing, Reiner, etc aren't the nice folk they pretend to be in movies and TV. They are deranged Leftist.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Oh, look, another fake anti-Trump narrative blown to hell:

"lva Johnson, the former Trump campaign aide who accused President Donald Trump of forcibly kissing her during a campaign stop in 2016, dropped her lawsuit on Wednesday, weeks after video emerged casting doubt on her allegations.
Johnson, 44, sued Trump and the campaign on Feb. 25 for gender and race pay discrimination, as well as battery. She alleged that during a visit to Florida on Aug. 24, 2016, Trump grabbed her forcefully and kissed her against her will.

Judge William Jung dismissed Johnson's case on June 14, saying that it was a "political lawsuit" rather than a "tort and wages" lawsuit. Jung said that Johnson could amend her complaint if she wanted, but Johnson decided on Wednesday not to proceed with the case.

...Trump's lawyers released a video of the incident on July 11 that undercut some of Johnson’' story.

The footage shows Trump and Johnson on an RV surrounded by campaign officials and staffers. Johnson is heard off-camera initiating conversation with Trump, who responds by approaching Johnson and placing his hands on her shoulders and quickly pecking her on the cheek, rather than the corner of the mouth.

Johnson received positive press coverage after she filed her lawsuit. Ronan Farrow of The New Yorker wrote about her case, and Johnson appeared for an interview with MSNBC's Chris Hayes. Neither Hayes nor Farrow have addressed Johnson's case since the video emerged."

Of course not. They know vicious fools like Inga and Howard will believe any lie they tell about Trump.

Seeing Red said...

China and the US agree to trade talk next month.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, the Iva Johnson story was suffocated by a pillow months ago. I think I even linked here one night.

Drago said...

Seeing Red: "More jobs...more taxes paid.
The horror."

You are joking, but Inga/FrankiM literally called this an economic "nightmare".

LLR Chuck constantly refers to Trump "sabotaging" obamacare and ruining obama's "dream-perfect economy".

Astonishing, isn't it?

Openidname said...

Isn't it racist to call it a blacklist?

Seeing Red said...

The New Normal 2%? Chuckles doesn’t want the competition. I think Bastiat covered that a couple of centuries ago.

Bay Area Guy said...

Henceforth, all false charges of racism will be deemed as racist. And the racial hoaxer will be labeled with the dreaded Scarlet R.


Although actor Jussie Smollett has attained incredible intersectionality (gay, black, biracial, Jewish, perhaps mental illness) because he hired two Nigerian actors to buy a noose and two MAGA Hats to stage a false racial assault, he himself will henceforth be referred to as "Racist Jussie Smollett".

Racist Jussie Smollett went to the beach; Racist Jussie Smollett has a new show; etc, etc.

Same is true for institutions, such as Oberlin; Racist Oberlin has a weak basketball team; Racist Oberlin has a good Art History Department; etc, etc.

Same is true for someone who falsely accuses someone else as an Uncle Tom.

So, if Racist Deborah Messing tries a reboot of Will & Grace, we will be ready for that Racist actress.

We haven't yet figured out what to do about racially inflammatory rap music lyrics, yet, but that is next on the agenda.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Takes my energy efficient dryer 2-3 cycles to get my clothes dry.

New dishwasher is almost as bad.

Appliances are horrible. Both the dishwasher and clothes washer always get an automatic extra rinse cycle because the normal cycle doesn't work. That's a lot of extra rinse cycles in a family of 8 there envirogenuises. I have to pre-soak and scrub the dishes before they go in the dishwasher at all or they won't come clean. Another win. My stupid 'energy efficient' washer just bounces the clothes up and down and sometimes parts of big things like blankets and towels don't even get wet in the cycle at all. I'd love to have a 70s-style solid metal center post agitator washer again. Those things got clothes clean and lasted forever.

Fen said...

Messing doubles down, claiming blacks are targeted by Trump for voter suppression.

Candace Owens responds:

"Please stop telling black people what we are 'targeted by' to satisfy your 'white savior' complex," Owens told Messing. "The fact that you can't accept that black people support Trump is evidence that you hold a racist viewpoint of black Americans as a monolith, proprietary to the Democratic Party."

Just asking said...

...Trump's lawyers released a video of the incident on July 11 that undercut some of Johnson’' story.


Seeing Red said...

I was supposed to vote for Hillary because of ovaries.

African Americans are supposed to vote Dem because of color.

This is all so insulting.

Scott M said...

She's a rabid anti-dentite. Who would listen to her?

purplepenquin said...

Quite a few Republicans in WI (and on this blog) said they used this list to hire/fire and harass people. (It was the first time I heard about the "throw a softball in the yard" concept

Kinda surreal how things have turned 180 degrees. Same ol' game - players have just switched sides on the field.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Messing is an idiot.

Beasts of England said...

’She's a rabid anti-dentite.’

Thanks for that reminder! I recognized her face but couldn’t remember where I had seen her.

Jaq said...

Personally, I think her “titlessness,” as you put it, well her small breastedness is kind of hot. But we all know about the hot/crazy matrix.

Fen said...

Purple Chuck: It was the first time I heard about the "throw a softball in the yard" concept

Again, you misrepresent the truth.

It was Union Thugs who threatened Althouse with "we'll throw our baseballs in your yard"

Jon Ericson said...

Would somebody please throw our wet hen a towel.

Bilwick said...

As someone in the arts myself (who is often the only pro-freedom person in the room at any gathering), it always amazes and saddens me that all these so-called "free spirits," whether painters, sculptors, writers or whatever, always fall in lockstep, like so many Eloi, when the State calls.

Ken B said...

Hardin’s complaint bounces off my formulation. Messing thinks she knows better than blacks what blacks should think. That evinces a pretty clear prejudice about blacks.

Heartless Aztec said...

The best part about being old is you have absolutely no idea who these actors/actresses, celebs, etc are. I would formulate the question - "Who are these people?" But I'll be dead in 15 ir so years and don't give half a rat's ass.

buwaya said...

This is a little bit of noise on the subject, but the "blacklist" is a fact. A mostly quiet fact, but well understood.

It is more intense, possibly, in tech than even Hollywood. And it is pervasive in management ranks in the F1000. This is not paranoia.

The similar bit of noise sometimes pops out. The reference case was about Brendan Eich in 2014. Another was Linus Torvalds in 2018. Others are known but quiet.

But these, even Eich and Torvalds, aren't people the public knows.

buwaya said...

"Quite a few Republicans in WI (and on this blog) said they used this list to hire/fire and harass people."

Even then this was a bit of returning fire vs the blacklisting already going on.
As I said above, this is intense, but under the radar, in corporate management and in tech.
And its been so for many years.

Nonapod said...

it always amazes and saddens me that all these so-called "free spirits," whether painters, sculptors, writers or whatever, always fall in lockstep

I find that artists and creatives are typically (nonpolitically) traditionalists or conservative in terms of their viewpoints. By that I mean that they're suprisingly rigid and unchanging in their positions, whatever those positions may be. Essentially they hold the exact same views that they had when they were 13 years old and will never deviate from them. Especially in terms of the actual creative process, they believe there's a single correct way to do things or a very limited number of correct ways. Older film makers dislike digital. Older musicians distrust new technology whether it be guitar modeling, digital recording, new genres of music.

They'll claim they're open minded, and may even believe themselves to be open minded. But usually just the opposite, being extremely close minded when it comes to new ideas, new approaches, new innovations, or anything that contravenes their view of whatever the correct way to do things is.

Calypso Facto said...

As buwaya suggests, Purple conveniently forgets who started the blacklisting in Wisconsin:

"Business groups and their supporters are pushing back against efforts to boycott businesses whose executives donated to Republican Gov. Scott Walker, urging supporters to "stand up to ... union boss intimidation."

The moves by Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce and a Facebook campaign called "Wisconsin Buycott" come in response to letters sent to M&I Bank and Kwik Trip on March 11 threatening them with boycotts if they didn't publicly oppose Walker's efforts to limit collective bargaining powers of public employee unions.

Signed by leaders of several unions, including the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, Professional Fire Fighters Association of Wisconsin and Madison Teachers Inc., the letters threaten to "publicly and formally boycott the goods and services" of the companies if they didn't repudiate the bill by Thursday."

purplepenquin said...

Purple Chuck

Again, you misrepresent the truth. Of course, that's no surprise, since you were bragging earlier about how you lie and will continue to lie about me & things I've said.

It is really funny tho how you claim it is impossible for you to have multiple logins ('cause you beleive that Meade can see the IP addressees and will say something) yet you continue to insist that many different other people are the same person.

It was Union Thugs who threatened Althouse with "we'll throw our baseballs in your yard"

Are you sure about that? As sure as you were that I was making up that quote about Chuck getting his testicles cut off?

'cause a quick google search shows that you (using a different blogger profile) was the only one who used that phrase on this site. It appears that nobody else said such a thing - only you constantly claiming that others did. If you want to point me to where the "union thugs" actually did say that on here, I'd luv to see it.

For the record - I heard the softball (not baseball) reference at Boots&Sabers from a pro-Walker supporter. (Cue your "Liar! There is no such blog!!" retort're so predictable)

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