January 20, 2019

"Scott Adams apologizes for believing @CNN about the Covington Catholic Boys fake news."

Oh, well, this is interesting...

... because I realize that my idea of what happened — which you're jumping on me about in the comments to the previous post — was influenced by listening to what Scott Adams said about it yesterday...

So do I need to apologize for believing Scott Adams? Not exactly. My post — "The man in the middle" — is carefully written based only what I know, which is what I'm always doing around here. I wasn't a tube channeling what went through Scott Adams from CNN. I protect myself from that sort of thing. But the way in which I wrote around my lack of knowledge was influenced by what Scott Adams said yesterday, and he's apparently backing off from all that.

I can't watch the first video yet, because it's a live-stream until he gets done and I entered after the relevant part.

By the way, one thing that I'm actively trying to avoid and that I'm wary of in other white people is a patronizing, sentimental attitude toward Native Americans.

UPDATE: The live stream is over now, so I'm watching the new video. First, Adams observes that on the very day when MSM were observing their own screw-up over the BuzzFeed fake news about the Mueller investigation, they were falling into another fake news story. Next, Adams admits, "I totally got taken by it," and begins what he calls "an extended explanation/apology."

He says he's now seen "extended video" and declares everything CNN reported to be "absolutely fake news." And it was the "worst kind" of fake news, because "They didn't even get the good guys and the bad guys right."

Adams believed, based on the CNN reports, that the "Native American man was awesome," because he came between 2 groups of antagonistic youths and "de-escalated" a conflict, and he called them "assholes." Scott refrains from repeating the a-word in the new video, substituting the word "jerks." Now, he says, based on longer video, "That is completely not what happened."

The most important thing that CNN did not report, Adams says, is that the African American group — the Black Israelites — were being "flat-out racist." On the extended video, you can hear them calling the Catholic schoolboys "crackers" and (repeatedly) "school shooters."

The Black Israelites denounced Democrats as "racist." "You didn't see that on CNN," Adams laughs. The black protesters were, Adams says, "overtly anti-white." "They were also anti-gay" and "used anti-gay slurs," and the Catholic schoolboys "spontaneously and unanimously pushed back against an anti-gay statement" — "They were offended." The Catholic schoolboys were smiling, "didn't look angry," and "were all well-behaved," Adams says.

CNN presented the elderly Native American man as coming between the 2 groups of youths, but, Adams says now, that "definitely didn't happen" — "He was just kind of doing his own thing... He was causing trouble. He was not looking to stop it. He was very obviously looking to cause trouble... He looked like he was escalating the situation, not de-escalating." [ADDED: I have now watched that part of the video, and I have nothing to say about what that man had going on in his head.]

Adams now interpret the boys as seeing the old man as "all part of the fun." "They were just sort of dancing around because he was dancing around." Adams stresses that the old man approached the boys — got "in their faces." The Catholic schoolboys "did not back up," which is what created the viral video image from which the fake news was manufactured.

Adams notes that CNN still has the story in fake form on its front page "Teens in Make America Great Again hats taunted Native American elder" and I'm seeing that now, at 11:30 ET:

According to Adams, in the extended video, you see a large group and only about 10% of them have MAGA hats, and, more importantly, they do not taunt the man. I guess CNN isn't afraid of libel suits.

Maybe Adams is worried about libel suits. He says, "I'm going to do a full 180 on you.... This is the most complete apology you're ever going to see from anybody. I couldn't have been more wrong about this group of kids. These kids kept their composure, stayed on the right side of every issue, avoided trouble, and never lost their smiles." But he still thinks "It was a mistake to wear their MAGA hats in public, because you know that's going to cause trouble and it probably did."

AND: Let me quote EDH (from the comments in the previous post):
Most of the kids seemed to be chanting with the drum beat, albeit in an irreverent way, but more jocular than threatening.

That's why I'd like to see what's on either end of that edited video clip, especially the genesis and termination of the encounter.

And who was the president that said "I want you to argue with them. Get in their face"?
I'll embed the 1 hour and 45 minute video, which I clicked on and watched less than a second of before clicking off:

I may watch it eventually.

OKAY: I've watched the key part of the video, and I think this is a whole lot of nothing. The men making the video remind me of religious ranters I've seen in Madison many times. Ordinary people just ignore them, and that's what I'm seeing in the video. The Catholic schoolboys group is large, and they seem to be taking in the free speech forum and doing some sort of cheers on their own, widely separated from "Black Israelites" group. Then the Native American guy enters the space and walks up to the schoolboys beating his drum. The schoolboys react by bouncing along with the beat in a way that seems to welcome the man and include him in their boisterous fun day out in the public square. Shame on the adult professionals who latched onto this as something to make into the big issue of the day. Total fake news. I ignored this yesterday, but my ignoring something doesn't have any effect on the total amount of noise. So I have to speak up and rephrase my silence into words: This is nothing.

AND: The man holding the camera narrates, accusing the schoolboys of "mockery" and so forth. But you're a fool if you watch the video and see what he's telling you to see. It's a microcosm of fake news, and big media responded and amplified.


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tim in vermont said...
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Birkel said...

Stephen Cooper knows stuff and stands in judgment.
Just like Jesus said he should.

You will be a slave if you don't recognize what is happening.
The Left is restless and all your good deeds mean nothing in this world or the next.

The Left depends on people like you to do nothing.
Deny as you will.

Drago said...

Inga: "Hahahaha, this entire thread is hilarious. Outrage over outrage! Oh the outrage!"

Lefty literally posts this after 24 straight hours of universal lefty outrage over outrage over what we now know was an absolute lefty lie (again!) and where lefties across the nation are literally threatening teenagers with bodily harm and destruction of their future prospects.

Which followed 24 hours of universal lefty outrage over outrage over what we now know was another manufactured lefty lie.

Next thing you know Inga will want to know what the big deal is just because every leader of The Chick's March is an unrepentant Farrakhan-supporting anti-semitic advocate for the destruction of Israel!!!


Drago said...

Meade: "@Rabel — amazing. Was that a tweet from Pulitzer awarded Kurt Eichenwald? Such an evil expression."

The test of whether or not something came from Eichenwald is whether or not there was at least one sub-reference to tentacle-porn.

Birkel said...


And they mean it.
It is not idle chatter.
We should take them at their Collectivists words.

tcrosse said...

Just a few minutes ago the ABC affiliate here in Vegas reported the debunked, fake version of this story.

Drago said...

Birkel: "Drago,

And they mean it.
It is not idle chatter.
We should take them at their Collectivists words."

Of course they mean it. Which is why immigrants from communist countries are saying publicly this is what they witnessed in their own nation as the commies came to power.

It's the inevitable result of every leftist takeover, anywhere, at any time.

Without exception.

Rabel said...

Big bright full moon up tonight. Full eclipse in a couple of hours if you're in the clear.

I can see a circle of CNN panelists holding hands and dancing around a maypole nekkid while they scream "Truuuuuuummmmmppppp!!!!" as it hits full.

Birkel said...

I agree, as you know.
Reading Havel or Solzhenitsyn is like watching a trilogy in reverse.
It's startling that so few people understand the trajectory.

Drago said...
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Anonymous said...

That dried-up hag Inga thinks it's hilarious that the Black hebrew Israelites consider her rapey grandsons "faggots" and school shooters.

Rabel said...

Link to the Eichenwald quote. It may go to his Twitter front page now, but it looked legit to me.

takirks said...

I'd find it very interesting if this Nathan Phillips (our notional Indian "activist") character is actually a Vietnam veteran. If he's 63 or 64, then he was only eligible for the draft and overseas service in 1972 or 1973, and it's pretty damn unlikely that he would have actually been drafted, gone through training, and then wound up in Vietnam during the drawdown and Vietnamization period. Not impossible, mind you, just unlikely. Most of the guys his age did not wind up in Vietnam, and if he's really 63, it's even less likely.

Odds are quite good this character is due for an entry in the Stolen Valor column, to be honest.

Drago said...

tcrosse: "Just a few minutes ago the ABC affiliate here in Vegas reported the debunked, fake version of this story."

Of course they did.

That's the point.

The fact that the lefties know they are lying about this and the lefties know that we know they are lying about this but they keep up with the lies is where their joy in doing comes from.

They know precisely what they are doing to these teenagers....and they love it.

As Vaclev Havel wrote of the communists in his own nation, they reveled most in those truly innocent people they could railroad because it sent a message: if we can do this to any innocent, you'd better toe the line.

Just look at the insanity vomited forth by Inga and her fellow fake-gang-rape accusers against Kavanaugh.

The FBI literally received thousands (thousands!!) of phone calls from lefty chicks willing to openly lie and claim that Kavanaugh had raped them too!

Here we have Bruce Ohr's testimony that the dossier was fed to the obama's FBI and DOJ months earlier than they admitted and that it was made clear to all (by the guy who testified) that none of it had been verified.

Big deal! Inga and gang still believe every word of it.

Seeing Red said...

Inga’s projecting again.

Ho hum.

roesch/voltaire said...

cnn has just given a more balanced perspective on this story presenting comments from the student in question who feels his space was invaded while Phillips said he felt intimated by the students and other’s who circled around him, these different perspectives remind me of the Japanese film Rashmon.

tcrosse said...

tcrosse: "Just a few minutes ago the ABC affiliate here in Vegas reported the
debunked, fake version of this story."

To be fair, the ABC network news came up next to debunk the story with the video context. Although they took pains to mention that the school has not changed its condemnation of the kids' behaviour.

Rick said...

You don't get that close to protesters. You avoid conflict in strange cities.

It's revealing people say things like this in defense of the activists who initiated both the proximity and the conflict (plus lied about events specifically to foment hate). If you can only judge your target guilty by not applying the standard you use to judge guilt to the other party it's a textbook case of bias. People who do this will always find a way to confirm their bias because they aren't interested in objective evaluations.

stephen cooper said...

Birkel - now I like that, what you said at 7:27 PM, and I am proud that i argued with you long enough to get you to say what I would have liked you to have said at first.

"SIlence in the face of evil is itself evil" - you and me are on the same page, and I am sorry if you though I disagreed with you.

If you are Catholic tell your Bishop you will not contribute another cent until your Bishop renounces the Herod-like compliments the current occupant of the Papacy has offered to abortion providers.

If you are American never stop criticizing and suing and complaining about the extremist SJW attempts to treat decent Americans the way Stalin treated the Kulaks.

If you subscribe to ESPN, cancel, if you subscribe to National Review, cancel, if you subscribe to any MSM propaganda publication, cancel.

And so on and so forth.

By the way, I fully supported Trump when he was one of 17 Republican candidates because I respect people who promise to do things. Did you? - I am guessing you were more of a Romney voter, I hope I am wrong.

But, in the first place, remember to pray. And when you pray, if you have insulted a soldier whom General Schwarzkopf himself thanked, almost with tears in his eyes, for his courage and hard work, or if you have insulted someone who has literally spoken with hundreds of evildoers and asked each and every one of them to change their loveless heart for a good heart, well, when you pray, if you have insulted someone who has done these things, try and forget that you once said something very foolish.

We will win, my young friend, those of us who hunger and thirst for Justice, because God is on the side of Justice. Trust me. That is not arrogance on my side, that is just humble trust in God.

Philippians Chapter 1-2.

Sebastian said...

"It's just no use demanding that Althouse be a partisan hack"

This is BS. None of us righties want her to be a hack. We got plenty of those.

We just want 1. Althouse not to promote prog propaganda -- Blasey Ford, Gillette, the Catholic boys; 2. not to shovel BS at us when she gets called on her BS -- I write carefully! I am cruelly neutral! I show sympathy!; 3. not to treat every prog lie, every new bit of fake news, every outrage as a distressing surprise instead of yet another move by yet more progs in the ongoing culture war, what with her how-could-they lamentations and faux-cruelly-neutral OED lit-crit dissections--isn't that man-in-the-middle trope cute!; 4. to show a little moral and intellectual humility every once in a while--though we know divas don't do sorry.

We know Althouse isn't one of us; that she prefers righty feistiness over lefty preaching is enough. But a little more, you know, self-awareness would be nice.

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Hahahaha, this entire thread is hilarious. Outrage over outrage! Oh the outrage!

Remember the left's outrage was allegedly because some kids chanted their school name where an American Indian could hear. Inga has no problem with that being national news. But objecting to a smear campaign specifically deigned and promoted to foment hate is not worthy.

The nuts just can't evaluate anything honestly. Plus remember this the next time some left winger whines about divisiveness. Divisiveness is their entire political program.

Rick said...

roesch/voltaire said...
cnn has just given a more balanced perspective on this story presenting comments from the student in question who feels his space was invaded while Phillips said he felt intimated by the students and other’s who circled around him, these different perspectives remind me of the Japanese film Rashmon.

So the dishonest left wingers are regrouping to the fallback position now that their attack has been broken. This position is also wrong as the students didn't "circle around him" and were already chanting when he pushed his way into their middle. This is all clear from the video at Dreher's site. If he was intimidated he would not have so positioned himself and it is not credible he could believe the chants were targeted at him since they preceded his arrival on scene. The guy clearly put himself in this position knowing he could manipulate the images to present what he wanted.

Now the dishonest left will argue many different things knowing most people will not try to understand the issue will drop. Further their media dominance will allow them to continue the claim within their spheres of influence where reality will not prevent them from proceeding as if their initial claims were true.

narciso said...

Well the mark of true faith is to be persecuted, so in that sense, of the nature of this world and who reigns over it it's not a surprise.

Gahrie said...

Although they took pains to mention that the school has not changed its condemnation of the kids' behaviour.

The entire administration of the school should be immediately fired, and the highest three levels of leadership in the diocese reassigned.

dreams said...

A statement from the boy in the video.


Seeing Red said...

cnn has just given a more balanced perspective on this story presenting comments from the student in question who feels his space was invaded while Phillips said he felt intimated by the students and other’s who circled around him, these different perspectives remind me of the Japanese film Rashmon.

Who walked where?

You walk into a group you chose to put yourself there. You decide to bang your drum in someone’s face....

Mary Beth said...

Kathy Griffin tweeted a request to dox the students. Nice.

Seeing Red said...

If only there had been a fence or a wall or something....

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Neo Neo says:

Today’s smart phones (not envisioned by Orwell) can record, as well. But what they record, how it is edited and used and described and slanted, is the task of social media and the MSM. If the viewers of such videos don’t have a huge amount of skepticism, they are easily taken in by people using videos to mislead. Even people with a great deal of skepticism, such as Scott Adams, can apparently be taken in by the right video presented in a very clever way.

This is obviously a grave danger, because videos (like photos before them) can easily give the appearance of being the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and can whip the crowd up into enormous hatred. And yet the actual truth can be something very, very different."

Leftwingers simply laugh at their lies.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Kathy Griffith is a leftwing pig.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The teen is not smirking in this clip, and Phillips [the Native American who was supposedly harassed] has an entourage with cameras. One of the Native activists argues with a Covington teen, who argues back. This and other clips have shown the Indian activists racially taunting the teens, saying things like ‘go back to Europe.’ Phillips has claimed that the teens were chanting ‘build the wall!,’ but that isn’t in any of the videos that circulated Saturday. Based on what can actually be seen and heard, it’s looks as if Phillips and his crew sought out Catholic teenagers and tried to make them uncomfortable. And of course, they recorded it…

...So far, there’s no evidence to support that scenario [that the teen students were the racists], only the words of Phillips and his associates. That hasn’t stopped blue-checkmark media figures like former CNN blatherskite Reza Aslan from not only branding the teens as racists but in Aslan’s case musing about inflicting violence on them:

Sebastian said...

More disconcerting than Althouse's reaction is the response of the supposed conservatives -- NR, Dreher, Robert George.

Without even waiting for facts, without questioning the sources, they accepted the prog narrative and started piling on. They were eager to show themselves despisers of Catholic boys as "evil," eager to pass muster with the prog purveyors of The Narrative. Their eagerness shows the real prog hegemony.

Mainstream cons have learned nothing. In the culture war, progs say surrender, and they bow their heads.

Of course, Trump is no conservative, whatever that means these days. But he understands his enemies and is no surrender monkey.

narciso said...

Ah Aslan defamed jesus by labeling him a suvari, whereas Taliban are mere students to him.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Read the whole thing.

The left really revealed their inner radial Brownshirt Nazi Fascist this time.

narciso said...

Sicari, the militant Jewish nationalists, the closest analogue to zealot.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martin said...

When will people ever wise up and learn Michael Crichton's "Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect"--REALLY learn it?

“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”

Adams, and Althouse, and everybody else with half a brain knows that CNN and most of the MSM will do whatever they can to portray wite men as racists, misogynists, whatever, and that except in a tiny handful of cases (David Duke, Richard Spencer...) they are simply lying. This goes beyond what Crichton described, which is mere incompetence. So when they report on a group of young white males acting that way, why on Earth would you believe it? And why would you believe anything else from them? Ever?

This all makes no sense to me. When someone has lied to me more than once or twice I simply no longer believe them. CNN has already lied dozens of times THIS YEAR, and it's still January. People seem to assume that because they are fundamentally honest, everyone else is, as well. That's all very nice and even touching and it's great to live in a place where most people are trustworthy. But when someone has been proven to be a malicious serial liar, it simply should not apply.

Ken B said...

Ann Althouse has carefully studied the accusation against Emmett Till. “This is nothing,” she said with a shrug “let's talk about rat magnets.”

chickelit said...

Rabel said...Here's a video clearly showing what the boy in question was calmly putting up with. He deserves a medal.

Thanks for that. It's like the reverse angle of the video Althouse posted. Towards the end, the main preacher commands his reader to read a passage. The recitation reminds me of a Cheech and Chong skit. "Evelyn Wood Sped Redding"

Birkel said...

The Left wants to make Green Grocers of us all.
Like Sauron's eye, it has one purpose and never sleeps.
That is the lesson observed by Tolkein about Collectivists.

Anonymous said...

Of course a pseud NPC like r/v would compare something to Rashomon. Could there be a lazier cliche?

dreams said...

"Leftwingers simply laugh at their lies."

Their lies are narratives for the greater good and they know what's good for us.

Anonymous said...

Is disgusting hag Inga still enjoying the thread?

chickelit said...

The reverse angle also clearly rearranges the sentence "Teen taunts Indian." The verb "taunt" stays the same but the subject and object of the sentence transpose. Clearly, "Indian taunts teen."

It's right there in from of you, folks.

Birkel said...

The lies are the proof they have control.
Propaganda wins by sheer volume and repetition.

chickelit said...

Mary Beth said...Kathy Griffin tweeted a request to dox the students. Nice.

Clearly, Althouse did not know Kathy Griffin by her fruit.

Bob Boyd said...

While truth is a liberal value and truth is a conservative value, truth has never been a leftist value. For the left, there is always something more important. – Dennis Prager

Rick said...

Ann Althouse said...
"For all I can see, he wanted to greet the boys and give them a beat to dance to."

I mean, that's as good an interpretation as any other,

Sure. It's totally credible someone being helpful would repeatedly bang his drum 4 inches from someone else's face. You see it all the time.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I see you Trumpists are still at your outrage party, how funny.

Rick said...

Ann Althouse said...
and I believe in giving people a sympathetic reading before jumping to the negative.

Really? I remember something about Troglodytes.

chickelit said...

FullMoon said...The doxxing stuff is hilarious, right Ingeburg?

That's gonna leave a mark, FullMoon.

Anonymous said...

I see unappealing, thin-skinned hag Inga wouldn't mind if her rapey grandsons are called "faggots" as long as it's by people with the right skin color.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Bruce, Bruce, Bruce.

chickelit said...


Inga...Allie Oop said...

If you say Bruce three times he turns into Full Moon!

Marc in Eugene said...

The Guardian still is running its "Native American mocked by students: 'I saw my country being torn apart'" article at this point, attributing its nonsense to the AP.

Seeing Red said...

Says the female who’s been outraged for 2 years.

alanc709 said...

Inga, grow up some day. You are pathetic. If you hate this country so much, move.

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
I see you Trumpists are still at your outrage party,

I see Inga is still thrilled by her participation in spreading hate for kids who did nothing wrong but peaceably express their opinion on a relevant social matter. Other left wingers have committed support for having them banned from higher education and blackball them from employment. Inga has no concerns over those. She only thinks it's wrong to oppose those outcomes.

Entirely predictable once you understand the left.

dreams said...

"I see you Trumpists are still at your outrage party, how funny."

We're doomed, Trump might buy us a little extra time, forestall the inevitable.

chickelit said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...If you say Bruce three times he turns into Full Moon!

Yeah right. I can see why you think that -- it's because FullMoon likes to link old comment just like I used to do. But I'm not a GC and I don't live in the Bay Area.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I see unappealing, thin-skinned hag Inga wouldn't mind if her rapey grandsons are called "faggots" as long as it's by people with the right skin color.”

Oh, which one of my grandsons are the rapey ones, the two and four year old ones?

Birkel said...

Attacking teenagers for fun and profit.
Stay tuned to learn the Royal ass Inga method: defending the innocent is now defined as rage and other definitions that have been changed to further the propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine unappealing, frustrated Inga's purse-lipped, white-knuckled Twitter posts yesterday? There were probably 10 or 15 them.

Birkel said...

All it takes is an unfounded accusation.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, which one of my grandsons are the rapey ones, the two and four year old ones?"

Yes, exactly. They're presumed school-shooting faggots. That's the world you've wanted for them, you disgusting hag.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

What has Trumpism done to you people? You always were deplorable, but now it’s beyond that. You’ve become hysterical ninnies, snowflakes, whiny little bitches, and overall pathetic people.

Anonymous said...

You always were deplorable, but now it’s beyond that. You’ve become hysterical ninnies, snowflakes, whiny little bitches, and overall pathetic people.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

And then there are the psychotics amongst you...

Anonymous said...

Cry more, Inga! You can dish it out, but you sure as shit can't take it. Your grandsons are going to pay for YOUR stupidity.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Huh? Cry? Are you so psychotic you don’t realize I’m laughing at you loons? Well I guess the psychosis doesn’t allow you to see things as they are.

alanc709 said...

Lunatics laugh at lots of things, Inga, you think that helps your case?

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
What has Trumpism done to you people? You always were deplorable, but now it’s beyond that. You’ve become hysterical ninnies, snowflakes, whiny little bitches,

Yesterday the left made a national story from an American Indian hearing a chant. Inga didn't believe that showed the left are whiny little bitches. But when the right object to the revealed propaganda machine and blacklists supported by her fellow authoritarians she acts to protect them.

Team Blue is all that matter to her. It's a common sickness.

Birkel said...

Laughing at those who would attack an innocent high schooler?
Yeah, that makes you the bad person.

Tit-for-tat is the only viable solution in a low trust repeating game.
The whole world, half blind, accordingly.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Inga claims she's laughing at us.

She's actually laughing at her own grandsons.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
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chickelit said...

@FullMoon: That Inga quote actually reminds me of Aunt Em telling off Ms. Gulch in "The Wizard Of Oz." But that makes Althouse into a witch -- sort of.

chickelit said...

Actually, Aunt Em restrained her own language, so I take that back.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

Let me know if you find all the threads where Royal ass Inga claimed various children.
That would be a rip to review.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

It was a long while back.
Just if you happen to see them, please share.

walter said...

“Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are captive to the most radical, extreme strains of their base, to the far Left,” Cruz said. “That’s the reason why Schumer and Pelosi have forced a shutdown.”

“It’s important to note Schumer and Pelosi’s objection to the wall is not substantive. It’s not based on policy,” Cruz added, noting that both Democrats have previously voted for border fencing.

“Their problem is political. Their base hates Donald Trump, and so politically, Schumer and Pelosi are forcing a shutdown because they want to appease their base,” he said.

walter said...

Chuck wants to set Cruz (and others) straight.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Full moon, I always suspected you were nuts and a liar, now I have no doubt. I haven’t been commenting here for a decade. I didn’t start commenting here until 2011. So Full Loon, go get those comments you claim I made, post them here, I’d love to see them. Make sure you give a actual link that works, along with a quote. But you won’t be able to because there aren’t any. I have always said I have 4 children, three daughters and a son. Now run along and try to find something different.

You need help? Birkel, go help FullLoon.

takirks said...

Well, well, well... What do you know?

Found this over on another board:

"Cribbed from facebook by a buddy who was US Army, commenting on the above Veteran...

"See, when he was pimping to block the pipeline, Vogue interviewed this "veteran", when he claimed to be a "recon Ranger" in Vietnam.

Only now, he supposedly was a Marine. Only... Marines have Recon, but they don't have Rangers - Rangers are an Army thing.
Plus, he apparently is supposed to have enlisted in 1973. The last US ground combat troops were withdrawn in March of 1973. Other than the guys guarding the embassy, most of what was left behind were advisers from Special Forces (SF was all officers and sergeants - no Marines, and no privates.)

Even if he had enlisted and entered boot camp on 1 January, there wasn't really TIME for him to deploy to Vietnam - by the time he would have finished even training as a plain old rifleman, they weren't rotating fresh troops *in*, they were busy shipping troops *out*. Even under wartime training times (6-8 weeks for *boot* training, then 6-8 weeks for your actual MOS training), plus whatever the recon pipeline was then, plus the EIGHT WEEK long Ranger School (assuming they'd send a boot Marine to an Army course used primarily as a LEADERSHIP course for officers and some NCOs, with a side role teaching patrolling and a few privates spotted for divisional LRRP companies in the Army), he'd have still been in training when the last Marine ground unit was back in California or Hawaii."

Obviously stolen valor needs to be carefully handled lest it be a blue on blue. "

At this point, I'm virtually certain that Nathan Phillips is probably a Stolen Valor poseur--While he might have had wartime service in the military during the period that Vietnam was going on, it's highly unlikely that he's someone who was actually in Vietnam, and with him claiming to be a "Recon Ranger", as a Marine...? Yeah; that's a marker for someone who is lying their ass off. There were damn near zero enlisted Marines with Ranger school qualifications, back in those days (true today, as well...) and the few there were were all career NCO types.

narciso said...

I was reminded of Billy valentines act in trading places,

cacimbo said...

Monday morning NPR hosts the drum beater who claims to have been harassed by the school boys. He is given great deference despite the fact there is now video evidence he is lying. What really disgusts me is the racism against whites is so deep that even though the "Israelites" had been insulting the Native Americans for an hour, the Native Americans opt to complain against a group of teens who did nothing based on the color of their skin.

FullMoon said...

Inga...Allie Oop said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Full moon, I always suspected you were nuts and a liar, now I have no doubt. I haven’t been commenting here for a decade. I didn’t start commenting here until 2011. So Full Loon, go get those comments you claim I made, post them here, I’d love to see them. Make sure you give a actual link that works, along with a quote. But you won’t be able to because there aren’t any.

Umm, nope, up to you to prove it didn't happen.

Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM

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