October 4, 2018

Trust the FBI! The FBI is the expert authority! Bring in the FBI! FBI!! FBI!!... ... The FBI did it wrong!

So annoying.

They cried out over and over for the FBI. The FBI was called in because it was supposedly neutral and expert and the proper authority. Then, when they didn't like what they got, they immediately flipped to saying the FBI didn't do it right.

I've seen this kind of game play before, and I when I see it, I get out my old Russ Feingold video:

"The game's not over until we win!"


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MadisonMan said...

Yup. Pretty much.

Unknown said...

It's going to be real interesting to see if the difference in reality vs the polls is as stark as the Presidential election was. I'm thinking Republicans are probably under represented significantly, same as then. Because confirmation bias is confirmed.

Unknown said...

Also, if Dems slam FBI, that does a lot to discredit the Mueller investigation results if they ever come in against Trump...

Henry said...

So the big complaint is that the FBI refused to investigate the meaning of boof? Is that right?

gerry said...

This has excellent amusement potential. If the Democrat Party elite are going to turn on the Democrat Party apparatchiks in the FBI, a lot of really stinky stuff may start leaking out of an FBI about certain aged Democrat twits.

The FBI seems to be quite skilled at leaking.

Nonapod said...

All this goal post movery must be exhausting.

Rob said...

Even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, Democrats can console themselves that their efforts have not been in vain. They have rallied their base, they may have discouraged Kavanaugh from being in a majority that reconsiders Roe v. Wade, and they have created a pretext to pack the court with additional justices whenever they control both the executive and legislative branches again. Not a bad month’s work.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Hey, they ordered a lynching not a whipping, dammit!

Michael K said...

Powerline linked to this blog with some analysis of this story.

First, this isn’t the first time the Dems have screwed Kavanaugh. His nomination to the DC circuit was held up for several years, first by general obstruction and later because Hillary Clinton wanted revenge for Kavanaugh’s role on Ken Starr’s team.

As a judge, though, Kavanaugh has not been highly partisan. He voted not to find Obamacare unconstitutional. He called the penalty a tax, which was the same rationale Roberts later used to salvage the Act.

Second, Kavanaugh is more likely to give left wing feminists a fair shake than Ginsburg was, at the time of her nomination, to give anti left wing non feminists a fair day in court. Ginsburg had been the chief litigator for a leftist women’s “defense” outfit. And as a Justice, sure enough, she has followed feminist orthodoxy to the letter.

Some other good points.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The real reason the collective left are going age shit over Kavanaugh is their fear of their corruption being stopped in the courts.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Roe v. Wade will never be reconsidered. It's odd that both sides cling to this delusion.

Eleanor said...

Anyone who thought the Democrats were going to be satisfied with the results of the FBI inquiries should go to the bridge sale in NYC this weekend. This was a CYA for the prima donnas in the Republican party and the Democrats who need to vote to confirm to save their own political lives. For some of them it's probably already too late. They should have voted last week.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OT: What is going on in MO?
Claire McCatkill(D) is the 3rd most corrupt female inside politics and her GOP opponent cannot crack ahead in the polls.

Does the GOP in MO use an ad agency that is secretly in the tank for the d-party?

Howard said...

Mueller needs to get on this STAT

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's not about Roe V Wade, it's about controlling everything with a corrupt totalitarian leftist iron fist - and the courts letting it happen.

iowan2 said...

When are Republicans going to explain that the full time investigators and lawyers of the Judiciary Committee, are better suited than the FBI to run down these rumors? All that has to happen is for Feinstein to ask the chairman. Grassley may piss down her leg when she does, but that's the bed she made for herself. Every single question from a reporter should start and end with the explanation that Senator Feinstein has refused to cooperate in joint, non-partisan investigations ran by the committee staff. Go find Feinstein.

PhilD said...

Comey redux, only in a different order.

Captain BillyBob said...

WOW!! Didn't see that coming.... said no one ever..

Gospace said...

Rob said...
Even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, Democrats can console themselves that their efforts have not been in vain. They have rallied their base,...."

They've rallied the Republican base, that's for sure.

Henry said...

Howard, Mueller doesn't go high enough. This is a case for International War Crimes tribunal. We will never have closure until Chile Eboe-Osuji himself investigates.

Rick said...

So annoying.

Like tides.

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bobb said...

Feingold admits abusing his sister.

Darrell said...

The FBI couldn't possibly do it right unless they investigated 'til Nov. 6th or 7th.

Darrell said...

The Red Dawn versus The Blue Wave of Death.
You decide.

MadTownGuy said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
"OT: What is going on in MO?
Claire McCatkill(D) is the 3rd most corrupt female inside politics and her GOP opponent cannot crack ahead in the polls.

Does the GOP in MO use an ad agency that is secretly in the tank for the d-party?

She has a history: Todd Akin.

John Borell said...

Please tell me none of the commenters here are surprised by this? I mean, who could have seen this coming last Friday?

Only every fucking person with two brain cells (i.e., even those with less than average/median intelligence).

Of fucking course they don't believe the FBI report.

It's almost like asking for an FBI investigation was only about a delay, not the truth.

Yes, this now has me swearing. I obviously lack the lawyerly (and I am one) tempremant to comment here :)

Meade said...

“Count every (DEM) ballot (at least twice)!!!”

“Every chad is sacred!”

rcocean said...

Its hard to believe the Democrat/WaPo/NYT flip-flops:

June 2016: The Hillary Email scandal is nothing - the Great FBI says So

November 2016: Comey and the FBI are terrible! They cost Hillary the Election

May 2017: Comey/FBI are heroes. Impeach Trump for firing him!

Last Week: The FBI must investigate Kavanaugh - they're great.
Now: The FBI is terrible. They're corrupt and controlled by Trump.

TrespassersW said...

When they say: "This FBI did it wrong!"
...what they mean is: "We didn't get the result we wanted!"

Just like...

When they say: "The Electoral College should be abolished!"
...what they mean is: "We didn't get the result we wanted!"

When they say: "People are voting against their self-interests!"
...what they mean is: "We didn't get the result we wanted!"

...etc., etc.

Seeing Red said...

Insty posts MN police won’t investigate Ellison because it’s a conflict of interest.

Call in the FBI!

Chris of Rights said...

Who didn't see this coming? If the report didn't totally confirm everything the Dems want us to believe, or couldn't at least be twisted in that direction, then they were definitely throwing the FBI under the bus.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
Mueller needs to get on this STAT

Mueller might be preoccupied with the DNC and FBI meetings to write the FISA warrants in 2016 before the election.

That should keep him busy.

A top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about collusion allegations before the 2016 election— and before the FBI got a search warrant targeting then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign, The Hill reported.

Former FBI general counsel James Baker met in fall 2016 with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm, The Hill’s John Solomon reported.

The firm was also used by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to pay Fusion GPS and ex-British spy Christopher Steele to compile a dossier allegedly showing Trump and Moscow were colluding to hijack the presidential election.

Nobody here but us chickens.

rcocean said...

James Roche -Kavanaugh's freshman roommate - is now denouncing the FBI Report because they didn't interview him.

He claims Kav "Lied about his drinking" - except Roche never went out and drank with Kavanaugh. The two "never socialized" after the first week.

He claims Ramirez is telling the truth. But wasn't there at the Dorm party, and never heard anybody talk about it - AT THE TIME.

What is the FBI supposed to learn from an interview?

rcocean said...

James Roche wrote several articles in Slate and comes off as a real asshole.

He hated his 3rd roommate, and while he was away, Roche moved all his furniture - out of his room - and into the hallway.

In Slate: He says "I wasn't close to him" and describes the furniture moving as a "Prank".

LOL. When you don't like someone, doing that is NOT a prank. Prank's are harmless jokes you play on YOUR FRIENDS.

Amadeus 48 said...

Heh. The only senator I contributed to in 2016 was Ron Johnson. Feingold RIP.

Browndog said...

Democrats have no rules, yet set all the rules. Republicans, as always, will bend over backwards trying to follow them.


tim in vermont said...

If only somebody had had the opportunity to bring this to the public’s attention weeks and weeks ago.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

oh FFS-- "They".
Annoyed at "they/them"? Really?? Who are 'they'?
'Name your oppressor'
but cant, because 'they' are the kindred CBF supporters

'They' are more than simply annoying. 'They' are destroying a man and a nation

rcocean said...

Roche claimed Kav did "black out". But of course, "black out" means you can't remember what happens when you drink. Its almost impossible for another person to know if you've "blacked out" unless you tell them.

Perhaps by "black out" he means "Passed Out".

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mccullough said...

The Left wants Kavanaugh's yearbook and high school and college drinking investigated like the Kennedy Assassination.

A lot of the people coming out of the woodwork on Kavanaugh are fucking College Professors. Ford, the "He threw Ice at a Guy" Weasel, this "I heard Third-Hand Kavanaugh Flashed his Junk at Ramirez in '84" Professor of Divinity.

College Professors. They have the credibility of Mafia Dons.

tim in vermont said...

I thought that Roche’s claim was that he “couldn’t imagine that he didn’t.”

MikeR said...

Well played by the Republicans. Now the Democrats are knocking the FBI, which they were counting on to take down Trump over Russian collusion? 'Course, maybe they realized somewhere along the way that that isn't happening...
Well played by the Democrats...

mccullough said...

Ramirez wants the FBI to put Kavanaugh's dick in a line-up. Or maybe just a photo array of dicks.

"Take your time, Ms. Ramirez. I know it's been 34 years and you were inebriated. But do you recognize the Dick that was in your face at the Dorm Party back in '84?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where's Strozk when you need him?

The left want a corrupt insider leftist politicized FBI to carry out their corruption. Next - they want the highest court in the land to cover for them.

rcocean said...

Kavanagh sure did know a lot of assholes at Yale. Imagine coming out of the woodwork to destroy a former roommate or classmate like they have.

Achilles said...

Romney would have caved and republican voters would have stayed home pissed.

Which is why he lost.

Trump fought the amoral shitheads and put them on display for all to see.

Which is why he won.

Even Bret Stephens is supporting Trump over this.

The midterms are going to be historic.

clint said...

Achilles said...

"The midterms are going to be historic."

Or at least histrionic.

gspencer said...

It's the EU way. "Countries will continue to vote until we get a YES on joining the EU. Then no more voting."

gilbar said...

'Course, maybe they realized somewhere along the way that that isn't happening...

The NYT has (apparently) had Trump's tax records FOR A YEAR!
Records that were Going To PROVE that Trump was bought and paid for by The Russians
The NYT didn't release them, FOR A YEAR!
Then they DID release them; right in the middle of the FBI's report on Brett.
Why would you wait? Why would you release NOW?

They've Clearly realized somewhere along the way that that isn't happening

Basil Duke said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home asked about the Missouri GOP and its inability to heave a long overdue harpoon into McCaskill's vitals. Although the state went big for Uncle Donnie in '16, Missouri's professional Republicans don't possess the blood lust for power necessary to defeat well-organized and Soros-funded machines like McCaskill's. That's why we got an obvious ding dong like Todd Akin. Hell, the GOP isn't even fielding a general election candidate for the St. Louis County Executive's race this year. (St. Louis County residents comprise 1/6th of the state's entire population.) Whereas our rural voters were viscerally disturbed by Hillary's decades-long history of leftwing bullshit, McCaskill is able - remarkably - to present herself (for a few months, every six years) as a fair-minded, non-partisan woman of the people. This despite the fact that she's a multi-millionaire whose personal wealth has exploded since she went to D.C., zips around the country in her own plane, and votes reliably with fellow Marxist globalists like Schumer, Harris and Feinstein. It is very, very frustrating. I am hopeful that this Kavanaugh war crime will shake enough people out of their stupor and kick that beast out of office.

Seeing Red said...

That Blue Wave keeps receding an inch.

bagoh20 said...

Do they still call it "St. Louis". I thought is was just Southern Chicago now.

bagoh20 said...

Do you think the Dems have the future goalpost locations mapped out in advance, or does it just come so very natural like they all share a single Borg mind?

Mike Sylwester said...

The FBI has six ways from Sunday at getting back at you !!!

mikee said...

Dear bagoh20: think not of the moving goalpost, think of the depth and quality of the slimy mud beneath it, required to keep it moving so very fast, so very far, so very easily.

iowan2 said...

Roche claimed Kav did "black out". But of course, "black out" means you can't remember what happens when you drink. Its almost impossible for another person to know if you've "blacked out" unless you tell them.

Perhaps by "black out" he means "Passed Out".

I have been pounding relentlessly on the this point. I 1st pointed this out when a college classmate that is a MD, make the very un-medical leap that she had seen Kavanaugh drunk, so he was lying when he said he never blacked out. Those attempting to slur Kavanaugh are quick to confuse drinking to much, with blacking out. Blackouts are not dependent on quantity of booze consumed.

Michael K said...

This despite the fact that she's a multi-millionaire whose personal wealth has exploded since she went to D.C.

Isn't it amazing how Democrats get rich in office ?

I saw today that Trump has lost a $ billion since elected.

Only Democrats and members of the uniparty get rich in government.

James K said...

Then, when they didn't like what they got, they immediately flipped to saying the FBI didn't do it right.

Kind of what they say about why Socialism never works. "They didn't do it right!"

Michael K said...

Blogger rcocean said...
Kavanagh sure did know a lot of assholes at Yale. Imagine coming out of the woodwork to destroy a former roommate or classmate like they have.

Harvard and Yale are asshole nurseries. Do you think those kids go there for an education ?

They go there to make "contacts" and get on the list for big money jobs in the east,

bagoh20 said...

I'm become of the mind that if you want more electoral success for the Right, you should support Dems doing exactly what they want as often as possible. That's how we got 1000 extra wins under Obama, and how we got Trump. I think it will now kill a historically expected blue wave as well. They act crazy and despite most of the media covering it up, Fox, talk radio, and the internet reach as many, if not more, people to shine a light on it. Most of us do not want to be ruled by the cray-cray.

MikeR said...

Did anyone notice that North and South Korea began removing land mines from the DMZ on Oct. 1? You can see youtube videos.
Biggest news in the world. Bad news, of course, for those who knew that North Korea was playing us again.

Night Owl said...

Well played by the Republicans. Now the Democrats are knocking the FBI, which they were counting on to take down Trump over Russian collusion? 'Course, maybe they realized somewhere along the way that that isn't happening...
Well played by the Democrats...

LOL! I was led to the same conclusion. This sums it up quite amusingly.

Kevin said...

The Senate Judiciary Committee’s top Democrat, Dianne Feinstein of California, says it appears the White House had “blocked the FBI from doing its job.”


bagoh20 said...

"Isn't it amazing how Democrats get rich in office ?

I saw today that Trump has lost a $ billion since elected."

The evil, narcissistic, money-hungry, Mr. Burns in the White House will be the first President to lose wealth in office. You would think that seeing that might make people reassess their prejudice, but I doubt it will.

mccullough said...

Most of the people he knew in high school, at Yale in college, and at Yale in law school have backed up Kavanaugh.

The denominator of decent people he knew at Yale from '83-'90 seems pretty high.

The numerator of petty assholes is pretty small. We know all their names. I've counted three of them. Ramirez. One of Kavanaugh's suite mates from freshman year, and this Divinity School Douchebag.

Ronan Farrow is a Broken Crusader. But he and the NY Times talked to a lot of Yalies. Only 3 trashed Kavanaugh. That speaks well of him and the school at the time.

Kevin said...

Then, when they didn't like what they got, they immediately flipped to saying the FBI didn't do it right.


Richard said...

rcocean said...
Kavanagh sure did know a lot of assholes at Yale. Imagine coming out of the woodwork to destroy a former roommate or classmate like they have.
He was surrounded by assholes

mccullough said...

The only one from his high school years who trashed Kavanaugh was Ford. The yearbook stuff was stupid. And Kavanaugh and some of his friends drank too much, like most of us did in high school.

He seems like he was a decent enough guy as a teenager.

Fernandinande said...

So the FBI is colluding with Russia to meddle in SC appointments?


Gunner said...

How could anyone have not predicted that this is what the Democratic/SJW Party would do?

wildswan said...

The Battle for Brett: Never have so few lied to so many about so much.

Pianoman said...

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

Larry J said...

Rob said...

Even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, Democrats can console themselves that their efforts have not been in vain. They have rallied their base, they may have discouraged Kavanaugh from being in a majority that reconsiders Roe v. Wade, and they have created a pretext to pack the court with additional justices whenever they control both the executive and legislative branches again. Not a bad month’s work.

The Republican base is also energized. Even the NeverTrumpers are showing some sign of brain activity for the first time in two years. They know that if the Democrats will go to such extremes to destroy Kavanaugh, they'd do the same thing to them. How he'll rule on the supreme court remains to be seen, but it wouldn't surprise me if he secretly said, "Yeah, fuck you" when weighing liberal issues. The Democrats are now effectively saying, "We lied about Kavanaugh. We did everything we could to not only stop his nomination but to destroy him as a person. We harassed his family. Now, he won't be fair to us! Whaaah!" Fuck them until they bleed.

Matt Sablan said...

So, which Dems that were waiting on the report will swap their votes if it is as exonerating as it sounds?

asfhgwt said...

There will be major blowback against the Dirty Dems now, ha ha!

bagoh20 said...

Kavanaugh's teenage drinking and other mild stuff the Dems are obsessed only made me more comfortable with him. He's too pristine for my taste even with that. I want judges who are more normal with a history of making mistakes and knowing that side of life. If you always did what you were supposed to, then you are not well balanced or well experienced with the life of people you will be affecting with your decisions.

Fernandinande said...

The FBI should've googled-up
Kavanaugh lived in a closet.

Rick said...

"Take your time, Ms. Ramirez. I know it's been 34 years and you were inebriated. But do you recognize the Dick that was in your face at the Dorm Party back in '84?"

Please, please can we call it a "tallywhacker"?

Basil Duke said...

Clarification: St. Louis City and St. Louis County are separate governmental entities. The city proper is a hopeless basket case, as one might expect when you understand that there's not a single Republican on its 28-member board of aldermen. Massive crime, constantly dwindling population, uncollected trash, a fetish for building bike lanes, etc. In other words: a reliable nest of McCaskill voters. St. Louis COUNTY, however, isn't completely lost - but it's getting there quickly. (Next January, three of the County Council's seven seats will be held by radical socialists - two of those members having recently defeated Irish pipefitter/union leaders.)

rehajm said...

Trump approval shoots to 50%.

Yancey Ward said...

On the effect this will have on the elections:

I live in Oak Ridge, TN (Anderson County). Trump won the town and the county fairly comfortably, though the county as a whole is less red than all the surrounding counties except for Knox which contains Knoxville and the University of Tennessee. During the election, however, it was rare to see a Trump sticker or yard sign- Hillary dominated both categories of political ads. However, yesterday on the way to the gym- a 10 minute drive- I saw two different cars with "Confirm Kavanaugh" scrawled in the back windows. Something has energized Trump's base in a way even his own campaign didn't do in this area.

Rick said...

If you always did what you were supposed to, then you are not well balanced or well experienced with the life of people you will be affecting with your decisions.

That would be more relevant for a trial judge.

Kevin said...

@KamalaHarris, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, doesn't understand the process to place members on the Supreme Court.

We need just 10,958 more people to reach our goal of one million against Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States. Will you add your name right now to show my colleagues the overwhelming opposition to his nomination across our country?

Just like electing the president, it has nothing to do with mob rule or the popular vote.

The old, white men who put the country together have once again let her down.

Michael K said...

Kavanaugh's teenage drinking and other mild stuff the Dems are obsessed only made me more comfortable with him.

Me too. I thought he was a squish that first hearing. Throwing ice at a guy mouthing off in bar convinced me. He's my guy.

bagoh20 said...

"Even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, Democrats can console themselves that their efforts have not been in vain. They have rallied their base, they may have discouraged Kavanaugh from being in a majority that reconsiders Roe v. Wade, and they have created a pretext to pack the court with additional justices whenever they control both the executive and legislative branches again. Not a bad month’s work."

I love this delusional mind of the left. The Left never learns from mistakes. That's a defect necessary for the ideology to survive. They did this because they cannot control themselves or their base. They had no choice, because this behavior has become who they are: no principles, over-turn any precedent, break any rule, lie, cheat, and steal if needed. They are currently in open revolt against the Constitution, law enforcement, working class Americans, small business, and the rights we used to cherish. They never really expect to suffer from their overreach. That's why they are so disaffected and surprised every time they lose. They can't see how ugly they are now, and when they do, they still can't help doing it again. Yes, keep believing this was a great week for y'all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bagoh - I like real people too.

If you actually rape a women (Bill Clinton) or leave a woman to drown thus committing vehicular manslaughter (Teddy Kennedy) - I'm not really cool with that.

Funny - the left are 100% cool with Teddy and Bill.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Basil Duke - someone needs to go to MO and kick some ass.

Claire McCatkill(D) is the 3rd most corrupt female in our government (behind DiFi and Hillary.)
Wake up MO voters. Please.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Basil Duke - Uncle Donnie needs to visit the state.

tcrosse said...

@KamalaHarris, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, doesn't understand the process to place members on the Supreme Court.

We need just 10,958 more people to reach our goal of one million against Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States. Will you add your name right now to show my colleagues the overwhelming opposition to his nomination across our country?

She must be campaigning in one of those benighted low-education backwaters.

Basil Duke said...

Uncle Donnie was here about a week ago, headlining a rally for Josh Hawley (McCaskill's opponent). Hopefully, he'll be able to come back about two days before the election. In the meantime, I'm still waiting for Hawley to hammer McCaskill on this Kavanaugh travesty. She tried to do a pre-emptive CYA by asserting that she's opposed to Kavanaugh because of some ill-defined ruling he made on "dark money," rather than because of Dr. Fraud's fairy tale. At the very least, he should get her on record, either defending or disavowing her fellow Senate Democrats' Kavanaugh Klown Show. He needs to expose her well-publicized endorsement of the "Dear Colleague" letter-inspired Title IX sex tribunals that have ruined young men's lives across the nation. (Claire is a BIG fan of these anti-male pogroms, because "women don't lie" and American colleges are nothing short of rape factories. And men suck.)

The Crack Emcee said...

"The game's not over until we win."

That's the game the NewAge is playing alright.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left will shame you if you dare say SHE LIED.


Bay Area Guy said...

The fever seems to have momentarily broken. But. Still need to vote. Nothing is guaranteed. You don't know what carrots and big-ass sticks the Left has dangled before Collins and Murkowski.

Those ladies are gonna be tested. Hope they have a spine.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Claire McCatkill(D) is the embodiment of DARK MONEY.
She's 3rd in line in that level of money grubbing.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Basil Duke - someone needs to go to MO and kick some ass.
Claire McCatkill(D) is the 3rd most corrupt female in our government (behind DiFi and Hillary.)
. . .

I disagree! Check this letter to the editor that miraculously appeared in a Hawaii newspaper's comment section:
Hirono would get destroyed in an FBI investigation. She is corrupt to the core. She got the shady Ko Olina developer on Oahu (who was at one time indicted for bribery) some 15 million in tax breaks then he “sells” her and her husband a special reserved luxury condo. instead of paying for it like everyone else would, the developer carries the mortgage (looks shady doesn’t it?). They didn’t even know how much they put down and said they paid him the down payment in cash. Normal people use escrow companies. Oh, it goes on and on. Her husband had the trucking contract for the Ko Olina development on a no bid contract. When asked about it, he said it was a verbal contract. Who has a verbal contract for hundreds of thousands of dollars with a shady developer? I could go on and on. She also rents office space in downtown Honolulu from the same developer put pays the rent to her husbands company that has the sub lease? Yes her husband is in trucking, property management and is or was the highest ranking Sheriff. The Democrats run the government so she’ll never be investigated and she knows it.

Michael K said...

Claire is a BIG fan of these anti-male pogroms,

McCaskill was the Senator who blocked the promotion of Susan Helms, former astronaut and LT General because she stopped an overzealous prosecutor JAG officer from ordering a dishonorable discharge for another officer accused by a female officer of sexual assault in the back seat of car while on a date.

The couple in the front seat said nothing happened. Helms allowed him to resign.

In 2013, Helms was nominated by President Barack Obama to become vice commander of the Air Force Space Command. Senator Claire McCaskill placed a permanent hold on the nomination because Helms had dismissed a charge of a sexual assault and punished Captain Herrera on a lesser charge leading to his dismissal from the USAF, in her role as the General Court-Martial Convening Authority, who is required to review all findings.[7][8] As Helms's lawyer explained, Helms felt the prosecution had failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.[9][10] Obama eventually withdrew Helms's nomination and she retired from the Air Force in 2014.

McCaskill is another rich Democrat. Funny how that happens.

Before her election to the U.S. Senate, McCaskill served as the 34th State Auditor of Missouri from 1999 to 2007. She previously served as Jackson County Prosecutor from 1993 to 1998 and as a member of the Missouri House of Representatives from 1983 to 1989

Obviously the source of her riches. Both parents were politicians.

Michael K said...

Collins said today she is voting yes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lewis -

Hawaiian democrats are a cut above when it comes to corruption.

No argument from me.

Achilles said...

Bay Area Guy said...
The fever seems to have momentarily broken. But. Still need to vote. Nothing is guaranteed. You don't know what carrots and big-ass sticks the Left has dangled before Collins and Murkowski.

Those ladies are gonna be tested. Hope they have a spine.


It would be just as good if Kavanaugh was voted down and all republicans that were voted no were cast out.

Then we could renominate him and vote on him in January with over 60 republicans.

Sasse needs to be primaried next opportunity no matter what he does.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lewis - where is Jeff Sessions. (I'm asking in general - not just you)

Lewis Wetzel said...

And Flake looks like he has gotten on board. Unless I am miscounting, that means that Kavanaugh is in.

n.n said...

Roe v. Wade (i.e. selective-child, recycled-child) is a human and civil rights issue but only a piece of the puzzle. The imperative is not abortion rites, which while they have a symbolic value and real profit potential, but the persistent value in political congruence and redistributive change enabled by the Twilight Amendment (i.e. the penumbra of precedents, preferred perceptions, and judicial legislation). Anyway, unlike slavery, one-child, and diversity (i.e. color judgments), the issue represents social progress, GDP increase, and democratic leverage, and reflects a minority normalization of a natural right. The wicked solution (i.e. selective-child, recycled-child) can only be temporarily addressed through another civil war, or sustained through education reform and moral conservation.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Achilles smacks me upside the head:

Yeah, I do agree the world doesn't end if BK is voted down, and weak-link Republicans are primaried.

But, I'd rather he be confirmed, now. This will demoralize the enemies, which is generally good for humanity.

Amadeus 48 said...

I said this before, but find out what Kavenaugh drinks and send a barrel of it to Sessions.

n.n said...

Now we will learn the practical limit of political congruence, and if possible is "=" to probable. If there will be an expansion of the Twilight Amendment and the so-called "living constitution" that selectively, politically gives and takes civil and human rights.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Many years ago a book was published that described the political corruption endemic in the 50th state, Land and Power in Hawaii. It explains how the state become corrupt, and why the feds don't seem to care. Basically, Hawaii is a small state, it is very far away, and everyone holds together.
There are explicitly racist laws and institutions in Hawaii that I would love to see investigated by the feds, but it ain't going to happen.
I could literally fill a blog with exposed and pardoned episodes of corruption in Hawaii. Typically, corruption is exposed (like, say, a state employee selling commercial driver licenses), but no one seems to remember who was in charge when the corruption began, or who authorized the corrupt act, and the newspapers aren't interested in pursuing the story.

rehajm said...

From the Twitterverse:

Trump's greatest gift is getting various institutions to make clear in obvious ways that they're as corrupt as he says they are.

CWJ said...


I can speak to the MO situation. The anti-Claire ads aren't bad. It's just that Josh Hawley isn't a strong candidate. Missouri's R's just aren't a strong bunch. Quite unfortunate to have a weak state team just as your state turns red on the national stage. If Claire votes to confirm, it'll save her for sure.

Matt Sablan said...

A. I think trying to bribe Collins was a bad move; it gave her a reason to LOOK for reasons to support Kavanaugh. Without the bribe, she may have probably gone with Trump Bad, and stopped there. But, with the bribe looming, she had to do due diligence. And with that, she can't vote against him when the FBI says he's good.

B. Kavanaugh will not be renominated. There's too many, non-crippled good options if he fails.

C. With Flake and Collins as yesses, I don't see him failing.

tim in vermont said...

You know that it’s getting into October and in a couple of weeks, Mueller is going to rouse himself for his hit job. Word is that he is winding down, letting people leave and not replacing them, laying people off, so to speak, though well connected Democrats like those on his staff will not go unrewarded for their work for the cause.

Francisco D said...

If 51 Republicans vote for Kavanaugh, as I suspect, look for 2-3 red state Senators to vote present.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But, I'd rather he be confirmed, now. This will demoralize the enemies, which is generally good for humanity.”

OH my, could you be any more wrong? This will energize “the enemies” even more than they already are.

ALP said...

I am too young to have experienced the 1960's like some here. So I ask you older folks - are you not gobsmacked to see Democrats pine for the authoritarian power of the FBI? I thought the FBI were a bunch of fascists? How did the FBI become the savior of the Democrats?

Amadeus 48 said...

A no vote from Manchin, Donnelley, Heitcamp, McCaskill, or Nelson could have serious consequences for them. A yes vote from Manchin, Donnelley, Heitcamp, McCaskill or Nelson could have seriious consequences for them. What will it be? The tiger or the cobra?

Big Mike said...

How did the FBI become the savior of the Democrats?

When they became the fascists (under the banner of antifacism, of course).

Achilles said...

Menendez is finished.

Everyone sees where this is going.

The only question is how much more violent will Inga and her violent little political tribe get after the elections.

Amadeus 48 said...

The only question is whether Murkowski and Flake will pair with Donnelley and Heitcamp so they don’t have to vote.

ALP said...

Michael K: Nobody here but us chickens.

I love that song!

Lewis Wetzel said...

OH my, could you be any more wrong? This will energize “the enemies” even more than they already are.
They were already maxed out when they tried to put Hillary in over Trump in 2016.

LA_Bob said...

They cried out over and over for the FBI. The FBI was called in because it was supposedly neutral and expert and the proper authority.

Just another Hail Mary delay.

Then, when they didn't like what they got, they immediately flipped to saying the FBI didn't do it right.

Incomplete! The game is over! The President wins!

Big Mike said...

@Amadeus, Heitkamp will vote against Kavanaugh. The polls say she’s already lost.

Achilles said...

Matthew Sablan said...
A. I think trying to bribe Collins was a bad move; it gave her a reason to LOOK for reasons to support Kavanaugh. Without the bribe, she may have probably gone with Trump Bad, and stopped there. But, with the bribe looming, she had to do due diligence. And with that, she can't vote against him when the FBI says he's good.


They should have quietly offered her a lifetime sinecure at some leftist slush fund.

It worked with Flake. If Flake was the 50th vote you know he would vote no.

B. Kavanaugh will not be renominated. There's too many, non-crippled good options if he fails.

You don't understand Trump and by extension you don't understand why Trump is president.

We do not reward the violent little shitheads. We defeat them.

C. With Flake and Collins as yesses, I don't see him failing.

Kavanaugh will get democrat votes.

Fabi said...

"They were already maxed out when they tried to put Hillary in over Trump in 2016."

They've been wearing their pissy hats and howling at the moon for two years; accomplishing nothing. The independents see this travesty plainly and it has backfired.

Achilles said...

Fabi said...
"They were already maxed out when they tried to put Hillary in over Trump in 2016."

They've been wearing their pissy hats and howling at the moon for two years; accomplishing nothing. The independents see this travesty plainly and it has backfired.

Along with record low unemployment, rising wages, over 4% growth, and record economic confidence and our first successful foreign policy administration in 3 decades the contrast could not be more stark.

Trump's greatest accomplishment was taking the mask off his enemies.

Our enemies.

Browndog said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But, I'd rather he be confirmed, now. This will demoralize the enemies, which is generally good for humanity.”

OH my, could you be any more wrong? This will energize “the enemies” even more than they already are.

Inga sounds like an establishment republican-

"If we don't do what the democrats want, we'll lose elections."

tim in vermont said...

The Incredible Carnac is handed an envelope. Holds it up to his turbaned forehead...

“A virgin” he says. He opens the envelope and reads:

“What do you call a twelve year old girl in New Jersey who can run faster than Bob Menendez?”

tim in vermont said...

This will energize “the enemies” even more than they already are.

There’s this thing that people call “The law of diminishing returns.” The Republicans needed to be energized, the Democrats just needed to not rile up the ‘deplorables.'

hombre said...

Sarah Hoyt linked recently on the Instapundit blog that she thought lefties were comprised of “equal parts idiots and evil people.” I agree, even if she has tempered this somewhat.

The “FBI game” is played by the evils for the benefit of the idiots. “Normals” observe with wonder and ask, rhetorically, “How can the integrity of the FBI be wholly dependent on it’s willingness to screw Republicans and whitewash Democrats?”

RMc said...

Roe v. Wade will never be reconsidered. It's odd that both sides cling to this delusion.

Fundraising, my friend, fundraising.

Michael K said...

Another pretty good analysis by Henninger.

It’s possible the Democrats are aligned with a deeper shift in the nation’s psyche. Despite a modern world created by precise algorithmic proofs, we may be entering a time driven more by inner mental states. Some are calling it an era of post-truth. For the law, I would call it an era of jury nullification. Chuck Schumer wants results without votes.>|

They are nuts

Big Mike said...

Over on another blog I read the lines "the Democratic strategy." Leaving aside that there's nothing at all "Democratic" about that party, the true oxymoron in this phrase is that there's any strategy to what they're doing. If the Democrats had the brains God gave a chipmunk they'd have quietly let the nomination go through and then quietly worked on him in the Georgetown cocktail parties to "evolve" the way Anthony Kennedy did. There is no strategic thinking here at all, just blind rage.

Fabi said...

"Along with record low unemployment, rising wages, over 4% growth, and record economic confidence and our first successful foreign policy administration in 3 decades the contrast could not be more stark."

What are things the MSM has tried to cover with a pillow and another to death?

In spite of their best efforts normal Americans can see the tangible results every week of their lives. I call it the concrete mixer test. There are so many on the road these days they're a menace!

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger ALP said...

"I am too young to have experienced the 1960's like some here. So I ask you older folks - are you not gobsmacked to see Democrats pine for the authoritarian power of the FBI? I thought the FBI were a bunch of fascists? How did the FBI become the savior of the Democrats?"

We seniors also remember Mao, Castro, Pol Pot and the Soviet Union. So no, the left's lust for power comes as no surprise. Their duplicity is no surprise either. They love being the establishment while pretending to be for the downtrodden.

Fabi said...

"another" should be smother.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Democrats just needed to not rile up the ‘deplorables.'”

Deplorables need to not rile up the Democrats and this will do it.

gahrie said...

I thought the FBI were a bunch of fascists? How did the FBI become the savior of the Democrats?"

The same way the Russians suddenly became the enemy...political desperation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is telling

‘Disgrace to survivors.’ Sara Gonzales’ thread detailing how she went from believing to disbelieving Ford.

Trumpit said...

It's terrible day when Linseed Grahamrod and Sing Along w/ Mitch rule the day. They will rue the day in the midterms when the Democrats take control of the Congress. Schlump the rump will be demolished! So it is written.

gahrie said...

There is no strategic thinking here at all, just blind rage.

It's more hysteria than rage.

tim in vermont said...

Deplorables need to not rile up the Democrats and this will do it

Right, you guys have had the dial set to 11 for two years, now you are going to crank it to 12. Got it. Did you ever study logarithms in school?

FIDO said...

You know, for decades the Republicans were the minority party, granted some deference by Democrats. "Well met my good gentlemen".

Shared burdens and such.

But times have been very good for far too long. One can excuse your snoring comrade when shells are exploding over your head. When he is the only irritant you have, well.

The Dems have gone crazy and have zero sense of introspection because the Press and their Moms keep telling them they are 'extra special good people'.

They need a bit of reality to hit them in the face. That big booger breathed bully to teach them that Little Lord Ellison isn't all that wonderful and special and that pulling little girls braids is a bad thing.

Francisco D said...

If the Democrats had the brains God gave a chipmunk they'd have quietly let the nomination go through and then quietly worked on him in the Georgetown cocktail parties to "evolve" the way Anthony Kennedy did.

Good point, Big Mike.

There is also the Linda Greenhouse effect to which he has been immunized.

I suspect that Brett Kavanaugh will be very particular about which Georgetown cocktail parties he attends, if any.

Aren't those fancy wine and cheese parties?

He is a beer guy.

Brian said...

The anti-Claire ads aren't bad. It's just that Josh Hawley isn't a strong candidate. Missouri's R's just aren't a strong bunch. Quite unfortunate to have a weak state team just as your state turns red on the national stage. If Claire votes to confirm, it'll save her for sure.

As a MO resident, I agree with you there. That being said it's early. I expect a few more rally's from Trump to the state. If she votes to confirm it probably guarantees it. Which is why I'm surprised she's already came out as a No.

Jim at said...

The only one from his high school years who trashed Kavanaugh was Ford.

Who didn't even go to school with him.

Amadeus 48 said...

Big Mike — you called it on Heitcamp. She’s a no.

Big Mike said...

Heitkamp has nothing left to lose except her ability to casually drop by the offices of old colleagues after she joins a K Street firm.

Matt Sablan said...

I just saw the "let's see if he floats" sarcasm from Graham. I... My God, I think they've finally realized the bad faith that we're dealing with here.

bagoh20 said...

" They will rue the day in the midterms when the Democrats take control of the Congress."

If the Dems took over they would do their worse no matter what the Republican did when they were in control. They always do whatever they want, even when warned about it as McConnell did before they used the nuclear option which they now regret. They just know how to break things and never make anything better. Nobody can stop them except the voters. They are like career criminals. The only thing you can do to prevent them from stealing and breaking stuff is to keep them away from it.

Browndog said...

Big Mike said...

Heitkamp has nothing left to lose except her ability to casually drop by the offices of old colleagues after she joins a K Street firm.

It used to be they were guaranteed a position with the Clinton Foundation. Like cockroaches they scattered, and created a number of new Soros funded 501c(3)'s for a soft landing when they commit political jihad for the cause.

Kevin said...

OH my, could you be any more wrong? This will energize “the enemies” even more than they already are.

Trump acting in accordance with his Constitutionally-appointed powers?

A majority of the Senate ratifying his decision?

Half the country "energized" by this lawful exercise?

One of these things is not like the others.

stlcdr said...

Overheard from the democrat watercooler; the FBI is under the control of republicans - why else has there been no evidence of Trump/Russian collusion?

Matt Sablan said...

"The FBI didn't talk to the witnesses!"

"The ones that say there was never a party?"

"No! The witnesses who weren't there!" -- Real arguments I'm seeing elsewhere.

Bilwick said...

I'm guessing that the new FBI tv show is faithful Hive agitprop apparatchik David Wolf's attempt to rehabilitate the reputation of the FBI, an organization "liberals" once reacted to with fear and loathing. Now that they're in open opposition to Trump and part of the Deep State, they're the good guys!

Matt Sablan said...

And just saw the report that along with doxxing Senators, the unpaid intern was going to release their kid's medical information.

Yeah... Kavanaugh's getting confirmed with the full Republican roster, minimum, because you can't let crazy go unchecked.

bleh said...

So, what have we learned? That Kavanaugh was a jock in high school and enjoyed socializing with his pals and drinking beer?

Not that it should matter, but there's plenty of corroboration that Kavanaugh was telling the truth about FFFFFF, Devil's Triangle and boofing. If his critics were honest, they would also recognize he told the truth when he said he sometimes drank to excess. Oh, but he denied ever blacking out, and everyone knows that's a damned lie because reasons.

This is unbelievable. Liberals have lost their damn minds. If I were a cynical asshole I would hope this circus doesn't end until after the mid-terms, but I actually hope it ends Sunday evening with his confirmation. He and his family have been through enough. Time to get on the Court and own the libs for decades.

bleh said...

The Swetnick/Avenatti gang rape allegation gave rise to a pizzagate-style conspiracy on the Left, but the difference is supposedly respectable individuals and institutions took the theory seriously because they were so opposed to Kavanaugh. They investigated words and phrases used in Georgetown Prep yearbooks to see if they could prove that Kavanaugh and his buddies were spiking punch bowls to gang rape unsuspecting girls who came to their parties. These high school athletes were part of a sinister gang rape cult-like group with their own language and rituals. Those privileged entitled white boys, etc.

The fever hasn't broken yet, though.

steve uhr said...

the FBI is investigating whether person A assaulted person B. And they don't bother to talk to person A or person B. I'm sure they wanted to but the client, The White House, said nope. Not the FBI's fault that the investigation was a sham.

Michael K said...

Not the FBI's fault that the investigation was a sham.

Why lie ? You know better. Do you have to follow the DNC line for the rubes even here ?

We know better and so do you.

Matt Sablan said...

"And they don't bother to talk to person A or person B."

-- That's nonsense. In this case, both Person A and Person B have already testified, under oath, extensively. Kavanaugh's statement is it didn't happen; Ford said she had nothing more to add.

There is no reason to interview them again.

Matt Sablan said...

Also, if Ford really wants to make a statement, Maryland police have said they'll investigate if she files a claim. So, go to, if you really want her to swear out another testimony, she's free to do so.

chuck said...

The media is here to chew bubble gum and tell lies, and they are all out of bubble gum.

@steve uhr

You really don't want Ford to be seriously questioned under oath, she has already told enough lies to get in trouble and things can only get worse.

Drago said...

"Not the FBI's fault that the investigation was a sham."


We already have everyone on the record and under oath and penalty of perjury.

What a dope you are.

bleh said...

So the new liberal conspiracy theory is the White House ordered the FBI to "stand down" and not interview the two witnesses who testified publicly before the Senate just last week?

PM said...

At this point, it might become the Blue Waif.

Francisco D said...

From Richard "Stolen Valor" Blumenthal on the FBI investigation:

I’ve seen the report. I want to re-read parts of it. But my very emphatic impression is that this set of interviews is at best, most charitably, woefully incomplete. To put it bluntly, it smacks of a whitewash, even a cover-up.

tcrosse said...

The vehemence of Uhr's denial that he voted for Hillary Clinton does not speak well for his temperament.

Spiros Pappas said...

Sometimes the cover up is worse than the crime. That's why Lindsey and the boys didn't want the FBI to question Mr. Kavanaugh. Of course, Kavanaugh has the right to remain silent, but this ridiculous man has been shooting off his mouth. Dumb ass conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton and George Soros (or "he who must not be named") and ridiculous lies about Deborah Ramirez ("I just found out!!!"). Kavanaugh would have lied to the FBI. And that's a bad idea. Ask Rod Blagojevich, Scooter Libby, Bernard Madoff, Martha Stewart, and Jeffrey Skilling!!!

Drago said...

tcrosse: "The vehemence of Uhr's denial that he voted for Hillary Clinton does not speak well for his temperament."

He doth protest too much, me thinks.

And equal in vehemence to LLR Chuck's vehemence in claiming to have voted for Trump...


sinz52 said...

Uhr: "Not the FBI's fault that the investigation was a sham"

The FBI's job is to collect evidence. Not parse Kavanaugh's statements endlessly.

Matt Sablan said...

When we had FBI agents writing each other about why they weren't going to pinch Clinton's tech guy for lying to them: Thoroughly done.

When the FBI reviewed the sworn statements of a bunch of people who just gave them a few days ago, in public, to the Senate: Coverup!

Matt Sablan said...

"ridiculous lies about Deborah Ramirez ("I just found out!!!")"

-- You realize this alleged lie is debunked by... reading the full transcript, right?

Michael K said...

That's why Lindsey and the boys didn't want the FBI to question Mr. Kavanaugh.

Now, I'm back to assuming you are a bot. Do you speak Russian ?

tim in vermont said...

I would think that steve uhr would be happy. Now that he will be confirmed, it will turn out a damp squib because in a couple of years the truth will come out and he will be impeached and removed. Trust me, if he can be demonstrated to have lied to the Senate, R’s in the Senate.will vote to remove, we are not Democrats. You guys will have, of course, defeated Trump and you guys get to replace the Kennedy vacancy yourselves. Just sit back and wait...

tim in vermont said...


Spiros Pappas said...

Mr. Sablan, I believe that lies are something like a slippery slope. That all the small, stupid lies Mr. Kavanaugh made about "boofing," his slurs around this Renate woman, his blackouts, etc., etc., made it easier for him to tell some whoppers. For example, text messages between Kavanaugh and two of his friends (Kerry Berchem and Karen Yarasavage) obviously suggest that he knew about the Ramirez allegation in advance of the New Yorker article! Wow!!!!

I don't know. Maybe Mr. Kavanaugh believes his awful lies. And maybe Soros and Hillary are really out to get him. But I think the truth is much simpler. Mr. Kavanaugh was caught doing something NO Supreme Court Justice should ever do. And his lies are a desperate attempt at self-preservation. It's just sad.

tim in vermont said...

Anybody who thinks that motivated thinking is not a thing, look at Sprios Pappas post.

bleh said...

It's going to be soooooooooo great when RBG's seat becomes available and Trump pushes through another rock-solid conservative. Trump may not be much of a conservative himself, but he's moving the judiciary in a conservative direction for a generation. Good for him.

I'm so glad he, Kavanaugh and (most of) the Senate GOP stuck to their guns on this. Backing down would have been an atrocious move.

bleh said...

"Spiros Pappas said...

Mr. Sablan, I believe that lies are something like a slippery slope. That all the small, stupid lies Mr. Kavanaugh made about "boofing," his slurs around this Renate woman, his blackouts, etc., etc., made it easier for him to tell some whoppers. For example, text messages between Kavanaugh and two of his friends (Kerry Berchem and Karen Yarasavage) obviously suggest that he knew about the Ramirez allegation in advance of the New Yorker article! Wow!!!!

I don't know. Maybe Mr. Kavanaugh believes his awful lies. And maybe Soros and Hillary are really out to get him. But I think the truth is much simpler. Mr. Kavanaugh was caught doing something NO Supreme Court Justice should ever do. And his lies are a desperate attempt at self-preservation. It's just sad."

So, to be clear, Devil's Triangle is no longer a lie, correct?

Yancey Ward said...

Steve Uhr and Inga sound like they have been locked in a room with a boofer.

Yancey Ward said...

Spiros is an expert on boofing?

iowan2 said...

Spiros Pappas said...
Sometimes the cover up is worse than the crime. That's why Lindsey and the boys didn't want the FBI to question Mr. Kavanaugh. Of course, Kavanaugh has the right to remain silent

Here's a little fact, redundent to those that care enough to learn the facts, but lost on those that are only capable of repeating talking points gleaned from others

The FBI doing a background check has no power to compel a person to talk to them at all. The FBI is not doing a criminal investigation, they are not setting purjury traps. They take a statement, write it up, put it in a file and deliver it to the White House, and the Senate Judiciary committee.

Buy contrast, the Judiciary committee investigators can force a person to talk under threat of subpoena. But since the Democrat party blew up the process, sat on the accusation for 7 weeks, and then leaked it, without telling the Chairman, you get the defanged version of G men playing nice.

The Vault Dweller said...

The Democrats instinct to lie to try to appear as noble as possible for their opposition to Kavanaugh is going to screw them in November. Polls are already showing the Democrat's lead has vanished, this debacle is going to energize the Republicans and depress many fair minded Democratic voters. All the Democrats had to do was be honest. Just say, "I'm sorry Judge Kavanaugh, but I'm worried that given your writings and judicial philosophy you might vote in ways that jeopardize rights my constituents care very deeply about." The Democratic base would have been fine with that. The squishy middle would have been fine with that. Even Republicans would have been fine with that, since that is exactly what the Republicans did with Merrick Garland.

But nope, it is apparently just in the Democrat politician's nature to always have to lie and spin things to appear as if they are ever so noble or facing the literal worst possible type of opponent imaginable. I'm reminded of the parable of the frog and scorpion.

Matt Sablan said...

Boofing has been corroborated as meaning to Kavanaugh what he claimed it meant. Same with the Triangle. What other alleged lies are left?

Yancey Ward said...

Ford was never going to agree to an interview with the FBI if they had asked her- the purpose was to do exactly what she and her lawyers did with the Judiciary Committee- conduct an open ended negotiation strategy setting conditions that weren't going to be agreed to, of accepting a date past this week, and then negotiating from there. The Judiciary Committee, however, called her bet, so she face going to the hearing, or having Kavanaugh confirmed early last week. After Kavanaugh ably defended himself, we were back the string people along strategy. The Senate leadership didn't call the bet, they raised her out of the pot.

Yancey Ward said...

I am a year younger than Kavanaugh, so both of us grew up in the pretty much the same American culture, though his world was more suburban and wealthy than my boon-dock's lower middle class one was. The idea that the phrases in a high school yearbook meant anal sex and three-ways seemed pretty damned unlikely to me. I mean, this was way before the age of the internet- it really was a different world then.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Deplorables need to not rile up the Democrats and this will do it.

This is a strange formulation, even for someone as clueless and venal as Inga. Before Trump was even elected Hillary was calling us middle-Americans deplorable for nothing more than she expected us to vote against her. We didn’t riot. We didn’t burn shit down. We didn’t knit penis hats and fill the streets. We just voted for the other guy. That’s all. But y’all are extremely slow learners so you didn’t pick up on the undercurrent of anger building as Democrats threw wrenches into nominations (long long before Kavanaugh) slow-walked others and generally behaved like spoiled entitled brats. Sore losers, unable to stop the natural transition of power. I American in concept and execution.

So I am not surprised to see Inga try to fling the “you riled us up” back at us normal Americans. She specializes in “I’m rubber and you’re glue it bounces off me and sticks to you” in these comment threads. But really, when your allies (ally oop) are so riled up already, there is no threat to us when you bleat such an anodyne warning. You literally cannot go higher. You’ve had pussy-hatted women screaming in the streets, antics fascists bullying and setting fire to shit, and screaming harpies infesting the Judiciary Committee and even its recesses. There is nothing left in the arse al short of war ( and we know how progs hate war) so there is nothing for you and your losing psychopathic allies (ally oop) to do other than self-immolation or acceptance.

But you WON’T accept reality will you?

Michael K said...

Blogger Spiros Pappas said...
Mr. Sablan, I believe that lies are something like a slippery slope.

Why do you use them, then ? Try not to look as stupid as Inga or as crazy as trumpit.

Unless you can't help it, of course.

Michael K said...

I always thought "The Devil's Triangle" was the pussy.

Men have been known to disappear there,

Big Mike said...

iowan2 (4:24) is correct as far as it goes, however any statements you make to the FBI are made under oath and if you're lying then it can be pretty rough on you.

tim in vermont said...

Boofing has been corroborated as meaning to Kavanaugh what he claimed it meant. Same with the Triangle.

Do you have a link? I don’t doubt it, but I would still be interested. I figure that the only chance they have is to find the term used on a ‘70s era Hustler, which, at the time, was the only rag that far out into the depths of porn. A letter to Penthouse that uses the terms would suffice.

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
iowan2 (4:24) is correct as far as it goes, however any statements you make to the FBI are made under oath and if you're lying then it can be pretty rough on you.

Yeah and the beauty, or perhaps perversity depending on your point of view, is that 18 U.S. Code § 1001, has consecutive sentencing not concurrent. So those 10 individual lies you told the Feds, each carry a 1 year term which means you are in prison for 10 years total, not just serving ten individual 1 year sentences at the same time.

Rusty said...

Steve. Where is your proof the investigation was a sham?

walter said...

Chuggernauts sayyyysssss:

Maybe the Resistance stage a Boof-In during Flake's upcoming elevator rides.
Though..he may be taking the stairs these days.

tim in vermont said...

Four of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s former Georgetown Prep classmates said “Devil’s Triangle” was a drinking game.
Two former Boston College students said their roommate, a high school classmate of Kavanaugh’s, taught them the game.
A Georgetown Prep alumnus corroborated Kavanaugh’s claim that ‘boofing’ refered to flatulence.
. - Daily Caller

Yancey Ward said...

They didn't interview witnesses like Steve.

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim at said...

Sometimes the cover up is worse than the crime.

Yeah. Especially when there's no fucking crime.

tim in vermont said...

The Chuggernauts page is an anti-Kavanaugh thing, BTW.

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