Even a discussion of the life and death of kids menaced by guns proliferated into our society as permissively as the NRA has convinced these Republicans to let them can't escape this mental midget "FullMoon's" fixation with dating and sex lives... and ME! (Or his obsessive hatred of me, more accurately). Nice little group of commenters you Althouse people Republicans cultivate.
Toothless has managed to write one partial truth on this thread - not a half-truth or even a quarter-truth but maybe a centi-truth. I am glad about the violent death by gunshot of one high-schooler this month. Specifically, I'm glad the 17-year-old who shot and wounded his girlfriend and another student at a high school in southern Maryland last week was shot and killed by the school's police offer before he managed to kill them or to kill or wound anyone else. I'm also sorry that the Broward County sheriff deputies did not kill, disable, or capture their own shooter before he had shot as many students as he felt like shooting and then gone out for a leisurely lunch at McDonald's, while they cowered like gutless swine. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think so.
tcrosse: you sound like a woman by throwing up all the impossibilities to justify dithering. How in hell do you think Washington works? Special interests draft bills all day long. I don't have a problem with the NRA except they will try and shoot the moon and will end up eating the bitch... that's where politicians step in and sand down the edges.
You have a very serious problem with disarmament. You cannot actually confiscate guns. The moment you try, tens of millions at least will disappear into hiding. Millions more, of course, will have been procured in the months or years before the ban, with the intention of stockpiling. And ammunition will have been sold out. There is no local police force that would enforce the confiscation. And depending on the specifics of the never-ending policy argument of the day, nothing is more likely to cause a Randy Weaver scenario with Federal agents. There will be bloody shirts and political funerals and White Fergusons, and considering who you are dealing with, in short order a real insurgency. You have come close several times.
Btw, I know Australia, this country is not Australia.
What you need, on the left, is a complete change of heart. Defuse the hatred with humility and goodwill, and enormous political concessions. If what you want seems so important, then you should be willing to trade.
“I don't think an "entity" thinks — even dependently. People may move in a group, but the minds are separate. It would be spooky if they could think as an entity.”
Yes, exactly. It is your rightist commenters that describe them as an entity, not I. They lump them together as children incapeable of any deep and meaningful thought or ideas. I said it was a mistake to see them as an entity, unable to think independently. They are capeable of independent thought as much as most adults are and some are mature beyond their years. It’s insulting to one’s own children to see them as lumps of malleable clay at that age. Many are almost old enough to vote and serve in the military, they’ll be going off to college within the year. By the time young people are in their late teens, they’ve formed many of their own opinions, based on what they’ve learned, read, experienced, etc. Not one of us, even as adults are completely unaffected and changed by other’s opinions. We read, we watch visual media, we are affected by many things and people. If one wants to see themselves as an island, not as a part of society that affects them and is changed by other people are foolish and uninsightful. I see so much preening about being independent thinkers here, yet I continuously read talking points from right wing publications over and over. Rightists are every bit as much followers and limited thinkers as they accuse the left of being.
What I’ve read today on this thread has once again made me feel polluted, dirtied, ugh, disgusted.
Gun owners are convinced that the powers that be hate them. In this they are completely correct. The PTB speak to them as Ritmo does people here- yes, it's insane but true. Speak with gentle tones, offer concessions.
What you need, on the left, is a complete change of heart. Defuse the hatred with humility and goodwill, and enormous political concessions. If what you want seems so important, then you should be willing to trade.
This is in direct conflict with where demographics are going. The right needs to compromise and calm the situation. BTW book-boy, the NRA isn't worried about confiscation, they lobby for new sales, that's where the money is.
you sound like a woman by throwing up all the impossibilities to justify dithering.
I'm suggesting it will be difficult, more difficult than putting kids on the street and calling names. But someone has to propose some specific measures, unless the point of the exercise is just partisan one-upmanship.
Toothless , Seriously Bro, I mean, I know you're familiar with how little interest anyone has in whatever you say or write - but that is because you're a stupid, arrogant jerk-off. Others are more talented and socially redeeming than you are. When you advertise your resentment against them it's obvious the reason why.
This is your problem. It is a defect of character to feel "polluted". It is irrational and makes it impossible to argue.
As for most people, taken as a mass for political purposes, they actually are a mass and their psychology can be both predicted and manipulated. Even Cicero and Caesar knew that.
This march was orchestrated by the Joyce foundation, and the women's march, which disdains brave women like ayan Hirst ali, the Joyce foundation was set up by bill ayers, to be a clearinghouse for gun registration and confiscation
But someone has to propose some specific measures, unless the point of the exercise is just partisan one-upmanship.
Agree. My point is that the long game is against the NRA and 2nd amendment demographically. Therefore, they need to step up and be adult about breaking bread with the opposition. It isn't 1999 anymore where the Gore and the Dems fell on their gun-grabbing swords. By 2030, they have the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment. The teens protesting now are the swing cohort that will kill gun rights.
Hey Ritmo FUCK YOU. You squeal like a fucking little pig. I'm loving it.
You'll never amount to anything. No one will ever take you seriously. You're a fucking moron who doesn't even have the decency or sense to learn from all the people you're too busy feeling superior to to stop insulting and complaining about for ten minutes.
Keep that Ritalin prescription handy. It's the only thing standing between you and a full-blown meth addiction.
Leadership, as I forget who said about Millan Astray, is about being an "engineer of souls". Not a new idea, and entirely common. Most public institutions do this. It's their job.
It goes on all the time. Every school has an ideology.
No one cares what FullMoon has to say - myself included. So I'm calling BS on his attempt to pretend he's some blog referee and character reference who can dictate who has something worthwhile that they should be allowed to write here and who doesn't.
However, his evolution from someone who hated college grads to someone who now accuses me of being "socially unredeemed" for being imagined by him as a drop-out would seem to indicate a progress of sorts. Perhaps he should try overcoming more of his own hateful, arrogant, jerk-off resentments first.
Why are there no mass shootings at parochial schools? See banning guns is a very very short term solution. Not even a good one as people bent on killing will find ways. But still, why are there no mass shootings at parochial schools?
Could it be parochial schools teach about God, morals, politeness, responsibility, and all that yucky 'Leave it to Beaver' stuff.
For you see it's broken homes were no one is there to guide the kids and schools with no guidance that is the problem. Students then end up in gangs or become loners as the kids 'cliques' reject them. Add violent games were revenge is the whole goal of the game and you see where they get the ideas.
That is the real problem. We have had that problem for over 40 years and now the bill (generations of disaffected kids) has come due. And these disaffected kids come apparently only from public schools.
But it is obvious that whatever the parochial schools are doing... they do it right! Good kids who grow up into responsible adults.
Gun owners are convinced that the powers that be hate them. In this they are completely correct."
Yes, we are. We will not give up our guns because people who hate us and would love to see us dead demand that we do. Fuck them.
To my knowledge, the only significant Jewish resistance to the Final Solution was during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. The Jews were hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned. They had only guns which had been purchased on the black market and smuggled into the Ghetto and homemade Molotov cocktails and the like. Yet they still managed to put up an impressive fight, even though they were doomed in the end.
The moral of the story: never permit the State to have a monopoly on weapons. Never permit yourself to be disarmed.
The cowardly nitwits of Broward County didn't defend or protect those kids, and yet those same kids are letting the authorities off the hook and holding Americans who had absolutely nothing to do with the shootings morally culpable.
Nobody is going to have a dialog with anybody who considers them guilty before the debate even starts - especially a debate with teenagers who feel passionately and know very little.
But if one does decide to curtail freedoms... start here!
My suggestion... make the schools sort of prisons!
1. Metal detectors in ALL school entrances. 2. Drug and gun sniffing dogs will check lockers every day. 3. Mandatory random drug/alcohol test for all students. 4. Money bounty for snitches. 5. Hall monitors for every hall. 6. All social media (facebook, Twitter, etc) post by all students will be monitored. 7. Any student acting out will be subject to a psychological examination. 8. Yellow lines on the hall floors. Students must walk to one side like we drive on roads. 9. Students must behave in class. Failure to do this will result in a psychological examination. 10. NO BACKPACKS. Kindle like device with just PDFs loaded by the school. Read only. Student turns in homework on paper. If student damages the Kindle, they are then issued BOOKS. Books they have to take to and from school WITHOUT BACKPACKS.
Why should all Americans give up their basic freedoms coded into the Bill of Rights? Let the ones that are doing the killing, students, take responsibility and lose some of their freedoms.
Whoops. Spoke too soon. The true FullMoon came back in full force just four short minutes later. Talk about lack of self-control. That's why he keeps writing his laundry list of shortcomings and projecting onto others. Meantime, he can't reveal his income or speak to how much of the investments/assets he claims (probably fictiously) were actually in his wife's name. Yep, the wife who "rolls her eyes" at him. That's the wife. That one. I asked how much of the money down came from her. He won't answer. What a grifter. I see her cucking his ass on a daily basis, reminding him what a loser he is. Without her he's nothing and he knows it. "Feminist". Lol. Yep, that's FullMoon.
Inga: buyawa puti sees the world through a collidascope... confusing bugs with features. I know we disagree on gun rights, but I respect people who feel uncomfortable around and surrounded by them. Hell, I feel real uncomfortable at the gun range because of the type of wannabe macho posers who pollute the barrel behavior code.
The way I heard it David Hogg said all "old ass parents" don't know how "to use a f--king democracy" and the other one said: "to all the generations before us, we sincerely accept your apology. We appreciate you're willing to let us rebuild the world that you f—-d up." I don't think these kids are capable of initiating any program or policy at Parkland - not one - that will reduce bullying or increase graduation rates or raise reading comprehension or even just help Nicholas Cruz's brother or stop kids from using opioids or even from eating Tide Pods or whatever is on Youtube. If they can't make one suggestion to make the only situation which they actually know, better, then why do they think they can fix the world?
Toothless has managed to write one partial truth on this thread - not a half-truth or even a quarter-truth but maybe a centi-truth. I am glad about the violent death by gunshot of one high-schooler this month. Specifically, I'm glad the 17-year-old who shot and wounded his girlfriend and another student at a high school in southern Maryland last week was shot and killed by the school's police offer before he managed to kill them or to kill or wound anyone else.
How about if that violence had been prevented a priori and nothing violent happened, at all? Well, I guess you're too focused on violence and murder and vengeance to allow for that possibility. Too bad some good people had to get killed just so you could excite yourself with the death of their shooter. I guess that's what it comes down to for you. Priorities.
Oh,Yoo Hoo, Toothless: I mean, I know you're familiar with how little interest anyone has in whatever you say or write - but that is because you're a stupid, arrogant jerk-off. Others are more talented and socially redeeming than you are. When you advertise your resentment against them it's obvious the reason why., because you are as phony as a three dollar bill.
Poor guy: All talk, no action. No responsibilities Mediocre talent No marketable skill SSi dependent. No friends Heartbroke and despondent. :-(
The majority of self identified homeless vets aren't veterans. The majority of those that are veterans are veterans who slipped through the recruiting process and didn't make it through their first enlistment. Many not even through boot camp. And for the rest that are homeless most are that way for the same reasons anyone else is homeless. Alcoholism and drug abuse. And family and friends got tired of putting up with them. Help is available for them. But they have to want it and ask for it. I know one person who's been in the VAs inpatient alcohol rehab 3 times. Maybe the third time will work. I wouldn't bet on it.
Oh, BTW, I am a vet. I saw a lot of active duty people go through inpatient alcohol rehab during my 21 years in. Didn't see any of them stop drinking. It slowed them down for a while.
Why don't you professional feelers stop focusing on "vibes" and start focusing on facts and words. These kids are poised. They're effective. They're going to take back the futures that you and your Republicans and their owners have stolen from them. I say it's about time. No one cares about your +60-year old PMP rear when it's a young, healthy, articulate kid who simply wants to stop being menaced at school, while he prepares for a future and promise that the likes of you and fellow Republican freak shows like "FullMoon" will never know. Doesn't stand a chance. These kids have a lot to be proud of and there's a lot they're going to do to reverse the massive damage that your generation have done to them and their country.
Heh, lot of lefty froth on this thread. Here is a puzzler for them, do you think the redstate dem senators sitting their with their sphincters puckered will pick up this anti-gun mantlet and die on this hill this November? Where was Claire McCaskill and Joe Manchin today? Any guesses? . And don't kid yourself these "youths" will be back playing Call of Duty and Halo 4 before David Hogg gets his first DUI.
Howard, I am against gun legislation because I don't trust people who think like you or Inga or Ritmo. I never will. I do not believe you are acting in good faith or out of concern for humanity.
Check out this shit. (Hard not to, he repeats it every five minutes... poor guy doesn't know how to come up with a new thought.)
Poor guy: All talk, no action. No responsibilities Mediocre talent No marketable skill SSi dependent. No friends Heartbroke and despondent. :-(
Why don't you list for everyone here:
1. Your "actions." 2. Your "responsibilities" 3. Your "talents." 4. Your "marketable skills" 5. Your financial independence of your wife or whomever it is you're grifting off of 6. Your "friends" - and no, not the S.F. crowd you enviously run with before they ditch you to hang out with someone relatable. 7. Anyone who doesn't make you feel "heartbroken and despondent" - at least, not before they "roll their eyes" at you.
Go on and do it. You run your mouth like a fucking donkey braying but keep not putting up. Show your stuff, you unmanly cuck.
I wonder, is wildswan not affected by commenters like Full Moon, right here on this thread? Why fuss over a teenagers comments, when you have full ass grown man acting like a retarded newt?
The old get old And the young get stronger May take a week And it may take longer They got the guns But we got the numbers Gonna win, yeah We're takin' over Come on!
This march was orchestrated by the Joyce foundation, and the women's march, which disdains brave women like ayan Hirst ali, the Joyce foundation was set up by bill ayers, to be a clearinghouse for gun registration and confiscation 3/24/18, 6:30 PM
I wish. But too often, the message was wimpily prefaced with "we do not want all the guns."
I do. As I've been saying for a few years now, I'd bust down the door with my jackboots and take them by force. Unfortunately few today want that.
Gk1: You are correct for now, but those Ace's up your sleeve are playing out and not coming back. Time to switch it up. Don't piss off future potential customers.
You should order How to Win Friends and Influence People off the althousazon corn hole
How funny is it that Althouse fusses about kids not being able to make judgements based on data?
So many of her con commenters can't keep themselves from contradicting what they say v what they do.
Not to mention that she couldn't come up w/ a single concrete reason that HRC was a liar when Boring Bob asked her a follow-up on one of those DoldrumsHeads things. She went through this impassioned jabber re liar-ness re HRC. But, had zero facts in mind.
Not to mention that Althouse has openly stated that often she's not too much into specific policy stuff cause she doesn't carefully follow many aspects re government actions.
I am concerned with my freedom. You and all the other totalitarians want to take it from me. We will not let you.
Yet you want to control what women do with their own bodies, hypocrite. Big government for me, but not for thee she said. So dumb she didn’t see what she walked into.
You go, Jon Ericson. Take pride in finding the software you need to be your own censor.
Never before have I run across someone who brags about what they need to program a computer to prevent them from reading but with you Republicans it's something more and more bizarre every day.
My impression is that they are a bunch of racists.
On and on and on and on about "semi-automatic assault rifles".
Not a freaking word, barely, abut handguns, especially semi-automatic handguns including revolvers. Yeah, yeah, I know. A revolver doesn't reload and recock by gas action. It still fires, reloads and recocks every time you pull the trigger so it meets that definition of semi-automatic.
About 10-15 times as many people are killed by handguns as by ALL long guns. Including shotguns. More people are killed every year with sticks and stones and other blunt objects than are killed with long guns of all types.
Most of the people killed by long guns are white. Most of them are killed by other whites.
Black gang children (a "children" is anyone under 20, by their definition) are killing other black gang children and black law abiding citizens at an appalling rate.
And nobody gets upset. "Hell," I can almost hear them thinking, "Blacks are a bunch of savages anyway. This is just culling the herd and nothing to worry about."
Black lives matter? Bullshit. They don't give a shit about black lives being taken by other blacks with handguns. Unless they have come out for handgun control and I've missed it. Links, anyone?
So unless you want to talk about the murders by handguns. Unless you want to talk about banning handguns. Unless you want to talk about actually starting a movement to nullify the 2nd Amendment, just S.T.F.U.
None of the rural high schools in my area had a walk out. Even the most liberal teachers know it would have been useless to try and organize gun protests with high schoolers who know when the opening day of deer season is. All the deer season- bow, rifle, whatever... Not to mention the fact they fish and all by themselves use dangerous knives to gut and filet the fish. And if they're camping- start the fire and cook them. I imagine the same is true of every rural high school in America.
Oh, BTW. People in rural areas have larger families and more kids then suburbanites or city dwellers. Some of them eventually become suburbanites of city dwellers but they don't change their views on gun rights. There's demographics for you.
The only marching and protesting I saw was in suburban and city high schools. Accompanied by students trashing and looting a Walmart during their peaceful anti-gun walkout in Chicago. Too bad Chicago has such stringent anti-gun laws that bystanders couldn't take aim and hold them for the police.
Look what's happening out in the streets Got a revolution Got to revolution Hey I'm dancing down the streets Got a revolution Got to revolution Ain't it amazing all the people I meet Got a revolution Got to revolution One generation got old One generation got soul This generation got no destination to hold Pick up the cry Hey now it's time for you and me Got a revolution Got to revolution Come on now we're marching to the sea Got a revolution Got to revolution Who will take it from you We will and who are we We are volunteers of America
Right. I see armies of post-menopausal women rising with Hizbollah-Raised rifles in hands demanding their right to have laws and policies that allow for easy proliferation of weapons into the hands of 18 year old maniacs who gun down seventeen gifted high school students or scores of tourists in an open square in Las Vegas.
The guys on the other side feel precisely the same way. With more justice, looking at how speech restrictions, etc. are being enforced, and the effects of regulation in this extremely corrupt system. I suggest that you put your feelings aside and learn more about your enemies. Even Sun Tzu says so.
A thought regarding the students: they don't really care about ending gun violence in schools.
If they did, they'd be demonstrating in front of the J. Edgar Hoover Building demanding the firing of the agents who received notice that a young man named Nikolas Cruz was expressing a desire to become a school shooter. They would be demonstrating in front of 2601 West Broward Boulevard in Ft. Lauderdale demanding the resignation of Sheriff Scott Israel for ignoring the ample advance warning that Nikolas Cruz had guns and was mentally unstable. There would be a yelling, screaming mob in front of Scot Peterson's house.
Just last week another disturbed young man named Austin Rollins shot and wounded two students (one mortally) at Great Mills High School in Maryland, but the school resource officer ran to the sound of gunfire and shot Rollins. There initially seems to have been some dispute as to whether Rollins was killed by the SRO's single gunshot or killed himself when confronted by an armed policeman, but either way it tells us what might have been at Parkland if the SRO, the officers who initially responded, and their leaders weren't cursed with a yellow stripe down their backs.
Back at ya Goofy,ten years commenting and never a clue as to a skill, a job, a degree. Nothing but stupid opinions and mediocre insults. You are a fake. Articulate, but a failure with no marketable skill. Prove me wrong. Mom and Dad gonna leave everything to your siblings kids. You will be on your own. SSI for mental gonna be tough to live on.
Why don't you list for everyone here:
1. Your "actions." 2. Your "responsibilities" 3. Your "talents." 4. Your "marketable skills" 5. Your financial independence of your wife or whomever it is you're grifting off of 6. Your "friends" - and no, not the S.F. crowd you enviously run with before they ditch you to hang out with someone relatable. 7. Anyone who doesn't make you feel "heartbroken and despondent" - at least, not before they "roll their eyes" at you.
tcrosse: It's on the NRA to be proactive. They need to propose a five-point program that does not include giving guns to teachers and issuing more CC permits.
So you think the NRA should propose some stupid nonsense gun regulations anyone with a room temperature IQ knows will do nothing to stop school shootings.
But you don't even have a room temp IQ so there you go.
I think the NRA is doing the right thing by trying to solve the problem.
Yeah, Inga! Do what buwaya puti says... maybe you should start by engaging on a right-leaning blog to edumacate yourself on peoples whjo thunk diufferent than you do.
There's a 100% chance he's running a parallel thread sans the filter.
Really he's just tossing in comments (re not reading) that waste space in these threads, which is verboten by the boss lady, which means I'm for it. Cause, if I learned anything from cons here, it's that being an insufferable petulant ass is how we MAGA.
That is why we need to stop democrats from putting them in gun free zones and releasing known violent criminals into their midst like they did with Cruz. Parkland was 100% the result of leftist policies.
You are the person trying to get kids killed in schools.
“I suggest that you put your feelings aside and learn more about your enemies. Even Sun Tzu says so.”
You want me to consider my fellow Americans my “enemies”? As much as they can be disgusting, they’re still my countrymen/women. We aren’t in a civil war, nor should we be ever again. You’re way to eager to see Americans killing other Americans, it seems.
A pissed off but well-armed minority can make enormous trouble. Consider the IRA in Northern Ireland, representing not just a minority, but a minority of a minority.
Heck, on the principle of the moral is to the material as three (or ten, sources differ) is to one, they can overthrow it. Never more so than in guerrilla/revolutionary war. Castro's forces took Havana with under a thousand men.
“Yeah, Inga! Do what buwaya puti says... maybe you should start by engaging on a right-leaning blog to edumacate yourself on peoples whjo thunk diufferent than you do.”
Yes, Buwaya did make me chuckle and shake my head.
I guess what bothers me is how dishonest the whole enterprise is. We know when you lefties say "gun safety" its because you got your heads caved in bleating about "gun control" Why not be open about it? You want to ban guns and only allow "authorities" whatever that may mean, have them. Just like all the other socialist paradises you go on about like the EU. By all means you should let your freedom flag fly and openly campaign on this. You aren't fooling anyone and it just makes you look insincere and dishonest.
"Yet you want to control what women do with their own bodies, hypocrite."
Well, I thought you did too, since you have said here you oppose late-term abortions. So wouldn't that be controlling women's bodies too? Why is abortion acceptable to you at 8 weeks but not 8 months? Planned Parenthood opposes any limits whatsoever on abortions,although the cut off date for most European countries is under 20 weeks. Yet I'm sure you were absolutely delighted that PP gets funded by the government. So Inga - are you for letting women do what they want with their bodies, even if it means aborting a baby the day before the due date? If you are, then you were lying when you said you opposed late term abortion.
So dumb you didn't see what you walked into, dullard.
A friendly reminder of who Toothless is, and always will be"
Ritmo Brasileiro said... It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy.
“No one thinks that people should go into a nightclub drinking and carrying firearms,” Chris Cox, the NRA’s top lobbyist, told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday morning. “That defies common sense. It also defies the law.”
LaPierre went even further. “I don’t think you should have firearms where people are drinking,” he said on CBS’s “Face The Nation” that same morning.
“A thought regarding the students: they don't really care about ending gun violence in schools.
If they did, they'd be demonstrating in front of the J. Edgar Hoover Building demanding the firing of the agents who received notice that a young man named Nikolas Cruz was expressing a desire to become a school shooter. They would be demonstrating in front of 2601 West Broward Boulevard in Ft. Lauderdale demanding the resignation of Sheriff Scott Israel for ignoring the ample advance warning that Nikolas Cruz had guns and was mentally unstable. There would be a yelling, screaming mob in front of Scot Peterson's house.”
They knowthat the NRA buys many, if not most Republican lawmakers. They are smart enough to know they need to defeat the NRA, or vote out the NRA lackeys. It’s much more important to cut the snake’s head off.
Achilles has some irrelevant facts for you. Don't you love them?
Revel in their irrelevance. Marvel at the way they have nothing to do with any point.
The last refuge of the idiot.
You are getting completely destroyed. Keep pushing your spittle flecked hate fest.
Please please please run on gun control for the election. You people are just cowards and can't argue in good faith so you hide behind victims of your own policies.
To Achilles credit, he didn't say eliminate All gun free zones. My problem with the NRA is they still use John Lott. Can't they find someone qualified without the baggage?
By 2030, they have the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment. The teens protesting now are the swing cohort that will kill gun rights.
Do you know how the Amendment process works, Howard? Just in case:
Article V (Article 5 - Mode of Amendment)
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.
Emphasis added.
Now go look a a red/blue county map of the US. Blue counties and states are the ones who will be for repeal, reds against. Yes, that is a very rough approximation with exceptions both ways.
Doesn't matter what happens with demographics. Do you really think anti-gun prog/fas will be able to get 2/3 of the House PLUS 2/3 of the Senate to repeal 2A? Then, if they do somehow manage to pass that hurdle, do you really think that 3/4s of the states will vote to ratify it? Bear in mind that California's vote on this carries the same weight as Wyoming's.
It is so hard to do that in more than 200 years it has only been managed 17 times. 16 of those times expanded rights. Only one, the 18th, restricted a right. And that only lasted a13 years before it was repealed.(We could argue about the 13th which sort of did both but that argument would be unseemly)
As for demographics, yes, demographics is destiny. So look at fertility rates of reds vs blues. Reds are outbreeding blues. Some of the offspring may become progfas but many more will grow up realizing that an armed citizenry, and only an armed citizenry, is a defense against progressivism/fascism.
Actually, I tend to be pretty libertarian, with the exception of abortion because it doesn't just involve one human being. I don't care for pot or porn, but I don't think things should be banned just because I don't personally care for them. All the Left wants is to ban and censor and silence. That's all you stand for nowadays.
“No one thinks that people should go into a nightclub drinking and carrying firearms,” Chris Cox, the NRA’s top lobbyist, told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday morning. “That defies common sense. It also defies the law.”
LaPierre went even further. “I don’t think you should have firearms where people are drinking,” he said on CBS’s “Face The Nation” that same morning.
Totally the same thing as school ARM. Totally.
The people who go to dance clubs are mostly democrat voters so it makes sense to keep guns out of their hands.
heyboom: went to HS in LAUSD in the late 70's. Our "security guard" was an alcoholic obese disgraced former LAPD pock-faced greaseball. Great guy. He made friends with all the toughs and sluts. Kept his snub-nosed .38 in his 100% light brown polyester jacket pocket. He always wanted to show it off to everyone.
To Achilles credit, he didn't say eliminate All gun free zones. My problem with the NRA is they still use John Lott. Can't they find someone qualified without the baggage?
Perfect leftist argument. Some leftists said something mean about him so ignore the arguments and facts.
More guns. Less crime.
And it is democrat voters that commit almost all gun crime.
On American conservative political philosophy, I always suggest one start with Russell Kirk. The often irreconcilable threads of this are (mostly) in there.
Do that, and you are way ahead.
On the nature of war, of men in war, of honor, of the nature of human conflict really, you can't do better than the Iliad.
And, importantly, consider the very prominent role of weapons in that, their vast significance.
The Iliad is a very difficult book for women. Its a world hard to enter, and more so these days with such a lack of roots in such a divergent culture. But it must be done.
“I suggest that you put your feelings aside and learn more about your enemies. Even Sun Tzu says so.”
You want me to consider my fellow Americans my “enemies”? As much as they can be disgusting, they’re still my countrymen/women. We aren’t in a civil war, nor should we be ever again. You’re way to eager to see Americans killing other Americans, it seems.
The left never changes. Dishonest to the end.
Remember that every leftist here thinks Scalise deserved to get shot.
OK John Henry, you could be right. Point taken! Maybe you can continue to tell the anti-gun people to pound sand forever and be successful.
Moving the goal-posts a bit, you would also have to be 100% confident the future supreme court won't overturn the individual right granted under Heller?
“A thought regarding the students: they don't really care about ending gun violence in schools.
If they did, they'd be demonstrating in front of the J. Edgar Hoover Building demanding the firing of the agents who received notice that a young man named Nikolas Cruz was expressing a desire to become a school shooter. They would be demonstrating in front of 2601 West Broward Boulevard in Ft. Lauderdale demanding the resignation of Sheriff Scott Israel for ignoring the ample advance warning that Nikolas Cruz had guns and was mentally unstable. There would be a yelling, screaming mob in front of Scot Peterson's house.”
They knowthat the NRA buys many, if not most Republican lawmakers. They are smart enough to know they need to defeat the NRA, or vote out the NRA lackeys. It’s much more important to cut the snake’s head off.
Notice how Inga completely ignores the actual causes of the shooting and goes right after her political enemies.
She doesn't care about stopping school shootings. She just wants to disarm her political enemies. So they can get shot like Scalise did.
None of this talk addresses the underlying issue of why disaffected young men choose mass violence as a way of addressing their issues. None.
3/24/18, 7:21 PM
Before school shootings, there were workplace massacres. "Going Postal" was the term for awhile, based on post office employees murdering co workers. How many shootings are because the mentally ill shooter was pissed off at one or two particular person? A woman or a boss or a co worker
I said I was "glad" the Maryland shooting turned out a lot better (or should I say a lot less badly?) than Florida, with two wounded and the shooter dead, and Toothless (6:42pm) says I was "excited". And he wonders why so many here find him an utterly contemptible piece of shit.
The people who go to dance clubs are mostly democrat voters so it makes sense to keep guns out of their hands.
3/24/18, 7:21 PM
You know, I used to believe that it was the right of every American to keep and bear arms. But since liberals hate guns so much and are so emotional and immature they think 16 year olds are fonts of wisdom, it makes sense to ban them from owning gums. After all, they believe guns magically jump off the table and start firing themselves, and I certainly don't think someone like Inga would be responsible or smart enough to practice gun safety. She shoots off her mouth enough - if she owned a gun she'd somehow find a way to shoot herself in the ass. Or else she'd leave it lying around where a kid could grab it. Ritmo would commit a murder-suicide in no time flat. There are reasons why they are so frightened of an inanimate object. It is because they know they couldn't own one themselves. So I'm modifying my previous position. I now favor a ban prohibiting Democrats from owning guns.
Achilles: It doesn't matter if Lott is right or wrong. Going to that well over and over isn't good politics. If he's right then it should be easy to hire someone else to crunch the numbers. It's the Optics
OK John Henry, you could be right. Point taken! Maybe you can continue to tell the anti-gun people to pound sand forever and be successful.
Moving the goal-posts a bit, you would also have to be 100% confident the future supreme court won't overturn the individual right granted under Heller?
1. RBG is going to ride quietly to the ever after soon. Another 50ish year old Trump appointee and civil rights are safe for a generation. Kennedy has been making noises too. Trump will get 2 more appointments.
2. Even if DC managed to impose an unconstitutional infringement on the right to bear arms it will never be enforced. Ever.
Isn't the NRA a great example of democracy in action? A perfect exercise of our right "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (1A)
I say that in all seriousness. The NRA is funded almost entirely by individuals. Although many claim that it is gun makers that finance them, gun makers, dealers and other related companies provide a very small part of NRA funding. The vast majority, over 90% comes from individuals as memberships, fees and donations. You can go look it up. Here's a nice graphic.
So as an individual, I have a right to associate myself with other people who hold similar views and, as a group, the right to present our views to our politicians.
Seems to me that people who are against the NRA are against democracy.
“Remember that every leftist here thinks Scalise deserved to get shot.”
Guns not only are weapons that are used to kill, they have blown up any common sense that is left in a right wing gun nut’s poor brain. And Buwaya thinks disgust isn’t warranted?
Achilles: It doesn't matter if Lott is right or wrong. Going to that well over and over isn't good politics. If he's right then it should be easy to hire someone else to crunch the numbers. It's the Optics
That is just dumb.
The optics right now are a bunch of leftists who are ignoring the actual world and running an obviously astroturfed campaign funded by massively wealthy globalists using a bunch of child victims of their own leftist policies. The same leftists who screwed up consistently over years with Cruz and are responsible for him shooting up the school are trying to use it as a weapon to disarm their political opponents.
Please run this gun control stuff all of the way through the elections. Please.
“Remember that every leftist here thinks Scalise deserved to get shot.”
Guns not only are weapons that are used to kill, they have blown up any common sense that is left in a right wing gun nut’s poor brain. And Buwaya thinks disgust isn’t warranted?
Inga refused to denounce James Hodgkinson for months.
She still thinks Scalise deserved to get shot because he supports the NRA.
Inga Have a look at the amount of money contributed by the NRA directly to Republicans. If I asked you to guess you probably could not get close. Look it up. Then look up what Planned Parenthood contributes to Democrats. Again, you could not come close guessing. The NRA is too cheap to buy off candidates. They are good at buying ads.
Unless the Pro-Choicers close the "fast and furious", Planned Parent, self-abortion, and criminal loopholes, then they are not for the children, selective, one, or otherwise, but for a political establishment of their liberal religion, including elective abortion, rape-rape, and other consequences of denying people the right and responsibility of justifiable self-defense.
As for what happened in Florida, the guy was a known high risk who should not have passed the background check. The central arbiters at the FBI and the Sheriff failed to uphold the law, before and during the mass abortion event, and failed to protect the children.
“Seems to me that people who are against the NRA are against democracy.”
Is this a rational thought?
Leftists take a shooting and rather than propose anything that would have helped stop that shooting use it as a tool to disarm their political opponents.
After spending the last 2 years of the DNC paying people to attack Trump supporters and perpetrating numerous instance of violence against political opponents.
Should I start posting the NYT comments from leftists commenters saying Scalise deserved to get shot again? They got thousands of likes from your fellow leftists.
We would be irrational to think you people would not resort to violence if you thought we couldn't stop you.
"Before school shootings, there were workplace massacres. "Going Postal" was the term for awhile, based on post office employees murdering co workers. How many shootings are because the mentally ill shooter was pissed off at one or two particular person? A woman or a boss or a co worker"
Yeah, I'm old and certainly recall these. In fact, they still happen.
The solutions being proposed by the kids marching will have little effect on future mass shootings. Even if you banned all new gun sales, there are still millions of them in the country. You would have to repeal the 2nd and begin confiscation, which is likely to result in a 2nd American Civil War. Background checks are meaningless when Cruz and company aren't buying from licensed dealers. Age limits, too.
The NRA has, in fact, very little money, and nearly all of it is in the form of small individual contributions from memberships. As political money goes the NRA is a minnow in the ocean.
The entire US firearms industry, in spite of cited unit sales numbers, is really very small as industries go. Economically it is trivial. Even the few big players - S&W, Ruger, Remington, etc. - are "medium size" companies in all rankings, and the rest of even the well known ones - Hi-Point, Keltec, Kahr, Magpul, etc.- are small businesses with a couple of hundred employees. And there is a huge proportion of cottage-industry in it. This is because guns are cheap.
There is no real political money to be had from the entire industry. This is not Wall Street, this is not Silicon Valley, this is not even Petroleum. All of those are hundreds of times bigger, and bribe politicians vastly more, and buy immensely more media exposure. The NRA rarely buys media, not that it could in most cases. Its mass media exposure comes from, mainly, its enemies.
No, the leverage of the NRA, and all the rest, is not in money but in votes. The loyalty of their members. And the now-very large number of internet venues, such as on Youtube. But that all is also a cottage industry.
So - the NRA as a bogeyman is a fiction. When you say NRA you really mean millions of individuals.
John said... the right to present our views to our politicians.
Just like the tobacco lobby.
Yes, exactly. Just like the tobacco lobby AND EVERY SINGLE OTHER AMERICAN. It is right there in the 1st Amendment.
You may be missing a big difference between NRA and the tobacco companies. The NRA is made up of individual American Citizens representing their wishes and views.
Tobacco companies are businesses. Legal businesses selling a legal product. They have exactly the same right to petition their politicians as any individual has. Morally, legally and constitutionally.
The goal is a separation of Cult (e.g. Pro-Choice) and State, and to normalize rights and responsibilities. The quasi-religious loopholes are selective, and the legal loopholes are liberal (i.e. divergent). In a society with the most weapons (e.g. guns, scalpels) per capita, the criminal activity in the former is underrepresented, and the later is overrepresented, but, in both, the issue is rights and responsibilities.
That said, lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable... under the Pro-Choice Church, liberal activists, progressive advocates, Planned Parenthood corporate profits, and other forward thinking factions and individuals, are aborted by Choice, not force a la Chinese leftists' one-child policy.
Pro-Choice... lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable... again, and again, and again.
In six weeks the children will be out of school taking summer jobs, going on vacations, getting high. A few will take their stardom to SJW college, the rest will do as they have done and play their video games and try to get laid. The children's crusades always end in failure.
The irony of this "save the children" movement is that it's exactly why we have a 2nd amendment. The purpose of the 2nd amendment is not to enable hunting or self defense, the purpose is to prevent the government from using prevailing public opinion and its might from enslaving its subjects.
The audit filed with the state of North Carolina shows that the NRA’s total expenditures exploded to more than $419 million, up from $312 million the prior year.
An interesting effect of the collapse of American "joining" institutions (ref "Bowling Alone"), plus the ideological corruptions of the "long march", and the corruption of the GOP, is that the NRA, specialized though it is, has acquired a general air of the organizing institution of the disaffected right wing.
That is, the NRA is the locus of support from a vast number who may have no particular interest in guns, but does harbor an enmity to the politico-cultural hegemony. The NRA is a natural home for many reactionaries of all kinds. It rejects what the "long march" has done. And the more it is attacked, the more support it gets.
I.e., if you dont like the NRA, reverse the long march.
The NRA is a perfect picture of how democracy is supposed to work. Small contributions and massive grassroots support. They are true constituency in action.
This is opposed to the left and the anti-gun campaign. Supported by massive contributions from very wealthy people and built on lies and propaganda.
The difference is night and day. The left is dishonest about their intentions. They are enemies of freedom at every turn.
The purpose of the 2nd amendment is not to enable hunting or self defense, the purpose is to prevent the government from using prevailing public opinion and its might from enslaving its subjects.
3/24/18, 8:01 PM
That's it in a nutshell, but the Left refuses to acknowledge that - because they are interested in controlling and enslaving. Their "compassion" is a sham and a lie.
The audit filed with the state of North Carolina shows that the NRA’s total expenditures exploded to more than $419 million, up from $312 million the prior year.
This sort of argument works on idiot democrat voters. Anyone with any kind of critical thinking ability can see right through you.
You people are boring.
Keep having your fun. You are going to lose, again. And again. And again. You can brainwash some kids for a few years and convince them marching in a rally is more fun that school.
But after a while they will notice that you are dishonest shitheads pushing a globalist agenda. About the same time they start voting regularly.
Leading up to the 2016 election, the NRA also spent more than $30 million in support of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has maintained a close relationship with the organization since becoming president.
According to the statement, the NRA generated the majority of its revenue from membership dues, $163.5 million, down about $2 million, and contributions, $171 million, up 24 percent, in 2016. Program fees accounted for the third largest amount with $69 million, up $4 million. And investments, royalties and assets accounted for approximately $30 million.
NRA spends almost 3-times membership fees on politics. It's all about manufacturers
NRA spending is not political contributions. They spent $ 140 million on "political affairs" in 2016.
That is compared to $7 billion, at least, spent on politics in 2016. Not counting categories such as "issue" advertising or GOTV or lobbying, etc., which is not included in that total.
And the now-very large number of internet venues, such as on Youtube. But that all is also a cottage industry.
This reminded me of something I saw the other day that made me smile and gave me hope. YouTube has been talking about censoring gun videos and has been nibbling around the edges a bit.
A company that makes some kind of gun accessory, legal but immoral in Google's opinion had their videos removed.
So now they are up at PornTube or PornHub or one of those porn hosting sites. If the owners of those sites are smart they can capture a lot of business by starting a new channel Perhaps FreeTube.com or some such and promoting it as a non-censorious competitor to YouTube. Leave the porn where it is and keep the new business separate, though it could use the same servers and other facilities. Investment would be close to nil, other than promotion and the internet virality would take care of most of that.
Their motto: "We let you post the things Google won't let on YouTube."
I assume they would make money the same way Google does now, selling regular ads.
I keep wondering why, with all the censorship of Twitter, President Trump doesn't make the jump to Gab. Yes, not that many people on it right now. But that would change in a heartbeat if President Trump started posting there and the media had to be reporting "President Trump Gabbed this morning about..." instead of saying he tweeted about it. these platforms are incredibly fragile. I think we are about to find out how fragile Facebook is too.
I'm not the one who keeps coming on here with something to prove.
Now how much did/does your wife contribute to those down payments and mortgages?
80%? 90%?
Shouldn't be a hard question to answer, if you weren't so busy ripping off all my own insults. And hiding from a direct inquiry into exactly how much of a cuck you are.
"Well, I thought you did too, since you have said here you oppose late-term abortions. So wouldn't that be controlling women's bodies too? Why is abortion acceptable to you at 8 weeks but not 8 months? Planned Parenthood opposes any limits whatsoever on abortions,although the cut off date for most European countries is under 20 weeks. Yet I'm sure you were absolutely delighted that PP gets funded by the government. So Inga - are you for letting women do what they want with their bodies, even if it means aborting a baby the day before the due date? If you are, then you were lying when you said you opposed late term abortion."
Caught Inga in yet another lie. And she wonders why we don't trust liberals to do the right thing? Well, that's because you're a pack of amoral liars - and stupid to boot.
My son and husband today were at a Walmart in Maryland, a bit east of Elkton, MD, and just off Route 40, on account of a Civil Air Patrol event previously scheduled, many months ago. FWIW, most people didn't pay much attention to nor did they engage the kids in conversation (even though the kids wanted so to do) about why they were there: in fact, as in so many [most?] situations, those who see kids out with buckets and flyers or products to sell and smiling faces just automatically drop money into a bucket, or buy something, if so inclined they are or people do not so do, just because they're not so inclined. (Think Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts/Whatever , or even Salvation Army/Red Cross/Whatever.)
Anyhoo, all that said: There was a guy who, let us just say, confronted a CAP cadet (a 14-year-old, as opposed to, for an example, a cadet verging on 18, as is my son) in the group at the Walmart in this fashion, "Are you being trained to killed people?"
I am proud, as is my husband, to say about that kid that he was unfailingly polite and remarkably humble and articulate.
The purpose of the 2nd amendment is not to enable hunting or self defense, the purpose is to prevent the government from using prevailing public opinion and its might from enslaving its subjects.
3/24/18, 8:01 PM
That's it in a nutshell, but the Left refuses to acknowledge that - because they are interested in controlling and enslaving. Their "compassion" is a sham and a lie.
Don't worry, mainstreet. No one's going to enslave you. Being post-menopausal, paranoid and bitchy are not marketable assets to the slave labor market. Neither is putting your own paranoia above the well-being of the nation's youth. If at age 63 (or whatever it is) you still don't get that, you never will. And just because you're a narcissist who lacks compassion (or probably doesn't comprehend the emotion) don't project that shortcoming onto others. Since you're such a conservative, look at it this way - the youth are a nation's best asset - and you're destroying and wasting them. Horrible. But at least it gives you less hot flashes or something. How pathetic you are.
Anyone who thinks that firearms can stop a tyrannical nation's nukes and MOABs probably needs to try having Fat Man or Little Boy dropped on them while they wave a rifle at it. You can tell me later how well your superior firepower held up.
Sorry, Ach. Keeping kids from dying isn't supposed to be exciting business. But if you were a responsible parent and laid off the weed and steroids more then you'd know that.
I've scanned most of these comments here, before commenting myself. Young Mr. Hogg is the son of an ex-FBI employee and an ex-CNN producer. Is there any doubt, given the alacrity and quality and of their response, that this script (and the planning behind it) was a production that was prepared previously and held in readiness? Where are the conservatives looking into how this pageant has been pulled off? The funding has been solidly in place and generously forthcoming...the logistics have been well managed, similar to the many post-election Antifa stagings, leaving the actors to devote themselves to their scripting. And our young star, evocative of a young Josef Goebbels, has had the levers of power and privilege and access placed into his hands by a well-coordinated team, complete with rehearsals and scripts. Why is nobody curious about how slick this production is, or the machine behind the production? 2018 elections are going to be (figuratively)a case of Republican rubes with their "old-school" 8mm home movie cameras getting creamed by a fully-focused fully-staffed production studio with CGI.
We would be irrational to think you people would not resort to violence if you thought we couldn't stop you.
Dude, lay off the weed and the steroids. It's intensifying your paranoia. Every Democratic president could have dropped a MOAB or nuke on you if he had wanted. No one's afraid of your guns, at least nowhere near as you are afraid of losing your bang-bang toys.
I knew that I had come late to the conversation in this thread, but did not know that the thread had devolved into conversations, yet again, about abortion and cuckoldry.
Now, on the one hand, that is entirely "my bad": I did not read the comment thread prior to commenting, and I do know better with regard to that.
On the other hand: Jesus Christ, you people both bore me and force me to let you go even as the sort of folks to whom I've been paying attention since early childhood.
Anyone who thinks that firearms can stop a tyrannical nation's nukes and MOABs probably needs to try having Fat Man or Little Boy dropped on them while they wave a rifle at it. You can tell me later how well your superior firepower held up."
I dunno, the North Vietnamese certainly seemed to stand up to superior firepower.
Also, you are under the illusion that American troops would side with the left. Maybe the brass would. But most troops are red-state deplorables. More than one military person has told me they believe the troops would shoot their own officers before carrying out such orders. (How many military people do you know?) And they know what contempt leftists have for them.
I know it fills you with delight to imagine the mass slaughter of deplorables, but it won't happen. If a civil war broke out, your side would lose. Badly.
She shoots off her mouth enough - if she owned a gun she'd somehow find a way to shoot herself in the ass. Or else she'd leave it lying around where a kid could grab it.
Right. Language and discharging firearms are completely the same thing. Untighten your ass! So fucking uptight. Maybe if you weren't such a control freak your mind would be free to come up with a thought that actually made sense for once.
Ritmo would commit a murder-suicide in no time flat.
Jesus, lady. Those hot flashes must be murder enough on you. Get a grip and get your fucking Premarin refilled already. Just calm down.
"Anyone who thinks that firearms can stop a tyrannical nation's nukes and MOABs probably needs to try having Fat Man or Little Boy dropped on them while they wave a rifle at it. You can tell me later how well your superior firepower held up."
Yep, because all gun owners are congregated together in one state and isolated from the rest of America. And every single LEO and Military member will gladly comply with shooting up or dropping a MOAB or Nuke on Everytown USA.
Anyone who thinks that firearms can stop a tyrannical nation's nukes and MOABs probably needs to try having Fat Man or Little Boy dropped on them while they wave a rifle at it. You can tell me later how well your superior firepower held up."
I dunno, the North Vietnamese certainly seemed to stand up to superior firepower.
Bang-bang toy lady, firearm aficionado and self-proclaimed expert on the relationship between armament type and tyranny/freedom just proved that she doesn't understand how the very weapons of war that kept the majority of the world free for 7 decades work. Pretty disappointing.
Ritmo, you're psychotic. I truly believe you would be a danger to yourself and others if you owned a gun. So, I'm very happy you don't like guns. But I can handle them, since, like the overwhelming majority of American gun owners, I am responsible and not insane.
"The NRA Ring of Freedom is dedicated to building relationships with patriots who are seeking to secure the future of freedom. Our mission is to gather the resources required to help preserve the uniquely American freedoms set forth by our Founding Fathers in the Second Amendment.
"Through the leadership of NRA Ring of Freedom members, never again will this peerless liberty suffer the blatant infringement and cultural disdain it barely survived over the past quarter-century. That's why it is essential that great Americans like you ensure that the National Rifle Association stands ready to preserve our treasured freedoms."
It involves a donation of $1,000,000 from industry to the NRA.
Golden Ring of Freedom $1,000,000
Donors receive gifts of appreciation plus:
Custom Golden Ring of Freedom blazer Special recognition ceremony at the Ring of Freedom reception at NRA’s Annual Meetings & Exhibits Invitations to private events
Of course. Thousands of comments and stupid insults under many alias's and never a clue as to a particular skill or accomplishment.
Oh no! I missed the portal on the Blogger website where it asked to upload a resume. I suppose you could help me find it - maybe there's a button you pressed where you provided that (co-)homeowner status of yours that you seem to find so brag worthy.
Not hard to see why. His skill is ability to google stuff for argument and childish insults.
Good point! I will never use search engines to find information and never point out how stupid someone is being! Especially online. Then maybe I can hope to be as awesome as you!
I will continue to point out that he is a fake.
I'm so busted. I don't even really exist. Just an avatar in The Matrix. Or maybe it was Tron.
Good point. I will take tips from your man Trump on how to be a kind, sensitive, female-friendly gentle soul and to handle racial incidents the way he did in Charlottesville and told us about all the good racists.
No dates No friends Physically unattractive Bi-polar druggie. Poor self esteem Dropped out of college, couldn't handle the stress
Don't forget:
No eyebrows
No toenails
No gold-plated bidet in my starter McMansion
Oh woe is me.
I will try to do a better job pretending to live the sort of life you project on to me.
The psychic you went to ripped you off. But she did pick up on how you will fixate on me here for the rest of the night. You must really love punching up. I will try to piss down on you a little less, Mr. Sensitive.
I saw 15 people killed, shot dead, and dozens wounded, in front of a paramilitary barricade, when a dictators men opened fire on an unruly but unarmed crowd.
Either a service worker or a terrorist-sympathizer. You are very limited in your knowledge of the full range of scoundrels to label someone when attempting to insult. But then, why give away one of your own?
"Yep, because all gun owners are congregated together in one state and isolated from the rest of America. And every single LEO and Military member will gladly comply with shooting up or dropping a MOAB or Nuke on Everytown USA."
Awww, it's not nice of you to step all over Ritmo's fantasy like that.
Ritmo, you're psychotic. I truly believe you would be a danger to yourself and others if you owned a gun.
No one cares what you believe. No one. The last person you convinced of anything was the guy who (intentionally or not?) knocked you up that you were crazy and not worth supporting through pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood.
So, I'm very happy you don't like guns.
I don't like the nutters who are obsessed with them. Much less those who confuse nukes with ordnance from Vietnam who lecture about 18th century armaments and freedom. I'd be happier if you educated your idiotic self.
But I can handle them, since, like the overwhelming majority of American gun owners, I am responsible and not insane.
The policies and organizations you support make you a menace to society, and people are catching on. Actually, they caught on long ago but are now rising up.
Of course. Thousands of comments and stupid insults under many alias's and never a clue as to a particular skill or accomplishment.
Oh no! I missed the portal on the Blogger website where it asked to upload a resume. I suppose you could help me find it - maybe there's a button you pressed where you provided that (co-)homeowner status of yours that you seem to find so brag worthy. ETC.
He denies he is a failure, yet proves it once again. No accomplishments No job No degree.
He is a fake, a phony A loser.
He suffers because he has nothing, yet is more intelligent than those that do.
He feels life is unfair.
He has a dilemma now.Continue with childish insults in attempt to get last word, or pretend he has a "date".
What will he do? Break the "date", or bang his head against the wall.
Thousands of comments and insults over a decade under many guises. Never a clue as to his profession, location or education. Let that sink in
He denies he is a failure, yet proves it once again. No accomplishments No job No degree.
No wonder you hate the internet and information. You just make things up.
He is a fake, a phony.
I'm a bot from Putin.
A loser.
What is it that you think I'm trying to "win?"
He suffers because he has nothing, yet is more intelligent than those that do.
And you found this out how, exactly?
He feels life is unfair.
Ah, well, to the kids of the nation who have to endure the way you moronically support those who menace them (like the cuck that you are), life is certainly unfair. But that's what I've been talking about. That's what every one here is talking about. And you feel like a loser because you obviously can't address that and instead just keep trying to punch up at me because I obviously make you feel uncomfortable by simply exercising my right to speak here. (Something you must lack the mind to effectively do). You've been deleted on here before for not figuring out what the topic is, how to stay on it, how to sedate your rabid impulses to harass me. You can keep trying that, repetitively, and get deleted again, but it's interesting to see how your personal comments have devolved into just a whiny, repetitive list of whatever you compiled at your last bitch session about me. That and this pathetic habit that you find "witty" of recycling my own 5-star insults and hurling them back at me. Come up with your own, you beta cuck.
Nobody cares what you say. Nobody. Which is why you come here to vent and insult. Because nobody gives a shit about you in real life.
You are a loon.
You were knocked up and abandoned. And couldn't raise your own kid.
Seriously, go take those pills. You have issues in life. Many people do, but they get over them eventually and your in your fucking sixties and still taking out your paranoias in the form of ignorant, 18th century "muh freedom" talk just to keep up whatever policies menace and murder the kids of the nation.
Think about how pathetic that is.
Hey, you abandoned your own kid so I guess you're very practiced in letting these other kids across the country down.
At least with your own kid you got out of the way. With these kids you're actively sticking up for ways to keep menacing them.
"Much less those who confuse nukes with ordnance from Vietnam who lecture about 18th century armaments and freedom. I'd be happier if you educated your idiotic self. "
I would love to be educated on how you propose to confiscate 300 million guns from private ownership using MOABs and nuclear weapons.
I've seen it stated here and alluded to in the press, that these nationwide pre-arranged protests are a show by the majority of Americans. I can assure you, when the majority of Americans do take to the streets, they will not be hiding behind their children, nor wearing pussy hats. They will be a mass that will take your breath away, and they will be men and women, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, and most of them will be gun owners. Most gun owners in this country are not members of the NRA. But they still watch the nonsense, nonetheless.
If the children or their parents were serious, they would be screaming about the fact that this kid who did the last shooting was known and reported numerous times- double digit times, was kicked out of the school, and even told the world what he was about to do. Who is responsible for that?
This is just another Democrat Party Production. Everything that's going on here, and over the past few years- we are watching. We are watching, noting, and waiting. When the time comes for us, your pussy hatted, children's marches will seem like, well...children's marches.
The modern way of war and the nature of modern society suggests that the revolutionary war the drafters of the 2nd Amendment intended, as a sanction against tyrrany, will take a different form than that of the 18th century.
That form has been very common around the world and it is rarely possible to deploy significant heavy firepower against it, without risking grave political consequences, such as splits in the state and military. Exactly that happened early on in Syria for instance.
It will be an urban-suburban guerilla war, relying mainly on attacks or threats against enemy civilians, and only opportunistic attacks against police or military forces. At least, until the revolutionaries can secure the defection of sufficient security or military forces, and of territory.
The consequences of even the early stages are likely to be economically devastating, and the state will be under terrible stress.
The war-gaming of an American crisis (as a hypothetical exercise), is a useful teaching tool. It requires a good deal of research, on recent history especially, but mostly common sense.
Keep your one-liners to yourself. They're mundane and poorly thought out. And there's already enough of that here already.
Or do yourself a favor and book yourself a gig at the local comedy club once you're done with a long day of listening to your clients complain to you. It would loosen you up and help you come to terms with how unimportant, unrealistic and unentertaining your opinions really are.
Once by a school and law enforcement system that completely dropped the ball on Cruz.
A second time by a bunch of adults like the lefties here trying to push an agenda that will make them less safe than before.
3/24/18, 5:25 PM
Some philanthropist or philanthropy, another Olin type, should offer through the NRA, free, to all "survivors" of Parkland, and perhaps other such traumas, a course of weapons familiarization and training in MOUT active shooter drills. Let them see what they would have had a chance to do that day, if they could have been legally CCW then and there.
Then run them through a course representative of the experience at Parkland, and see if they might have been able to save the lives of others and defend their own instead of having been saved by some outside agent.
Then see the spread of who thinks firearms good and who evil. Now that would be educational. It may be too much to say that only the right people would pass, but maybe self selection is best.
That is correct folks. The REVOLUTIONARY appealed to mommy.
She has a right to run a blog that furthers discussion on the topics she posts. If you don't have the respect for her to at least do that then maybe you're the one who fucking needs a mommy.
Every comment you post makes it clearer and clearer how likely it is that you actually DID (as I suspected) grow up in an orphanage or a series of foster homes.
OK, technically you are correct. You suggested that our 300 million guns would be ineffective against MOABs and Nukes. So to be more true to your suggestion, educate me as to how a government uses MOABs and nuclear weapons on its own population and remains in power over anything worth governance.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 554 Newer› Newest»These kids value their lives.
Their haters love their guns.
I wonder which priority will win?
Will Americans side/identify more with love of a weapon or love of their children?
That's a real hard one for these right-wingers. They're so violent, and don't see the world in any other terms.
I don't think it's hard for most Americans. And now the politicians have been forced to listen.
It's on the NRA to be proactive.
I think we might agree that the NRA shouldn't be writing the laws. It should be on Congress, who may not be up to the task.
Even a discussion of the life and death of kids menaced by guns proliferated into our society as permissively as the NRA has convinced these Republicans to let them can't escape this mental midget "FullMoon's" fixation with dating and sex lives... and ME! (Or his obsessive hatred of me, more accurately). Nice little group of commenters you Althouse people Republicans cultivate.
Right Althouse,
Keep the policy stuff w/ the adults:
Toothless has managed to write one partial truth on this thread - not a half-truth or even a quarter-truth but maybe a centi-truth. I am glad about the violent death by gunshot of one high-schooler this month. Specifically, I'm glad the 17-year-old who shot and wounded his girlfriend and another student at a high school in southern Maryland last week was shot and killed by the school's police offer before he managed to kill them or to kill or wound anyone else. I'm also sorry that the Broward County sheriff deputies did not kill, disable, or capture their own shooter before he had shot as many students as he felt like shooting and then gone out for a leisurely lunch at McDonald's, while they cowered like gutless swine. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think so.
A Pedro thread!
Will we hit 300?
Will we hit 400?
Will Inga wander in to make it 500?
tcrosse: you sound like a woman by throwing up all the impossibilities to justify dithering. How in hell do you think Washington works? Special interests draft bills all day long. I don't have a problem with the NRA except they will try and shoot the moon and will end up eating the bitch... that's where politicians step in and sand down the edges.
Aim higher.
I'd love to snatch another 690 under my belt.
TTR: The gun battle is a double-edged sword. If the Dems get too cocky, you can kiss the house and senate goodbye
You have a very serious problem with disarmament.
You cannot actually confiscate guns.
The moment you try, tens of millions at least will disappear into hiding.
Millions more, of course, will have been procured in the months or years before the ban, with the intention of stockpiling.
And ammunition will have been sold out.
There is no local police force that would enforce the confiscation.
And depending on the specifics of the never-ending policy argument of the day, nothing is more likely to cause a Randy Weaver scenario with Federal agents.
There will be bloody shirts and political funerals and White Fergusons, and considering who you are dealing with, in short order a real insurgency.
You have come close several times.
Btw, I know Australia, this country is not Australia.
What you need, on the left, is a complete change of heart.
Defuse the hatred with humility and goodwill, and enormous political concessions.
If what you want seems so important, then you should be willing to trade.
“I don't think an "entity" thinks — even dependently. People may move in a group, but the minds are separate. It would be spooky if they could think as an entity.”
Yes, exactly. It is your rightist commenters that describe them as an entity, not I. They lump them together as children incapeable of any deep and meaningful thought or ideas. I said it was a mistake to see them as an entity, unable to think independently. They are capeable of independent thought as much as most adults are and some are mature beyond their years. It’s insulting to one’s own children to see them as lumps of malleable clay at that age. Many are almost old enough to vote and serve in the military, they’ll be going off to college within the year. By the time young people are in their late teens, they’ve formed many of their own opinions, based on what they’ve learned, read, experienced, etc. Not one of us, even as adults are completely unaffected and changed by other’s opinions. We read, we watch visual media, we are affected by many things and people. If one wants to see themselves as an island, not as a part of society that affects them and is changed by other people are foolish and uninsightful. I see so much preening about being independent thinkers here, yet I continuously read talking points from right wing publications over and over. Rightists are every bit as much followers and limited thinkers as they accuse the left of being.
What I’ve read today on this thread has once again made me feel polluted, dirtied, ugh, disgusted.
"If what you want seems so important, then you should be willing to trade."
Perhaps there could be a law where DJT nuts can only have three guns, but they're allowed to murder three libs.
Gun owners are convinced that the powers that be hate them.
In this they are completely correct.
The PTB speak to them as Ritmo does people here- yes, it's insane but true.
Speak with gentle tones, offer concessions.
See, you can start the conversation.
Talk to your fellows and suggest policies along those lines.
Make love, not war.
What you need, on the left, is a complete change of heart.
Defuse the hatred with humility and goodwill, and enormous political concessions.
If what you want seems so important, then you should be willing to trade.
This is in direct conflict with where demographics are going. The right needs to compromise and calm the situation. BTW book-boy, the NRA isn't worried about confiscation, they lobby for new sales, that's where the money is.
I see the beta males are out in force.
You go girls.
you sound like a woman by throwing up all the impossibilities to justify dithering.
I'm suggesting it will be difficult, more difficult than putting kids on the street and calling names. But someone has to propose some specific measures, unless the point of the exercise is just partisan one-upmanship.
Toothless , Seriously Bro, I mean, I know you're familiar with how little interest anyone has in whatever you say or write - but that is because you're a stupid, arrogant jerk-off. Others are more talented and socially redeeming than you are. When you advertise your resentment against them it's obvious the reason why.
This is your problem.
It is a defect of character to feel "polluted".
It is irrational and makes it impossible to argue.
As for most people, taken as a mass for political purposes, they actually are a mass and their psychology can be both predicted and manipulated. Even Cicero and Caesar knew that.
"See, you can start the conversation."
And, that means five allowed. For some.
Wanna keep the ratios simple for the DJTers: 3x5/3= 5
This march was orchestrated by the Joyce foundation, and the women's march, which disdains brave women like ayan Hirst ali, the Joyce foundation was set up by bill ayers, to be a clearinghouse for gun registration and confiscation
“This is your problem.
It is a defect of character to feel "polluted".
It is irrational and makes it impossible to argue.”
It’s a defect of character to not understand the feeling of disgust. I’m not interested in arguing. I express my opinion.
But someone has to propose some specific measures, unless the point of the exercise is just partisan one-upmanship.
Agree. My point is that the long game is against the NRA and 2nd amendment demographically. Therefore, they need to step up and be adult about breaking bread with the opposition. It isn't 1999 anymore where the Gore and the Dems fell on their gun-grabbing swords. By 2030, they have the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment. The teens protesting now are the swing cohort that will kill gun rights.
Hey Ritmo
FUCK YOU. You squeal like a fucking little pig. I'm loving it.
You'll never amount to anything. No one will ever take you seriously. You're a fucking moron who doesn't even have the decency or sense to learn from all the people you're too busy feeling superior to to stop insulting and complaining about for ten minutes.
Keep that Ritalin prescription handy. It's the only thing standing between you and a full-blown meth addiction.
No property
No degree
No future
No skills
Dependent, shut in, un attractive.
Leadership, as I forget who said about Millan Astray, is about being an "engineer of souls".
Not a new idea, and entirely common.
Most public institutions do this. It's their job.
It goes on all the time. Every school has an ideology.
No one cares what FullMoon has to say - myself included. So I'm calling BS on his attempt to pretend he's some blog referee and character reference who can dictate who has something worthwhile that they should be allowed to write here and who doesn't.
However, his evolution from someone who hated college grads to someone who now accuses me of being "socially unredeemed" for being imagined by him as a drop-out would seem to indicate a progress of sorts. Perhaps he should try overcoming more of his own hateful, arrogant, jerk-off resentments first.
Rusty said...
I see the beta males are out in force.
You mean the guys who are afraid to walk down the street without a pacifier?
Case in point...comment @6:32. Can it get any more disgusting? The teens at the rallies are far more mature.
Why are there no mass shootings at parochial schools? See banning guns is a very very short term solution. Not even a good one as people bent on killing will find ways. But still, why are there no mass shootings at parochial schools?
Could it be parochial schools teach about God, morals, politeness, responsibility, and all that yucky 'Leave it to Beaver' stuff.
For you see it's broken homes were no one is there to guide the kids and schools with no guidance that is the problem. Students then end up in gangs or become loners as the kids 'cliques' reject them. Add violent games were revenge is the whole goal of the game and you see where they get the ideas.
That is the real problem. We have had that problem for over 40 years and now the bill (generations of disaffected kids) has come due. And these disaffected kids come apparently only from public schools.
But it is obvious that whatever the parochial schools are doing... they do it right! Good kids who grow up into responsible adults.
Inga said:
It’s a huge mistake to dismiss this group as an entity incapable of independent thought.
If they were capable of independent thought they wouldn't need the help of adult organizers for this "march".
buwaya said...
Gun owners are convinced that the powers that be hate them.
In this they are completely correct."
Yes, we are. We will not give up our guns because people who hate us and would love to see us dead demand that we do. Fuck them.
To my knowledge, the only significant Jewish resistance to the Final Solution was during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. The Jews were hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned. They had only guns which had been purchased on the black market and smuggled into the Ghetto and homemade Molotov cocktails and the like. Yet they still managed to put up an impressive fight, even though they were doomed in the end.
The moral of the story: never permit the State to have a monopoly on weapons. Never permit yourself to be disarmed.
The cowardly nitwits of Broward County didn't defend or protect those kids, and yet those same kids are letting the authorities off the hook and holding Americans who had absolutely nothing to do with the shootings morally culpable.
Nobody is going to have a dialog with anybody who considers them guilty before the debate even starts - especially a debate with teenagers who feel passionately and know very little.
But if one does decide to curtail freedoms... start here!
My suggestion... make the schools sort of prisons!
1. Metal detectors in ALL school entrances.
2. Drug and gun sniffing dogs will check lockers every day.
3. Mandatory random drug/alcohol test for all students.
4. Money bounty for snitches.
5. Hall monitors for every hall.
6. All social media (facebook, Twitter, etc) post by all students will be monitored.
7. Any student acting out will be subject to a psychological examination.
8. Yellow lines on the hall floors. Students must walk to one side like we drive on roads.
9. Students must behave in class. Failure to do this will result in a psychological examination.
10. NO BACKPACKS. Kindle like device with just PDFs loaded by the school. Read only.
Student turns in homework on paper. If student damages the Kindle, they are then issued BOOKS. Books they have to take to and from school WITHOUT BACKPACKS.
Why should all Americans give up their basic freedoms coded into the Bill of Rights? Let the ones that are doing the killing, students, take responsibility and lose some of their freedoms.
“The teens protesting now are the swing cohort that will kill gun rights.”
Exactly right, keep underestimating them at your own peril.
Whoops. Spoke too soon. The true FullMoon came back in full force just four short minutes later. Talk about lack of self-control. That's why he keeps writing his laundry list of shortcomings and projecting onto others. Meantime, he can't reveal his income or speak to how much of the investments/assets he claims (probably fictiously) were actually in his wife's name. Yep, the wife who "rolls her eyes" at him. That's the wife. That one. I asked how much of the money down came from her. He won't answer. What a grifter. I see her cucking his ass on a daily basis, reminding him what a loser he is. Without her he's nothing and he knows it. "Feminist". Lol. Yep, that's FullMoon.
Inga: buyawa puti sees the world through a collidascope... confusing bugs with features. I know we disagree on gun rights, but I respect people who feel uncomfortable around and surrounded by them. Hell, I feel real uncomfortable at the gun range because of the type of wannabe macho posers who pollute the barrel behavior code.
The futility of emotional conversation -
"I'm disgusted!"
"Well, I'm disgusted that you're disgusted!"
"I'm even more disgusted that you're disgusted that I'm disgusted!"
Pedro, Three words: Axe Body Spray.
The way I heard it David Hogg said all "old ass parents" don't know how "to use a f--king democracy" and the other one said: "to all the generations before us, we sincerely accept your apology. We appreciate you're willing to let us rebuild the world that you f—-d up." I don't think these kids are capable of initiating any program or policy at Parkland - not one - that will reduce bullying or increase graduation rates or raise reading comprehension or even just help Nicholas Cruz's brother or stop kids from using opioids or even from eating Tide Pods or whatever is on Youtube. If they can't make one suggestion to make the only situation which they actually know, better, then why do they think they can fix the world?
Camera Hogg gives off a Robespierre vibe.
Toothless has managed to write one partial truth on this thread - not a half-truth or even a quarter-truth but maybe a centi-truth. I am glad about the violent death by gunshot of one high-schooler this month. Specifically, I'm glad the 17-year-old who shot and wounded his girlfriend and another student at a high school in southern Maryland last week was shot and killed by the school's police offer before he managed to kill them or to kill or wound anyone else.
How about if that violence had been prevented a priori and nothing violent happened, at all? Well, I guess you're too focused on violence and murder and vengeance to allow for that possibility. Too bad some good people had to get killed just so you could excite yourself with the death of their shooter. I guess that's what it comes down to for you. Priorities.
“I'm disgusted!"
"Well, I'm disgusted that you're disgusted!"
"I'm even more disgusted that you're disgusted that I'm disgusted!"”
Disgusting, lol. At least you have a sense of humor on occasion inbetween your dark prognostications of the demise of the US.
Yur only going to get Althouse more pro the kids.
Don't fuss about civility BS infractions.
Oh,Yoo Hoo, Toothless:
I mean, I know you're familiar with how little interest anyone has in whatever you say or write - but that is because you're a stupid, arrogant jerk-off. Others are more talented and socially redeeming than you are. When you advertise your resentment against them it's obvious the reason why., because you are as phony as a three dollar bill.
Poor guy:
All talk, no action.
No responsibilities
Mediocre talent
No marketable skill
SSi dependent.
No friends
Heartbroke and despondent. :-(
Do something about all those homeless vets....
The majority of self identified homeless vets aren't veterans. The majority of those that are veterans are veterans who slipped through the recruiting process and didn't make it through their first enlistment. Many not even through boot camp. And for the rest that are homeless most are that way for the same reasons anyone else is homeless. Alcoholism and drug abuse. And family and friends got tired of putting up with them. Help is available for them. But they have to want it and ask for it. I know one person who's been in the VAs inpatient alcohol rehab 3 times. Maybe the third time will work. I wouldn't bet on it.
Oh, BTW, I am a vet. I saw a lot of active duty people go through inpatient alcohol rehab during my 21 years in. Didn't see any of them stop drinking. It slowed them down for a while.
Camera Hogg gives off a Robespierre vibe.
Why don't you professional feelers stop focusing on "vibes" and start focusing on facts and words. These kids are poised. They're effective. They're going to take back the futures that you and your Republicans and their owners have stolen from them. I say it's about time. No one cares about your +60-year old PMP rear when it's a young, healthy, articulate kid who simply wants to stop being menaced at school, while he prepares for a future and promise that the likes of you and fellow Republican freak shows like "FullMoon" will never know. Doesn't stand a chance. These kids have a lot to be proud of and there's a lot they're going to do to reverse the massive damage that your generation have done to them and their country.
Attacking the messenger is a loser strategy Wednesday. This isn't getting the BF to take out the trash. Politics requires clever.
Heh, lot of lefty froth on this thread. Here is a puzzler for them, do you think the redstate dem senators sitting their with their sphincters puckered will pick up this anti-gun mantlet and die on this hill this November? Where was Claire McCaskill and Joe Manchin today? Any guesses? . And don't kid yourself these "youths" will be back playing Call of Duty and Halo 4 before David Hogg gets his first DUI.
Howard, I am against gun legislation because I don't trust people who think like you or Inga or Ritmo. I never will. I do not believe you are acting in good faith or out of concern for humanity.
Republicans are good imaginers, aren't they?
Check out this shit. (Hard not to, he repeats it every five minutes... poor guy doesn't know how to come up with a new thought.)
Poor guy:
All talk, no action.
No responsibilities
Mediocre talent
No marketable skill
SSi dependent.
No friends
Heartbroke and despondent. :-(
Why don't you list for everyone here:
1. Your "actions."
2. Your "responsibilities"
3. Your "talents."
4. Your "marketable skills"
5. Your financial independence of your wife or whomever it is you're grifting off of
6. Your "friends" - and no, not the S.F. crowd you enviously run with before they ditch you to hang out with someone relatable.
7. Anyone who doesn't make you feel "heartbroken and despondent" - at least, not before they "roll their eyes" at you.
Go on and do it. You run your mouth like a fucking donkey braying but keep not putting up. Show your stuff, you unmanly cuck.
Yur only going to get Althouse more pro the kids.
Don't fuss about civility BS infractions.”
I wonder, is wildswan not affected by commenters like Full Moon, right here on this thread? Why fuss over a teenagers comments, when you have full ass grown man acting like a retarded newt?
"I mean, I know you're familiar with how little interest anyone has in whatever you say or write"
Ha ha.
And, yes I did see the other comment in this thread re not reading or responding re Ritmo.
You folks are funny.
Even so, doc Mike is the best at this self defeat thing-y. Keep trying. Yur in the running.
The old get old
And the young get stronger
May take a week
And it may take longer
They got the guns
But we got the numbers
Gonna win, yeah
We're takin' over
Come on!
Five To One
In answer to Althouse:
Not even a little bit.
“I do not believe you are acting in good faith or out of concern for humanity.”
And she sees herself as a good faith person who is concerned for humanity, I’m going to try not to laugh.
bolivar di griz said...
This march was orchestrated by the Joyce foundation, and the women's march, which disdains brave women like ayan Hirst ali, the Joyce foundation was set up by bill ayers, to be a clearinghouse for gun registration and confiscation
3/24/18, 6:30 PM
I wish. But too often, the message was wimpily prefaced with "we do not want all the guns."
I do. As I've been saying for a few years now, I'd bust down the door with my jackboots and take them by force. Unfortunately few today want that.
Repeal 2A.
...people you're too busy feeling superior to to stop insulting and complaining about...
They've had a chance to come up with something intelligent and decent to say. But so far it's just "muh guns". "Muh freedoms".
You know. Bullshit. But unlike you I could actually read what they wrote and took notice.
You're just a whiny cuck who hates anyone who can see what someone's really up to.
The three Amigos.
Go for it!
Comment by The Toothless Revolutionary blocked.
3/24/18, 6:50 PM
Comment by Inga blocked.
3/24/18, 6:50 PM
Comment by anti-de Sitter space blocked. [unhush][show comment]
3/24/18, 6:50 PM
Gk1: You are correct for now, but those Ace's up your sleeve are playing out and not coming back. Time to switch it up. Don't piss off future potential customers.
You should order How to Win Friends and Influence People off the althousazon corn hole
No, dumbo, I am concerned with my freedom. You and all the other totalitarians want to take it from me. We will not let you.
Why should I trust you? You're a stupid, controlling bitch.
Sorry, Howard!
The huffington post admitted to the purpose, obliquely, although one had to discover who vinik was.
You folks are funny.
It's like they hate their eyeballs for taking notice of what their arms are doing. While their feet kick their own asses.
They've been taking after Trump and denying what they do in the same breath as they do it.
How funny is it that Althouse fusses about kids not being able to make judgements based on data?
So many of her con commenters can't keep themselves from contradicting what they say v what they do.
Not to mention that she couldn't come up w/ a single concrete reason that HRC was a liar when Boring Bob asked her a follow-up on one of those DoldrumsHeads things. She went through this impassioned jabber re liar-ness re HRC. But, had zero facts in mind.
Not to mention that Althouse has openly stated that often she's not too much into specific policy stuff cause she doesn't carefully follow many aspects re government actions.
I am concerned with my freedom. You and all the other totalitarians want to take it from me. We will not let you.
Yet you want to control what women do with their own bodies, hypocrite. Big government for me, but not for thee she said. So dumb she didn’t see what she walked into.
Thanks chickelit. I couldn't possibly make my point more succinctly.
You go, Jon Ericson. Take pride in finding the software you need to be your own censor.
Never before have I run across someone who brags about what they need to program a computer to prevent them from reading but with you Republicans it's something more and more bizarre every day.
My impression is that they are a bunch of racists.
On and on and on and on about "semi-automatic assault rifles".
Not a freaking word, barely, abut handguns, especially semi-automatic handguns including revolvers. Yeah, yeah, I know. A revolver doesn't reload and recock by gas action. It still fires, reloads and recocks every time you pull the trigger so it meets that definition of semi-automatic.
About 10-15 times as many people are killed by handguns as by ALL long guns. Including shotguns. More people are killed every year with sticks and stones and other blunt objects than are killed with long guns of all types.
Most of the people killed by long guns are white. Most of them are killed by other whites.
Black gang children (a "children" is anyone under 20, by their definition) are killing other black gang children and black law abiding citizens at an appalling rate.
And nobody gets upset. "Hell," I can almost hear them thinking, "Blacks are a bunch of savages anyway. This is just culling the herd and nothing to worry about."
Black lives matter? Bullshit. They don't give a shit about black lives being taken by other blacks with handguns. Unless they have come out for handgun control and I've missed it. Links, anyone?
So unless you want to talk about the murders by handguns. Unless you want to talk about banning handguns. Unless you want to talk about actually starting a movement to nullify the 2nd Amendment, just S.T.F.U.
You are nothing more or less than a racist.
Probably a progressive/fascist as well.
John Henry
None of the rural high schools in my area had a walk out. Even the most liberal teachers know it would have been useless to try and organize gun protests with high schoolers who know when the opening day of deer season is. All the deer season- bow, rifle, whatever... Not to mention the fact they fish and all by themselves use dangerous knives to gut and filet the fish. And if they're camping- start the fire and cook them. I imagine the same is true of every rural high school in America.
Oh, BTW. People in rural areas have larger families and more kids then suburbanites or city dwellers. Some of them eventually become suburbanites of city dwellers but they don't change their views on gun rights. There's demographics for you.
The only marching and protesting I saw was in suburban and city high schools. Accompanied by students trashing and looting a Walmart during their peaceful anti-gun walkout in Chicago. Too bad Chicago has such stringent anti-gun laws that bystanders couldn't take aim and hold them for the police.
Look what's happening out in the streets
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Hey I'm dancing down the streets
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Ain't it amazing all the people I meet
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
One generation got old
One generation got soul
This generation got no destination to hold
Pick up the cry
Hey now it's time for you and me
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Come on now we're marching to the sea
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Who will take it from you
We will and who are we
We are volunteers of America
No, dumbo, I am concerned with my freedom.
There we go again. Muh freedom.
Right. I see armies of post-menopausal women rising with Hizbollah-Raised rifles in hands demanding their right to have laws and policies that allow for easy proliferation of weapons into the hands of 18 year old maniacs who gun down seventeen gifted high school students or scores of tourists in an open square in Las Vegas.
You go, girl.
Muh freedom.
The guys on the other side feel precisely the same way.
With more justice, looking at how speech restrictions, etc. are being enforced, and the effects of regulation in this extremely corrupt system.
I suggest that you put your feelings aside and learn more about your enemies. Even Sun Tzu says so.
A thought regarding the students: they don't really care about ending gun violence in schools.
If they did, they'd be demonstrating in front of the J. Edgar Hoover Building demanding the firing of the agents who received notice that a young man named Nikolas Cruz was expressing a desire to become a school shooter. They would be demonstrating in front of 2601 West Broward Boulevard in Ft. Lauderdale demanding the resignation of Sheriff Scott Israel for ignoring the ample advance warning that Nikolas Cruz had guns and was mentally unstable. There would be a yelling, screaming mob in front of Scot Peterson's house.
Just last week another disturbed young man named Austin Rollins shot and wounded two students (one mortally) at Great Mills High School in Maryland, but the school resource officer ran to the sound of gunfire and shot Rollins. There initially seems to have been some dispute as to whether Rollins was killed by the SRO's single gunshot or killed himself when confronted by an armed policeman, but either way it tells us what might have been at Parkland if the SRO, the officers who initially responded, and their leaders weren't cursed with a yellow stripe down their backs.
Back at ya Goofy,ten years commenting and never a clue as to a skill, a job, a degree. Nothing but stupid opinions and mediocre insults. You are a fake. Articulate, but a failure with no marketable skill. Prove me wrong.
Mom and Dad gonna leave everything to your siblings kids. You will be on your own. SSI for mental gonna be tough to live on.
Why don't you list for everyone here:
1. Your "actions."
2. Your "responsibilities"
3. Your "talents."
4. Your "marketable skills"
5. Your financial independence of your wife or whomever it is you're grifting off of
6. Your "friends" - and no, not the S.F. crowd you enviously run with before they ditch you to hang out with someone relatable.
7. Anyone who doesn't make you feel "heartbroken and despondent" - at least, not before they "roll their eyes" at you.
Howard said...
tcrosse: It's on the NRA to be proactive. They need to propose a five-point program that does not include giving guns to teachers and issuing more CC permits.
So you think the NRA should propose some stupid nonsense gun regulations anyone with a room temperature IQ knows will do nothing to stop school shootings.
But you don't even have a room temp IQ so there you go.
I think the NRA is doing the right thing by trying to solve the problem.
Yeah, Inga! Do what buwaya puti says... maybe you should start by engaging on a right-leaning blog to edumacate yourself on peoples whjo thunk diufferent than you do.
Brilliance anthropomorphized!
There's a 100% chance he's running a parallel thread sans the filter.
Really he's just tossing in comments (re not reading) that waste space in these threads, which is verboten by the boss lady, which means I'm for it. Cause, if I learned anything from cons here, it's that being an insufferable petulant ass is how we MAGA.
And, I'm a patriot.
What's the right problem solving thing the NRA is doing, Achilles?
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
These kids value their lives.
Their haters love their guns.
I wonder which priority will win?
We actually value the kids lives.
That is why we need to stop democrats from putting them in gun free zones and releasing known violent criminals into their midst like they did with Cruz. Parkland was 100% the result of leftist policies.
You are the person trying to get kids killed in schools.
“I suggest that you put your feelings aside and learn more about your enemies. Even Sun Tzu says so.”
You want me to consider my fellow Americans my “enemies”? As much as they can be disgusting, they’re still my countrymen/women. We aren’t in a civil war, nor should we be ever again. You’re way to eager to see Americans killing other Americans, it seems.
A pissed off but well-armed minority can make enormous trouble. Consider the IRA in Northern Ireland, representing not just a minority, but a minority of a minority.
Heck, on the principle of the moral is to the material as three (or ten, sources differ) is to one, they can overthrow it. Never more so than in guerrilla/revolutionary war. Castro's forces took Havana with under a thousand men.
Are you aware that there are a dozen states that already allow armed teachers?
“Yeah, Inga! Do what buwaya puti says... maybe you should start by engaging on a right-leaning blog to edumacate yourself on peoples whjo thunk diufferent than you do.”
Yes, Buwaya did make me chuckle and shake my head.
Howard said...
What's the right problem solving thing the NRA is doing, Achilles?
Arming teachers.
Eliminating gun-free zones.
Why do all of the rich leftists like Obama send their kids to schools with armed guards and demand the poor kids go to gun free zones?
Because they want the poor kids to get shot and be victims to parade around so they can take guns away from their political opponents.
They are your enemies Inga.
It does not do to whitewash or put on rose colored glasses.
They hate you, you hate them. So much is clear.
So now it is on you, in furtherance of your partisan interests, to understand them.
I guess what bothers me is how dishonest the whole enterprise is. We know when you lefties say "gun safety" its because you got your heads caved in bleating about "gun control" Why not be open about it? You want to ban guns and only allow "authorities" whatever that may mean, have them. Just like all the other socialist paradises you go on about like the EU. By all means you should let your freedom flag fly and openly campaign on this. You aren't fooling anyone and it just makes you look insincere and dishonest.
"Yet you want to control what women do with their own bodies, hypocrite."
Well, I thought you did too, since you have said here you oppose late-term abortions. So wouldn't that be controlling women's bodies too? Why is abortion acceptable to you at 8 weeks but not 8 months? Planned Parenthood opposes any limits whatsoever on abortions,although the cut off date for most European countries is under 20 weeks. Yet I'm sure you were absolutely delighted that PP gets funded by the government. So Inga - are you for letting women do what they want with their bodies, even if it means aborting a baby the day before the due date? If you are, then you were lying when you said you opposed late term abortion.
So dumb you didn't see what you walked into, dullard.
A friendly reminder of who Toothless is, and always will be"
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy.
Lead a horse to water, and so forth.
But here I am, I am patient, I am a teacher.
It is best to teach willing students, but sometimes the unwilling must also be taught.
If needs must, there is an incident in Sun Tzu that illustrates that.
Gotta link to the NRA program to arm teachers because I can't find it on their website
Achilles said...
Eliminating gun-free zones
“No one thinks that people should go into a nightclub drinking and carrying firearms,” Chris Cox, the NRA’s top lobbyist, told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday morning. “That defies common sense. It also defies the law.”
LaPierre went even further. “I don’t think you should have firearms where people are drinking,” he said on CBS’s “Face The Nation” that same morning.
buwaya: I am grasshopper, snatch this pebble from my hand...
Actually, there are 18 states that allow armed teachers. You would be surprised which ones are on the list. California is one of them.
“A thought regarding the students: they don't really care about ending gun violence in schools.
If they did, they'd be demonstrating in front of the J. Edgar Hoover Building demanding the firing of the agents who received notice that a young man named Nikolas Cruz was expressing a desire to become a school shooter. They would be demonstrating in front of 2601 West Broward Boulevard in Ft. Lauderdale demanding the resignation of Sheriff Scott Israel for ignoring the ample advance warning that Nikolas Cruz had guns and was mentally unstable. There would be a yelling, screaming mob in front of Scot Peterson's house.”
They knowthat the NRA buys many, if not most Republican lawmakers. They are smart enough to know they need to defeat the NRA, or vote out the NRA lackeys. It’s much more important to cut the snake’s head off.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Achilles has some irrelevant facts for you. Don't you love them?
Revel in their irrelevance. Marvel at the way they have nothing to do with any point.
The last refuge of the idiot.
You are getting completely destroyed. Keep pushing your spittle flecked hate fest.
Please please please run on gun control for the election. You people are just cowards and can't argue in good faith so you hide behind victims of your own policies.
To Achilles credit, he didn't say eliminate All gun free zones. My problem with the NRA is they still use John Lott. Can't they find someone qualified without the baggage?
Are you aware that you're making the point that the NRA is a proponent of responsible gun ownership?
Blogger Howard said...
By 2030, they have the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment. The teens protesting now are the swing cohort that will kill gun rights.
Do you know how the Amendment process works, Howard? Just in case:
Article V (Article 5 - Mode of Amendment)
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.
Emphasis added.
Now go look a a red/blue county map of the US. Blue counties and states are the ones who will be for repeal, reds against. Yes, that is a very rough approximation with exceptions both ways.
Doesn't matter what happens with demographics. Do you really think anti-gun prog/fas will be able to get 2/3 of the House PLUS 2/3 of the Senate to repeal 2A? Then, if they do somehow manage to pass that hurdle, do you really think that 3/4s of the states will vote to ratify it? Bear in mind that California's vote on this carries the same weight as Wyoming's.
It is so hard to do that in more than 200 years it has only been managed 17 times. 16 of those times expanded rights. Only one, the 18th, restricted a right. And that only lasted a13 years before it was repealed.(We could argue about the 13th which sort of did both but that argument would be unseemly)
As for demographics, yes, demographics is destiny. So look at fertility rates of reds vs blues. Reds are outbreeding blues. Some of the offspring may become progfas but many more will grow up realizing that an armed citizenry, and only an armed citizenry, is a defense against progressivism/fascism.
John Henry
Actually, I tend to be pretty libertarian, with the exception of abortion because it doesn't just involve one human being. I don't care for pot or porn, but I don't think things should be banned just because I don't personally care for them. All the Left wants is to ban and censor and silence. That's all you stand for nowadays.
None of this talk addresses the underlying issue of why disaffected young men choose mass violence as a way of addressing their issues. None.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Achilles said...
Eliminating gun-free zones
“No one thinks that people should go into a nightclub drinking and carrying firearms,” Chris Cox, the NRA’s top lobbyist, told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday morning. “That defies common sense. It also defies the law.”
LaPierre went even further. “I don’t think you should have firearms where people are drinking,” he said on CBS’s “Face The Nation” that same morning.
Totally the same thing as school ARM. Totally.
The people who go to dance clubs are mostly democrat voters so it makes sense to keep guns out of their hands.
Does anybody take Toothless seriously? He
immediately comes across as someone who no one
takes seriously on anything. That chip on his
shoulder has the weight of about a hundred
albatrosses. It's fairly obvious that people are used to
giving him the same regard as Ted Kaczynski got.
Just an old, reclusive, temper-tantrum throwing ugly
bitch who can't conceal his hatred for the world and
couldn't enjoy a sunny day if his life depended on it.
Apparently, someone actually told him this was
endearing once - some time long ago. And he keeps
nursing that little voice.
Pathetic. But then, so is his impact.
No it's just wishcasting. Shadows on the wall.
heyboom: went to HS in LAUSD in the late 70's. Our "security guard" was an alcoholic obese disgraced former LAPD pock-faced greaseball. Great guy. He made friends with all the toughs and sluts. Kept his snub-nosed .38 in his 100% light brown polyester jacket pocket. He always wanted to show it off to everyone.
Howard said...
To Achilles credit, he didn't say eliminate All gun free zones. My problem with the NRA is they still use John Lott. Can't they find someone qualified without the baggage?
Perfect leftist argument. Some leftists said something mean about him so ignore the arguments and facts.
More guns. Less crime.
And it is democrat voters that commit almost all gun crime.
I understand why you want to ignore him.
Hunting and trapping must be outlawed. Animals have rights, too.
On American conservative political philosophy, I always suggest one start with Russell Kirk. The often irreconcilable threads of this are (mostly) in there.
Do that, and you are way ahead.
On the nature of war, of men in war, of honor, of the nature of human conflict really, you can't do better than the Iliad.
And, importantly, consider the very prominent role of weapons in that, their vast significance.
The Iliad is a very difficult book for women. Its a world hard to enter, and more so these days with such a lack of roots in such a divergent culture. But it must be done.
Inga said...
“I suggest that you put your feelings aside and learn more about your enemies. Even Sun Tzu says so.”
You want me to consider my fellow Americans my “enemies”? As much as they can be disgusting, they’re still my countrymen/women. We aren’t in a civil war, nor should we be ever again. You’re way to eager to see Americans killing other Americans, it seems.
The left never changes. Dishonest to the end.
Remember that every leftist here thinks Scalise deserved to get shot.
Pearls before swine, buwaya.
OK John Henry, you could be right. Point taken! Maybe you can continue to tell the anti-gun people to pound sand forever and be successful.
Moving the goal-posts a bit, you would also have to be 100% confident the future supreme court won't overturn the individual right granted under Heller?
The LAPD "greaseball" may well have shown a different side should he have heard the divine call to sacrifice.
Its got a strange effect, that.
In my experience you can't really tell who will do what when SHTF.
Inga said...
“A thought regarding the students: they don't really care about ending gun violence in schools.
If they did, they'd be demonstrating in front of the J. Edgar Hoover Building demanding the firing of the agents who received notice that a young man named Nikolas Cruz was expressing a desire to become a school shooter. They would be demonstrating in front of 2601 West Broward Boulevard in Ft. Lauderdale demanding the resignation of Sheriff Scott Israel for ignoring the ample advance warning that Nikolas Cruz had guns and was mentally unstable. There would be a yelling, screaming mob in front of Scot Peterson's house.”
They knowthat the NRA buys many, if not most Republican lawmakers. They are smart enough to know they need to defeat the NRA, or vote out the NRA lackeys. It’s much more important to cut the snake’s head off.
Notice how Inga completely ignores the actual causes of the shooting and goes right after her political enemies.
She doesn't care about stopping school shootings. She just wants to disarm her political enemies. So they can get shot like Scalise did.
Known Unknown said...
None of this talk addresses the underlying issue of why disaffected young men choose mass violence as a way of addressing their issues. None.
3/24/18, 7:21 PM
Before school shootings, there were workplace massacres.
"Going Postal" was the term for awhile, based on post office employees murdering co workers. How many shootings are because the mentally ill shooter was pissed off at one or two particular person? A woman or a boss or a co worker
I said I was "glad" the Maryland shooting turned out a lot better (or should I say a lot less badly?) than Florida, with two wounded and the shooter dead, and Toothless (6:42pm) says I was "excited". And he wonders why so many here find him an utterly contemptible piece of shit.
The people who go to dance clubs are mostly democrat voters so it makes sense to keep guns out of their hands.
3/24/18, 7:21 PM
You know, I used to believe that it was the right of every American to keep and bear arms. But since liberals hate guns so much and are so emotional and immature they think 16 year olds are fonts of wisdom, it makes sense to ban them from owning gums. After all, they believe guns magically jump off the table and start firing themselves, and I certainly don't think someone like Inga would be responsible or smart enough to practice gun safety. She shoots off her mouth enough - if she owned a gun she'd somehow find a way to shoot herself in the ass. Or else she'd leave it lying around where a kid could grab it. Ritmo would commit a murder-suicide in no time flat. There are reasons why they are so frightened of an inanimate object. It is because they know they couldn't own one themselves. So I'm modifying my previous position. I now favor a ban prohibiting Democrats from owning guns.
Indeed, grasshopper.
But such teaching can only happen in person.
Here we can only use text, sadly.
Achilles: It doesn't matter if Lott is right or wrong. Going to that well over and over isn't good politics. If he's right then it should be easy to hire someone else to crunch the numbers. It's the Optics
Howard said...
OK John Henry, you could be right. Point taken! Maybe you can continue to tell the anti-gun people to pound sand forever and be successful.
Moving the goal-posts a bit, you would also have to be 100% confident the future supreme court won't overturn the individual right granted under Heller?
1. RBG is going to ride quietly to the ever after soon. Another 50ish year old Trump appointee and civil rights are safe for a generation. Kennedy has been making noises too. Trump will get 2 more appointments.
2. Even if DC managed to impose an unconstitutional infringement on the right to bear arms it will never be enforced. Ever.
Isn't the NRA a great example of democracy in action? A perfect exercise of our right "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (1A)
I say that in all seriousness. The NRA is funded almost entirely by individuals. Although many claim that it is gun makers that finance them, gun makers, dealers and other related companies provide a very small part of NRA funding. The vast majority, over 90% comes from individuals as memberships, fees and donations. You can go look it up. Here's a nice graphic.
So as an individual, I have a right to associate myself with other people who hold similar views and, as a group, the right to present our views to our politicians.
Seems to me that people who are against the NRA are against democracy.
John Henry
Achilles: any linky on NRA proposal to arm (democrat leftist union member) teachers? I can't find one.
“Remember that every leftist here thinks Scalise deserved to get shot.”
Guns not only are weapons that are used to kill, they have blown up any common sense that is left in a right wing gun nut’s poor brain. And Buwaya thinks disgust isn’t warranted?
Howard said...
Achilles: It doesn't matter if Lott is right or wrong. Going to that well over and over isn't good politics. If he's right then it should be easy to hire someone else to crunch the numbers. It's the Optics
That is just dumb.
The optics right now are a bunch of leftists who are ignoring the actual world and running an obviously astroturfed campaign funded by massively wealthy globalists using a bunch of child victims of their own leftist policies. The same leftists who screwed up consistently over years with Cruz and are responsible for him shooting up the school are trying to use it as a weapon to disarm their political opponents.
Please run this gun control stuff all of the way through the elections. Please.
“Seems to me that people who are against the NRA are against democracy.”
Is this a rational thought?
Hunting and trapping must be outlawed. Animals have rights, too.
Why stop there? Why not gradually outlaw meat consumption?
Inga said...
“Remember that every leftist here thinks Scalise deserved to get shot.”
Guns not only are weapons that are used to kill, they have blown up any common sense that is left in a right wing gun nut’s poor brain. And Buwaya thinks disgust isn’t warranted?
Inga refused to denounce James Hodgkinson for months.
She still thinks Scalise deserved to get shot because he supports the NRA.
John said...
the right to present our views to our politicians.
Just like the tobacco lobby.
"Seems to me that people who are against the NRA are against democracy."
It's pretty clear to me that the Left is against democracy.
Have a look at the amount of money contributed by the NRA directly to Republicans. If I asked you to guess you probably could not get close. Look it up. Then look up what Planned Parenthood contributes to Democrats. Again, you could not come close guessing. The NRA is too cheap to buy off candidates. They are good at buying ads.
Unless the Pro-Choicers close the "fast and furious", Planned Parent, self-abortion, and criminal loopholes, then they are not for the children, selective, one, or otherwise, but for a political establishment of their liberal religion, including elective abortion, rape-rape, and other consequences of denying people the right and responsibility of justifiable self-defense.
As for what happened in Florida, the guy was a known high risk who should not have passed the background check. The central arbiters at the FBI and the Sheriff failed to uphold the law, before and during the mass abortion event, and failed to protect the children.
Joseph Stalin famously asked, when the Pope complained about something: "How many divisions does the Pope have?"
In a similar vein, Howard, Squeamish, Inga other gun grabbers, how many divisions does your side have?
NRA has over 4.5mm members.
How many teenagers came out in favor of gun grabbing?
NRA has a lot of muscle. Your side doesn't.
John Henry
Inga said...
“Seems to me that people who are against the NRA are against democracy.”
Is this a rational thought?
Leftists take a shooting and rather than propose anything that would have helped stop that shooting use it as a tool to disarm their political opponents.
After spending the last 2 years of the DNC paying people to attack Trump supporters and perpetrating numerous instance of violence against political opponents.
Should I start posting the NYT comments from leftists commenters saying Scalise deserved to get shot again? They got thousands of likes from your fellow leftists.
We would be irrational to think you people would not resort to violence if you thought we couldn't stop you.
"Before school shootings, there were workplace massacres.
"Going Postal" was the term for awhile, based on post office employees murdering co workers. How many shootings are because the mentally ill shooter was pissed off at one or two particular person? A woman or a boss or a co worker"
Yeah, I'm old and certainly recall these. In fact, they still happen.
The solutions being proposed by the kids marching will have little effect on future mass shootings. Even if you banned all new gun sales, there are still millions of them in the country. You would have to repeal the 2nd and begin confiscation, which is likely to result in a 2nd American Civil War. Background checks are meaningless when Cruz and company aren't buying from licensed dealers. Age limits, too.
Blogger Inga said...
“Seems to me that people who are against the NRA are against democracy.”
Is this a rational thought?
Probably not to you, Inga. You and other progfas seem to think that petitioning our politicians is a bad thing.
Unless we are petitioning for fascist/progressive policies, of course.
John Henry
Knitter that I am, have been looking for Pussy Hats.
The NRA has, in fact, very little money, and nearly all of it is in the form of small individual contributions from memberships. As political money goes the NRA is a minnow in the ocean.
The entire US firearms industry, in spite of cited unit sales numbers, is really very small as industries go. Economically it is trivial. Even the few big players - S&W, Ruger, Remington, etc. - are "medium size" companies in all rankings, and the rest of even the well known ones - Hi-Point, Keltec, Kahr, Magpul, etc.- are small businesses with a couple of hundred employees. And there is a huge proportion of cottage-industry in it. This is because guns are cheap.
There is no real political money to be had from the entire industry. This is not Wall Street, this is not Silicon Valley, this is not even Petroleum. All of those are hundreds of times bigger, and bribe politicians vastly more, and buy immensely more media exposure. The NRA rarely buys media, not that it could in most cases. Its mass media exposure comes from, mainly, its enemies.
No, the leverage of the NRA, and all the rest, is not in money but in votes. The loyalty of their members. And the now-very large number of internet venues, such as on Youtube. But that all is also a cottage industry.
So - the NRA as a bogeyman is a fiction. When you say NRA you really mean millions of individuals.
heyboom said...
you're making the point that the NRA is a proponent of responsible gun ownership?
So, if I understand you correctly, if the NRA opposed restrictions on guns in bars they would be acting irresponsibly?
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
John said...
the right to present our views to our politicians.
Just like the tobacco lobby.
Yes, exactly. Just like the tobacco lobby AND EVERY SINGLE OTHER AMERICAN. It is right there in the 1st Amendment.
You may be missing a big difference between NRA and the tobacco companies. The NRA is made up of individual American Citizens representing their wishes and views.
Tobacco companies are businesses. Legal businesses selling a legal product. They have exactly the same right to petition their politicians as any individual has. Morally, legally and constitutionally.
John Henry
You have a very serious problem with disarmament.
The goal is a separation of Cult (e.g. Pro-Choice) and State, and to normalize rights and responsibilities. The quasi-religious loopholes are selective, and the legal loopholes are liberal (i.e. divergent). In a society with the most weapons (e.g. guns, scalpels) per capita, the criminal activity in the former is underrepresented, and the later is overrepresented, but, in both, the issue is rights and responsibilities.
That said, lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable... under the Pro-Choice Church, liberal activists, progressive advocates, Planned Parenthood corporate profits, and other forward thinking factions and individuals, are aborted by Choice, not force a la Chinese leftists' one-child policy.
Pro-Choice... lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable... again, and again, and again.
In six weeks the children will be out of school taking summer jobs, going on vacations, getting high. A few will take their stardom to SJW college, the rest will do as they have done and play their video games and try to get laid. The children's crusades always end in failure.
The irony of this "save the children" movement is that it's exactly why we have a 2nd amendment. The purpose of the 2nd amendment is not to enable hunting or self defense, the purpose is to prevent the government from using prevailing public opinion and its might from enslaving its subjects.
The audit filed with the state of North Carolina shows that the NRA’s total expenditures exploded to more than $419 million, up from $312 million the prior year.
Planned Parenthood
More, about the NRA and its symbolic nature.
An interesting effect of the collapse of American "joining" institutions (ref "Bowling Alone"), plus the ideological corruptions of the "long march", and the corruption of the GOP, is that the NRA, specialized though it is, has acquired a general air of the organizing institution of the disaffected right wing.
That is, the NRA is the locus of support from a vast number who may have no particular interest in guns, but does harbor an enmity to the politico-cultural hegemony. The NRA is a natural home for many reactionaries of all kinds. It rejects what the "long march" has done. And the more it is attacked, the more support it gets.
I.e., if you dont like the NRA, reverse the long march.
The NRA is a perfect picture of how democracy is supposed to work. Small contributions and massive grassroots support. They are true constituency in action.
This is opposed to the left and the anti-gun campaign. Supported by massive contributions from very wealthy people and built on lies and propaganda.
The difference is night and day. The left is dishonest about their intentions. They are enemies of freedom at every turn.
The purpose of the 2nd amendment is not to enable hunting or self defense, the purpose is to prevent the government from using prevailing public opinion and its might from enslaving its subjects.
3/24/18, 8:01 PM
That's it in a nutshell, but the Left refuses to acknowledge that - because they are interested in controlling and enslaving. Their "compassion" is a sham and a lie.
Howard said...
The audit filed with the state of North Carolina shows that the NRA’s total expenditures exploded to more than $419 million, up from $312 million the prior year.
Planned Parenthood
This is a truly pathetic attempt.
Total expenditures != OUTSIDE SPENDING.
This sort of argument works on idiot democrat voters. Anyone with any kind of critical thinking ability can see right through you.
You people are boring.
Keep having your fun. You are going to lose, again. And again. And again. You can brainwash some kids for a few years and convince them marching in a rally is more fun that school.
But after a while they will notice that you are dishonest shitheads pushing a globalist agenda. About the same time they start voting regularly.
Leading up to the 2016 election, the NRA also spent more than $30 million in support of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has maintained a close relationship with the organization since becoming president.
According to the statement, the NRA generated the majority of its revenue from membership dues, $163.5 million, down about $2 million, and contributions, $171 million, up 24 percent, in 2016. Program fees accounted for the third largest amount with $69 million, up $4 million. And investments, royalties and assets accounted for approximately $30 million.
NRA spends almost 3-times membership fees on politics. It's all about manufacturers
NRA spending is not political contributions. They spent $ 140 million on "political affairs" in 2016.
That is compared to $7 billion, at least, spent on politics in 2016. Not counting categories such as "issue" advertising or GOTV or lobbying, etc., which is not included in that total.
And the now-very large number of internet venues, such as on Youtube. But that all is also a cottage industry.
This reminded me of something I saw the other day that made me smile and gave me hope. YouTube has been talking about censoring gun videos and has been nibbling around the edges a bit.
A company that makes some kind of gun accessory, legal but immoral in Google's opinion had their videos removed.
So now they are up at PornTube or PornHub or one of those porn hosting sites. If the owners of those sites are smart they can capture a lot of business by starting a new channel Perhaps FreeTube.com or some such and promoting it as a non-censorious competitor to YouTube. Leave the porn where it is and keep the new business separate, though it could use the same servers and other facilities. Investment would be close to nil, other than promotion and the internet virality would take care of most of that.
Their motto: "We let you post the things Google won't let on YouTube."
I assume they would make money the same way Google does now, selling regular ads.
I keep wondering why, with all the censorship of Twitter, President Trump doesn't make the jump to Gab. Yes, not that many people on it right now. But that would change in a heartbeat if President Trump started posting there and the media had to be reporting "President Trump Gabbed this morning about..." instead of saying he tweeted about it. these platforms are incredibly fragile. I think we are about to find out how fragile Facebook is too.
John Henry
Prove me wrong.
I'm not the one who keeps coming on here with something to prove.
Now how much did/does your wife contribute to those down payments and mortgages?
80%? 90%?
Shouldn't be a hard question to answer, if you weren't so busy ripping off all my own insults. And hiding from a direct inquiry into exactly how much of a cuck you are.
Cuck! Cuck-ka-cuuuuuuck! Cuck-cuck. Cuuuuuuuuuck!
Of course, birdbrain completely ignored this:
"Well, I thought you did too, since you have said here you oppose late-term abortions. So wouldn't that be controlling women's bodies too? Why is abortion acceptable to you at 8 weeks but not 8 months? Planned Parenthood opposes any limits whatsoever on abortions,although the cut off date for most European countries is under 20 weeks. Yet I'm sure you were absolutely delighted that PP gets funded by the government. So Inga - are you for letting women do what they want with their bodies, even if it means aborting a baby the day before the due date? If you are, then you were lying when you said you opposed late term abortion."
Caught Inga in yet another lie. And she wonders why we don't trust liberals to do the right thing? Well, that's because you're a pack of amoral liars - and stupid to boot.
My son and husband today were at a Walmart in Maryland, a bit east of Elkton, MD, and just off Route 40, on account of a Civil Air Patrol event previously scheduled, many months ago. FWIW, most people didn't pay much attention to nor did they engage the kids in conversation (even though the kids wanted so to do) about why they were there: in fact, as in so many [most?] situations, those who see kids out with buckets and flyers or products to sell and smiling faces just automatically drop money into a bucket, or buy something, if so inclined they are or people do not so do, just because they're not so inclined. (Think Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts/Whatever , or even Salvation Army/Red Cross/Whatever.)
Anyhoo, all that said: There was a guy who, let us just say, confronted a CAP cadet (a 14-year-old, as opposed to, for an example, a cadet verging on 18, as is my son) in the group at the Walmart in this fashion, "Are you being trained to killed people?"
I am proud, as is my husband, to say about that kid that he was unfailingly polite and remarkably humble and articulate.
The purpose of the 2nd amendment is not to enable hunting or self defense, the purpose is to prevent the government from using prevailing public opinion and its might from enslaving its subjects.
3/24/18, 8:01 PM
That's it in a nutshell, but the Left refuses to acknowledge that - because they are interested in controlling and enslaving. Their "compassion" is a sham and a lie.
Don't worry, mainstreet. No one's going to enslave you. Being post-menopausal, paranoid and bitchy are not marketable assets to the slave labor market. Neither is putting your own paranoia above the well-being of the nation's youth. If at age 63 (or whatever it is) you still don't get that, you never will. And just because you're a narcissist who lacks compassion (or probably doesn't comprehend the emotion) don't project that shortcoming onto others. Since you're such a conservative, look at it this way - the youth are a nation's best asset - and you're destroying and wasting them. Horrible. But at least it gives you less hot flashes or something. How pathetic you are.
Blogger buwaya said...
That is, the NRA is the locus of support from a vast number who may have no particular interest in guns
Ihave no particular interest in guns. No problem with them but no interest in them or owning them either.
What I have a STRONG interest in is protecting my right to own guns if I ever become so inclined.
I've joined the NRA half a dozen times over the years. Probably paid dues in 10-15 of the past 40 years or so.
Just like you say and for the same reasons.
John Henry
Site with the short old school (but young..shit) Jewish guy is one of a few reporting this.
Must be made up...
His Sister Died In Parkland. He Wanted To Speak At The March
Anyone who thinks that firearms can stop a tyrannical nation's nukes and MOABs probably needs to try having Fat Man or Little Boy dropped on them while they wave a rifle at it. You can tell me later how well your superior firepower held up.
“The NRA is a perfect picture of how democracy is supposed to work. Small contributions and massive grassroots support.”
How deluded.
“The NRA is made up of individual American Citizens representing their wishes and views.”
More willful self-deception.
“It's all about manufacturers “
This is correct.
No it doesnt Howard.
$140 million is less than member fees.
And jeez, 30mil for Trump.
Total political ad spending, alone, in 2016 was over $10 billion.
The NRA is, what, 1.5% of just ad spending?
You people are boring.
Sorry, Ach. Keeping kids from dying isn't supposed to be exciting business. But if you were a responsible parent and laid off the weed and steroids more then you'd know that.
I've scanned most of these comments here, before commenting myself. Young Mr. Hogg is the son of an ex-FBI employee and an ex-CNN producer. Is there any doubt, given the alacrity and quality and of their response, that this script (and the planning behind it) was a production that was prepared previously and held in readiness? Where are the conservatives looking into how this pageant has been pulled off? The funding has been solidly in place and generously forthcoming...the logistics have been well managed, similar to the many post-election Antifa stagings, leaving the actors to devote themselves to their scripting. And our young star, evocative of a young Josef Goebbels, has had the levers of power and privilege and access placed into his hands by a well-coordinated team, complete with rehearsals and scripts. Why is nobody curious about how slick this production is, or the machine behind the production? 2018 elections are going to be (figuratively)a case of Republican rubes with their "old-school" 8mm home movie cameras getting creamed by a fully-focused fully-staffed production studio with CGI.
What enormous industry backs the NRA?
Check it out, in comparison to the US economy, to other sectors. Be honest.
We would be irrational to think you people would not resort to violence if you thought we couldn't stop you.
Dude, lay off the weed and the steroids. It's intensifying your paranoia. Every Democratic president could have dropped a MOAB or nuke on you if he had wanted. No one's afraid of your guns, at least nowhere near as you are afraid of losing your bang-bang toys.
“It's all about manufacturers “
“This is correct.”
Even the teenagers know this.
Wait. What? WTF?
I knew that I had come late to the conversation in this thread, but did not know that the thread had devolved into conversations, yet again, about abortion and cuckoldry.
Now, on the one hand, that is entirely "my bad": I did not read the comment thread prior to commenting, and I do know better with regard to that.
On the other hand: Jesus Christ, you people both bore me and force me to let you go even as the sort of folks to whom I've been paying attention since early childhood.
So much for conversations worth the time of day.
reader_iam, rcommal and Lori
heyboom said...
you're making the point that the NRA is a proponent of responsible gun ownership?
Let me ask this another way, if the NRA opposed restrictions on guns in bars would they be acting irresponsibly?
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Anyone who thinks that firearms can stop a tyrannical nation's nukes and MOABs probably needs to try having Fat Man or Little Boy dropped on them while they wave a rifle at it. You can tell me later how well your superior firepower held up."
I dunno, the North Vietnamese certainly seemed to stand up to superior firepower.
Also, you are under the illusion that American troops would side with the left. Maybe the brass would. But most troops are red-state deplorables. More than one military person has told me they believe the troops would shoot their own officers before carrying out such orders. (How many military people do you know?) And they know what contempt leftists have for them.
I know it fills you with delight to imagine the mass slaughter of deplorables, but it won't happen. If a civil war broke out, your side would lose. Badly.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Prove me wrong.
I'm not the one who keeps coming on here with something to prove.
Of course.
Thousands of comments and stupid insults under many alias's and never a clue as to a particular skill or accomplishment.
Not hard to see why. His skill is ability to google stuff for argument and childish insults.
I will continue to point out that he is a fake. Unaccomplished. Non self supporting. Racist, sexist homophobic self professed ladies man.
No dates
No friends
Physically unattractive
Bi-polar druggie.
Poor self esteem
Dropped out of college, couldn't handle the stress
She shoots off her mouth enough - if she owned a gun she'd somehow find a way to shoot herself in the ass. Or else she'd leave it lying around where a kid could grab it.
Right. Language and discharging firearms are completely the same thing. Untighten your ass! So fucking uptight. Maybe if you weren't such a control freak your mind would be free to come up with a thought that actually made sense for once.
Ritmo would commit a murder-suicide in no time flat.
Jesus, lady. Those hot flashes must be murder enough on you. Get a grip and get your fucking Premarin refilled already. Just calm down.
Am I listening to the children? No.
"Anyone who thinks that firearms can stop a tyrannical nation's nukes and MOABs probably needs to try having Fat Man or Little Boy dropped on them while they wave a rifle at it. You can tell me later how well your superior firepower held up."
Yep, because all gun owners are congregated together in one state and isolated from the rest of America. And every single LEO and Military member will gladly comply with shooting up or dropping a MOAB or Nuke on Everytown USA.
Anyone who thinks that firearms can stop a tyrannical nation's nukes and MOABs probably needs to try having Fat Man or Little Boy dropped on them while they wave a rifle at it. You can tell me later how well your superior firepower held up."
I dunno, the North Vietnamese certainly seemed to stand up to superior firepower.
Bang-bang toy lady, firearm aficionado and self-proclaimed expert on the relationship between armament type and tyranny/freedom just proved that she doesn't understand how the very weapons of war that kept the majority of the world free for 7 decades work. Pretty disappointing.
Seriously, go get those Premarin refills.
@rcommal: I was cheered to hear of your son's enrollment in CAP. My son did this as well.
We just got back from seeing "Seven Days at Entebbe" and I don't recommend it.
Five of Ritmo's heroes, the terrorists, got wiped.
The movie was very sympathetic to the Palestinians and all I wanted to see was the woman terrorist get it between the eyes.
There were also several ridiculous dance sequences. The whole thing is too artsy fartsy for me.
The Israeli side of the story was done pretty well but it was not that good.
I recommend giving it a miss, except for Ritmo, of course, who will love the terrorists.
"Am I listening to the children? No."
How about this (and other) geezer(s):
Ritmo, you're psychotic. I truly believe you would be a danger to yourself and others if you owned a gun. So, I'm very happy you don't like guns. But I can handle them, since, like the overwhelming majority of American gun owners, I am responsible and not insane.
"The NRA Ring of Freedom is dedicated to building relationships with patriots who are seeking to secure the future of freedom. Our mission is to gather the resources required to help preserve the uniquely American freedoms set forth by our Founding Fathers in the Second Amendment.
"Through the leadership of NRA Ring of Freedom members, never again will this peerless liberty suffer the blatant infringement and cultural disdain it barely survived over the past quarter-century. That's why it is essential that great Americans like you ensure that the National Rifle Association stands ready to preserve our treasured freedoms."
It involves a donation of $1,000,000 from industry to the NRA.
Golden Ring of Freedom
Donors receive gifts of appreciation plus:
Custom Golden Ring of Freedom blazer
Special recognition ceremony at the Ring of Freedom reception at NRA’s Annual Meetings & Exhibits
Invitations to private events
Of course.
Thousands of comments and stupid insults under many alias's and never a clue as to a particular skill or accomplishment.
Oh no! I missed the portal on the Blogger website where it asked to upload a resume. I suppose you could help me find it - maybe there's a button you pressed where you provided that (co-)homeowner status of yours that you seem to find so brag worthy.
Not hard to see why. His skill is ability to google stuff for argument and childish insults.
Good point! I will never use search engines to find information and never point out how stupid someone is being! Especially online. Then maybe I can hope to be as awesome as you!
I will continue to point out that he is a fake.
I'm so busted. I don't even really exist. Just an avatar in The Matrix. Or maybe it was Tron.
Unaccomplished. Non self supporting.
Aw. Poor me.
Racist, sexist homophobic self professed ladies man.
Good point. I will take tips from your man Trump on how to be a kind, sensitive, female-friendly gentle soul and to handle racial incidents the way he did in Charlottesville and told us about all the good racists.
No dates
No friends
Physically unattractive
Bi-polar druggie.
Poor self esteem
Dropped out of college, couldn't handle the stress
Don't forget:
No eyebrows
No toenails
No gold-plated bidet in my starter McMansion
Oh woe is me.
I will try to do a better job pretending to live the sort of life you project on to me.
The psychic you went to ripped you off. But she did pick up on how you will fixate on me here for the rest of the night. You must really love punching up. I will try to piss down on you a little less, Mr. Sensitive.
Doc Mike,
What's your POV re "The Honourable Woman?" Assuming you saw it (yhe Brit connection must have been enticing).
I saw 15 people killed, shot dead, and dozens wounded, in front of a paramilitary barricade, when a dictators men opened fire on an unruly but unarmed crowd.
I ran.
And as dictators went he was a pretty mild one.
Five of Ritmo's heroes, the terrorists,
This is the best you can come up with?
Either a service worker or a terrorist-sympathizer. You are very limited in your knowledge of the full range of scoundrels to label someone when attempting to insult. But then, why give away one of your own?
Er, HT, whats your point?
That they raise money?
Make an argument.
"Yep, because all gun owners are congregated together in one state and isolated from the rest of America. And every single LEO and Military member will gladly comply with shooting up or dropping a MOAB or Nuke on Everytown USA."
Awww, it's not nice of you to step all over Ritmo's fantasy like that.
Ritmo, you're psychotic. I truly believe you would be a danger to yourself and others if you owned a gun.
No one cares what you believe. No one. The last person you convinced of anything was the guy who (intentionally or not?) knocked you up that you were crazy and not worth supporting through pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood.
So, I'm very happy you don't like guns.
I don't like the nutters who are obsessed with them. Much less those who confuse nukes with ordnance from Vietnam who lecture about 18th century armaments and freedom. I'd be happier if you educated your idiotic self.
But I can handle them, since, like the overwhelming majority of American gun owners, I am responsible and not insane.
The policies and organizations you support make you a menace to society, and people are catching on. Actually, they caught on long ago but are now rising up.
"No gold-plated bidet in my starter McMansion"
For the record, bidets and gold plating is lame.
OTOH, a Numi w/ spray should be the minimal re civilization.
Why the F are folks still sloshing paper around their assholes?
Sure, a Numi is expensive. But, look at the tech re phones. How the F can't normal folks have a non-gross toilet?
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Of course.
Thousands of comments and stupid insults under many alias's and never a clue as to a particular skill or accomplishment.
Oh no! I missed the portal on the Blogger website where it asked to upload a resume. I suppose you could help me find it - maybe there's a button you pressed where you provided that (co-)homeowner status of yours that you seem to find so brag worthy. ETC.
He denies he is a failure, yet proves it once again.
No accomplishments
No job
No degree.
He is a fake, a phony
A loser.
He suffers because he has nothing, yet is more intelligent than those that do.
He feels life is unfair.
He has a dilemma now.Continue with childish insults in attempt to get last word, or pretend he has a "date".
What will he do? Break the "date", or bang his head against the wall.
Thousands of comments and insults over a decade under many guises. Never a clue as to his profession, location or education.
Let that sink in
Ritmo, said, blah, blah, the usual boring recycled insults, blah, blah.
Nobody cares what you say. Nobody. Which is why you come here to vent and insult. Because nobody gives a shit about you in real life.
You are a loon.
He denies he is a failure, yet proves it once again.
No accomplishments
No job
No degree.
No wonder you hate the internet and information. You just make things up.
He is a fake, a phony.
I'm a bot from Putin.
A loser.
What is it that you think I'm trying to "win?"
He suffers because he has nothing, yet is more intelligent than those that do.
And you found this out how, exactly?
He feels life is unfair.
Ah, well, to the kids of the nation who have to endure the way you moronically support those who menace them (like the cuck that you are), life is certainly unfair. But that's what I've been talking about. That's what every one here is talking about. And you feel like a loser because you obviously can't address that and instead just keep trying to punch up at me because I obviously make you feel uncomfortable by simply exercising my right to speak here. (Something you must lack the mind to effectively do). You've been deleted on here before for not figuring out what the topic is, how to stay on it, how to sedate your rabid impulses to harass me. You can keep trying that, repetitively, and get deleted again, but it's interesting to see how your personal comments have devolved into just a whiny, repetitive list of whatever you compiled at your last bitch session about me. That and this pathetic habit that you find "witty" of recycling my own 5-star insults and hurling them back at me. Come up with your own, you beta cuck.
Inga said: "What I’ve read today on this thread has once again made me feel polluted, dirtied, ugh, disgusted."
Sweetheart, you have refused to discuss issues in an intelligent manner, probably because it is beyond your skill set.
You and Ritmo are disgusting to me. He is manic and over the top. As everyone here knows, you are a disingenuous idiot.
I love America. We have room for idiots and crazy people.
I just hope that my tax dollars are not suporting the two of you.
Nobody cares what you say. Nobody. Which is why you come here to vent and insult. Because nobody gives a shit about you in real life.
You are a loon.
You were knocked up and abandoned. And couldn't raise your own kid.
Seriously, go take those pills. You have issues in life. Many people do, but they get over them eventually and your in your fucking sixties and still taking out your paranoias in the form of ignorant, 18th century "muh freedom" talk just to keep up whatever policies menace and murder the kids of the nation.
Think about how pathetic that is.
Hey, you abandoned your own kid so I guess you're very practiced in letting these other kids across the country down.
At least with your own kid you got out of the way. With these kids you're actively sticking up for ways to keep menacing them.
What a horrible person you are.
"Much less those who confuse nukes with ordnance from Vietnam who lecture about 18th century armaments and freedom. I'd be happier if you educated your idiotic self. "
I would love to be educated on how you propose to confiscate 300 million guns from private ownership using MOABs and nuclear weapons.
I've seen it stated here and alluded to in the press, that these nationwide pre-arranged protests are a show by the majority of Americans. I can assure you, when the majority of Americans do take to the streets, they will not be hiding behind their children, nor wearing pussy hats. They will be a mass that will take your breath away, and they will be men and women, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, and most of them will be gun owners. Most gun owners in this country are not members of the NRA. But they still watch the nonsense, nonetheless.
If the children or their parents were serious, they would be screaming about the fact that this kid who did the last shooting was known and reported numerous times- double digit times, was kicked out of the school, and even told the world what he was about to do. Who is responsible for that?
This is just another Democrat Party Production. Everything that's going on here, and over the past few years- we are watching. We are watching, noting, and waiting. When the time comes for us, your pussy hatted, children's marches will seem like, well...children's marches.
The modern way of war and the nature of modern society suggests that the revolutionary war the drafters of the 2nd Amendment intended, as a sanction against tyrrany, will take a different form than that of the 18th century.
That form has been very common around the world and it is rarely possible to deploy significant heavy firepower against it, without risking grave political consequences, such as splits in the state and military. Exactly that happened early on in Syria for instance.
It will be an urban-suburban guerilla war, relying mainly on attacks or threats against enemy civilians, and only opportunistic attacks against police or military forces. At least, until the revolutionaries can secure the defection of sufficient security or military forces, and of territory.
The consequences of even the early stages are likely to be economically devastating, and the state will be under terrible stress.
The war-gaming of an American crisis (as a hypothetical exercise), is a useful teaching tool. It requires a good deal of research, on recent history especially, but mostly common sense.
Francisco D., no one cares what you say, either.
Keep your one-liners to yourself. They're mundane and poorly thought out. And there's already enough of that here already.
Or do yourself a favor and book yourself a gig at the local comedy club once you're done with a long day of listening to your clients complain to you. It would loosen you up and help you come to terms with how unimportant, unrealistic and unentertaining your opinions really are.
I would love to be educated on how you propose to confiscate 300 million guns from private ownership using MOABs and nuclear weapons.
Why don't you educate yourself on that since I never proposed any such thing. Paranoid.
His ego is so bruised he is almost crying.
In a mild back and forth last year, he cited
Alhouse rules re: commenting in an attempt to
dissuade my contributions.
That is correct folks. The REVOLUTIONARY appealed to mommy.
The linguistic acrobat actually called on mom to enforce the rules
"Toothless" appropriate. Revolutionary? Don't think so.
Ten years of opinion and insults, no clue as to education or skill.
Mildly interesting, isn't it?
The kids are being victimized twice.
Once by a school and law enforcement system that completely dropped the ball on Cruz.
A second time by a bunch of adults like the lefties here trying to push an agenda that will make them less safe than before.
3/24/18, 5:25 PM
Some philanthropist or philanthropy, another Olin type, should offer through the NRA, free, to all "survivors" of Parkland, and perhaps other such traumas, a course of weapons familiarization and training in MOUT active shooter drills. Let them see what they would have had a chance to do that day, if they could have been legally CCW then and there.
Then run them through a course representative of the experience at Parkland, and see if they might have been able to save the lives of others and defend their own instead of having been saved by some outside agent.
Then see the spread of who thinks firearms good and who evil. Now that would be educational. It may be too much to say that only the right people would pass, but maybe self selection is best.
Thing being, that nothing so useful would ever actually have a chance at being done.
That is correct folks. The REVOLUTIONARY appealed to mommy.
She has a right to run a blog that furthers discussion on the topics she posts. If you don't have the respect for her to at least do that then maybe you're the one who fucking needs a mommy.
Every comment you post makes it clearer and clearer how likely it is that you actually DID (as I suspected) grow up in an orphanage or a series of foster homes.
OK, technically you are correct. You suggested that our 300 million guns would be ineffective against MOABs and Nukes. So to be more true to your suggestion, educate me as to how a government uses MOABs and nuclear weapons on its own population and remains in power over anything worth governance.
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