December 29, 2017

"Another reason that I’m going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there because without me..."

"... their ratings are going down the tubes... Without me, The New York Times will indeed be not the failing New York Times, but the failed New York Times.... So they basically have to let me win. And eventually, probably six months before the election, they’ll be loving me because they’re saying, ‘Please, please, don’t lose Donald Trump.’ O.K."

That's Donald Trump, talking to a NYT reporter (in an impromptu half-hour interview at the Grill Room after a golf game).

I think Trump is being funny, and we laughed a lot as I read that out loud, but I'm sure Trump haters cry out in horror at the lies and insults.


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mockturtle said...

Of course he's being funny. He's also right.

traditionalguy said...

PT Barnum was a politician too. The Three Ring Circus needs death defying acts and exotic animals and that is what WWF Trump gives them. Meanwhile he is diligently destroying the enemies of the USA and locking up multiple layers of fifth column traitors sucking on huge slush funds of Obama and Clinton.

tcrosse said...

What would the Late Night Comedy-Industrial Complex do without him ?

theribbonguy said...

Troll Level=Galactic Overlord

He's right of course...and being hilarious.

rehajm said...

Heh. I kind of like having a President Troll.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

He is being funny, sarcastic and is correct.

What would the NYT, WaPo, and other lefty rags be writing about now if there wasn't Trump? 80% (it seems) of their content is focused on or contains Trump derangement material. They are catering to their TDS readers as well.

How boring their papers would be without Trump!

LOL to the max. Trump is a master at trolling the left. Like Curly on the Stooges, they fall for it every time.

Curious George said...

Trump Ends 2017 Residing In His Enemies’ Heads

link text

Of course there is plenty of examples of Trump's "Fuck you" to the left, but my favorite part ismust reading for ttty twisting GOPe cucks:

"Suddenly, the fake hardcore facade of Conservative, Inc., was revealed for what it was – a pose, an act, tiresome political voguing. When someone finally showed up who actually wanted to act on all the things the pro-cons had been talking and writing about for decades, well, that didn’t leave a lot of room for those who only wanted to talk and write and luxuriate in being insiders. Never Trumpism spends a lot of time whining about how Trump is “vulgar” and “unfit,” but what these guys really resent is that he has embarrassed them. He showed them up. He did what they had been yakking endlessly about doing, and they hate him for it. They much prefer the quiet dignity of losing under a Bush or a Romney to obscurity under a Trump."


Fabi said...

He's having a grand old time exposing the idiots left and right.

Oso Negro said...

@Althouse - what, precisely, were the lies? I see hyperbole, not lies.

robother said...

"Trolling?" This (like his early morning tweet about wishing for some good old fashioned global warming) is more like throwing dynamite in the Media Sucker Lake.

hawkeyedjb said...

Watching someone barrel through Washington, knocking things over, stomping his vulgar and deplorable footprints all over the debris, and not giving a shit what anyone thinks of him - priceless.

Bay Area Guy said...

It must be great fun to be interviewed by the NYT, while insulting the NYT in the process.

I'm envious.

AllenS said...

Great link, George. Good read and all so true.

Nonapod said...

Judge Smails: You have worn out your welcome, sir!
Czervik: Is that so? Who made you Pope of this dump?
Judge Smails: Bushwood...a "dump"? Well, I'll guarantee you'll never be a member here!
Czervik: Are you kidding? You think I'd join this crummy "snobatorium"? Why, this whole place sucks!
Judge Smails: Su-su-su-...
Czervik: That's right. It sucks! The only reason I'm here is maybe I'll buy it!
Judge Smails: B-b-Buy Bushwood! You...?

Ann Althouse said...

"@Althouse - what, precisely, were the lies? I see hyperbole, not lies."

I'm characterizing the mental state of Trump haters. To them, It's a lie that media will tank without Trump and that they'll be hoping for him to win in 2 years.

Limited blogger said...

The glorious winning flows swifter and deeper every day.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Women, children, and LLRs affected most.

Bill Peschel said...

Oh, FFS, my long comment was borked by Blogspot for attempting to reedit or using too many resources, even though I'm doing no such thing

Does this seem to be happening more often to y'all or is it just this netbook I'm using?

Lucien said...

As The Real Slim Shady would say: "It seems so empty without me."

Trumpit said...

Trump, a dangerous nobody, is best ignored, but because he's president it won't happen. He's about as funny as as having acid thrown in your face. Marla Hanson needed over 100 stitches in 1986 after her landlord decided to destroy her acting career and life because she refused his sexual advances. Trump is a destroyer of lives. I'm glad you enjoy Trump the buffoon because that's all he's good for: an uncomfortable laugh, if you can muster one, to keep from crying.

Rick.T. said...

traditionalguy said...

"Meanwhile he is diligently destroying the enemies of the USA and locking up multiple layers of fifth column traitors sucking on huge slush funds of Obama and Clinton."

The enemies keep massing at Pas de Calais while Trump continues to make inroads at Normandy.

William said...

Someone noted that Donald Trump is no Jesse Ventura. Trump had no experience in government and, for all we knew, he may very well have turned out to be as flaky as Jesse Ventura. That's not what happened. Trump certainly has an unorthodox way of doing things, but his first year in office has been a solid success. The media, on the other hand, has had the worst year of their existence. To watch the stricken faces off those rapists and rapist enablers as they struggle to report on Trump's victory laps is one of life's greatest joys.

Gahrie said...


That was simply pathetic. You begin with a gratuitous insult of Trump and then you attempt to tie him to violence against women that he has no connection to. This isn't even fake news, it's manufactured fake news.

You're embarrassing yourself.

FleetUSA said...

@Trumpit. Hmmmm What lives has he destroyed? Maybe the superfluous lives of the Clinton$ coterie and the Swamp. But he hasn't destroyed them just taken away their rice bowls.

Thanks for reviving the horrible image of sexual harassment in '86.

Sam L. said...

They'll cry at him being funny, "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!!!11111!!!

Trumpit? Bummmmmmmer for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoy Trump the buffoon because that's all he's good for: an uncomfortable laugh, if you can muster one, to keep from crying.

Well, he also seems to be pretty good at making regulatory and legislative changes that are good for the economy, perhaps because he keeps people distracted by buffoonery.

Chuck said...

Interesting sense of humor. I was going to say, "You really can't make this shit up." The admiration for Trump's ability to "troll" seems to be the leading emotion from his supporters. Hard to argue with that, I suppose. You guys like trolls and trolling?

So why not remind everybody about Trump's comments from a year ago;
“The Times is a great, great American jewel,” Mr. Trump declared as he prepared to leave the gathering in the newspaper’s 16th-floor boardroom, where portraits of former presidents adorn the walls.
“A world jewel,” added Mr. Trump, who was seated next to Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the paper’s publisher. “And I hope we can all get along.”

A New York Times reporter could never do this, but if I were sitting at a table with Trump and he made the sorts of statements in this interview, I'd say to him, What a duplicitous bullshitter you are! You'd make a used car salesmen blush! So the Times is "a great jewel, and you read it regularly, but you think it is "failing." It isn't -- and I don't expect that you really think that, but you've chosen to do his "branding" thing on the Times as it is always "the failing New York Times" when it isn't doubling in Trump-speak as "the Great Jewel New York Times." It really isn't hard to see you as an amazing, almost sociopathic, bullshitter. Saying completely irreconcilable and fantastic things depending upon your audience of the moment.

mockturtle said...

Bill Peschel asks: Does this seem to be happening more often to y'all or is it just this netbook I'm using?

It happens to me about 30% of the time. Therefore I try to remember to 'copy' so I can 'paste'. ;-)

mockturtle said...

The enemies keep massing at Pas de Calais while Trump continues to make inroads at Normandy.

IIRC, someone made this observation last week. Even so, it's a worthy quip.

Lyle Smith said...

Trump is a super President. There are going to be more books on Trump than Obama. Trump supporters will he known as “the Greatest Generation”.

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quayle said...

If a ref were in the ring with Trump and the old-school media, the fight should be stopped under a TKO. Old-school media are the walking dead. To the extent that they've stayed alive, they do son only by inflaming the fear and/or vanity of their narrow targeted readers and viewers. Their work is not comprised of a transmission of truth or facts; their work is keeping eyeballs. And since that is the goal, they will do anything possible to achieve it.

That Trump knows this game better than they do, and is calling them out on their false advertising (telling the market you are one thing, while actually being another) is an advantage Trump has used well.

Chuck said...

Boiling all of this down, Althouse, is the thesis that Trump thinks that the media will want Trump to be re-elected, because he creates business for the media.

And that, I must say, has been a repeating theme among a lot of NeverTrump conservatives. Once on "Morning Joe," Bill Kristol accused Joe Scarborough of essentially helping Trump in the primary campaign, and Scarborough bristled on-air. Pointing out that he -- Scarborough -- had engaged in a lot of criticism of Trump. I didn't think that Scarborough actually answered Kristol. I don't think that Kristol was satisfied with the exchange, either.

I do think that people like watching Trump. As they like NASCAR crashes, the Kardashians, "COPS," Sean Hannity and the Home Shopping Network.

Chuck said...

... Oh, and because "the media" selfishly and practically want/need Donald Trump to win a re-election for another term, we should understand everything they do as being in service to that goal? is that right?

Gahrie said...

but if I were sitting at a table with Trump and he made the sorts of statements in this interview, I'd say to him,

So you'd do exactly what you condemn Trump for doing?

Trumpit said...

I agree with Chuck's comment except for the word "almost" in his characterization of Trump as an "almost sociopathic, bullshitter." The first words that come to mind when I think of Trump are stupid and ignorant. He is a dangerous because he recklessly wields his power. Agreed, he's an arrogant and conceited asshole.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I do think that people like watching Trump. As they like NASCAR crashes, the Kardashians, "COPS," Sean Hannity and the Home Shopping Network.

We also like to read the self-delegitimizing comments from people like you who think there's something insightful and unique in observing that Trump uses hyperbole.

We get two benefits - watching Trump make positive changes, and watching you wet your pants in pointless frustration.

Gahrie said...

The admiration for Trump's ability to "troll" seems to be the leading emotion from his supporters.

I'd say the emotion is gratitude for all the great things he has done since taking office.

What great "step on his dick" fuck up has Trump committed? What disaster has occurred? What is the worst thing that has happened because Trump was elected president?

Limited blogger said...

Bloomberg news was lamenting how costly the 'war' against ISIS has been.

Instead of reporting how effective the 'war' against ISIS has been.

mockturtle said...

And we see, Chuck, how NASCAR crashes have boosted the economy, improved SCOTUS, restricted immigration from jihadist nations, cracked down on illegal immigration in general, implemented and signed tax reform legislation and decreased regulations--all in one year.

tcrosse said...

Agreed, he's an arrogant and conceited asshole.

So he's Obama ?

n.n said...

All that the NYT and WaPo need to do is acknowledge their collusion with foreign and domestic interests in Obama/Clinton's Water Closet.

Anonymous said...

Heard the host on the noRush show this week saying that if you understand professional wrestling you understand Trump. Wrestling fans were heart broken because their baby faced champions kept getting cheated out of victory by bad guy breaking rules and winning by hitting good guy with a steel chair. When Trump entered the ring and just clocked the bad guy with a steel chair at the beginning of round one the fans went crazy and knew that this time it was going to be different.

Gahrie said...

The first words that come to mind when I think of Trump are stupid and ignorant.

The Left has said this about every Republican, ever. Seriously, all the way back to Lincoln.

He is a dangerous because he recklessly wields his power.

So what is the most reckless or dangerous thing he has done? What are his failures?

Agreed, he's an arrogant and conceited asshole.

This describes the overwhelming majority of people in politics today. Nice people aren't willing to undergo the shit storm of modern politics.

JackWayne said...

Example 10,001 showing Progs are humorless scolds. I.E., the new Puritans trying to put the scarlet letter on Trump.

Anonymous said...

The first words that come to mind when I think of Trump are stupid and ignorant

There is absolutely no evidence that Trump is either stupid or ignorant. Stupid people do not run Business Empires. Stupid people do not run successful Presidential Campaigns.

I guess you did have to find something to write, though, as you stamped your tiny little feet throwing an anti-Trump tantrum. Well done.

Can I really post anonymously now? Well, let's try.

MadisonMan said...

Wow! It worked!

Kevin said...

Trump, a dangerous nobody, is best ignored,

I typed, clearly ignoring my own advice...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oh, and because "the media" selfishly and practically want/need Donald Trump to win a re-election for another term, we should understand everything they do as being in service to that goal? is that right?

Hardly. The media is obsessed with Trump in a negative way. They, during the primaries, gave Trump more media attention than practically any other Republican candidate. They, assuming that the negative attention would force people to turn from Trump and at the same time make people watch, as you say, the supposed car wreck of the, to them, laughable Trump campaign.

While the media is horrified by Trump. The people where amused and found someone who actually spoke to the issues that have been ignored by the professional politicians and liked the idea of poking a finger in the eye of the establishment. A MIDDLE finger.

Unfortunately for the media, and fortunately for Trump, the extra exposure to people who were not paying deep attention to the business as usual campaigning of a NEW and unusual candidate only expanded Trump's fan base.

While the media thought they were hurting Trump.....they were helping Trump. The people were finally getting a glimpse of a candidate who wasn't a professional politician. Someone besides low energy Jeb and Kasich, whose father was a postman (did you know that!!!!). A guy who said what he thought and said it in the ordinary language of the Deplorables.

The media thought they were destroying Trump. Instead they gave him tons of free exposure and helped to get him elected. They didn't mean to "service that goal" the first time and since they can't help themselves, plus need the ratings, it will probably work again and get Trump re-elected.

Unintended consequences y'all :-D

harrogate said...

I also think he’s joking, but as they say, within ever joke...

Among the greatest of human struggles is realizing how replaceable we are in most every context, perhaps even in all of them. I suspect that it’s even more difficult for the rich and powerful .

Kevin said...

“The Times is a great, great American jewel,”

The Titanic was also once a jewel. It sank. I don't know why you see some sort of logical or truthful inconsistency here.

I suppose if Trump had said, "The Titanic is a great, great jewel of the world," back in 1912 you would have argued the fact it was steered into an iceberg showed how much of a bullshitter Trump was.

The NYT is a jewel. It is being steered into the media version of an iceberg. One doesn't negate the other.

iowan2 said...

The latest talking point is that, President Trump is just NOT Presidential. But I remember Obama doing the talk show circut, and his comments were just as hyperbolic. If I cared and had the desire, I could go back and cherry pick Obama's public statements, proving him much more crude than President Trump could ever muster. But fact matter not, to the haters. Trump is at least as effective as Regan was in is first year, and the economy has already taken off, starting the day after the election, and now with the new tax cuts, renegotiated trade deals, massive dismanteling of the regulatory bureaucracy, will continue to climb. This after leftest assured us we would never ever see sustained GDP growth approaching 4%. ISIS caliphate has lost 98% of its territory in the last year, and while some of the world leaders show displeasure, they also are coming to the table knowing that the President will follow through on his word, unlike Obama, who lied repeatedly to our allies. No, I am not tired of winning yet.

Quayle said...

Chuck fanticizes, "So the Times is "a great jewel, and you read it regularly, but you think it is "failing." It isn't"

Chuck, it is. The history of steady layoffs are evidence enough of that. Compare number of column inches of direct, first-hand, factual reporting of the NYT 40 years ago with the amount of column space devoted to first-hand, direct reporting now. The so-called "News" paper is turning into a commentary and society rag. They can't afford to have actual reporters anymore - the advertising dollars are not there - and so they run pieces that can be written from the safety of your apartment on the upper-west side.

Their revenue has jumped a bit due to the anti-trump posture they've taken. In other words, they are doing what they need to do to generate revenue.

But it isn't news.

Kevin said...

The Left has said this about every Republican, ever. Seriously, all the way back to Lincoln.

Had Lincoln lost the war and the southern states seceded, he would have been considered the worst President ever.

It would not have mattered his eloquent speeches or abolitionist intentions. His enemies would have written him into the history books as the man who couldn't save the Union.

His words and deeds would have been exactly the same, and yet he would have gone from first to worst.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The biggest threats to America is the biased media and the biased education system, because they lead to an in/ill-informed populace. What you are blinded to by your Trump-hatred is that he is systematically decreasing the impact of the biased media, and it is primarily being done through his tweets. That is a very significant, unexpected (at least to me) benefit of the election. None of the other Republican candidates were capable of accomplishing that, including my personal choice from the original group (Scott Walker.) You need to let the scales fall from your eyes so that you can see reality.

Oso Negro said...

Blogger Trumpit said...
Trump, a dangerous nobody, is best ignored, but because he's president it won't happen. He's about as funny as as having acid thrown in your face. Marla Hanson needed over 100 stitches in 1986 after her landlord decided to destroy her acting career and life because she refused his sexual advances. Trump is a destroyer of lives. I'm glad you enjoy Trump the buffoon because that's all he's good for: an uncomfortable laugh, if you can muster one, to keep from crying.

OK, let's have an Althouse analogy quiz -

Donald Trump is to Marla Hanson as Barack Obama is to ________________ .

MadisonMan said...

It is being steered into the media version of an iceberg

I have a problem with the tense of the statement.

"has been" not "is being"

Kevin said...

If there is anyone wants to argue the underlying strength of the NYT, please direct your gaze to the Starboard side of the ship where you can see Carlos Slim rowing away from this perfectly seaworthy craft in a lifeboat.

Big Mike said...

I think Trump is thinking about two moves ahead of the Times reporter and three or four moves ahead of Chuck.

Scenario #1: The press does as Trump predicts and cuts back on its 24/7 "I hate Trump" rant. In this case it looks as though Trump has called it correctly (Trump wins!) and Trump wins reelection handily (Trump wins!) making the press look like all they ever cared about was ranting (press loses).

Scenario #2: The press keeps up its "I hate Trump" rant, they continue to beclown themselves, in which case it looks as though Trump is wrong in his prediction (oopsie!) but the press, already polling at less than half of Trump's numbers, will continue to have it's polling numbers and influence drop lower (press loses!) and Trump will win reelection handily (Trump wins!).

Kevin said...

"has been" not "is being"

It's not like they hit the iceberg, recognized the damage, and moved away.

No, they're backing up and ramming it over and over to show everyone the strength of the hull.

iowan2 said...

Reading through the comments here, all refering to President Trumps interview with the New York times reporter, I am reminded of the observation during the campaign about how the irrational Trump haters always took Trump literally and not seriously, and just the opposite for Clintons wife, seriously, but not literally. This comes pretty close to today's percieved slight by the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

iowan2 said...

BTW, as bad as President Trump is (according to the haters) his public approval ratings are exactly what Obama's were for the same day in his term

Kevin said...

Scenario #2: The press keeps up its "I hate Trump" rant, they continue to beclown themselves, in which case it looks as though Trump is wrong in his prediction (oopsie!) but the press, already polling at less than half of Trump's numbers, will continue to have it's polling numbers and influence drop lower (press loses!) and Trump will win reelection handily (Trump wins!).

Yes, and as articles about whoever opposes him are snoozeworthy in comparison, they'll keep up the coverage of him to keep the clicks high and the advertising money flowing in.

At which point, people on the left will start to wonder if the NYT is really on their side.

They might even write comment after comment about how Trump should be ignored...

Big Mike said...

@Kevin, here's where you are wrong. First, in the 1850s and 1860s the Republicans were the "left" while the Democrats stood for the status quo, particularly including slavery. The Republicans in those days were the radicals, but two parties swapped sides sometime during the 20th century. Secondly, Lincoln was not going to stop until he won. At the time Appomattox occurred he had replaced inept generals until he found the men who would fight and could win.

Big Mike said...

They might even write comment after comment about how Trump should be ignored...

You bastard! I was drinking coffee!

rcocean said...

Talking about Trump being "unpresidential", is absurd. The last President to truely act "Presidential" was Bush I, and that was 25 years ago.

Since then we've had draft-dodging, sexual harasser, who got impeached. Then, a former alcoholic business man, who rode his mountain bike, and couldn't open his mouth without sounding dumb. And finally, Obama, the chain-smoking BB player, and former MJ user, who's life prior to President consisted of going to school, "organizing communities" and being a bit player in the State and US Senate.

Not to mention "Slow Joe Biden" with his history of gaffes and unwanted sexual touching.

rcocean said...

When the "Establishment" is led by people like Ryan, Pelosi, Cryin' Chuck Shumer, and Turkey head McConnnell - well, its why Trump was elected.

wwww said...

"First, in the 1850s and 1860s the Republicans were the "left" while the Democrats stood for the status quo, particularly including slavery."

At the start of the Civil Warm, Confederate Dems left the House and Senate.

With the Confederates gone, the Republicans passed the Homesteading Act, the Pacific Railway Act of 1862, and the Morrill Act of '62, which funded land-grant Universities. Southern Democrats hated this expansion of the federal government.

Anonymous said...

Ann Althouse said...
"@Althouse - what, precisely, were the lies? I see hyperbole, not lies."

I'm characterizing the mental state of Trump haters. To them, It's a lie that media will tank without Trump and that they'll be hoping for him to win in 2 years.

Anyone who defines that as a "lie" has serious mental problems, since that's a conditional prediction of the future.

And it's the flat out truth that the Trump election victory has been very good for the left wing media.

So, to the extent that you've correctly modeled the "Trump-hater brain", you've show it to be delusional and dishonest

rcocean said...

"Southern Democrats hated this expansion of the federal government."

Actually, the Southern Democrats hated anything that would increase the number of free states or cost money that wouldn't benefit the South. They voted based on what was good for their Region and slavery first, and what was good for the Country second. I'm talking about 1840-1860.

Their response to every political question was "Is it good for the South" just like the cliched "Is it good for the Jews?".

wwww said...

On the Media:

Trump is great for their ratings. Trump knows this. Trump is aware he got tons of press leading up to 2016 that gave him a huge advantage in the primaries.

I'm sure cable executives want Trump to win again. Some newspaper reporters are getting lots of attention and clicks. Their personal financial interest would be for Trump to win again.

How it plays out in 2020 will be interesting. The dynamics are different. Trump is no longer competing with several other Republicans. He will be competing with the "show" as Democrats try to pick one. I'm sure the D will be a surprise. Maybe someone from private life. Trump has shown how it can be done. This contest will suck up a lot of the oxygen. Although the Head of State always commands attention, and will say & tweet things to regain the narrative. He will have to be rather outrageous to gain back the narrative as the Ds go to Iowa and beyond.

Trumps tweets are a double-edged sword. They charge his base. But the turbo-charge the other base. Too many outrageous tweets and the D base will vote even in freezing rain with a sick baby and a toddler throwing up.

Also, Trump cannot loose Millennials by -48. He has to change that number. Every 4 years the Millennials get older and more of them vote. And there's the 200,000 people from Puerto Rico who have arrived in Florida and may be there in 2018 and 2020. Trump cannot loose Florida and win.

But who knows? Things are dynamic and in play. Will have to see it play out. I'm sure 2018 will be interesting.

gspencer said...

"Without me, The New York Times will indeed be not the failing New York Times, but the failed New York Times..."

He's not wrong, but that's not what will turn the key. His policies will highlight the many, many failures of Democrat ideas.

bagoh20 said...

I'm not getting tired of winning yet, and I agree that the media isn't either. I don't know what you can follow Trump with. They have developed this 2 dimensional character so fully that he eats up the entire stage. Anybody they put up against him will find themselves in the same place the Republican field did trying to stand next to his unparalleled upstaging style. Nobody has yet figured out how to fight that. The biggest negative for Trump in the election was fear that he would be dangerous and disasterous. That clearly has not happened, though it still could if we have a war with the NorKo knee bitting king.

In three more years, with no disasters, an undeniable economic success, and still remaining almost impossible to stick a scandal to, he will be insurmountable. Then assassination will be running through hating heads, as I'm sure it already does.

wwww said...

"I don't know what you can follow Trump with."

This is the interesting question: Do Americans want the Trump show?

The American President is on TV and in the media all the time. If American are enjoying the "show," they will vote for more of the same. If they want him off their TV screen, he'll loose.

I do not think Americans wanted Hillary on their TV screen, and that's why she lost. Bush v. Gore -- Bush won because he was more likeable. Gore seemed angry, stiff and robotic.

The Presidential candidate who wins is almost always the more "likeable" candidate.

mockturtle said...

The Presidential candidate who wins is almost always the more "likeable" candidate.

Sure, Richard Nixon was far more likeable than Hubert Humphrey.

Jimmy Carter was more fun than Gerald Ford.

wwww said...

Age is another factor. I don't know how candidates in their 70s will play against someone younger. As they get older, the situation gets worse. 70 is better then 74.

I think a generational shift in politics is right around the corner. I don't know the year it will happen. I do know politicians like Biden are too old to win. The big question is will this shift happen before 2020? Will Millennials vote for Trump, who will be 74?

Static Ping said...

I will admit that I have been "outraged" in the past by comments that, when put in context, were not bad at all. I've learned to make sure that the comments are not jokes or sarcasm or completely orphaned from the context before I turn on the annoyance alarm. Unfortunately, it appears that a good portion of the media fail horribly at reading comprehension, or have the curiosity of a small rock, or are slightly more biased that Pravda.

Perhaps I should use "and" instead of "or" in that last sentence.

AllenS said...

Trump is a breath of fresh air.

Seeing Red said...

Blogger hawkeyedjb said...
Watching someone barrel through Washington, knocking things over, stomping his vulgar and deplorable footprints all over the debris, and not giving a shit what anyone thinks of him - priceless.

I'd call him Trumpzilla but that's cultural appropriation.

Seeing Red said...

I'm glad you enjoy Trump the buffoon because that's all he's good for: an uncomfortable laugh, if you can muster one, to keep from crying.

What uncomfortable laugh?

I've been belly laughing and have a huge NOT TIRED OF WINNING Grin for weeks!

bagoh20 said...

How many people who voted for him last time will switch next time? How many who see their bigger paychecks and record low unemployment will switch to Trump? Hispanic unemployment is now at the lowest in history.

The big unknown is how many people would vote now for any Democrat who is not Hillary. Not enough in the right states. NY and CA can vote 100% against Trump and not change a thing.

buwaya said...

The media is "obsessed" with Trump because that is part of the anti-Trump strategy. The MSM is no longer a true commercial enterprise, they live on subsidies of several kinds from their owners, often indirectly supplied. They aren't businesses but political assets.

The strategy is obvious - throw everthing against him, as loudly as possible, for as long as necessary. Quantity and volume are all that matters. It is saturation-propaganda that you would expect in wartime. Its the kind of thing Orwell described in several of his works.

Trumps counter-strategy is to destroy his enemies' credibility. In this case he questions their sincerity.

This is political war of an unprecedented kind - though it seems in retrospect that something of the sort was used against Nixon, but in those days there wasnt such uniformity.

buwaya said...

Never assume that mass media "outrage", or disingenuous misunderstandings, or "errors", actually are. These arent stupid people (well, their talking heads may be, but they are just puppets). Everything you get out of this very large, very expensive system is planned and organized.

Jim at said...

but I'm sure Trump haters cry out in horror at the lies and insults.

Again, you say this like it's a bad thing.
They deserve their misery.

buwaya said...

We are spectators and targets in a political-cultural-economic war that we can only dimly perceive. We can see and hear only a limited slice of what is significant. We can only guess at motivations. We have to also understand that we are being manipulated.

The only correct attitude here is extreme skepticism, if not paranoia. Discount, above all, anything that is being most loudly pushed. The safest information is what you can gather from the fringes, technical, statistical, and incidental. Assume you are an intelligence officer observing combatants in an existential struggle, and that information is a weapon in this war.

rcocean said...

"Never assume that mass media "outrage", or disingenuous misunderstandings, or "errors", actually are."

Agree completely. There seems to be a large number of independents and conservatives who can't - or won't - understand that. They will constantly attribute "confusion" or "ignorance" or "stupidity" to Left-wing media types, Business and Studios execs, and congressman and politicians.

For example the Latest Star Wars movie is what it is because of deliberate decisions by large numbers of Disney studio execs. These people had a $Billion$ on the line and spend years making the movie. Every line and scene was gone over and over. These people are paid millions to do this.

So, if you don't like it, its NOT because the Director "screwed up" or "Whoa, Disney shot themselves in the foot by not listening to me" or they were "confused" or "Stupid" or "didn't understand how the hard-core fans would react.

Trumpit said...

What part of "Trump's an ignoramus" don't you yokels not get? Do you all come from one of the many Podunks in the U.S.? Wherever you're from, please don't vote or reproduce and pass on your stupid genes.

Drago said...

Trumpit: "What part of "Trump's an ignoramus" don't you yokels not get? Do you all come from one of the many Podunks in the U.S.? Wherever you're from, please don't vote or reproduce and pass on your stupid genes."

A "winning" message for the lefties and their LLR allies to take into the fall.

I congratulate you and LLR Chuck.

Drago said...

Big Mike: "I think Trump is thinking about two moves ahead of the Times reporter and three or four moves ahead of Chuck"

I think this is an unfair criticism of our "Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck.

If you look more closely, you will see that Chuck is precisely, PRECISELY, the same number of moves behind Trump as the Times Reporter and the MSM in general.

You should feel free to draw some obvious conclusions.

buwaya said...

Trumpit, as per your life story you are thirsting for revenge against those who killed your mother.
I dont think anyone here had a hand in that, and are therefore the wrong targets for you.
You should, even if you forgive, pursue the real killers.
Life has given you a duty.
This takes courage and energy, but right is right, and it must be done. This is the purpose of your life, your only purpose, if you are to preserve your honor and that of your family, as such a harm done to your mother cannot be ignored, even at the cost of your own life.

Death is lighter than a feather, duty is heavier than a mountain.

Martin said...

If the media placed their financials ahead of their ideology, Trump's statements would ring true. But we have seen time and again that they value ideology above money.

Jaq said...

"What part of "Trump's an ignoramus" don't you yokels not get? Do you all come from one of the many Podunks in the U.S.?

Yeah, we better all learn us some Austrian and hop on the intercontinental railroad on over to Europe, leaving these 57 or 58 states behind before the zombie army of “corpse-men” that the Harvard educated Democrat president warned us about gets us! And before health care gets any more affordable!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Sourcing Yahoo News is ignoramus defined.

Narayanan said...

I am looking forward to the nom de combat Trump uses to mark the primary field for 2020 D & R.

Jaq said...

Marla Hanson needed over 100 stitches in 1986 after her landlord decided to destroy her acting career and life because she refused his sexual advances. Trump is a destroyer of lives.

I would recommend therapy, but since most mental health workers are people who barely dodged the confines of the looney bin themselves, kind of like ht “cops/criminals” thing, my guess is that it wouldn’t help.

traditionalguy said...

Rumor has it that Trump is having his Marine Band practice Souza's The Conqueror March for his entrance music into the Congressional Chamber for his first State of the Union Address.

Rumor also has it that Trump's Infrastructure Bill will first spend what is reclaimed from the first Trillion dollar 2009 stimulus that Obama stole through Solyndra type Hoax grants and used to buy up Asian Real Estate.

We live in super interesting times.

traditionalguy said...

Buwaya's comment @ 1:17 reminds me of Steve Bannon duty that is a resolve to avenge his father.

walter said...

At this point, would you prefer Hil?
Do you see a Dem on the horizon you'd like to unseat Trump?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

FYI to Tim at large, Trumpit is not me. Thank you, that is all.

readering said...

i laughed at the no-collusion lines. That was the joke, right?

Jaq said...

His humor is obvious to some what is and isn’t a joke, others are impervious to any kind of humor that doesn’t involve mockery of their particular political enemies. For instance the people who think Colbert is funny. He is more like those minstrel shows that used to roam the US making fun of black people and their audiences thought that they were high-larious. That’s the kind of mocking humor liberals like. Humor that requires navigating degrees of irony... Not funny to them.

Drago said...

walter: "Do you see a Dem on the horizon you'd like to unseat Trump?"

A more appropriate question for Chuck would be "Do you see ANY dem on the horizon that you would oppose unseating Trump?"

For which the obvious answer would be no.



mockturtle said...

Our resident LLR has no sense of humor. None. Zip. Nada. Oh, he can be very funny sometimes but not by intent.

Drago said...

Inga: "FYI to Tim at large, Trumpit is not me. "

All lefty foot soldiers are modular and interchangeable.

Trumpit said...


From your stupid and nasty comment, I believe you may be worse than Trump. No, I take it back, you are second only to Trump in stupidity and nasty comments. My mother was a college professor, not the rump of a cut of beef. You qualify as the latter. She was poisoned to death by a Iranian doctor and a Filipina doctor. Go play in the woods; you'd make a nice meal for a bear. That's what you, and Trump are cut out for. Sad! I'm Inga, if you can't tell by now.

Drago said...

readering: "i laughed at the no-collusion lines"

Why would you be laughing at Comey's, Brennan's, Clapper's, McCabe's testimony under oath?


Now, we do know for a fact that the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid their law firm (the same law firm that hired ex-Mossad agents to intimidate victims of dem/lefty sexual assault) to pay a lefty oppo research firm (Fusion GPS) to pay Steele to tap his Putin pals in Russia (all on the up and up for certain!) for fake dossier inputs which was then weaponized by the dems in the FBI/CIA/NSA against a domestic political opponent.


Drago said...

Trumpit: "From your stupid and nasty comment,.."


For most lefties and their LLR allies, history begins anew each day.

But for Trumpit and Inga, history apparently begins anew every 5 minutes.

That might possibly be a new world record. Someone alert Guinness.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Sad! I'm Inga, if you can't tell by now.”

Oh thanks a lot Trumpit, lol.

wildswan said...

All the people whose 401k's have become more valuable after Trump's election
and all the people who got bonuses at Christmas due to Trump's tax plan
and all the people now employed because the economy is getting better

should all vote against Trump because somebody (probably the Secret Service) put a white box truck near a golf course where Trump was playing golf
and then Trump made some jokes
and "literally Hitler"
and Podunk
and I'm so trembling with so righteous, so rageous, being self, utterly litterally Hitler in mmy brain, litter, also global warming, and so stress thus embodied has altered my gender, yet litttteraly Musolini, and how amany "s"'s in Musolinississippi. Ill-of-literatelly, literally

Jaq said...

I guess what I meant by “minstrel show” humor is that liberals seem to get the biggest laughs out of mocking “the other” like the minstrel shows did. For the same reasons to, It gives liberals a feeling of superiority, a sweet frisson of just plain feeling better than others that is, of course, the fuel for bigotry throughout time, partaking of an unearned feeling of superiority by repeated their bigoted tropes in like company. And of course, since it feels so good to liberals, it can’t be bigotry, right Trumpit? Because bigotry must make one fee mean andl terrible, and what you do makes you feel so good that you come back here all the time to indulge it!

Quaestor said...

The biggest threats to America is the biased media and the biased education system, because they lead to an in/ill-informed populace.

The word is disinformed, like readering and Inga.

Drago said...

It's very important to the lefties to get Trump out of the way so Huma's Muslim Brotherhood pals and Obama's cocaine-trafficking Hezbollah brothers in arms are not impeded in their activities by those "get off your high horse because Crusades" republicans.

buwaya said...


Honored ancestors require justice, sides of beef do not require justice.

You have an obligation, one that surpasses any of your other interests, any of your passing pleasures, anything that gives you comfort.

Jaq said...

Trumpit seems to be experiencing some transference onto Trump some bitterness and rage he feels about his past. It’s sad, but it’s not what anybody would call “logic” that might move people to change their mind. Its mindless, inchoate rage.

buwaya said...


Duty is heavier than a mountain.

Jaq said...

Sorry about your past Trumpit. Now go get some help.

Drago said...

Trumpit: "Trump, a dangerous nobody, is best ignored, but because he's president it won't happen. He's about as funny as as having acid thrown in your face. Marla Hanson needed over 100 stitches in 1986 after her landlord decided to destroy her acting career and life because she refused his sexual advances."

In defense of Trumpit, that comment is some serious LLR Chuck-level stuff.

I can't wait until Trumpit gets around to blaming the Kitty Genovese killing or perhaps the Tate-LaBianca murders on Trump.

Chuck said...

walter said...
At this point, would you prefer Hil?

Nope. Thanks for asking.

Do you see a Dem on the horizon you'd like to unseat Trump?

Certainly, none of the usual suspects. No Warren, Sanders, Harris, Booker, Kaine, etc. None of them. And no Biden. Biden might just be more insufferable than Trump.

The one guy I sort of like just because I have met him, and had a long extended conversation with, (more than two hours at a party) is LA Mayor Eric Garcetti. I'd vote for any Republican other than Trump over any Democrat. (And of course I'd vote twice on Sunday for any Republican over Trump as a presidential nominee.) I'd vote for Trump as the putative GOP nominee, over almost any Democrat. But personally, while Trump is an embarassment, Eric Garcetti is one of the most decent and regular people I've ever met at that level of politics. I don't know. Don't read too much into this response. It means nothing. We haven't had any sort of campaign for 2020. Things will be guaranteed to change.

FullMoon said...

Inga: "FYI to Tim at large, Trumpit is not me. "

Trumpit more reasonable and even tempered.

walter said...

Hmm..I think Garcetti would be a hard sell..presiding over a sinking ship as he is.
Also a white male.

Big Mike said...

My mother was a college professor, not the rump of a cut of beef. You qualify as the latter. She was poisoned to death by a Iranian doctor and a Filipina doctor.

Can you explain what Donald Trump had to do with your mother and her doctors?

Xmas said...

Donald Trump is to Marla Hanson as Barack Obama is to ________________ .

Damian Turner

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

A former member of the Los Angeles City Council, Garcetti served as its President from 2006 to 2012. He is the city's first elected Jewish Mayor, as well as its youngest, and second Mexican American Mayor in over a century.

FullMoon said...

The one guy I sort of like just because I have met him, and had a long extended conversation with, (more than two hours at a party......Eric Garcetti is one of the most decent and regular people I've ever met at that level of politics.

LLR flattered by feigned attention and falls in love. Sad !

Kevin said...

I'd vote for any Republican other than Trump over any Democrat. (And of course I'd vote twice on Sunday for any Republican over Trump as a presidential nominee.)

So you'd vote once for a Republican over a Democrat.

But you'd commit voter fraud to vote twice for a any Republican to take the nomination from Trump.

And you wonder why you take so much crap on this site?

Kevin said...

Can you explain what Donald Trump had to do with your mother and her doctors?

I'll bet someone on this thread can tie it to a specific Tweet.

CWJ said...


If you're still around, then best series of comments I've ever read from you. I know they'll help fine tune my thinking on the subject.

bagoh20 said...

Having lived under Mayor Garcetti, I can tell you the man is a liar and a fool. He ran as a moderate and immediately turned into a leftist suckup. He's the exact opposite of a conservative. Known lovingly as Mayor Yoga Pants, he most closely resembles the foolishness of Schwarzenegger after he turned from reformer to shill. His policies are absolutely backward, but designed to keep him in office. Nobody could call themselves a conservative and still like this man. His ideas and the support they get in L.A. are the reasons I moved out and others are doing the same. In a city racked with traffic jams he does everything in his power to make it worse, like stealing lanes from busy car commuters to give them over to bicycles only to see those lanes virtually unused by anyone. A lot people also found Fidel Castro a pleasant conversationalist who seemed truely concerned with the plight of his people. He just prefered to ruin their lives rather than to help them, but we can overlook that if a man seems pleasant in person.

Now Trump is not someone I would want to hang with. The man doesn't even drink, but the results are making me a fan regardless. I don't care if he spits on me and smells bad in person. I care about results in the job he does for me, period.

buwaya said...

LA city government is so extremely corrupt that no-one can be taken at their word; to rise in politics there requires constant compromise with a vast array of crooks.

Most politicians have an ability to seem plausible, reasonable. No doubt Garcetti is one of these. Heck, Willy Brown is one of these, a reasonable man in private. But thats why they have gotten to where they are. Its part of the mask.

Jaq said...

Those mass graves ISIS was filling up in “Syriana” during the Obama administration after Obama pulled out our troops before the Iraqis were ready, and Hillary was taking sides in a civil war there were Trump’s fault too. All of those refugees drowning in the Mediterranean fleeing Hillary’s war, and it’s aftermath of a resurgence in the slave trade? Trump’s fault! I know it’s hard to believe, but it all ties together as neatly as quantum mechanics. Trust me!

Trump’s big problem is that he hasn’t started any new wars. Hard as liberals are trying to get us to mix it up with the Russians. He starts a war, I flip on him on a dime, unlike Democrats with Obama and Hillary.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

16 times in a half hour Trump claims there’s no collusion. Methinks he protesteth too much.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Also wasn’t the Mueller Russia investigation supposed to be over by the end of this year? Thanksgiving passed, Christmas passed, the Investigation continues.

walter said...

There's a lot of $$ to be made in an ongoing "investigation".

walter said...

"Mayor Yoga Pants"
Well..that's more civilized than pants optional Conyers.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee shot down President Trump’s claim to have an “absolute right” to do what he wants with the Department of Justice, telling him: “No, you don’t.”

“You can do what you want with your golf courses,” Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said in Friday tweet. “But the country and its Justice Department belong to the American people."

Darrell said...

Black Mirror has an episode about an injectable brain implant that lets one censor what one sees and hears. It can be set to trigger automatically when stress hormones are detected. No more Trump pain for Chuck, Trumpit, Inga, et al.

roesch/voltaire said...

So Althouse finds the tweeter-in-chief funny in his clever and exaggerated trolling while others find this interview as evidence of cognitive decline--see Charles P. Pierce article. In any case it worth a good laugh because what else can we do?

Jaq said...

the Investigation continues.

There just hass to be a pony in all of that horse shit!

Methinks he protesteth too much.

That’s hard evidence to a Democrat! I would be really upset too if I thought that the president of the United States had taken 145 million dollars from Putin cronies, and the only defense offered was “It only looks bad to you haters!”

But wait, has Mueller found something like that?

Trumpit said...

Trump didn't have anything to do with my mother's death. Buwaya, brought that up to irritate me. He makes himself look like a jackass in the process. But the economic crash of 2008 mostly caused by GW Bush and the Rethuglicans did have something to do with her murder. My sister's real estate business dried up and she ended up on suicide watch in 2009. She blamed her mother for not bailing her out (She lost her horse ranch). So, In 2012, when her mother was sick from chemo in the ER, she tried by phone to euthanize her. My mother recovered in the ER in spite of my sister's attempt at a field goal pass to kill her, and she was placed on observation. When she reacted badly to Ativan given for anxiety, she was killed under the guise of Comfort Care For The Dying Patient, supposedly authorized by her daughter. The problem was she wasn't dying, she was being murdered with a morphine overdose (She stated she had no pain (0/10) several times). I was at my mother's bedside when the nurses hooked her to a deadly morphine pump by phone orders. My mother was quietly sleeping off the Ativan, then was murdered. She was killed for no reason because the side effects of the Ativan had past.

So, the economic disaster caused by greed, and, W, et al, did lead to my mother's murder in my opinion. I believe that Trump's greedy tax cuts that favor the rich will lead to similar disaster in ordinary people's lives. So, I consider Trump a liar, idiot, and thief. Many innocent people will die on account of him, and the GOP. I didn't bring up my mother's murder in 2012, that mindless, Trump athletic supporter, buwaya did.

Francisco D said...

I suspect Trumpit is Chuck's alter ego, when he's not pretending to be a life long Republican. The nastiness and personal vindictiveness give it away.

Inga might be a pleasant person, if you agree with her. She is simply too ensconced in her make believe, cut and paste world to have anything substantive to offer.

As to Mr. Schiff, the DOJ reports to Mr. Trump not the American people. You should know that Inga.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But Michael, I know the details of taxes better than anybody. Better than the greatest C.P.A. I know the details of health care better than most, better than most. And if I didn’t, I couldn’t have talked all these people into doing ultimately only to be rejected.”

I suppose he could be kidding, but it sounds more like he’s delusional.

Jaq said...

while others find this interview as evidence of cognitive decline

How can it possibly decline from your original estimation of drooling idiot who just happened to outsmart the smartest woman alive by pure luck? I googled Charles P Pierce, sportswriter and professional game show panelist. I didn’t see gerontologist, neuroscientist, or even expert on understanding sarcasm, which is odd for somebody who seems to think they are a “humorist.”

But good to know that the good professor R/V gets his facts from the most trustworthy of sources. Oh yea, “liberal pundit” was also listed on his C.V.

walter said...

Might you post a link?

Pierce levels a diagnosis:
I have had five members of my family slip into dementia. That NYT interview is clinical.
17 hours ago · Twitter

Jaq said...

I suppose he could be kidding, but it sounds more like he’s delusional.

Obama made similar statements, and we all thought he was delusional, but you guys explained that he really was better than all of his people at everything.

Jaq said...

Obama didn’t even have the excuse of advanced age.

Pierce levels a diagnosis:
I have had five members of my family slip into dementia.

Better make that six!

Michael said...

Trump tweets about the absence of "collusion" to keep the subject alive, to remind the public that that is the charter of the "special" prosecutor who seems to have strayed from the mission.

Schiff should be reminded that the Dept. of Justice is part of the Executive Branch of government. He has never worked in the private sector so may have a misunderstanding about who works for whom.

grackle said...

Boiling all of this down, Althouse, is the thesis that Trump thinks that the media will want Trump to be re-elected, because he creates business for the media.

When Trump is serious they treat it as a joke; when he’s joking they think he’s serious. This disconnect by the anti-Trump faction from the easily observed reality is illustrative of one of the reasons that Trump will win again.

And the NYT meeting? All we know of it is what the NYT tells us so of course I did not pay much attention to it. Too much fake news from the failing progressive rag in recent years.

Bingo! Big Mike at 11:25AM nails it. A classic win/win situation so characteristic of Trump. A brand new toaster for Big Mike is waiting at the prize table when he turns in his card.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“As to Mr. Schiff, the DOJ reports to Mr. Trump not the American people.”

“The United States Attorney General (A.G.) is the head of the United States Department of Justice per 28 U.S.C. § 503, concerned with legal affairs, and is the chief law enforcement officer and chief lawyer of the United States government.”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“DOJ is led by the United States Attorney General, the nation's top law enforcement official and chief legal adviser to the President. Another top DOJ official is the Solicitor General, who represents the federal government in cases heard before the US Supreme Court.”

Francisco D said...

Let's not try to be clever, Inga.

Who does the AG report to?

FullMoon said...

I was at my mother's bedside when the nurses hooked her to a deadly morphine pump by phone orders.

Your sister allowed the morphine and you stood by while it happened?
Your guilt is understandable but has nothing to do with Trump.

FullMoon said...

I suppose he could be kidding, but it sounds more like he’s delusional.

Speaking of delusional:

Inga said...

Stop and think how ridiculous you've become. I'm

fine with becoming persona non grata. Your blog has

become the cesspool it once was. I'm pretty much

done here. 6/30/17, 6:33 PM

Sneak back as unknown a week later because she craves attention. Quickly identified by mediocrity despite continued denials.

Credit where credit is due, though, mildly entertaining at times.

Michael said...

When do we vote for members of the Justice Department?

Michael said...

In which thread we learn, again, that Wiki can inform but not educate.

Jupiter said...

Blogger Trumpit said...

"My mother was a college professor, not the rump of a cut of beef. You qualify as the latter. She was poisoned to death by a Iranian doctor and a Filipina doctor."

Wait, wait. Trumpit has an Origins Story?

tcrosse said...

You have to be from Podunk not to realize when a City Slicker is fucking with you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Ron Suskind: Heather, the attorney general, who is he representing? Is he representing some larger charge of the United States, or is he there simply the president's lawyer? There's a lot of back and forth across history.

Richardson: There's no real question about it. The attorney general is supposed to represent not the president, but the U.S. government. And the history of the attorney general is long, but the confusion that people are having right now is the idea that somehow the attorney general is supposed to be the president's lawyer.

He is not the president's lawyer. He is the lawyer for the U.S. government, and the problems that attorney generals get into is when they make the mistake of thinking that serving the president alone means serving the United States' people, and I think that that's a problem that Sessions might be getting into. But there was a moment in the past that looks much like the present that most people have forgotten, and that is crucially important. That moment is under President Woodrow Wilson right after World War I in 1919 to 1920, when the attorney general actually sponsored a number of raids against the American people that really have gone down in history as some of our most dangerous domestic events?

walter said...

Dr. Pierce's article

Jim at said...

Many innocent people will die on account of him, and the GOP.

Keen insight.
I need to start taking your opinions more seriously.

Drago said...

"LLR flattered by feigned attention and falls in love. Sad!"

Yep. Can you imagine how much more in love LLR Chuck would be with Garcetti if Garcetti's slacks had been especially well-creased that day?

That seems to be a "big thing" amongst the LLR/Dem ally set these days.

Drago said...

I love how all of a sudden, because Trump is President, the executive agencies no longer report to the Chief Executive Officer of the nation!

Inga decides to go "all in" on the Trump doesn't get to be or do anything every other President was or was able to do.

Probably because as of 20Jan17 that Constitution became this really old thing, over a hundred years old according to Ezra Klein (be still your heart LLR Chuck), that we needn't concern ourselves with any longer.

Drago said...

He is not the president's lawyer. He is the lawyer for the U.S. government, and the problems that attorney generals get into is when they make the mistake of thinking that serving the president alone means serving the United States' people,...

"He is not the president's lawyer. He is the lawyer for the U.S. government, and the problems that republicanattorney generals get into is when they make the mistake of thinking that serving the president alone means serving the United States' people,..."


Kevin said...

Also wasn’t the Mueller Russia investigation supposed to be over by the end of this year?

Wasn't it supposed to bear fruit so Trump could be quickly impeached?

Kevin said...

Richardson: There's no real question about it. The attorney general is supposed to represent not the president, but the U.S. government.

So the argument is he's the one person in government who cannot be removed?

Oh right, him and the head of the CFPB.

And I remember when Bush couldn't fire the US Attorneys because, reasons.

Drago said...

Kevin: "Wasn't it supposed to bear fruit so Trump could be quickly impeached?"

Are you kidding?

Inga and her payments to putin-pals democrats were telling us Trump wouldn't make it to the inauguration!

Which was right before telling us he would last the month....then 3 months...then 6 months....

Which was all after telling us Trump would never win the election.

Which was after telling us he wouldn't make it to the general election.

Which was after telling us he would never make it as the nominee at the convention.

Which was after telling us he would never make it to the convention.

Which was after telling us he would never even win a primary.

Which was after telling us he was not even serious about running.

Which was after telling us he would never run.

I don't know about you, but I believe I'm beginning to see a pattern....


Inga...Allie Oop said...

If the President uses his powers corruptly, he can be impeached. If the President abuses his power, he can be impeached. The President isn’t above the law.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trumpit whines So, the economic disaster caused by greed, and, W, et al, did lead to my mother's murder in my opinion.

Seriously! You are blaming your family's lack of moral character and personal inability to deal with hardship and personal greed on the economic collapse? Get some counseling. Get help.

If you truly think there was medical malpractice...get a lawyer.

Your post was probably the most deranged thing I have read in a long time. Get help.

Drago said...

I wonder how many parties Putin's pals had with all that cash that the democrats (Clinton campaign/DNC) funneled to them through Perkins-Coie/FusionGPS/Steele?

With the kind of cash the democrats were spreading around, I'll bet the Champagne and caviar were flowing like the Mississippi in Moscow!

Good times, good times.

Kevin said...

Wait, wait. Trumpit has an Origins Story?

It may include working on moisture vaporators in his youth.

mockturtle said...

Trumpit, if your sister had Medical Power of Attorney it's because your mother had seen fit to give it to her. I can understand your POV but the time to sort out these legal intricacies is before things reach that point. Also, your mother had the right to refuse treatment even though your sister had recommended it.

Drago said...

Inga: "If the President uses his powers corruptly, he can be impeached."

The democrats called Reagan a Nazi and called for Reagan to be impeached.
The democrats called HWBush a Nazi and called for HWBush to be impeached.
The democrats called WBush a Nazi and called for WBush to be impeached.
The democrats are now calling Trump a Nazi and called for Trump to be impeached.


Kevin said...

If the President uses his powers corruptly, he can be impeached. If the President abuses his power, he can be impeached. The President isn’t above the law.

They're not even trying to remove him for something he did while in office. They're saying what he did before then should lead to his removal.

Let's keep the story straight.

Drago said...

Kevin: "Let's keep the story straight."

In Inga's defense, she offically "can't remember" what the lefties were arguing before this morning.

Remember, history began anew this morning.

George M. Spencer said...

He is to Twitter what FDR was to radio and what JFK and Reagan were to TV. Impossible to compete with him.

Kevin said...

If Don Jr. went to a meeting, the President can be impeached. If Eric looked at a map of Russia, the President can be impeached. If Manafort took money from Turkey years before he became Trump's campaign manager, the President can be impeached.

It seems running a country absent the law is quite easy as long as you don't ever anticipate your party being in power again.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"So, the economic disaster caused by greed, and, W, et al"

and sub-prime loans, which was a Democratic present to the country

Drago said...

Let's just say it appears the democrats have "pissed away" their collusion hoax to cover their illicit spying on domestic political opponents.

It is a good thing enough agents with integrity at the FBI/CIA/NSA/DOJ have been working back door with republicans to let them actually see some of the documents that have not yet been released publicly.

If you want to know why the republicans on the committee's have been very very very specific about their charges against the political hacks/Putin ally-allies at the FBI/CIA, it's because they know what is coming.

The only question is how much longer Mueller/Rosenstein can keep the relevant information officially "secret" as their democrat henchmen on the team keep leaking stuff to the MSM.

I expect the Mueller/dem operatives will try to keep this going until just after the 2018 election since that represents the best case scenario for the dems.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“They're not even trying to remove him for something he did while in office. They're saying what he did before then should lead to his removal.”

Obstruction of Justice.

Kevin said...

I expect the Mueller/dem operatives will try to keep this going until just after the 2018 election since that represents the best case scenario for the dems.

Exactly. Once the investigation ends, there is no cover story as to why the documents can't be turned over.

Kevin said...

Obstruction of Justice.

Oh, the calls of collusion/impeachment were well before any charges of obstruction. As Drago points out, they were before he even took the oath and was able to obstruct.

Again, let's keep the story straight and the players honest.

Drago said...

Inga: "Obstruction of Justice"


alan markus said...

@ Trumpet:

She blamed her mother for not bailing her out (She lost her horse ranch)

There's the key takeaway. She was a horse lady. That can be a whole higher level of crazy. My apologies to some of the commenters who may own horses. Just like not every cat owner becomes a crazy cat hoarder, not every horse lady becomes crazy,

This came up when I Google "Horse Ladies Mental Illness".

Avoid Women With Horses

My mother (not to get Oedipus on you) has four of them.

Does she have a 401k plan? No.

Does she have a pension? No.

Does she have nursing home insurance? No.

But she drives my step-father batshit insane about them to the point that every rare time I visit he is actually happy to see me.

She has supplanted her children, her husband, and her family with 4 dumb beasts of burden. She has sacrificed human interaction and financial stability with eating-pooping-riding animules. Why this is, I don’t know, but she has.

There was also the trophy wife of Minnetrista fame. You don’t know Minnetrista, but if you ever visit western Minneapolis, you’ll see rolling hills and ranches of horses for trophy wives who majored in worthless shit and managed to score themselves a reliable sucker accountant at Cargill. They don’t have the money, but their husband does. And that’s all that matters. Because in the end a horse seemingly can replace a husband or spouse with whatever harlequin-romance-galloping joy those dumb beasts provide. I know this to be true because I saw on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION a desperate, supplicant, obedient husband cut his veins open to pour the financial blood to finance a floozy’s horse hobby or (worse) hobby farm. We even had one desperate individual tender his “wife’s horses” for collateral for a line of credit (which he would no doubt use to finance her fancies). Whatever the case, there was ALWAYS financial problems and mental suffering on the parts of men with women who had horses.

Drago said...

Kevin: "Again, let's keep the story straight and the players honest"

Putin's payoff pals (the dems/lefties) have to keep "Schiff-ting" the story. The faster the shifting the better.


Kevin said...

As for the obstruction charge, Mueller has all he needs to prosecute if Trump obstructed by firing Comey.

Nothing new is happening, and it's been quite some time since the acts happened. If he had the evidence, he'd have already brought charges.

That dog didn't hunt.

Kevin said...

Putin's payoff pals (the dems/lefties) have to keep "Schiff-ting" the story. The faster the shifting the better.

Doorbell: Ding, dong.

Dogs: Bark, bark, bark.

Doorbell: Ding dong.

Dogs: Bark, bark, bark.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“As for the obstruction charge, Mueller has all he needs to prosecute if Trump obstructed by firing Comey.

Nothing new is happening, and it's been quite some time since the acts happened. If he had the evidence, he'd have already brought charges.”


Francisco D said...

That's Elliot Richardson you were referencing, Inga?

Wow! I had not heard that name since his obit almost 20 years ago.

One man's opinion really counts ... when it agrees with Inga's.

tcrosse said...

The President isn’t above the law.

Then why is Hillary ?

alan markus said...

@ Trumpet:

She blamed her mother for not bailing her out (She lost her horse ranch)

There's the key takeaway. She was a horse lady.

Here is another extreme case of horse lady craziness

In 2013, a small-town city official by the name of Rita Crundwell was sentenced to almost 20 years in federal prison for stealing at least $53.7 million from the city of Dixon, Ill. Crundwell, the town’s longtime comptroller, used the millions to build a horse-breeding empire so enormous that federal investigators are still auctioning it off, piece by ill-gotten piece.

And you blame your sister's issues on Bush & Trump?

Michael K said...

Your post was probably the most deranged thing I have read in a long time. Get help.

He really does sound sick.

Inga is trying to keep the story going but the script is almost at the end. At least she is not seriously ill like trumpit,

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“That's Elliot Richardson you were referencing, Inga?”


“...Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist Ron Suskind and Boston College historian Heather Cox Richardson speak with the Washington Post's Dana Milbank about Jeff Sessions' contentious Senate hearing and the historical tension that attorneys general, from Mitchell Palmer to Alberto Gonzalez, have faced. Do they serve the president or the American people?”

Kevin said...


A well-reasoned argument that fits the fact pattern.

But hey, you keep hope alive! It's still a long way to 2018, and that infrastructure bill is coming out in a few days.

Will Dems vote with He Who Must Be Impeached? Or will they watch their beloved infrastructure funds go to other states?

Time will tell...

Drago said...

Inga: "Conjecture."


Yeah, a fake collusion/fake dossier advocate actually wrote that.

Just now.

Michael said...

Because the FBI without Comey could not possibly investigate Trump his removal is obstruction of justice. Har D Har

Drago said...

"“...Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist Ron Suskind and Boston College historian Heather Cox Richardson speak with the Washington Post's Dana Milbank...."


Why not dig up Walter Duranty and tie in Kurt Eichenwald while you are at it!!

BTW, did CNN devote another 12 hours to the "Case of the Parked White Truck Which Obscured CNN's View of the Tee" today?

Kevin said...

Inga's conjecture is that the evidence exists to charge Trump with obstruction but Mueller is holding back and letting him run the country, even if it means war with North Korea.

That's the counter-theory.

gadfly said...

The media continues to count DJT lies and he did one per minute, 25 in all, during the recent NYT interview.

But Althouse is wrong about Trump having fun with the media. The Trump personality in all its glorious adolescence, tracks back to the first public utterances he ever made and nothing has changed over time because his narcissism drives his every comment with a little help from the hated media that he watches incessantly. Trump has no concept about his weirdness and his disgusting stream-of-consciousness rants.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...fake collusion/fake dossier...”

More conjecture and wishful thinking.

Drago said...

Inga: "More conjecture, lol."


How's that Tillerson firing coming along? Any day now one supposes.

We won't know for sure until we get a report on Trumps recent consumption of Diet Coke and double scoops of ice cream!!

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