May 28, 2017

"Male fragility has been breaking all over the basements of social media and the stench of unwashed boxer shorts and toxic masculinity is wafting upwards gaining our attention..."

"... simply because certain theaters are hosting screenings exclusively for folks who identify as women and femmes. On Thursday, a theater franchise called the Alamo Drafthouse announced* that they would be hosting woman-identified only screenings for the release of the film... Now, of course, this made cishet men angry, because when everything has always belonged to you and entitlement happens to be one of your defining characteristics, it must be really hard to be excluded from a few screenings of a film centered around a female-lead. Of course you’re upset at not being invited to see Wonder Woman, that’s totally discrimination. Keep crying those salty tears.... I am no stranger to the wrath of white man-babies and it is clear that the more space women make for themselves – especially women and femmes of color – the more misogyny and racism we will be met with. The only thing we can do is keep carving out safe spaces for ourselves to heal and flourish."

Writes Laura Witt at Wear Your Voice/Intersectional Feminist Media.

ADDED: This is some great PR jujitsu.** Men are squealing to body-slam their way into a movie they'd have distanced themselves from. The woman-superhero purveyors have learned something since the lady Ghostbusters flop of 2016. The new idea is to act like you don't want men to see the movie. Suddenly, it's desirable. This movie is playing hard to get. Such a delightfully old-fashioned way to lure men.

* The announcement read:
“The most iconic superheroine in comic book history finally has her own movie, and what better way to celebrate than with an all-female screening? Apologies, gentlemen, but we’re embracing our girl power and saying “No Guys Allowed” for one special night at the Alamo Ritz. And when we say “People Who Identify As Women Only,” we mean it. Everyone working at this screening — venue staff, projectionist, and culinary team — will be female.”
** Sorry for the culturally appropriative metaphor.


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David Begley said...

There is an Alamo movie theatre in Omaha. The one time I was there I noted that they had pre-movie shorts that were decidedly liberal. Yuck.

rcocean said...

Wow, no men allowed at a chick movie? Sounds like a plus to this "Cismale".

Gahrie said...

Male only spaces?: misogyny

Female only spaces?:safe spaces

They're fucking Proud of the hypocrisy.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

Narcissistic prattle like this used to make me angry. "No!" I thought, "this isn't about privilege; it's about principle!" But now I realize that such people aren't interested in thought, in dialogue, in reconciliation, or in anything good. She's not interested in civilized society. She's interested in power. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Gahrie said...

Let some theater announce a male -only screening of Thor and watch what happens.....

Paco Wové said...

I see you've found a rich new vein to mine, Althouse.

Ann Althouse said...

"There is an Alamo movie theatre in Omaha. The one time I was there I noted that they had pre-movie shorts that were decidedly liberal. Yuck."

Pre-movie shorts? Are you talking unwashed boxer shorts and the stench wafting upwards from the basement?

rhhardin said...

The women don't see it as comedy.

Robert Cook said...

"There is an Alamo movie theatre in Omaha. The one time I was there I noted that they had pre-movie shorts that were decidedly liberal. Yuck."

David Begley, what were these shorts?

David Begley said...


No. Short films. A term of art.

But you knew that. Probably in (the unlinkable) OED.

Swede said...


Making them play by their own rules.

Now, shut the fuck up, liberals, and bake that fucking cake.

Fernandinande said...

A post about sand followed by four posts about fashion/fads. I'm glad I read this nifty quote this AM:

"There is nothing as feeble as the human mind when it is in the grip of the desire to be fashionable."

Qwinn said...

Penises in public movie theaters: outrage! Violation of safe space!

Penises in private women's bathrooms: required! Any other view is monstrous!

Literally, pathologically, irredeemably insane.

David Begley said...

Robert Cook:

No specfic recollection. Been there only one time. Alamo serves food in the seats and I find that distracting and annoying.

robinintn said...

"Apologies gentlemen, but we're going to violate the state law that specifically prohibits theaters from discriminating based on gender."

Bay Area Guy said...

I don't mind all female-showings of Wonder Woman, if I can continue my all-male, cigar, whiskey poker nights free from any female nagging. Deal?

Qwinn said...

If they *aren't* prosecuted for violating the law (which tbey did just for advertising they did) then we are no longer a nation of laws.

Yes, I know, Hillary and thr rest of the Left proved long ago that ship has sailed.

Saint Croix said...

Maybe if they watch the movie they will get the courage to leave their safe space and go off into Man World.

steve uhr said...

Sounds like a profit maximizing strategy. The number of additional women attending because of the policy is greater than the number of men that would have attended but for the policy.

Clyde said...

She probably hasn't been laid in a while, and with that kind of attitude, it'll probably be an even longer time until it happens again.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The creators of "the most iconic superheroine in comic book history" were: William Moulton Marston and H. G. (Harry George) Peter.

They would not be allowed in to see a movie based on the character they created.

Ann Althouse said...

"I see you've found a rich new vein to mine, Althouse."

Wear Your Voice/Intersectional Feminist Media is my new favorite website.

I was just wondering if I've gone back to the NYT and the New Yorker too many times. I needed some invigoration!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Yes, the illustrator who created Wonder Woman was named Harry Peter!

No wonder he used his initials.

Matt Sablan said...

I remember when people who put up "No Boyz Allowed" and "No Girlz Allowed" signs were laughed at for their silly notions.

But, if the draft house wants to do it, that's on them. I think it is silly, but I don't run a successful movie theater, so I wouldn't listen to me on this.

madAsHell said...

I heard Chelsea Clinton using the word intersectional. It must be on the list of current approved vocabulary, but it really highlighted the sense that she's really dumb.

Ann Althouse said...

"I see you've found a rich new vein to mine, Althouse."

It's my own private Wisconsin sand mine.

JAORE said...

Marvel has been frantically changing older superheros into more diverse characters like black Spiderman and a woman Thor. How long until Wonder M to F Transgender Woman?

Or vice versa?

Sebastian said...

"She's interested in power." This is the real upshot of the culture wars, which have become all war, no culture. If by civilization we mean the peaceful settlement of disputes and formation of policy through reasoned argument and common procedures, it does spell the end of civilization. No, yawn, I am not saying that actual Western societies are or were always civilized in this sense. But when even the aspiration disappears, that is a real loss.

robinintn said...

What if I want to bring a date? And he's identifying as a woman at the time? And he needs to pee? And we demand to hold our wedding in the venue?

Saint Croix said...

Interesting to read the backstory of Wonder Woman.

More here.

Ann Althouse said...

What's wrong with an all-girl party?

We do them all the time in our normal social practice.

Robert Cook said...

"Yes, the illustrator who created Wonder Woman was named Harry Peter!"

Actually, Wonder Woman was created by a psychologist, William Moulton Marston. Peter was just the illustrator, an important distinction.

Jaq said...

I think he's taking one for the team just watching what has all the earmarks of a hot mess of a movie. It's worth it to get them to publicly admit this shit is about tribal power rather than any quaint concept of fairness.

Ann Althouse said...

I do think bachelorette parties are cultural appropriation, just as much as if men hosted all-male wedding showers.

madAsHell said...

I think you all have been trolled. They knew they weren't going to sell tickets to men, so they made it a woman-only event.

Gahrie said...

What's wrong with an all-girl party?

They're explicitly illegal under NYC law.....

Men would not object to all female safe spaces, if we were allowed to have all male spaces of our own.

cf said...

Ah, men's clubs.

I watched as those institutions were hounded out of existence in my younger years. Not fair. How I have missed them as a "safe space" for our fathers and brothers, a call-out for the Good, a resource for the encouragement and grounding they anchored to a vast component of our American population.

I loved being a woman as Ms. magazine broke out, but the promise was short-lived. How I would have loved it if our American women's movement not gotten lost in their Fish/bicycle sanctimony, and cheered men for their dynamic urges and their ways of focusing those urges.

(My working theory has been that the Obama years reflect the pinnacle prize for the women's movement, perverted from equality to domination, and a demonstration of how women can be terribly superficial, off-the-point, and righteously Wrong. we are now getting to witness the needed correction -- good and hard -- and I say hurray)

ah, men's clubs. sigh.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

In other news, Page 8 below the fold, Chinese aircraft harass US planes in international airspace.

Jaq said...

What's wrong with an all male golf club? We are not the ones who claimed that there was. The s are their laws, let them live by them.

Matt Sablan said...

"They knew they weren't going to sell tickets to men."

-- There are going to be a lot of men going to Wonder Woman.

Anonymous said...

I am no stranger to the wrath of white man-babies and it is clear that the more space women make for themselves – especially women and femmes of color – the more misogyny and racism we will be met with. The only thing we can do is keep carving out safe spaces for ourselves to heal and flourish."

And when we succeed we'll still spend all our time trying to horn our way into all the places where the "white man-babies" gather, because those spaces will be much nicer and more interesting than our shabby "safe spaces". (Where "white male privilege" will eventually cause the presently functioning plumbing to clog and the currently sound roof to start leaking.)

JAORE said...

"What's wrong with an all-[fill in the blank] party?

We do them all the time in our normal social practice."

Uh-huh. What words don't work when the "party" is a commercial enterprise?

rcocean said...

"I do think bachelorette parties are cultural appropriation, just as much as if men hosted all-male wedding showers."

Its funny how all this male-female"cultural appropriation" seems to go one way.

Oso Negro said...

Business Concept: New "Survivor" type series in which intersectional feminists are place in real-life situations at various locations in the world and required to survive without recourse to men, inventions of men, or items not from their predominate culture of origin.

rcocean said...

Usually, when they put in a Female super-hero that's when the comic/TV show has jumped the shark.

Cf: Batgirl.

rhhardin said...

I can't remember the particular DVDs but the woman beating man in hand to hand combat flicks are always fun.

I have the feeling that women don't see it as comedy though.

Barbara Feldon even commented on the joke, back before feminism, that her feather punch knocks out the male heavy in Get Smart.

Anonymous said...

We already aren't a nation of laws, and if it wasn't clear before, federal judges ruling that the constitutionality of an action in any way depends on the identity of the actor (i.e. that the exact same text that's unconstitutional when issued by Trump would be constitutional if issued by Obama) should be the final nail in the coffin of that illusion.

The general leftist meaning of law is that anything they do is constitutional because they're good people, anything Republicans/righties do is unconstitutional and criminal because they're bad people. Also, laws mandating equality are not meant to apply to non-minorities - men, whites, Christians, heteros, etc. If you are still reading such laws as generally applicable to all, you simply haven't kept up with the evolution of the meaning of these living texts.

n.n said...

They could have just held the event on their terms, but they felt compelled to express their sincere pride in racism and sexism (i.e. [class] diversity) in a short elevator speech. Progress.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Actually, Wonder Woman was created by a psychologist, William Moulton Marston."

I named Marston in my earlier post, Robert. The point I made seems to have sailed 10 feet over your humorless head.

tcrosse said...

Penises in public movie theaters: outrage! Violation of safe space!

If I read it correctly, penises are all right if they belong to those who Identify as Women. The alternative is a Short Arm Inspection at the entrance.

Achilles said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
"Sounds like a profit maximizing strategy. The number of additional women attending because of the policy is greater than the number of men that would have attended but for the policy."

Do you also understand it is explicitly illegal under federal law?

Matt Sablan said...

"Do you also understand it is explicitly illegal under federal law?"

-- I've learned in the last 8 years that what is illegal doesn't matter nearly as much as what is enforced.

Bay Area Guy said...

If these angry women looked as good as Wonder Woman, I'm sure we could overlook some of this shrillness.

robother said...

Labelling Wonder Woman as a Chick Flick is a great way to attract young male viewers? I think someone may have over-thought this.

steve uhr said...

Yes I understand it is illegal. As it should be.

Owen said...

JAORE: "'What's wrong with an all-[fill in the blank] party?

We do them all the time in our normal social practice.'

Uh-huh. What words don't work when the 'party' is a commercial enterprise?"

I almost took that bait, too. But I think Prof. A is just trolling us here. Of *course* she knows this is illegal (and apparently even the advertisement is illegal) but she wants to stir things up at some "deeper" level. Personally I think it is smart marketing and even a prosecution will be welcomed. Look what happened to the hapless pizza shop after its employee foolishly answered the SSM hypothetical posed by a desperate TV news reporter: big crowdfunding by people fed up with the SJW bullying.

It is a strange time, where social issues become both political weapons and marketing substrate in a new hybrid.

Gahrie said...

By the way...if that guy is brave enough to actually show up and enter the theater I predict that dozens of women will literally become hysterical.

Achilles said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"What's wrong with an all-girl party?

We do them all the time in our normal social practice."

You are never more fun than when you go trolling.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

So bakeries are the only businesses that can't pick or choose what customers they wish to serve?

rcocean said...

"Barbara Feldon even commented on the joke, back before feminism, that her feather punch knocks out the male heavy in Get Smart."

Poor Ms. Feldon, she had to spend 4 years standing on her ankles or scrunched over so as not to tower over shorty Don Adams.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

- There are going to be a lot of men going to Wonder Woman.

5/28/17, 10:28 AM

Perhaps, unless they've ruined the plotline with a lot of SJW moralizing and man bashing. The remake of "Ghostbusters" was wrecked because of it, although Wonder Woman is much more appealing than Leslie Jones in baggy coveralls.

But Lord, I'm sick of the entire comic book/Superhero genre.

Rob said...

As Gahrie notes, it's a violation of the New York City Human Rights Law for a movie theater to exclude patrons on account of gender. In fact, even to advertise such an event violates the law. Remember that, Alamo.

Bay Area Guy said...

Cat Woman = Julie Newmar: yowza!

Wonder Woman = Linda Carter: double yowza!

Bat Girl = Yvonne DeCarlo? Can't quite remember her.

Super Girl = Helen Slator? Too thin and blonde.

Doesn't quite fit the super heroine narrative, but how about Police Woman = Angie Dickinson: yowza!

Anonymous said...

cf: Ah, men's clubs.

I watched as those institutions were hounded out of existence in my younger years.

They still exist. My husband dines at his every week. It's hidden in plain sight.

Gahrie said...

How about we compromise...women have to enter through the back door and sit in the balcony...but only women can enter through the back door and sit in the balcony?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
So bakeries are the only businesses that can't pick or choose what customers they wish to serve?

5/28/17, 10:44 AM

No, I'm sure a lesbian baker who refused to sell a wedding cake to a "hecis" couple would be just fine.

As Lenin said: "The whole question is — who will overtake whom?"

"Who?" "Whom?" - that's the important thing.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Clyde said...
She probably hasn't been laid in a while, and with that kind of attitude, it'll probably be an even longer time until it happens again.
5/28/17, 10:17 AM

Not at all. All she has to do is have a few drinks and then walk up Fifth Avenue from about 97th Street to the Harlem River Drive and back. Dress hot, but best don't wear anything that's not expendable, though bling would speed things up. If she prefers greenery, she could just turn left and meander awhile in the park up to 110th Street in the west side.

Bad Lieutenant said...

And Yvonne DeCarlo was the housemaid in McClintock. Worthy of attention.

mezzrow said...

Wear Your Voice/Intersectional Feminist Media...

It's like the Kimberley mine of crazy.

campy said...

So bakeries are the only businesses that can't pick or choose what customers they wish to serve?

Also pizza parlors.

And @Bay Area Guy, Batgirl was Yvonne Craig, not Yvonne DeCarlo.

Seeing Red said...

Hot chick in skimpy outfit. Of course the males are going to see the movie.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Bay Area Guy said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Bat Girl = Yvonne DeCarlo? Can't quite remember her.

Bat Girl = Yvonne Craig.

Lilly Munster = Yvonne DeCarlo.

William said...

I have a dark suspicion that this whole thing was ginned up to manufacture publicity and controversy. It certainly raises awareness of the movie........I would be in no big hurry to attend such a screening, but I have the feeling that bikini waxing wroth would just be playing into the promoters' hands........This might backfire on them. Making Ghostbusters some kind of feminist statement didn't work out. I enjoy watching gorgeous women in skimpy outfits save the planet, but my enjoyment is lessened when the producers make the point that they're saving the planet from guys like me.....

mockturtle said...

W.B. Picklesworth contends: Narcissistic prattle like this used to make me angry. "No!" I thought, "this isn't about privilege; it's about principle!" But now I realize that such people aren't interested in thought, in dialogue, in reconciliation, or in anything good. She's not interested in civilized society. She's interested in power. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

But it's the same kind of power that mean girls use for cyber-bullying. The power is real but only because vulnerable people cower under it.

Seeing Red said...

Men should go for diversity.

Christopher said...

Lady Ghostbusters flopped because the filmmakers decided they could throw shit on a screen and the fanboys would show up anyway. The whole crying sexism nonsense was a last minute strategy to try and goose the numbers when they saw just how poorly the trailers were received and how angry the fans were.

WB on the other hand has been decidedly non-controversial in marketing WW. They put a decent trailer together, they have not had their cast out there attacking critics, and they've kept the culture war crap away from the production/marketing.

This whole kerfuffle was the result of a private theater chain and I imagine WB is not particularly happy about it. Movies like this need the fanboys to show up in droves and controversy can hamper that.

Known Unknown said...

Saw Gal Gadot on a Jimmy Fallon. She is a beautiful creature with a personality to match. As an Israeli, I very much doubt she harbors the same resentments the modern privileged progressive woman who writes such drivel do against men.

dbp said...

I don't quite see the logic of a women's only event as "empowering" and at the same time see the venue described as a "safe space". A safe space is a place for those too weak to handle non-safe spaces. Much like the boy with no immune system had to live in a plastic bubble.

Or as I heard frequently in the Marines, “Yea though I walk through the Valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil...because I am the meanest motherfucker in the Valley.”

― Bruce H. Norton

Bill Peschel said...

I had just listened to the Hardcore History podcasts about the slaughterhouse that was WWI. Filming Wonder Woman crossing No Man's Land in her skivvies against machine gun fire and artillery was fucking obscene.

FullMoon said...

So, did the theater sell all the tickets?

Ann Althouse said...

I couldn't care less about Wonder Woman.

Never read a single WW comic or saw even part of one episode of the old TV show. I can't believe women get enthused about their sex via this old comic book character. It just seems really dumb to me, and it seemed dumb to me when Ms. Magazine was putting the character on its cover in the early 70s. I thought it was embarrassingly old-fashioned and childish then and I do now.

Someone upthread said guys are interested in WW because she's scantily clad. I didn't look closely enough to figure out if that was just a joke. I hope so.

FullMoon said...

,,,,the stench of unwashed boxer shorts and toxic masculinity is wafting upwards ,,

Jeeze, I don't know what kind of men she hangs with, but maybe she might share her
Summers Eve douche to clear the air.

Matt Sablan said...

"Someone upthread said guys are interested in WW because she's scantily clad. I didn't look closely enough to figure out if that was just a joke. I hope so."

-- Some WW properties/books treat her a lot better than others. Then there are the ones who just make her "the sexy super hero" that involve her posing in all sorts of suggestive ways while fighting evil. Like most comic book characters, there's a wide range in WW quality.

Big Mike said...

This is some great PR jujitsu.

@Althouse, actually it isn't. A couple of men noted that, strictly speaking, a "women only" night is as much against the law as a "no women allowed without a gentleman escort" is. So they decided to buy a ticket and see what would happen. The best analogy is Rosa Parks deciding that, no, she won't go to the back of the bus. What happened next was that Lefty women, God love 'em (because no real man ever will), went screaming, batshit crazy. I think it's hilarious. I didn't much respect Lefty women before and I respect them less now.

Based on the trailer I wasn't planning to see the movie. I see no reason to change my opinion at this time because nothing any Lefty says or wants impacts my decisions. I think most men are like me.

I'd also add that this movie is like the feminist "Ghostbusters" in one critical way: if you're seeing the best parts of the movie in the trailer, then it can't be much of a movie. The "Ghostbusters" trailers had only a couple funny bits, and most of them involved a token male comedian.

MayBee said...

ADDED: This is some great PR jujitsu.** Men are squealing to body-slam their way into a movie they'd have distanced themselves from.

Men are? As best I can tell, this is one blogger/twitter guy, @RedSteeze, who bought a ticket to a women-only showing and then tweeted about it.

This is a twitter thing. It's not real life.

deepelemblues said...

Reading all this feminist bigotry and justification of discrimination is like listening to a bunch of 8 year old boys trying to justify why stupid girls aren't allowed in the he man woman haters clubhouse in codys backyard.

George M. Spencer said...

Somewhere in LA some movie executive is beating his fists on the floor...because this will lose this movie millions in ticket sales.

The main audience for the movie must be men, especially young men. It's certainly not mothers and little girls or middle-aged women.

Bruce Hayden said...

"But I think Prof. A is just trolling us here"

I think that she does that a lot, but we, as a group, are game to jump in. Nary a day goes by that she doesn't throw us some red meat. I know that it is coming, and when it isn't there yet, I keep checking back, almost compulsively. And, then she will sneak in another juicy blog and comment thread, that I miss, because I am concentrating on the one (or two) that I had found earlier. Bummer. Sometimes, I only detect that this has happened when the momentum on the threads that I have been following starts to peter out. Here is a new word: "Altholic".

That is maybe what I really like here, that subtle interaction between blogress and commenters. Most bloggers seem to just say what they want to say, with little concern for their audience. Ann does some of this, of course, but appears much more involved her audience than most other bloggers. Putting on my untrained, amateur, psychotherapist hat, it would suggest a middle child's inclination to antagonize and incite siblings combined with a restless, roaming, intellect. (I am an eldest child, and do enjoy inciting and intellectually challenging people - I just am nowhere as good at it as some of the middle children I know).

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with William here. This seems like a silly thing to become exorcised (not meaning to say men are devils!) over.

"I have a dark suspicion that this whole thing was ginned up to manufacture publicity and controversy. It certainly raises awareness of the movie........I would be in no big hurry to attend such a screening..."

Matt Sablan said...

I was unaware of any mass movement by men or fanboys to avoid WW. If anything, a lot of people were praying that WW would save the abysmallness that was Superman v Batman and Suicide Squad so that the entire DC movie line doesn't die on the vine.

Matt Sablan said...

(Note: For example, Reddit, at least until today, had been very POSITIVE about this movie, which compared to the Reddit=hate that Ghostbusters 2016 received tells me that the same people who hated that were looking forward to this.)

Fen said...

Okay that was a good one, guys. Awesome parody of feminism. Did Althouse put you all up to this? Who was in on it?

"I do not recognize your authority to define my male privilege" - Kevin Lannister to Cersei, Game of Thrones .

Bruce Hayden said...

"... simply because certain theaters are hosting screenings exclusively for folks who identify as women and femmes. On Thursday, a theater franchise called the Alamo Drafthouse announced* that they would be hosting woman-identified only screenings for the release of the film... Now, of course, this made cishet men angry, because when everything has always belonged to you and entitlement happens to be one of your defining characteristics, it must be really hard to be excluded from a few screenings of a film centered around a female-lead. Of course you’re upset at not being invited to see Wonder Woman, that’s totally discrimination. Keep crying those salty tears.... I am no stranger to the wrath of white man-babies and it is clear that the more space women make for themselves – especially women and femmes of color – the more misogyny and racism we will be met with. The only thing we can do is keep carving out safe spaces for ourselves to heal and flourish."

I have a very hard time taking anyone seriously who uses terms like those bolded. "Femmes"? "Cisits"? "Man-babies"? It is so bad that my iPad's spellchecker stubbornly insisted on correcting the first two "fake" words. And what would they do if we started referring to them as "whining girl-babies"?

Real American said...

Shut up and bake my fucking cake.

MisterBuddwing said...

Never read a single WW comic or saw even part of one episode of the old TV show.

Once spotted Lynda Carter in a public setting. What should I have said to her?

"Oh, Miss Carter, I so enjoyed those one and a-half episodes of 'Wonder Woman' that I've seen!"


"Oh, Miss Carter, I'm so glad your husband beat the rap at his BCCI trial!"

I kept quiet.

deepelemblues said...

It's a rather risky move, laughing off bigotry and discrimination by mocking the targets. Better hope those targets don't get the message that such things are okay. They might just decide it's okay for them to do it too.

Lewis Wetzel said...

More toxic femininity.

Wince said...

Okay, no popcorn surprise for you!

Dude1394 said...

Ah, liberals need to be forced to explain and by their own rules. Of course the first thing out of their mouths is to call anyone who disagrees with them sexist.

I had just attended an Alamo event, much fun. But I did politely let them know I could no longer support a sexist organization. So no more Alamo fun for me. I'll have to take a hike instead.

Lucien said...

I'm intrigued by the line from the advertisement: "Everyone working at this screening — venue staff, projectionist, and culinary team — will be female.”

That sounds like a really interesting start to an employment discrimination case. Every non-female person who asked to work at the vent and was not selected will likely have a cause of action; and any males employed by the theater who are asked not to show up to work that night will be able to use this as direct evidence of a sexist animus in support of any other sex discrimination or harassment case they have -- and talk about a hostile work environment.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Opps, I wrote "hecis" above. The proper term is "cishet."

It's becoming difficult to keep up with feminist nomenclature.

Fen said...

Crack open a bottle, today a new name has been added to my permanent memory. Right next to The Best Kisser and Worst Song Ever Recorded.

Lara Witt.

My degee is in English Literature. For the last 30 years I have been reading papers like the NYTs and Wapo. And for the last 20 sites like HuffPo. Insapundit is my home page and, through him, I've probably get another 20 a day.

Point is, I've read alot of stuff. For 30 years.

And that has to be the stupidest drek I have ever read IN. MY. ENTIRE. LIFE. Can we just yank her overies? I know, that's mean and wicked wrong but whatever creature who wrote that should not be allowed to inter-breed with the human race. Give me this one request and I'll never ask for anything from anybody for as long as I live. Do it to protect civilization.

walter said...

I've seen exactly this tone used on film crewing boards requesting female only applications without explanation.
Someone questions why they are excluding men and there's a SJW pile on with attacks on "privilege", then doxing the guy and threatening to doom his career.
Sometimes there's a legitimate reason to staff this way..though even then it only works by playing into old school gender norms.

Yancey Ward said...

The truly ironic thing about that article is that it was two men who created the "most iconic superheroine" in comic book history. Fucking hilarious!

I have to hope that the article wasn't written to annoy men because I can't imagine a normal one actually being annoyed by this policy- we just don't care enough to be annoyed by it. We just find the hypocrisy too funny for words.

Yancey Ward said...

Exiledonmainstreet wrote:

"Yes, the illustrator who created Wonder Woman was named Harry Peter!

No wonder he used his initials."


Yancey Ward said...

Robert Cook,

Even if you really did miss her first comment, I don't see your real point- she clearly identified Peter as the illustrator, too. I always find your comments worth reading, but your lack of humor is always a bit puzzling to me.

holdfast said...

I am all for women having their safe spaces. They just need to stop invading our UNSAFE spaces - you know, like the infantry.

Anyway, the trailers for WW look great - I saw lots of swordplay and no discussions on intersectionalism, so that's all good.

Saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 yesterday, and so am now caught up on trailers for all upcoming superhero movies. My two boys think that WW looks kickass, and they are still a little young to appreciate her female charms. My cis-normal wife has no interest in seeing WW, but oddly enough she is all in for Thor vol 3. Shocking, right?

Yancey Ward said...

I am not so convinced this is illegal under federal law. I would think it perfectly legal for the theater to be rented out to a party that could then discriminate how it wanted for a showing of the movie, or the party could purchase all the tickets available for a showing and distribute them any way it wanted. The details on how this was done do matter, in my opinion.

David said...

Why was the old Wonder Woman so popular?

Boobs. Plus a lot of campy humor and amiable nonsense plots.

Guys loved Wonder Woman. It was lighthearted and fun. Lighthearted and fun are not highly rated among the feminists. There are endless lighthearted ways to deal with the male party crasher. But no. We're talking feminism here, or at least the screechy version of it. No Fun.

tcrosse said...

Laura Witt's piece hints that there may be a rift between the L and the G in LGBT, i.e. that Gay Men are still Men, and thus to be despised.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

So...the law is the law right up until the point that the "good guys," er, sorry, the "good gals" decide they want to do something that's counter to the law, and at that point anyone who says the law must be followed is a whining baby. Got it.

It wasn't whining when the NYT crusaded, in their NEWS sections, to get women admitted to Augusta National. That, of course, was only about making sure everyone followed the law (even though a private golf organization isn't a public accommodation in the way a public movie theater certainly is). It's all very, very clear.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Shame she can't make any arguments that aren't full of immature insults against strawmen.

See I find the women-only screenings objectionable, and here I am in full possession of a vagina. AND clean underwear, too!

Bay Area Guy said...

Althouse sez:

"I can't believe women get enthused about their sex via this old comic book character. It just seems really dumb to me, and it seemed dumb to me when Ms. Magazine was putting the character on its cover in the early 70s."

Heh - sometimes you are naive Althouse, but it's a good quality. These women are enthused about women-only showings of Wonder Women, because they are lost in some abstract Left-wing fantasy world. They earn and achieve and accomplish nothing.

You, on the other hand, were actually doing stuff - marriage, kids, law practice, writing, teaching, living.

As a general rule in life, if you are DOING things, you don't have time to worry about feminist theory as expressed through imaginary female comic book characters.

Yancey Ward said...

Holdfast wrote:

"My cis-normal wife has no interest in seeing WW, but oddly enough she is all in for Thor vol 3. Shocking, right?"

Reminded me of the following scene from Big Bang Theory:
Oooh, Thor, he's hot!.

Yancey Ward said...

As a few of the commenters above noted, Wonder Woman's success or failure will depend almost exclusively on whether or not young men show up to see it- this is basically true of all the superhero franchise platforms.

Having seen just the last couple of days the Batman v Superman movie, I can tell you the best part of that absolutely dreadful movie was Wonder Woman. I tend to think the entire DC franchise sort of rests with this movie. When it reaches cable, I will at least give it a chance.

JackWayne said...

"Someone upthread said guys are interested in WW because she's scantily clad. I didn't look closely enough to figure out if that was just a joke. I hope so." For me it was all about the golden rope and the glass airplane. /s

HoodlumDoodlum said...

A rule is a rule is a rule, unless you're a woman.

(Mr. Show sketch "God's Autobiography"--Bob Odenkirk as God as Robert Evans; quote is at about 3:01)

Marc in Eugene said...

Am wondering if I have misunderstood about 'intersectionality'; it is really a man writing the 'Lara Witt' posts at WYV?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Freedom of association--how does it work?
I mean, if we allow business and individuals to choose with whom they'll associate that might let some racists and bigots to be unfair to minorities or different groups, and we can't have that, so we must pass laws restricting freedom of association. We must make sure that no venue that serves the public can discriminate by, say, gender.

What's that you say? You want a women-only screening of a movie? I mean, we've got these laws on the books...but anyone who says we have to follow the law in THIS case must be some kind of baby (w/soiled clothing, childish tears, and all sorts of other super-cliched insults).
We passed the law to stop BAD people from doing BAD things. We're GOOD people, so the law shouldn't apply to US.

Valentine Smith said...

Is it any surprise she spends her "spare time" deconstructing sexual oppression and living with PTSD? And she's as white as the skin on my sun-deprived ass despite being a "desi-Kenyan." Oh how far the Brahmins have fallen.

Marc in Eugene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

"My cis-normal wife has no interest in seeing WW, but oddly enough she is all in for Thor vol 3. Shocking"

Same here. She loves Thor's build, and, indeed, that of some of the other guys too. Not Loki or Odin, of course, but mostly Thor.

FIDO said...

William Moulton Marston was, if wiki is to be believed, a bit of a bondage fetishist.

And a quick perusal of WW comics show that as a strong subtext, particularly in it's beginning years.

That Ms. Althouse thinks it is unlikely or demeaning that men might watch something (anything) based purely on boobies obviously has not followed the careers of...oh...half of the Hollywood starlets, including Selma Hayek, Megan Fox, Pamela Anderson, ALL of Baywatch, etc.

So I have to give 9 out of 10 for to Ms. Althouse for snooty tones, condescension, and disingenuousness. I would have gone with the full ten if she also clutched her pearls in dismay at the same time.

Men looking at pretty women? Shocked, SHOCKED I am! Oh wait. I am not shocked. Our hostess is.

Christopher said...

It is entertaining seeing people oppose the objectification of WW given how she was portrayed in the original comics.

Anyway, whenever WW is being discussed I feel that it is necessary to point out that her creator was a whack-job who believed we could achieve world peace through BDSM. It really puts the "Lasso of Truth" in perspective. Here is a quote from Marston himself:

"The only hope for peace is to teach people who are full of pep and unbound force to enjoy being bound... Only when the control of self by others is more pleasant than the unbound assertion of self in human relationships can we hope for a stable, peaceful human society... Giving to others, being controlled by them, submitting to other people cannot possibly be enjoyable without a strong erotic element."

Bruce Hayden said...

I had to look up the meanin (here) of "cis". It apparently means all of us who identify with the sex/gender we were born with. Somewhat the opposite of "trans". In other words, we are all supposed to change our entire language to accommodate the fraction of 1% who are "trans". What percentage of our population go through life obsessing on sexual identity? Almost all of us are safely identified with our birth gender (even most of our gay crowd). This has devolved from simply ridiculous to self-parody.

Ann Althouse said...

My problem with scantily clad wasn't so much that WW was getting objectified but that it's so easy and common to present women that way. Why would you bother to go see a movie if that's all that was on offer?

Ann Althouse said...

Think of it this way, Bruce, cis is a reminder to notice the ways in which your life is easier than somebody else's. It's like "count your blessings."

No one is telling you you need to use that term. They're just using it to draw attention to something that's ordinarily taken for granted, in this case, your comfort with the seeming correspondence of your mind and body.

richardsson said...

Well, this is a very smart marketing scam that works like chump bait for the media. Very few men would on their own pay to see this movie, so the downside was risk free. Free publicity would be generated by the perpetually aggrieved---women who hate men and men who hate women. This has been a winner for the media since---what?---1968. Maybe since the beginning of time. But, perhaps the real downside to all of this is if men react with, "Yeah, right, whatever." Since I haven't actually set foot in a movie theater since----Oh----1989, I don't pay much attention to what's playing anymore. I don't suppose that keeps the movie moguls sleepless.

Jason said...

WB has got to be terrified that feminists will try to coopt the Wonder Woman movie and turn it into a SJW shibboleth. The smart WB execs, anyway.

Time and again, we've seen movies and TV shows that attempt to don the SJW mantle fail miserably. "When We Rise" was an epic disaster, for example. And a dozen condescending war movies like "Stop Loss" and "In the Valley of Elah" that were designed to make Iraq War soldiers look like victims and perps instead of the soldiers and marines they were. They were box office disasters, too.

WB I'm sure was made to be a movie young men and boys would flock to in droves and their female dates would be willing to see it, too.

Jason said...

BTW... my Dad went to High School with Lynda Carter. Arcadia High School in California. Said she was a great girl. Didn't date her, but he did date another girl a couple of years younger, Miss Stephanie Nicks (later "Stevie.")

Comanche Voter said...

Let's just say that with an attitude like hers, I don't think Laura Witt gets too many opportunities to wash, much less see. male boxer shorts.

tcrosse said...

Think of it this way, Bruce, cis is a reminder to notice the ways in which your life is easier than somebody else's. It's like "count your blessings."

That's an excellent point of view, although the term is often used in invitations to STFU, as if it were some sort of moral failing, like being straight, white, and male.

Seeing Red said...

With that definition, it sounds like once kids hit 10? They become cis u till age? Or never?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ann Althouse said...
My problem with scantily clad wasn't so much that WW was getting objectified but that it's so easy and common to present women that way. Why would you bother to go see a movie if that's all that was on offer?

5/28/17, 2:15 PM

You are so cute. If you don't know, I don't think I should tell you.

TestTube said...

An interesting development in this story:

A fellow named Stephen Miller, who tweets under the handle of @redsteeze, announced on his twitter feed that he has purchased a ticket, really a reserved seat, to that very screening, and that he plans to attend the show. put up a fuss, not get on a soapbox, not claim that he identifies as female. Just go to the theater, sit in his reserved seat, and watch the show.

This has caused a fair amount of consternation in the twittersphere. It appears that by state law, he has every right to do this, and he intends to exercise his right. Nor does he plan to put up a fuss, get on a soapbox, claim that he identifies as female, or any other transgressive stunts. Just go to the theater, sit in his reserved seat, and watch the show.

He expects that Alamo Theater will treat him as any other customer, and he intends to behave as any other customer might be expected to behave.

Interesting, because it points up a rather dismaying characteristic of conservatives -- we pay too much attention to what other people think we should do or not do. As an example, one often hears a conservative pundit lamenting "Well! thinks we do something we done! THE OUTRAGE!"

Why even pay notice something like that? Who cares what some liberal arts adjunct professor at a third-tier safety school thinks? Who cares what ANYONE, outside of those with power to enforce their diktats, thinks?

Why do we cede so much power to those who want to rule us?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Ann Althouse said...
Think of it this way, Bruce, cis is a reminder to notice the ways in which your life is easier than somebody else's. It's like "count your blessings."

I always get pissed off at the judgmentalism of "count your blessings."
How the Hell do they know that I am not "counting my blessings"? Is being heterosexual a blessing?
Me: "Poor Harvey went insane and killed himself."
Them: "Well, count your blessings."
Me: "WTF!?"

n.n said...

scantily clad wasn't so much that WW was getting objectified

The character, not the actress. For the latter, she would have to be stripped of her personhood and reduced to the sum of her parts, organs, cells, etc.

ccscientist said...

I'm confused: I thought the ladies were upset about Wonder Woman being good looking, a super hero, wearing a sexy outfit, etc etc. And now she is "it"? Hard to keep up.
Oh, and a man better not write about women the way this woman writes about men.

Seeing Red said...

This cis-normal wife used the pause button on Tarzan. And rewind and pause buttons on Outlander.

Seeing Red said...

So who exactly is paying for the reconstructive surgery for these kids who want to look like Barbie and Ken dolls? If my medical procedures are going to be denied, theirs should, too!

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
Think of it this way, Bruce, cis is a reminder to notice the ways in which your life is easier than somebody else's. It's like "count your blessings."

"cis" is a construct built in a place where the only reason you can say it is because you are under the protection of the US military. The only places in the world you can say it are in places under the protection of the US military. The United States was founded to allow this freedom.

But it is clear that anyone using "cis" is using it as a weapon to destroy and attack freedom.

People using the construction "cis" have also made common cause with believers in Sharia Law which highlights the dis-ingenuousness of these people.

damikesc said...

Wonder Woman, ORIGINALLY, had a strong BDSM undercurrent towards her.

Freeman Hunt said...

A modern superhero movie. So it's all debate among different points of view within bad taste.

mockturtle said...

One of my favorite movies, Kill Bill ! & 2, does not objectify women at all. Beatrix Kiddo--like the female villains--is neither exploited nor patronized by the script nor by their appearance. Can we at least give some credit to Tarentino for an action film with women as the central figures that are treated with respect, if not outright awe?

damikesc said...

Kick Ass 1 and 2 had the baddest super hero being the girl who was able to slaughter numerous people and had to save Kick Ass from getting killed repeatedly. The only time she was not dominant and powerful was when she tried to fit in with the cool girls in school. When she stopped, she again became the baddest of the super heroes.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
I couldn't care less about Wonder Woman.

Most don't. She isn't a particularly well developed character.

Never read a single WW comic or saw even part of one episode of the old TV show. I can't believe women get enthused about their sex via this old comic book character. It just seems really dumb to me, and it seemed dumb to me when Ms. Magazine was putting the character on its cover in the early 70s. I thought it was embarrassingly old-fashioned and childish then and I do now.

Wonder woman is an embarrassment. No character development. She was born awesome. No "path of the hero." Created in most story lines by Zeus or something equally silly. No way to really differentiate her from Superman except female and a couple silly toys.

Someone upthread said guys are interested in WW because she's scantily clad. I didn't look closely enough to figure out if that was just a joke. I hope so.

Poor Ann. If you want look up the term "fan service." It is mostly a Manga thing but US comics definitely indulged.

I thought you raised a son. What is a good way to get a teenage boy to buy a comic book?

Jaq said...

I always called WW "Cistits."

rehajm said...

I've learned in the last 8 years that what is illegal doesn't matter nearly as much as what is enforced.

I'm stealing this...

I suspect this flick will do very well. The bitter biddies won't stifle success. Why it will be a success is a question better left to the cosplay nerds.

deepelemblues said...

"Ann Althouse said...
Think of it this way, Bruce, cis is a reminder to notice the ways in which your life is easier than somebody else's. It's like "count your blessings.""

No. Thinking of it that way is completely inaccurate and stupid.

What it is is a bigoted label applied to people to mark them as being guilty of a type of original sin.

tcrosse said...

The super-heroine to beat all super-heroines is Missy in the current seasons of Doctor Who, as played by that magnificent Glaswegienne Michelle Gomez.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The proper response to "count your blessings", when its given as a lecture rather than a gesture of sympathy, is "Count your own f*kkin blessings."

Paco Wové said...

"Think of it this way, Bruce, cis is a reminder to notice the ways in which your life is easier than somebody else's."

There's a certain type of personality – and in my experience, this personality is more likely to be found in women, and more likely to be found on the left side of the political spectrum – that loves, simply loves, absolutely lives for the ability to lecture other people and tell them how they are living incorrectly.

BillyTalley said...

There's a lot of lane policing going on nowadays!

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Cat Woman = Julie Newmar: yowza!
Wonder Woman = Linda Carter: double yowza!
Bat Girl = Yvonne DeCarlo? Can't quite remember her.
Super Girl = Helen Slator? Too thin and blonde.
Doesn't quite fit the super heroine narrative, but how about Police Woman = Angie Dickinson: yowza!


OK, so she doesn't have "woman" or "girl" in her name, but how could you leave out Emma Peel = Diana Rigg???

Mark said...

The super-heroine to beat all super-heroines is Missy in the current seasons of Doctor Who, as played by that magnificent Glaswegienne Michelle Gomez

Sure, and the moon is really an egg.

Seriously, Doctor Who became "must miss TV" (under showrunner Steven Moffat) long before this bit of trans idiocy involving the Master.

Mark said...

I saw maybe two episodes of Doctor Who in series nine, and in the current series 10 (36), I saw the first and could only last about five minutes into the second episode before changing to something else.

Big Mike said...

Think of it this way, Bruce, cis is a reminder to notice the ways in which your life is easier than somebody else's. It's like "count your blessings."

In Latin "trans" means across from, or on the other side of. "Cis" is its opposite. Hence "cis" is used to mean -- are you ready? -- the opposite of "trans." Think "Cisalpine Gaul," which was the part of Gaul on the same side of the Alps as Rome. It survives today in organic chemistry in cis-trans isomers (and in the per-fervid rantings of SJWs).

"Cis" is clearly meant as an insult, but I'm not upset at being called "cis." I'm a man who is a man, and happy to be a man married to a woman, who is happy to be a woman (as well as happy to be a woman married to man who is happy to be a man). I supposed I should feel sorry for Laura Witt, but she obviously set out to be a worthless excuse for a female human being that I can only feel the cosmic justice of her insignificance.

JAORE said...

Honest question, do males or females buy more WW comics. The stereotypical comic nerd is a young boy. But Comicon features many women of the cosplay variety.

Still if the target of the comics leans towards women/girls I think the movie has a problem since (my perception is that) men/boys buy the bilk of Comic book based movies.

Still.... boobies....

Laslo Spatula said...

Female Superhero Movies are like 'Couple-Friendly' Porn.

Most women still won't want to watch it.

Most men will skip it for The Harder Stuff.

I am Laslo.

JAORE said...

FWIW my comment "boobies" was a joke......

See "Cat Woman" for evidence that an attractive woman (and if Halle Berry isn't an attractive woman, there is no such thing) is not enough to carry a comic based movie.

It may also serve as evidence that woman comic book characters don't do well.

Except for, of course, that whole DC comics thing.

tcrosse said...

I saw maybe two episodes of Doctor Who in series nine, and in the current series 10 (36), I saw the first and could only last about five minutes into the second episode before changing to something else.

Whatever turns you off.

Laslo Spatula said...

Boys only like Female Superheroes that are sexualized as Male Fantasy.

Like that's News.

Witness this: Comic Book Swimsuit Issues.

It gets rid of all the Implausible female Action Scenes and just Delivers The Goods.

Make one of THESE into a 'Female Superhero Movie' and you might NOW get the Male Audience.

And hopefully some Cosplay Girls.

I am Laslo.

Lewis Wetzel said...

So I heard that Tim Burton freaked out when Sean Young made a "personal" audition for the Catwoman part in Batman wearing a home made Catwoman suit.
I don't care if she's crazy, I would of done her. When you gonna get a chance like that again?
Or maybe Burton is gay?

YoungHegelian said...


It may also serve as evidence that woman comic book characters don't do well.

Except for, of course, that whole DC comics thing.

At the risk of exposing my dissolute youth as more of a comics book nerd than I care to admit, female characters were advantageous to story lines more as members of ensembles than by themselves. Some of the best story lines for Wonder Woman were in the Justice League of America comics, as opposed to under her own label.

The same in the Marvel Universe, where the heroines in the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, & the X-Men were as important of characters as were the male superheroes.

But, in our youth, the comic books for the distaff side were the Romance Comics, often written & drawn by the same guys who did the super heroes comics. I remember seeing these comics at the stands when we bought our titles. I even remember reading one or two out of curiosity. But, what I've never met is a woman who's told me "Oh, yeah, I used to read those all the time". So, who bought the damn things?

John henry said...

I feel left out.

I wear jockeys, not shorts.

John Henry

Paddy O said...

In a world, where mostly boys like comic books and comic book movies, and women superhero movies have done poorly at the box office, a daring group of public relations executives dare to make a difference. The boys, they know, will come, but what about all the others, those who have little interest in comic book lore. They recruit the most unlikely of defenders, coaxing them to defense, rallying an army of women who may otherwise never set foot into such popular, summer-driven fare.

Should those seeking to empower the feminine rally behind a questionable movie cause? Wonder no more, women. Fight the cause the PR executives lead you to fight, rally behind the vision cast by cis men in ages past about the ideal woman, played as perfection now by an Israeli military veteran. There are no other causes to consider, there is only the cause of crushing the patriarchy, represented by those irritating guys who probably asked you out even though you clearly were wanting to just be friends and now want to show up to your all-girls movie nights.

Craig said...

"In Latin 'trans' means across from, or on the other side of. 'Cis' is its opposite. Hence 'cis' is used to mean -- are you ready? -- the opposite of 'trans.' Think 'Cisalpine Gaul,' which was the part of Gaul on the same side of the Alps as Rome. It survives today in organic chemistry in cis-trans isomers (and in the per-fervid rantings of SJWs)."

Although these trivia (ha!) are amusing, the people in this context who are using "cis" (like almost all utterers of the sound today) are not speaking Latin.

And even if we were speaking Latin (which, again, no one is), this is a bad argument: 1) In Latin, trans means 'across'. 2) [In Latin,] cis means the opposite [of trans]. C) Cis _is used to mean_ the opposite of trans. That's invalid; you've jumped from dictionary definitions to descriptions of usage. But as bunches of cranky commentators here are very aware, how things are used often diverges from how their favorite dictionaries seem to insist they be used.

And, besides all of these ways that the argument is bad, it is not responsive. This -- "Think of it this way, Bruce, cis is a reminder to notice the ways in which your life is easier than somebody else's. It's like 'count your blessings.'" -- is not a claim about a definition, so the inaccurate, invalid quibbling about definitions isn't responsive. "is a reminder" is not the same as "means". You don't even need to study Latin to know that.

Paco Wové said...

Nicely done, Paddy.

Pettifogger said...

Take a look at the Wonder-Woman costume. The movie's not aimed at women. But this marketing ploy gets enough additional attendance to make up for settling a public-accommodation lawsuit--should one be filed.

Lucien said...

Who needs Wonder Woman as a female hero when we've got:

Mrs. Emma Peel
Marge Gunderson &
Clarice Starling
(of whom only Mrs. Peel was much given to racy clothing choices)?

narciso said...

it's an origin story, although the change from world war 2 (moulton's original scenario) to the more ambiguous world war one, rates concern, the villain as I understand it, was the old junker warhorse, general Ludendorff who was a significant post war figure,

narciso said...

yes, the creator, was the inventor of the lie detector,

eric said...

Big difference between Wonder Woman and Ghost Busters.

Wonder Woman is a movie about a woman who is a super hero. Ghost Busters was a movie, a comedy, about a bunch of dudes acting funny. Then they made it into a bunch of ugly fat chicks trying to be funny.

I'd much rather watch a woman running around in her underwear as hot as Wonder Woman is than a bunch of fat ugly chicks.

narciso said...

and gail gadot is a former Israeli soldier, so not just a fashion plate like linda carter,

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

The Modern Wonder Woman's superpower is to separate men from their money, sow discord between women and men, and to feed the entertainment industrial complex. It's a progressive feminist tale full of liberal judges, female chauvinists, and elective procedures.

Wouldn't it be ironic if a bunch of unPlanned babies showed up chanting "Hate Loves Aborton". Democrat socialist, close the abortion chambers. Stop labeling people by the "color of their skin" (i.e. [class] diversity). Dazi go home.

Gospace said...

JAORE said...
FWIW my comment "boobies" was a joke......

See "Cat Woman" for evidence that an attractive woman (and if Halle Berry isn't an attractive woman, there is no such thing) is not enough to carry a comic based movie.

YMMV in what an attractive woman is. IMHO, Halle Berry isn't.

I had several friends who had Diana Rigg posters on their walls in HS. I didn't, because I didn't have any posters. Elsewise, she and Cheryl Tiegs would have been there.

Gahrie said...

Men are squealing to body-slam their way into a movie they'd have distanced themselves from.

Actually, quite a few men were going to go to this's a superhero action movie for Christ's sake.

Gahrie said...

Someone upthread said guys are interested in WW because she's scantily clad. I didn't look closely enough to figure out if that was just a joke. I hope so.

Probably...after it's not like men have ever, in all of history, been interested in scantily dressed women. And woman certainly are never interested in scantily dressed men.....

Gahrie said...

I am not so convinced this is illegal under federal law.

Might not be. But it definitely violates NYC law.

Ralph L said...

"What's wrong with an all-[fill in the blank] party?
I believe at least one penis is required for that kind of party.

mockturtle said...

And woman certainly are never interested in scantily dressed men.....

Depends on the woman. And the man. ;-)

jr565 said...

Bake that gay marriage cake feminists.

Kebas said...

Is it legal for the theater to make work assignments based on employees' gender?

narciso said...

they do miss the point, spectacularly, Is that a bug or a feature, the irony that the London premiere was cancelled because of Manchester is also poignant,

Big Mike said...

@Craig, let me be succinct. You are both wrong and full of shit.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Lesbian date night. Anyway, there's only so much human dignity to go around, so for women to have any, men will have to go without.

MacMacConnell said...

"unwashed boxer shorts and the stench wafting upwards from the basement?" Opposed to what, theaters that smell like yeast infections?

Bob Loblaw said...

I guess the MRAs really do have a point about gynocracy.

By the way, what language is she speaking? It like English, but not.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Think of it this way, Bruce, cis is a reminder to notice the ways in which your life is easier than somebody else's. It's like "count your blessings."

No one is telling you you need to use that term. They're just using it to draw attention to something that's ordinarily taken for granted, in this case, your comfort with the seeming correspondence of your mind and body."

Except that that whiney girl-child crybully doesn't have the moral authority to make me feel guilty for that aspect of my life. I have a lot of blessings that I am thankful for, including a 3 digit IQ, good bright, loving parents who prepared me for college, then funded my first college degree, good health, above average height, overall good health, that I grew up and went to college before the "war on men" made school tolerable, etc. That I am "cis", and not "trans" is probably not in my top 50. Maybe not even top 100 things that I feel blessed for. Back when you (Ann) and I were in college, it made sense to be thankful for being male. Probably not any more. In the schools, in colleges, in the courts, there is a lot more female privilege these days than male privilege. As for being white - those "privileged" white (and Asian) males gave you the Internet you are blogging on, the computers you use to blog with, the cars you have in your garage, etc. I refuse to feel guilty for that.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Even a feminist should be able to acknowledge that simply wanting what men have taken for granted is awful close to penis envy.

James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James said...

Infantilizing women is terrible, but infantilizing men is hilarious! Man-babies and man-children, because it's so puerile to think that public businesses shouldn't exclude people on the basis of sex.

Strange to see Althouse on-board with AnCaps/libertarians about the right of businesses to discriminate as much as they like.

Ann Althouse said...

""Back when you (Ann) and I were in college, it made sense to be thankful for being male. ..."

"Cis" is about noticing the advantages of feeling like the sex that you physically happen to be. That sex could be male or female.

"Maybe not even top 100 things that I feel blessed for."

But that's the point! You're not noticing the advantage. The word is prodding you to notice.

"Back when you (Ann) and I were in college, it made sense to be thankful for being male. Probably not any more. In the schools, in colleges, in the courts, there is a lot more female privilege these days than male privilege."

That's your perspective as you are aware of new disadvantages, but I don't think you are sufficiently tuned in to the disadvantages of being female. You call out the "whiney girl-child cry bully" or whatever, but you think you sound sober and objective when you observe that the male has lost ground over the years. You were used to having the clearly dominant position. That's your point of reference. You've lost some of that. Your assessment of who's ahead now is subjective.

Ann Althouse said...

"Strange to see Althouse on-board with AnCaps/libertarians about the right of businesses to discriminate as much as they like."

No. I wasn't discussing the legal issue here.

I acknowledge that those laws exist and should be taken seriously.

There's also civil disobedience. You can do that sometimes. It's a protest form. You have to take the consequences, if any.

Ralph L said...

You're up early for a holiday. A blogger's work is never done.

Xmas said...

The only reason to see Wonder Woman is to see if DC can pull themselves out of the dark-filtered muck. 3 movies into the launching of their cinematic universe, and they've given us nothing but studio-bungled, joyless dreck.

Suicide Squad was edited into a steaming pile of crap and both Superman movies have turn a campy hero into a more angsty Dr. Manhattan.

With Wonder Woman and Justice League it looks like they are trying for some humor. And in WW it looks like we'll get the first new DC movie with a normal looking sunny day, even it is only on a mythical island protected by ancient gods.

FIDO said...

Well, that is a generational and gender rub, isn't it?

Would a 20 year old boy today watch WW just to see boobies? No. For older comic fans pre-internet, comic women were the closest they could get to sexualized images of women that were permitted (as opposed to stealing dad's Playboys)

But the target demo is slightly older than that. And as Tarantino showed us with Kill Bill, put a girl in a tight outfit killing tons of people (and not in any amazing super hero way) and the audiences will come.

So blood AND boobies. Boobs, like cinnamon, makes almost everything better. At least for the male palate.

And most ladies would not watch Game of Thrones ONLY for Kal Drogo or Jon Snow. But they are a...bonus. An aperitif. ANOTHER reason to watch. A story supplemented by abs and shoulders just like WW is a story supplemented by cleavage.

Comic fans want to see their beloved superheroes in live action, either to cheer at the spectacle or jeer at the director (and Zack deserves EVER so much jeering). They also like to see the WHOLE story.

I watched Batman vs Superman without much hope (and they were dashed) but I will likely see the rest to 'complete the collection'. But WW will definitely be a matinee purchase.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I'm glad to see you agree with my understanding of the word "cis." I'm five years older than you and I remember when pervy professors got away with ordering female students to wear skirts and sit in the front row. My wife expressed her dismay at losing her place in the queue to run experiments on the cyclotron "because if you get your doctorate you'll just take a job away from some guy who needs to support a family." She had much higher grades in her theory classes, but never mind. Why shouldn't society take advantage of its best and brightest regardless of gender? Even five years later life for women pursuing advanced degrees was vastly better, and I wonder whether you, Althouse, will ever truly appreciate what women like my wife went through so you didn't have to put up with the same ration ofshit.

Fast forward forty years, and I wouldn't give you a damaged dime for the likes of Ms. Witt. She's the kind of worthless creature who figures that she's held her job for four whole days and no one offered to make her CEO -- obviously the fault of the patriarchy. I see a video of another woman screeching at a man about his "male privilege" and I think "no lady, that's your female privilege because if a guy was acting like that the object of her ire would be forced to punch her in the mouth."

I can feel sorry for people who genuinely feel a sexual orientation that does not match their actual genitalia, but what about the child who is tone deaf but wants to be a singer? What about the guy with poor hand-eye coordination who wants to play professional baseball? Life is full of disappointments.

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