August 7, 2018

"(1) This is absolutely the first stage in a coordinated plan to deplatform everyone on the right. It’s not really about Alex Jones at all."

"(2) Aside from its free-speech* implications, which are serious indeed, this also looks like an antitrust violation: Media companies, which compete with Jones for eyeballs, colluded to get other media companies to shut him down. Were I Jones, I’d file an antitrust suit. This is more than arguably conspiracy in restraint of trade (and possibly a conspiracy to deprive him of civil rights). (3) This is proof that we need to break up these big tech companies, which exercise way too much power via their near-monopolies. That they coordinate in the abuse of those monopolies only makes it clearer."

Writes Glenn Reynolds. Here's the footnote, which deals with something I've written about on this blog a lot over the years:
* Note that I say “free speech” and not “First Amendment.” The First Amendment only limits government, but “free speech” is — or at least until very recently was — a broader social value in favor of not shutting people up just because we don’t like their ideas or politics. As for the “private companies can do what they want,” well, that’s not the law, or the custom, and hasn’t been for a long time. It’s especially not true where the companies have, as these companies have, affirmatively represented to users and shareholders that they don’t discriminate based on viewpoints.
Here's a post from last March where I collected a lot of my older posts about free speech values extending beyond the rights we hold against government.

Glenn writes "Were I Jones, I’d file an antitrust suit." Is Jones working on that? He said (via MacDailyNews):
I’ve had a lot of top lawyers call me today and say, “Alex, we need to sue Apple. We need to sue all these groups that clearly are involved in cut and dry antitrust activities, working with other companies to delist you and block you from the marketplace of ideas, so, then when they demonize you, you don’t have a way to respond to them and they can destroy you and then, with that model, move on against everybody else.”


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traditionalguy said...

Protecting Americans from speech and writings asserting truths is impossible. That only works in Police States. People willhave to judge the evidence presented for themselves.

And as bad as Jones comes across in his a fearless fighter shtick , his presentations are roughly 40% factual and 60% made up. But you need to compare that to the Main Stream Media and Hollywood Propaganda Professionals who come in around 10 % factual and 90% made up.

The Crack Emcee said...

Come on, try and convince me we don't have to start making a concerted effort to establish what's real and what's not in this country.


The Crack Emcee said...

traditionalguy said...

"Protecting Americans from speech and writings asserting truths is impossible."

Bullshit, Tg - Hey, Buddy! - we have lost touch with established truth since the 60s, but that doesn't mean it went away or can't be detected. Just because some have dec idea the parameters of reality don't exist doesn't make it so. It never went anywhere. They just ruled the roost to ignore it.

THAT'S how fascism worked for Hitler. It's no different for GOOP and Alex Jones.

mccullough said...

They don’t lose the safe harbor by monitoring comments/content and deleting/banning or suspending. Neither does Althouse who, to her credit, does very little of this.

Instapundit is right that getting Congress to break up these companies is the solution. Lawsuits are going nowhere. Maybe Sessions can wake up from his nap and do something. He’s pretty useless.

Drago said...

CE: "I can join the Democrats for this."



Drago said...

CE: "THAT'S how fascism worked for Hitler."


Not even close.

Sprezzatura said...

Often (so-called, aka self-identified) cons like to say that they're sitting back and making popped corn cause libs are losing their minds.


Sprezzatura said...

Good times at Meadehouse.

narciso said...

When the bureau relied on a slimy witness to nab Sen. Stevens with falsified evidence, it worked in part because his handler 'had the hits for him, a,bureau whistleblower pointed that out.

Sprezzatura said...

Silly people perform.

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...

CE: "THAT'S how fascism worked for Hitler."


Not even close.

Bullshit again. Hitler believed the same mystical NewAge bullshit and thrust it on society just like Gwyneth Paltrow. It was the underpinning of the Reich. Himmler and Hess and Goebbells were total NewAgers. They even had yoga for the guards in concentration camps.

Defending Alex Jones is defending wrong.

Drago said...

CE: "Bullshit again. Hitler believed the same mystical NewAge bullshit and thrust it on society just like Gwyneth Paltrow."

Oooooookkaaaaaayyyyy...(backs away slowly)....

JackWayne said...

Who’s defending Alex Jones? I see commenters defending his right to speak. You are the one denying his right to speak.

Sprezzatura said...

"When the bureau relied on a slimy witness to nab Sen. Stevens"

Deep state got Larry Craig too.

Tried for Vitter. But he got away.

The Crack Emcee said...

Haven't you guys read "Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History" yet? I've been explaining it to you for over a decade now.

Stop encouraging it.

Drago said...

Uh Jack, I, uh, would recommend letting this one go...

The Crack Emcee said...

Jack Wayne said...

"Who’s defending Alex Jones? I see commenters defending his right to speak. You are the one denying his right to speak."

You guys seem to confuse the right to speak with the right to lie. That's why I can't trust what you say.

Drago said...

CE: "I've been explaining it to you for over a decade now."

Aaaaaannnddd there he goes. The Full LLR Chuck, after going the Full Inga.

The Crack Emcee said...

Laura Ingraham is on FOX and there's a picture of Farrakhan on the screen with her.

I'm a fucking genius.

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...

"Aaaaaannnddd there he goes. The Full LLR Chuck, after going the Full Inga."

No one feels like they have to be humble in your presence. As a matter of fact, the more you talk, the smarter others feel.

JackWayne said...

Drago, couldn’t help myself. The spectacle of Crack wanting to be the Minister of Justice while misrepresenting the discussion at hand was illuminating.

Drago said...

Minister of Justice AND Minister of "Truth".....

More like Minister of Improper Meds...

The Crack Emcee said...

Can anybody explain to me why conservatives only get mad at Farrakhan for what he says about the Jews? He's feeding blacks into Scientology. Isn't that worthy of some condemnation, Oh great "We Freed The Slaves" people?

It makes no sense, except as racist bullshit. They just don't care about anyone but the Jews....

narciso said...

Well funny thing about that, he's now working for deripashas, manafort s patron for mercury, the firm that had previously handled the account

JackWayne said...

Crack, it’s obvious to me that a Right of Free Speech implies that speech can either be the Truth, a Lie or Something In-between.

Vance said...

So Crack: Exactly when do we stand up against the left's censorship crusade? "Alex Jones should be banned!" And then when they come after Ron Paul, which they have... you gonna stand up for Ron Paul? Likely not. How about his son Rand, a US Senator--should HE be banned? What's the line between those whom we should all cast out and those who should not? And more importantly, who gets to decide what that line is? Inga and company say the line is "if you don't support Nancy Pelosi, your speech should be banned!" You are saying that Alex Jones should be banned. I presume you would not go as far as Inga.

So draw the line. Give me some principles. What justifies eliminating someone from the internet like Alex Jones just got, and what prevents the Inga's of the world from doing that to me?

Because here is the brutal truth: In Inga and her friends minds, there is no difference, none at all, between Mitt Romney and Alex Jones. They will just as enthusiastically ban Romney as they did Jones. They will happily burn Clarence Thomas at the stake and congratulate themselves for their good deed. Thomas Sowell as well.

Where's the line between picking up the torch and burning Jones, as you've done, and burning down Romney, or Paul Ryan? Inga and company want to do both of those. Do you agree? Give me the principles, man! Who do we throw to the Democrats to destroy? Ace of Spades? Allah pundit? Ann Althouse? Equally valid targets to the left, as Inga's diatribe against Althouse recently shows. She literally sees no difference, none at all between us and those who fall for Jones's stuff.

You say that some speech is worth banning. That some people should be silenced. And you are giving that power to the left to make that decision. I stand to defend Alex Jones, not because I like him or agree with him, but because I know that I'm next. And saying that Jones should be silenced but I should not is like the woman saying she's not a whore but she'll sleep with you for a million: We've established what you are, we are just negotiating over the price. I don't want to establish that I support banning political speech of people I disagree with. Because how then can I defend against my speech, or Rush Limbaugh's speech, or any others speech, from being silenced? I've already agreed that "offensive" speech should be silenced. And Inga will tell you that everyone on the right is offensive. So why not silence them all?

Drago said...

CE: "Can anybody explain to me why conservatives only get mad at Farrakhan for what he says about the Jews?"

More made up stuff.

Links? Evidence?

None. said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

Alex Jones deserves no protection for his crimes.

"Crimes" requires a law be broken.

What law(s) has Jones broken?

John Henry

narciso said...

Facebook kept commie vandals, and Farrakhan who is not merely antisemitic, but was an ally of qaddaffi when he was funding terrorists.

The Crack Emcee said...

Vance said...

All you guys are arguing for is the right to abuse people.

traditionalguy said...

Welcome back my oldfriend Crack. By all means hold on to your opinions. But also consider that destroying our free speech to save us from bad speech is a proven loser. You seem to be seeing an emergency that requires a declaration of Martial Law. But that is a police State. said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

Haven't you guys read "Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History" yet? I've been explaining it to you for over a decade now.

I had not but, on your recommendation, just downloaded the sample. If it's good, I'll buy the book. Maybe.

John Henry

Big Mike said...

And, as far as I'm concerned, if you dislike the dethroning of Alex Jones, then you like the chaos and fraud his misinformation and bogus enterprises engender in America

Sorry, Crack, but I prefer the chaos and fraud and misinformation to censorship. I was raised in a time when the standard belief was that there is no such thing as benign censorship. Nothing I've seen in the fifty plus years I have been an adult has caused me to change that position.

The Crack Emcee said...

I've seen the result of your little free-for-all and you're destroying lives. There is an objective truth, and laws of the books for fraud - which should be enforced.

All you guys are encouraging is crime and a disrespect for the truth. You're also robbing life of meaning with this nonsensical lack of regard for reality.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...

"Sorry, Crack, but I prefer the chaos and fraud and misinformation"

Don't forget the death and divorce and arguments and financial ruin and much, much more. That's what you're rooting for. I've seen it. My word meant nothing against the combined force of Oprah, Dr. Oz, Ellen, and all the rest, constantly lying. Constantly encouraging women to go to psychics and people to talk to the dead and all the rest. Fuck that.

You're all the reason this p[lace has gone to Hell.

narciso said...

Back in the day, some of Farrakhans fans in the Blackstone rangers formed el rukn, a coffee clatch complete with rocket launchers

Darrell said...

Ted Cruz wants Trump to help in TX

Chuck weeps.

Drago said...

CE: "You're all the reason this p[lace has gone to Hell."

In a handbasket.

Get it right amigo. Capisce?

Drago said...

CE: "I've seen the result of your little free-for-all and you're destroying lives"

Citizens arrest!!!

JackWayne said...

Define Objective Truth. Can’t be done in my opinion. Further, imagine a world where every lie was treated as a criminal offense. Who would not be in that jail?

Drago said...

"You seem to be seeing an emergency that requires a declaration of Martial Law. But that is a police State."

Uh, yeah. Thats what self-appointed Ministers of "Truth" do...

President-Mom-Jeans said...

A formerly homeless racist who thinks its fine to kill white cops, a retard who flunked out of college, and a fat old cunt who lies about offspring and tried to run a disability scam walk into a blog post. . .

The punchline? That's not funny, and has been de-platformed.

narciso said...

And balderson won and Cortez fave in Michigan lost.

langford peel said...

About 20% of what Alex Jones spouts is true.

Which means it is ten times more than what the main stream media comes up with that's for shit sure.

They can't stand the competition so they have to shut it down.

narciso said...

Sorry saul, so did John james.

Vance said...

And who decides what is "Truth" Crack? The left asserts that Marxism is Truth, and everything to the contrary is a lie and should be banished.

Climate Change: You support the efforts of the left to ban "dissent" I presume? After all, they claim to have the scientific truth and never shall it be challenged.

Ask a variety of militant atheists if God is real. They will assure you that the "Truth" is that all religion is a lie. Poof: Goodbye, Bible! You ok with that? Or the converse: I and millions of other regard it as Truth that God exists. Should we ban Atheism?

Truth is knowledge of things as they really are, really have been, and will be in the future. The left and the right both claim that their views are "truth."

You seem to identify with the left's version of "Truth" at least right now. I reject their "truth" for it is at its core lies.

Darrell said...

All of Occasional-Cortex's picks lost.
She still swell, though! said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

All you guys are encouraging is crime and a disrespect for the truth.

Again I ask, what is the crime? What law has Jones broken? Or what law do you think he has broken since he is, or should be, innocent unless found guilty of breaking a law.

John Henry

Drago said...

"Again I ask, what is the crime?"

Not agreeing with the left lunatics.

Defeating democrats.

Believing in the Constitution.

The above as well as other heinous transgressions.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


You seem to imagine a lot of what Inga is saying. Do you hear her in your head?

narciso said...

Speaking in the third person is distressing:

The Crack Emcee said...

It's funny: when you send your kids to school, you know what truth is then - or do you send them there to be lied to? Why must our adult lives be this constant second-guessing of that education afterwards? Because, unlike the kids, you refuse to grow up and take responsibility for your country, that's why. Your minds have become so open your brains have fallen out. You don't mind the enemies of reason - you want THEM to be free - and the rest of us to be their hostages.

You're wrong. You're quite simply wrong.

grackle said...

There's already a cultural backlash against social media, and it's going to get worse.


If they are deleting content they disagree with, they agree with the content they do not delete.

Another yep for the above insightful epigram.

“Hate speech” and “community standards” are code words for “speech we don’t want to have to deal with.” If you want “safety,” then learn to live with challenges.


Drago, allow me to say the same thing in a slightly different way:

Alex Jones is targeted because he is on the hard to defend fringe of the anti-Progressive forces and thus an easy target. This first particular banning is to embed the idea in the public consciousness that banning rightward is normal and good. If this succeeds they’ll start moving against the more palatable and thus more dangerous figures like Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogen and Ben Shapiro.

I think they may also be hoping that this ban will chill the speech of other anti-Progressives. If so – they are very, very wrong.

Why can't anybody see Alex Jones for the liar he is and wave goodbye?

Crack, did Jones lie or was he simply mistaken? It’s not a lie if someone believes, however stupidly, what they are saying. I don’t LIKE Jones either but I cannot read his mind. My fear is that if I wave goodbye to Jones I will soon be waving goodbye to many others that I value and view often.

I have read only the first couple of hundred comments. I am assuming that most of the remaining comments are similar in theme after the ad hominem is skipped over.

Howard said...

Since Jones banned by private companies and the free markets know best how to choke out waste and inefficiency using invisible hands, conservatives just need to bootstrap up their own google, facebook, twitter... problem solved.

dienw said...

To the extent these companies are funded by the government whether overtly or covertly, they are not private entities.

Howard said...

backlash against socialist media good thing, market forces, what are you conservative entrepemanures complaining about?

Howard said...

dienw: you are making the same point as the regulatory deep state command and control beaurocraps use all the time to control your bathroom habits

The Crack Emcee said...

grackle said...
There's already a cultural backlash against social media, and it's going to get worse.

"Crack, did Jones lie or was he simply mistaken? It’s not a lie if someone believes, however stupidly, what they are saying."

He has admitted - in court - it's all a scam. He did so to try and keep his kids because, if he didn't, he was going to lose therm for what?

Being a crazy liar.

I thought conservatives and Republicans hated crime and dishonesty. I must have joined the wrong team.

Howard said...

free market conservatives calling for nationalization of corporations to fund their conspiracy vomit

Howard said...

being a liar is not a crime. alex jones is not making any claims of being an authority on anything.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

They like small government until they don’t. They’d force those private companies to change their internal policies.

Vance said...

What's the solution, Crack? You advocate banning and silencing speech that isn't "truthful". But you aren't here advocating banning and silencing leftists like Markos or CNN. No, you are promoting silencing Alex Jones, and when it's pointed out to you that the left is silencing a lot more than Alex Jones, you ignore it.

In fact, you seem mostly interested in silencing Dr. Oz and most of daytime TV. While laudable in intent, do you not realize that one man's falsity is another man's truth? You mentioned blacks being seduced into Scientology earlier, and how no one seems to care. What's the solution--ban scientology? Forcibly convert those blacks back to.... what? I have to say: banning Scientology makes me extremely wary, because I belong to a faith that would be the next on the list: Mormonism. You know, the most Republican major denomination in the US. If we banned Scientology, I know for a fact my faith is next--and what does that mean? It will be illegal (again) to be Mormon? My faith has plenty of history with "being silenced." By the US Army, in fact. And Extermination Orders. And the US Supreme Court stripping all Mormons of the right to Vote; 9-0. No way on earth do I want to go down that road of "this person and group is ok to silence, and this one is not."

Does it lead to abuses? Maybe. Having the state sending troops out to exterminate you and forcing you out of your homes in the dead of winter while raping and abusing your women, all because you are "wrong" is also an abuse, and one that really happened to my ancestors. Ritmo would absolutely have kittens if he could participate in doing that to me and my people again. "Just silencing Bad Thought!" he'd say--perfectly good thing.

I protect Scientology, or Alex Jones, because I'm next once they are silenced. The answer to Scientology is competing speech--my faith is better than theirs! If it isn't, then I should give up now. Republican ideas are better than Democrat ideas; than Democrat forcible compulsion. If not, then why be a Republican? Democrats are in it for the power and ability to crush people and make them miserable. We Republicans should be in it because we believe it--that limited government coupled with individual charity and responsibility is the better way of life for all. We shouldn't be out there silencing people because they "cause abuse!" That shows we don't have faith in our own alleged beliefs.

readering said...

Good thing about antitrust laws they provide for treble damages and attorneys fees and all for lawyers to take on contingent. We'll see if anyone bites, when identified defendants have very deep pockets.

Howard said...

Yeah Inga, they want to Venezuela-ize Facebook, twitter, google

The Crack Emcee said...

Howard said...

"being a liar is not a crime. alex jones is not making any claims of being an authority on anything."

Right - that's why the enemies of reason like this kind of thing: no objective standards. They can run wild with the lies and demand no one touch them.

I'd hang them all in the public square as a warning not to back.

That's what Americans used to do to these people when they came to town to rip people off. Now y'all's too cowardly to defend your home from these criminals.

walter said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Can anybody explain to me why conservatives only get mad at Farrakhan for what he says about the Jews? --
Wow. You're right. They pretty much love the guy otherwise.
Your world seems to be everyone else is dropping the ball and you are the poor, poor victim.
Nice tune ya posted, though.
Grooovy..kinda Art of Noise-esque.

Howard said...

Jones is essentially Putin's verson of Voice of America, our free market is killing it, and the trumpsters who love free enterprisse and capitalism want the governmentr to force them to carry faschist conspiracy diarreah sewage

The Crack Emcee said...

walter said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Can anybody explain to me why conservatives only get mad at Farrakhan for what he says about the Jews? --
Wow. You're right. They pretty much love the guy otherwise.

Let's see: I already mentioned he's feeding blacks into a dangerous cult called Scientology. (They just lost a court case for forcing a woman into having an abortion.) No conservative complaints about that.

The Million Man March basically was a gathering to hear some Numerology. No conservative complaints about that.

He helped kill Malcolm X. No conservative complaints about that.

But he said bad things about the Jews. JESUS CHRIST, KILL THAT MAN!!!!

I notice these things.

Howard said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

Right - that's why the enemies of reason like this kind of thing: no objective standards. They can run wild with the lies and demand no one touch them.

I'd hang them all in the public square as a warning not to back.

That's what Americans used to do to these people when they came to town to rip people off. Now y'all's too cowardly to defend your home from these criminals.

The free market is shutting him down. What you want sounds like lynching reparations

wholelottasplainin said...

Crack, you were much more persuasive when you...went away.

You should go away...again.

Vance said...

Howard supports Facebook proudly keeping the group that James Hodkinson was part of, though, don't you Howard? Because actually shooting Republicans because a Facebook group stirred him up is no big deal, and a good thing.

Facebook likes and supports violent speech and violent actions against the Right. How else can Hopkinson's group staying active while Jones is banned be explained?

Howard said...

Poor little Jay can't handle someone delivering contrary views with passion and force. Nothing says cuck like asking an opponent to weave himkins awone

Francisco D said...

"Alex Jones deserves no protection for his crimes."

Crimes? I don't know who this jamoke is, but speaking is not a crime.

I thought you might be an intelligent man, Crack.

Now I see you are just another idiot with an agenda. Maybe you are seeking attention.

It doesn't matter. I see little possibility of having an intelligent conversation with you.

Howard said...

Vance: Facebook is private enterprise. I don't use facebook and don't care what they do.

wholelottasplainin said...

Crack: The Million Man March basically was a gathering to hear some Numerology. No conservative complaints about that.


Oh sure. It's not as if Limbaugh did several spoofs on exactly that bit of goofiness.

Face it, Crack: retirement became you. Returning to spout stale idiocy doesn't.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The free market is shutting him down.”

The free market also shut down Pence in Indiana, back when he made the RFRA folly.

walter said...

Unlike his reparations least when he proffers murder, there's a metric for success.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Howard said...

"The free market is shutting him down. What you want sounds like lynching reparations"

Yes, but "my side" is pretending he's the good guy and THEY HAVE TO SAVE HIM. Do you know how many years I've been waiting to see any of these liars get the boot? Almost 25 years.

You can bet your ass I consider anyone siding with psychics and peddlers of BS, at this point, as traitors to the country, just as anyone would in a war - because that's what this has been. Y'all have been no help to the poor when it comes to being taken advantage of.

I damn everyone for creating this dystopian nightmare.

narciso said...

Yes there was a whole count chocula theme with that whole thing.

wholelottasplainin said...

Howard said...
Poor little Jay can't handle someone delivering contrary views with passion and force. Nothing says cuck like asking an opponent to weave himkins awone


Passion and force w/o reason and facts? That sounds like a moronic Leftnoid argument to me!

I'd call you a dickhead, Howard, but I'm reminded of a classic line from "Ghostbusters":

"It's true, This man HAS no dick."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Focus, lost

"This is absolutely the first stage in a coordinated plan to deplatform everyone on the right. It’s not really about Alex Jones at all."

Leftist fascists are quite OK with it all.

Howard said...

We are all damned, Crack. That is the fundamental nature of human existence. We are in a transition period on the cusp of technological leap and adaptation is messy because we have reached a limit on sociological evolution for about 40% of the country.

Howard said...

Thanks for confirming Jay the Cuck said...

Blogger Howard said...

Since Jones banned by private companies and the free markets know best how to choke out waste and inefficiency using invisible hands, conservatives just need to bootstrap up their own google, facebook, twitter... problem solved.

you are singing my song, Howard. See my previous notes about OggVorbis, MySpace, Gab, Tusk. DuckDuck go and other alternatives.

That type of thing, rather than having government regulate all media, is the correct approach.

John Henry

Howard said...

RogeringBimbos wants Daddy Trump to go all Hugo Chavez on Facebook google twitter so she can continue to mainline sewage on someone elses dime. I am become subsidized

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good news in China. More examples for the left to follow. NEVER insult the exalted commie leader.

Howard said...

I'm a broken clock at midnight, John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Whore-Ard - cannot understand basic principles like free speech.
& is fascist.

Trump is not banning speech, grifter mega-corporations are. For Hillary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hugo Chevez is your socialist dream-boat, Whore-ard.
He better stay in line, though. Down there. No free speech for corpses who speak blasphemy against the fascist overlords.

Howard said...

Nice pivot DB@H: your goto Apples and Horseshit strawman. U Go Girl! Fierce Mama!

Howard said...

DB@H: Why do you hate free enterprise?

The Crack Emcee said...

Howard said...

"We are all damned, Crack."

Bullshit. Criminals die in their sleep all the time. Aided and abetted by cowards, who let them get away with it.

I emailed when Trump got in because I knew ethics would become an issue the country would be forced to grapple with - but I didn't expect conservatives to be the ones jumping up to defend wrong. He just added Dr. Oz to some committee and they said nothing - even after he was dragged before Claire MCGaskill and called a liar on national television. What do you people think you're creating with this kind of behavior? Why do you think the kids don't understand the world? You're not making one of any coherence for them to appreciate. You're destroying everything.

We're not all damned. You're damning us.

Howard said...

Oh, and BTW, it's How Wierd. Please, the insults are impacting my self esteeme

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A few hours ago it was "hate speech". Now banning speech you don't like is "free enterprise"? - Orwellian of you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Crack, your side morphed into Trumpism. You don’t have a “side” anymore, but Democrats would be lucky to have you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I got yer self-esteem right here. In a jar. On my desk. filled with formaldehyde.

Crack - really - who cares about Dr Oz? He's a day-time huckster of bullshit. It's like getting upset over the sham wow guy.

Howard said...

Crack: IMO, you are focused on noise. The signal is showing that things are getting more rational and less violent. This is outlined nicely bySteven Pinker

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Crack - really - who cares about Dr Oz? He's a day-time huckster of bullshit. It's like getting upset over the sham wow guy.”

Bimbo can’t put two and two together to make four.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - shouldn't you be off burning books?

Howard said...

I don't believe in Hate Speech or political correctness DB@H, that's another strawman you lashing out in a desperate attempt to save your face

langford peel said...

Yankel Rosenbaum.

Howard said...

sham-wow actually works, idiot

Darrell said...

This just in--with 99% of the votes counted--Hillary Clinton still is not President of the United States.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oh do explain Crack's meaning, Inga. We are all ears.

Whitey white fascist leftwinger grrl is gonna do some explaining, right after she burns her bra.

Darrell said...

Howard won the contest--all the way in!

Sham WOW!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Whore-Ard - No. Sham wow is garbage. But OK by Google even though it's all lies.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“We are all ears.”

Indeed. With an empty space inbetween.

The Crack Emcee said...

Inga said...

"Crack, your side morphed into Trumpism. You don’t have a “side” anymore, but Democrats would be lucky to have you."

That's not true, either: Establishment Republicans hate Trump as much as most Republicans hate me - and for the same reason: We're unconventional and they're all followers and ideologues and elitists. With a high capacity for reveling in their cruelty as an insecure display. As I've said, not welcoming.

I never had a side. I left the Democrats over cultism, joined the Republicans and moved to Utah. *Discovered* the Mormon cult and went to some Tea Party gatherings that got super creepy religious ("We're creating Heaven on earth!") filled with white people who ran away at any serious mention of fixing race relations. I lost hope anybody was real after that. Imean, they used to call Kanye a jackass along with Obama, now they parade his name around like they bagged a rhino - they make no sense.

The first political party dedicated to defining the parameters of reality gets my vote. This corrupt BS has gone on long enough.

Howard said...

sham-wow is great for baseball games. Roll it up and soak in water. Place on neck and it provides soothing cooling as a hedge against global warming

Sprezzatura said...

"Crack, your side morphed into Trumpism. You don’t have a “side” anymore, but Democrats would be lucky to have you."

I don' know when Crack first landed in these threads. But, his handle goes back to May 2002. Inga goes to August of 2017.

Inga has had a (seemingly) unmatched rise re prominence/dominance in these threads. I come and go (since April 2008), but I never would have assumed Inga is just now only hitting her first anniversary. She's so pivotal to so much here. I only check the handles just now because the statement I excerpted has a tinge of an elder inviting a yoot. And, I was wondering if that, at all, fit re these threads. [Yes, I do get that Inga was not referring to these threads re her invitation to Crack.]

Anywho, Happy One Year!!! Hard to imagine that anyone else could impact more around here, so quickly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - I like that you don't have a side.

Inga- Not an answer. Unless you cut and paste, you won't have an answer, do you?

Howard said...

inga been around a while but she used sudo-nyms

The Crack Emcee said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

"Crack - really - who cares about Dr Oz? He's a day-time huckster of bullshit. It's like getting upset over the sham wow guy."

You guys never think about the people who die following these people, or any of the other myriad of problems they cause. It's amazing how dense you all are to it. I guess I get it. I didn't always know. But, once those three people died in a sweat lodge or people start killing their kids, doesn't anybody start to get a clue something's going on here you're not considering?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Establishment Republicans hate Trump as much as most Republicans hate me - and for the same reason: We're unconventional and they're all followers and ideologues and elitists. With a high capacity for reveling in their cruelty as an insecure display. As I've said, not welcoming.”

True. Chuck is one and Gadfly and they are treated worse than any liberal on these threads by the Trumpists here, for speaking out against Trumpism.

narciso said...

Well Christianity in large part was the foundation for this country, socialism is the 'making heaven on earth' project, which cannot happen because of sin, it is yet another sign of arrogance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - those books won't burn themselves. Get busy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Also Crack, it appears that Althouse herself has succumbed to Trumpism. I still have hope for her though.

The Crack Emcee said...

Howard said...

Crack: IMO, you are focused on noise. The signal is showing that things are getting more rational and less violent.

That's why there's a documentary being made, right now, about all the threats doctors are receiving for opposing the use of homeopathy - water - as medicine, right?

The lunatics have taken over the asylum and y'all are like "Relax, they're cool."

Howard said...

Facebook twitter and google burning the books for us, now we have more time to recycle

langford peel said...

Joseph Fournier.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - It's true. I don't follow celebrity culure (other than I hate it), day-time TV in particular or TV clutter in general. If Dr. Oz is killing people, I'd have no idea.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Bimbo, those elephants need saving from the Trump Brothers, get busy.

Howard said...

Homeopathy is losing to the biologics advancement in medicine bigtime. That bullshit dying with the baby-boomers

Howard said...

Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier

The Crack Emcee said...

30 years after Jonestown, there was another big cult murder in the Bay Area and Marshall Killduff - the guy who first called People's Temple a dangerous cult - wrote that we had learned nothing in all that time.

Well, here we are 10 years later, and we're still as clueless as babes.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hey Langford Peel, you going to call black and brown children monkeys again today?

Sprezzatura said...

"inga been around a while but she used sudo-nyms"

Many of us change the handle name, but if you click on the name it always goes back to the same underlying data.

Of course our (i.e. my) puppets don't work that way.

Howard said...

Crack: the poor and the morons will always be with us. No way to fix that. Things are getting better and better because people are more rational. Sampling internet trolls and news reports is skewed negative. Read/Listen to Pinker. Another liberal that leftists hate

Howard said...

Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann

narciso said...

They have two crazy cult leaders out there, Gavin news on and Kamala Harris, i would include jerry Brown but he's moving off the stage like Dr. Cocteau in demolition man.

langford peel said...

Werner Foerster.

The Crack Emcee said...

Inga said...

“Also Crack, it appears that Althouse herself has succumbed to Trumpism. I still have hope for her though.”

I don’t mind Trump - except for Dr. Oz. - I find it weird, how much he’s hated, since I’m old enough to remember when he wasn’t. That the Left doesn’t realized it’s been manipulated (what other explanation can describe such a switch in their behavior?) is amazing to me.

The media just yanked their chain and they’ve been yelling ever since.

Howard said...

adSS: yeah, I don't peek behind the curtain. i prefer to believe in the oz wiz

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Anywho, Happy One Year!!! Hard to imagine that anyone else could impact more around here, so quickly.”

Well thanks! It’s been a shit fest inbetween the fun.

narciso said...

You misunderstood Jesus's intent, he was signaling his apostles then, that the time for redemption was closing fast.

Howard said...

Trump's a flim-flam man, Dr Oz a kindred spirit

Michael K said...

Wow ! Over 500 comments !

Good work lefties.

Of course you lost all the primary elections today but what the fuck.

We saw the D'Souza movie tonight. Not bad although he over eggs the pudding a bit,

I would hate Democrats, too, if I was sent to prison for something nobody else is ever prosecuted for,

walter said...

"I left the Democrats over cultism, joined the Republicans and moved to Utah. *Discovered* the Mormon cult and went to some Tea Party gatherings that got super creepy religious ("We're creating Heaven on earth!") filled with white people who ran away at any serious mention of fixing race relations."
What? They weren't down for that?
Forget the standard format music, Crack'.
You need to make that into a movie.

Howard said...

Good evening, Doc. Having a brandy sitting in smoking jacket?

Howard said...

Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Sprezzatura said...


Strange Doc Mike timing?


Anywho, Howard doesn't like too much behind the curtain (e.g. sock puppet) jabber. DM is not a puppet, not a puppet, yur a puppet, yur the puppet!

Carry on.

The Crack Emcee said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

"Crack - It's true. I don't follow celebrity culure (other than I hate it), day-time TV in particular or TV clutter in general. If Dr. Oz is killing people, I'd have no idea."

But you do know there's a narcissism epidemic, right? And you do know there's yoga studios everywhere, right? And you do know they all claim to make you more humble, right?

So you might want to know what the facts are so we can start to tackle our problems intelligently, no?

Only 6% of Indians do yoga. I wonder why? The president, who is aggressively pushing it, claims Indians invented plastic surgery because Lord Ganaesh's head is from an elephant.

That's why.

We need to stop this, you guys.

Known Unknown said...

"Be fair, Dreck-O."

Jesus. It's like vintage Mad Magazine in here.

langford peel said...

Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Michael J. Smith, Brent Thompson and Patrick Zamarripa.

Howard said...

K-U: Thanks! That's the exact voice I was going for. Sober Drunk-blogging

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
“Crack - really - who cares about Dr Oz? He's a day-time huckster of bullshit. It's like getting upset over the sham wow guy.”

Bimbo can’t put two and two together to make four."

As if you give a shit about Dr. Oz. Since when are you an anti-New Ager? (I've seen people hurt by that shit also. That New Age crap is not just a load of benign silly nonsense is probably my strongest point of agreement with CE.) You're just trying, like an addled old whore flirting with a guy at a bar, to pick up a friend here, however temporary the "friend" might be.

The Crack Emcee said...

Howard said...

"Trump's a flim-flam man, Dr Oz a kindred spirit"

Yes. But what is the Republican Party? The Democrat Party? What is conservatism about? Who are Americans now?

I think Americans hate Trump because his is the image that answers that question.

Sprezzatura said...

"I would hate Democrats, too, if I was sent to prison for something nobody else is ever prosecuted for."

I swear he's not my puppet.

He really just stated that it's ok to lie to the FBI. That's right, the FBI when questioning when lying means jail time. Yup, the same FBI where his daughter works. They don't care if you lie. Never did, never will. According to Doc M.

Howard said...

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trooper York

John henry said...

Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

Inga - those books won't burn themselves. Get busy.

A question occurs to me: Are there any instances of right wingers burning books? Seems to me that most of the examples of book burnings, by groups like the KKK, the National Socialists, Progressives

Ditto banning books like Huck Finn and just recently Laura Ingalls.

Any right wing counter examples?

John HEnry

Known Unknown said...

"Since Jones banned by private companies and the free markets know best how to choke out waste and inefficiency using invisible hands, conservatives just need to bootstrap up their own google, facebook, twitter... problem solved."

Banned by private companies ≠ market rejection. Duh.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Bitter Bitch, BB, aka Exiled. That’s your new name as far as I’m concerned. I detect the green eyed devil in you, lol.

Sprezzatura said...

Historical expert Doc Mike is soon gonna learn: "it's the coverup not the crime."

High level stuff.

Known Unknown said...

"Any right wing counter examples?"

Nothing specific yet, but I'm sure we could track down history of some Bible thumpers trying to get books out of libraries, etc.

The Crack Emcee said...

exiledonmainstreet said...

"That New Age crap is not just a load of benign silly nonsense is probably my strongest point of agreement with CE."


(That's a rare occurrence.)

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Great comeback, Inga!

Worthy of junior high!

Howard said...

Now that's an interesting thought, Crack. IMO, the trump hate is a form of self hate that people failed to be on top of our political institutions that the corruption of the republicrat party gave us Hillary who was so bloody awful that a con-man like Trump could win the presidency. I am too optimistic to hate trump. He's a clown who is at the same time disgusting, amusing and also a disruptive wreckingball who is upsetting the applecart shocking the popular kids.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Nazi’s burned a few books and they sure weren’t leftists. I wonder why white supremacists, white nationalists and neo Nazi’s are all right wingers and support Trump.

Howard said...

Cat Fight!

The Crack Emcee said...

That benign image is how all cults get away with mayhem. No one sees them as a threat for some reason. Even after Jonestown and Dan White and all that.

They - literally - get away with murder.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

BB, don’t make jr.high level comments directed at me and I won’t have to respond in kind.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Cat Fight!”

Don’t get excited Howard.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

You know, there is a thing called The Trump Cult and many here appear to be members.

Howard said...

Crack: the newage cult murderers are small potatoes compared with the mass murder and chaos foisted on the middle east post 911 by neocon Bushco clusterfuck.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"I detect the green eyed devil in you, lol."

That's great! Don't mess with green-eyed devils, Inga! You don't have the brains for it!

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Howard said...

"Now that's an interesting thought, Crack."

I've traded a few emails with Kurt Andersen (the author of Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History and, while he's blinded by hate for Trump, we agree on almost everything else, including the fact it was liberals who made the Trump presidency a reality. They laid the groundwork - which is what I've been reacting to all these years. They opened Pandora's Box, releasing the Furies who said "You can believe what you want to believe" - never imagining Trump would come leaping out as well.

But I got one hell of an imagination,...

Yancey Ward said...

He should definitely sue on anti-trust grounds. This sort of concerted market action reeks of collusion between all the platform owners- the sort of thing that can only be demonstrated by discovery. It is no different than paper makers all of a sudden deciding they won't sell newsprint paper to The New York Times because they don't like the message their product helps promote. What might well be right for one company to do isn't necessarily right for all of them to do at the same time in a given market.

Maybe it really was just a cascade effect, but we need vigorous discovery to believe it.

Howard said...

also, one could say that the opioid epidemic is due to standard practice of pill-mill medicine.

narciso said...

As you well know, the Iraqi mukharabat, retained ling standing ties with Algerian Egyptian even Lebanese militants, which had based of operations in Italy France spain and the uk.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“also, one could say that the opioid epidemic is due to standard practice of pill-mill medicine.”

In today’s climate, we all need to be as sober as a judge. No doping, no drinking. Keep your wits about you, we are in for a rough ride, I suspect. I do wish I had Howard’s optimism.

Howard said...

Trump definitely a reaction to democrat over-reach, over-confidence, etc. Maybe like the link that says yoga + medetation induces narcissism, the practice of these religious ceremonies has hardened the librul bubble

The Crack Emcee said...

FullMoon said...

Even after Jonestown and Dan White and all that.

Zebra SLA

Nah, that's different. We know about that. The truth of Jonestown, etc., is hidden under the lie of Harvey Milk, who Dan White killed because he knew Milk and Moscone had plotted with Jim Jones, exploiting those black people for political gain. The last Republican to serve in San Francisco knew the same thing.

We've been living under the weight of so many lies.

walter said...

Your Fantasyland.. link goes to:
"People’s egos get bigger after meditation and yoga, says a new study" (picture of man kinda standing on his head)

Howard said...

"sober as a judge" means "half in the bag" eg: after 8pm PDT, Doc Mike is sober as a judge

narciso said...

The bombing of the Italian contingent in baseriyah came through spain and Italy, the latter is who sent the un compound bomber and an attack against the al Rashid hotel.

langford peel said...

Amy Federici, James Gorycki, Maria Theresa Tumangan Magtoto, Dennis McCarthy, Richard Nettleton and Mi Kyung Kim,.

walter said...

Howard and Crack',
Who would you wish to be prez?

Howard said...

langford back at it after a quick wank

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“sober as a judge" means "half in the bag" eg: after 8pm PDT, Doc Mike is sober as a judge”

Nah, Doc Mike is more elitist, he’s “drunk as a lord”, so to speak.

Howard said...

walter: if wishes were horse-turds we'd all be shitheads. Last go-round I was pulling for Jim Webb

Howard said...

Doc Mike is a good egg. He's just finding his sea legs

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"In today’s climate, we all need to be as sober as a judge. No doping, no drinking."

You make no sense when you're stone cold sober. What you would be like drunk and stoned strains the imagination.

walter said...

Jim Webb. Yeah..refreshingly old school.

Howard said...

Webb was a bit of a canary in the democratic bubble, but the arrogant party apparatchik and their willing accomplices in the press shit-canned his ideas.

Sprezzatura said...

"Webb was a bit of a canary in the democratic bubble, but the arrogant party apparatchik and their willing accomplices in the press shit-canned his ideas."

Even earlier, the Ds fully lost Strom to the allure of the R party.

Kept Byrd.

Howard said...

the D's lost the whole south to the R's once the right keyed in on KKK dogwhistles

The Crack Emcee said...

walter said...
Your Fantasyland.. link goes to: - sorry:


The Crack Emcee said...

walter said...

Howard and Crack',
Who would you wish to be prez?

Except for Dr. Oz (and the previous Health Czar Trump picked) I've been glad Trump's president. I always predicted The Macho Response would come and end the Democrat's hold on things and - in a very dramatic fashion - I got it, so I couldn't be happier.

Just stop with the mumbo-jumbo and I'm optimistic.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Southern Stategy is a myth, Howard:

"Just as the South was less solidly Democratic than thought before 1968, it was less immediately solidly Republican after that. Southern candidates like Jimmy Carter in 1976 and Bill Clinton in 1992 made significant inroads in their home region, and it took many years for Republican strength at the presidential level to seep downticket. Cost:

[W]hile the Deep South voted for Goldwater in 1964, the Democrats still carried a whopping 90 of 106 congressional districts in Dixie in 1964. In fact, the big breakthrough for the GOP in the House did not come until 1994. Prior to that, the Democrats could count on better than 3/5ths of the Southern congressional districts.

As late as 2010, there were still states like Alabama and North Carolina that were voting in their first Republican legislative majorities since Reconstruction – something that would have happened overnight in the late 60s if the partisan realignment had been driven by lockstep white voting loyalties on racial lines."

walter said... a music guy, you can appreciate someone else's allusion here to signal to noise ratio. Just needs drawing out at times.
And to all, a good night.

Seeing Red said...

Nazi’s burned a few books and they sure weren’t leftists. I wonder why white supremacists, white nationalists and neo Nazi’s are all right wingers and support Trump.

How in the hell you a European could be so ignorant about this I will never understand. Were you dropped on your head as a child? I’m a few years younger than you and learned this in high school.

Hitter was LEFT. The Nazi party was SOCIALIST. It’s in their name! They ID’d themselves.

He was only considered right because he was to the right of Stalin dummkopf and those beliefs which the true believers and useful idiots of Stalin parroted. They considered him right because he wasn’t as totalitarian as Stalin ruled but they are still leftists. Like the democrats.

The Crack Emcee said...

It just occurred to me, how upset everyone is about Russia interfering in our elections, and confusing the American people, but how little anyone is willing to do so the American people have the ability not to be fooled.

You won't even arrest obvious charlatans. When Gwyneth Paltrow was told she was endangering women's lives, she warned the doctors they better "bring your A game" if they were going to challenge her.

America's A game should've been arresting her for fraud.

Michael The Magnificent said...

First, they came for the nutcase conspiracy theorists and Starbuck's plastic straws (but not the plastic cups or plastic lids. How fucking stupid!!!), but I did not speak out, because I'm not a nutcase conspiracy theorist and I don't like Starbuck's over-roasted coffee...

Which the left is counting on as they slowly ratchet up their fascist machine.

Michael The Magnificent said...

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

"Shut up, or we will shut you up!" - American leftists.

FIDO said...

I don't know who Alex Jones is.

I am for free speech and against 'hate speech'. Because all 'hate speech' means is 'speech I do not personally like'.

Because if we are going down that road, I 'hate' the speech of PPPT and Inga.

This, seemingly, is also the majority consensus on this blog. Most members revile and see no added value by either of these commenters.

So in the interest of 'Education', which is the main thrust of what Althouse does, she should apply Inga's values to herself: she and Presidential Pee Pee Tape should be banned for a week. Because 'hate speech' or 'majority rules'.

Because it's all fun and games until YOU lose your rights.

Alas, I am very unsure that Inga and PPPT CAN be educated on the consequences of this attitude of theirs. They can't be taught.

So the lesson would be wasted except in as much as the rest of us could have much nicer conversations without them for that week.

Narayanan said...
Chinese citizens get around censorship by using website of China's embassy in USA.

Patrick Henry said...

I believe Glenn Reynolds also coined "Make the left live by their own rules..."

When the left came after the bakers and florists and everyone else that objected to being compelled to behave a certain way, they created new rules. Going after Facebook/Apple/Google/Twitter/Etc is simply playing by the rules the left created... which is private businesses are not private businesses and the government gets to use the threat of violence to force behavior it prefers. Those appear to be the Left's new rules. So, let's use those same rules against them.

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