"... a stretch of Washington that spans from the Wharf—a shiny new development three blocks south of the National Mall—southeast along the Waterfront and into Navy Yard, on the banks of the Anacostia River. It’s a string of neighborhoods that peer out over the water, separated from most of the city by an interstate, and facing away from official Washington. It’s a bubble within the Washington bubble: Here, young Trump staffers mix largely with each other and enjoy the view from their rooftop pools, where they can feel far away from the District’s locals and the rest of its political class.... When it comes to disclosing their affiliation with Trump, no ground is more fraught than courtship. 'Trump supporters swipe left'—meaning 'don’t even bother trying'—might be the single most common disclaimer on dating app profiles in Washington.... 'I literally got the other day, Thanks but no thanks. Just Googled you and it said you were a mouthpiece for the Trump administration. Go fuck yourself,' says [a 31-year-old female administration official].... 'I’m no longer on Bumble,' she says...."
From "Young Trumpies Hit D.C./… And D.C. hits them right back." (Politico).
1 – 200 of 305 Newer› Newest»That guy sounds like such a catch!
Another post on Bullying? Oh, yeah. All's fair in love and war.
Trump, besides combining federal agencies, should move most of these agencies from Washington D.C. I would suggest West Virginia and places like that.
George Will is urging folks to vote against the Republican poodles and now some millennials won’t date Trump staffers, this is beginning to look like a Greek drama involving the the with holding of both sex and votes.
Logic and reason wasn’t getting the Democrats anywhere, so it’s all blind hatred and naked emotion. On line dating seems like one of the circles of Hell to me though.
George Will represents exactly one vote.
A good rule of thumb with those websites is that if a person's profile explicitly brings up politics you should avoid them like the plague.
It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with them, they're just going to make you miserable.
Well, after all, remember how Republicans publicly savaged the young Obama crowd when they hit town in '09? Me neither.
I know what. Move the Federal Agencies to Mexico. That would totally screw up all the Drug Cartels and slow smuggling down to a trickle.
Wonder how Tiffany is making out at Georgetown. Did she stay in DC for summer after 1L?
Doxxing a neighborhood to isolate and shame Trump supporters. Unsurprising.
At 31, isn't she a little...old to be so picky? Dems marry less.
I wish her a long series of short and dissatisfying relationships until she is too old to marry. That is about 4 years so not much of a curse.
My first thought is that this works both ways. It's helpful that the young Trump staffers find out who the idiots are before getting involved. Prior to marriage, I avoided rude and ignorant progressives and was glad for overt signs that their political ideology was in that direction so I didn't have to waste any time on them. I do it to a lesser extent in choosing who I want to cultivate non-romantic relationships with. Generally, I don't like to associate with people with terrible judgment about important issues.
The top comment, presumably by a tolerant multi-culturalist leftist puppet:
Trump staffers should stick to their own kind. It's against the natural order of things should they reproduce with those outside their klan. I mean clan.
208 likes at 6:00 PDT.
Let's not forget, these are the same people outraged by children separated from their child-endangering, law breaking parents. But only when Trump does it.
A little OT perhaps but it occurs to me that our means of communication are almost entirely in the hands of Progs, as are our news and entertainment [I repeat myself] media. When Disney takes over FOX, which they are in the process of doing, then we have nothing that doesn't spout the Prog narrative. What do we non-Progs do about it?
Trump, besides combining federal agencies, should move most of these agencies from Washington D.C. I would suggest West Virginia and places like that.
Detroit and St Louis are nicely centered in the country. Moving a few agencies out would help housing prices, too.
Energy could move to Texas and EPA to Oklahoma.
Drain the swamp, too.
That's consistent with another Politico articles:
Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America
"A new study ranks each state, plus D.C., by their psychopathic tendencies. The race for first? It isn’t even close."
“constellation of disinhibition, boldness and meanness”
Democrat party members must be shamed, hounded and made to answer for their support of thieves, liars, rapists, murderers and traitors. They MUST be punished and suffer for this. America needs to cleanse itself by purging this abomination that has caused so much misery and grief here and abroad. The collaborators of these monsters must be brought to justice. There must be a reckoning. No democrat party member or collaborater should ever feel safe from harm or think that they could go out in public without fear of attack.
I have had many many friends on Facebook declare- since before the election- that if you support Trump/Gun Rights/Trump's XYZ Policy they do not even want you for a friend. They will unfriend you or they ask you to unfriend them.
I never ever ever saw a Republican say the same thing about Obama. I have to say that in my timeline, Republicans and Democrats can be equally passionate and equally wrong, but the liberals are real bullies.
Just remember that the idea that there is a culture of primal opposition to Trump in DC, sometimes known as the “deep state” is ridiculous.
Lefties are a bunch a cliquish mean-girls.
They'll say things like "Ok, who is still defending this racist F**kstick. Who will defend him?" and when nobody does- or only the most idiotic person does, they don't wonder for a second if perhaps the way they presented the question played any part in it.
I agree with Danno - move government agencies out of DC and into poorer areas of the country. Spread that wealth around.
I do think it is probably hard to defend open borders unless you turn it into a racist, family-destroying concept. Then all the nice white women voters who voted for Trump might finally be shamed into voting for Democrats and their policies of nothing.
The 31-year old female official is quoting a response that she got. Some guy said that to her.
While we're moving things kick the UN out of New York and send them to Central Africa.
There are probably a lot of Republicans who would like to work in a presidential administration but have avoided taking jobs with Trump. Career jealousy is powerful, and these people understandably look down on those who are taking those jobs. If elite Republicans won't do the work, then who are these people who do take the jobs, jobs that are too easy to get, because the elite won't take them? They are deplorables! Hateful, powerful deplorables!
By the way, does anyone care whether Washington creatures get dates?
Trump staffers,
Stay away from Lefties. At best they will bring charges against you, causing you to lose your jobs. They earn "Beet of the Week" for doing crap like that. Better to jack and jill off for the duration.
If elite Republicans won't do the work, then who are these people who do take the jobs, jobs that are too easy to get, because the elite won't take them? They are deplorables! Hateful, powerful deplorables!
By the way, does anyone care whether Washington creatures get dates?
All the more reason to disperse agencies across the country.
Why do Trumpies want to date the closed mind, vicious harpies who would accuse them of rapes and worse when the affair is over like the harpies do in college? It's their nature.
Leftists do this with every Republican president or presidential candidate. Think what would happen if Trump is finishing his second term and Pence is running. How do you think the Leftists would treat him?
I'm reminded of the story of the little boy crying wolf...
Sounds like Madison...but with rooftop pools and an actual workable enclave.
But yeah..better to glean the political perspective early when in a political city.
I made the mistake a while ago of making upbeat small talk leading up to a face to face date where about 5 minutes after sitting down she's launching a tirade against Walker. Very typical in Madison...the arrogant assumption that anyone they interact with surely agrees with them.
FIDO: At 31, isn't she a little...old to be so picky? Dems marry less.
I think the 31 year old in the story was the one being rejected for being a Trump voter, not the one doing the rejecting.
Althouse right wing think tanks like Heritage etc have been quietly filling the Trump administration, these are hardly the deplorables you mention. And it is interesting to note another threat of violence from the right wing on this blog towards anyone of democratic persuasion; Will is right we have to vote out these Republican poodles who have lost their way and are leading the country in the wrong direction.
The Progs seem oblivious to the First Law. Which is the conservation of energy. They are dumping all this bitterness on people who have done them no wrong, whom they have often not even met ("met" on the Net in a chat-room doesn't count); and they think that spew of unjustified hatred and unreasoning contempt will just evaporate like the morning dew? Au contraire: there is no more lasting hurt than one like this. It will be remembered and will affect social relations widely and deeply. Worse, it will not be curable through apology or explanation. The parties will never meet to clear the poisoned air.
Progs are building a huge debit account here.
IIRC the District of Columbia voted about 93% for Clinton so . .
Will is right we have to vote out these Republican poodles who have lost their way and are leading the country in the wrong direction.
OK, I will give you credit for the use of irony here, rather than the kind of transparent partisan hackery we see from the lesser trolls here. I am sure that George Will hates the broad swath of American that voted for Trump nearly as much as you do.
I suggest the establishment of a "working capital" in some flyover state office park.
And let the agency personnel come out there to do business, if personal presence is needed.
The culture of the court is traditionally very significant to governance.
This sort of thing sounds trivial but it cannot be dismissed.
“The peasants are revolting.” - Shorter George Will on America
Oh no R/V, does Fitz' angry keyboarding scare you?
Meanwhile, Lefties are stalking Trump staffers.
George Will has lost touch.
I know Trump causes Will difficulties at the cocktail parties...but if it gets too much, he should sidle up to David Brooks and Bend over Together.
"By the way, does anyone care whether Washington creatures get dates?"
Nobody cares about that. That said, it provides useful insight into how derangement has been normalized.
It is not much of a leap to go from saying via a dating app "Just Googled you and it said you were a mouthpiece for the Trump administration. Go fuck yourself" to James Hodgkinson.
"And it is interesting to note another threat of violence from the right wing on this blog towards anyone of democratic persuasion."
What are you talking about?
Examples would help.
mock: When Disney takes over FOX, which they are in the process of doing, then we have nothing that doesn't spout the Prog narrative. What do we non-Progs do about it?
Recently came across some progs all worried about how the AT&T merger was going to threaten their ability to get their viewpoints expressed.
Jesus, these people.
Recently came across some other comments from a European lefty, all upset because, with the rise of the "far right" (eye roll), right-wingers (eye roll) now felt that they could express their opinions "with impunity". (The horror! People might even be able to disagree with leftist ideas "with impunity"!) This was creating an environment where leftists speech rights were threatened because...having to be exposed to "right-wing" (eye roll) opinions would scare them into silence, or something. (I'll try to find the quote.)
Jesus, these people.
Buwaya: interesting idea. Reminds me of Louis XIV (and no doubt other monarchs) who emphasized court protocol and mandatory attendance of the nobility (away from their own estates) to keep them occupied and consuming their wealth in finery rather than plotting or building their own base of support.
Roesch, you are a fair representative of what has turned into a poison-culture (someone should make up a German word for this).
You simply hate too much.
Governance over complex systems requires considerable skill and subject area knowledge. Where is that going to come from?
A campaign of personal attacks on persons willing to serve in the administration is going to cripple the administration, it really is deterring appointees. It especially deters mid to senior private sector people. This is a destructive process.
And it is interesting to note another threat of violence from the right wing on this blog towards anyone of democratic persuasion;
And you detected this how ?
I realize you progs expect the peasants to bow and tug a forelock of hair but you are getting a bit hysterical if you think blog comments are threats.
Harassing the DHS Secretary while she is trying to eat dinner in a restaurant is threatening.
Harassing her at her home is threatening.
But the Left is always threatened by female or black Republicans, isn't it ?
A campaign of personal attacks on persons willing to serve in the administration is going to cripple the administration, it really is deterring appointees. It especially deters mid to senior private sector people. This is a destructive process.
They would rather we lose a war than see the peasantry rule.
Ted Kennedy preferred Brezhnev to Reagan.
John Kerry preferred Ho Chi Minh to Johnson or Nixon.
In restrospect Mao had some justification for sending intellectuals and officials to the countryside, to "learn from the people".
Wait, I thought the left was all about inclusion.
I guess it's politics ueber alles after all.
They fight everywhere, from Mexican restaurants to the barricades of Tindr.
And then they'll be surprised if, at some point, the deplorables start to fight back, in the buwaya scenario.
Michael K: And you detected this how ?
I realize you progs expect the peasants to bow and tug a forelock of hair but you are getting a bit hysterical if you think blog comments are threats.
Has r/V ever shown up in any state but his trademark listless hysteria?
He never engages, just plops in and flaps his wrists with some barely pertinent inanity and then disappears.
"does anyone care whether Washington creatures get dates?"
If this were young Democratic women forced to choose between their political convictions and their personal romantic happiness, it would absolutely be portrayed by the media as a problem.
Complete strangers grilling me on how I vote is enough of a red flag to tell me they are socially retarded and thus undateable.
Give R/V a break. He's under a blankie hoping Fitz' doesn't come a knockin'.
Anyone involved in political operations know Republicans fuck Republicans and Democrats fuck Democrats. Everyone fucks young media females, they'mattress backs and easy. Media males prefer interns or colleagues' daughters, Jeffery Tobin is an example.
There is the Mary Matlin/Ragin' Cajun marriage. Sorry. I know..can't unsee that.
Elite Republicans are like James Comey. Elite Democrats are like Susan Rice. I think they would make a cute couple
Imagine what a governing caste that has been worked up to this pitch of rage will try to do to the volk, once they regain power (and they will).
Buwaya suggests: I suggest the establishment of a "working capital" in some flyover state office park.
And let the agency personnel come out there to do business, if personal presence is needed.
This has been suggested before on this blog. IMO, the first step toward saving our country is decentralization of our federal government. Every department should be in a different state with departments spread evenly across the country. [California could have the Ministry of Silly Walks].
After college, I lived/worked in Georgetown in the 80s. Yowza. The weather was not the only thing hot. The babes were glorious. It was like Disneyland for 23-year olds. Wisconsin and "M" Steet was our domain.
Hopefully it's still fun there.
Imagine what a governing caste that has been worked up to this pitch of rage will try to do to the volk, once they regain power (and they will).
They already have power, as they have the means of communication and propaganda.
For the Left...everything is political.
You're a bigot if you refuse to date a transsexual, but a hero if you refuse to date a Trump supporter.
Yes Gahrie,
Because Trump supporters are "anti-science"...
By the way, does anyone care whether Washington creatures get dates?
Anne Marie Cox made a career out of it.
You mean the young ones in DC are no longer like the clique of recent graduates of Washington, D.C.'s Georgetown University as depicted in "St. Elmo's Fire"?
Because the liberals of that group still accepted the conservative guy, played by Judd Nelson, as a friend.
So: our society has gotten worse than the one in an 80s Brat Pack movie.
That's fucked up.
Because the liberals of that group still accepted the conservative guy
I thought of that too, but if my recollection is correct while he went to work for a Republican Senator his personal politics weren't revealed, other than he liked money...
Was in DC a couple weeks ago. The town is overrun with millenials wearing conservative office attire from the 1980's.
BTW, McCain's staffer who was working with the D's to target the Tea-party tax returns is now in the Trump administration.
I wonder if he has trouble finding DC friends.
George Will is a cranky, bitchy, Grandma.
Hilarious sour grapes from the WaPo. That's the hottest neighborhood in town: great new restaurants, The Anthem (a fantastic new concert venue), Nationals Park, the DC United Stadium (soon), the Signature Theatre complex. Yes, those poor Trump staffers have it rough cowering in their ghetto.
I am not under a blanket because of Fitzgerald’s threats, but I can see how his provocative statements can lead to that. And I do believe in the right to defend my home, and the second amendment properly regulated, so I have a number of guns in the house for home protection.
Buwaya: "Imagine what a governing caste that has been worked up to this pitch of rage will try to do to the volk, once they regain power (and they will)." Yes. They will. And I shudder to think of what will happen then. They may be impervious to a sense of guilt for having acted like vindictive and destructive idiots while out of power (blind indignant fury is a good way to silence and hide one's guilty conscience). Or they just not care. Their objective will be to change the rules conclusively so that their grip on power can never be broken.
This may provoke a response.
The Left is mentally ill.
Yancey Ward said...
The Left is mentally ill.
They have become unhinged.
Ann Althouse said... If elite Republicans won't do the work...
Elite. Lolz.
r/V: I am not under a blanket because of Fitzgerald’s threats, but I can see how his provocative statements can lead to that.
Then you must be very concerned for the safety of Americans who voted for Trump, because your side pumps out a whoppingly higher volume of such "provocative statements", and through a much louder, entrenched, and ubiquitous system of linked megaphones.
And I do believe in the right to defend my home, and the second amendment properly regulated, so I have a number of guns in the house for home protection.
Pardon me if I doubt this. You pussies are afraid of guns.
So: our society has gotten worse than the one in an 80s Brat Pack movie.
...and since we're examining this, it would seem our current society is even worse than in American Psycho. The bankers at Pierce & Pierce could relax and share a decent table at Espace with Vanden and Stash. I mean sure Vanden is Evelyn's cousin and all, but still.
Michael K blog comments give some insight into the mind of bloggers and I have only seen these types of threats, at least on the Althouse blog, from those on the right, never from the so-called left like Inga, or RM or myself.
Do you think Sarah Huckabee Sanders would ever be kicked out of Dorsia?
You pussies are afraid of guns
I don't know about pussies but while lefties hate guns they love love love shooting them.
“Democrat party members must be shamed, hounded and made to answer for their support of thieves, liars, rapists, murderers and traitors. They MUST be punished and suffer for this. America needs to cleanse itself by purging this abomination that has caused so much misery and grief here and abroad. The collaborators of these monsters must be brought to justice. There must be a reckoning. No democrat party member or collaborater should ever feel safe from harm or think that they could go out in public without fear of attack.”
Run for your lives Democrats! Michael Fitzgerald is gonna get us!! But first he’s gonna get you cucks with his hammer that slices like, um, I forget, but he said he had a great big hammer and he was gonna hammer anyone who wasn’t sufficiently Pro Trump.
“Michael K blog comments give some insight into the mind of bloggers and I have only seen these types of threats, at least on the Althouse blog, from those on the right, never from the so-called left like Inga, or RM or myself.”
Indeed. Yesterday it was Achilles threatening “wet work” and people getting killed by him and his friends in the military. It’s almost funny, but not quite.
R/V can see how my threats are a call to violence. What was his response when CNN commentator and annual New Year's Eve special host Kathy Griffin made that same threat a few days ago? What was CNN'S response?
....Peter Fonda must die.
Michael for a surgeon you make foolish generalizatins before knowing the individual. I begin hunting geese in the fall,often times before class started at Waukesha South HS, and hunted deer, both bow and rifle into my twenties.my markmenshp training was provided by the NRA, which put on completions at the Milwaukee Sports Show, and when working in the rural South, I was taught by locals how to fire pistols.
...a stretch of Washington that spans from the Wharf—a shiny new development three blocks south of the National Mall—southeast along the Waterfront and into Navy Yard, on the banks of the Anacostia River. It’s a string of neighborhoods that peer out over the water, separated from most of the city by an interstate, and facing away from official Washington.
Left out of the description is the fact that, while the area described is rapidly gentrifying (i.e. getting "whiter"), it was, until very recently, the "blackest" neighborhood in DC. These Trump staffers live surrounded by black people. Pretty strange sting to do for a "bunch of racists".
In it's own strange way, though, it makes sense. The tony-er neighborhoods in DC are mostly white & very progessive, & they would be actively hostile to a Trumpy. The blacks of Anacostia aren't too fond of white people of any stripe, & probably see the Trumpies as no worse or better than a vanilla invasion of BernieBros or Hillaryites. It's like a comparison of a tolerable constant background radiation of racial animus rather than a personally directed pulse of ideological hatred.
Hey FBI are you reading his shit by Michael Fitzgerald? Hmmm, maybe a call to them would be in order. If that’s his real name it shouldn’t be too hard to find him, or they could subpoena Althouse’s computer.
Pretty strange sting to do for a "bunch of racists".
"Sting" should be "thing". Weird autocorrect.
Where are the normal righties denouncing Fitzgerald for his death threats to Democrats? Young Hegelian, here’s your chance, remember our conversation from last evening about being defined by the extremists on your political “side”?
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
Michael for a surgeon you make foolish generalizatins before knowing the individual.
OH, I am just going on the standard leftist ideology. You certainly give no hint of rational thought here,
Blogger Inga said...
Where are the normal righties denouncing Fitzgerald for his death threats to Democrats? Young Hegelian, here’s your chance, remember our conversation from last evening about being defined by the extremists on your political “side”?
I see the fool has gotten her DNC email for the day. Marching orders.
I know quite a lot of young (late-twenties to about forty) mostly college-educated types, although oddly, many with low-level jobs. My circle of friends in recent years trended young. They're mostly liberals/leftists, and almost none of them have any children, or are likely to. They're good people, but I'm glad the left is voluntarily claiming the Darwin Award. If only BLM folks would follow suit, America would be great again in short order.
Last time I check there was a terrible male/female ratio in DC. It was happy hunting ground for available males..place was swarming with prime time females. I could see a male screening
based on ideological grounds since the odds favor them but it sounds defeating for a female.
On the west side of Washington, D.C., for example, there are 1.4 college educated women between ages 18 and 30 for every man of the same description.
Toss out the gays, criminals, and impotent and we are looking at about 2 women per male.
I have only seen these types of threats, at least on the Althouse blog, from those on the right, never from the so-called left like Inga, or RM or myself.
So, calling you a "pussy" is a threat ?
Wasn't that you in a pussy hat marching last fall ?
Come on you will be risking your transgender credibility.
How is this not a good thing? Separate those with their hands on the springs of power from the old corrupt Establishment and the Establishment withers away. They end up like White Russian emigres, waiting tables by day, recalling former glories by night. Power will always attract a new group of people.
Who is crazy??
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
The Left is mentally ill.
6/23/18, 11:21 AM
Blogger LilyBart said...
Yancey Ward said...
The Left is mentally ill.
They have become unhinged.
6/23/18, 11:22 AM
6/23/18, 8:15 AM
Blogger Michael Fitzgerald said...
Democrat party members must be shamed, hounded and made to answer for their support of thieves, liars, rapists, murderers and traitors. They MUST be punished and suffer for this. America needs to cleanse itself by purging this abomination that has caused so much misery and grief here and abroad. The collaborators of these monsters must be brought to justice. There must be a reckoning. No democrat party member or collaborater should ever feel safe from harm or think that they could go out in public without fear of attack.
6/23/18, 8:20 AM
The latest thing to do is to keep Trump people out of restaurants in the DC area. The names of these restaurants need to be publicized.
Where is the outrage against restaurants and lunch counters which refuse to serve guests because of political color?
I would like to totally endorse Inga's comments and say that Michael Fitzgerald's comments are out of line and not productive. Please Michael stop saying those things. It is not helpful.
Are the owners of the bigoted establishments standing behind this insanity?
We don't want them to see us coming.
These stupid women are not going to get boyfriends anyway. They are typical of your stupid liberal cunts who complain that there are no good men when all they have to mate with are beta excel feminist man bun wearing faggots.
That's not going to get you laid baby.
So become a lesbian or buy a vibrator because that's the best you can do.
You should look into cats. That is your future.
Mac McConnell said...
Anyone involved in political operations know Republicans fuck Republicans and Democrats fuck Democrats. Everyone fucks young media females, they'mattress backs and easy."
I can no longer find it online, but about 10 years ago, an anonymous DC Democrat published an article called "The Elephant in the Bedroom." The liberal female author admitted that she found Republican men to be much more fun in the sack, and, from the sound of it, she had slept with enough men from both parties to form an educated opinion on the subject. She said it was because those mean, heartless Republicans were far more assertive in the bedroom than wishy-washy, feminist Democrats, so despite her loathing of GOP political beliefs, she just couldn't stop herself from landing in the sack with conservatives. Of course, there were screams of anguish and "traitor!" in the comments section, as well as some gloating and strutting from Republican men.
My own sample size is much smaller, but you know, that Democrat woman was right.
Those snotty little Trump haters are missing a good time :)
Signs that you might be in a cult.
Opposing critical thinking
Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving
Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders
Dishonoring the family unit
Crossing Biblical or human decency boundaries
Sarah sanders got kicked out of a restaurant last night. People are saying Kevin McHale should never work in the NBA again because he might have gone to a Trump rally. Kirstjen M. Nielsen is hounded at dinner and later at her house.
The Left needs to tread very carefully here. They are destroying the civility and social norms that govern our society.
Sounds like the DNC platform since 1972.
Ah, the limitations of cut’n’paste.
Because the liberals of that group still accepted the conservative guy, played by Judd Nelson, as a friend.
So: our society has gotten worse than the one in an 80s Brat Pack movie.
That's fucked up.
I'm so old I can remember a YAF booth on campus during the 1980 campaign. People argued with them but did not scream at them or threaten them or wreck their booth or require counseling because there were Reagan fans in the vicinity. That was in Chicago.
Regarding the Sarah Sanders situation: is it too much to ask for a group of concerned local citizens to protest and chant outside these restaurants?
From what I've seen you can do this all day with no interference from the police.
Maybe they could even do a quiet sit-in inside the restaurant.
Quiet, but with a bullhorn like that protester in the Philadelphia Starbucks with his bullhorn in the barista's face.
"No Service, No Peace".
Inga wrote this about the signs of a cult:
"Opposing critical thinking
Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving"
Followed immediately by Gahrie:
"Sarah sanders got kicked out of a restaurant last night. People are saying Kevin McHale should never work in the NBA again because he might have gone to a Trump rally. Kirstjen M. Nielsen is hounded at dinner and later at her house."
The poor, befuddled, narcissistic dolt is too dumb to see that everything she cries about describes her own fascist side.
Personally I think it is a good thing to stop people from frequenting our establishments if we disagree with them or their life stlye.
So I can throw gays out of my bakery and tell those brown people not to sit at my lunch counter.
I approve. Lets institute that as the law of the land. I am very pleased that the Democrats are coming back home to what was always their view of the world.
Segregation now....segregation tomorrow....segregation forever.
If I lived in Virginia I'd be outside that restaurant tonight telling people not to go in.
Obama separated and caged. Trump reunites and liberates. The establishment, the left, and the press were discombobulated and haven't recovered since Deep Plunger exposed Water Closet.
“The poor, befuddled, narcissistic dolt is too dumb to see that everything she cries about describes her own fascist side.”
It’s the extremists on BOTH sides that are guilty of everything on my list. I’m not just speaking of rightist cultists. We need to reject extremism, don’t normalize it, no matter what side is engaging in it. You’re intelligent enough to understand this, no?
#PoliticalCongruence. Check.
#WarlockHunts. Check.
#OccupyThisThatOther. Check.
#AMotherAGuardianAndASpermDonator. Check.
#DiversityDenyingIndividualDignity. Check.
#AbortionRitesSacrificingVirginLives. Check.
#DenyingHumanEvoltution. Check.
There is nothing extremist about not wanting to associate with people whose viewpoints and lifestyles you despise. It is human. It was formerly the law of the land. Instead we are bowing down to the false Gods of inclusion and multiculturalism. In fact human society had always forced out the outliers.
You want to change human nature.
It is a losing game.
We need to reject extremism, don’t normalize it, no matter what side is engaging in it.
Interesting, coming from a commentator who is an extremist herself. Is there a point where you develop an open mind and accept that much of what you think is normal and appropriate is actually abnormal, inappropriate, and extreme?
The best answer to all of this BS, is to DEcentralize the Federal Government. Having all of the offices and departments in one location only leads to an isolated mindset, interbreeding of thought and contributes to the Deep State issues that we are dealing with now.
Moving offices to various locations around the US would expose their little insulated minds to other people, other thoughts, other ways of living and perhaps, just perhaps, bring some of these smug little assholes out of their elite bubbles.
With the technology that we have today, there is no reason for a massive centralized governmental bureaucracy.
Put offices in Montana, Arkansas, Texas, Wisconsin, New Mexico etc. Not only disbursing the people, it would actually be a good thing in that the cost of living in many areas is much better than in Washington DC.
Wait. Leftists projecting their thuggery onto others?
We need to reject extremism, don’t normalize it, no matter what side is engaging in it. You’re intelligent enough to understand this, no?
The fool ignores the violence of her own side.
If you have any fragment of honesty, show the examples of this sort of behavior on the right.
But you won't because you are dishonest.
People who make their politics the central organizing principle of their liives are pathetic losers.
Inga - your post about the cult was a stupendous example of cognitive dissonance. Are you sure you aren’t a conservative trolling us?
Put offices in Montana, Arkansas, Texas, Wisconsin, New Mexico etc. Not only disbursing the people, it would actually be a good thing in that the cost of living in many areas is much better than in Washington DC.
I actually would prefer Detroit and St Louis which are central. Texas is filling up with lefties fleeing lefty paradise in CA.
Oklahoma might be a good spot for Energy.
It’s the extremists on BOTH sides that are guilty of everything on my list. I’m not just speaking of rightist cultists. We need to reject extremism, don’t normalize it, no matter what side is engaging in it. You’re intelligent enough to understand this, no?
Provide examples of times you have decried uncivil behavior from the Left...should be easy no?
“Interesting, coming from a commentator who is an extremist herself. Is there a point where you develop an open mind and accept that much of what you think is normal and appropriate is actually abnormal, inappropriate, and extreme?”
If you think I’m an extreme left winger you really are not a good judge of people. What have I ever posted that could possibly lead you to such a conclusion? Do you consider everyone who isn’t a Trump supporter an extremist and an enemy, is that now now accepted dogma in the Trump Cult?
Every day, every week, these threads sound more like the Jonathan Turley blog. Little by little the lefties left, more and more conspiracy theory types and extreme rightists showed up. If one reads that blog now it would be unrecognizable from 5 years ago. Ive seen this happening to other blogs that leaned right. Extremism is becoming normal. Isn’t that what happened in the Mid East with Islam? The fundamentalists and extremists became more powerful, making the moderates apostates.
Inga thinks she is a moderate.
Ha. Nice one.
Whose trolling who now sugar tits?
Oh come on Michael many of your posts hardly qualify as rational thought but are simply name calling you second rate doctor.
The leftist fascists will keep saying that the National Grrman Socialist Workers Party was right wing.
And then act like Nazis.
There is absolutely no difference between Antifa and the Red Guards in China.
Well except the color of clothes they wear when they assault political opponents.
Will is right we have to vote out these Republican poodles who have lost their way and are leading the country in the wrong direction. - R/V
George Will should stick to writing about baseball. That way he can bore people on a subject he knows something about.
Why bring someone else's blog into it anyway?
I don't think Althouse likes talking about other blogs.
She is a very jealous person. She would not want to talk about Turley or Powerline or Legal Insurrection which are all far superior legal blogs. If her commentators go there they might never come back.
If you think I’m an extreme left winger you really are not a good judge of people.
You voted for Jill Fucking Stein.
It doesn't get more extreme left-wing than that, you dolt.
Speaking of conspiracies did you know that the Pro-Trump woman who beat Never Trumper Mark Sanders was in a terrible hit and run car accident and was severely injured. She might not be able to run for the seat.
Does anyone know what Laura Bush has been up too lately?
"Oh come on Michael many of your posts hardly qualify as rational thought but are simply name calling you second rate doctor."
Are we sure that Inga and r/v are not the same person. The Jr. HS insults are quite similar.
I see Inga as more of a true believer leftist than a far leftist. That is mostly because the far left has gone way over the edge and Inga is only near the edge.
Wait I misspoke. It was not a hit and run. It was a head on collision and the other driver was dead at the scene.
The other driver appears to be a Democratic activist from Louisiana and the accident was in South Carolina.
Extremism is becoming normal. Isn’t that what happened in the Mid East with Islam? The fundamentalists and extremists became more powerful, making the moderates apostates.
It's not the Rightwing harassing Leftwingers at restaurants and at their homes.
It's not the Rightwing starting riots when Leftwingers speak.
It's not the Rightwing who dominate the college campuses and work to silence the opposition.
It's not the rightwing getting people fired for their politics.
The best answer to all of this BS, is to DEcentralize the Federal Government. Having all of the offices and departments in one location only leads to an isolated mindset, interbreeding of thought and contributes to the Deep State issues that we are dealing with now.
Moving offices to various locations around the US would expose their little insulated minds to other people, other thoughts, other ways of living and perhaps, just perhaps, bring some of these smug little assholes out of their elite bubbles.
With the technology that we have today, there is no reason for a massive centralized governmental bureaucracy.
Put offices in Montana, Arkansas, Texas, Wisconsin, New Mexico etc. Not only disbursing the people, it would actually be a good thing in that the cost of living in many areas is much better than in Washington DC.
I said pretty much the same thing at 10:11. ;-)
Au contraire: there is no more lasting hurt than one like this. It will be remembered and will affect social relations widely and deeply. Worse, it will not be curable through apology or explanation. The parties will never meet to clear the poisoned air.
Progs are building a huge debit account here.
Why did the terms "Hutu" and "Tutsi" jump into my head when I read this?
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
Oh come on Michael many of your posts hardly qualify as rational thought but are simply name calling you second rate doctor.
Oh? When were you my patient ?
Or is this just more hate by leftists like the restaurant that refused to serve Sarah Sanders?
Sanders said she was told by the owner of The Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia, that she had to "leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left."
She said the event Friday evening said far more about the owner of the restaurant than it did about her.
You are all insane haters.
Chickelit asks: Where is the outrage against restaurants and lunch counters which refuse to serve guests because of political color?
We are going to need three types of restaurants: Red, Blue and Purple. Purple because we occasionally have to dine with someone from the opposing camp. Now there is no way this would be necessary on the Right's behalf. No, it's the Progs who need their 'safe spaces' and I'm willing to let them have it, so long as we don't have to hear any more of their crap.
I see Inga as more of a true believer leftist than a far leftist. That is mostly because the far left has gone way over the edge and Inga is only near the edge.
She is a follower without independent thought.
However, she has gotten nastier over the past month or two.
As the Russia/Trump thing peters out, we expect to see a lot more hate.
buwaya wrote: Roesch, you are a fair representative of what has turned into a poison-culture (someone should make up a German word for this).
Fair in what sense? Fair as in blond and pale? Fair as in better than failing but not so good? Or fair as in impartial?
As for a word, how about Giftkultur? Curious that our word for something given gratis from either affection or respect is the same a German term for poison. Zyklon B, the infamous pesticide used to murder Jews and other "deplorables" during the National Socialist regime in Germany was a type of giftgas. I suppose there's a deep irony there about gifts, as in Agamemnon's gift to Priam, that the German who coined the word was tying into. Our word poison comes from Norman French and is oddly similar to poisson, Parisian for fish. The Old English word is ator, which has no survival in Middle or Modern English.
This is indeed going to end up as Tutsi and Hutu, of Sinhalese and Tamil.
Both sides are separating, driven mainly by the arrogant acts of the left.
Any academic willing to step out of his bubble should see it instantly.
But those are powerful bubbles.
The thread is deteriorating into personal insults.
R/V sounds like trumpit who seems to think my license was taken away for some reason.
The left is getting more hysterical as Trump moves from strength to strength.
George Will seems to have become infected.
A new biography of the Black Prince has arrived and I have finished with my book on Agincourt, or Azincourt if you prefer the French.
Time to move on.
We need to reject extremism, don’t normalize it, no matter what side is engaging in it. You’re intelligent enough to understand this, no?
6/23/18, 12:47 PM
Except it's not the right who is doxing ICE agents and putting their lives in danger, a conservative did not ever suggest putting the Obama girls in cages where they would be raped, conservatives don't drive liberals out of restaurants and conservatives don't shoot up baseball fields. Nor do they riot when a liberal speaker shows up on campus. Bernie Sanders was treated respectfully when he visited Liberty University. That blog commenters say mean things to you and ARM is not close to being equivalent.
The left seems to be trying as hard as it can to goad the right into violence and one of these days it will happen. You can't call people Nazis and try to ruin their businesses and professional and personal lives - hell, the left is now working to get innocent people killed for their politics - forever without something snapping at some point.
fair as in adequate, passable
It is not extremist to want to associate with your own kind. Your type of people. A homogeneous gathering based on race, sexual orientation and political outlook.
That why it is wrong for hipsters to invade Harlem and Bed Stuy and for Republicans to visit restaurants in ultra liberal parts of Virginia that caters to the Swamp and the Deep State.
Diversity only causes problems. Inclusion is against the reality of human biology.
Stick with your own kind.
Apologies for misreading.
Don't expect me to defend the divisive incivility of the Left of either gender.
While I wish that the Karma Bus runs them over, no doubt Roesch and Inga will get the shivering fits over the 'threat', even as the Left shuts down free speech and has Antifa thugs running around.
If I thought for a moment Inga was actually a Presbyterian or Roesch had any classical knowledge, I would cite the parable of specks and planks.
They cite violence and incivility a mere 2 days after Peter Fonda and his ilk threatened kidnapping and rape of the first family.
But the left doesn't own any mirrors to see how ugly and violent they look.
It's not the Rightwing harassing Leftwingers at restaurants and at their homes.
It's not the Rightwing starting riots when Leftwingers speak.
It's not the Rightwing who dominate the college campuses and work to silence the opposition.
It's not the rightwing getting people fired for their politics.
Maybe everybody should just cut and paste this whenever Inga (or r/V) start their moronic blathering about the brownshirts under their beds.
I mean, it's not like they're ever going to engage with you on an adult level or with a modicum of honesty. But if you really feel that you can't let their horse shit go by without any pushback, save yourself time and trouble with a quick Ctrl-V.
Over and over and over again if necessary - not because it's going to force them into an honest exchange, but because labeling horseshit as horseshit, clearly and consistently, is a social good. It keeps any passing honest folk from
being demoralized via being deceived, by the sheer depth and breadth of the horseshit, into believing that horseshit is inevitable and must be accepted as the norm.
“It is not extremist to want to associate with your own kind. Your type of people. A homogeneous gathering based on race, sexual orientation and political outlook.
Diversity only causes problems. Inclusion is against the reality of human biology.
Stick with your own kind.”
This is White Supremacist ideology. At least he didn’t call Asians gooks today, or black and Hispanics monkeys,good job appearing to speak rationally. So Peel, what about Achilles marrying an Asian woman? If you had your way Peel would you make marrying outside your race illegal? Be truthful, let the folks here hear the true White Supremacist ideology. Achilles thinks Nazis are leftists, are you a leftist Peel? LOL.
The key point for modern-day dating is simple: don't sleep with Leftwing women - even the good-looking ones.
Think about it - it's kinda like Pascal's Wager:
1. Ugly liberal women - easy to ignore
2. Pretty liberal women - problem
3. Ugly conservative women - stay friends, discuss Milton Friedman
4. Pretty conservative women - lotta sex
See, 1 & 4 are easy to deal with. As for 1, physically ugly Leftwing women, you just grin and nod, and then avoid like the plague. Do not engage politically! And as for 4, if there's some hot sorority girl from, say, University of Georgia, working for Zell Miller or Sam Nunn (the last conservative Dems) and living near DuPont Circle, and likes Magaritas, life will be good.
As for 3, well, God Bless ''em, they will make good wives to some accountant or bureaucrat.
But the problem group is 2: they wanna compete, and fight and flirt and fuck, but ultimately they just wanna protect Roe v Wade, and open borders, and high taxes. And as they get older they get worse. More strident, more uptight. That Redford-Streisand shit does not work in real life.
So, bottom line, don't sleep with liberal women - even the good-looking ones. It's just too damn risky!
You would get the same sort of advice from a Chinese mother.
Or for that matter a Filipino communist.
There is nothing "Southern" or "White" about it.
I have for years argued that the congress shoul meet every other year in a location at least a three hour drive from a Palm restaurant. Hookers and lobbyists would have to set up their camps far far from home.
Marrying outside of your race is stupid but not illegal. However it should be illegal to force people to associate with others if you do not want to do so.
I don't condemn poor Achilles. I feel sorry for him.
People go native. Some like their poon tang extra tangy. If that is what he wants then good enough for him. I just don't want to be forced to do the same.
I agree with the liberals who refused Sarah Sanders service. I am sure you do too Inga. You should be able to refuse to associate with people who will destroy your culture and your community.
When we got away from that we started the inevitable decline of our civilization. Just as the Romans did when they invited the Vandals and the rest of the barbarians inside.
History always repeats itself.
Just realize one thing. White supremacy is the only viable method of survival for a society.
Or you can live in Baltimore.
"This is White Supremacist ideology". Actually, no. Every race throughout history has more or less followed these dictums. Observe where well to do black people live, middle class black people, black people with money and mobility.
As buwaya says the Chinese mama-san will tell you the same thing. Or his Filipino auntie.
Just imagine what they said when that young Filipina brought home Shouting Thomas.
They have a lot of wisdom. Listen to them.
The white liberals are the only ones who delibrately denigrate and are ashamed of their race.
Look at what is happening in Britain. It will happen here too if the Inga's of the world have their way.
Buwaya is right. We are in the precipice of a civil war. The peaceable solution is to separate. To segregate. Before it comes to blows.
The rich do it already. They have private schools and gated communities. It is the working class that gets the forced busing and the disparate impact housing projects. You don't see them coming to Scarsdale or Bel Air.
Ms. Althouse is missing the forest for the trees. It is not the plight of a single 31 yr old Republican that we should whine about: it is that the press has continually tried to normalize The Resistance no matter how uncivil and vile.
From your own blog:
Women cut their hair in unattractive styles because Trump. Justified!
Wives withholding sex from from Trump voting husbands? Keen!
'The Cool Kids' left swiping anyone to the Left of Abby Hoffman? Why isn't everyone?
Meanwhile, there is a similar movement among men: Feminists and ardent career women are being bypassed as mates and wives. Men think the juice is not worth the squeeze.
How is THIS dating preference characterized? Beyond the Pale! How dare men be so Patriarchal?
So I don't care about a single Democrat asshole (one can't throw a stone in Washington without hitting one).
It is the culture changes the Leftist Press wants to normalize and make it known to all Deplorables.
Because we outnumber them.
Every conservative parent that home schools agrees with me.
They just don't have the balls to state it plainly.
That's why they do it even if they don't want to admit it to themselves.
“I agree with the liberals who refused Sarah Sanders service. I am sure you do too Inga. You should be able to refuse to associate with people who will destroy your culture and your community.”
I’m sure I don’t.
“I don't condemn poor Achilles. I feel sorry for him.
People go native. Some like their poon tang extra tangy. If that is what he wants then good enough for him. I just don't want to be forced to do the same.”
How do you like him now Achilles? Still want to recruit him to go kill some liberals?
“Just realize one thing. White supremacy is the only viable method of survival for a society.”
White German Nationalists were/are not leftists and neither are White American Nationalists/ Supremacists. Take a lesson here Achilles
Yeah, I just used the sorority girl as an example. Good looking Conservative or "Not-Liberal" women of ANY color are certainly welcome! Philipinas, Asians, Bulgarians, whatever country Melania is from.......
Excuse please: to the Right of Abby Hoffman.
@Michael K,
Sanders said she was told by the owner of The Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia, that she had to "leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left."
Did you look at where Lexington, VA is? It's waaaaaaaay outside the DC metro area, down I-81 following the Appalachians. It may be a little Blue because of Wash & Lee Univ, but otherwise that's a really Red area of VA.
That restaurant just signed its own death warrant. There will be a local boycott, organized or not, and it just won't be able to make ends meet.
You can do that shit to a Trumpy in DC & get away with it. You can't in southern VA.
Peel, if the whites who still largely control the media, academia, entertainment and the Dem party stressed assimilation and the primacy of American values the way they did during the era of European immigration, I have no doubt that the majority of non-white immigrants would gladly embrace those values. As Mark Steyn says, it's not the color, it's the culture. 19th century Italians, Germans, Poles and Russian Jews did not come from countries with democratic traditions - they adopted those values here.
I don't care about the skin color of middle-easterners. I worry about Islamic values.
If you had to choose, would you rather live in a minority-white town surrounded by conservative blacks and Hispanics (they do exist, you know) or in a majority-white town surrounded by SJWs? Who would you rather have as a neighbor, Thomas Sowell or ARM? I know which town I'd feel more comfortable in.
Have you all been to Alexandria, Virginia lately? Beautiful little town. I like Arlington too. Sadly, I think with all the federal boondoggle money both are blue now.
But if I ever cash out of the Bay Area, I might just saddle up, grab my squaw, Bay Area Gal, and relocate there.
You can do that shit to a Trumpy in DC & get away with it. You can't in southern VA.
I read it was in the Shenandoah Valley but that seems pretty far. A lot of DC lower level bureaucrats live pretty far out. A friend of mine was the White House Marine aide, the same job Ollie North had, and they lived an hour out. That was 25 years ago.
I'll bet the lower level bureaucracy lives way out now.
That's right, exiled. I'm a minority white in a mostly Hispanic county with a small percentage of blacks. Lots of military and politically red, so far. You couldn't pay me enough to move back to Seattle.
You gotta keep em separated.
"Bubble on the Potomac" (2010 DC)
Aside from its wealth, the single defining feature of über-Washington is its youth. Most of the people who have moved to Washington since 2006 have been under 35; the region has the highest percentage of 25-to-34-year-olds in the U.S. “We’re a mecca for young people,” Fuller says. One recent arrival says word has gotten out to new graduates that Washington is where the work is. “It’s a place where a liberal-arts major can still get a job,” she says, “because you don’t need a particular skill.”
Über-Washington has its own career pattern that is becoming as routinized as that of a 1950s organization man. A student graduates and goes to Washington for an internship, usually unpaid, which qualifies her for another internship, perhaps paid, until an entry-level job is offered, as it almost always will be. “Then you work for a few years,” Glickfield explains, “and then you go off and get the next degree, law or business, and then you come back for a better job.” Colleges and universities have figured this out and moved quickly to get a place on the conveyor belt. Big state schools and smaller liberal-arts colleges occupy office buildings in the city, where they run sophisticated internship programs designed to place their graduates (and soon-to-be graduates) in one of the country’s few hot job markets.
As national politics makes it impossible to expand government explicitly, these interns—often underpaid, usually overworked and frequently subsidized by their parents—have become vital to keeping government going. At the same time, they contribute to a feature of über-Washington that too often goes unremarked: the capital has one of the most lopsided distributions of wealth of any major metropolitan area in the U.S. Along with a higher <per capita income than any state and one of the nation’s lowest rates of unemployment, Washington has a poverty rate of nearly 20%, above the national average of 15%; a public-school system that is often called the worst in the nation; and a crime rate that remains higher than in any other rich community. In the district, whites enjoy a per capita income nearly three times that of African Americans.
You can often see the maldistribution of Washington’s riches block by block—even on the same block, row house by row house—as young, well-to-do high achievers move into neighborhoods that real estate agents label hot, buying up properties, planting flower boxes and tending little squares of lawn behind wrought-iron fences, next to an abandoned building or a vacant lot or a home where a fatherless family is just scraping by. Most über-Washingtonians say they like the urban grit. The crime and decay amid the plenty, says local activist Danny Harris, “are the price you pay if you want to live in an urban environment.” The disequilibrium especially bothers Harris, he says, when it signals a civic detachment among his fellow young strivers. “You can have people who know every nuance of our policy toward Burma,” he says, “but they don’t know the name of the public school down the block.”
So what does Peel think about a black conservative President? Or blacks in government, positions of power? Come on Peel, you’ve got big balls, let ‘em hang out.
“Put offices in Montana, Arkansas, Texas, Wisconsin, New Mexico etc. Not only disbursing the people, it would actually be a good thing in that the cost of living in many areas is much better than in Washington DC.”
Saw a bumper sticker today:
“Welcome to Montana, Now Go Home”
Inga: This is White Supremacist ideology.
As buwaya has pointed out, there's nothing "white supremacist" about it. It's very common to hear that sort of thing from parents all over the world, including in the U.S., among black Americans, Asian-Americans, Indian-Americans, Jewish Americans, as well as many flavors of white-ethnic Americans.
Which you would be very well aware of, if you actually had any non-trivial experience with human beings outside of your own race and parochial sub-culture. (On the other hand, maybe you do have some familiarity with this common feature of human life, but are morally retarded enough to find such sentiments blameworthy only when they are expressed by certain kinds of white people.)
But at any rate, you and peel ought to get a room. You're made for each other.
The Red Hen wrung its own neck.
“But at any rate, you and Peel ought to get a room. You're made for each other.”
No thanks, he’s more your type. You two could do a national tour of Civil War monuments to it’s Confederate heros.
Her own neck
Culture and values trump skin color.
Lotta pockets of healthy conservative culture and values in the minority communities.
Lotta pockets of rotting, diseased Leftwing culture and values in the white community.
So what does Peel think about a black conservative President?
I don't much care what peel thinks about a black conservative president, but Tim Scott might be that President. Unlike Barack Obama, Scott actually has accomplishments.
“I don't much care what peel thinks about a black conservative president...”
I asked Peel, not you.
It seems like Republican tolerance has made it way to the mid-west where Minnesota Republican Party Chairwomen Jennifer Carnahan posted this on FB “Some (sadly) Republican Party leaders/executive committee members around this state have made racist comments about me, and to me — calling me ‘dragon lady, a ch**k, a stupid Asian not even born in America’ and other awful racial slurs,” said Carnahan, who was born in South Korea and raised by adopted parents in Minnesota.
Bruce Hayden observes: Saw a bumper sticker today:
“Welcome to Montana, Now Go Home”
Some years ago in Oregon there were signs that said, "Thank you for visiting Oregon but please don't move here".
Bay Area Guy: Have you all been to Alexandria, Virginia lately? Beautiful little town. I like Arlington too. Sadly, I think with all the federal boondoggle money both are blue now.
Blue? Cobalt blue. Sapphire blue. Midnight blue. Indigo.
As in "need a new adjective for blue" blue.
I suggest "shitlib blue".
@Tim in Vermont said...
George Will represents exactly one vote.
But he cancels out your vote.
"It’s a string of neighborhoods that peer..."
“It seems like Republican tolerance has made it way to the mid-west where Minnesota Republican Party Chairwomen Jennifer Carnahan posted this on FB “Some (sadly) Republican Party leaders/executive committee members around this state have made racist comments about me, and to me — calling me ‘dragon lady, a ch**k, a stupid Asian not even born in America’ and other awful racial slurs,” said Carnahan, who was born in South Korea and raised by adopted parents in Minnesota.”
Maybe she added fuel to the fire by not being adequately deferential to Trump. They seem to be in a frenzy to expel those like Chuck and never Trumpers from their midst. The extremism is getting normalized, maybe another reason George Will is telling people to vote against the GOP in November.
Inga: No thanks...
OK, that's fine. So, as I was saying about your bizarre attribution of "white supremacist" to ordinary human sentiments:
As buwaya has pointed out, there's nothing "white supremacist" about it. It's very common to hear that sort of thing from parents all over the world, including in the U.S., among black Americans, Asian-Americans, Indian-Americans, Jewish Americans, as well as many flavors of white-ethnic Americans.
Which you would be very well aware of, if you actually had any non-trivial experience with human beings outside of your own race and parochial sub-culture. (On the other hand, maybe you do have some familiarity with this common feature of human life, but are morally retarded enough to find such sentiments blameworthy only when they are expressed by certain kinds of white people.)
So, no comments? Nothing to add? Admission of error? Defense of your bizarre assertion?
Tim’s vote counts no matter what George Will does.
Ah Inga; conservatives tend to think that progressives are either misinformed, reluctant to ascertain and deal with facts in a logical fashion, or just plain not too bright. I'm not certain which, if any, or all, of the three apply to you.
OTOH, progressives make it simple. Conservatives are EVIL!!! Shout that loud and long enough, and it's easy to actually believe it.
“...ordinary human sentiments...”
How would you know? Ordinary human sentiments from 50 years ago. Some long for the days when it was illegal to marry outside one’s race. Some of us don’t long for segregation and miscegenation laws. Go ahead and segregate yourselves. No one will care. However you have no way of keeping out races and ethnicities who don’t want to be locked out. Legal segregation is not coming back.
r/V: It seems like Republican tolerance has made it way to the mid-west where Minnesota Republican Party Chairwomen Jennifer Carnahan posted this on FB “Some (sadly) Republican Party leaders/executive committee members around this state have made racist comments about me, and to me — calling me ‘dragon lady, a ch**k, a stupid Asian not even born in America’ and other awful racial slurs,” said Carnahan, who was born in South Korea and raised by adopted parents in Minnesota.
Nice of you to be so concerned about the racists in the Republican party, r/V. How 'bout you clean up your own house and do something about the pernicious anti-white rhetoric among your own co-religionists?
As for me, I'm not a Republican, so I don't care any more about some Minnesota (white, I assume) Republicans making ethnic slurs about Asians, than I care about some West Coast Democrats Asians making racist remarks about whites.
I know that for some reason you think we should all be a lot more exercised about the former than the latter.
The racists and bigots have been empowered by Trump. You never would’ve heard someone like Peel preaching White Supremacy as loud and proud as he’s done here in the last several months, before the advent of Trump.
There are those on the Right that know what is happening and are pushing back, but they’re weak. It’s going to take a huge number of liberals to help them out.
Inga: "Legal segregation is not coming back."
"CSU Defends 'Segregated' Housing Offer After Conservative Backlash"
"The University of Colorado Boulder is creating a special new residence hall that will segregate black people away from the general student population."
Inga: How would you know? Ordinary human sentiments from 50 years ago...
No, ordinary sentiments that I've heard expressed in recent years in foreign countries, and in the here and now from Americans of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. As I said, you'd be perfectly well aware of this if you had any non-trivial experience with human beings outside of your won race and parochial sub-culture.
And what I said had nothing to do with your or my opinion on "segregation" or "miscegenation" or whatever weird tangent about your personal feelz you went off on instead of addressing your objective error in thinking that the sentiments expressed were uniquely white and "white supremacist".
So, no comment on that? Nothing to add? Admission of error? Defense of your bizarre assertion?
C'mon Inga. Thinking is hard but it's not actually *painful*, as you apparently believe it is, the way you avoid it.
To repeat my original remarks, in case you need a refresher:
As buwaya has pointed out, there's nothing "white supremacist" about it. It's very common to hear that sort of thing from parents all over the world, including in the U.S., among black Americans, Asian-Americans, Indian-Americans, Jewish Americans, as well as many flavors of white-ethnic Americans.
Which you would be very well aware of, if you actually had any non-trivial experience with human beings outside of your own race and parochial sub-culture. (On the other hand, maybe you do have some familiarity with this common feature of human life, but are morally retarded enough to find such sentiments blameworthy only when they are expressed by certain kinds of white people.)
"The racists and bigots have been empowered by Trump. " The goofy fool is delusional.
The left has been clinically insane since the election. If they get spanked this fall they might wake up but I think we will see more violence.
The terrible behavior toward two women in the administration by the Socialist left is another excelletn reason to move a lot of federal offices out of DC.
I think this is an excellent idea and hope he persists.
WASHINGTON — President Trump plans to propose a reorganization of the federal government as early as Thursday that includes a possible merger of the Education and Labor Departments, coupled with a reshuffling of other domestic agencies to make them easier to cut or revamp, according to administration officials briefed on the proposal.
The plan, which will most likely face significant opposition in Congress from Democrats and some Republicans, includes relocating many social safety net programs into a new megadepartment, which would replace the Department of Health and Human Services and possibly include the word “welfare” in its title.
That is only one department. Welfare would be a good fit with Detroit.
Inga: ...White Supremacy...
C'mon Inga, for all the energy you put into your bizarre bleatings about this "white supremacy" stuff, you ought at a minimum be able to attempt a defense of why what you're objecting to is uniquely white, let alone "white supremacist".
We'll start out easy, OK? Simple question, yes or no answer:
Do you believe that expressing a preference for marrying in-group (racial, religious, whatever), or keeping to the society of "your own kind", is a preference found uniquely among certain whites? And never (or very rarely) found among non-whites?
Yes or no?
I’m not interested in any discussion with you. Honestly, you make my skin crawl almost as much as Peel does.
Shrug. My Indian friend wanted to marry a man she...if not loved, wanted.
Alas, he was too black for her family. My North East Indian friends, who look Chinese, face a lot of marital hurdles such as this from 'normal' subcontinental Indians.
And Allah help a Muslim woman who wants to marry a non-Muslim.
But I don't live in the ideological bubble where Inga resides, where supposedly anyone can marry anyone. Hollywood told her so. I live in the real world.
But we've finally found the limits of Liberal tolerance. You can marry a White Liberal, a Brown Liberal, a Black Liberal, a Yellow Liberal, a Gay Liberal.
But Gaia help you if you, like the Muslim Totalitarians, try to marry or even date outside the Liberal Religion.
Thou shalt not!
I’m not interested in any discussion with you. Honestly, you make my skin crawl almost as much as Peel does.
In other words, you cannot defend your idiotic "white supremacist" assertion, and haven't got the moral integrity to admit you were wrong, or the intellectual integrity to care about mitigating your own ignorance.
But I don't live in the ideological bubble where Inga resides, where supposedly anyone can marry anyone. Hollywood told her so. I live in the real world.
Tell is about it. Stupidity is tough to fix.
It really doesn’t take much travel to get a good idea of a foreign nations attitudes.
Foreign languages are useful though, Spanish is excellent for picking up the climate of opinion in a wide range of places and subcultures.
Most of the world is far more openly and intensely racist than the US, as a general rule.
The expression and direction of this varies a lot.
The Chinese, generally, are not fond of anyone else.
They will “adopt” a foreigner sometimes, if he has a bit of charm - I was a great favorite with the local Chinese in my day, and my first girlfriend was Chinese. But a good Chinese mama would not want her daughter marrying a Filipino, though a white man of sufficient wealth and eminence might be acceptable. Indians are more overtly friendly, and better with languages in any case, but much more clannish. Only Indians of the right sort need apply in the case of suitors for a daughters hand. And perhaps uniquely, they are even more careful about their sons. All this is as true today as 50 years ago.
Filipinos actually are a remarkably xenophilic people, white man/woman, no problem. These are usually seen as a good catch. Mestizaje is seen as a positive. Chinese are more of a hard sell, but they will do, mostly, Chinese mestizos are a traditional thing. Black people are just too bizarre for them to contemplate however.
Get deep into international relationships and you will learn a great deal, on every level. In US education this whole matter of learning from “diversity” is fraught, because it is filtered through idiot ideologies and overseen by ignorant people (mostly white).
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